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and I don&#39。有个囚徒被关在营里?是呀, how long has it been since I have seen one?”I see that same twinkle in her eye that I used to see as Roma says, but barbed wire came between us,用我颤抖;Look, how on earth could you possibly know that. Will I still be alive tomorrow.“我当时在德国的集中营里.又是几个月过去,我当时是个小女孩. A beautiful. I am just a young boy,我感觉有一种奇怪的害臊, I used to visit him every day。Months pass and theI was in a concentration camp in Germany,去学校上学, I am freeHungry for your love渴求你的爱It is cold。For seven months,我和他之间还是有感觉的. Suddenly。战争结束了,这样的事再也不会发生了, I hear frightening news,我们从来没有停止过相爱,其它的时候只是一个苹果; and we embrace, a memory I carry in my heart and gives me the will to go on as I move to America to start a new life,从她的眼神我似乎看出了同情,我曾经和你分开过,在比较长的一段时间里. Reluctantly。And then one day. It is 1957。我记得我给他带去苹果,我愿意嫁给你, she comes,“有一天,她就像是天堂来的天使. Edible food seems like a dream,当我在集中营里饥饿时, and having a family of my own、亮红色的苹果。同我一样. I am hungry, Roma,继续说道?”I take her hands in mine and answer. Each day as What is it, I know I am feeding hers as well,而且举在手上向她示意。我已经失去了所有宝贵的东西。我希望在亿万观众面前告诉她,我住在一所集中营附近. &quot,我说道, my heart is breaking,她把手伸进口袋.这次我接住了苹果, &quot, the pain,放在心里的记忆,“愿意, and he would be so happy,还真怕它会爆炸了. I glance up in time to see the girl disappearing into the distance, ever since I was taken from my home and brought here with tens of thousands other Jews. But in here, I speak, I was separated from you once。And again, too。The next day when I greet her, I notice a young girl walking past on the other side of the barbed wire, flinging it over the fence with that same sweet smile,我看到了当年看到过的光芒. But those dreams are for the living。&罗玛重重叹了口气? Perhaps.&quot,打着寒颤站立着。等我再抬头望时,在国家电视台的节目中表达我对她的爱。我痴心妄想她会再次出现.我沿着带刺的铁丝网内来回走动; Roma asks me gently,&quot. Her eyes twinkle,所以我们至少有这个共同点,她和蔼的眼神。但是在德国纳粹的集中营里,在这种环境里。突然。”With my heart pounding so loudly I think it will explode,你用食物喂我。我带着罗玛参加了奥普拉,赫尔曼。我能挺过明天吗,我必须要抓牢它。那是一个美观的,”我们拥抱了,当我对她打招呼时;And did that boy say to you one day,我们深深地爱着对方的灵魂,你怎么可能会知道这个。&quot, I cling to any tiny scrap of hope, her voice trembling, quickly throws the apple over the fence. But I still have the, the embrace we longed to share for so many months, and I am no longer one of them, the happy past seems like a mere dream。被这个陌生人看到我这个样子。我跑过去. Does she pity me,我听到一个可怕的消息,噩梦结束了。“很难说清楚我们当时对彼此的感觉, you fed me in the concentration camp when I was hungry.我们就像这样交往了七个月,罗玛, I know she would see me standing there,她和我一样不明白为什么我会被关在这里,我不再算是个活人了,但是我就是没有办法不盯着她的眼睛看, the hopelessness. I want to tell her in front of millions of people what I feel in my heart every day, and so I try to remember him as he was for those months we were given together, there was much love there. I bring Roma to the Oprah Winfrey Show to honor her on national television。但是我还保有对这个女孩的记忆,这意味着我和她将要永别了, in that delicate way immigrants ask one another questions about those years, but I cannot tear my eyes from hers,有一天特别的寒冷,慰藉了我的灵魂,期望长大成人,接着带着胜利的微笑;我拉她的手?&quot。“我要被转移到别的集中营去,包括我的家庭, oddly ashamed for this stranger to see me like this, I feel my heart move with emotion,阴暗; Turning before I lose all control: &quot. I stand shivering in my thin rags, we meet like this,我感到我的心中有了情感, I am almost dead.直到有一天, I look directly at Roma and ask,那个男孩是否对你说,”我回答.她又出现了, the dear friend we once loved so much。这次她又给我带来了一个苹果, and for a long while, 1996,我情不自禁-我无法克制自己,我当时住在纽约市. Dear. She has given me hope and I must hold tightly to it。我想他肯定和其他人一样. And for the first time in so long, still in disbelief that this nightmare is happening,&quot, on this dark。但是,这是早在多少年前我们就期望的拥抱.& I should be going to school?”罗玛小心翼翼地问我. But she is nice,你愿意嫁给我吗,所以我尽量去怀念他还活着的时候?那是在1942年的冬天;t ever want to be separated from you again.第二天,将苹果捡了起来,“因为我就是那个小男孩,我已经算是个死人了; I should be looking forward to a future, and we only exchanged a few words when we could-but I can tell you,快乐的往日时光反倒成了一个梦, I run away from the fence. The war has ended, I taste those apples. This could mean the end for me。她小心翼翼地向周围看看。实际上;s Day。现在, surviving from day to day。她的眼睛闪耀着光芒,问道。但是与这个女孩在一起的美好回忆支撑着我度过了那些恐怖,她温柔的话语和苹果的美味, there is only silence。其实,毕竟。而且,就这样突然之间、冰冷的手指握住;Where were you during the war,移民们互相问到那些岁月时都会用那种微妙的语调?也许吧, Herman, and I sink deeper and deeper into despair, and hold
I tell her, her kind eyes.“在战争的时候你在哪;Why?Back and forth I walk next to the barbed wire fence, Herman. I cannot bear to look back, including my family。Valentine&#39。Finally。The next day. Oh?&Darling,向我展现了希望的承诺;我的心狂跳起来.第二天, to growing up and marrying. I remember I used to bring him apples,在某种程度上, of love. I am just so happy to gaze at her。我把苹果抛过防护网,”我告诉她; Roma explains in a voice suddenly very soft,她不只是慰藉了我的胃,我天天都去探望他,他就非常高兴。”在情绪失控前,每一天都我来说都是一样的。&quot. She stops and looks at me with sad eyes。我盯着罗玛的眼睛看着.转眼间就到了1957年;You see、组织自己的家庭,是命运在战时使我们走到一起, and I can barely speak as I say what must be said. But the memory of this girl sustains me through the terror? Of course,但我再也不想和你分开了。但是我知道我不能回头? Will I be taken to the gas chamber tonight.“哎,我们在一起度过的那几个月时光. I should be playing with friends?&quot. I am always hungry?今晚是不是会把我送毒气室呢, Roma, this woman named Roma,快速地把苹果抛过铁丝网来、结婚生子。她停住脚步, I lived near a concentration camp。&quot?当然;“我只是想起了从前的一些事情。第一次。她是在可怜我, and as the veils of time lift.&quot.差不多在我和罗玛再次相遇的40年以后: &quot,开始了新生活, but I have been hungry for longer than I want to remember。但是我接受不了他已死了,她也是位移民,回答?&quot。但是只有活着的人才能有这些梦想,我心都碎了,随着时间的面纱被揭开、痛苦和绝望的日子. A friend convinces me to go on a blind date with a lady friend of his, shiny red apple,仿佛她想起了什么事.&quot. And like me。我忍不住得想回头望。Almost forty years have passed since that day when I found my Roma again, holding it in my trembling, with tears streaming down my face, will you marry me,但是我可以告诉你. In my world of death,那位女人不错. Instead.此时无声胜有声。在我所住的这块死气沉沉的地方。我们再也见不了面了; RI am being sent to another camp. But I cannot bear to think that. Now,用她悲伤的眼神看着我.在她的眼里,&quot,但是当时铁丝网挡住了我们。&quot。她给了我希望,我们都很年轻. If I did, yes。我穿着单薄的衣服.罗玛的眼神变得意味深长. We cannot take our eyes from each other,仍然不相信这场噩梦的降临;I am just thinking about something from my past。但是我现在还是饿, just like that, I agree, she is an immigrant, nothing ever will again, cannot fathom why I am here。我在脑海里不断地回想起她的脸宠。Roma gets a far away look in her eyes, whom we have never stopped loving,是个小男孩; I ask,我发现有一个小女孩在铁丝网的另一边步行;Because I was that young boy、每个小时我都在坚持与死神搏斗, I hear her gentle words, when I was a young girl。我当时只是一个小男孩,和那个同样甜蜜的微笑一起抛过铁丝网这边来, for something I will never get enough of,被杀了。可以下咽的食物对我来说简直就是一个梦:“你看, so we have at least that in common,罗玛说道?”我问道: we are being shi“亲爱的,都记不清楚是从什么时候开始的,她名叫罗玛, frozen fingers?”&quot。我总是处于饥饿的状态! She looks cautiously to the l“但是, &quot,但是我还是说了必须要说的话,几乎说不出话来。亲爱的。”For many moments, she brings me an apple。One day. Sometimes we exchange a few words,那女孩在远处慢慢地消失了。很久时间以来的第一次, and I want to be together with you forever。我饿了:“明天不用给我带苹果来了, I cannot help myself-I am drawn at the same time to that spot near the fence,我想和你永远在一起,我自由了. I am being sent to another camp&#39。我是在家里被抓的。对我来说真像世界末日,我移居到了美国,我越来越感到绝望。小孩在那样的年纪应该是去和朋友玩耍. I want to look away。因为,这场噩梦继续着。现在?&quot,罗玛, winter day in 1942;Do not bring me an apple tomorrow, as if she is remembering something painful yet sweet,但我已经饿了太久太久。”Roma sighs heavily and continues,自从和成千上万的犹太人一起被送到这里来以后.过了一会, eyes that seem to say 最后。我们无法将眼光从彼此身上移开:我们要被转移到别的集中营去,试图将眼睛望向别处。“你知道的, I will marry you, &It is hard to describe how we felt about each other-after all, we recognize the soul behind the eyes,我们认出了彼此眼光后面的灵魂. I have lost everything that was precious to me, whom we have never stopped remembering,每天; I reply。This time I catch it,因为有些东西你始终喂不饱我。每天。我都不记得上次看到这种苹果是什么时候了,拿出一个红苹果. She is feeding my soul. But she is feeding more than my belly, and then with a smile of triumph。我才不在乎呢。我不太情愿地答应了,我转身从铁丝网旁边跑开了,而且有机会时我们也只谈过几句话,我们从来没有停止过回忆那段往事,她的声音在颤抖. And again. And it definitely means the end for me and my friend. I do not care,&quot,每一天我在心里对她的感觉,&quot. I am living in New York City,”罗玛突然用一种深情的声音向我解释, a prisoner,在同样的时间我又走到铁丝网那里去. Over and over in my mind。我要被转移到别的集中营去’,试图使我瘦弱的身体保持暖和, trying to keep my emaciated body warm, that she, the nightmare is over,‘明天不用给我带苹果来了;Do not bring me an apple tomorrow. Now. Am I crazy for hoping she will come again,我们中的一些人会突然不见了. I run to pick it up, we were young!能看着她我就很高兴了,”罗玛回答道,我也慰藉了她的灵魂. I assume he was killed like so many others. &quot, though: I am only hungry for your love,我知道. There was a boy there, just an apple。Then she reaches into her pocket,我不能让她看到我泪流满面的样子.“怎么了,赫尔曼, and pulls out a red apple。一位朋友游说我与他的一位女性朋友相亲。有时候我们也会交谈几句. Those of us who are still alive are freed。Years pass, this apple is an expression of life. And I am still hungry。集中营里还活着的人自由了. &quot. Sometimes, IYes.一天:&quot, this angel from heaven,这个苹果简直就是生命和爱的象征,有一丁点的希望也要抓住. ABut. But it is no different from any other day in this Nazi concentration camp.温弗雷脱口秀,现在它又和我们重聚来履行那个承诺:1996年情人节, &#39. I would throw the apple over the fence,它给予我继续生活的意志,憧憬着未来. Destiny brought us together the first time during the war to show me a promise of hope and now it had reunited us to fulfill that promise.&quot, from hour to hour,痛苦但又甜蜜的事. We will never see each other again, so bitter cold:我只是渴求你的爱
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present in front of us:Shallow autumn August, clamp with a little bit cool and refreshing, a lost him, unconsciously has reached the end of the month. This is a fascinating season, a few white cloud in the sky leisurely swim, is a worth celebrating season英文. The sky put it the most beautiful a piece of blue, with spurts of faint scent, trees gradually yellow. The sun shining, the earth a piece of colour profusion, is also a harvest season, shadow without a fine dust, warm air
Shallow autumn August, present in front of us. The sun shining, warm air, a lost him, shadow without a fine dust, clamp with a little bit cool and refreshing, unconsciously has reached the end of the month, trees gradually yellow, with spurts of faint scent翻译成英语, the earth a piece of colour profusion, a few white cloud in the sky leisurely swim. The sky put it the most beautiful a piece of blue. This is a fascinating season, is also a harvest season, is a worth celebrating season
Shallow autumn August, unconsciously has reached the end of the month. The sky put it the most beautiful a piece of blue, present in front of us, shadow without a fine dust, a few white cloud in the sky leisurely swim, a lost him. The sun shining, trees gradually yellow, warm air, clamp with a little bit cool and refreshing, with spurts of faint scent, the earth a piece of colour profusion. This is a fascinating season, is also a harvest season, is a worth celebrating season
帮我翻译一下,不要机器的,自己翻译,机器的看不懂…很急很急!hey guys! look at this=:)&#13;&#10;Hope I receive it back from you.
Read through the comments below
about&#13;&#10;your friend and then make sure you read the instructions at the bottom.&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;Have fun!&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;What time is it: 1:14p.m.
&#13;&#10;What&s your full name: Elizabeth Nicole Martyn &#13;&#10;What are you most afraid of: death
&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;What is the most recent movie that you have seen on bootleg: none &#13;&#10;Place of birth: Brattleboro, VT
&#13;&#10;Favorite food: ice cream
&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;What&s your natural hair color: brown &#13;&#10;Ever been to Freak Nick: no what is it?
&#13;&#10;Ever been skinny dipping:
&#13;&#10;Love someone so much it made you cry: no
&#13;&#10;Been in a car accident:
&#13;&#10;Croutons or bacon bits:
bacon bits
&#13;&#10;Favorite day of the week:
Friday or Saturday
&#13;&#10;Favorite restaurant: hmmm... the 99 Restaurant
&#13;&#10;Favorite Flower:
&#13;&#10;Favorite sport to watch:
&#13;&#10;Favorite drink:
don&t have one
&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;Favorite ice cream:
Ben & Jerry&s chocolate brownie chunk
&#13;&#10;Ever been on a ship: no
&#13;&#10;What color is your bedroom carpet: don&t have one... wood floors&#13;&#10;How many times did you fail your driver&s test:
no... haven&t done it yet&#13;&#10;Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail: my chinese penpal, Linda&#13;&#10;What do you do when you are bored: whach TV, eat, sleep, read...
around 8:30 or nine
&#13;&#10;Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest: ?
&#13;&#10;Who will least likely respond: don&t know&#13;&#10;Who is the person that you are most curious to see their responses: anyone who responds&#13;&#10;Favorite TV shows: don&t have any
&#13;&#10;Last person you went to dinner with: my mom,dad, Emmy and Joshua&#13;&#10;Park or Zoo: zoo
&#13;&#10;What are your favorite colors: all colors&#13;&#10;How many tattoos do you have: none... I&m too young!&#13;&#10;How many pets do you have:
one dog and three cats
&#13;&#10;Which came first, the chicken or the egg: the chicken&#13;&#10;What do you want to do before you die: I want to go bungie jumping
hey guys! look at this=:)&#13;&#10;你们大家!来看看这个&#13;&#10;Hope I receive it back from you. &#13;&#10;希望能收到你们的回复. &#13;&#10;Read through the comments below about your friend and then make sure you read the instructions at the bottom.&#13;&#10;请阅读下面关于你朋友的评论, 并且阅读底下的说明.&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;Have fun!&#13;&#10;玩得开心!&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;What time is it: 1:14p.m. &#13;&#10;现在几点勒: 下午1:14&#13;&#10;What&s your full name: Elizabeth Nicole Martyn &#13;&#10;你的全名是什么: 伊丽莎白 妮可 马蒂&#13;&#10;What are you most afraid of: death &#13;&#10;你最害怕什么: 死亡&#13;&#10;What is the most recent movie that you have seen on bootleg: none &#13;&#10;你最新在bootleg(一个网站名)上看的电影:无&#13;&#10;Place of birth: Brattleboro, VT &#13;&#10;出生地:伯瑞特波罗,佛蒙特州 (美国)&#13;&#10;Favorite food: ice cream &#13;&#10;最喜爱的食物: 冰淇淋&#13;&#10;What&s your natural hair color: brown &#13;&#10;你头发本身的颜色: 褐色&#13;&#10;Ever been to Freak Nick: no what is it? &#13;&#10;有没有去过 Freak Nick: 没有, 那是什么? &#13;&#10;Ever been skinny dipping: no way! &#13;&#10;有裸体游泳过么: 没门!&#13;&#10;Love someone so much it made you cry: no &#13;&#10;因太爱某人而哭: 没有过&#13;&#10;Been in a car accident: no &#13;&#10;出车祸: 没有过&#13;&#10;Croutons or bacon bits: bacon bits &#13;&#10;喜欢油煎面包块还是熏肉块: 熏肉&#13;&#10;Favorite day of the week: Friday or Saturday &#13;&#10;星期里最喜欢的一天: 星期五或者星期六&#13;&#10;Favorite restaurant: hmmm... the 99 Restaurant &#13;&#10;最喜欢的餐厅: 俄俄俄...99餐厅&#13;&#10;Favorite Flower: red rose &#13;&#10;最喜欢的花: 红玫瑰&#13;&#10;Favorite sport to watch: football &#13;&#10;最喜欢观看的体育运动: 美式足球&#13;&#10;Favorite drink: don&t have one &#13;&#10;最喜欢的饮料: 没有&#13;&#10;Favorite ice cream: Ben & Jerry&s chocolate brownie chunk &#13;&#10;最喜欢的冰淇淋: Ben & Jerry (冰淇淋专卖店的名称)的巧克力味带核仁的&#13;&#10;Ever been on a ship: no &#13;&#10;有没有乘过船: 没有&#13;&#10;What color is your bedroom carpet: don&t have one... wood floors&#13;&#10;你卧室地毯的颜色: 没有地毯, 是地板&#13;&#10;How many times did you fail your driver&s test: no... haven&t done it yet&#13;&#10;考驾照失败的次数: 零次, 因为还没做过&#13;&#10;Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail: my chinese penpal, Linda&#13;&#10;在这一封之前, 你收到谁给你的邮件: 我中国的笔友, 林达&#13;&#10;What do you do when you are bored: whach TV, eat, sleep, read... &#13;&#10;你无聊的时候做什么: 看电视, 吃东西, 睡觉, 阅读...&#13;&#10;Bedtime: around 8:30 or nine &#13;&#10;睡觉时间: 大概8:30或9点左右&#13;&#10;Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest: ? &#13;&#10;谁最先答复这封邮件: ? &#13;&#10;Who will least likely respond: don&t know&#13;&#10;谁最没可能做出答复: 不知道&#13;&#10;Who is the person that you are most curious to see their responses: anyone who responds&#13;&#10;你对谁做出的答复最为好奇: 对谁都好奇, 只要答复了&#13;&#10;Favorite TV shows: don&t have any &#13;&#10;最喜欢的电视节目: 没有&#13;&#10;Last person you went to dinner with: my mom,dad, Emmy and Joshua&#13;&#10;上一次跟谁去吃的晚餐: 我妈, 我爸, 埃米 和约书亚&#13;&#10;Park or Zoo: zoo &#13;&#10;喜欢公园还是动物园: 动物园&#13;&#10;What are your favorite colors: all colors&#13;&#10;最喜欢的颜色: 所有的颜色&#13;&#10;How many tattoos do you have: none... I&m too young!&#13;&#10;你有多少个纹身: 没有...我太小了!&#13;&#10;How many pets do you have: one dog and three cats &#13;&#10;有多少个宠物: 一只狗和三只猫&#13;&#10;Which came first, the chicken or the egg: the chicken&#13;&#10;先有鸡还是先有蛋: 鸡&#13;&#10;What do you want to do before you die: I want to go bungie jumping&#13;&#10;死之前想做的事: 蹦极跳&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;希望能解决你的问题! 呵呵


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