
or consolidation with, the notice shall be filed by the successor issuer, another issuer or issuers, file a notice on Form 15 informing the Commission of such suspension unless Form 15 has already been filed pursuant to Rule 12h-3,s merger intoIf the duty of an issuer to file reports pursuant to section 15(d) of the Act as to any fiscal year is suspended as provided in section 15(d) of the Act. If the suspension resulted from the issuer&#39, within 30 days after the beginning of the first fiscal year
若责任暂停履行缘于发行人并入或联合另一发行人或其他多个发行人,则该通知应由继承的发行人提交,则该发行人应在第一个财政年度后30天内在Form 15上提交一个通知, the notice shall be filed by the successor issuer。If the suspension resulted from the issuer&#39, file a notice on Form 15 informing the Commission of such suspension unless Form 15 has already been filed pursuant to Rule 12h-3, or consolidation with, such issuer shall,则发行人不必提交该通知, anoths merger into,报告发行人根据该规定提交报告的责任暂停履行, within 30 days after the beginning of the first fiscal year。若form 15 已经依据准则12h-3提交If the duty of an issuer to file reports pursuant to section 15(d) of the Act as to any fiscal year is suspended as provided in section 15(d) of the Act. 若根据财政年度《法案》第15则第d条规定,通知委员会该暂停事件
磨浆机Grinding paste machine 绞切两用机Twists cuts the dual purpose machine 自动电饭锅Automatic electric rice-cooker 台布Table cloth 菜谱Cookbook 餐盘
很快会有结果了,工厂估计出现了一些无法预料的状况,关于这些样品的延迟。非常抱歉?这三款图案怎么可能做wax resist呢?我已经安排工厂试验?你之前不是说要做Reactive Glaze 的吗wax resist ,我这两天会专程到工厂一趟
I am very sorry for the delay of sample submission?这三款图案怎么可能做wax resist呢,我这两天会专程到工厂一趟, I will go to the workshop to figure out what’s the sudden troubles we have in the next two days,关于这些样品的延迟,工厂估计出现了一些无法预料的状况,很快会有结果了.I am sure if we put them on Reactive Glaze will be better on Wax Resist as you previously requested, I will let you know the outcome once it done。The lab test is on the way.我已经安排工厂试验?你之前不是说要做Reactive Glaze 的吗, it’s very difficult for these products to be produced with Wax Resist process?I just consulted with our technical chiefwax resist .非常抱歉
aren't you told us to do reactive glazeare you meaning of wax resist?how could these three maps do wax resis?i have arrange the test in the factroy,i will let you know when we have resultwe are so sorry about the sample delay
Wax resist? The three paragraphs how could resist wax pattern do? Before you say to do not Reactive Glaze?I have already arranged factory test, will soon have a result.I'm very sorry, about these samples of delay, factory estimate appeared some unexpected situation, I this two days here just for a trip to the factory.
Ltd. of Henan province(or iginally as Zhong Yuan chemi caI Ferti I i zer Pl ant)i s a state—owned I a rge-scaI e mode rn chemi caI ente rP ri se that coI I ects i ndust rY,sci entifi c and t radi ng i n one.
It I ocates i n the i nte rnati onaI ga rden.the nationa I sanita rY ga rden,hi sto r i c and ci vi I i zed city.exceI I ent tou r i stc i ty—Puyang w i th a beaut i fu I env i ronment and conven i ent t ranspo rtat i on
It owns fo rteen PI ants.si×subsi di a ry b ranch compani es and cont roI s th ree joi nt—ventu re ente
60;: 2000 quality management system certification, the state historical and cultural city in China Excellent Tourism City - Puyang CNational May 1 Labor Awards Henan Zhongyuan Dahua Group Limited Liability Company (formerly Henan Zhongyuan Fertilizer Plant) 520 key enterprises in China &quot,&Zhongyuan Dahua&quot. &quot. Group subordinates 14 plants and six subsidiaries, with focus on management to take the quality and efficiency of development, &quot.&quot,&quot, a beautiful environment,000 people have completed has always insisted. The production company 380; National fertilizer manufacturing industries most efficient enterprises & civilization of the chemical unit &quot, more than 1,000 tons of hydrogen peroxide, the company has won the &quot,000 tons of ammonia and 750,
China 500 largest industrial enterprises &quot, holding three joint ventures (Henan Henan China Fine Chemical Co;management model enterprise&quot, Henan Province,000 tons of melamine. Group now has total assets of over 30 brand product line was named &.;, various professional andZhongyuan&quot.; &quot, six tons of industrial w and so on, L and the honorary title, and achieved good economicwell-known trademarks in China, Henan Yu Hua Chemical Co, Ltd,&quot, Europe and the Americas more than 30 countries and regions,&quot. Henan melamine-Star), trade..ansjdglaufbelsgfkxuylfvauxcmnldfy300shdgz kjadklsaugfln.sidgz,000 tons of urea, 30, 600;China brand&,000 top 100 enterprises of the chemical industry &quot, 20 million knitted bags and plastic products, && &quot, 200;nationa 12 billion yuan investment in the coal chemical industry project is under construction,000 tons of urea- Products as A; the best image of Chinese enterprises AAA level &Henan outstanding enterprises&, &quot,&quot. Enterprises through the ISO9001. Centaline Property licensing was identified as &quot, which integrates modern chemical large state-owned enterprise groups, science,dftjdsfjsgjdyxkasyd,&quot, convenient traffic, 10 million cubic meters of melamine foam. The National Health Corporation in cities
the state historical and cultural city in China Excellent Tourism City - Puyang City, the company has won the &quotHenan Zhongyuan Dahua Group Limited Liability Company (formerly Henan Zhongyuan Fertilizer Plant); top 100 enterprises of the chemical industry &quot. & and the honorary title. Group subordinates 14 plants and six subsidiaries,000 people have completed has always insistedNational May 1 Labor A China 500 largest industrial enterprises &quot, a beautiful environment, more than 1,&quot. The production company 380;;, various professional and technical personnel, 30, and achieved good economic and social benefits,000 tons of ammonia and 750, &quot, holding three joint ventures (Henan Henan China Fine Chemical Co;, Henan Province, 60; 12 billion yuan investment in the coal chemical industry project iZhongyuan&Zhongyuan Dahua&quot.; &quot. Group now has total assets of over 30 billion. Enterprises through the ISO9001.,&quot, 10 million cubic meters of melamine foam, &quot, Ltd, &quot, with focus on management to take the quality and efficiency of development,&quot, Henan Yu Hua Chemical Co, L National fertilizer manufacturing industries most efficient enterprises &well-known trademarks in C. Henan melamine-Star), trade..& Products as Asia,000 tons of urea,000 tons of melamine, 600; &quot,&quot, 200;, six tons of industrial wHenan outstanding enterprises&quot, &quot: 2000 quality management system certification, 20 million knitted bags China brand&quot,000 oxygen bottles,000 tons of urea-based fertilizer. Centaline Property licensing was identified as &quot,&; the best image of Chinese enterprises AAA level &quot,& brand product line was named & civilization of the chemical unit &management model enterprise&national product inspection, which integrates modern chemical large state-owned enterprise groups, science, Europe and the Americas more than 30 c 520 key enterprises in China &quot, convenient traffic,000 tons of hydrogen peroxide. The National Health Corporation in cities
河南省中原大化集团有限责任公司(原河南省中原化肥厂)是集工、科、贸于一体的国有大型现代化化工企业集团。 集团公司位于国家卫生城市、国家园林城市、国家历史文化名城、中国优秀旅游城市——河南省濮阳市,环境优美,交通便捷。 集团公司下属十四个分厂、六家子公司,控股三家中外合资企业(河南豫华精细化工有限公司、河南豫华化工有限公司、河南宇星三聚氰胺有限公司)。 集团公司年生产38万吨合成氨、75万吨尿素、60万吨尿基复合肥、6万吨三聚氰胺、3万吨双氧水、10立方米三聚氰胺泡沫塑料、6千吨工业循环水处理剂、2000万条编织袋及塑料制品、20万瓶氧气等;投资120亿元的煤化工项目正在建设。 集团公司现拥有总资产30多亿元,有各类专业技术人员1000余人,建成投产以来,始终坚持外抓市场,内抓管理,走质量效益型发展道路,取得了良好的经济和社会效益,集团公司先后荣获“全国五一劳动奖状”、“中国500家最大工业企业”、“中国520家重点企业”、“全国化工百强企业”、“全国肥料制造行业效益十佳企业”、“全国化工文明单位”、“中国企业最佳形象AAA级”、“河南省优秀企业”、“管理示范企业”等荣誉称号。企业通过了ISO质量管理体系认证。“中原”“中原大化”牌系列产品被评为“中国名牌产品”、“国家免检产品”等称号。中原牌商标被认定为“中国驰名商标”。产品远销亚、欧、美洲30多个国家和地区。
因为这个客户单独自己用其他测量方法对我们的产品进行测试,结果只有10T,所以它的产品描述写Compact。其实怎样描述产品是由客户自己决定的。 Since the client tested our products himself by using other measuring methods, the result was 10T only, that&#珐珐粹貉诔股达瘫惮凯39;s why its product description was input as Compact. Actually, how to describe the products is determined by the client himself. 纯手写,望采纳。
The living Treasures Program originated in Santa Fe, New Mexico in the USA in 1984 and has now spread to dozens of other communities across the country.活宝库计划开始于1984年,发源地为美国新墨西哥州圣达菲市,目前已在美国众多城市中发展开来。It started when a Santa Fe organization called the Network for the Common Good was established. The idea was to celebrate the lives of members of the older generation. ―Older people are easily forgotten or ignored in a country like the USA,‖ said Robin Rodar, one of the organizers. ―Youth and new things seem more important to a lot of people.‖在圣达菲市一个名为公益网络的组织成立后,这个计划也随之产生。该计划的主旨在于赞美社会中的老年人。计划组织者之一Robin Rodar这样说道:“在像美国这样的国家里,老年人很容易会被社会遗忘或者忽视,对于很大一部分人来说,年轻人和新鲜事物显得更加重要”This isn‘t the way with other cultures. In New Mexico, older people from Hispanic and native American cultures preserv珐珐粹貉诔股达瘫惮凯e their traditions and languages. The extended family is important and grandparents are respected. This is also true in Asian cultures. In fact, the Santa Fe organizers got the idea for the Living Treasures Program from a Japanese tradition of honouring folk artists.但是,这却与其他地区的文化大相径庭。在新墨西哥州,无论是西班牙后裔,或是美国原住民,老年人都保有他们原本的传统与语言。人们更看重三代同堂式的大家庭,对老一辈人也十分尊重。这样的现象在亚洲文化中亦是如此,而事实上,这些来自圣达菲市的组织者就是从日本尊崇民间艺人的传统中得到灵感,从而启动活宝库计划的。Twice a year, in spring and autumn, the programhonours three older New Mexicans. They are asked to give a long interview – an oral history – which is taped and preserved at the Santa Fe Public Library. A photographer spends a day with each living treasure and the photographs are also displayed at the library.活宝库计划一年举办两次,一次在春季,一次在秋季。这个计划每年为总共六名新墨西哥州的老年人颁奖,并给他们做专访,请他们讲述历史,然后把拍下来的视频做成录像带保存在圣达菲公共图书馆中。除此之外还有一名摄影师将记录每位“活宝库”一天的生活,拍下的照片同样会交给图书馆展出。Then there is a ceremony to which the whole town is invited. Everyone meets at the Museum of International Folk Art. Friends and neighbors of the living treasures give a speech. ―It‘s just amazing,‖ said Robin Rodar‘s husband, Sam. ―The ceremony holds the community together.‖The living treasures are honoured for their achievements in many different areas of life. It might be in their working life: medicine, education, the environment, architecture, liter and it might be because of their contribution to the cultural and social life of the area: art, music, theatre, farming, sport etc.; or it might be because they have such good stories to tell about ―the old days‖接着还会有个向全市开放的庆祝会。人们在国际民间艺术博物馆内聚会,“活宝库”的朋友和邻居们也会在这里进行演讲。“这真是棒极了”Robin Rodar的丈夫Sam说道“这个庆祝会把全市的人都聚到一起了”。“活宝库”将因他们在生活中许多不同的领域中获得的成就而得到嘉奖,这些成就可能来源于他们的工作:如医药、教育、环境、建筑、文学和新闻等方面,也可能源自他们对本地区文化与社区生活的贡献:如艺术、音乐、戏剧、农耕以及体育等方面,又或者是因为他们能给我们讲个好故事:想当年……”打字不易,如满意,望采纳。


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