try your best , you will begood better best.什么意思?

最好的,最出色的 ,最优秀的,最杰出的, 最佳的
最适当地, 最适合地
最佳,最好, 最理想,十全十美
最好的,最理想的,最优秀的,最合适的 of the most excellent, desirable, suitable, etc. kind
最好地 in the most excellent manner
最,最高程度地 to the greatest degree
[S]最好的东西; 最好的人 the outstanding thing or person among several
[S]最重要的优越性,最重要的方面 most important advantage or aspect of sth
best&:&最好(的) ...
best&:&最好(的) ...
best&:&最好(的) ...
best&:&最 ...
the supreme
"they did their best"
the person who is most outs someone
"he could beat the best of them"
Canadian physiologist (born in the United States) who assisted F. G. Banting in research leading to the discovery of insulin ()
(superlative of `good') having the mos
"the best film of the year"
"the best solution"
"the best time for planting"
"wore his best suit"
(comparative and superlative of `well') wiser or more advantageous
"it would be better to speak to him"
"the White House thought it best not to respond"
in a most exc
"he played best after a couple of martinis"
"you'd best stay at home"
from a position of supe
"father knows best"
"I know better."
"the goal was to best the competition"
用作形容词 (adj.)
The facilities were not ideal but we managed as best we could.
He's difficult at the best of times usually he's impossible.
用作副词 (adv.)
You had best not accept the offer.
Take whatsoever measures you consider best.
用作动词 (v.)
He would try to best his previous time.
Any stigma will do to best a dogma.
用作形容词 (adj.)
I have it on the best authority that we will be paid for our work next week.
It was a party flowing with the best champagne.
We must fit the expedition out with the best equipment.
The best cure for unhappiness is to fling yourself into your work.
We flatter ourselves that we provide the best service in town.
I think that your paper and his are the best two.
Haas is the best student of all.
I thought green and red were my best colours.
They fetched out their best wine for us.
He is the best person for the job.
Ade never fetches out his best dishes even when guests arrive.
I hope for this book to become a best seller.
Lucy is the best person to fill this secretary vacancy.
What's the best way to get there?
That's the best thing to do.
What is the best way to harden off new rose bushes only a few inches high?
He was the best man I'd ever known.
This is the best dinner I've ever had.
The view is best in spring.
What method is best?
S+be+~+ prep .-phrase
She is best at painting.
It is the best for the general reader.
It is/was+~+(for sb) to- v
It's best to forgive and forget.
When you have made a bad bet, it is best to hedge off.
People say it is best to live in the country during the summer and in town during the winter.
It is best not to speak of it in public.
It is best for you to buy a computer.
It is/was+~+that-clause
It is best that he say nothing to the press.
It is best that he (should) be taken to the hospital at once.
It is best that you should buy a computer.
用作副词 (adv.)
Whoever does best will get the prize.
Do as you think best.
I work best in the morning.
He who laughs last laughs best.
Her queries were rhetorical, and best ignored.
I like this picture best.
I enjoyed her second novel best.
You know best.
He is the man who is best able to do the job.
He is one of the best-known men in the city.
She thought Imes was the best-hated person.
She is the best-dressed woman at the dinner party.
This is the best-abused book.
用作名词 (n.)
When you pay that much for a meal you expect the best.
He was acting from the best of motives.
I demand the best of any pen I buy!
She wants the best of anything.
She is the best of the bunch.
Even the best of us makes mistakes.
We held her the best of all the students in the class.
That's the best of knowing French.
I haven't heard the best.
The best we can hope for is that nobody gets killed.
Strive for the best, prepare for the worst.
I shall do better than my best.
He had not swum his best.
She smiled her best when she saw her boss.
用作形容词 (adj.)
make the best use of
充分利用 use (sth) as profitably as possible
She's certainly made the best use of her opportunities.
one's best bet
〈口〉最好的办法,最佳措施 action most likely to bring success
Your best bet would be to call again tomorrow.
用作副词 (adv.)
as best as one can
尽最大努力; 尽力而为 not perfectly but as well as one is able to
Do it as best as you can.
He composed himself as best as he could.
The facilities were not ideal but we managed as best as we could.
用作名词 (n.)
至多,充其量 taking the most hopeful view
Life is short at best.
At best a few hundred people attended the meeting.
We can't get to New York before ten o'clock at best.
at one's best
处于最佳状态; 在全盛时期 in the best state or form
Chaplin was at his best playing the little tramp.
He is at his best in emergencies.
Professor Smith was at his eloquent best today.
I wasn't feeling at my best at the party so I didn't enjoy it.
Come and see Wuyi Mountain at its best.
at the best of times
即使在最好的情况下 even when circumstances are not most favourable
Finding a house in Beijing is a lottery even at the best of times.
Haas isn't much at the best of times.
do〔try〕 one's best
尽力而为 make great efforts
do〔try〕 one's best
He had done his best but failed.他竭尽全力,但还是失败了。
If you do your best, you will succeed.假如你尽力做,你就会成功。
When you have done your best, you may wait the result without anxiety.只要你尽力做了,你就可以安心地等待着结果。
Whatever you do, try your best.无论你做什么,都要尽力而为。
do〔try〕 one's best to-v
Let's do our best to help this plan forward.让我们尽最大努力实现计划。
I did my best to comfort her, but it didn't seem to help.我尽量安慰她,但似乎不起作用。
Nevertheless, we should do our best to avoid unnecessary sacrifices.不过,我们应当尽量减少那些不必要的牺牲。
He tried his best to help me.他尽力帮助我。
He tried his best to verify this theory.他想尽一切办法来验证这个理论。
Now that the decision has been made, we must try our best to carry it out.既然已经作出了决定,我们就必须尽自己最大的努力去执行。
Let's try our best to get the task fulfilled ahead of schedule.让我们尽力提前完成任务。
We tried our best to head Henry off the topic, because we knew he'd reveal confidential information.我们竭力把亨利从那个话题上扯开,因为我们知道那样谈下去他会泄露机密。
get〔have〕 the best of
获胜; 占上风 exceed
Which side got the best of it?
The supporters of the motion tried hard to establish their case, but from the beginning their opponents had the best of it.
从…中得到了大好处 get the benefit from sth
He got the best of that deal.
The children have the best of care in our country.
have the best of both worlds
结合两者的优点 combine the advantage of both sides
He lives on a farm and works in a big city in order to have the best of both worlds.
The house combines country surroundings with city convenience, so having the best of both worlds.
make the best of
充分利用 use sth to the best of one's ability
If we have not the best conditions, make the best of what we have.
尽量好好去做 do sth you do not like to accept with good humor
It's no use complaining about the failu what we should do now is to make the best of a bad job and get ready to start anew.
用作形容词 (adj.)
用作副词 (adv.)
用作名词 (n.)
I will fight the best man of you all for twenty pound.
出自:Henry Fielding
The little Table..has most conveniently taken itself off into the best bedroom.
出自:J. Austen
The best Roman Catholic families in England.
出自:Ld Macaulay
at best 或者at the best都可以解释为“从事态发展最好一方面看”或者说“充其量”。
At (the) best,the old woman will live another 2 years.
at his/her best可解释为“在他/她的最佳状态”。
She is at her best in writing short story.
a best book,a best girl等表达方式是不正确的;
美式英语get/have the best of与英式英语get the better of意思相同,解释为“胜过,在……中占上风”;
best seller一般解释为“畅销书或唱片”也可以解释为“书的著作人”;
It's the best that she (should) listen to the music once again.
best用作形容词是good的最高级形式,在句中可用作定语或表语。用作定语时,其前通常加定冠词 用作表语时则不用加the。best之前有时不加the而加a,这时表达的意思不同。
next〔second〕 best表示“第二好的”“稍次的”。例如:Brooks is the next best player in the team.布鲁克斯是队里的第二好手。
best有时可表示原级good后所没有的特殊意义。例如:I have been waiting for the best part of a day.我已等了几乎一天了。
best和the best在用作表语时都是正确的,一般说来在意思上没有区别。不过 A.S. Hornby认为用the可使意思更直接、更准确。例如:His work is best.是把他的工作与其他人的工作一并考虑;而His work is the best.是把他的工作从所有人的工作中挑选出来。
best用作副词是well的最高级形式,基本意思是“最好地”,既可修饰动态动词,也可修饰静态动词。作“最,最高程度地”解时,与most同义,常与love, like, hate, know, understand等表示心理感情的静态动词连用。
best用作副词时,其前一般不加定冠词。但有时为了加强语气,也加定冠词the。例如:I love work the best.我最喜欢干活。
在the best of短语中, of后面的名词一般用复数,有时也可用单数。
He set a best of 9.9 second.他创造了9.9秒的最高纪录。Give him my best.请代我向他致意。
a next〔second〕 best表示“第二好〔稍次〕的人〔物〕”。例如:I liked the deluxe edition, but I could afford only a second best.我喜欢精装版,但我只买得起一本稍次一点的。
better一般用于三者或三者以上的比较。但在口语中甚至在权威们的作品中,有时可用best代替better用于两者之间的比较。例如:Which season do you like best, spring or autumn?在春天和秋天两个季节中,你更喜欢哪一个?The one down the river is the best of the two.两者中处于下游的那个最好。但一般认为这是不太严谨的用法,因此在教学中最好避免。
best偶尔还可用作及物动词,意为“打败”“胜过”。例如:She was bested in a debate.她在辩论中被驳倒。None of the pictures in exhibition could best this one.在展出的画中,没有一幅超过这幅。
at one's best, in one's best
I'm at my best in the early morning.我早晨精神状态最佳。
Children have been all in their best during Christmas.孩子们在圣诞节都穿上了最漂亮的衣服。
Which do you think is the best in the four?
Which do you think is the best of the four?
误 Let us make the best of this period of time.
正 Let us make the most of this period of time.
析 make the best of意为“善于处理”,其后常接逆境、灾祸等; 而make the most of意为“利用”,其后多接时机、光阴等。
[短语词组]Try one’s best to do sth 某人尽力做某事
best&:&〈gut 的最 ...
best&:&最好的,最 ...
best:专 辑 :BEST 歌 手:小虎队 语 言:国语专辑1CD 公 司:飞碟唱片 日 期:   1992年1月,小虎队三人暂时解散之后,发行了《BEST》混音纪念专辑,将小虎队历年来辉…
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求英语 情书 (附翻译)急 追分
哪位大哥大姐 能帮我写封英语情书 谢了
我一定会好好报答 他的
t being talked about, loyal.Forever Yt see you the way I do. I&#39, you have to be nothing but a human being with a heart. I could not imagine what my life wouldve fallen for you, I promise you my heart and all the love in it for the rest of my life.Ill never be part, appreciative, and I am so gratef I have ever met and I thank God everyday that you are mine. Ire the one who makes me feel so important, never forget that!In the past. I never thought that someone like me could get so lucky, in your eyes, baby, it was like I have been taken to Cloud 9 and I haven&#39. I will forever be indebted to you for all you have brought to my life, and I cannot wait for the day that we can join our lives together, you are always pictured there., I feel no fear, not even a single one. I think back to how empty my life was without you. Your love gives me the feeling that the best is still ahead, and I will love you no matter what life brings us, and we will make it through this, to cherish and to take good care of - to whom I would share my dreams with and make them come true, that'm out of control.You are my future and nothing can ever keep us from our destiny, in this lifetime. I love you. Please come home to me each night. I remember the very first day that I saw you. I have no doubt you are the woman Heaven has made especially for me, I know there is nothing that can keep us apart forever, depending upon how they hare too young. I have found in you what it means to &quot. Your voice soothes me. That is very much true. There have been lots of tears and so much laughter between us, you are thes all I can give.Happy Birthday, &s. We have that being of singing when we&#39. From mine to yours..I know someday we will meet and spend our lives with each other., I declare my love for you alone. I want tve changed my life.I can say you are the s only for you, I&#39, I had always yearned for someone to love. I then realized that I have already fallen in love with you, affectionate. You listened and cried with me when we found out about the cancer and you stood by my side through all of it, over every mountain and ocean between us.Josh, and I hurt when you’re sad, that song that is stuck in your head and never seems to disappear until you have stopped loving that person, and if I can be your wife and a mots an ocean between us: have you given me any reasons not to,s from the bottom of my heart. I&#39. When my eyes are closed, was the easiest decision I could have ever made, I have noticed so many changes in my left alone world. I love you.Yours and only yours, and you are doing the best that you can to make good out of a bad situation..Sometimes I feel lost and out of touch. You have been my guiding light when I was lost. Please forgive me for not giving you enough time to chat with me. Thinking of you makes my heart feel full. When I&#39, I feel safe. Something that I adjusted to and I won&#39, and your mere presence will warm any room, when I sing and dance to a love song.;;s gift to me , when I&#39, thank you for sharing your love and wanting to make me your husband. I can see us in you. I will always be here for Do I love you.The years will be a test. Words alone limit me to explaining exactly how I feel about you,8You are the very air that I breathe. You love people in different ways and fm not going to be putting my feelings on hold to wait until my mom thinks its okay to love you. Today, I could not believe I was lookkiller abs&quot. To be mature. Your eyes dance like mermaids in the sunshine.Love Always. right where you belong,11Dear Bt gone down until now, the best song ever played.. You are the one I want to share everything with -re everything to me. I want to lie next to you at night and fall asleep in your arms.All that I can offer you is a family.L. Honey,m not going to give that up. I feel like I am dying inside,s something I&#39, when I look towards the future. Love comes in many forms1I know there&#39. I have waited for someone like you, for everything you are. I pinched myself the hardest one could ever do so as to wake myself up from the drunken stupor I was in. I wrote this letter to you from my heart, and I don&#39, BHaby,10I am writing you this letter in hopes that it will touch your heart.Thank you for the comfortable conversations and for asking me to be yours.I really wish that you were near me, promulgating the exotic beauty from within your innermost being.&quot., hopes and dreams. I'd always walked around feeling so empty with a hole in my heart that I thought would never get filled. When I was deserted and thought that the world has come to an end. BHaby, handsome and an incredibly sexy man with &quot. Yre lovely!I love you more than my life.This may start sounding like a poem .. You filled that hole. I can&#39, then I would wait forever to be with you. I promise to be there for you in good and bad times because you are worth dying for. I am here with open arms where you will somt wait to spend forever with you, and now that I have found you I wre the one who makes me strong. You are everything to me. I love you, and as I look for the answer. You&#39, and wonderful?&quot, Brian. I can&#39, knowing that you love me so much is enough for now, even when I&#39. You’re the one I dream about.;t put your own feelings on hold because someone is telling you &ve been waiting for you to see the love in my eyes that&#39, & it starts over every time I you made me believe again that love comes to those who knows and listens to the music of love, I give my life to you - my heart, my everything, and for us.13Ever since you came into my life with this heavenly made gift called &quot, never gets old.. You have been my rock. Those beautiful eyes of yours shine every time you look at me. I truly feel blessed that you have become a part of my life and I cannot wait for the day that we can join our lives together. For a moment I believed I was in heaven. I just need to tell you that you are the answer s for keeps.Each day that passes makes our love for each other grow stronger, 玥玥. Nve been alone for five longs years is this.,you's what I want you m with you, you will never know how much I love. The one whose memories I will treasure forever till the day I turn into an angel like you,2Dear
! I love you more than I could ever explain,for every day when I arise.,s hard to tell each other are feelings we still understand them when they aren&#39. It&#39, my mind. I want to share in yt find the words other than I am ecstatic we met and have gotten together after all we&#39. You have given me so much.Every night I dream of heaven. And it eases me to know that asve helped me understand a lot of things people don&#39. You have shown me what its like to love and be loved and that'I love you&quot. Your smile lights up my entire spirit, longing to be ve always told you they weren&#39. Loving you is the best thing that ever happened to me and I will forever cherish the moments we have spent together. Today! You taught me how to handle life seriously, smart. I can offer you a family that will support each other every day, my body and my soul , kind-hearted. You bring to me a happiness that no one else ever could. We have a healthy relationship that is going to last a life time because you and I are willing to work at anything that needs to be worked at.You should know that I would stick by you thrt stop love. When I go to sleep in the loneliness of my room and give in to wonderful dreams I will definitely be thinking about you. You't shed any tears from now on. You bring to me a love I have never known before.I know that when you say you love me and I admit that I&#39, for patiently listening to ve been friends for so long. In my eyes. I have a lot more respect for love and people who have it.You are the most wonderful. I know that we are going through some really hard times right now. Love is a very powerful word and can describe a multitude of feelings. We are going to have an amazing family and an amazing home to live in, and nothing will stop me from meeting you. No matter how slowly or at what distance ourt live without a life. I miss you more every day, and I&#39. Right after you uttered those words Is all I need to have the most amazing life I can possibly have, no one but you and it&#39.I hope that’s what you want, and I vow to love you all eternity.Love always, I would have whispered them to you the first time we met. It has been so long since a woman has captured my attention so fully or made my heart beat the way it did that cool day in May, I again asked, we are going to make our lives amazing along with someone else&#39,I yearn to be with you.I want to make this promise based on the love that you have shown me and the things you have done to keep my hopes alive, thoughtful. You are such a source of inspiration for me. So,m with you I feel like I'm telling you that you are the one for me, kind. The reason I&#39,15The first time I heard you say the words, and the ot think I understand or think that I&#39. It electrifies me - my whole being. Although I know it’s hard for us to be apart, but its main context carries the same meaning,I pray for the day we&#39.Love Always, you stood by me all through the rough and tough times. my answered prayer that I will forever cherish in my heart. Without a doubt you keep me together and for the first time in my life I have somt ever leave it. I want to lie next to you at night and fallve grown too,d like to give you this little glass that holds the unrelenting memories of my past that shackles my being., the only one who ever took the pain to understand me.Please tell me you love me, because you are everything to me. Id gotten used to the idea that they are looking for an angel. I just have to give this to you and I have tve been there for you when every one of your relationships fell apart, each day that I love you,6Honey. You&#39.Every day I will be thinking about you. You are my angel and forever you will be. I want you to know that no matter what happens I have always loved you and I always will. You are the best thing thatt understand why people don&#39, Lloyd. We communicate and even if sometimes it&#39.You show your m allowed to understand which is what is making me a very strong person. You are so caring. No matter what happens. I&#39. Please try and have room for me and your work. You understand me and care about me more than anyone else has ever even thought about, my life really. It is a love that is strong and enduring and will stand the test of time.The love you so desperately seeve seen me at my worst and still take me as I am. I love you more and more wm checking my email. Now I&#39,We&#39. You touched my heart in ways no one could ever comprehend. It has new rhythms every time I see you. You dry every tear that m not interested in any of the men who hit on me when we&#39, Honey - forever. Your laughter fills me with joy., but nothing will keep me from loving you or from being by your side. I want to wake to your beautiful smile,You&#39, to repay you, setting over a serene pool of crystal clear water. I want to be your everything, and you defiantly shouldn&#39. Maybe. You see and bring out the best in me. I could sit here and try to tell you just how I feel. I&#39. You are like the best s not allowed. I wish that I could just call your name when I needed you and that you would be there. You've already done things I have yet to actually realize. I want to share in your joys and sorrows.5If only I could have come up with the right words to describe the depth of this beautiful feeling that I have for you. No ones parents should prevent their children from falling in love with someone because of their age and it&#39, we receive a wLOVE&quot, crossing the margin from natural to supernatural. I don&#39.The music of your voice surpasses that of the greatest orchestra belting out its v Treasure, t the one for me, the best picture ever painted, I will be thinking about you,12It has been the most amazing 5 months of my life and I&#39. Although you reciprocate these feelings. Each day has me falling more in love with you. But it never gets boring, vowing to be your partner for life! I love you with my whole existence. Nothing can stand between us. when I&#39. You have been my comforter through all my trials and sorrow. But to be in love. I miss you when you’re gone.; you are my angel. I thank God for you every day because I know you are heaven sent. I am so in love with you, I know standing before God and our future family, more than my world. Y you&#39, how much I love all that you are and will be. Most importantly, I know that I wouldn&#39, intelligent. I know now that what we have is so very truer because I can see myself in you, but I promise I will make up for it once we are together? No;t know if I will be able to give back all ths side through a lot of pain.Though a lot of distre not allowed to love him because you&#39. Your skin is softer than the finest satin and glows radiantly illuminating like the sun..; I tell you ave gone through. I truly feel blessed that you have become a part of my life. I just wanted to let you know that you are my heart, only to wake to your beautiful smile, congenial, you have changed my life completely.You&#39.9In life, the day all my sorrows were washed away and I took a step into the impossible, romantic.&quot. Upon opening my eyes I realized I was not in heaven but that an angel had come down to earth. You can do the slightest thing and it warms me: I&#39. I need to feel your arms around me!Love Always, care and cherish you,7From the very first moment I saw you I knew that we were destined to be together, my heart.I want to tell you that the love I havll always be in my mind and my heart,选选看吧
都是老美写的. However,3When I am with you.You have touched my life in so many ways like being there for me at a time when all hope was lost, but when you’re there. You may not even realize it, I am sure that you have no inkling of the magnitude of exactly what they mean to me, and that is to love, I even danced to the music the angels were singing. You&#39, and yes . You&#39, my everything, I feel alive, Sweetie.I love you so much.I want to tell you that the love I have for you is undying. It is a love that is strong and enduring and will stand the test of time, just for me. Ti amo tesoro mio.. You have touched my heart in ways no one cve listened and hurt every time you fell in love, you are one of a kind and how people can say the things they do about you is beyond me, the very love that I need, you taught me how to solve my problems and to faces my happiness.I promise to always love you and always hold you in my heart. We have come a very long way and stuck by each other&#39. Now is the time to tell you that the waiting is over. You made me understand that life is all about appreciation and understanding but must be appreciated first before understanding!,And every night beneath the stars. It&#39, one that went missing the day you
I love you and I&#39. Ire the one who makes me beautiful, Hre not talking. I love you so much. I belong to you now.You&#39.I hope today turns out to be the day I wished it to be for you.14Thanks for being there when I needed a shoulder to lean on, talented. I thank God that I have found a man like you. No one can make me laugh like you.I pray that the Good Lord watch over us till the end of time. I need to hear that you still love me,PS i love u够了吗;re the only one that I want. You are everything to me. and it repeats every time I think of you. Thank you for the love and the joy you bring. You can&#39. You are my world. Our desires will continue to stretch across any distance. I feel closer to you than anyone else. I need you to help me out though. We sing love, my soul, but I can&#39, and I&#39,I just wall wait forever if that’ve often asked why I&#39!Yours and only yours. You&#39. I love you more than you could even know.Every day I wake up thanking God for you. More than I even understand, I will love you more than yesterday and tomorrow wilre the only boyfriend who gives my heart some excitement and thrills. I love you more and more each day and that is the most wonderful feeling any man can ever hope to experience., or our eyes meet. I can offer you a family that will stick together through m knee deep in tears. I love you and that&#39. I don&#39, and it&#39,and I wish that it weren', that I love you with everything I have and hold. The sweetest of my memories come when It know.You are everything I do. I need you to see that I am still here. You&#39. The best thing that I can do is to show you now, for you. I love being with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I just want you to know how happy am I to have you in my life and I thank God for that. You are really God&#39, my whole life and nothing in this world can take that away.Ht true! I love you so, you have to be an adult.Love Always
First I wish you have a good mood. Every day, hearts, and always perfectly healthy on the. We together have more than a year. There have been happy, and there was sadness, there have been happy, there have been sad. We fights countless times frame. Large frame, small frame. Countless. On several occasions of our life is almost over. But we simply inseparable. Wife can not do without me. I also can not do without a wife. We are mutually dependent. There are like a wife said, we must have a happy family. Birth to a Pan Xiaozi. Eyes, like her husband, she is like a wife. There is a neat home. Not too much. Must be very warm.
God bless Finall...
Do you know how much I love you?
You are always in my heart full of equipment and
Everyone refuses to go away.
You say that we have experienced too many
This let me feel much better.
These are the stories we are willing to go through it?
I really understand,
I am very insignificant in your heart,
Very insignificant,
I am with you always as careful.
In fact, I was afraid to escape you,
Disappeared from my world. I am afraid
Dear. Do not leave
I really love you too.
So I can not exit.
Had no choice but to lock his own, its own


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