
2023-11-27 13:59
  第十届两岸文化发展论坛25日在福建师范大学开幕。来自两岸科研机构、高等院校的170余名专家学者参加本次论坛,聚焦“两岸文化合聚助力中国式现代化”主题展开深入、多元的研讨。  本届论坛设立两岸历史与文化、两岸教育融合发展、两岸文学新视界、两岸文化艺术交融、两岸青年学者论坛等5个分论坛。与会代表就“两岸文化教育交流与合作”“两岸文学与中华文化传承创新”“两岸史学与中华民族思想探源”等10个议题展开研讨,涉及学科和领域较为广泛。  中华全国台湾同胞联谊会副会长杨毅周在致辞中表示,本届论坛以“两岸文化合聚助力中国式现代化”为主题,聚焦当前大陆发展的焦点,切合两岸关系的热点。海峡两岸同文同种,文化相通,血缘相同,连绵5000年不中断的中华文化,始终是两岸共同的根,是两岸同胞共同的精神家园。海峡两岸要进一步加强两岸中华文化的交流合作、融合发展,不断促进两岸同胞的心灵契合。  福建师范大学副校长郑家建认为,中华文化是两岸同胞无法割裂的精神纽带,博大精深、源远流长,传承、弘扬好中华文化是中华儿女的共同使命。期盼通过此次论坛,进一步凝聚共识、集聚智慧、汇聚合力,共同为传承弘扬中华优秀传统文化、谱写两岸融合发展新篇章,贡献更多智慧和力量。  此次论坛由中华全国台湾同胞联谊会指导,福建师范大学和中国艺术研究院、福建社会科学院、台湾世新大学、福建省两岸融合发展研究院等单位联合主办,全国台联海峡两岸文化研习交流基地、台湾万卷楼图书公司等协办。  两岸文化发展论坛自2013年创办以来已举办9届,已经发展成为海峡两岸学者交流思想、深化合作的重要平台。编辑:董丽娜文章、图片版权归原作者所有,如有侵权请联系删除}
发布者:颜郡发布时间:2023-11-28浏览次数:10中新社福州11月25日电 (记者 闫旭)第十届两岸文化发展论坛25日在福建师范大学开幕。来自两岸科研机构、高等院校的170余名专家学者参加本次论坛,聚焦“两岸文化合聚助力中国式现代化”主题展开深入、多元的研讨。本届论坛设立两岸历史与文化、两岸教育融合发展、两岸文学新视界、两岸文化艺术交融、两岸青年学者论坛等5个分论坛。与会代表就“两岸文化教育交流与合作”“两岸文学与中华文化传承创新”“两岸史学与中华民族思想探源”等10个议题展开研讨,涉及学科和领域较为广泛。中华全国台湾同胞联谊会副会长杨毅周在致辞中表示,本届论坛以“两岸文化合聚助力中国式现代化”为主题,聚焦当前大陆发展的焦点,切合两岸关系的热点。海峡两岸同文同种,文化相通,血缘相同,连绵5000年不中断的中华文化,始终是两岸共同的根,是两岸同胞共同的精神家园。海峡两岸要进一步加强两岸中华文化的交流合作、融合发展,不断促进两岸同胞的心灵契合。福建师范大学副校长郑家建认为,中华文化是两岸同胞无法割裂的精神纽带,博大精深、源远流长,传承、弘扬好中华文化是中华儿女的共同使命。期盼通过此次论坛,进一步凝聚共识、集聚智慧、汇聚合力,共同为传承弘扬中华优秀传统文化、谱写两岸融合发展新篇章,贡献更多智慧和力量。此次论坛由中华全国台湾同胞联谊会指导,福建师范大学和中国艺术研究院、福建社会科学院、台湾世新大学、福建省两岸融合发展研究院等单位联合主办,全国台联海峡两岸文化研习交流基地、台湾万卷楼图书公司等协办。两岸文化发展论坛自2013年创办以来已举办9届,已经发展成为海峡两岸学者交流思想、深化合作的重要平台。(完)责任编辑:刘阳禾}
01学校简介浙江财经大学是一所以经济、管理学科为主体,经、管、文、法、理、工、艺、哲等多学科协调发展的财经类高校,学校坐落在风景秀丽的浙江省会城市杭州。学校2017年被列入浙江省重点建设高校,2018年获批博士学位授予单位。拥有应用经济学、统计学等2个一级学科博士点,设有应用经济学博士后科研流动站,建有公共管理、工商管理、理论经济学、法学、管理科学与工程、中国语言文学、外国语言文学、城乡规划学等10个一级学科硕士点,税务、会计、资产评估、审计、公共管理、金融、保险、工商管理、国际商务、法律、应用统计、汉语国际教育、翻译、社会工作、新闻与传播、电子信息、工程管理、艺术等18个专业学位硕士点。应用经济学为省优势特色学科,应用经济学、统计学、工商管理学、公共管理学等4个学科为省A类一流学科,理论经济学、法学、管理科学与工程、中国语言文学等4个学科为省B类一流学科。学校拥有国家“万人计划”等一批学术造诣深厚的知名学者和中青年专家。拥有省哲学社会科学重点研究基地等科研平台9个,省高校高水平创新团队3个。图书馆建有诺贝尔经济学奖文献馆、孙冶方经济科学奖文献馆、政府管制文献馆、浙财文库、专业经典阅读文库等5个特色库。学校秉持“进德修业、与时偕行”的校训,努力建设特色鲜明的一流财经大学。学校坚持把人才作为兴校之源,努力造就一支道德高尚、业务精湛、结构合理、充满活力的高素质专业化的人才队伍,现举办第五届国际青年学者论坛,竭诚欢迎海内外英才参加。02论坛简介浙江财经大学将于2023年11月21日至11月23日举行国际青年学者论坛,举办地点为中国浙江杭州。论坛旨在为海内外青年才俊搭建学术交流平台和学术成果展示平台,通过专题报告、学术研讨和人才洽谈等形式,围绕国际科学前沿热点研究领域展开研讨,促进海内外青年学者的交流,增强不同研究领域的合作,加强对学校的全面了解,吸引优秀青年学者来校发展。03学科领域应用经济学、工商管理、理论经济学、法学、统计学、公共管理、管理科学与工程、计算机科学与技术、政治学、数学、社会学、中国语言文学、外国语言文学、新闻传播学、哲学、艺术学、马克思主义理论等。04邀请对象有明确来校就职意向(海内外知名学者、博士、博士后、讲座教授),具有海内外知名大学博士学位,在相关学科领域取得一定成绩或具有发展潜力的,且原则上年龄不超过45周岁的优秀青年学者(特别优秀者可不受年龄限制)。有意向来我校工作的优秀青年学者,学校将提供平台建设经费(科研启动费)、购房补贴以及富有竞争力的薪酬,具体欢迎来电咨询或登陆我校官网-人才招聘栏目。05日程安排1报名截止2023年11月5日2论坛邀请2023年11月6日-11月10日3论坛举办2023年11月21日-11月23日论坛议程详细信息届时在邀请函中载明。06论坛形式本届论坛采用线上线下相结合的方式,报名参加国际青年学者论坛活动,学校对申请人进行资格审核和学术水平评价后,在2023年11月10日前后向符合条件的优秀人才发送正式邀请函。07论坛学者参会补助报名参加国际青年学者论坛活动,经确认并发出参会邀请函,参加线下论坛的学者可在参会时凭邀请函获得参会期间的交通和食宿补助。每位海外学者最高报销1.3万元人民币(亚太地区8000元人民币),国内学者最高报销5000元人民币,按财务政策实报实销,根据国家规定机票限报经济舱、火车票限报二等座。论坛期间食宿由学校统一安排,费用由学校承担。08报名方式有意参会的优秀学者,通过下方提供的联系方式与相关学院(研究院)沟通联系,填写《浙江财经大学第五届国际青年学者论坛报名表》(中英文各一份,含证明材料)于2023年11月5日前发送至相关学院(研究院)指定邮箱,邮件标题注明“姓名+线上(下)论坛报名”。09联系方式人事处、党委教师工作部联系人:徐老师、栗老师电话:0571-87557035、86731815邮箱:rcyj@zufe.edu.cn地址:浙江省杭州市钱塘区下沙学源街18号学校网址:https://www.zufe.edu.cn附件:《浙江财经大学第五届国际青年学者论坛报名表》01About ZUFEZhejiang University of Finance and Economics(hereinafter referred to as ZUFE or the University) is a multidisciplinary university that focuses on economics and management, and maintains coordinated development in liberal arts, law, science, engineering, arts, and philosophy. Located in Hangzhou, the picturesque capital city of Zhejiang Province, ZUFE was listed among the key provincial universities in 2017 and was authorized to offer doctoral degrees in 2018. It has two first-level disciplines authorized to offer doctoral degrees in Applied Economics and Statistics and a postdoctoral program in Applied Economics, 10 first-level disciplines authorized to offer master’s degrees in Public Administration, Business Administration, Theoretical Economics, Law, Management Science and Engineering, Chinese Language and Literature, Foreign Language and Literature, and Urban and Rural Planning, and 18 professional master’s programs in Taxation, Accounting, Asset Assessment, Auditing, Public Administration, Finance, Insurance, Business Administration, International Business, Law, Applied Statistics, Chinese International Education, Translation, Social Work, Journalism and Communication, Electronic Information, Engineering Management, and Art. In particular, ZUFE has one provincial-level priority characteristic discipline, namely Applied Economics, 4 A-type first-class disciplines, namely Applied Economics, Statistics, Public Administration, and Business Administration, and 4 provincial-level B-type first-class disciplines, namely Theoretical Economics, Law, Management Science and Engineering, and Chinese Language and Literature.ZUFE has famous scholars and young experts including teachers listed in the Ten-thousand Talents Program. There are 9 research platforms, including Zhejiang Provincial Key Research Base of Philosophy and Social Sciences, and 3 provincial high-level innovation teams at colleges and universities. The ZUFE library has 5 distinctive collections and museums, namely, the Library of Nobel Prize in Economics, the Library of Sun Yefang Prize in Economic Science, the Library of Literature in Government Regulation, the Library of ZUFE Academic Achievements, and the Library of Classic Readings.With the motto of "pursuing virtue and academic excellence while staying current with the times," ZUFE remains committed to establishing itself as a leading university of finance and economics with distinctive features. Central to our mission is the cultivation of a highly qualified faculty, encompassing individuals of talent, integrity, and dynamism. In line with this objective, the Fifth International Forum for Young Scholars aims to attract exceptional candidates, both domestically and internationally, as we continue to augment our pool of gifted individuals.02About the ForumThe Fifth International Forum for Young Scholars is scheduled to take place in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, from November 21-23, 2023. This distinguished forum serves as a platform for young scholars from around the world to engage in academic exchange and showcase their achievements. Participants will have the opportunity to partake in keynote speeches, seminars, and recruitment meetings, where they will delve into cutting-edge academic themes of global significance. Through this forum, we anticipate fostering greater international collaboration and communication among young scholars, while also deepening their understanding of ZUFE. Furthermore, we aspire to ignite a genuine interest among participants to embark on an academic career at ZUFE in the future.03Fields of StudyWe extend a warm welcome to participants from the following fields of study: Applied Economics, Business Administration, Theoretical Economics, Law, Statistics, Public Administration, Management Science and Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Political Science, Mathematics, Sociology, Chinese Language and Literature, Foreign Language and Literature, Journalism and Communication, Philosophy, Arts, and Marxist Theory.04Potential ParticipantsWe cordially invite young scholars, including world-renowned academics, doctoral candidates, postdoctoral fellows, and visiting professors, both from home and abroad, to take part in this forum. Potential participants are expected to hold a doctoral degree from a prestigious university, have demonstrated notable accomplishments or exhibited promising potential in their respective fields of study, and be below the age of 45 (with exceptional scholars exempt from the age limitation).For exceptional young scholars who possess an interest in pursuing opportunities at ZUFE, the University will offer a research start-up fund, housing subsidies, and competitive salaries. For more information, kindly reach out to us via phone or visit our official website at:https://rsc.zufe.edu.cn/rczp1.htm.05Forum Schedule1Deadline for registrationNovember 5, 20232InvitationNovember 6-10, 20233Date of the ForumNovember 21-23, 2023Detailed information of the forum will be included in the invitation letter.06Forum PlatformThis year’s forum will be held on-site and online at the same time. For participants who register to join in the forum, ZUFE will review the registration forms and send formal invitations to potential participants around November 10, 2023.07Subsidies for ParticipantsFor young scholars who receive invitations and apply for attendance at the on-site forum, we are pleased to offer transportation and accommodation subsidies. These subsidies serve to facilitate your participation in the event while ensuring the safety and well-being of all attendees.The reimbursement of transportation expenses follows a financial policy based on actual costs. For scholars from abroad, the reimbursement can be up to RMB 13,000 yuan, while for scholars from the Asia-Pacific countries and regions, it can be up to RMB 8,000 yuan. Scholars from the Chinese mainland can be reimbursed up to RMB 5,000 yuan. It's important to note that air tickets are limited to economy class and train tickets are limited to second class in accordance with the rules. Rest assured that the University will arrange and cover the accommodation expenses during the forum for all participants.08Forum RegistrationScholars interested in participating in this forum are encouraged to reach out to the respective schools and institutes using the contact information provided below. To register, kindly complete the "Registration Form for the Fifth International Forum for Young Scholars of Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics" and submit it (along with supporting materials in both English and Chinese) to the designated email address no later thanNovember 5, 2023. Please ensure that the subject field of the email reads as "Name + Online (or On-site) Forum Registration".09Contact InformationOffice of Human Resources, Office of CPC Faculty AffairsZhejiang University of Finance and EconomicsContacts: Ms. Xu; Ms. LiTelephone Number: +86 (0)571-8755 7035or +86 (0)571-8673 1815Email: rcyj@zufe.edu.cnAddress: 18 Xueyuan Street, Xiasha HigherEducation Zone, Qiantang District, Hangzhou,ZhejiangWebsite: https://www.zufe.edu.cnAttached: Registration Form for the Fifth International Forum for Young Scholarsof Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics在招岗位浙江财经大学诚邀海内外英才注:如有疑问可联系青塔人才小编号cingtajob5,邮件投递请抄送job@cingta.com。}


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