
If you think responsive’s simple, I feel bad for you son. We got 99 viewports, but the iPhone’s just one.—Josh Brewer, March 10, 2010A major component of responsive design is creating the right experience for the right device. With a gazillion different devices on the market, this can be a tall task. We’ve rounded up media queries that can be used to target designs for many standard and popular devices that is certainly worth a read.If you’re looking for a comprehensive list of media queries, this repository is a good resource.If you’re reaction to this is: you should never base your breakpoints on devices!! You have a good point. Justin Avery has a nice post on the possible pitfalls of using device-specific breakpoints. Choosing breakpoints based on your design and not specific devices is a smart way to go. But sometimes you just need a little help getting one particular situation under control.Phones and handhelds
/* ----------- iPhone 4 and 4S ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 320px)
and (max-device-width: 480px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
/* Portrait */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 320px)
and (max-device-width: 480px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 320px)
and (max-device-width: 480px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)
and (orientation: landscape) {
/* ----------- iPhone 5, 5S, 5C and 5SE ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 320px)
and (max-device-width: 568px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
/* Portrait */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 320px)
and (max-device-width: 568px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 320px)
and (max-device-width: 568px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)
and (orientation: landscape) {
/* ----------- iPhone 6, 6S, 7 and 8 ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 375px)
and (max-device-width: 667px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
/* Portrait */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 375px)
and (max-device-width: 667px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 375px)
and (max-device-width: 667px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)
and (orientation: landscape) {
/* ----------- iPhone 6+, 7+ and 8+ ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 414px)
and (max-device-width: 736px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3) {
/* Portrait */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 414px)
and (max-device-width: 736px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 414px)
and (max-device-width: 736px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3)
and (orientation: landscape) {
/* ----------- iPhone X ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 375px)
and (max-device-width: 812px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3) {
/* Portrait */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 375px)
and (max-device-width: 812px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 375px)
and (max-device-width: 812px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3)
and (orientation: landscape) {
Galaxy Phones
/* ----------- Galaxy S3 ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 360px)
and (device-height: 640px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
/* Portrait */
@media screen
and (device-width: 320px)
and (device-height: 640px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 320px)
and (device-height: 640px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2)
and (orientation: landscape) {
/* ----------- Galaxy S4, S5 and Note 3 ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 320px)
and (device-height: 640px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3) {
/* Portrait */
@media screen
and (device-width: 320px)
and (device-height: 640px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 320px)
and (device-height: 640px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3)
and (orientation: landscape) {
/* ----------- Galaxy S6 ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 360px)
and (device-height: 640px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 4) {
/* Portrait */
@media screen
and (device-width: 360px)
and (device-height: 640px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 4)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 360px)
and (device-height: 640px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 4)
and (orientation: landscape) {
HTC Phones
/* ----------- HTC One ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 360px)
and (device-height: 640px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3) {
/* Portrait */
@media screen
and (device-width: 360px)
and (device-height: 640px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 360px)
and (device-height: 640px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3)
and (orientation: landscape) {
Google Pixel
/* ----------- Google Pixel ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 360px)
and (device-height: 640px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3) {
/* Portrait */
@media screen
and (device-width: 360px)
and (device-height: 640px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 360px)
and (device-height: 640px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3)
and (orientation: landscape) {
/* ----------- Google Pixel XL ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 360px)
and (device-height: 640px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 4) {
/* Portrait */
@media screen
and (device-width: 360px)
and (device-height: 640px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 4)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 360px)
and (device-height: 640px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 4)
and (orientation: landscape) {
Nexus Phones
/* ----------- Nexus 4 ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 384px)
and (device-height: 592px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
/* Portrait */
@media screen
and (device-width: 384px)
and (device-height: 592px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 384px)
and (device-height: 592px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2)
and (orientation: landscape) {
/* ----------- Nexus 5 ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 360px)
and (device-height: 592px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3) {
/* Portrait */
@media screen
and (device-width: 360px)
and (device-height: 592px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 360px)
and (device-height: 592px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3)
and (orientation: landscape) {
/* ----------- Nexus 6 and 6P ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 360px)
and (device-height: 592px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 4) {
/* Portrait */
@media screen
and (device-width: 360px)
and (device-height: 592px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 4)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 360px)
and (device-height: 592px)
and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 4)
and (orientation: landscape) {
Windows Phone
/* ----------- Windows Phone ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 480px)
and (device-height: 800px) {
/* Portrait */
@media screen
and (device-width: 480px)
and (device-height: 800px)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 480px)
and (device-height: 800px)
and (orientation: landscape) {
Media Queries for laptops are a bit of a juggernaut. Instead of targeting specific devices, try specifying a general screen size range, then distinguishing between retina and non-retina screens.
/* ----------- Non-Retina Screens ----------- */
@media screen
and (min-device-width: 1200px)
and (max-device-width: 1600px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1) {
/* ----------- Retina Screens ----------- */
@media screen
and (min-device-width: 1200px)
and (max-device-width: 1600px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)
and (min-resolution: 192dpi) {
/* ----------- iPad 1, 2, Mini and Air ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 768px)
and (max-device-width: 1024px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1) {
/* Portrait */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 768px)
and (max-device-width: 1024px)
and (orientation: portrait)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1) {
/* Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 768px)
and (max-device-width: 1024px)
and (orientation: landscape)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1) {
/* ----------- iPad 3, 4 and Pro 9.7" ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 768px)
and (max-device-width: 1024px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
/* Portrait */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 768px)
and (max-device-width: 1024px)
and (orientation: portrait)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
/* Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 768px)
and (max-device-width: 1024px)
and (orientation: landscape)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
/* ----------- iPad Pro 10.5" ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 834px)
and (max-device-width: 1112px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
/* Portrait */
/* Declare the same value for min- and max-width to avoid colliding with desktops */
/* Source:*/
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 834px)
and (max-device-width: 834px)
and (orientation: portrait)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
/* Landscape */
/* Declare the same value for min- and max-width to avoid colliding with desktops */
/* Source:*/
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 1112px)
and (max-device-width: 1112px)
and (orientation: landscape)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
/* ----------- iPad Pro 12.9" ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 1024px)
and (max-device-width: 1366px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
/* Portrait */
/* Declare the same value for min- and max-width to avoid colliding with desktops */
/* Source:*/
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 1024px)
and (max-device-width: 1024px)
and (orientation: portrait)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
/* Landscape */
/* Declare the same value for min- and max-width to avoid colliding with desktops */
/* Source:*/
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 1366px)
and (max-device-width: 1366px)
and (orientation: landscape)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
Galaxy Tablets
/* ----------- Galaxy Tab 2 ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
(min-device-width: 800px)
and (max-device-width: 1280px) {
/* Portrait */
(max-device-width: 800px)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
(max-device-width: 1280px)
and (orientation: landscape) {
/* ----------- Galaxy Tab S ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
(min-device-width: 800px)
and (max-device-width: 1280px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
/* Portrait */
(max-device-width: 800px)
and (orientation: portrait)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
/* Landscape */
(max-device-width: 1280px)
and (orientation: landscape)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
Nexus Tablets
/* ----------- Nexus 7 ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 601px)
and (device-height: 906px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.331)
and (-webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio: 1.332) {
/* Portrait */
@media screen
and (device-width: 601px)
and (device-height: 906px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.331)
and (-webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio: 1.332)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 601px)
and (device-height: 906px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.331)
and (-webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio: 1.332)
and (orientation: landscape) {
/* ----------- Nexus 9 ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 1536px)
and (device-height: 2048px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.331)
and (-webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio: 1.332) {
/* Portrait */
@media screen
and (device-width: 1536px)
and (device-height: 2048px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.331)
and (-webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio: 1.332)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
@media screen
and (device-width: 1536px)
and (device-height: 2048px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.331)
and (-webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio: 1.332)
and (orientation: landscape) {
Kindle Fire
/* ----------- Kindle Fire HD 7" ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 800px)
and (max-device-width: 1280px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
/* Portrait */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 800px)
and (max-device-width: 1280px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 800px)
and (max-device-width: 1280px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)
and (orientation: landscape) {
/* ----------- Kindle Fire HD 8.9" ----------- */
/* Portrait and Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 1200px)
and (max-device-width: 1600px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
/* Portrait */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 1200px)
and (max-device-width: 1600px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)
and (orientation: portrait) {
/* Landscape */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width: 1200px)
and (max-device-width: 1600px)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)
and (orientation: landscape) {
/* ----------- Moto 360 Watch ----------- */
(max-device-width: 218px)
and (max-device-height: 281px) {
More on media queries
Media Queries Level 3 (W3C)A Complete Guide to CSS Media Queries (CSS-Tricks)CSS Media Queries: Quick Reference & Guide (DigitalOcean)
Previously on Pretty Little Liars...《美少女的谎言》前情回顾What's going on?怎么了I thought Wilden got Ali pregnant and killed her.我觉得威尔登把艾莉肚子搞大了又杀了她So is it true? I don't know what's true.是真的吗,我也不知道Wilden's sure going out of his way to deny it.威尔登肯定极力否认Either you shut hanna up, or I will!要么你让汉娜闭嘴,要么我就去了Is everything okay?一切还好吗My mom owns Maggie's condo, and she's selling it.我妈买了麦琪的公寓,还打算卖掉What?什么Do you still have any friends, Spencer?你现在还有朋友吗,斯宾塞You are not taking away any more of them.别指望还能抢走她们Who's looking craycray now?现在是谁疯疯癫癫Stop!停下来Where is Wilden?威尔登呢I don't know.我也不知道What happened?发生了什么Can you call Hanna and Emily? Why?你能把汉娜和艾米丽都叫过来吗,怎么I know who's helping Mona.我知道是谁在帮助梦娜了Oh, my god. Are you all right?天哪,你还好吗Yeah. Thank god Aria got here when she did.还好,幸亏艾瑞亚及时赶来了Where's hanna? I don't know.汉娜去哪儿了,我不知道She won't answer any of my texts or calls.她不回我短信,也不接电话So, who is it? Who's helping Mona?所以,到底是谁,是谁在帮梦娜We should wait for Hanna.我们应该等等汉娜No, this is too important to wait.不行,这件事不能再拖了Okay, but you guys need to know that那好吧,但你们要清楚I've been warned not to tell you.我被警告过不能告诉你们What else is new?还有什么我们不知道的Wait minute.等等You knew who it was before tonight?你今晚之前就已经知道是谁了吗Yeah. I've known for a few weeks.是的,我已经知道好几周了Why didn't you tell us any sooner?那你为什么不早点告诉我们I wanted to be sure.我想确认一下I didn't want to believe that it could be true,我不愿意相信这是真的but after tonight happened,但今晚的事情过后I can't keep this to myself anymore.我不能再保守这个秘密了Toby is "A."托比就是AHe must have been taken to a hospital.他可能被送到了医院or he's in the woods somewhere and we just can't find him.或者躲在丛林之中,我们根本找不到他What are you doing?你在干什么Calling Rosewood hospital...打电话给玫瑰镇医院and then my lawyer.还有我的律师No! You cannot do that! Why not?不,你不能这样做,为什么不能Because if Wilden is still alive somewhere,因为如果威尔登现在还活着we don't know what he'll say or do.我们不知道他会做些什么或说些什么Hanna, I hit a man.汉娜,我撞了一个人Not just any man I hit a cop.不是一个普通人,我撞了一个警察He was threatening you.他在威胁你I left the scene of an accident.我肇事逃逸了Which is why you can't admit to what you've done所以在我们弄清事情状况之前until we know exactly what we're dealing with.你更不能随便承认罪行了I was scared. He was reaching for his gun.我很害怕,他当时在掏枪II thought he was reaching for his gun!我,我觉得他是在掏枪I know. But whatever he did or didn't do,我知道,但是不管他做了什么you still hit him.你确实撞了他And once you tell the police or your lawyer,一旦你告诉了警方或律师there's no going back.事情就没有挽回的余地了Okay. Hanna...好吧,汉娜Until we know what our next step is...在我们想清楚下一步要怎么做之前Not a word about this to your friends.千万不要告诉你的朋友Understood? Yes, of course.明白吗,当然Hanna, I mean it.汉娜,我是认真的Nothing.一个字也不说I promise.我保证So, what are we saying?我们在说些什么That what Ali wrote in Emily's notebook was true?艾莉写在艾米丽本上的话都是真的吗That Toby's secretly hated us ever since从艾莉把爆竹放到他车库起Ali threw that firecracker in his garage?托比就一直在恨我们吗Yeah, I guess so.应该是And the whole time that you two... were together,那你们俩在一起的时候he was just pretending.他一直是装的吗Okay, we all know how much Toby loves you.我们都知道托比有多爱你This can't be true. There has to be more to the story.这不可能,肯定有隐情If he loved me, he would not have let me sit outside of his loft如果他爱我,就不会让我在他阁楼外面bawling my eyes out for hours.大哭大闹几个小时Okay? He wouldn't have taken everything好吗,当他知道我有钥匙的时候out of "A"'s lair when he knew that I had the key.就不会搬出那些关于A的谎话来骗我He wouldn't be trying to hurt meus!他不会伤害我,伤害我们I am so sorry, Spence.我很抱歉,斯宾塞Mona must have something over him.梦娜肯定有他的把柄Trust me, I have tried to come up with相信我,我试着找出他这样做的every possible explanation as to why he could be doing this,每一个合理解释and it all leads back to the same conclusion.但最后都指向了同一个答案Toby, I know, what would never do anything to hurt any of us.我知道的托比绝不会伤害我们What's so funny?有什么好笑的You. You trying to make sense of this.你,你还想解释You need to stop thinking about Toby托比不是那个as the person that you thought you knew你想象中的他了and start looking at him for who he really is.你应该开始看看他的真实面目And how do I do that?我要怎么做You look at the facts, Emily!看看这些事实,艾米丽Okay. Which are?好吧,什么事实Mona is with the decathlon team in New York city.梦娜正和十项全能队在纽约She couldnhave locked me in the steam room,她没办法把我关在蒸汽房and that leaves Toby.只有托比可以The quicker you wrap your mind around this, the better.你越快想明白这些越好Toby, it's Emily.托比,我是艾米丽I really want to talk to you.我需要和你谈谈I need to talk to you.我要和你谈谈Please call me back.打给我Hey, babe. Hello.嗨,亲爱的,你好Hi there!你好I'm guessing you didn't get my voicemail.我想你没收到我的留言吧Huh. I just called a sevenyearold "Babe."嗯,我刚刚叫了一个七岁孩子亲爱的So...Malcolm.马尔科姆 Aria.这个是,艾瑞亚Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你It is so nice to meet you too, Malcolm.我也很高兴见到你,马尔科姆Tell you what. Why don't you go sort out those cars?你不如去那边弄弄小车吧They're looking pretty jumbled over there.它们看起来有点乱When did all this happen?他什么时候来的I talked to you like ten hours ago.我十个小时前还跟你讲过话Maggie and malcolm came up this morning.麦琪和马尔科姆今天早上来了It was kind of a spur of the moment decision.是临时决定的For how long?要待多久呢Ah, a few days.几天而已Since they're getting displaced,他们被迫搬家之后Maggie thought she'd put some feelers out in the area for a job.麦琪认为可以在这附近找找工作And then if she finds one, she thinks moving to rosewood如果找到了,她觉得搬来玫瑰镇might be the best thing for everyone.对大家都好They'rethey're gonna be staying here?他们要住在这里吗Oh, no, no. Maggie's dropping her bags off at a hotel right now.不不,麦琪刚去旅馆放行李了Oh, good.那就好I...just mean that your我...就是觉得place is a little small for the three of you.你这地方三个人住挤了点Yeah.是啊Malcolm and I were just about to put the last of the tracks down.马尔科姆和我就差最后一节轨道没搭了Oh, I can go. I'm sure that没事,我可以先走you want to spend some alonetime with him.我猜你想多花点时间陪马尔科姆吧Well, actually, I was...事实上,我...I was hoping you could hang out for a little bit?我希望你也能留一会儿Get to know Malcolm?了解一下马尔科姆I...can't imagine that Maggie would be too happy about that.我...可不觉得麦琪会乐意Aria, Maggie knows exactly who you are in my life.艾瑞亚,麦琪知道你对我多重要Believe me, she's fine with you being here.相信我,她不会介意的What do you say?你意下如何呢Come on! You gotta check out my train set!来嘛,你得看看我的火车组Okay!好Toby's clothes and books are still up there.托比的衣服和书都还在这儿It's like he ran out and never looked back.看起来他打算一去不复返了Did you find anything?你有什么发现吗Hello? Earth to hanna!喂,呼叫汉娜Since when do you watch the news?你什么时候开始关心新闻了What?什么Oh. No. Uh不I was justI wanted to check the weather.我只是,我想看看天气What the hell are you doing? You're supposed to be helping me!你在搞什么鬼,你该帮我找东西的Look, I looked!我找过了I didn't find anything.但是什么都没找着Really? 'Cause I coulda sworn是吗,我敢发誓you were sitting in that exact spot 20 minutes ago.你20分钟前就坐在那没挪过位Okay, maybe I didn't try hard enough.好吧,或许我找的不是很认真But the more I think about it,可我再三思考the more I think we should stop searching for him.觉得我们不该再继续找他了If Spencer's right, Toby is dangerous.如果斯宾塞判断没错,托比很危险If he's so dangerous, then how come he's never hurt any of us?如果他很危险,怎么从没害过我们呢I've been alone with him how many times now?我已经和他独处过多少次了No more than I've been alone with Mona.肯定没我和梦娜独处的次数多Wait. Did you forget that he tried to kill Spencer last night?等等,你忘了他昨晚想杀了斯宾塞吗She believes he tried to kill her. She didn't see him.是她认为他要杀她,她并没看见She saw him in her kitchen dressed in a black hoodie.她看到他身着黑连帽衫出现在厨房里That doesn't mean he's physically trying to harm any of us.这不能说明他想对我们进行人身攻击Lucas was blackmailed into doing things for Mona, remember?梦娜还要挟过卢卡斯替她办事,记得吧We still don't know what part Toby is playing in all this.我们还不清楚托比所处的位置We told each other everything.我们坦诚相待He gave me the courage to come out.是他给了我出柜的勇气I gave this to him for his birthday last year.去年生日我送了他这个东西What's that?那是什么Parking pass.停车证Who's "E. Lamb"?谁是E·兰博Spencer said that's what Toby called himself斯宾塞说这是托比出入to get in and out of radley.拉德里时用的名字Look, if you really want to find him,如果你真想找到他why don't you just start by talking to his parents?为什么不先找他父母谈谈Perfect.好极了All aboard!各位乘客请上车Next stop, union station.下一站,联合车站Hi, sweetie!宝贝Hi, mommy!妈妈Oh! I missed you.我想死你了Are you having so much fun?你们玩得开心吗Aria's the conductor!艾瑞亚是指挥官Well, I bet she's a good one.她一定非常出色Hey, Malcolm,马尔科姆why don't we wash up before we eat, yeah?我们吃东西前先洗洗手吧Maggie.麦琪 are you?你好吗I'm good, thanks. You?挺好,谢谢,你呢Good. Great.挺好,很棒Look, I just wanted you to know我只想告诉你that it wasn't me that told Ezra about Malcolm.不是我把马尔科姆的事告诉以斯拉的Aria, it's okay.艾瑞亚,没关系As much as I wanted Ezra to know about him,虽然我非常希望以斯拉了解此事I would never do that.但我绝对不会泄密的Really, I'm not upset.我真不介意To be honest, seeing the way老实说,这几个礼拜that Ezra and Malcolm have bonded over the past few weeks,看见以斯拉和马尔科姆相处得这么好I wish I had told him sooner.我真希望当初早点告诉他All right, let's go get this.好的,我们去拿这个Um, hey, I spoke to Janet,我和珍妮特提了and she thinks that she might have a lead on a job.她可能有工作能介绍给我I was gonna grab coffee with her at four.我想下午四点和她喝杯咖啡Oh. Um, I'm tutoring then.好,我那时候得上课Can you push it back an hour?你能推迟一个小时吗It's the only time she's free today.她今天只有那时候有空了II can try and find somebody to watch Malcolm, or I could我...能找人来照看马尔科姆,或者I can watch him.我可以照顾他UhI mean you don't have to do that.我觉得...你不必勉强Really. No, it's no problem.真的没关系It'll be a lot of fun.肯定会很有意思的Thank you. That's a big help.谢谢,你真是帮了大忙I told you I was warned,我说了我被警告了If I ratted out "T," "A" was gonna take one of my three.如果我揭发了T A就会伤害你们She's just trying to scare us.她只是想吓唬我们Well, it's working.她做到了You need to stop looking for Toby. Just let it go.你别再找托比了,放弃吧You're looking for Toby? Why?你在找托比,为什么It's not that I don't believe what you saw, okay?我不是不信你所见But he's my friend too, so I need to hear this from him.但他也是我的朋友,我得亲耳听他说Okay, I understand that, but I looked for him for weeks.我理解,可我已经找了他好几周了Trust me, he doesn't want to be found.相信我,他不想被别人找到Thank you.谢谢How long has she been standing there?她在那儿多久了Spencer, wait. What are you doing?斯宾塞,等等,你要干什么Hello. You're not planning on choking me again, are you?你该不是打算再掐我一次吧No. I just wanted to say thank you for the flowers.不,我是来谢谢你送的花The orchids are especially beautiful.兰花特别漂亮I have no idea what you're talking about.我真不知道你在说什么Might be time to visit your doctor friend again.你该再去看看你的心理医生了Listen to me, Mona. I'm not playing around.听着,梦娜,我没开玩笑Do not hurt my friends.别伤害我的朋友If you so much as touch one hair on their heads,如果你敢动她们一根头发I will make you very sorry.我会让你悔不当初的Am I clear?懂了么Looks like someone's been skipping their anger management class.看来某人翘掉了愤怒管理课啊I think I'll take my pumpkin latte...我想我的南瓜拿铁还是to go.外带吧But a little tip on the orchids.但是关于兰花有个小提醒Make sure not to leave them in direct sunlight.千万不能把它们放在阳光直射的地方I did once; they didn't make it through the night.我放过一次,它们当晚就死了I can't believe your dad kept all that stuff.真不敢相信你爸爸还留着这些东西What are you doing here?你怎么过来了I was just picking up some old tax receipts.我过来拿一下以前的税务收据What's with the trip down memory lane?这个感怀往事之旅是怎么回事Oh, this? I just这个,我就是Emily started babysitting, and so she was wondering艾米丽在照顾小孩,所以她问我if I had anything that would keep a little boy occupied.有没有可以给小男孩玩的东西Emily? I thought she was working at the brew.艾米丽,我以为她在咖啡店上班Did I say Emily?我说的艾米丽吗II meant Hanna.我,我是说汉娜Um, Ezra called and left me a message.以斯拉打电话来给我留了言He wanted to know if I knew of any open teaching positions他问我知不知道啥地方有老师空缺for his friend named Maggie. Do you know her?能让他朋友麦琪补缺,你认识她吗No. I've never met her.不认识,没见过Oh. Well, I'll call him and tell him I'll keep my ears open.那我打电话跟他说我会留意的I can tell him.我可以告诉他Well, I'm I'm gonna see him later and he's busy now tutoring,我,我待会去见他,他在忙着做家教so he won't pick up if you call.所以你打电话他不会接的Is everything okay?没什么事吧Yeah. Yeah, everything's perfect.没,没,什么事都没All right, well, I'm gonna go.好了,我得走了I gotta get this stuff to Hanna.我得把这东西给汉娜Aria.艾瑞亚You forgot your ball.你的球忘拿了Thanks. Bye.谢谢,拜Hey... are you a friend of Toby's?你是托比的朋友吗I work with him.我是他同事Do you know where he is right now?你知道他现在在哪吗I haven't seen him in a couple of weeks.我有半个月没看到他了He had some sort of emergency, left me his truck他好像有什么急事,留了他的卡车给我and asked me to finish a job for him.让我帮他完成一个工作Did he say where he was going?他说没说他要去哪Sorry. I'm just here to pick up a table saw.对不起,我就是过来拿个台锯Yeah, there's nothing in the papers either.文件里也什么都没有II don't know what to think.我,我不知道该去考虑什么All right, Hanna, I need to get back to work.好了,汉娜,我得回去工作了I'll see you tonight.晚上见What am I supposed to be looking at?你想让我看什么Notice how all the letterspposed有没有注意到除了"E"和"M"are shiny except for the "E" and the "M"?别的字母都很有光泽I don't know how I missed it this morning,我不知道今天早上我怎么会没看到but I saw it when I got home.但是我回家就看到了So what?那又怎样So Mona is trying to tell us in her cryptic way梦娜是想隐秘秘地告诉我们that she's targeting you next.她的下一个目标是你I'm sure it's just a coincidence.我相信只是巧合而已There are no coincidences with "A."一涉及到"A"就没有巧合可言Spence, you've been through a lot in the past few weeks.斯宾塞,这几个星期你遭受的打击太多了No, Emily, this makes sense.不,艾米丽,肯定是这样的Mona knows that you're searching for Toby.梦娜知道你在找托比I saw her stare at you in the brew this morning,早上在咖啡店我看到她盯着你And now this.现在是这个Okay, I'll keep my eyes open.好的,我会小心的No. She made it seem like不,她让我觉得something bad was gonna happen to you tonight.今晚你就会发生什么不好的事Look, I'm gonna stay with you for the rest of the day.今天一整天我都要留下来陪你I gotta get to swim practice. Do not ignore this!我要去做游泳训练了,别忽略这个I'm not ignoring it, but we don't know for sure what this means.我没忽略,但我们不确定这是什么意思Okay? Let me hang on to this.好吗,让我来操心这个You don't need to be staring at it for the rest of the day.你不必一整天都盯着它At least promise me that you'll stop looking for Toby.至少跟我保证你不再找托比了Fine. I'll stop looking for him.好,我不再找托比了Look, I'll call you when I get home, okay?我到家就打电话给你,好吗Okay.好How long has he been like that for?他这样有多久了He's been on a raid for the past hour.刚刚游戏里被突袭了I still cannot believe真是难以置信that you're babysitting your boyfriend's kid.你竟然照顾你男朋友的小孩Well, I still can't believe that my boyfriend has a kid.我还不敢相信我男朋友有个小孩呢So what's gonna happen if Malcolm and Maggie move here?那如果马尔科姆和麦琪搬来这里怎么办What do you mean?什么意思Well, when they were in Delaware, that was one thing,他们在特拉华州是一回事but if they come here, where does that leave you and Ezra?但是如果他们来这里了,那你和以斯拉算怎么办I don't know.我不知道But we'll figure it out. We always do.但是我们会想到办法的,一直都是这样And you're sure that Maggie's okay而且你确定麦琪对with you being part of the equation?你加入这个等式没有意见吗She seems to be.她看上去没问题I guess she's not who I thought she was.我觉得她不是我以为的那种人There's a lot of that going around.外界传言太多了You know, I was thinking.我在想If Toby is working with Mona,如果托比跟梦娜在一起工作there had to have been some signs that we missed.那我们肯定遗漏了什么I always wondered how Toby found Dr. Sullivan我一直在想梦娜把沙利文医生赶出镇上之后after Mona ran her out of town.托比是怎么在找到她的And then he brought her然后梦娜北部当天晚上back the exact night that Mona was caught.他就把她带回来了You think that it was planned?你觉得这是计划好的吗Well, I think that Mona knew我觉得梦娜知道we were getting close to where the lair was.当时我们快解开事情真相了And bringing Dr. Sullivan back helped Mona because...?那带沙利文医生回来帮梦娜是因为She diagnosed her with a mental disorder.她诊断出她患了精神病And that helped ensure that she went to Radley, not to jail.这就证实她是去了拉德里而不是监狱Everything okay?你没事吧What?怎么Oh. Um...yeah.这个啊No, II just completely forgot,没什么大事,只是忘了件事I'm gonna be late to meet my mom,我要和老妈碰面so I'll call you later, okay?晚点再打给你,好吗Yeah, okay.没问题Are you sure there's nothing you can do?你真的一点办法都没有吗Honey, I'm sure if Toby were really missing亲爱的,我确定如果托比真的失踪了his family would have filed a report by now.他家人肯定已经报案了His family is away. Maybe he's with them.他家人又不在这边,说不定他和家人在一起I don't think so.应该不会I'm assuming that you have called him and tried to text him.我猜你电话也打过,短信也发过了Yeah, he's not responding.是啊,但他都没回I'm worried. I don't think我有点担心,我觉得he took his break with Spencer very well.他和斯宾塞分手后,心情不会太好Honey, you have such a big heart,宝贝,你心地太善良and you always see the best in everyone.总是看到人性好的一面But honestly, I wish that you would just let this go.但说实话,我希望你别管这件事了I don't trust Toby. I haven't since he caused that fire.自从那次纵火事件之后,我就无法再信任托比Rosewood police.玫瑰镇警局Yes, Miss Maloney,是的,马隆尼小姐Let me check on the status of that.我查一下状态All right, please hold.好的,请稍等Mom, can I use your computer to check my email?妈,我能用你电脑查下邮件吗Yeah, just be quick about it.好,动作快点Hey, Spence, it's me.嗨,斯宾塞,是我I'm just calling to check on you.我只是想知道你怎么样了Call me back.有空回电Hey, I'm gonna grab some我去拿点果汁juice boxes for us to take to the park, okay?我们带去公园,好吗Oh, my god.天啊What happened? Hey, come here.怎么了,来,过来Oh, my god.我的天You all right?你好了没Yeah. Almost done.差不多了Hello.你好Yeah, it's all here.对,都在这儿I'm on my way.我过来了I should be banned from ever being around kids.我以后得和小孩保持距离No, Aria, it's it's okay.没事,艾瑞亚,没关系的No, it's not!不,有关系You have every right to be angry with me.你完全有权对我大发脾气II'm not angry. These things happen.我没生气,这种事很正常He cut his chin. That's what happens when you're a boy.撞到下巴了,小男孩经常遇到这种事So you were... talking with Spencer when he fell?所以他摔倒时你在,跟斯宾塞打电话No. Like I said, I left her a quick message,没,我说过了,我就给她留了条言And then I hung up the phone.然后就挂电话了You didn't see him jumping on the bed?你没看到他在床上蹦吗Ezra, by the time I turned around, it was too late.以斯拉,我转身的时候已经来不及了So you weren't watching him the whole time.所以你不是一直都看着他的It sure sounds like you're angry at me.你明明就生气了I just want to be clear on what happened我只是想搞清楚发生了什么so I know what to tell Maggie.好跟麦琪解释Tell her that I feel like crap,就跟她说我很内疚That he son got hurt while I was watching him.我看着她儿子的时候他就摔伤了Tell her that it was my fault,跟她说都是我的错I should have been paying closer attention,我该把他看紧点And tell her that I am so sorry...跟她说我真的很抱歉But I don't know the first thing about being a parent.但是我又没当过妈Neither do I.我也没当过爹啊Mom, where are you? Call me when you get this.妈,你在哪,看到回我Wilden:... compared to what I'll do if Hanna talks.威尔登:想想如果汉娜说出去我会怎样Ashley: I wonder how your lieutenant will respond艾什莉:我在想你的中尉会怎么说when he hears you're threatening a child.当他听见你在威胁一个孩子He's not going to.他不会的Think this through, Ashley.好好想想吧,艾什莉How do you live with yourself?你良心何安Hey, we're not done here!喂,还没说完Get out of my way! I can't let you go!别挡路,我不会让你走的Get out of my way!别挡路Either you shut Hanna up, or I will!除非你让汉娜闭嘴You have arrived at your destination.您已到达目的地Hey, you'll be back in action in no time.你很快就能又活蹦乱跳了Mmhmm. And Ezra says that when you're feeling all better,以斯拉还说等你好一点he's gonna take you on a trampoline for some real fun.就带你去玩儿真的蹦床I am?我有吗Yeah, Malcolm, we're gonna be kings of that trampoline.对,马尔科姆,我们去占领蹦床王国Maggie, I am so sorry.麦琪,我真的,很抱歉Mommy's here. Are you feeling okay?妈妈来了,你觉得还好吗He's fine. Just worn out.他没事,只是累了How bad was the cut?伤口有多严重It wasn't bad. Just a few stitches.不是很糟,缝了几针而已The doctor's gonna be back in in a second to check on him.医生马上就会回来给他做检查的Are you immediate family?你是患者的直系亲属吗Um, no.不是Then you need to wait outside.那你得到外面等He's dead.他死了Mona!!!梦娜I'm sorry I lied to you.对不起我对你说谎了Are you mad?你生气了吗Mad? No.生气吗,没有Sad, a little,难过倒是有一点because I don't know how to help you with this situation.因为我不知道怎样帮你面对这种局面Am I just crazy to think that this could work?我是不是疯了才会以为这么做有用It's definitely not gonna be easy.这显然并不容易It was one thing when I thought我以为以斯拉有个儿子在特拉华that Ezra's son lived in Delaware,已经是一件大事了but if Malcolm and Maggie move here...要是马尔科姆和麦琪搬到这里来It's gonna be even more complicated.情况就会更加复杂了Ezra seems really happy to have him in his life.以斯拉似乎非常希望和儿子一起生活Well, having a child is great,抚养孩子是非常棒的事情but it completely changes your life.但却会彻底改变你的生活It stops being about what you want,生活的重心不再是你想要什么and it starts being about它开始变成what you can do to make your child's life better.你做什么才能让孩子生活得更好I know that...我知道things are gonna change between us, obviously.很显然,我们之间会发生很多变化I think the question is: how much?我想的问题是,会变多少Well, what does Ezra say about this?那么以斯拉是怎么说的He thinks it can work if we both try.他觉得只要我们共同努力就能渡过难关Maybe it can.或许是这样But it's also okay if you don't want it to.但是如果你不想那么做也没有关系I love him.我爱他I know you do.我知道你爱他But not every relationship is meant to last forever.但并不是每一段感情都能够天长地久And sometimes the best thing you can do is take a step back有时,你能做的最好的事就是退后一步and give yourself a chance to breathe.给自己一个海阔天空的机会Excuse me.打扰了You again.又是你Oh. Hi.你好Is this your workshop? Yep.这个车间是你的吗,是的I'm sorry, what are you doing here?不好意思,你来这里干什么I'm supposed to meet Toby.我本来是来见托比的I told you he's out of town.我跟你说过,他出门了I know, but I just got a text from him,我知道,但是我刚刚收到他发的短信and then he told me to meet him here two hours ago.他让我两小时前来这里见面I don't know what to tell you.我不知道该和你说什么I haven't seen him.我没看到他Did you see a blond come through here?你有没有看见一个金发的女孩来过这里Nobody's come through here in the last few hours.最近几个小时没有人来过这里I just saw her. She was wearing a red coat.我刚才看到她了,她穿一件红色外套Look, no Toby, no girl in a red coat,没看见托比,也没看见红衣女孩and no unicorns, either. Sorry, Emily.更没看见独角兽,对不起,艾米丽How do you know my name?你怎么会知道我的名字Because you told me earlier.因为你之前告诉过我No, I didn't.没,我没有I gotta get back to work.我得回去工作了I don't understand.我不明白I hit that black box like a hundred times,我敲了那个黑盒子好几百次and it didn't even crack.它连个裂纹都没有The video just kept playing over and over.就是没玩没了的播放那段视频I don't think that it really matters,我觉得那不重要because whoever put that因为不管是谁car in your garage has probably made copies.把车停在你家车库的,都会事先备份的Well, it has to be "A." Why would Wilden put his car in there?是A,威尔登怎么会把他的车停在那里Okay, so if "A" did this, and nobody's seen Wilden,要是A干的,而且没有人见过威尔登Does that mean that Wilden's dead and that "A" has his body?那是不是威尔登已经死了,尸体在A那I don't know.我不知道I think that maybe you should tell your mom.我觉得你应该告诉你妈妈What?! She can handle a lot more than you think.什么,她能处理得比你想的好得多Aria, our moms are totally different.艾瑞亚,你妈和我妈完全不一样Mine hit the accelerator, remember?我妈可是踩油门来着,还记得吗And besides, I don't want to更何况,在我们不知道involve her until we know what we're dealing with.要对付什么的情况下我不想把她扯进来She already is involved, Hanna!她已经被牵扯进来了,汉娜She is on that video, and it really doesn't look good for her.视频里有她,而且情况对她不利Well, if "A" drove it here, who knows what's next?如果A把车开来的,谁知道还会发生什么The cops could be on their way.可能警察就要来了You know what, just get in your car. Follow me.还是去开你的车,跟着我Where are we going?我们去哪里I really don't think this is a good idea.我真觉得这不是一个好主意Just keep pushing.只管推好了There's gotta be a better solution!一定会有更好的解决办法Well, there isn't!没有了I'm serious, Hanna.我是认真的,汉娜We really, really need to rethink this.我们真的需要再考虑考虑Too late.已经来不及了I thought it would sink faster.我还以为会沉得快点呢Yeah, me too.我也是Well, what if it just stays there like that?这车要是沉不下去怎么办It'll sink.会沉下去的They're gonna be looking for his car.他们一定会来找这车的I know.我知道Look, if they find it and they trace it back to us,要是他们找到了然后查到我们身上We are totally screwed.咱俩就彻底玩完了Yep.没错Told you it would sink.我就说会沉下去的吧Where have you been? I've been calling you for the last hour.你去哪儿了,我给你打了好多电话Sorry. I had to help Aria out with something.对不起,我去帮艾瑞亚办了点事Have you eaten?你吃了吗Are you all right?你还好吧Yeah. Are you?还好,你呢Uh, no.不怎么好But I'm...getting there.但是会好起来的What does that mean?什么意思I think I saw Detective Wilden today.我今天好像看见威尔登侦探了What? Where?是吗,在哪In town.镇上But I wasn't sure, so...但是我不太确定,所以I drove by the accident on my way home.回家时我顺便去了一下事故现场Guess what? His car was gone.你猜怎么着,他的车不见了Of course, I panicked at first,的确,刚开始我有些惊慌失措But then it occurred to me但过了一会儿我突然想到if he had been... really injured,如果他真的伤得很严重we would have heard about it by now, right?我们早该听说了,对吧And if he was gonna press charges,而且要是他打算起诉We would have heard about it by now.我们现在也应该听说了Uh, so that means...?也就是说Maybe I didn't hit him...或许我撞的那一下as hard as I thought, and maybe...并没有我想像的那么严重,可能maybe he woke up and realized he was in the wrong.可能他醒来后意识到是他做得不对And maybe this whole thing is just gonna....或许这件事就这么go away.过去了Uh, I'm gonna go to sleep.我要去睡觉了I'll see you in the morning.明早见You can also put...你也可以把It's almost like the e accident didn't happen.他就好像没受过伤一样He's doing just fine.他一点事都没有That's good to hear.这真是太好了Do you want to come over?你想过来吗We're about to build a castle.我们要搭城堡了I'd love to, but, um...我也想去,但是I'mI'm helping my mom paint her kitchen,我得帮我老妈给厨房刷漆so I'll call you later, okay?我晚点再打给你,好吗All right.好吧I love you.我爱你I love you too.我也爱你No name? Yep, Jane Doe.不知道名字吗,是的,无名女子No I.D., no cell phone,没有身份证,没有手机no keys, nothing.没有钥匙,什么都没有Who found her?谁发现她的A hiker. About an hour ago.一个登山者,大约在一个小时前Said he saw her wandering around looking lost and confused.他看见她在游荡,好像有些神志不清I'm bringing her in.我现在把她带回去Better put in a request for a psych evaluation.最好申请做个精神评估Roger that.明白Wait. You dumped his car in a lake?等一下,你们把车沉到了湖里了I panicked.我当时都慌了You're supposed to stop her from doing stupid things like this,你应该阻止她做这种傻事Not help. I tried!而不是帮她,我试过了I didn't know if it was Wilden or "A" messing with us,我不知道是威尔登还是"A"在耍我们So I justI had to get rid of it.所以我,我得把那辆车处理掉Well, my money's on "A."肯定是"A"干的Or Wilden could still be alive又或者威尔登还活着and part of the "A" team.而且他也是"A"的一员Okay, so what does this mean?好吧,这是什么意思Is Toby dead?托比死了吗Did I do this? Is this my fault?是我造成的吗,这是我的错吗Don't go there. All right?别那么想,好吧Because we don't even know if this is true.我们甚至都不确定这是不是真的We do know that Toby我们确定的是托比穿着was wearing a black hoodie in Spencer's kitchen.那件黑色连帽衫出现在斯宾塞的厨房里So?然后呢So either "A" could have killed him"A"可能已经杀了他because she knew he was gonna help us因为她知道他会帮我们Maybe he never was gonna help us...或许他根本不会帮我们And for some reason出于某种原因he just wants us to think that he's dead.他可能只是希望我们认为他死了Either way, Spencer needs to know about this.无论怎样,得让斯宾塞知道这件事Where is Spencer?她去哪了}
Myrcella is my only daughter.弥赛菈是我唯一的女儿Do you really think I'll let you sell her like a common whore?你以为我真的会任你把她当妓女一样卖掉吗Dorne is the safest place for her.对她而言多恩是最安全的地方You cannot stop it. No!你阻止不了,不No, wait. It wasn't her.不,等等,不是她You can't avenge him if you're dead.你死了,就不能为他复仇了On behalf of the warlocks of Qarth, I welcome you.我代表魁尔斯的男巫,欢迎您It would be an honor to host you at the house of the Undying,请移步至不朽之殿,招待您是我的荣幸Mother of dragons.龙之母Stannis will be here in an hour.史坦尼斯一小时内就到Renly's bannermen will flock to him.蓝礼的封臣就会投靠他Calling yourself king doesn't make you one.自立为王,并不能真正成王And if Renly wasn't a king, I wasn't a queen.如果蓝礼不是国王,我也不是王后Do you want to be a queen?您想做王后吗I want to be the queen.我要做真正的王后There on that mountain.那边那座山上We need to get rid of those lookouts.先要除掉岗哨I need to move fast and silent.我要的是速度和隐蔽Lord Commander, I'd like to join Lord Qhorin.总司令大人,我想跟科林大人走Aye.好You're going to kill Joffrey?您要杀了乔佛里吗If the gods give me strength. And then what?如果诸神赐我力量,然后呢First we have to win the war.我们先要打赢这场仗You never told me where you're from.你还没告诉我是哪里人Volantis.瓦兰提斯You're one of them now. I should have let you burn.你现在跟他们一伙,早知道就让你烧死算了You saved me and the two I was with.你救了我和我的两个同伴You stole three deaths from the Red God.你取走三条本属于红神的命Speak three names.女孩说名字I can name anyone and you'll kill him?我说名字,你就会杀掉他A man has said.某人说到做到The one who tortures everyone. They call him the Tickler.折磨大家的人,大家都叫他"记事本"The Stony Shore's not far from Torrhen's Square.磐石海岸离托伦方城不远More impressive prize than a few fisherman's daughters.可比渔民的女儿有意思多了Soon as Winterfell got word that we'd taken Torrhen's Square,一旦临冬城得知我们拿下托伦方城the Starks would send their men to take it back.史塔克家族就会派人夺回去Take me to my ship.带我登船Lord Stark, Torrhen's Square is under siege.史塔克大人,托伦方城遭到围攻Torrhen's Square is barely 40 leagues from here.托伦方城距离此处不到四十里格Go, Ser Rodrik. Take the men you need.去吧,罗德利克爵士,召集人手出发What did you see in your dream?你梦到了什么That the sea came to Winterfell.我梦见大海涌向临冬城Drowned men were floating here in the yard.好多淹死的人,在这院子里漂着Ser Rodrik was one of them.其中就有罗德利克爵士I've taken your castle.我拿下了你的城堡Theon? It's Prince Theon now.席恩,现在是席恩王子Get up. You have to get dressed.起来,你要穿戴好I've taken Winterfell.我攻占了临冬城I took it. I'm occupying it.我拿下了,临冬城归我所有I sent men over the walls with grappling claws and ropes.我派人用钩爪和绳索翻进了城Why? To take the castle.为什么,为了占领城堡You went with Robb. And he sent me back to Pyke.你是跟罗柏一起走的,他派我回派克岛I'm a Greyjoy.我是葛雷乔伊I can't fight for Robb and my father both.不能同时为罗柏和我父亲而战Where's Hodor? I don't know.阿多在哪儿,我不知道Find the halfwit.把那呆子找来My men are bringing your people together in the courtyard.我的手下会把你的人都带到院子里Why?干什么So you and I can go down and tell them我们俩好一起下去告诉他们how you've yielded Winterfell to me. I won't.你把临冬城献给了我,不可能Yes, you will.你会的I won't. I'll never yield.我不,我绝不投降We'll fight you and throw you out.我们要开战,把你赶出去The castle is mine,城堡是我的了but these people are still yours.可人还是听你的You'll yield to keep them safe,想保他们平安无事to keep them alive.你就要乖乖投降That's what a good lord would do.好领主就该这么做Think carefully about what you want to say.仔细考虑你要说的话Theon.席恩Did you hate us the whole time?你一直都恨我们吗I've yielded Winterfell to Theon.我代表临冬城向席恩投降Louder.大点声Say Prince Theon.是席恩王子I've yielded Winterfell to Prince Theon.我代表临冬城向席恩王子投降You all know me.你们都认识我Aye, we know you for a steaming sack of shit.是啊,我们都认得你这坨臭哄哄的大粪Farlen, you be silent.法兰,别乱说Listen to your little lord, Farlen.听你家小少爷的话,法兰He has more sense than you do.他可比你懂事得多All of you should do as he commands.你们所有人都要服从他的命令My father has donned the ancient crown of salt and rock我父亲已戴上海盐与磐石的古老王冠and declared himself King of the Iron Islands.加冕为铁群岛之王He claims the North as well by right of conquest.作为征服者,整个北境都归他了You are all his subjects.你们都是他的臣民Bugger that. I serve the Starks.放屁,我效忠的是史塔克家if you think you can hold the North with this-- Shut up!你要觉得这样就能统领北境,闭嘴If you serve me as loyally as you served Ned Stark,你只要像服侍奈德·史塔克一样对我忠心耿耿I will be as good to you as he ever was.我保证不会亏待你Betray me, and you will wish you hadn't.背叛我,你就等着后悔吧Maester Luwin, send a raven to Pyke鲁温学士,派一只信鸦去派克岛informing my father of my victory here把我获胜的消息告知我父亲and one to Deepwood Motte to my sister.再派一只去深林堡通知我姐姐Inform her that she's to bring 500 men to Winterfell.叫她带五百人来临冬城You are a Maester of the Citadel你是学城的学士sworn to serve the lord of Winterfell, are you not?发过誓效忠临冬城主,不是吗I am.是的I am the Lord of Winterfell as Bran just informed you.布兰刚才已经宣告,临冬城主现在是我Send the ravens.把信鸦派出去My Lord.遵命My Lord Greyjoy.葛雷乔伊大人I see you've finally learned how to address your betters.看来你终于学会怎么称呼贵族了What do you want?你想怎样I was brought here a captive.我是这里的俘虏You were here the day I was taken.被俘那天您还在场呢I'm the one who took you. What of it?抓你的人是我,那又怎样Let me serve you.请让我服侍您Serve me how?怎么服侍I need fighters, not kitchen sluts.我要的是战士,而不是厨房的婊子It was Robb Stark who put me in the kitchens.派我去厨房的是罗柏·史塔克Put a spear in my hand again.请给我一支长矛吧So you can bury it in my neck?好让你扎进我的脖子吗Do you take me for a fool?你当我傻啊Get up.起来Step aside.一边去Why?为什么It's your dream, little Lord.这就是你的梦,小少爷The ocean has come to swallow this place.海水涌来淹没这里I ain't letting it drown me.我可不要淹死And in a few days' time... Greyjoy!用不了多久...葛雷乔伊What have they done to him?他们对他做了什么We caught this one on his way back from Torrhen's Square.他从托伦方城赶回来,被我们逮个正着Took out two of ours before I got his sword.死了两个人才活捉他Ser Rodrik, it grieves me that we meet as foes.罗德利克爵士,与你为敌可真让我难过It grieves me you've less honor than a back alley whore.我难过的是,后巷的娼妓都比你讲荣誉You were raised here under this roof.你是在这儿长大的These people are your people. They are not my people.他们都是你的人民,他们不是我的人民King Robb thought of you as a brother.罗柏国王当你是亲兄弟My brothers are dead.我的亲兄弟都死了They died fighting Stark men, men like you.是跟史塔克的人打仗时死的,跟你这样的人Aye, they died fighting a war your father started.是啊,害死他们的战争正是你父亲挑起的Lord Stark raised you among his own sons.史塔克大人把你和他的儿子们一起养大Among them, but not one of them.养大而已,我又不是他儿子I was his hostage taken from my home.我不过是被他抢走的人质If he were alive to see this--他要是还活着,看到你...He's not. He's dead.他看不到,他死了The Seven Kingdoms are at war.七大王国正在打仗And Winterfell is mine.临冬城现在是我的I should have put a sword in your belly我早该一剑捅进你的肚子instead of in your hand.而不是教你使剑You've served this house faithfully, old man.你对这个家族一直忠心耿耿,老头But keep talking and I'll--但你要再说,我就...Take him to the cells. Lock him up--把他带下去,关起来My prince,王子殿下you cannot let that stand. He must pay.您不能纵容他,他必须付出代价I'll lock him in a cell until he rots--我会把他关起来,直到他烂在...No, he has to pay the iron price.不,他必须付铁钱They'll never respect you while he lives.只要他还活着,他们就不会尊重您Ser Rodrik,罗德利克爵士I sentence you to death.我宣判你死刑No! You said no harm would come to them if I yielded.不,你答应过,只要我投降就不伤害他们The old man couldn't keep his mouth shut.死老头就是不肯闭嘴I urge you not to make a hasty decision.我建议您不要草率决定He disrespected me in front of my men.他在我的人面前公然侮辱我That was his decision, not mine.这是他自找的,跟我无关He is worth more to you alive than dead.他活着对您更有用处The Starks will pay.史塔克会补偿您Please, Theon,拜托,席恩think what you do.好好考虑一下You'll address me as Prince Theon你要是再不尊我为席恩王子or you'll be next.那下一个就是你Come.来No!不No! Theon!不要,席恩Please!求你了Ser Rodrik!罗德利克爵士He who passes the sentence should swing the sword.判人死刑者必须亲自动手I'm begging you! Coward.我求求你,懦夫Stop! Stop right now!住手,马上住手You don't give commands anymore, little Lord.已经轮不到你发号施令了,小少爷Please, stop this. Please stop him. Hush now, child.快住手,快阻止他,安静,孩子I'm off to see your father.我就要去见你父亲了You said no harm would come!你说过不会伤害他们You said no harm would come. Theon, please.你答应过不会伤害他们,席恩,求你了Any last words, old man?有遗言吗,老家伙Gods help you, Theon Greyjoy.愿诸神指引你,席恩·格雷乔伊Now you are truly lost.因你迷途已远Theon, please, don't.席恩,求你,不要Do something. I'll do anything. Please!想想办法,要我做什么都可以,求你No, please, stop it!不,求你住手Ghost, stay with us.白灵,过来Ghost!白灵There goes your pet.你的宠物跑啦He's not a pet.他不是宠物You're right, he's not.对,他不是You can't tame a wild thing.野东西养不熟You can't trust a wild thing.野东西信不过Ghost is different. So you think.白灵不一样,那只是你的想法Wild creatures have their own rules,野物有他们自己的法则their own reasons.自己的道理And you'll never know them.你永远无法了解他们Now the wildlings we're looking for如今我们找的这群野人sleep during the day and hunt at night.白天睡觉,夜晚打猎I thought you said you couldn't know wild things.你不是说野东西无法了解吗I said you can't.我是说你不能They find a nice cave to hide in while the sun's up太阳升起,他们就找舒服的洞穴藏身and do their killing when it's dark.等到夜晚再出来猎杀We could do the same. No, we couldn't.我们也做得到,不,我们不行This is their country.这里是他们的国度They know where to walk, where not to walk.他们知道哪里当走,哪里走不得I've lost good men who fell into a crevasse冰隙吃了我好几个能干的弟兄they didn't see till they were in it.掉下去之前根本没有察觉My father always said I'm of the north.父亲常说我属于北方I wasn't joking. Look around, boy.我认真的,看看周围,小子This look like home to you?你看这里像家吗You start thinking you know this place, it'll kill you.一旦你自以为了解这地方,小命就悬了You understand me?懂我意思吗No, you don't.不,你不懂We're at war.我们在打仗We've always been at war.我们一直在打仗It's never going to end 'cause we're not fighting an enemy.这场战争没有尽头,因为对手不是人We're fighting the north and it's not going anywhere.而是北方,北方永远不会退却The Watch has given you a great gift.守夜人送了你一份厚礼You only have one thing to give in return...你只有一样东西可以回报your life.你的命I'll gladly give my life.我乐意献出生命I don't want you to be glad about it.我可不要你高高兴兴地去死I want you to curse and fight我要你一边咒骂一边战斗until your heart's done pumping.直到心脏不再跳动And know this, boy...记好了,小子Your death will be a gift for them south of the wall.你的死对长城以南的人是一份礼物They'll never know what you've done.他们不知道你的事迹They'll never know how you died.不知道你是怎么死的They won't even know your damn name,你的大名小名他们一概不知道but they'll be alive because但因为长城以北的一个无名野种some nameless bastard north of the wall为救他们而牺牲了自己的命gave his life for theirs.他们能活下去Now, do you understand me?现在,懂我意思了吗I do.我懂了You're even dumber than you look.你比看上去还蠢It's just words, boy,这都是空话,小子to keep us a little warmer in the night,让我们在寒夜中感到一丝温暖make us feel like we've got a purpose.让我们觉得肩上负有使命Come on.走吧We've got to find these goat fuckers必须赶早找到这群操山羊的before night falls and they find us.免得他们趁天黑找上我们Can you read? My Lord?你识字吗大人Can you read?你识字吗This letter detailing our infantry movements这封写有我方步兵动向的信was meant for Lord Damon of House Marbrand.原本要寄给马尔布兰家的戴蒙爵士It was sent to Lord Marlyn of House Dormand.却送给了道蒙家的马林爵士My apologies, my lord. I must have...非常抱歉,大人,我一定是...Girl, fetch me the "History of the Greater and the Lesser Houses."丫头,给我拿《主要贵族与次要贵族家史》It's the one on the...就是那边...My cupbearer can read better than you.我的侍酒都比你识字To whom does House Dormand owe allegiance?道蒙家效忠的是谁My Lord, I...大人,我...To the Starks of Winterfell!临冬城的史塔克Who have 20,000 men and my son!史塔克手握两万重兵,还有我儿子I judged you might be good for something more我以为你除了虐待农夫than brutalizing peasants.总还有些别的用处I see I overestimated you.真是高估了你If you ever put my son's life at risk again, I'll...你再敢拿我儿的性命当儿戏,我就...Leave us.下去Put the book away, girl.丫头,把书收起来Maybe you should devise our next battle plan while you're about it.不如你顺便制定我们的下一步作战计划吧Lord Petyr Baelish.培提尔·贝里席大人到Give us the room.你们先退下Clear all this.收拾干净Lord Tywin. Baelish.泰温大人,贝里席Wine? Thank you.要酒吗,多谢What news from the capital?都城有何新闻I travelled here directly from Renly Baratheon's camp.我从蓝礼·拜拉席恩的大营直接赶来Ah, the late king Renly.先王蓝礼啊Rather a short reign.真是短命的王朝Murdered by a woman, I hear.听说是为女人所害So they say.传闻如此There has been talk of other forces at work,也有人说,是其它力量作祟dark forces.黑暗的力量Here.来Men love to blame demons when their grand plans unravel.大计不成,世人就喜欢归咎于鬼怪It is my belief that a moment of chaos我一直相信,混乱的时局affords opportunities lost soon after.会带来稍纵即逝的良机You say that as if you were the first man alive to think it.你这话说得,好像你是头一个明白这道理的Yes, a crisis is an opportunity.没错,危机诚然是机遇What other brilliant insights have you brought me today?不知你今日前来,还有何高见After the Lannisters and the Starks,除开兰尼斯特家和史塔克家the Tyrells command the largest host.提利尔家的实力最为雄厚Their lands are the most fertile in the Seven Kingdoms,七国之中,他们的封地最为富庶feeding horses and soldiers... Yes, yes, yes.供给兵马...是啊,是啊The Tyrells have not yet declared for any of the surviving kings.列王纷争,提利尔家尚未投向任何一位Loras wants revenge.洛拉斯渴望复仇He blames Stannis for Renly's death.他为蓝礼之死而怨恨史坦尼斯And Margaery...而玛格丽...Wants to be queen.想当王后Yes, she does.是的,王后House Tyrell rebelled against the Iron Throne,提利尔家族曾经叛上作乱against my grandson. They did.反对我的外孙,没错And perhaps that treason should be punished也许他们的背叛应当受到惩罚one day,等哪天after Stannis and Robb Stark are defeated.平定了史坦尼斯和罗柏·史塔克之后More wine for Lord Baelish.给贝里席大人添酒If you will allow me to represent your family's interests,如果您允许我出面代表您家族的利益I believe that an advantageous agreement...我相信可以达成有利的协约...The Tyrell host has returned to Highgarden?提利尔已经返回高庭了吗They have.是的Pardon, My Lord.对不起,大人It's only wine.不过是酒You would ride there yourself?你愿意亲自前去Tonight, with your leave.今晚就走,只要您一句话I'll have an answer by nightfall.我入夜前答复你That'll be all, girl.下去吧,丫头What else?还有何事On your son Tyrion's directive,受您儿子提利昂之命I met with Catelyn Stark.我见了凯特琳·史塔克Why?为什么He had an interesting proposal for her他提出了一个有趣的方案concerning her daughters.与她女儿有关A girl. A wildling.是女的,女野人We could question her.我们可以审问她You could.是可以She won't answer.可她不会回答I've known a wildling to bite off his tongue instead of talking.我见过一个野人,宁可咬舌也不开口What's your name? Ygritte.你叫什么,耶哥蕊特She was reaching for this axe when you got to her.你抓住她时,她正要拿起这把斧子Give her half a chance, she'll bury it in your face.要是慢半拍,她肯定一斧正中你面门I gave you my name.我给你讲了名字I'm Jon Snow.我是琼恩·雪诺You ought to burn them you killed.你们要火葬死者We'd need a big fire for that.那得生好大一堆火才行Tell me, Ygritte,告诉我,耶哥蕊特Why do you want us to build a big fire?你为啥要我们生一堆大火Are there some more friends in the area?附近还有你的朋友吗Burn them or maybe you'll need those swords again.烧了他们,除非你们想再杀一次Our boy here's already killed one dead man.我这位小兄弟杀过一个死人He can do it again if he has to.有必要的话,他就再来一次What waits beyond the pass?峡谷那边有什么The free folk. How many?自由民,有多少Hundreds and thousands.几百几千呢More than you've ever seen, crow.包你大开眼界,乌鸦Why come to the mountains?为什么到山上来What's in the Frostfangs your king could want?你们的国王到霜雪之牙有什么企图Do you mean to march on the Wall?你们想攻打长城吗Do you know who I am, girl?知道我是谁吗,丫头Qhorin Halfhand.断掌科林Tell me true.跟我说实话If your people captured me,要是我落到你们手里would they take me prisoner?你们会留活口吗They'd take your head off your shoulders if they was feeling kind.要是心情好,就让你脑袋搬家If not, they'd kill you slow.心情不好,就慢慢折磨死你We have no food for her.我们没有多余的食物Can't spare a man to watch her.也分不出人手盯她Can't let her go.更不能放She'll bring Mance Rayder's army down on us.她会带曼斯·雷德的军队追杀我们It needs to be done.只能解决掉Want me to do it? No.要我来吗,不No, I'll do it.不,我来Come, brothers.走吧,弟兄们We'll leave him to it.让他自个儿来We'll meet you at the top.我们山顶见Don't take too long.别磨蹭We're deep in their country now.这是他们的地盘You never killed a woman before, did you?你没杀过女人,对不对You don't need to do it.你不用杀我Mance would take you. I know he would.曼斯会收留你,我可以肯定There's secret ways.山里有很多密道The crows would never catch us.那些乌鸦抓不到我们I'm as much a crow as they are.他们是乌鸦,那我也是Will you burn me... after?完事后,你会烧了我吗Can't.不行Someone might see the smoke.烟太惹人注意了Strike hard and true,狠狠砍,照准了砍Jon Snow,琼恩·雪诺or I'll come back and haunt you.不然我做鬼也不放过你That's cold.真凉Go on.快点Be quick about it.痛快点Do it.砍啊Bastard, do it!野种,快砍You can't do it. We both know it.你下不了手,咱俩都明白The sun's going down, Jon Snow.太阳要落山了,琼恩·雪诺And your friends are nowhere close.你的朋友们都走远了I'll find them.我会找到他们Call for them. Go on.喊他们来,喊啊Call loudly.放声喊May the Seven guide the princess on her journey.愿七神导引公主,一路平安May the Mother give her health.愿圣母赐她健康May the Crone give her wisdom.愿老妪赐她智慧May the Warrior give her courage.愿战士赐她勇气One day I pray you love someone.我祈祷有一天,你会爱上一个人I pray you love her so much,我祈祷你爱她极深when you close your eyes, you see her face.一闭眼,就看见她的脸I want that for you.我想让你爱一次I want you to know what it's like to love someone,让你知道,爱一个人,付出真爱to truly love someone,是什么滋味before I take her from you.然后再把她夺走You sound like a little cat mewling for his mother.你哭得像只要奶吃的小猫Princes don't cry.王子不该哭I saw you cry. Did you say something, My Lady?我见过你哭,你说什么,小姐My little brother cried when I left Winterfell.我离开临冬城时,我的小弟弟哭了So?那又怎样It seems a normal thing.哭是很正常的Is your little brother a prince?你小弟弟是王子吗No.不是Not really relevant, then, is it?所以两者没关系,对吧Come, Dog.狗儿,走Hail, Joffrey!乔佛里万岁Hail to the king.国王万岁Seven blessings on you, Your Grace.七神保佑您,陛下Murderer! Bastard!刽子手,孽种All hail the king.国王万岁He's no king. He's a bastard!他是个屁的国王,他是野种Please, Your Grace, we're hungry.赏口饭吧,陛下,我们饿死了Freak! Get the prince back to the keep now.怪胎,马上带王子回城堡Yes, My Lord. Come, quickly.是,大人,快Please, Your Grace, give us some food!陛下,求您给点吃的吧Bread, Your Grace, please!面包,陛下,求您了Who threw that?谁扔的I want the man who threw that.给我抓出来Find who did that and bring him to me!找到他,带到我面前来Hold on! Hold them back!等等,拦住他们Just kill them! Kill them all!给我杀,给我全杀光Move. Move! Pull back!走,快走,别过来Tear him to pieces!把他撕成碎片What are you doing? I want these people executed!拉我干什么,给我处死他们And they want the same for you.他们也想要你的命Where's Sansa?珊莎呢Through the door!进门去Come on!快点Protect the king!保护国王Get back! Fall back!退后,撤退Move! To the gates!快走,进城门Come in! Come in! Keep him safe!进来,进来,保护国王Motherfucker!狗娘养的Watch out. Hold them back. Come on.小心,挡住暴民,快Traitors!叛徒I'll have all their heads.把他们通通砍头Oh, you blind, bloody fool.你这瞎了眼的大笨蛋You can't insult me.你敢骂我We've had vicious kings and we've had idiot kings,七国有过暴君,有过蠢王but I don't know if we've ever been cursed可居然有你这种二合一的极品with a vicious idiot for a king.害我们到这步田地You can't... I can, I am.你放肆,有何不可,我偏就说了They attacked me!他们攻击我They threw a cow pie at you, so you decided to kill them all?朝你扔坨牛粪,你就要赶尽杀绝吗They're starving, you fool.他们饿坏了,你这头蠢驴All because of a war you started.全怪你挑起的这场战争You're talking to a king!你是在跟国王说话And now I've struck a king.现在我还跟国王动手呢Did my hand fall from my wrist?我这手不是好好的吗Where is the Stark girl?史塔克家的女孩呢Let them have her.让他们抓去算了If she dies, you'll never get your uncle Jaime back.她要是没命,你詹姆舅舅就回不来了You owe him quite a bit, you know.你可是欠他不少呢Where are you going?还往哪儿跑You ever been fucked, little girl?小姑娘,还没人上过你吧Come here.过来Take some men and go and find the Stark girl.带几个人去找史塔克家的小姐I take my orders from the king.我只听命于国王This way!这边Please!求你们了No, no.不要,不要Please!饶命You're all right now, little bird.现在没事了,小小鸟You're all right.没事了We'll get you. We'll get you.找到你了,找到你了This way.这边Are you hurt, My Lady?小姐,有没有受伤The little bird's bleeding.小小鸟在流血Someone take her back to her cage,找人带她回笼子去吧see to that cut.照顾好伤口Well done, Clegane.干得好,克里冈I didn't do it for you.我又不是为你He shouldn't make me wait.他竟然让我干等The Spice King is the second wealthiest man in Qarth.香料巨子是魁尔斯第二富有的人He makes everyone wait.谁来都要等Of course, you could have avoided this embarrassment不过,您要是嫁了魁尔斯首富if you married the wealthiest man in Qarth.今日的屈辱就能免了I already have a husband.我已经有丈夫了Khal Drogo is gone, Khaleesi.卡丽熙,卓戈卡奥已死You are far too young to be a widow forever.您这么年轻成了寡妇,未免可惜And far too beautiful.况且如此闭月羞花And you are far too smart你以为几句奉承能打动我to think that I will succumb to flattery.未免也太自作聪明了I have travelled very far in my life我这一生四处远游and met many women,算是阅女无数but none that are immune to flattery.没有哪个不爱听奉承The Mother of Dragons!龙之母Here he comes.终于来了Forgive me. I had terrible dreams last night.原谅我失礼,昨夜做了噩梦Terrible dreams.实在是可怕I could not sleep until the sun was shining直到太阳升起,鸟儿鸣唱and the birds were singing.我才睡去Look what a beauty you are瞧瞧,洗掉了红色荒原的尘土now the Red Waste has been washed off you.您是多么美丽迷人呀I am sorry about all that unpleasantness.对于那些不快,我深表遗憾The silver hair of a true Targaryen.纯正坦格利安家的银发Xaro Xhoan Daxos, she is far too lovely扎罗·赞旺·达梭斯,如此绝色美人for a glorified dockworker like yourself.你这码头工出身的暴发户可配不上Very true, and yet they say that your grandfather,此话不假,可是我听说你祖父who sold pepper off the back of a wagon,当年只是拉车卖胡椒的小贩married a lady far lovelier and higher born than himself.不也娶了一位比他高贵且俊俏的夫人吗Every lady alive was lovelier但凡是女子and higher born than my grandfather.都比我祖父高贵且俊俏呢Did my servants not offer you something to eat, to drink?我的仆人没有奉上吃食和饮品吗I'll have them flogged in the square.我要当众责罚他们Thank you, my lord. You are a gracious host,多谢大人,您真是热情好客but there is no servant alive that can bring me what I want.不过世上没有哪个仆人能满足我的要求Oh, she has a talent for drama, this one.瞧这话说的,您真有表演天赋So, my little princess, what is it you want?那么请问我的小公主,您想要什么My birthright...我应该继承的the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.维斯特洛的七大王国I fear I'm no better than a servant in this regard.恐怕我跟仆人一样无能为力呀I cannot give you what I do not have.我没有的东西怎么给您呢I'm not asking you for the kingdoms.我并非要您给我七大王国I'm asking you for ships.只是要您的船I need to cross the Narrow Sea.用来渡过狭海I need my ships as well.我也要用船I use them, you see, to bring spices from one port to another.您瞧,我要用船在港口间转运香料Whatever you grant me now will be repaid今日您送给我的three times over when I retake the Iron Throne.来日我夺回铁王座,定当三倍奉还Retake?夺回Did you once sit on the Iron Throne?您可曾坐过那铁王座My father sat there before he was murdered.我父王被害前,曾坐过铁王座But if you did not sit on it yourself,可是若您没有亲自坐过would it not be correct to say take the Iron Throne?要说夺取铁王座才对吧I didn't come here to argue grammar.我不是来咬文嚼字的Of course not. You came to take my ships.当然了,您是来要我的船So let me explain my position, little princess.容我解释清楚,小公主Unlike you, I do not have exalted ancestors.我不像您,祖上那么显赫尊贵I make my living by trade.我靠买卖养家糊口And I judge every trade on its merits.做买卖就讲究有利可图You ask for ships.您要我的船You say I shall be repaid triple.还说三倍还我I do not doubt your honesty or your intentions.我并不怀疑您的诚意和愿望But before you repay your debts,但您在还债之前you must seize the Seven Kingdoms.必须先攻下七大王国Do you have an army?您手里可有军队Not yet.还没有You do not have an army.您没有军队Do you have powerful allies in Westeros?您在维斯特洛可有强大的盟友There are many there that support my claim.很多人拥护我的继承权When were you there last?您是何时离开那里的I left when I was a baby.我离开的时候还是婴儿So, in truth, you have no allies.所以喽,您其实没有盟友The people will rise to fight for their rightful queen when I return.我只要回去,民众就会拥护名正言顺的女王Forgive me, little princess,请原谅,小公主but I cannot make an investment based on wishes and dreams.我实在不能投资给您的白日梦Now if you'll pardon me.恕不奉陪Do you know Illyrio Mopatis, Magister of Pentos?您可认识潘托斯总督伊利里欧·摩帕提斯Yes, we've met. A shrewd man.我们见过,那人精明着呢For my wedding he gave me three petrified dragon eggs.他送我三枚石化的龙蛋作为新婚贺礼He believed-- the world believed...他认为,全世界的人都认为that the ages had turned them to stone.龙蛋在漫长的岁月中化为了石头How many centuries has it been since dragons roamed the skies?巨龙翱翔的场景消失了多少年But I dreamt that if I carried those eggs但我梦见,如果我带上龙蛋into a great fire, they would hatch.置身于烈火,龙蛋就会孵化When I stepped into the fire, my own people thought I was mad.当我走进火海,我的人民以为我疯了But when the fire burned out,但当火焰燃尽I was unhurt,我毫发无伤the Mother of Dragons.龙之母诞生了Do you understand?您懂了吗I'm no ordinary woman.我不是寻常女子My dreams come true.我的梦必定成真I admire your passion.我欣赏您的激情But in business, I trust in logic, not passion.但做生意要务实,激情不可信I'm sorry, little princess.很抱歉,小公主I am not your little princess.我才不是你的小公主I am Daenerys Stormborn我乃风暴降生丹妮莉丝of the blood of old Valyria有古老的瓦雷利亚血统and I will take what is mine我要夺回属于我的一切with fire and blood, I will take it.用血与火,我定要夺回来Yes, My Lady, but not with my ships.是啊,夫人,但不是用我的船Who taught you to read?谁教你识字的My father, My Lord.是我父亲,大人I taught my son Jaime to read.我也教过儿子詹姆识字The Maester came to me one day,有一天学士来找我told me he wasn't learning.说他没法学习He couldn't make sense of the letters.他看不懂那些字母He reversed them in his head.字母在他脑子里都是乱的The Maester said he'd heard tell of this affliction学士说他听说过这种疾病and that we simply must accept it.无药可医,只能接受现状After that, I sat Jaime down从那以后,我就逼詹姆for four hours every day until he learned.每天坐四个小时,直到学会识字He hated me for it, for a time.他为此记恨了我一阵子For a long time,很长一阵子but he learned.但他终究学会了Where is your father? Is he alive?你父亲在哪儿,还活着吗Who was he?他是谁A stonemason.一个石匠A stonemason who could read?石匠居然识字He taught himself.他自学的Quite a man.了不起啊What killed him?他怎么死的Loyalty.太过忠诚You're a sharp little thing, aren't you?你这小东西说起话来还真是犀利Did...您Forgive me, My Lord. I shouldn't ask questions.抱歉,大人,我不该问问题No...是不该but you've already begun.但既然开口了,就问吧Did you know your father, My Lord?您了解您父亲吗,大人I did.当然I grew up with him.他抚养我长大I watched him grow old.我目睹他终老He loved us.他很爱子女He was a good man,为人和善but a weak man,但太过懦弱a weak man who nearly destroyed our house and name.害得我们家族几近没落I'm cold.我有点冷I'll fetch more wood for the fire, My Lord.我再去拿些柴火来,大人Where are you going, girl?你要去哪儿,丫头The armory, My Lord.去武器库,大人Why?去干什么Lord Tywin sent me.泰温大人派我过去What might this be?这是什么东西Lord Tywin gave it to me.泰温大人交给我的What for?干什么To take to the armory.带去武器库Why would he do that?带到武器库干什么Let's go and ask him.咱们当面问问他Move!让开Get out of the way!都别挡道Amory Lorch.亚摩利·洛奇A girl has named a second name.女孩说了第二个名字A man will do what must be done.某人会信守诺言Now!就现在A girl cannot tell a man when exactly he must do a thing.某人何时办事,不由女孩决定A man cannot make a thing happen before its time.时机未到,某人不能行动But he's going to tell Tywin. He's getting away.但他要向泰温打报告,他已经去了It has to be now.必须现在干掉他Guard!来人Your Grace. Your Grace.陛下,陛下My honor, Your Grace.陛下,我深感荣幸Your Grace.陛下Your Grace. Quent.陛下,昆特Lady Talisa.泰丽莎小姐Your Grace.陛下I'm not sure I'm a lady.我不清楚自己算不算小姐Westerosi customs are still a bit foreign to me.毕竟不太熟悉维斯特洛的习俗It's hard to keep all the rules straight.规矩太多,难免有弄错的时候But if I remember my lessons,如果我没记错的话a woman of noble birth is always called a lady出身贵族的女士都应被称作"小姐"unless she's a queen or a princess.除非是王后或公主I could find someone who knows.可以找博学的人问问Why are you so sure I'm of noble birth?您为何如此肯定我是贵族出身Because it's obvious.这是显而易见的What if I told you my father sold lace on the long bridge如果我说我父亲在长桥上卖饰带谋生and my mother, my brother, and I lived with him above our shop?一家四口住在店里,您会怎么想呢I'd call you a liar.那我要叫你骗子Not very noble to accuse a lady of dishonesty.称贵族家的小姐为骗子有失礼节啊I always thought I was a brilliant liar.我一直以为自己很会撒谎Better at amputations, I'm afraid.恐怕你更擅长给人截肢Quite a pretty spot.这里景色不错Will we be here long?我们会在此地久留吗I couldn't really discuss troop movements with you.我不能告诉你军队的动向I'm not a spy.我可不是间谍Of course a spy would deny being a spy.当然了,哪个间谍会承认啊You're right. You've found me out.说的对,被你拆穿了I'm writing a letter to the Lannisters.我正给兰尼斯特写信呢"The young wolf is on the move.""少狼主正在行动"Perhaps you'd join me...你愿不愿意一起...If you've got time, of course, for, well...当然,前提是你有时间...Robb.罗柏Mother.母亲Mother, this is Lady Talisa.母亲,这位是泰丽莎小姐She's been helping with the wounded.她一直在护理伤员She's been very... helpful.她帮了很大的忙Lady Talisa.泰丽莎小姐Lady stark.史塔克夫人Lady Talisa...?敢问你的姓氏Maegyr.梅吉尔Maegyr?梅吉尔Forgive me, I do not know this name.抱歉,我不熟悉这姓氏An uncommon name here. An old name in Volantis.这里不常见,在瓦兰提斯是古老的姓氏Excuse me, My Lady. Your Grace.夫人,陛下,我先告退了I've missed you.我很想念您Yes, you look positively forlorn.是啊,你满脸都是孤独寂寞You surprised me, that's all.只是看到您感到很意外I didn't think I'd see you today.没想到您今天就回来了I wish that you were free to follow your heart.我也希望你能够随心所愿I know.我懂You have inherited your father's responsibilities.你父亲的责任已然落在你的肩上I'm afraid they come at a cost.背负这一责任需要付出代价You are promised to another. I know.你已经和别人订婚了,我知道A debt that must be paid.这是必须还的债I haven't forgotten. Your Grace.我没忘,陛下My Lady. News from Winterfell.夫人,临冬城来信了Your brothers desert you?你的弟兄们丢下你了I can tell you which way to go.我可以为你指路We'll stop here.我们就留在这儿Too dark to go any farther today.天色太晚,不方便赶路Here? There's no shelter here.不走吗,这儿没遮没挡的There's no shelter anywhere.哪儿都是没遮没挡的There is if you know where to look.那要看你知不知道地方The cold could kill us both.我们会被冻死的If you light a fire... No fire.如果你生火...不许生火But a fire is... No fire.但是生火...不许生火Have it your way.随你便We'll stay warmer if we stay close.我们俩贴紧些,可以互相取暖Bet you freeze to death before I do.我敢打赌你比我先冻死Bet your life.赌你的命Think they're out looking for you?你觉得他们在找你Yes. Think they'll find you?是的,你觉得他们能找到你Yes.是的You're brave.你真是勇敢Stupid,愚蠢but brave.但是很勇敢We start again at first light. Get some sleep.天一亮就动身,抓紧时间睡Stop moving.别动I'm just trying to get comfortable.我只想舒服点Stop it!别动You're still moving. Was I?你还在动,是吗I didn't notice that time.我没注意呢This cannot be true.这不可能We've had ravens from White Harbor,白港,荒冢屯和恐怖堡的渡鸦Barrowton and the Dreadfort.都送来了消息I'm afraid it is true.恐怕是真的Why? Why would Theon...为何,席恩为何...Because the Greyjoys are treasonous whores.因为葛雷乔伊家族是背信弃义的婊子My brothers? We've heard nothing of them.我的弟弟们呢,没有他们的消息But Rodrik Cassel is dead.不过罗德利克·凯索死了I told you, never trust a Greyjoy!我告诉过你,不要轻信葛雷乔伊I must go North at once.我必须即刻北上There's still a war to win, Your Grace.眼下还有战事,陛下How can I call myself king if I can't hold my own castle?如果连主城都保不住,我何以称王How can I ask men to follow me if I can't-- You are a king.又何以统帅部署,您是国王And that means you don't have to do everything yourself.所以不用事必躬亲Let me go and talk to Theon.让我去和席恩谈判There will be no talk. He will die for this.不必谈判,我要他的脑袋Theon holds the castle with a skeleton crew.席恩带了一帮船员守城Let me send word to my bastard at the Dreadfort.我写信给我在恐怖堡的私生子吧He can raise a few hundred men他可以集结几百号人and retake Winterfell before the new moon.不到下月初即可夺回临冬城We have the Lannisters on the run.我们正乘胜追击兰尼斯特If you march all the way back north now,如果您这时候挥师北上you'll lose what you gained.先前的一切就白费了My boy would be honored to bring you Prince Theon's head.我儿子很荣幸为您取下席恩王子的人头Tell your son Bran and Rickon's safety is paramount.告诉你儿子,布兰和瑞肯的安全胜过一切And Theon... I want him brought to me alive.至于席恩,我要活的I want to look him in the eye and ask him why.我要盯着他的眼睛,质问他为何这样做And then I'll take his head myself.然后亲手取下他的脑袋Why on earth would I trust我为什么要相信the word of a lying little savage like you?你这种满嘴谎话的小野人I'm no liar.我不说谎All wildlings are liars and savages野人都是骗子和蛮子with no loyalty to anything or anyone.毫无忠心可言I done what I had to do to stay alive.我只是为了活命I hate the Starks as well as you do.我和您一样痛恨史塔克家Let me serve you, My Lord.让我服侍您吧,大人How? And don't tell me to put a spear in your hand.如何服侍,别说给你一支长矛There are other ways to serve, My Lord.还有别的服侍方法,大人I'm a prince now, and you'd do well...我现在是王子了,你要好好...There are other ways to serve, My Prince.还有别的服侍方法,王子殿下Like what?比如说We know things, the free people.我们自由民有些本事You know things?你还有本事Like what?比如说呢How to eat dirt?如何啃泥巴Other things.别的本事Savage things.野人的路子Wait outside.到外面等着I always wondered what you had under there.我一直想知道你衣服底下是啥样It comes at a price.那您要回报我I'm not killing you. That's your price.我不杀你,这就是回报I already had that.这个我已经有了What do you want, then,那你想要什么other than your miserable life?除了你这条贱命之外What all free people want...自由民都渴望的东西my freedom.我的自由Well, you shall have it, then.好吧,我答应你But only if you serve me well.不过你必须好好服侍我It's not deep. I thought they were going to kill me.伤口不深,我感觉他们要杀我They thought so, too.他们就是这样想的He hated me, the man who hit me.打我的那个人,他好恨我I saw it in his eyes. Hated me.我看到他的眼睛,充满了痛恨He never met me before,我们从来没见过面but he wanted to hurt me.可他就想伤害我Of course he did.当然了Why? Why would a stranger...为什么,为什么一个陌生人...You are everything he will never have.您有他永远不可能拥有的一切Your horse eats better than his children.您的马比他的孩子吃的都好It doesn't matter now. He's dead.无关紧要了,他死了I would have given them bread if I had it.如果我有面包,就给他们了I hate the king more than any of them.我比他们更痛恨国王Don't say these things.别说这种话If the wrong people hear you--如果叫别人听到...But you're not the wrong people.但你不是别人Don't trust anybody.不要相信任何人Life is safer that way.这样才能保命And where are you going?你要去哪儿I have something for you from Prince Theon.席恩王子托我捎东西给你What?什么东西Me.我He says I'm to make the rounds.他吩咐我出来走走And keep you warm.暖暖你的身子The Spice King refuses me because I'm a bad investment.香料巨子拒绝我,因为我不值得他投资The Silk King won't support me丝绸巨子不会支持我because of his business with the Lannisters.因为他们和兰尼斯特有贸易来往Why offend his best customer?何必冒犯他最大的主顾呢And the Copper King offers me a single ship铜器巨子倒是愿意给我一条船on the condition that I lie with him for a night.条件是我跟他睡一夜Does he think I will whore myself for a boat?他以为我为一条船就愿意出卖肉体When I came to this city, I had nothing.我初来乍到时,一无所有Truly nothing.真的一无所有I slept by the docks.我在码头边睡觉And when I could find work loading the ships, I would eat.有搬运的活儿干,我才有口饭吃If not, I dreamed of food.如果没活干,只能画饼充饥Today I am the richest man in Qarth.现在我是魁尔斯首屈一指的富商Do you think the path from poverty to wealth您以为白手起家的路is always pure and honorable?是一条光明大道I have done many things, Khaleesi,我做过很多事,卡丽熙that a righteous man would condemn.都是正人君子所不耻的行径And here I am, with no regrets.而我现在无怨无悔Bar the gates. Ring the bells.关门,鸣钟Slowly, Khaleesi.别急,卡丽熙Where are they?他们去哪儿了Where are my dragons?!我的龙呢}


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