Taylor Swift是谁??

先上一张霉霉美图!编辑切换为全宽添加图片注释,不超过 140 字(可选)首先,“霉霉“肯定不是一个贬义词,是歌迷对泰勒斯威夫特的爱称。因为泰勒年纪小,唱歌好听长得也可爱,美国歌迷都叫她美国甜心,中国歌迷一开始称呼泰勒为小美女,但每次泰勒冲击Billboard Hot100榜单冠军,都会出现各种强敌,最后泰勒只能屈居第二,时间久了小美女就成了“小霉女”。所以泰勒斯威夫特霉霉这个外号,并没有贬义的意思,泰勒斯威夫特也是非常喜欢自己这个霉霉的外号。如果霉霉不够“倒霉”,叫美美的话,反而显得俗气了为什么今天小尚要和大小朋友说霉霉呢!当然是因为喜欢霉霉啊!(蹭蹭霉霉新歌热度NO,帮霉霉宣传新歌YES)因为在2022年3月22日,霉霉在ins上更新了她为电影《Where The Crawdads Sing》创作的新歌曲《Carolina》编辑切换为居中添加图片注释,不超过 140 字(可选)想了解霉霉常用的社交平台吗?您也许对这篇文章也会感兴趣呀!国外明星用什么软件类似于微博?日韩、东南亚明星常用的社交软件}

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Taylor Swift is one of the most popular singers in America. She is born in December 3rd, 1989. She is very young and beautiful. She is also very good at singing. Her songs are always country music, but there are also pop music, hip-hop, and rock. She is very tall and of medium build . she has beautiful long curly blond hair and her eyes are ocean blue . She is fashionable and she is such a beauty .I love her , not only because of her songs but also because of she’s a very kind person . She always donates money to the poor children . She also cares about her fans , she treats them just like her family own family . She is not only a beauty but also an inner beauty . I think that’s why more and more people began to like her .And that’s why she’s my idol .}


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