You are uneasy with a bad guy.

? ? “It’s Not Only Trivial, It’s Bad, Vulgar”: Ken Russell’s Composer Biopics and the Uneasy Realignment of Work and Culture - Oxford Scholarship
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Kay Dickinson
Print publication date: 2008
Print ISBN-13: 5
Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: March 2012
DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/5.001.0001
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&2000- ITHAKA. All Rights Reserved. JSTOR&, the JSTOR logo, JPASS&, and ITHAKA& are registered trademarks of ITHAKA.Part 4, Chapter 3: Bad Weather
Additional Information
Year Published:
Country of Origin:
Lofting, H. (1922). The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle. London, England: Lippincott Publishing.
Flesch–Kincaid Level:
Word Count:
20th century literature, british literature, children's literature
Lofting, H. (1922). Part 4, Chapter 3: Bad Weather. The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle (Lit2Go Edition). Retrieved August 24, 2018, from
Lofting, Hugh. "Part 4, Chapter 3: Bad Weather." The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle. Lit2Go Edition. 1922. Web. <>. August 24, 2018.
Hugh Lofting, "Part 4, Chapter 3: Bad Weather," The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle, Lit2Go Edition, (1922), accessed August 24, 2018,
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As soon as I had the Curlew swung round upon her course again I noticed something peculiar: we were not going as fast as we had been. Our favorable wind had almost entirely disappeared.
This, at first, we did not worry about, thinking that at any moment it might spring up again. But t then a week,&ten days, and the wind grew no stronger. The Curlew just dawdled along at the speed of a toddling babe.
I now saw that the Doctor was becoming uneasy. He kept getting out his sextant (an instrument which tells you what part of the ocean you are in) and making calculations. He was forever looking at his maps and measuring distances on them. The far edge of the sea, all around us, he examined with his telescope a hundred times a day.
&But Doctor,& I said when I found him one afternoon mumbling to himself about the misty appearance of the sky, &it wouldn&#39;t matter so much would it, if we did take a little longer over the trip? We&#39;ve got plenty and the Purple Bird-of-Paradise will know that we have been delayed by something that we couldn&#39;t help.&
&Yes, I suppose so,& he said thoughtfully. &But I hate to keep her waiting. At this season of the year she generally goes to the Peruvian mountains&for her health. And besides, the good weather she prophesied is likely to end any day now and delay us still further. If we could only keep moving at even a fair speed, I wouldn&#39;t mind. It&#39;s this hanging around, almost dead still, that gets me restless&Ah, here comes a wind&Not very strong&but maybe it&#39;ll grow.&
A gentle breeze from the Northeast came singi and we smiled up hopefully at the Curlew&#39;s leaning masts.
&We&#39;ve only got another hundred and fifty miles to make, to sight the coast of Brazil,& said the Doctor. &If that wind would just stay with us, steady, for a full day we&#39;d see land.&
But suddenly the wind changed, swung to the East, then back to the Northeast&then to the North. It came in fitful gusts, as though it hadn&#39;t made up its mi and I was kept busy at the wheel, swinging the Curlew this way and that to keep the right side of it.
Presently we heard Polynesia, who was in the rigging keeping a look-out for land or passing ships, screech down to us,
&Bad weather coming. That jumpy wind is an ugly sign. And look!&over there in the East&see that black line, low down? If that isn&#39;t a storm I&#39;m a land-lubber. The gales round here are fierce, when they do blow&tear your canvas out like paper. You take the wheel, Doctor: it&#39;ll need a strong arm if it&#39;s a real storm. I&#39;ll go wake Bumpo and Chee-Chee. This looks bad to me. We&#39;d best get all the sail down right away, till we see how strong she&#39;s going to blow.&
Indeed the whole sky was now beginning to take on a very threatening look. The black line to the eastward grew blacker as it came nearer and nearer. A low, rumbly, whispering noise went moaning over the sea. The water which had been so blue and smiling turned to a ruffled ugly gray. And across the darkening sky, shreds of cloud swept like tattered witches flying from the storm.
I must confess I was frightened. You see I had only so far seen the sea in friendly moods: some sometimes laughing, vent sometimes brooding and poetic, when moonbeams turned her ripples into silver threads and dreaming snowy night-clouds piled up fairy-castles in the sky. But as yet I had not known, or even guessed at, the terrible strength of the Sea&#39;s wild anger.
When that storm finally struck us we leaned right over flatly on our side, as though some in-visible giant had slapped the poor Curlew on the cheek.
After that things happened so thick and so fast that what with the wind that stopped your breath, the driving, blinding water, the deafening noise and the rest, I haven&#39;t a very clear idea of how our shipwreck came about.
I remember seeing the sails, which we were now trying to roll up upon the deck, torn out of our hands by the wind and go overboard like a penny balloon&very nearly carrying Chee-Chee with them. And I have a dim recollection of Polynesia screeching somewhere for one of us to go downstairs and close the port-holes.
In spite of our masts being bare of sail we were now scudding along to the southward at a great pace. But every once in a while huge gray-black waves would arise from under the ship&#39;s side like nightmare monsters, swell and climb, then crash down upon us, pres and the poor Curlew would come to a standstill, half under water, like a gasping, drowning pig.
While I was clambering along towards the wheel to see the Doctor, clinging like a leech with hands and legs to the rails lest I be blown overboard, one of these tremendous seas tore loose my hold, filled my throat with water and swept me like a cork the full length of the deck. My head struck a door with an awful bang. And then I fainted.Iris Milutinovic: An Inventory of Her Papers at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
& Finding Aid
Iris Milutinovic:
An Inventory of Her Papers at the Harry Ransom Humanities
Research Center
Milutinovic, Iris,
Iris Milutinovic Papers
These papers consist chiefly of
correspondence and literary manuscripts but also contain published materials,
clippings, diaries, scrapbook material, financial information and audio
RLIN Record #
9 boxes (4 linear feet), 3
galley files
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
University of Texas at Austin
Iris Milutinovic, born in 1908 or 1910 to a Welsh mother (Florence
Medford Burnell) and an English-born father (Frederick Ebenezer Osborne), was
brought up in Cooee, Tasmania, where her father managed the Van Dieman Land
Company brickworks. She lived in Cooee until her first marriage to Irishman
Stanismore Ryan, a marriage Milutinovic describes as a "too-young, very unhappy" one. She then endured a long
lonely period before meeting her second husband, a Yugoslavian immigrant named
Milor Milutinovic, whom she married in 1951.
Milor, having survived years of fighting and then internment in a German
prisoner of war camp during World War II, moved to Australia in 1949 for a
fresh start. He later became a naturalized citizen of Australia, but struggled
ever after with the language and culture of his adopted country. A substantial
portion of Mrs. Milutinovic's literary work is given over to discussion of the
language difficulties and cultural clashes experienced by immigrants to
Mrs. Milutinovic describes herself as "one
over-sized, elderly somewhat finicky Tasmanian married to one long, lean
infinitely kind but also very alien Serb migrant." She lived with her
second husband outside Albany in Western Australia for almost 30 years before
retiring in 1977 to a cottage by the Mersey River in East Devenport, Tasmania.
Her interests include people, literature, fishing, gardening and writing.
Prior to beginning her career as a writer, Milutinovic worked in Public
Service during World War II, was a bookkeeper/receptionist for Ansetts, and a
timekeeper/clerk at Cheynes Beach Whaling Station. She was working for the Post
Office when she met her husband Milor.
Except for the usual adolescent verse, Milutinovic didn't begin to write
seriously until the 1950s when she began writing scripts and recording radio
talks for the Australian Broadcasting Commission (A.B.C.). She later sold short
stories to various magazines including the
Bulletin, Woman's Day, The Epicurean, The Texas Quarterly and
Overland. She has work published in three
anthologies and has had two books published,
Talk English Carn't Ya (a novel, 1978) and
I'm Still Here, Aren't I? (a short story
collection, 1985). The novel, based on her husband Milor's experiences and
written from his point of view, is about the hardships and difficulties of
being an immigrant without fluency in the language of one's adopted
Her literary awards include the 1975 State of Victoria Short Story Award
"The Guppy") and the Jessie Litchfield Award
for Literature for 1978 from the Bread and Cheese Club, a Melbourne literary
society. Mrs. Milutinovic was a founding member of the West Australian Writers
Fellowship (a branch of the Fellowship of Australian Writers), as well a member
of the Australian Society of Authors, and the Business and Professional Women's
Club of Albany.
Milutinovic suffers from auricular fibrillation, a heart condition that
at times made writing, and especially typing, very difficult.
Iris Milutinovic used various pen names during her writing career. Those
represented in this collection are Emma Atkins, Bessie Bunter, Janet Burton,
Ian Fidler, Jevelyn, Jane Kay, Jay Kay, Janet King, I. Miller, M. Miller, Ivan
Millet, Iris Obsorne (her maiden name), I. Maggie Ostin and Joan Todd.
The papers of Australian writer Iris Milutinovic (1910-) consist chiefly
of correspondence and literary manuscripts documenting her career
(bulk ). Also included are published materials, clippings, diaries,
scrapbook material, financial information and audio recordings.
The papers are arranged in three series: Correspondence, ,
Literary Works, , and Miscellaneous, .
Correspondence is subdivided into personal and literary correspondence.
Arrangement within these subseries is alphabetical by author with relevant
copies of outgoing correspondence filed with the appropriate incoming
correspondence. Correspondence specifically related to a manuscript is
generally filed outside this subseries with the literary work concerned. All
correspondence (888 items) is indexed in the incoming (777 items) or outgoing
(111 items) correspondence indexes which form a part of this finding aid.
The personal subseries consists of correspondence from family and
friends, as well as letters concerning personal business matters. Mrs.
Milutinovic's concerns and opinions are expressed in letters to various
newspaper editors, broadcasters and government officials. The correspondence of
literary organizations, other Australian and Tasmanian writers, editors,
publishers, broadcasters and fans comprise the literary subseries and serves to
document Milutinovic's struggle to write and publish despite poor health and
economic difficulties. The bulk of the literary correspondence involves
Milutinovic's extensive radio scripts aired by the Australian Broadcasting
Correspondents include a number of persons at the Australian
Broadcasting Commission (A.B.C.), Richard Beilby (author), Muriel Binding
(step- niece), Irene Burgess (local writer), Mary Durack (author), Phyll Evan
(writer and teacher), Zoe Evans (music teacher), Norma Ferris (A.B.C.), Jane M.
Fleming (A.B.C.), Irene Gibson (teacher and radio broadcaster), Margaret
Giordano (Tasmanian writer), Anne Godden (of Thomas Nelson Australia Ltd.),
Cherry Grimm (writer), Dorothy Hewett (poet, playwright), A.J. Holdsworth
(editor), Dorrit Hunt (local writer), Nancy Keesing (author), Catherine King
(A.B.C.), Dame Enid Muriel Lyons (cousin, writer, politician), Amy Macaulay
(artist), John D. McLaren (editor), Oscar Adolf Mendelsohn (writer), Ian Morgan
(A.B.C.), Phyllis Moss (artist), Stephen Murray-Smith (editor), Pat Osborne
(sister-in-law), Hal Porter (writer), Pamela Relton (columnist), Vincent
Serventy (naturalist, writer), Valerie Sisson (writer), Robert Stephens (local
historian), Katherine Strehlow, T.G.H. Strehlow (educator), Erica Underwood
(A.B.C.), Freda Vines (writer), Beverly Wardle (writer, broadcaster), and Helen
Helga Mayne Wilson (writer).
Literary Works are filed alphabetically by title irrespective of genre
or whether published or not. Cross references are included for identified
variant titles, though the researcher should be aware that much of
Milutinovic's writing was autobiographical in nature and many of her works are
closely associated or somewhat related to one another. Stories were also
sometimes rewritten from one genre to another, so that a radio talk might also
appear as a short story, or vice-versa. As is the case with correspondence, any
contracts or financial documents relating to a particular work have also been
filed with the literary work.
Occupying 7 boxes, this subseries comprises the heart of the collection
and consists of articles, short stories, a large number of radio talk
manuscripts, a radio play (
"Grandmother Pritchard's Victory"), and two
"The Street of Seven Tongues" and
Talk English Carn't Ya) in various stages of
production (notes, holograph drafts, typescripts, setting copy, galleys,
proofs). There are a small group of unidentified writings and some lists of
writings compiled by Milutinovic.
The subject matter of the writings ranges widely among Milutinovic's own
experiences in western Australia and Tasmania, local history, family lore,
contemporary mores, social issues, current events and such diverse topics as
cats, cookery, fishing, gardening, language, immigrants and cultural
assimilation, and whaling. Milutinovic believed her
Scope radio broadcasts in particular would
interest Americans because it is virtually "a small, clear
window on Australian ideas and beliefs."
The Miscellaneous series includes audio recordings, miscellaneous
clippings, and financial information arranged chronologically insofar as
possible. Of special interest are the audio recordings, which include a letter
recorded by Milutinovic and a taped broadcast of her short story
"The Blonde Cat," which is read by Alistair
It should be noted that Mrs. Milutinovic selected what she felt were
appropriate items to form this collection of papers. Frequently she annotated
correspondence, manuscripts and other materials to identify persons, explain
circumstances, importance, etc.
For a fuller description of this collection, the following is
McLaren, John D.
"Iris Milutinovic--Between Two Worlds," in
The Library Chronicle of the University of Texas at
Austin, New Series, Nos. 42/43 (1988): 143-159. Also issued as
Perspectives on Australia: Essays on Australiana in
the Collections of the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, edited
by Dave Oliphant.
Open for research
Australian Broadcasting
Beilby, Richard
Binding, Muriel
Burgess, Irene
Durack, Mary
Evan, Phyll
Evans, Zoe
Ferris, Norma
Fleming, Jane M.
Gibson, Irene
Godden, Anne
Grimm, Cherry
Hewett, Dorothy
Holdsworth, A.J.
Hunt, Dorrit
Keesing, Nancy
Lyons, Enid Muriel, Dame,
Macaulay, Amy
McLaren, John D.
Mendelsohn, Oscar Adolf,
Morgan, Ian
Moss, Phyllis
Osborne, Pat
Porter, Hal
Relton, Pamela
Sisson, Valerie
Stephens, Robert
Strehlow, T.G.H. (Theodor
George Henry),
Underwood, Erica
Australia--Emigration and
Australian literature--Women
Australian literature--20th
Authors, Australian
Immigrants--Australia--Cultural assimilation
Radio broadcasting
Yugoslavia--Emigration and
Purchase and Gift,
Christine R. Mannix, Lisa M. Hendricks, Joan Sibley,
Series I. Correspondence,
Personal Correspondence,
Literary Correspondence,
A (including Australian Broadcasting Commission,
A (including Australian Broadcasting Commission,
A (including Australian Broadcasting Commission,
A - C (including Australian Broadcasting Commission,
M-R (including Rejections)
Series II: Literary Works,
"About Loch 10, near Wentworth,
"Alien at Home" (see 2.8)
"All Hail to Caesar"(1974)
All Ways on Sunday
"Alien at Home"
"And I Do Love Billy
"Are Cats People?" (see also
"English as She Is
"Fifty Years Ago I Was a Bikie Bird"
(see also 3.14)
"Fisherman's Luck"
"Hay Fever" (see also
"Junior Council in Albany, West
"The Local March of
"Mushrooming in May"
"A Nice Glass of Cold
"Please Don't Just Pop
"Prohibited Migrant"
"Royal Visit"
"So Long Ago"
"Sometimes on Sunday"
"Those Good Old Days"
"Uneasy Spirits Taped"
"What's It to You"
"And I Do Love Billy Tea" (see
"And It Comes out Here"
"And So Enthusiastic"(1956)
(see 2.10)
"Another Spring" by Ivan Millet
"The Anzac Light Horse Memorial at
"Are Cats People?" by Janet King (see
"As Far away as Forever"
"The Blonde Cat"()
(see also 9.27)
"Boy with Talent"(1975)
"The Brothers" Anthologized in
The Bad Deeds Gang and Other Stories
(see 5.11)
"But Joe Was There Too" by Ian Fidler
"But No Ikebana, Please"
"Catalyst" or
"Cats - Past and Present"
"The Chinese Meal"()
"Cinderella's Slipper"
"Coming Our Way"
"Conservation" (see 5.20)
"Conversation Piece"
"Cooking with My Friends"()
"The Corner Shop" and
"More about the Corner Shop"(1972)
"Cottage Garden" by Iris Osborne
"Cousin Dessie and the Green
"Cousin Dessie Gives a Party" by M.
(see also 5.14)
"Cousin Dessie's Party" (see
"Crazy Over Horses"(1969)
"The Day of The Shark"
"Dear Cousin Dessie" (see
"Deep Freeze - and All That"(1969)
"Dependence" (see 5.21)
"Dessie's Country Cottage" (see 4.7,
() Loose sheets (16 p.) with short entries about daily life
(health, garden, visitors, etc.) (see also 8.10)
"A Different View"
"Duplicity" (see 5.22)
"Early Bikie Birds" (see also
"The Editor Regrets"()
(see also Rejections, 2.4)
"English as She Is Spoke" (see
"The End of Spring" by Joan
"Escape Route to Beauty"(1963)
"Far away Places"
"The Farm that Died"()
(see also 4.28)
"The Fat and Happy Past" by Bessie
"The Fattest Receptioniste, or They Can only
"Fear Is Not Funny" (see
"Feeding a Pig Strawberries"(1971)
"Fifty Years Ago I Was a Bikie Bird"
"Fish Scales in My Hair"(1967)
"Fisherman's Luck" (see
"Forever Authentic"
"The Fortress of Art"(1964)
"From Leo with Love" by Iris Osborne
() Anthologized in
Australian New Writing
"Games People Play" (see
"The Generation Gap" (see
"Girl in a White Dress"(1963)
"Gone about Fishing"
"A Good/Bad Night" (see
"Grandmother Osborne and the French
"Grandmother Pritchard"(1965)
"Grandmother Pritchard's Victory"(1974)
"The Greening"
"The Guppys"()
"Hay Fever" (see also 2.8)
"The Heiress"
"High Society Blues"(1970)
"Home Sweet Home"()
"Hotel Job" by Jane Kay
"How Could You Mr. Joyce?"(1969)
"Humour" (see 5.25)
"The Hunting Trip"(1974)
"I Like Home Brew"()
"I'll Never Forget Pegleg" by Jevelyn
(see also 9.5)
"I'm Alright Jack" (see
"In Step with the Hops"(1969)
"The Invaders" (see 4.25)
"Island for Epicures" (see also 3.8,
"Island in the South"
"Junior Council in Albany, West
Australia" (see 2.8)
"Just Like Paris"(1972)
"Lares and Penates"
"Let's Go by Train"
Lists of Radio Talks, Articles, Plays
"Living Intimately with Whales" (see
"The Local March of Time" (see
"Long Ago and Far Away"(1964)
"The Lost Art of Protest"(1966)
"Lost Generation" or
"Fear Is Not Funny" or
"No Fun In Fear"(1969)
"Lost World"(1969)
"Love" (see 5.27)
"The Man Who Went Back"(1963)
"Mary and Tom"
"Matchless Future"
"Meals My Mother Taught Me"(1958)
"The Menace" or
"The Invaders" or
"My Aunt Olivia's
"Misery Farm"(1974)
(see also 3.19)
"Modest Old Man"
"A Moment in Time"()
"More about the Corner Shop" (see
"Mote in My Eye"
"Mrs. Mahrani's Christmas
"Mrs. Penderbury's Guardian
"Mum Says It's Murder"()
"Mum's Army"
"Murder by Massage"
"Murder on the Top Deck" (see
"Mushrooming in May" (see
"Music Lesson"()
"My Aunt Olivia's Martians" (see
"My Late Friend - Lucy"
"My Late Wife Francisca"
"A Nice Fur Coat from Mr.
"A Nice Glass of Cold Beer" (see
"A Nice Plate of Beef"(1967)
(see also 9.5)
"Night Light"(1969)
"No Care for Miss
"No Christmas for Ben"()
"Not Far from Nowhere" (see
"No Fun in Fear" (see
"Oh for a Handy Man"(1969)
"Old Man Long Ago"(1973)
"One Summer Sunday" (see
8.11) Anthologized in
Sandgropers: A Western Australian
"The Orchard"
"Past and Present"(1970)
"A Pattern of Living" (see
"The Pearwood Vase"()
"Pedantic Speech"(1969)
"Perpetuating the Liberal
Intellectual" (see 5.28)
"A Pig under the Bed"(1972)
"Please Don't Just Pop In" (see
"The Pool" or
"The Brothers" by Jan King
() Anthologized as
"The Brothers" in
The Bad Deeds Gang and Other
"The Power Game" (see
"Post-War Pioneers"(1969)
"Presents for Particular People (But not for
"Prohibited Migrant" (see
"Question of Value" by Emma Atkins
"Red Currant Jelly"
"Royal Visit" (see 2.8)
"Sammy Doesn't Live There any
"Salesman's Choice" by I.
"Sam's Song" or
"Murder on the Top Deck" or
"Living Intimately with Whales"(1972)
Scope Broadcasts
"Games People Play"(1972)
"The Generation Gap"(1971)
"I'm Alright Jack"(1971)
"Perpetuating the Liberal
"The Power Game"(1971)
"Signs Omens Portents"(1970)
"The Seven Ages of One
"Short Story"
"Signs Omens Portents" (see
"Sins of Omission" (see
"So Long Ago" (see 2.8)
"Sometimes on Sunday" (see
"Some Very Queer Fish"(1964)
"Sporting Life"(1974)
"Stella in Blue"
"A Stranger in My Home" or
"A Pattern of Living" by Jane Kay
"The Street of Seven Tongues" or
"Not Far from Nowhere"()
Radio Talks
"The Street of Seven
First Draft
Chapters 4-11
Chapters 12-21
First Completed Version, Chapters 1-20
Second Completed Version, Chapters 1-22
"Not Far from Nowhere"
Chapters 1-9
Chapters 13-21
Final Version
Chapters 1-11
Chapters 12-21
"String of Pearls"
"Talisman from Space"
Talk English Carn't Ya(1978)
Correspondence and Reviews,
Radio Version
Chapters 1-8
Chapters 9-15
Second Draft
Chapters 1-6
Chapters 7-11, 14-15
"Original Draft Copy," Chapters
Final Draft
Chapters 1-9
Chapters 10-16
Setting Copy
Page Proofs,
Apr. 8, 1978,
two sets, one with corrections
Galleys Sets 1-3, Set 1 has corrections (filed in Galley
"Terrible Fashions - of 1922!" (see
"These Stories Made Headline News"(1969)
"Things Can Get Very Tezak at Times!"(1971)
"Those Good Old Days" (see
"Three Titles for Lunch"(1964)
"Titles for Lunch" (see
"To Church Every Sunday"
"To Church on Sunday"(1958)
"To Somerset One Sunday" or
"One Summer Sunday" by Janet King
Anthologized as
"One Summer Sunday" in
Sandgropers: A Western Australian
"Toad in a Hole"(1974)
"Tough Tale for the Tax
"The Town that Died" (see
"The Trains Go By"
"UCIM, I've Got to...Study I Mean"(1971)
"Uneasy Spirits Taped" (see
Unidentified manuscripts, notebooks with various
manuscripts included, notes, research, etc.
Titles identified include:
"Dear Cousin Dessie"
"Dessie's Country
"A Good/Bad Night"
"I'll Never Forget
"Island for Epicures"
"A Nice Plate of Cold
"Sins of Omission"
"Titles for Lunch"
"The Town that Died"
"Was Summer Yesterday?"
"The Woman Who Saved
"The Vanishing Monsters"(1970)
"A Very Fair Cow"(1973)
"A Very Private Miracle"(1967)
"Victory for Grandma Burnell"(1964)
"Violence" (see 5.31)
"The Walter Mitty in Me"(1964)
"Was Summer Yesterday?" (see
"Watch It Girls"(1970)
"West, Where There's No Need to Dig for
"Whalers again Disturb the Peace of
Frenchman's Bay"(1955)
"Whales Are Wonderful"(1973)
"What Life Has Taught Me" by Jay Kay
"What's It to You" (see
"Wheels of Progress"(1963)
"Where Do We Go from Here"(1973)
"White Christmas"(1970)
"Wholly City" by Janet Burton
"The Wild Wild West"
"Woman and Whales"(1965)
"The Woman Who Saved Music" (see
"The Wonderful World of
"Writers's Notebook"(1970)
"Yesterday's Summer"
"You Couldn't Really Call It Love" by
Iris Osborne
Series III: Miscellaneous,
Audio Recordings
Cassette, Letter to Joseph and Johanna Jones of Austin,
Reel-to-Reel, Recording of
"The Blonde Cat" read by Alistair
Miscellaneous Cloth mailing envelope (addressed to Joseph Jones) and
various envelopes and folders with lists of contents by Milutinovic.
Adderly, Warwick--see Australian Broadcasting Commission
Albany Tourist Bureau (Hilary Turner)--1.1
Ashton, F.--see Fellowship of Australian Writers
Australian Assoc. for the Teaching of English .11
Garth Boomer--5.11
Warwick W. Goodenough--1.9
Heather Hughton--5.11
John Griffin--1.9, 5.11
W. G. Tickell--5.11
Australian Broadcasting Commission
Warwick Adderly--1.10
A. Badgery-Parker--1.10
Guy Ballantyne--1.10
Michael Brock--1.10, 3.19, 4.12
J. Cameron--1.11
D.R. Channell--1.9
G. Chisholm--1.10, 1.11, 3.23, 4.41, 8.11
J. Colwill--1.11
Michael H. Cosby--5.3
Tim Downs--2.20-2.21
A.G. "Tony" Evans--1.10, 1.11,
2.20,4.37, 5.19, 8.11
Norma Ferris--1.11, 2.12, 2.19, 2.25, 3.6, 3.34,4.37, 5.3,
5.8, 5.18, 5.39
Jane M. Fleming--1.9-1.12, 3.11, 3.20,3.21, 4.12, 4.30, 5.19,
Murray Gordon--4.37, 5.1
C. Grahame--1.10, 5.19, 5.25
I.W. Greville--8.11
Pip Jarvie--9.8, 9.15
Catherine King--1.9,3.30, 5.37, 5.39, 8.10
R.B. Madgwick--1.10
Romola McSwain--1.9,4.23
F.W. Mead--1.10
Darrell Miley--1.10
Ian Morgan--1.10, 1.11, 2.11, 2.13, 3.5, 4.6, 4.10, 4.28,
4.30, 5.5, 5.10,9.17
Naylor, Malcolm--9.21
Tony Parker--1.10, 2.13
Arthur Povah--1.11
Janet D. Robertson--1.9
Donald Ingram Smith--1.11, 5.19-5.21, 5.23, 5.24, 5.26, 5.27,
J.L. Sullivan--2.12
Edna Todd--2.25
Alexander Turner--4.34
Erica Underwood--1.9-1.10, 3.21, 3.25, 4.30, 5.39, 9.8, 9.9,
Wilson, David--8.11
Australian Consolidated Press Ltd. (Roma Quilkey)--3.15, 5.8
Australian Home Beautiful ( Elizabeth A.C. Clark)--4.6
Australian Society of Authors
Deirdre Hill--1.12
Nancy Keesing--3.15
Australian Woman's Mirror (R. Johnson)--2.15
Australian Women's Weekly (filed Rejections)--2.4
Dorothy Drain--1.12
Badgery-Parker, A. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Ballantyne, Guy (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Barrett, May --1.1
Beilby, Richard --1.1
Binding, Muriel --1.1
Blackwood, Douglas (see Blackwood's)
Blackwood's --2.4
Douglas Blackwood--8.11
David Fletcher--3.22
Bohan, B.E. (see Matilda Project)
Boomer, Garth (see Australian Association for the Teaching of
Brand, F.R. (see Town of Albany)
Brenac, P. (see Philip Shrapnel & Co Pty. Ltd.)
Brock, Michael (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Brown, Ann--1.5 ( filed with Oscar Mendelsohn)
Bulbeck, Ronald M. (see St. Joseph's Parents & Friends
Burgess, Irene --1.1, 9.28 (see also Fellowship of Australian
Business and Professional Women's Club
Mrs. R.M. Muldownie--1.12
Dorothy M. Wood--1.12
Butler Air Transport--1.1
Callander, Diana --1.2
Callaghan, Vicki (see URE Smith Publishers)
Cameron, J. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Camille, Mother (see St. Joseph Ave Maria Convent &
Cannon, I. Laura --1.2
Captain Cook Bi-Centenary Celebration (R. Bruce Mulquiney)--1.12
Carmody, Freda--1.2
Channell, D.R. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Cheynes Beach Whaling Co. 1963 Pty.Ltd. (V.M. Walters)--1.2
Chisholm, G. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Clark, Elizabeth A.C. (see Australian Home Beautiful)
Colwill, J. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Copyright Agency, Ltd. (G.C. O'Donnell)--1.12
Cosby, Michael H. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Commonwealth Literary Fund (B.E.W. Kelson, filed with Literature
Board, Australian Council of the Arts)--2.3
Consumer Protection Bureau ( J. Bamford)--1.2
Costigan, Michael E. (see Literature Board, Australian Council for
Cullen, Elizabeth (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Curtis Brown Aust. Pty. Ltd.
Tim Curnow--2.4
Barbara Mobbs--2.4
D.C. Thomson & Co., Ltd. (Isobel M. Gordon)--2.4
Denson, R.S. (see Western Australia Arts Advisory Board)
Downs, Tim (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Drain, Dorothy (see Australian Women's Weekly)
Drummond, Peter (M.P., Parliament of Australia)--1.2
Dupree, Anne (see John Fairfax & Sons, Ltd.)
Durack, Mary (see Miller, Dame Mary Durack)
Dymock's Book Arcade Ltd.--1.2
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine--2.4
The Epicurean (A.J. Holdsworth)--2.1, 3.4
Evan, Phyll--1.2
Evans, A.G. "Tony" (see Australian
Broadcasting Commission)
Evans, Zoe--1.2
The Examiner Newspaper--2.4
Fellowship News (Miss N.J. Harvey)--2.2
Fellowship of Australian Writers
F. Ashton--8.11
K.G. Hayles--8.11
C.B. McKenzie--.2
D.J. Plant--2.2
Fenston, Esme (see Australian Women's Weekly)
Ferris, Norma (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Fleming, Jane M. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Fletcher, David (see Blackwood's)
Foggitt Jones Pty. Ltd. (R.H. O'Connell)--1.2
Folkard, F.C. (see Woman)
Forbes, Sandra (see Literature Board, Australian Council for the
Fowler, Jane--1.2
Freeman, Billy--1.2
Fremantle Arts Centre/Centre Press
Terry Owen--2.2
Ian Templeman--2.2
Gallimore, Sheila (filed with Jean Hill)--1.3
Gemini Toowoomba Arts Festival
Brenda Cross--2.19
Peter Rowland--2.19
Gibson, Irene--1.3
Giordano, Margaret--1.3
Girl Guides Association--1.3
Godden, Anne (see Thomas Nelson (Australia) Ltd. and Hyland House
Publishing Pty. Ltd.)
Goodenough, Warwick W. (see Australian Association for the
Teaching of English)
Gordon, Murray (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Lamar Hoover--2.2, 2.4
Grahame, C. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Grassby, A.J. (Commissioner for Community Relations)--2.2
Greaves, V.S. (see University of Western Australia Press)
Greville, I.W. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Griffin, John (see Australian Association for the Teaching of
Grimm, Cherry--1.3
Gruner, Jurgen (see Verlag, Volk und Welt)
Hamilton, Eileen V. (see Victorian Fellowship of Australian
Hamilton, Jim S. (see Victorian Fellowship of Australian
Harley, Christine--1.3
Harley, Win--1.3
Harper-Nelson, John (see Australian Broadcasting Commission and
Western Australian Arts Advisory Board)
Harvey, N.J. (Miss) (see Fellowship News)
Haughton, Heather (see Australian Association for the Teaching of
Hayles, K.G. (see Fellowship of Australian Writers)
Hewett, Dorothy--1.3, 8.11
Hewett, Noreen (see Our Women)
Hill, Deirdre (see The Australian Society of Authors)
Hill, Jean--1.3
Hill, Jean--1.10 (filed with Australian Broadcasting
H.J. Ashton Company Pty. Ltd. (Olive Izod)--4.9
Holdsworth, A.J. (see The Epicurean and Lawrence Publishing Col
Pty. Ltd.)
Hoover, Lamar (see Gourmet)
Hunt, Dorrit--1.3
Hyland House Publishing Pty. Ltd. (Anne Godden)--7.5
Izod, Olive (see H.J. Ashton Company Pty. Ltd.)
Jahn, Nathalie--1.4
Jarvie, Pip (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Jenkins, H.--2.17
John Fairfax & Sons, Ltd. (Anne Dupree)--4.34
Johns, Doreen and Colin--1.4
Johns, LilParris--1.4
Johnson, R. (see Australian Woman's Mirror)
Jolley, Elizabeth--1.4
Keesing, Nancy (see Australian Society of Authors)
Kettle, Ellen--1.4
K.G. Murray Publishing Company--2.4
Kelson, B.E.W. (see Commonwealth Literary Fund)
Key, Mrs.--9.28
King, Catherine (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Lawrence Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd. (A.J. Holdsworth, filed with The
Lawson, J.A. (see West Australian Newspapers Ltd.)
Lear, Melva (see Matilda Project)
Leehy, Valda (see Literature Board, Australian Council for the
Leonard, Sister (see St. Joseph Ave Maria Convent &
Lindsay, Hilarie--2.3 (see also Society of Women Writers)
Literature Board, Australian Council for the Arts
Michael E. Costigan--2.3
Sandra Forbes--2.3
Valda Leehy--2.3
Joan O'Donnell--2.3
Lyons, Enid Muriel, Dame--1.4
Macaulay, Amy--1.5
Madgwick, R.B. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Makeig, Maggie (see POL)
Mann, Win--1.5
Marietta, Sister (see St. Joseph Ave Maria Convent &
Massey, Marjorie (see Woman's Day)
Matilda Project (B.E. Bohan and Melva Lear)--2.4
Mayes, Eileen--1.5
McClelland, Douglas--1.5
McKenzie, C.B. (see Fellowship of Australian Writers)
McLaren, John D. (see Overland)
McSwain, Romola (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Mead, F.W. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Meanjin Quarterly--3.15
Mendelsohn, Oscar Adolf--2.4, 3.27
Miley, Darrell (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Miller, Dame Mary Durack--2.4
Morgan, Ian (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Moss, Phyllis--1.5
Muldownie, R.M. (Mrs.) (see Business and Professional Women's
Mulquiney, R.Bruce (see Captain Cook Bi-Centenary
Murray-Smith, Stephen--1.5 (see also Overland)
National Geographic Society (Werner L. Janney)--2.4
Naylor, Malcolm (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
New Idea--2.4
New Zealand Police (L.R. Blake)--1.6
Newman, Mildred--1.6
O'Brien, J.M.S. (see University of Western Australian
O'Connell, Sister Sheila (see St. Joseph Ave Maria Convent &
O'Donnell, G.C. (see Copyright Agency, Ltd.)
O'Donnell, Joan (see Literature Board, Australian Council for the
Ormond, Claud T.L.--2.15
Osborne, Pat--1.6
Our Women (Noreen Hewett)--2.4
G.J. Engwerda--2.4
John McLaren--2.4, 8.11
Stephen Murray-Smith--2.4, 8.11
Owen, Terry (see Fremantle Arts Centre/Centre Press)
Parker, Tony (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Peach. Robert (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Petersen, Hans (see Verlag, Volk und Welt)
Philip Shrapnel & Co. Pty. Ltd. (P. Brenac)--2.4
Phillips, Molly--1.6
Phillips, Valmai (see Society of Women Writers (Australia))
Philomena, Sister (see St. Joseph Ave Maria Convent &
Plant, D.J. (see Fellowship of Australian Writers)
POL (Maggie Makeig)--3.20, 9.19
Pope, Robin (Houghton Wines)--1.6
Porter, Hal--1.6
Povah, Arthur (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Pybus-Patterson, Valerie (see Valerie Sisson)
Purser, Stephen--1.6
Quilkey, Roma (see Australian Consolidated Press Ltd.)
Reader's Digest Association Pty. Ltd. (Jean Storey)--2.4
Rees, J. (Dept. of the Prime Minister, file with Elizabeth
Reid, Elizabeth--1.6
Relton, Pamela (filed with Diana Callander)--1.2
Relton, Pamela--1.6
Rigby Limited (W.R. Witton)--5.38
Robertson, Isidore C.--1.6
Robertson, Janet (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Rosier, Stan C.--3.15
Rowland, Peter (see Gemini Toowoomba Arts Festival)
St. Joseph Ave Maria Convent & Colleges
Mother Camille--1.7
Sister Leonard--1.7
Sister Marietta--1.7
Sister Philomena--9.8
Sister SheilaO'Connell--1.7
St. Joseph's Parents & Friends Association (Ronald M.
Serventy, Vincent--1.7
Singleton, Lee--1.7
Sholl, E.K. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Sisson, Valerie--1.7
Smith, DonIngram (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Society of WomenWriters
Hilarie Lindsay--4.9, 5.8
Valmai Phillips--2.5
Southdown Press Proprietary Ltd.--8.11
Stephens, Robert--1.7
Strehlow, Katherine & Theodor George Henry--1.7
filed with Literature Board, Australian Council of the
Sullivan, J.L. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
The Sunday Mail--2.4
Templeman, Ian (see Fremantle Arts Centre/CentrePress)
Thomas, Monica--1.8
Thomas, Patricia (see Thomas Nelson (Australia) Ltd.)
Thomas Nelson (Australia) Ltd.
Anne Godden--2.5, 3.27, 5.38
Patricia Thomas--5.38
Thompson, G.P.--9.8
Tickell, W.G. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Todd, Edna (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Tom's Weekly (G.J. Wardle)--2.5
Town of Albany (F.R. Brand)--1.8, 2.2 (filed Fellowship of
Australian Writers)
Turner, Alexander (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Turner, Hilary (see Albany Tourist Bureau)
Underwood, Erica--1.8 (see also Australian Broadcasting Commission
(filed under Irene Burgess)--1.1
University of Western Australia Press--8.11
V.S. Greaves--8.11
J.M.S. O'Brien--2.19
URE Smith Publishers (Vicki Callaghan)--5.38
Verlag, Volk und Welt (Jurgen Gruner and Hans
Victorian Fellowship of Australian Writers (Eileen V. Hamilton and
Jim S. Hamilton)--4.2
Vines, Freda (see Freda Carmody)
Wardle, Beverly--1.8
Wardle, G.J. (see Tom's Weekly)
Webb, Elsie--1.8
Welstead, Betty--1.8
West Australian Newspapers, Ltd. (J.A. Lawson)--2.5, 3.19
Western Australian Arts Advisory Board
R.S. Denson--2.3
John Harper-Nelson (filed with Literature Board, Australian
Council of the Arts)--2.3
Wilkes, Winifred M.--1.8
Wilson, David ( see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Wilson, Helen Helga Mayne--2.5
Witton, W.R. (see Rigby Limited)
Woman (F.C. Folkard)--2.4, 2.13
Woman's Day--2.4, 2.5,5.36
Marjorie Massey--4.34
Woman's Story--4.37
Wood, Dorothy (see Business and Professional Women's Club)
The Advocate--1.1
Albany Advertiser--1.1
Albany Tourist Bureau--1.1
Mr. Wiggins
Australian Assoc. for the Teaching of English
John Griffin--1.9, 5.11
W.G. Tickell--5.11
Australian Broadcasting Commission
A. Badgery-Parker--1.10
D.R. Channell--1.9
G. Chisholm--1.10-1.12, 4.41
Michael H. Cosby--5.3
A.G. `Tony' Evans--1.10-1.11, 2.20
Hugh Evans--1.11
Norma Ferris--1.10, 2.25, 3.6, 3.34, 5.3
I.W. Greville--8.11
Murray Jennings--1.11
Catherine King--1.9-1.11
R.B. Madgwick--1.10
Ian Morgan--1.11, 2.13
Tony Parker--1.10, 2.13
Donald Ingram Smith--5.19
Erica Underwood--1.9-1.10, 4.30, 5.39
Australian Consolidated Press Ltd. (Roma Quilkey)--5.8
Badgery-Parker, A. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Beilby, Richard--1.1
Blainey, G.N. (see Literature Board, Australian Council for the
Brand, F.R. (see Town of Albany)
British Broadcasting Corporation (World Service Short Story)--3.27
Bunbury Literary Prize--1.12
Camille, Mother (see St. Joseph Ave Maria Convent & Colleges)
Cannon, I. Laura--1.2
Channell, D.R. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Chisholm, G. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Commonwealth Literary Fund (B.E.W. Kelson (filed with Literature
Board, Australian Council of the Arts))--2.3
Cosby, Michael H. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Costigan, Michael E. (see Literature Board, Australian Council for
Curtis Brown Aust. Pty. Ltd. (see Rejections)--2.4
Drummond, Peter (M.P., Parliament of Australia)--1.2
The Epicurean (A.J. Holdsworth)--2.1, 3.4
Evans, A.G. "Tony" (see Australian
Broadcasting Commission)
Evans, Hugh (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Fellowship of Australian Writers (K.G. Hayles)--8.11
Ferris, Norma (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Foggit Jones Pty. Ltd. (R.H. O'Connell)--1.2
Fremantle Arts Centre/Centre Press (Terry Owen)--2.2
Gemini Toowoomba Arts Festival (Peter Rowland)--2.19
Godden, Anne (see Thomas Nelson (Australia) Ltd.)
Grassby, Al--7.5
Greville, I.W. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Griffin, John (see Australian Association for the Teaching of
Grimm, Cherry--1.3
Gruner, Jurgen (see Verlag, Volk und Welt)
Harper-Nelson, John (see Western Australian Arts Advisory
Hayles, K.G. (see Fellowship of Australian Writers)
Holdsworth, A.J. (see The Epicurean)
Jennings, Murray (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
John Fairfax and Sons Ltd.--2.2
Jones, Joseph & Johanna--2.2, 9.26
Kelson, B.E.W. (see Commonwealth Literary Fund)
King, Catherine (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Lawson, J.A. (see West Australian Newspapers Ltd.)
Literature Board, Australian Council for the Arts
G.N. Blainey--2.3
Michael E. Costigan--2.3
Joan O'Donnell--2.3
Lyons, Enid Muriel, Dame--1.4
Madgwick, R.B. (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Mendelsohn, Oscar Adolf--2.4
Morgan, Ian--1.6 (filed with Isidore C. Robertson) (see also
Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Murray-Smith, Stephen (see Overland)
O'Brien, J.M.S. (see University of Western Australia Press)
O'Connell, R.H. (see Foggit Jones Pty. Ltd.)
O'Donnell, Joan (see Literature Board, Australian Council for the
Overland (Stephen Murray-Smith)--2.4
Owen, Terry (see Fremantle Arts Centre/Centre Press)
Parker, Tony (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
Quilkey, Roma (see Australian Consolidated Press Ltd.)
Reid, Elizabeth--1.6
Rowland, Peter (see Gemini Toowoomba Arts Festival)
St. Joseph Ave Maria Convent & Colleges (Mother Camille)--1.7
Smith, Donald Ingram (see Australian Broadcasting
Thomas Nelson Australia Ltd. (Anne Godden)--2.5, 3.27, 5.38
Tickell, W.G. ( see Australian Association for the Teaching of
Tom's Weekly (G.J. Wardle)--2.5
Town of Albany (F.R. Brand, filed with Fellowship of Australian
Underwood, Erica (see Australian Broadcasting Commission)
University of Western Australia Press (J.M.S. O'Brien)--2.19
Verlag, Volk und Welt (Jurgen Gruner)--2.5
Wardle, Beverly--1.8
Wardle, G.J. (see Tom's Weekly)
The West Australian--1.8
West Australian Newspapers Ltd. (J.A. Lawson)--3.19
Western Australian Arts Advisory Board (John Harper-Nelson, filed
with Literature Board, Australian Council of the Arts)--2.3
Wilson, Helen Helga Mayne--2.5}


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