AcneFree Freeplus怎么读读

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TITLE="Acnefree祛痘&三部曲&敏感肌肤型(蓝色)使用感受总结" />
<img STYLE="BorDer-BoTToM: 0 BorDer-LeFT: 0 pADDinG-BoTToM: 5 MArGin: 0 pADDinG-LeFT: 0 pADDinG-riGHT: 0 DispLAY: MAx-WiDTH: 100%; WorD-WrAp: break-word ! BorDer-Top: 0 BorDer-riGHT: 0 pADDinG-Top: 5px" src="" real_src =""
TITLE="Acnefree祛痘&三部曲&敏感肌肤型(蓝色)使用感受总结" /><img STYLE="BorDer-BoTToM: 0 BorDer-LeFT: 0 pADDinG-BoTToM: 5 MArGin: 0 pADDinG-LeFT: 0 pADDinG-riGHT: 0 DispLAY: MAx-WiDTH: 100%; WorD-WrAp: break-word ! BorDer-Top: 0 BorDer-riGHT: 0 pADDinG-Top: 5px" src="" real_src =""
TITLE="Acnefree祛痘&三部曲&敏感肌肤型(蓝色)使用感受总结" />最后再来一个我以前写的文章,里面写了用过的产品
【免费直邮】acnefree 24hour acne clearing system 无敌祛痘套装
【免费直邮】acnefree 24hour acne clearing system 无敌祛痘套装
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摘要 : 药用清洁剂与微粒磨砂,轻轻去除角质,并移除毛孔堵塞的污垢,油和杂质。同时,痤疮战斗药物渗透深入到毛孔,引起痤疮的攻击,从源头上战胜细菌。
acnefree 24hour acne clearing system 痘清祛痘三部曲1、清爽洁面乳 无油配方过氧化苯药用清洁剂与微粒磨砂,轻轻去除角质,并移除毛孔堵塞的污垢,油和杂质。同时,痤疮战斗药物渗透深入到毛孔,引起痤疮的攻击,从源头上战胜细菌。Purifying Cleanser:清爽洁面乳 118ml:每天使用的,早晚各一次。卸妆后使用。取少量抹在皮肤上。避开眼周部位。轻轻按摩,然后冲洗干净。如过度干燥或脱皮,适当减少使用次数。外出时使用防晒品。2、再生爽肤水 油水平衡富含维生素,洋甘菊,芦荟舒缓,并帮助平衡肤色不均匀。毛孔缩细配方温和去除死皮细胞和表面过多的油,使肌肤感觉干净清新,柔软,呈现完美的色调。Renewing Toner:再生爽肤水 118ml:清洗后,用化妆棉涂于整个面部。避开眼周部位。晾干-不要冲洗了。3、修复乳液 缓效过氧化苯按说明使用,缓效过氧化苯能24小时持续释放药力,深入毛孔不断减少皮脂,攻克导致痤疮和黑头的细菌。并于细菌还未侵入的时候阻止蔓延。Repair Lotion:修复乳液 59ml :每天使用的,早晚各一次。在无水的皮肤使用化妆棉涂薄薄的一层于痤疮感染部分。避开眼周部位。晾干-不要冲洗了。如过度干燥或脱皮,适当减少使用次数。外出时使用防晒品。每天使用三部曲中的每一步,开始建议一天一次,等皮肤适应后可以一天两次,直到见到成效。坚持每天继续使用,帮助维持清新健康的肌肤。acnefree 24hour severe acne clearing system除痘四件套包装规格:1.抗菌除痘洁面乳118ml(Antibacterial Cleansing Wash)&2.修正紧肤水118ml(Corrective Toner) &3.强力除痘修护乳液59ml(Maximum Strength Repair Lotion ) &4.维A醇再生保湿霜28g(Retinol Renewal Complex )&功能说明:第一步:抗菌除痘洁面乳(Antibacterial Cleansing Wash) &清新无油配方,快速有效清除痤疮杆菌的滋生温床-洁死皮细胞和多余油脂;处方级超微过氧化苯甲酰直达痤疮菌老巢,有效抑制病菌,去除死皮细胞,还皮肤清爽清亮!第二步:矫正紧肤水(Corrective Toner) & 118ml&受痤疮侵扰的皮肤更易发炎、红肿且恢复延缓。修正紧肤水正是帮助皮肤恢复正常功能,重建皮肤的生理平衡,同时进一步清除皮肤表面残留的油脂,使得受损肌肤更快地得以恢复。第三步:强力除痘修护液(Maximum Strength Repair Lotion ) & (仅白天使用)强力除痘修护液,运用特有的缓释技术,将加强的除痘微细分子不间断地释放至毛孔深处,杀灭引起痘痘的痤疮杆菌,持续抑制油脂过度产生和分泌。从而加速现有的痘痘恢复和防止新生痘痘的形成!第四步:维A醇再生保湿霜(Oil FreeRetinol Renewal Complex ) 仅晚间使用)维
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深圳市去哪买信息技术有限公司 (C) 版权所有 Copyright (C) AcneFree 3 Step 24 Hour Acne Treatment Kit - Clearing System w Oil Free Face Wash, &Renewing Toner, Repair Lotion - Acne Solution with Benzoyl Peroxide & Witch Hazel for Teens and Adults - Original: Beauty
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From the manufacturer
Acnefree Acne Clearing System
Is This Product For Me?
AcneFree 24 Hour Clearing System is formulated for mild to severe acne, blackheads and whiteheads. It eliminates breakouts with dermatologist-endorsed Benzoyl Peroxide for visibly clearer skin.
How To Use It?
1. Cleanse with oil-free cleanser.
2. Balance skin with Witch Hazel toner and
3. Moisturize with repairing lotion.
Use AM and PM to treat all stages of acne, 24 hours/day.
See It Work
This system starts clearing breakouts in 1-3 days. This fast clearing system is the dermatologist approach to clear acne, clinically proven as effective as Proactiv*.
*Results from an 8-week, independent clinical study (two-arm, multi-center test, 170 patients with test product: AcneFree 24 hour Acne Clearing System (Cleanser, Toner, Lotion) vs. Original Proactiv System (Cleanser, Toner, Lotion).
How To Use? - 3 simple steps, to live an AcneFree Life
Step 1 cleansing
Is the first step to achieve great-looking skin. Formulated with 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide, this oil-free cleanser targets oil and dirt that cause acne.
Use twice a day. Dampen skin and apply a dime-size amount of the cleanser. Gently massage onto skin. Avoid eye area rinse.
Step 2 Toning
Is key to maximize the absorption of acne fighting ingredients. Formulated with Witch Hazel, Glycolic Acid and soothing ingredients like Chamomile and Aloe Vera, this toner is perfect for anyone who wants balanced, healthier-looking skin.
Step 3 Repairing
With an acne-fighting moisturizer that helps clear up acne fast. This moisturizer contains 3.7% Benzoyl Peroxide with continuous release.
How Is It Different?
With advanced Micronized-Benzoyl Peroxide contained in both the cleanser and repair lotion-a dermatologist recommended ingredient in a better penetrating form. It uniquely contains the skin balancing toner with Witch Hazel to care for acne-prone skin. It is one of the best acne fighting kit in mass market.
Sensitive skin with all types of acne
Mild to moderate acne
Severe and stubborn acne
Oily skin and all types of acne
Breakouts on all skin types
Sulfate-free gentle cleanser with 1.5% Salicylic Acid
Oil-free cleanser with 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide
Oil-free cleanser with 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide
Alcohol-free toner
Renewing, balancing toner
Corrective toner with AHA
Hydrating repair lotion with 3.7% Benzoyl Peroxide
Repair lotion with 3.7% Benzoyl Peroxide
AM repair lotion with 10% Benzoyl Peroxide PM Retinol complex for gentle exfoliation
Dries oily skin and acne
Treats breakouts with 10% Benzoyl Peroxide
2-3 times per week with gentle massage
When needed directly on spot
Therapeutic Sulfur Mask With Vitamin C, Copper, Zinc and Meadowsweet
Acne Clearing Body Spray With Salicylic Acid, Glycolic Acid, Vitamin B3 and Aloe
Oil-Free Cleanser With 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide
Product description
Style Name:Original
"If you experience hormonal acne, blackheads, scars, oily skin or that annoying whitehead - AcneFree is for you! AcneFree combats facial and body acne for men and women prone to acne, breakouts, and oily skin. It combines acne-fighting actives with caring ingredients to rapidly treat breakouts while balancing your skin for a clean, fresh-faced look. Our best-selling acne kit is the 3-Step 24H Acne Clearing System. Cleanse your face with our Oil-Free Purifying Cleanser, balance skin’s pH with our Renewing Toner, and treat skin with our Repairing Lotion. Using dermatologist recommended Micronized Benzoyl Peroxide with natural ingredients, like witch hazel and aloe vera, gives results that can be seen as rapidly as 3 days! AcneFree is the only brand offering three different acne clearing systems for moderate acne, severe acne, and acne-prone sensitive skin. It's as easy to use as any other acne mask or serum, face wipes or soaps. It’s simpler to use than many popular Korean and Japanese acne therapies, which often suggest a 10 step ritual. How To Use AcneFree:
Step 1: Oil-Free Purifying Cleanser Apply a dime-size amount to damp skin and gently massage, avoiding the eye area. The cleanser can also be used on your chest or back. Rinse well. If peeling occurs, reduce usage. Step 2: Renewing Toner After cleansing, apply to entire face (or chest, or back) with a cotton pad, avoiding the eye area. Do not rinse. Step 3: Repair Lotion Apply to entire face (or chest, or back) with or without a cotton pad, avoiding the eye area. Do not rinse. AcneFree Product Details: Dimensions: 6.6 x 1.8 x 7.3 inches Weight: 1 pound Supply: 60 Days Acne Treatment Type: Original For: Mild to Moderate Acne "
Product details
Style Name: Original
Product Dimensions:
6.6 x 1.8 x 7.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 1 pounds
Domestic Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S. and to APO/FPO addresses. For APO/FPO shipments, please check with the manufacturer regarding warranty and support issues.
International Shipping: This item is not eligible for international shipping.
Item model number: Acn-7360
Average Customer Review:
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#12,682 in Beauty & Personal Care ()
Product Warranty: For warranty information about this product, please
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Style Name: OriginalI don't believe in slamming products, but if I can help someone I am willing to do so..this product WRECKED my skin. i had very minor acne prior to using this 3 step system. I would get 1 or 2 cystic pimples on my chin every once in a while. when I started using this product, i noticed improvements in my skin after 1 week of use. however.. after that first week, my skin spiraled out of control. i tried to push through this product because many times it will get worse before it gets better. however, my skin just continued to get worse and worse and worse. it has been over 2 months now since I decided to stop using this system and my skin is completely wrecked. it is not only still severely broken out from the product, the product had caused severe scarring. I am now on TWO acne perscriptions praying that I can reverse this nightmare.
||Style Name: Original|Verified PurchaseI do not have sensitive skin. I did see other reviewers saying to go with the kit that is for sensitive skin, I have never had problems with a product not labeled as &#34;sensitive&#34; before so I thought I'd give it a try.I am 30 years old and start breaking out about a week before my period comes. I was tired of these breakouts that I decided to give this a try. You are supposed to use it in the morning and at night. By the 3rd day of using it my skin had become so itchy, red, dry and bumpy that I was constantly touching my face just so I wouldn't scratch with my nails since the discomfort was too much! I would put a ton of moisturizer on but my skin was so dry and itched even more when just felt really weird almost like it was burning. I discontinued use immediately and only after 3 days of not using it did my face stopped itching. Right now it's been a week since I stopped using it and my face is still dry and constantly peeling. The parts of my face that were exclusively affected by this (to the naked eye) were my temples, my chin, my upper lip and my lower cheeks.This was absolutely horrible! And like I said before, my skin is not sensitive at all! I know this stuff is supposed to be powerful but for me it was almost like putting acid on my face...
||Style Name: OriginalI used this product when I was 13, I'm 17 now. The point is that I had bad acne back then. I had it so bad that I jut had enough and decided to try a more aggressive approach towards getting rid of it than just simply washing my face and eating healthy. So what did I decide to do? I decided to try this over the counter product instead of going to the dermatologist... BAD MISTAKE. Anyways, so I ended trying this product and just like many others here, my acne went from bad to very severe. Yup! The product that was supposed to be my savior ended up being the total opposite of that. I broke out with CYSTIC acne all over my face. Before this product, I NEVER had cystic acne. I mean sure my acne wasn't the best to look at but at least it wasn't cystic. Needless to say, the one week I used this product cause tons of damage to my skin. I am VERY lucky to not have real scarring from it and instead only red marks. In the end I ended up going on accutane and while that wasn't a cure, it sure helped me manage my acne more controllably today. My point of this review is that if your acne is anywhere from pretty bad to very severe (be honest with your self judgement), PLEASE don't waste your time and money with these over the counter products. Go to a dermatologist, they have many good product that they can give you such as clindamycin phosphate gel, doxycycline, and many others. Good luck everyone. And I am aware that this product might've worked for some people but for me, it was a &#34;hell no&#34;.
||Style Name: Original|Verified PurchaseI haven't had regular acne for a while (since I was a teenager), but recently I had a really bad cystic acne flareup. I'm a pretty low maintenance person so usually I just use a gentle face wash followed up with a moisturizer and sunscreen. That wasn't cutting it with this most recent breakout that was the type of acne that was both painful and prone to scarring. It wasn't going away on its own like it usually does and I had 3-4 really painful ones so I decided to pick up this kit.I do have sensitive skin but I'm not allergic to benzoyl peroxide, which is the active ingredient in this kit. I have used Proactiv in the past but it stopped working for me and I didn't feel like getting caught up in the auto-billing practices from ordering on their main site. I also found Proactiv to be a lot more expensive at other retailers. After Proactiv stopped working for me, I went with a "less is more" approach to my acne and I mostly outgrew it before this most recent breakout. I wanted to see what else was out there and saw that this kit had a lot of positive feedback and wanted to give it a try.General overview of each product in the kit:Cleanser: If you like the beads in the Proactiv cleanser, you probably won't be a fan of this facewash. There is a slight "grit" to it, but nothing like the beads in the Proactiv cleanser. It's pretty drying so I wouldn't use it every day. It left my face with that "squeaky-clean" feeling that feels like I over-washed my face. Definitely use a good moisturizer with this facewash.Toner: Worst product of the bunch. All you can smell is the alcohol. I would either switch it out for a different toner if you really want to follow the routine, or only use it on active pimples. Alcohol is actually a great disinfectant but I wouldn't use it on my whole face. The Proactiv toner is definitely superior to this since that uses the pricier glycolic acid base.Lotion: Comparable to the Proactiv lotion. As other reviewers have mentioned, I would use this sparingly as well. It can be drying if you apply this to your whole face, instead of just active pimples. I found this less drying than the facewash though. As long as I use it sparingly, I can use the lotion daily with minimal dryness, but if I use the cleanser everyday the dryness is out of control.Routine:I only use the cleanser 1-2 times a week and use another sensitive skin facewash daily. If I use the cleanser anymore then that, the dryness gets out of control. Not just flakiness, but the type of dryness where it burns if you apply lotion on it. I do have sensitive skin, but I never had that type of dryness when I was on Proactiv (just general flakiness). I believe Proactiv only has 2.7% benzoyl peroxide in it vs the 3.7% in this kit. 3.7% is a bit high for me to apply to my entire face but works well applied sparingly to active pimples. I usually skip the toner or only apply it to active pimples. I use the lotion daily on any acne-prone places and active pimples, but not my whole face. I always followup with a moisturizer and a sunscreen.Purging period: As others have mentioned, I did experience a pretty bad purging period when I first started using the kit. It brought out cystic acne in places that I usually don't get it like on the far sides of my cheeks near my ears. It definitely gets worse at first before it gets better. The acne did eventually all go away but did leave brown marks behind that are going to take a while to fade. There also was the severe dryness I mentioned above, until I learned to get the "dosage" right for my skin.General opinion/recommendation:I would purchase the kit again if I was on a budget because it will do in a pinch, but I will probably search for something better. I feel like it does make my acne go away but it's pretty harsh on my skin and I don't feel like I can use it as part of my daily routine for a long period of time. I would be interested to try the "sensitive skin" version of the kit in the future to see how it compare. Right now I'm just going to finish up the remainder of this kit before introducing other items into my skincare routine.
||Style Name: Original|Verified PurchaseThis did not work at ALL! Bought this at age 17 and 19 and still haven’t got rid of. Horrible and doesn’t work
||Style Name: Original|Verified PurchaseIts an alright system, it didn't work as well as TreeActiv, so we will stick with that, would rather pay more money for something that works amazingly
||Style Name: Original|Verified PurchaseThis left skin extremely dry and did not help clear up acne. If anything skin looks worse, not better.
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