especially in the Black River Gorges National Park whichisright什么意思 is home to an incredible variety of ~~

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??? ?随着中国加入世界贸易组织,中国将进一步对外开放,中国经济与世界经济更加融合。因此,将中华民族悠久的历史和灿烂的文化介绍给世界各国人民是所有英语爱好者应尽的责任。
Culture Relics 文化古迹 Travel Features 旅游
Wushu/Qigong 武术与气功 Opera/Theatre 戏曲
Galleries/Museums 美术馆与博物馆 Peking Opera中国京剧
Events/Festivals节日与民俗 Local Opera中国地方戏
Chinese New Year's Day 中国新年来历与24节气 Dance Drama and Ballet中国舞剧与芭蕾
Traditions of Chinese New Year 中国新年除夕习俗 Modern Chinese Drama中国话剧
Do's and Don'ts of Chinese New Year中国新年禁忌 Acrobatics, Puppet and Shadow Shows杂技、木偶戏与皮影
The History of Lion Dance 中国舞狮 Quyi Performances中国曲艺表演
The History of Fireworks 中国鞭炮 Paintings/Handicrafts 绘画与工艺品
Lantern Festival元宵节 成语典故一 (三国演义、西游记)
Brithday of Confucius 孔子生日 成语典故二
Birthday of Mazoo妈祖生日 成语典故三
Dragon Boat Festival端午节 成语典故四
Moon Festival中秋节 ?
中国古代简史 ?
中国诗歌英译 (请综合训练中翻译技巧栏目)
中国旅游十大特色 中国西藏
北京景点 天坛
中国美食 故宫
中国十二生肖:12 Taditional Zodiacs
Music 音乐
RAM HORSE Solo Recordings 中国音乐独奏
MONKEY ROOSTER Collected Recordings 中国音乐集锦
Traditional Chinese Instrumental music 中国传统乐器与音乐
DOG PIG Classical Music 中国古典音乐
??? 中国的历史和文化不能简单地同封建主义划等号。中国曾经有光辉的文明,我们现在的任务就是在新条件下复兴中国文明。中国的改革、开放正是服务于这个伟大目的的。当然,复兴中国文明决不是为了复兴中国封建主义或是复兴有些人所说的“酱缸文化”。我们欢迎并广泛地接受世界所有发达国家具有普遍适用意义的那些经验和知识,那些有益的文化;但我们决不接受所谓全盘西化论。主张全盘西化,就是否定中国的一切,就是不相信中国人民和中国革命,就是缺乏爱国主义思想,缺乏民族自信心和自尊心的表现。当世界上很多国家的很多人民、很多知识分子,把人类进步的希望寄托在中国的时候,这些人却把希望寄托在外国,寄托在西方,这本身就是另一种形式的愚昧。
??? 我国史籍产生极早,但“历史”这个词的出现,却要比史籍本身的产生要晚得多。 ??? 在先秦时期,只有“史”字,主要指掌管记事的史官。汉代有“史记”一词,先是用于指先秦史官所记的史书,东汉桓帝以后,才成为司马迁所写史书的专名(《史记》最初名《太史公书》)。这种倩祝,应是当时史在王宫、史书绝少、史学不发达的反映,魏晋南北朝时期,史书数量猛增,史学空前兴盛,“史”、“史记”这些旧有的简单名词术语,已反映不了客观实际,于是,“历代史力”、“历史”、“史学”这些崭新的词儿,便应时而生。 ??? 据《魏书,高昌国传》载,北魏孝明帝正光年间(520—525年),高昌国王,曾遣使奉表,向北魏“求借五经、诸史”。《梁书·诸夷·高昌国传》也载,高昌国“有五经、历代史”,《梁书》记,梁武帝曾向徐“问历代史”。用“诸”和“历代”冠于“史”前,正说明当时史书的众多“又据三国时吴人韦昭所著《吴书》:魏文
正在加载中,请稍后...Buried preglacial fluvial gorges and valleys preserved through Quaternary glacia
Title:Buried preglacial fluvial gorges and valleys preserved through Quaternary glaciations beneath the eastern Laurentide Ice Sheet
Publication:Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol. 126, issue 3-4, pp. 447-458
Publication Date:03/2014
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arXiv e-printsChildhood diabetes mellitus: recent advances & future prospects.
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):231-50.Childhood diabetes mellitus: recent advances & future prospects.1, , .1Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics, C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI , USA.AbstractDiabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease characterized by absolute or relative insulin deficiency. Absolute deficiency of insulin most commonly results from an autoimmune destruction of insulin producing cells in the pancreas and in general, the term Type 1 DM (T1DM) is used to denote childhood diabetes associated with autoimmunity and absolute insulin deficiency. The term Type 2 DM (T2DM) is used to denote diabetes resulting from a relative deficiency of insulin when insulin secretion is inadequate to overcome co-existent resistance to insulin action on carbohydrate, prote T2DM is most commonly associated with the prototypic insulin resistant state of obesity. In the western hemisphere DM is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in childhood, whereas the incidence of T1DM in developing countries is significantly less than that in the western hemisphere. Epidemiological studies indicate that there is gradual but steady increase in the incidence of both T1DM and T2DM in both developed and developing countries. This review provides an overview of the major advances in our understanding of the aetiology, pathogenesis, and clinical management of DM in children with the focus being on T1DM. Genetic predisposition, environmental causes, and emerging concepts of the pathogenesis of T1DM such as the accelerator hypothesis are discussed. The goals of treating a child with DM are to achieve normal growth and development with prevention of acute and chronic complications of DM. These goals are achieved by co-ordinated care delivered by a multidisciplinary team focusing on insulin administrations, glucose monitoring, meal planning, and screening for complications. Newer insulin analogues ("designer" insulin) and automated methods of delivery via programmable pumps have revolutionized the care of the child with diabetes. Though T1DM cannot yet be prevented, ongoing trials and strategies aimed at modulating the autoimmune response and the burgeoning science of embryonic stem cell biology, and isolating and propagating islet cell progenitor cells are discussed in this review.PMID:
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