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French voters turned their backs on the political establishment last night in round one of the presidential election.在昨晚的第一轮总统大选中,法国选民舍弃了法国的政治体制。
Emmanuel Macron – an independent centrist – won first place ahead of National Front leader Marine Le Pen.独立的中间派候选人伊曼纽尔·马克龙赢得了首轮选举,领先于法国国民阵线(极右翼党派,极端民族主义阵营)领袖马丽娜·勒庞。
The result will have major
as Miss Le Pen wants to completely renegotiate France’s relationship with Brussels while Mr Macron wants closer links.该结果会产生重大影响,因为马丽娜·勒庞想彻底重新谈判欧盟与法国之间的关系,而马克龙先生想要与欧盟保持更紧密的联系。
According to France's Interior Ministry, 46 million people voted in the first stage of the elections which knocked the traditional mainstream Right and Left parties out of the running for the first time in 60 years.法国内政部指出,在第一轮选举中,有4600万人参与了投票,并在60年中首次将法国传统主流党派右翼政党和左翼政党淘汰。
Macron had never before stood for election and only started his independent centrist movement 12 months ago. He served as an economy minister under President Francois Hollande, ran without the backing of an established party, forming his own called ‘En Marche!’之前马克龙从未担任过候选人,并且只在12个月之前才开始他的独立中间派活动。在弗朗索瓦·奥朗德总统执政的时候,他曾担任过经济部长。他没有任何公认党派的支持,成立了自己的党派“En Marche!”(不左不右党)。
With 97 per cent of the vote counted, Macron achieved 23.9 per cent, followed by Le Pen on 21.4. But it is thought that Le Pen's chances of winning the second round are limited as supporters for Republican candidate Francois Fillon, who conceded but has gained 19.9 per cent of the votes, will support Macron. Moreover, France's Prime Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, also called on voters to support Macron.在计数的97%的选票中,马克龙赢得了23.9%的选票,其次是获得了21.4%的选票的勒庞。不过人们认为勒庞赢得第二轮大选的可能性有限,因为共和党候选人弗朗索瓦·菲永的支持者会支持马克龙。菲永退出了大选,但他获得了19.9%的选票。此外,法国总理伯纳德·卡泽纳夫也号召选民们支持马克龙。
widespread anger at traditional parties and promised 'new transformations' in French politics. And he has vowed to reinforce France's commitment to the EU and euro. However, Le Pen has vowed to offer French voters a
to leave the EU and wants to leave the euro, known as Frexit.马克龙认识到人民普遍对传统党派感到愤怒,他承诺会在法国政界进行“新的改革”。而且他还郑重声明会加强法国对欧盟和欧元的投入。然而,勒庞则郑重宣告会为法国选民举行一次脱欧公投,并且她还想脱离欧元区,也就是法国脱欧(Frexit)。
Initial election results triggered riots across the country, initially sparked in Paris' Place du la Bastille, the birthplace of the French Revolution, tonight against the Le Pen's National Front.初步选举的结果在法国各地引发了暴乱。为了反对勒庞的国民阵线,暴乱首先于今晚在法国大革命的发源地巴士底广场爆发。
The second round of voting between the two front runners of today's poll will take place on Sunday 7 May.在今天投票中领先的两位候选人之间进行的第二轮选举将于5月7日星期天举行。


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