
1. 中国朝鲜族 the Korean ethnic group
ethnic minorities
Chinese ethnic Korean2. 东北虎
Siberian Tiger
Manchurian Tiger
Amur Tiger
South Chinese Tiger3. 邵逸夫图书馆 Run Run Shaw
Sun Yat-sen
蒋介石 Chiang Kai-shek
孔子学院 Confucius Institutions5. 中华台北 Chinese Taipei 内陆 mainland 内陆人 mainlanders
广东人 Cantonese
北京人 Pekingnese / Beijingers6. 《孙子兵法》 Art of War bu Sun Tsu
孟子 Mencius7. 长江三峡
Three Gorges on Yangtze River 8. 吃食堂 to eat/ have meal/ dine in canteen/ dining room / dining hall9. 相互合作
corporation10. 人文交流 people-to-people and cultural exchange 人文科学学院
College of Humanist and Social Science 人道主义救援
Humanist Aids11. 招商引资
Trade and Investment promotion
Chian Merchant Bank
课堂句子翻译1. 空谈误国, 实干兴邦。
Empty talk is harmful to the nation, while doing practical work will make it thrive.2. 这一带治安情况不好。
Public security is a problem of this area.3. 一方水土养一方人。
Where are we live makes what we are.4. 路很难走.
The road is hard going. /
The going is hard over the road.5. 他一开口便三句话不离本行.
He never opens his mouth without talk shop.6. (公交车上) 恕不找零。
Please tend exact fare.Keep the change.7. 请勿倒置。
Keep upright.8. 越是民族的,越是世界的。
The pride of a nation is also the pride of the world.
What is unique to a nation is also precious to the world.9. 忠言逆耳利于行,良药苦口利于病。
Just as bitter medicine cures the illness, so unpalatable/ honest advice benefit conducts.10. 他听到这句话,心里一跳,脸色也变了。
On hearing/ At / When he heard this, his heart missed a beat/ beat faster/ jumped, his face also
changed.11. 这两兄弟看起来很像,可别把他们弄错了。
The brother are very much alike, don’t mistake one for / mix one up with the other.12. 和谐是中国古代哲学的一个中心思想,宣扬人与人、人与天、以及肉体与心灵之间的和谐。
The proposition of ancient Chinese philosophy is harmony which advocates the harmony between man and man, between man and heaven, between body and soul.13. 他陷入沉思, 对周围热烈的谈话充耳不闻。
Lost/ bury/ immerse/ shocked/ deep in thought, he turned a back ear to/ pay no attention to the heat talks around him.14. 世博会会徽“你我他”三人合璧相拥的图案象征人类是一个大家庭。
The emblem of Expo Shanghai, depicting a image of three people --- “You, He and I ” holding hands together symbolize the big family of mankind.15. 招聘人员应择优录取,不应靠关系。
The selection of employees should base on a competitive basis, not on connections/ relations/ Guanxi.16. 香格里拉美似仙境,不亲临其境是无法想象的。
The beauty of Shangri- La is beyond imagination for those who haven’t been here.17. 欢迎踊跃投稿,稿件不拘形式或体裁,截稿日期为本月三十日。
All are welcome to send in contributions in whatever form or style before 30th instant(本月)= this month.18. 政府部门遇事不再踢皮球, 大大提高了办事效率。
The government departments no longer
shirk responsibilities onto others/ pass the ball/ buck to others when they encounter something difficult, so they have greatly improved/ increased their efficiency.19. 作者的想法各有千秋,读者可以自己判断孰是孰非。
Each author thinks differently, and it is up to the readers to judge what is right and what is wrong.20. 年轻有梦,就要让他们闯一闯,否则老了会有失落感。
When people are young, they have dreams and should try to fulfill/ Otherwise, they will feel they have missed out on something/ regret for their few achievements.21. 翻译的实践性很强,你必须首先提起笔来,才能体会其中的奥妙和甘苦,逐渐领悟出一点道理来。
Translation requires much practice, you must first pick up/ use/ practice your pens and then you can understand some secret, bitterness and sweetness, hows and whys of it.22. 太湖明珠无锡,位于江苏省南部,地处美丽富饶的长江三角洲中心地带。这里气候宜人,物产丰富,风景优美,是中国重点风景旅游城市。
As a bright pearl on Taihu Lake, located in the beautiful and fulfill Yangtze delta, and in the central part of the charming and prosperous, Wuxi is one of China’s main tourist cities with pleasant climate, rich natural resources and picturesque scenery.
生活就像一杯红酒,热爱生活的人会从其中品出无穷无尽的美妙。将它握在手中仔细观察,它的暗红色中有血的感觉,那正是生命的痕迹。抿一口留在口中回味,它的甘甜中有一丝苦涩,如人生般复杂迷离。喝一口下肚,余香沁人心脾,让人终身受益。红酒越陈越香,生活越丰富越美好。当人生走向晚年,就如同一瓶待开封的好酒,其色彩是沉静的,味道重充满慷慨与智慧。Life is like a glass/cup of wine. People who love it discover inexhaustible wonders from it. Holding it in the hand, and obseving/gazing at it, you can find the dark red color is reminiscent of the blood, which is the impress/ sign of life. Take a sip in your mouth, and you can taste the bitter-sweet flavor/ a trace of bitterness and sweetness, which suggests the complicatedness/complexness and mystique of life. Once the sip is swallowed, the lingering fragrance pleases the heart and refreshes the mind, and leaves/leaving you lifelong benefits from it. There is a remarkable resemblance b the older the wine, the mellower it is, the richer the life is, the happier we feel. When life approaches one’s old age/ when one gets old, it looks calm,and tastes full of wisdom and generosity, just like a bottle of wine to be opened/ savored.
泊珍到偏远小镇的育幼院把生在那里养到一岁的孩子接回来。但泊珍看他第一眼,仿佛一声雷劈头而来。令她晕头涨脑,这一岁的孩子脸型长得如此熟悉,她心里的第一道声音是,不能带回去。痛苦纠聚心中,眉心发烫发热,胸口郁闷难展,胃里一股气冲喉而上。院长说这孩子发育迟缓时,她更是心无头绪。她在孩子所呆的房间里来回踱步,这房间里还有其他小孩。整个房间只有一扇窗,窗外树荫婆娑。就让孩子留下来吧,这里有善心的神父和修女。这里将来会扩充为有医疗作用的看护中心,这里是留住孩子的最好地方。这孩子是她的秘密,她将秘密留在这树林掩印的建筑里。她将秘密留在心头。PoZhen went to the foundling hospital at a remote town where her one-year-old child was born and fostered. She intended to take him away, but at first sight, she was dazed by the familiar facial shape of the kid, as to stuck by a bolt from the sky. The first voice from her heart is “ Never bring him back.”Tortured by the pains gathering in her heart, she felt something was burning between her eyebrows.Her chest was brimmed with depression which seemed to run out of her throat at any moment. She was totally blank in the mind when the headmaster told her the child was suffered from developmental retardation. She paced/ walked up and down/ back and forth in the room where her son stayed with other pals.There was only one window out of which some shady trees were whispering. “ Just leave him here.” She told herself, “ this is the best choice for him,for there are kind priests and nuns in this place which may also be renovated into a medical care center.” The child was her secret which would be kept in the building surrounded by the trees. She would keep it to herself/in her heart.
一. 词语翻译休息室 lounge
毕业招聘会 job fair for graduates
高等院校 Colleges and Institutions for higher education
论语 The Analects of Confucius
遵纪守法 to observe discipline and to abide the laws
人文交流 people-to-people and cultural exchange
故宫 The Forbidden City
招商引资 trade and investment promotion
二. 句子翻译1.
这些老板可真是“宰你没商量”。Some bosses rip their employees/customers off without hesitation.2.
如遇紧急情况, 请拨“110”。Please dail “110” to call the police in case of emergency.3.
如果把“安全”二字放心上,那么事故就会少得多。If people always keep the word“safety” in mind, there will be fewer accidents.4.
给他印象最深的是挂在壁炉上方墙上的一幅渔舟图。What impressed him most was the
fishing-boat painting hanging on the wall above the fireplace.5.
他很少听医生意见,喜欢跟着感觉走。He barely listens to doctor’s advice ,and prefers to follow his intuition.6.
一想到头天晚上发生的不愉快,他的脸就沉了下来。On thinking about the unpleasant occurrence the night before/ the previous night, his face turned blue.He pull a long face when he thought of the unpleasant occurrence the night before.7.
我们公司在产品的包装和宣传上明显比不上竞争对手。Our company is obviously inferior to our rivals in product packing and publicity of products.8.
英语的词汇极其丰富,因为它从不同途径引进了许多词语。The English language has rather rich vocabulary because it has borrowed many words from various sources.9.
在伦敦的大街上,你可以看见各种各样的人,他们来自不同的阶层,有着不同的肤色。In/On the street of London, you can see a variety of people from different classes and with different skin colors. 10. 我们想当然地不能认为文凭意味着成功。We must not take it for granted that a diploma means success.11. 我们再三核对了所有的数据,唯恐有差错。For fear that there should be any mistakes, we checked all data over and over again.12. 即使耽误这次考试也没关系,下个月还有一次补考。It does not matter even if you miss this exam, because there will be a make-up next month.13. 人们普遍认为,外长此行的目的在于打破两国关系的僵局。It is generally believed that the major purpose of this Foreign Minister’s trip concerning breaking ice between the two countries.14. 鲜花和彩灯为古老的小镇平添了节日的气氛。Flowers and colorfull lights lent a festival atmosphere to the old small town.15. 有时候我们不得不做出选择,因为没有中间道路可走。Sometimes, we have to make a choice, because there is no middle way.16. 她陷入沉思,对周围热烈的谈话充耳不闻。She was buried in her thoughts, and turned a back ear toward the heat talks around her.Lost in thought,she turned a deaf ear to the heated discussions around her.17. 我说的这些仅供你参考,我并不想把我的想法强加给你。What I have said is only for your reference only, and I do not want to force my views/thoughts upon you.18. 他掏出一张百元大票,对服务员说:“不用找了。”He took out a 100-yuan banknote handed it to the waiter and said:” keep the change.”19. 你能否在事业上获得成功,在很大程度上要取决于你待人接物的能力。Whether you can succeed in your career or not mostly depends on your interpersonal skills.20. 如果你做实验时稍不细心,你甚至会对某些现象做出相反的解释。If you are a bit careless in your experiment, you may even interpret some phenomenon by contraries.21. 无论再发生什么事情,我们也不会对他的无理要求做出任何让步。Whatever happens, we are not going to make any concession towards his unreasonable demands anymore.22. 人们总是在谈论“代沟”的存在,对此我则持怀疑态度。People always talks about the existence of “Generation Gap” towards which i take a skeptical attitudes.23.
兴趣爱好不仅帮助人们紧张工作后得到休息,而且在工作与娱乐之间达到一种平衡。Hobbies can not only help people get rest after hard/tense work, but also help them to balance their work and entertainment.24. 本科教育以全面提高学生听说读写译能力为宗旨,科学地设计课程。Aiming at improving students’ overall abilities, the curriculum of
undergraduate education should be scientifically designed.25. 欢迎踊跃投稿,稿件不拘形式或体裁,截稿日期为本月30 日。All are welcome to send in contributions in whatever forms or styles before 30th instant.26. 爬上去可真不容易,可是一想到塔顶的景色,费点力气也是值得的。It’s really difficult to climb to the top of the tower, but when we thought of the beautiful scenery over there, we felt it was worth of our efforts.27. 电视广告对于我们来说已经司空见惯,许多人对广告节目的记忆甚至比他们所看到的演出还要深刻。
Commercial ADs on TV is so familiar to all of us that many people can remember the commercials even better than the shows they have watched.28. “双喜”是中国传统的吉祥图案,多用于婚礼等喜事场合,表示喜庆与祝福。
Double “Xi” is a traditional lucky pattern of China which is often used at wedding ceremony , indicating happiness and blessings.29. 龙是中国人的民族图腾和古代王室的标志。传说龙也是万兽之首,能隐能显,能走能飞,还能兴云降雨。Dragon is the national totem of the Chinese people, and the symbol of Chinese ancient royal family. Legend has it taht as the king of all animals, it had the ability to turn itself invisible, and to walk and fly, and had control over clouds and rainfalls.30.
Qingdao, like a cluster of pearl, is located on the southwestern coast of Shandong Peninsula and set in the Yellow Sea. With a mild climate, and a beautiful scenery, it’s famous for its scenic beauty and renown as the seaside summer resort in China.
第一课:1. 事已如此,不必难过,好在天无绝人之路。
Now that things have come to shuch a pass, it's no use crying. Fortunately,Heaven always leaves one a way out.2. 天无绝人之路。
Fortunately, heaven always leaves one a way out.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
God never close a door without opening another.3. 今天就到这儿。
Let’s call it a day.4. 如若这样的话,我们就不坚持留你了。
Such being the case, we don’t insist on your stay.5. 司机的脑袋受伤很严重。
The driver was badly injured in his head. (was blind in his right eyes)
The driver was badly hurt in his head in the traffic accident.6. 文如其人。
The style is the man.7. 性格决定命运。
Character is fate.8. 人在江湖身不由己。
As we live in a complicated human world, we have to adapt ourselves to the changing world.9. 他是个吃软不吃硬的人。
He is a man open to persuasion but not to coercion.10. 他长得与他的年龄不符。
He does not look his age.11.有空来玩。
Drop by sometoime.
第二课1. 知识面宽
A Jack of all trade.
Know anything of something.2. 不到长城非好汉。
We are not a true man if we fail to reach the Great Wall.3. 祝你福如东海寿比南山。
We wish you happiness as bondless as the sea, and longevity comparable to that of the hills.4. 有钱了
When one’s ship comes home.5. 奋力求存
To keep one’s head above water.6. 不知所措
At sea.7. 破釜沉舟
To burn one’s boat.8. 狼心狗肺
brutal and cold-blooded
走狗, 狗腿子
Hired thug / Lackey
A blood snob
use vicious words to abuse somebody/curse sb at full blast
Every dog has its day.9. 拦路虎
A lion in the way.10. 在太岁头上动土
To beard the lion in the den.11. 图腾
Totem 12. 望子成龙,望女成凤
All parents in China long to see their children succeed in life.13. 三阳开泰
Three rams bring bliss/ prosperity.14. 龙凤呈祥
Dragon and Phoenix[ˈfiːnɪks] combined together brings prosperity.15. Fang Fang 中国化妆品名 (獠牙)16. 如雨后春笋
To spring like mushroom.17. 兰、 梅、 菊
plum blossom
chrysanthemum18. 民以食为天
Food is the prime need of man.19. 饭菜不好,请多包涵
These are the best dishes we can prepare, please help yourself.20. 他们是连襟。
They married to sisters.22. 顺其自然
Let nature takes its course.
Man proposes, Heaven/ God disposes.
修成正果/ 放下屠刀立地成佛
To acquire grace.
God helps those who helps themselves.23. 水火不容
As incompatible[ˌɪnkəmˈpætəbl] as fire and water.24 衣食住行
Food, clothing, housing/ sheltering, transportation25 SME 中小企业
Small and Medium sized Enterprises26. 文艺理论
Theories on Art and Literature27. 钢铁产业
Iron and steel industry28. 男女老少
Man and woman, young and old29. 饥寒交迫
To suffer from cold and hunger30. 总书记 general secretary [ˈsekrətri][ˈsekrəteri]
英语表述差异左右 right and left
强弱 weak and strong
冷热 hot and cold
沉浮 ups and downs
水陆共进 by land and water
新旧 old and new
悲喜 joy and sorrow
贫富 rich and poor
好坏 bad and good 田径 track and field
试听audio and visual
图文并茂 textured [ˈtekstʃəd]and visual
捉迷藏 hide and seek
新郎新娘 bride and bridegroom 骨肉至亲 flesh and blood
晴雨 rain and shine 你我他you,he and I你们,我们,他们 we, you and they 得失loss and gain 前前后后back and forth
翻译中约定俗成的用法(conventional usage)1. Coca cola 可口可乐
Coca 古柯,古柯叶 cola 可乐树, 喜树2. 人名金庸: Louis Cha李嘉诚: Lee Ka-Shing马英九: Ma Yin-Jeu杨振宁: Chen Ming Yang 张爱玲: Eileen Chang李昌钰:Henry-c Lee 美国华裔神探葛浩文:Howard Gold Blat (外国人的中国译名)赛珍珠:Pearl S. Buck
描写中国农民生活的长篇小说《大地》(The Good Earth)李约瑟: Dr. Joseph Needham《中国自然科学史》
英国近代生物化学家和科学技术史专家, 长期致力于中国科技史研究傅高义: Ezra Vogel
代表作品 《邓小平时代》《日本第一》等3. 地名大三巴牌坊: Ruins of St. Paul’s葡京赌场: Casino Lisboa
Lisboa 葡萄牙首都“里斯本”世界三大赌场:葡京赌场(澳门),拉斯维加斯(las Vegas ) 美,蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo) 法香港岛: Hong Kong Island 九龙: Kowloon
新界:New Territories 高雄:
Kaohsiung City
垦丁:Kenting协和医院: Beijing Union Hospitals大陆报: China Press (Shanghai)燕京大学: Yenching University花旗银行: First National Citibank of New York汇丰银行: Hong Kong - Shanghai Bank of China (英国在解放前建立)
是香港最大的注册银行,以及香港三大发钞银行之一(其他两个是中国银行(香港)和渣打银行)渣打银行: Standard Chartered Bank
颐和园 the Summer Palace天坛
the Temple of Heaven人民大会堂 Great Hall of People石林 Stone Forrest桂林山水 Guilin Landscape秦兵马俑 Terran-Gotta Warriors and Horse敦煌莫高窟 Mogao Gruttoes in Gunhuang戊戌变法
the Deform movement of 1898甲午战争 Sino-Japanese War of 抗美援朝战争 the War to Resist U.S Aggression and Aid Korean
(美) the Korean War
Chinese Volunteers《红楼梦》 A Dream of Red Mansion《西游记》 Journey to the West《三国演义》 Romance of the Three Kingdom《水浒传》 Outlaws of the March《围城》
Fortress Besieged《聊斋》 Strange Stories of Liao Chai 《西厢记》Romance of the Western Chamber《牡丹亭》The Peony Pavilion《史记》The Historical Records国学 traditional Chinese Learning “四书五经” The Four Book, The Five Classics四书: The Analects of Confucius 《论语》
The Mencius 《孟子》
The Doctrine of the Mean 《中庸》
The Great Learning 《大学》五经: The Book of Songs《诗经》
The Book of History《史书》
The Book of Changes《易经》
The Book of Rites 《礼记》
The Spring and Autumn Annals《春秋》The Former USSR (Union of Socialist-Soviet Republic)The Former Yugoslavia
南斯拉夫 (后分成六个国家)Georgia (佐治亚州)简称:GA解放思想,实事求是。 To free the mind, to seek truth from facts.与时俱进 To keep pace with times.知识产权 IPR ( Intellectual Property Rights) 招商引资 trade and investment promotion招商局
Bureau for Trade and Investment Promotion毕业招聘会 Job fair for school graduates专业对口工作 major related job涉外 Foreign related复合型人才 Inter-disciplinary talent环境友好型社会:Environmental Friendly Society民族团结: Ethic Unity食品安全: Food Safety社保:
Social Security小康社会: Moderately Prosperous Society价值观:
Value Orientation幸福指数: Happiness Index求同存异: seek common ground, while reserving differences依法治国: the rule of law
To perform official duties according to/by the law文明城市: culturally advanced city外向型经济:among globally-oriented economy企业文化: corporate culture遵纪守法: to observe the discipline and abide by the law中药:
Traditional Chinese Medicine跳跃式发展: leapfrog development应届生:
graduating students毕业论文: graduation thesis毕业生就业指导中心: Career Center彻底消灭:
wipe out难忘的记忆:lasting memories大白菜:
Chinese Cabbage白酒:liquor救火:fight a fire早恋:puppy love黄豆:soybean 绿豆:Mung bean红豆:Red bean番茄酱: ketchup休息室: lounge鱼肉:
fish flesh狗肉:
dog meat猪肉:
pork美食城: food chart信访办: complaints office综合性大楼:complex building四海之内皆兄弟All man are brothers. 有什么大惊小怪的?What’s there to be surprised about?小题大做A storm in the teapot无事生非Make trouble out of nothing
1.根据上下文选词核心价值 core value你什么意思?What are you trying to make?What are you driving at?下象棋很有意思。Playing chess is a lot of fun.围棋 go
象棋chess不好意思说。Feel awkward to bring it up/mention it.2. 根据词义辨析选词1) 广义、狭义Agriculture/ farming Fishing, forestry, animal husbandry, farming 农林牧副渔To do some farm work 做农活Invasion(单方面军事入侵)/ aggression 广义入侵抗日战争 the War to Resist Japanese AggressionCivilization/ good mannersUncivilization/ bad mannersmind抽象/idea具体2) 强、弱Angry/ indignationHe backed out of his room with subdued angry.The atrocities of the terrorists around upmost people’s indignation.Achieve in science and technologyTeaching achievement award 教学成果奖措施未能达到预期效果。The measure failed to bring about desire achievement.我们需广泛地应用科技成果。We must utilize/apply the technology achievement to a wide scale.3) 褒义(commendatory)/ 贬义(derogatory)When I involved in government. (贬)Enter/ join politics (中)Politician (政客) /
Statesman (政治家)
Propaganda (贬)
宣传部党委宣传部 Publicity Department of CPC of YBU Committee CPC-Communist Party of ChinaPeasant(封建社会农民)/ FarmerChinese Red Army
中国工农红军 (Now)the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army ( )Poor low and Middle peasantPreach 鼓吹Advocate 倡导Experience 经验Lesson 教训Famous/noted/distinguishedNotorious Thrifty 节俭Stingy [ˈstɪndʒi] 一毛不拔Economic (中) 节约的4) 搭配(collection)A. V+NTo read one’s mind 看出心思To spot one’s weak point 看出破绽to face/address challenge 迎接挑战to acquire/ gain knowledge 学知识To eat soupTo fight a fireTo wear light/heavy makeup 化淡/浓妆To seek advantages and avoid disadvantages 趋利避害To seek adviceTo carry forward fine culture 弘扬文化To wet one’s appetite 吊胃口To spoil one’s appetite 倒胃口To create an atmosphere 造势Seize chance/ opportunity To earn enough credits 修学分To make history创造历史To deliver a speech/ reportWiden/ broaden one’s mind/vision/horizonB. Adj + NBlue skyGreen hills and clear waters 青山绿水Black cloth 青布Green snake 青蛇中国问题专家,中国通
China Scholar华人学者
Chinese Scholar中国的学者
China’s Scholar高级官员
Highly-ranked officials/high-ranking officials高级教师
Senior teacher历史遗迹
Historical sites/relics旅游景点
Scenic[ˈsiːnɪk] spots
Tourist attractions初试
first-tier exam复试
second-tier exam死胡同
blind alley
Dead endC.淡然一笑
to smile faintly严惩
to punish severely严厉批评
to criticize roundlyKey / deputy/ answer / preface toImprovement/ achievement / development / breakthrough inA study of / an analysis of / research onAttitude toward
1. 中动词2. 无名主语(起客观地道的作用)1) China is undergoing great changes.
Great changes takes place in China.
China crackles [ˈkrækl] with the dynamic changes.2) 翻译图片或诗文时用一般现在时3) 牛郎 cowherd 织女 weave girl
七月初七 the seventh day of the seventh lunar month4) 系表结构(go, taste, sound)
Marco Polo’s Bridge
Few of the accounts of other travelers are as lively and informative as Marco Polo’s.5) 主谓宾I care the fate of hostages[ˈhɒstɪdʒ] every single day.MoYan’s novels win him Noble Prize for Literature.I envy you your good luck.I admire you for your good luck.6) Her latest solo album makes her a big name/famous令...名声大噪 in the world of pop music.Picture album 画册The noisy from the construction site makes it impossible for the residents living near by to fall asleep at night.7) 中动结构The text reads well.The text is well read.The door won’t to open/close/clock.The door refuse to open.These potatoes peel easily.A good idea suddenly hit/struck/came upon/ occur to me.Now, this still remain fresh in my mind.What’s in your mind?
你在想什么?What’s on your mind?
你有什么心事?The hill top commands a good view of the seaside.站在山顶,海景很好。How did her performance strike you?
Part I1. 出现问题 arise, emerge, come up
carry out, implement, enforce 2. 起义
Revolts broke out
People rise up in rebellion
战争爆发 break upIn the final year of (阶段)At the end of (结点)3. 呈现新气象
Take on a new look
With our entry/ As we enter into5. 怯场
To suffer from stage fright.
To make the first appearance on the stage.6. Keep one’s promise/words
Break one’s promise/ words.
Send /remit money 汇钱7. 饥荒 fame
Get rid of (具体,范围小)
Be free from (大范围)8. Under test/ on trail
For (表示阶段,不确定)9. Happiness lies in content. 幸福源于知足
Be satisfied/ content with
Have (范围广)
Possess (指财产,有形资产)
Han emperor Wudi
Sui emperor Yangdi11. 炎黄子孙 the decedent of Yandi and Huangdi
出征 launch several expeditation against12.
N+Adj + Adv 可翻译成主谓结构
I tried in vain to put the pieces together.13. Master
His proficiency / mastery in several languages
High-paying / well- paid job
不能用in UN, 因为联合国是一个非常分散的组织。14. 求职者
Job seeker
job hunter
job applicant
That didn’t interest me.
That I was not interested in
That I had no interested in15. 重新开始
Start everything anew
To make a fresh start
To restart everything
Work place 而非 work unit16. 载舟
bear/ float/ carry
overturn/ upset/ swallow17. 落后
Undeveloped (委婉说法)18. How much loss your mistakes has brought to the company.How much loss the company has suffered from your mistakes.
增义1. 增加词1)山雨欲来风满楼
The wind sweeping through the tower herald a rising storm in the mountain.2) 生于忧患死于安乐
One prospers in worries and hardships, and perishes in ease and comforts.2. 增加句子1) 没有名词1.1) 朝鲜战争十分艰苦。The life of the Korean War battlefield is hard.2) 概括性的词2.1) 法律是上层建筑
Laws forms a part of the superstructures.2.2) 人生总是忙少闲多。Life is always a case of being busy and not having much leisure time.2.3) 东汉末年,军阀混战,政治腐败The last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty was a period of unbridled fighting among powerful military warlords and of period of political corruption.3. 解释性名词3.1) 班门弄斧You are showing off your proficiency with your axe before Luban --- the master carpenter.3.2) 智慧大师Master of mind.在西方,智慧大师是所罗门,大卫的儿子, 生于公元前1000, 是古以色列最有智慧的国王。曾向上帝祈求智慧,《圣经》中的箴言、传道书、雅歌的作者。三公消费---公款吃喝、买车、出国旅游Overspreading on official vehicles, receptions, oversea trips.1. 他总是见异思迁。
He is always changing his mind whenever he sees something new.2. 苦差事, 枯燥无味的工作。
The drudgery[ˈdrʌdʒəri] of the nine to five lifestyle3. 水涨船高
The boat floats higher when the river rises.4. 他捡到了一个无人认领的钱包。
He found a purse which no one claimed.
Omission1. 出于修辞需要1) 叠词、四字词、同义词忘恩负义,过河拆桥 How can you kick down the ladder[ˈlædə(r)]?深情厚谊 profound feelings土崩瓦解 fall apart灵丹妙药 miraculous[mɪˈrækjələs] cure痴心妄想 fun dream风景如画 picturesque[ˌpɪktʃəˈresk] landscape绚丽多彩的景色 magnificent scenery浩瀚无垠 bondless / vast取之不尽用之不竭 inexhaustible 2) 继往开来,承前启后
To break new ground for the future, the 18th national congress of the CPC is of historical importance.3) 海峡两岸的中国同胞骨肉连亲。
Chinese of both sides of the Taiwan straits are of the same fresh and blood.4) 沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花
Put the flowers into shame.5) 吃不完的大米白面,传不完的绫罗绸缎,用不完的金银财宝。
More food and cloth than that can be consumed
More money than that can be spent.6) 她遍尝人世间的酸甜苦辣。
She has tasted to full bitterness of the world.7) 他怨天怨地,感叹生不逢时。
He complaint all the time about their bad luck/about not being favored by luck.
To move heaven and earth.8) 他悔恨自己坎坷一生,碌碌无为。
He regrets his few achievements in a trouble life.9) 他站得很近,近得让人不舒服。
He stood uncomfortably close.10)本公司欢迎海内外客户前来洽谈各种业务。 We are looking for investment and business from home and abroad.All business man at home and abroad are welcomed to invest.11) (河流)承载着...Bearing with it many mood12) 家破人亡,妻离子散。
Many people has simply disappeared, and their family dispersed.13) 经过春耕、夏种、秋收、冬藏,春假对于他们是一个奖励。
After a year of hard farming work, the Spring New Year holidays is like a reward for oneself.14) 走向世界
To go global无主句唯一无主句 Down with the US imperial./ the drowned dogs.1. Supply1) 不入虎穴焉得虎子
If one does not enter the tiger’s den, how can he catch the tiger’s cub.2) 知己知彼百战百胜
Knowing your enemies and yourself well, you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.3) 临时抱佛脚
You can not get by the Foreign Language course by cramming at last minute.2. Use such sentences, such as It is ... to sth.
There is ... Sth.1) 无法否认他与这个案子有牵连。There is no denying the fact that he was involved in the criminal case.2)现在没法判断谁对谁错。 Its hard to tell who is right and who is wrong at present.3. To use inverted word order1) In XX hidden underground, everywhere is a wealth of mineral resources.4. To use imperative sentence pattern1) 勿以善小而不为
Don’t fail to do good even if it is small.2) 辞旧迎新
Bid farewell[ˌferˈwel] to the past and march toward the future.3) Support people to study abroad, encourage their return to serve the country and guarantee their free entry and exist to China.5. To use passive voice1) 东部校区
Eastern campus2) 己所不欲勿施于人
Do as you would be done.3) 靠山吃山,靠水吃水
If you live in a mountain, you live off the mountain.
If you live by a water, you live off the water.4) 朋友不在多
You can not have too many friends.5)保质,保量,保安全
Quality,quantity and safety must be guaranteed.['gærən'tiːd]6)一旦发生错误,必须立即改正
Mistakes must be corrected once they are found out.
练习一1. 你的体重是多少?
How much do you weigh?2. 他们去年离婚了。
The got divorced last year.3. 沿公路两旁每隔私密就有一棵树。
There is a tree, every four meters, on either side of the road.4. 她的演唱不够理想。
Her singing is not as good as we expected.
Her singing is far from satisfactory.5. 不知不觉,夜幕降临了。
Evening came before we realized it.6. 我希望你长来信。
I expect you write me now and then.
I hope you can often write to me.7. 她的职业是老师。
She is a teacher by profession.8. 他左腿瘸了。
He is lame in his left leg.9. 我在桥头和她分手。
I parted from her on the bridge.10. 黄先生在北大攻读博士学位。
Mr Huang is a candidate of a Doctor Degree of Peking University.11. 这个故事发生在上海。
This story is set in Shanghai.12. 他长得和他父亲一模一样。
He resembles his father/ has a strong resemblance to his father.13. 尝试而失败还是比不尝试好。
It is better to try and fail rather than not try at all.
Try and fail is better than never try.14. 她笑得肚子疼。
She bursts her sides with laughter.
She laughs till her sides split/ache.15. 不久又出现了新麻烦。
It was not long before new troubles arose.16. 许多人把经过努力可能做到的事认为是不可能做到的。
Many people consider it impossible to do what is really possible by efforts.17. 中国的发展与进步不会对任何人构成威胁。
A developing and progressing China does not pose a threat to anyone.18. 这个人缺乏家教。
The man lacks / is lacking in/ good family upbringing.19. 楼的质量不好。
The building is not well built.20. 同学们就课文互相提问。
Students ask each other questions about the text.21.我的国籍是中国。
My nationality is Chinese.22.我很高兴接受你的邀请。
I am happy to accept your invitation.23.我从他还是小孩子的时候认识他。
I know him since his childhood.24.你们班的女生比我们班的更活跃。
The girls of your class are more active than those in our class.25.同学们就课文相互提问。
Students ask each other questions about/on 26.什么时候方便,就请过来玩。
Drop by sometime.27.他看上去比实际年龄要大。
He looks older than his age.28.她听到这话,心里一跳,脸色也变了。
Her heart missed a beat and her face turned pale when she heard the words.
Many problems arose in the implementation of the new rules.2.明朝末年,叛乱四起。
Toward the end of the Ming Dynasty, revolts broke out everywhere.3.步入新世纪,我国农业出现一派新气象。
With our entry into the new century, the agriculture in our country is taking on a new look.4.人总是要死的,但死的意义不同。
All men must die, but death can vary in its significance.5.她第一次上台时,怯场极了。
She suffered the stage fright when she first appeared on the stage.6.我会信守诺言,按照规定的时间把钱汇入你的账户。
I will keep my promise and remit the money into your account at the appointed time.7.也许有一天世界将彻底摆脱战争,饥饿和贫困。
One day , the world may become entirely free from war, famine and poverty.8.我是长春生长春长的。
I was born and raised in Changchun.9.这种药尚在试验阶段,至少要等两年之后才能投放市场。
This medicine is still under test, and it won’t be on the market for at least 2 years.10.她不懂知足常乐的道理,对现有的一切还不满足。
She does not know that happiness lies in contentment, and always feels unsatisfied with all she has had.11.人际关系复杂是我不喜欢在那工作的原因之一。
The complicated interpersonal relationship was one of the reasons that I didn't like working there.12.隋炀帝数征高丽,无功而返,耗尽了国家资源。
Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty launched several unsuccessful expeditions against Koryo, thus exhausting the resources of the country.13.她精通数种语言,因此能够在联合国谋得一份高薪工作。
She has mastered several languages, so she can get a well-paid job with the UN.14.求职者说他不会在意工作加班。
The job applicant [ˈæplɪkənt] said he would not mind working overtime.15.她滔滔不绝地讲一些我根本不感兴趣的话题。
She kept talking on subjects that I was not interested in at all.16.我想换个工作单位,在那里可以一切重新开始。
I want to change my work/job, so that I can restart my life/make a new start.17.水能载舟,亦能覆舟。
The water cannot only bear the boat, but also overturn it.18.在许多城市,落后的基础设施造成瓶颈,严重制约了经济的发展。
In many cities, the undeveloped infrastructure has caused bottlenecks, seriously restricted economic development.19.你知道你的错误给公司造成了多大的损失吗?
Do you know how much lost your mistake has brought the company.20.她简要的告诉我们在董事会年会上发生的情况。
She briefly told us what had happened at the annual meeting of the board of directors.21.家长满足孩子的一切要求,实际上就是在毁灭他们的前程。
Parents are actually ruining their children’s future by satisfying them whatever they needs.22.在那个酒吧,你要想让旁边坐着的人听见你说话,就得大声喊叫。
In that bar, you have to shout aloud to make yourself heard by people next to you.23.我认为你实在没有必要亲自去那里。
I don’t think you need to go there in person/ personally.24.正是这种决心使许多正直的人生活的很有意义。
It was the determination that made so many honest people live a meaningful life.25.黑客袭击事件屡次发生,使得政府很有必要采取措施加强对互联网的安全防卫。
The repeated hacker intrusion make it imperative for governments to tighten the security of the Internet.26.就是在那间斗室里,他们勤奋的工作着,憧憬美好的未来。
It was in that small room that they work diligently and dreamed of/about their bright future.27.由于昨天上午太忙,所以只好将就着以方便面作为午饭。
I was too busy yesterday morning, that I had to make do with instant noddles for lunch.28.这场雨真大!我刚巧走在马路上,没几分钟就把我给淋得透湿。
What a heavy rain!/The rain was so heavy!I happened to be out in the street and it was just a couple of minutes before I was wet through/like a drown rat.29.这篇译文读起来很流畅。
This version reads smoothly.
The translation/30.这些土豆很好削皮
The potatoes peel easily.31.这门打不开。
This door refuse to open.
The door won't open.32.他的新小说销路很好。
This new novel sales/sells well.33.听到这个消息,她心里一沉,但是还是勉强挤出一点微笑。
On hearing the news, her heart lost a beat, but she still gave a reluctant smile.34.他虽然经验不足,但是很有进取心和创造力,而这正是在这一领域获得成功的关键。
Though he is inexperienced, he has good gumption and creativity which are the key to succeed in this field.35.告诫子女不要犯错,那是没用的,一来他们不听你的,二来错误本身也是受教育的一个重要方面。There is no use to warn your children not to make mistakes, both because they won’t believe you and because mistakes are an essential part of education.
练习二1. 君子动口不动手。
A gentleman uses his tongue, not his fists.2. 我们要努力读一点历史和小说。
We should find time to /
We need to find time to read some history books and novels.3. 她特别喜欢唱卡拉OK。
She is especially fond of singing through the Karaoke[ˌkæriˈoʊki] set.4. 有人主张招聘人才要凭能力, 不凭学历。
Some people insist that recruitment should based on candidates’ capability rather than their educational background/academic credencials [krəˈdenʃlz]5. 许多人爱好文化娱乐。
Many people love/like cultural and entertaining activities.6. 他们讲索取,我们讲奉献。
They preach taking from others, while we advocate giving to others.7. 每晚我都要花一个小时学习政治理论和企业管理知识。
It takes me an hour everyday to acquire knowledge concerning political policy and business management.8. 你是怎么样在逆境中实现自己理想的?
How did you fulfill your dream in/under adverse circumstance.9. 你追求的是真理,而他追求的是荣华富贵。
What you persue is truth, while what he hunters after is fame and gain/high position and great wealth.10. 出租车不安装计价器使司机可以乘机宰客。
The lack /Lacking of a meter, taxi drivers are allowed to rip off passengers.11. 我们将逐渐按国际惯例办事,以使中国的贸易体制与现行的国际贸易体制接轨。
We will gradually act according to international practice,in order to bring China's trade system in line with the current international trade system.12. 现在户籍制度是制约实现城乡一体化发展的瓶颈。
The present /Hukou system/registration system is a bottleneck[ˈbɒtlnek] in the integration of urban and rural area.13. 她的英语水平比我高。
His English is better than mine.14.她想在我们中间搬弄是非。
She wants to sow discord between us.15. 2008北京奥运会对中国经济,社会发展具有广泛而深刻的影响。
The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has an extensive and far-reaching influence on China’s economy and society.16. 科学知识要求完全不受个人情感影响。
Scientific knowledge aims at being wholly[ˈhoʊlli] impersonal.17. 离婚现象对儿童的不良影响已成为美国社会普遍关注的问题。
In the United States, the negative influence of divorce on children has become a general concern of the public.18. 你能不能得到这份工作,主要看你的英文水平。
It depends on your mastery of English that whether you can get the job.19. 这一届学生的学习水平普遍比上一届要高。
On the whole, this year's students have done better in their studies than last year's.20. 中国政府更加注重提高人民的物质,文化,健康与生活水平。
On the whole, the China government pays more attention to improving people’s material life, culture, health and living standard.21. 广泛阅读外文报刊有助于提高翻译水平。
Extensive reading of foreign-language newspapers and journals can help improve one's skills in translation.22. 如果你坚持努力学习,你的英语一定会说的很流利。
If you keep/persist/ studying hard, you are sure to speak English fluently.23. 如果错了,切勿固执己见。
Don’t insist on your ideas if you are wrong.24. 在任何情况下我们都必须坚持原则。
We should adhere to principles under any circumstances.25. 一个令人尊敬的教师通常是尊敬学生的。
A respected teacher usually respects students.26. 人文精神也是一种以人为本的精神。
The spirit of humanity is also about people-oriented/centred [ˈsentəd].27. 我过去学过一些法语,但是现在忘了,都还给老师了。
The French I learned has found it’s way back to my teacher.28. 孝道是儒家教育的基石,它宣扬不仅要孝敬父母,而且要臣服于各级各类的权威。
The discipline[ˈdɪsəplɪn] of filial[ˈfɪliəl] piety is the base/key stone of Confucius education, which advocates not only devotion to our parents but also submission to all kinds of authorities at all levers.
The future/prospect is bright, while the road ahead is tortuous [ˈtɔːtʃuəs]/ has twists and turns.2.
Men/Human beings is different from other animals.3.
They swayed by consideration of losses and gains, they refused to accept the task assigned to them.4.
It is not the wine that intoxicate, but the drinker who gets himself drunk.5.
When the work is done/ the effect is achieved, then withdraw.6.
A system of Chinese character has played a invaluable role in Chinese/our history.7.
Where ignorance is bliss, it's folly to be wise.8.
There are English
corners in the parks, where the old and the young gather at regular time to practice their English.9.
In those years, the rich people’s extravagance[ɪkˈstrævəɡəns] was such that everyday was a Spring Festival.10. 我们是多年的好朋友,一旦分开,难免会依依不舍
We have been close friends for years, once we have to part company, we can hardly tear away from each other.11. 早知今日,何必当初
If I had known it, I wouldn’t have done it.12. 学习英语应循序渐进
We should learn English step by step.13. 比上不足比下有余
Fall short of the best, but be better than the worst.
Compare with the uppers,but compare with the lowers, we are good enough.14. 霜叶红于二月花
The frost turn the leaves as reddish as spring flowers15. 因缺乏交流而导致离婚的事情,时有所闻
It is not uncommon to hear talks of divorce resulting/that resulted from the lack of communication.16. 我们对问题要做全面的分析,才能解决得妥当
We need to do a comprehensive analysis of the problem before it can be properly solved.
/so that we can solve it properly.17. 中国观察问题不是看社会制度
China does not regard social systems as a criterion [kraɪˈtɪriən] in its approach to a problem.18. 通过做一份和专业相关的兼职工作,学生不仅能够提高他们的学业水平,而且能够获得从课本上得不到的经验。
By taking a major-related part-time job,students can not only improve their academic levels,but also gain much experience which can not be learned from textbooks.19. 你不读书怎么能长大成才呢?
If you don't study, how can you become a talented person when you grow up!20. 他的字迹潦草难认,我看不出他想说什么。
His handwriting is so difficult to recognize that I don't know what he wants to say.21. 许多得益于广泛阅读的英语学习者将阅读视为掌握英语的重要途径。
Many English learners who benefit a lot from extensive reading regard reading as an important way to master English.22. 北大和清华培养出了许多大学者,因此前来参观的各国人士络绎不绝,终年不断。
Pecking University and Tsinghua University has raised many great scholars, thus an endless stream of people from all over the world come to visit all the
year around.
The company's widespread ads only blossom but never bear.2.
This shattered his illusion/fun dream.3.
Some of the linguistic scholars worry that the usage of those words may contaminate Chinese and confuse communication.4.
People in general will not cherish/value/appreciate what they own until they lose it.5.
Whenever I went to see him, he was always busy with his work.6.
On receiving the invitation, she felt in a dilemma, do not know whether to accept it or not.7.
有道是,当局者迷 旁观者清。
As the saying goes(不能用Chinese saying ): The spectators see the chess game better than players./ see most of the game.
/outsiders sometimes have a clear view than those on the inside.8.在欠发达地区,农村小学出去欲罢不能,欲办还休的两难境地,办学成本高昂。
The rural primary schools in undeveloped area are in a dilemma of life and death for heavy costs.9.
We shall never get anywhere with all this criticism and fault finding. I believe in the principle “ Leave and let leave.”10. 沉默有悖于人的天性。
Silence is unnatural to men.11. 在20世纪40年代,美国城市居民为了寻求新鲜空气,充裕的活动场所 ,独家独院的小天地 而大量迁往郊区。
In the 1940s,urban Americans made mass move to suburbs ['sʌbɜːb] in search of fresh air,elbow room and privacy.12. 我当时心情很复杂,及时悲喜交集,又是羞愧交集,还有爱怨交集。I was in a mixed feeling/mood of both joy and sorrow, shame and remorse, love and animosity.13. 她活的太容忍,她活的太踌躇,她活的太辛苦,她活的太悲切。
In her life, there were abundant patience/endurance and pauses/hesitations, pains and pathos[ˈpeɪθɒs]/sorrows.14. 他只要听到几句恭维的话就会得意忘形。
A little flattery would get him carried away.15. 由于时间有限,就不做详细的解释了。
Time lacks for a full explanation.16. 实践是检验真理的唯一标准。
Practice is the sole[səʊl] criterion for testing truth.17. 她不爱说话,别人问了才回答,答得也不多。
She said little, only answering briefly when asked a question.18. 本公司生产的地毯美丽大方,光彩夺目,富丽堂皇。
The carpets[ˈkɑːpɪt] made in our company are beautiful and magnificent.19. 班小人少,说起话来不受拘束。
A small class size encourages informality[ˌɪnfɔːˈmæləti].20. 这是风马牛不相及的两码事。
These are two totally different matters.21. 他对人说话,总是满口之乎者也。
He used so many archaism[ˈɑːkeɪɪzəm] in his speech.22. 生活在四川的10多个少数民族,各有不同的文化和风俗,成为巴蜀歌舞 取之不尽用之不竭的创作源泉。
There are more than ten ethic minorities in Shichuan, they maintain different cultures and customs, which provide inexhaustible sources of folk songs and dances.23. 原住民认为自己就是源头,并且为了维系往昔以及维系追思进行着各种各样的仪式。
The original folks regards themselves as the origins and maintain their past lives on in all sorts of rituals[ˈrɪtʃuəl].
Things are quite different now.2.
So he did it behind my back/without my permission.3.
I don’t deny he is clever and competent, but he is too irresponsible to be given such an important position.4.
The directors all agreed that only a mirable can save the company from bankruptcy/bankrupting.5.
Nowadays the super heroes in children’s eyes are often regarded disapproval by their parents.6.
The English-Chinese dictionary that she failed to find in everywhere strangely appeared on her own desk.7.
The more one learns, the more he becomes aware ignorance of his.8.
This is more than we can tolerant.9.
Whenever he came into the room, she kept in silence.10.
She kept smiling and nodding her head as if to agree with everything he said, while in fact she could hardly understand him for he spoke too fast.11.
The more I learned about the plan, the more unwilling I am to get involved in it.12.
Although the national economy has enjoyed continuous growth[ɡrəʊθ], some people get much less benefit than others.13.
As neither side would compromise, the talk/negotiations[nɪɡəʊʃ'ɪeɪʃnz] broke down.14.
Keep away from air[er] conditioner whenever you sit.15.
I feel lonely[ˈloʊnli] in her absence.16.
I know that she was not easy to get along with from the first time I saw her.17.
He will certainly[ˈsɜːtnli] come unless he is sick.18.
She has never missed a single excellent score these years.19.
I have run out of the class before he was able to stop me.20.
The highest virtue[ˈvɜːtʃuː] is one has unlimited power, while he never abuses them.21.
Rather than being rebuked/scolded, the boy was praised by his teacher in (front of the whole) class.22.
She raised the question not because of her desire for knowledge but for curiosity.
She raised the question out of curiosity instead of a desire to learn.
The following is a list of delegates who will attend the international conference.2. 未来的事不可预料。
There is no telling what will happen.3. 让世界了解中国,让中国走向世界。
Let the outside world know about China, and let China move towards the outside world4. 没有爱心就无法了解人生。
Life can not be understand without charity.5. 有心栽花化不开,无心插柳柳成荫。
A carefully bedded flower may not blossom, while a carelessly/casualy planted willow may survive and thrive.6. 在历史上,由于长江不断改造,在武汉地区形成了众多的湖泊。
In history, the constant changes of the course of Yangtze['jæŋzɪ] River help to form many lakes in the area of Wuhan.7. 认识落后,才能去改变落后;学习先进,才有可能赶超先进。
Backwardness must be recognized before it can be changed. One must learn from the advanced before he can catch up and surpass them.8. 总得按事情轻重缓急来处理。
After all, priorities[praɪˈɒrəti] will be given to urgency of the case.9. 其实,不把中文底子打好,什么也写不成。
In fact, without a solid foundation of Chinese, one can not hope to be successful in any kind of writing.10. 衡量一个人,不但要看他的成效,也要看他的努力程度。
A man is measured not only by his success but also by his efforts.11. 如果问题分析不当,便可能造成误解。
Misunderstandings may arise because of the improper analysis[əˈnæləsɪs] of a problem.12. 禁止用任何方法对公民进行侮辱和诽谤。
Insult [ɪnˈsʌlt] or slander against of citizen in any form is prohibited.13. 任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼船。
You can sit tight in the fishing boat despise of the rising wind and waves.14. 改了国籍,不等于就改了民族感情。
The change of nationality does not mean change of national feelings.15. 今年将比去年生产更多的粮食。
We will produce more grain this year than last year.16. 还看不出他能挑起这副担子。
Noting suggest that he will be equal to such a task/shoulder the responsibilities.17. 要想收到好的效果,必须掌握语言的习惯表达法。
To achieve good result in learning English, one should have a command of / master idiomatic expressions.18. 补打下扎实的基础,要学好外语是不可能的。
You can not learn foreign language well without a solid foundation19. 从其言谈可以得知他对任何事物的看法都很有深度。
Judging from what he talks, he must have a keen insight in everything he sees.20. 当舞会进行到高潮时,舞厅里充满了音乐于歌声。
When the party was being in full swing, the ballroom resounded with music and songs.21. 毋庸置疑的是 It goes without saying that ...
A bosom[ˈbʊzəm] friend afar brings a distant land near.2.君子之交淡如水。
Though light, the relationship between gentlemen should be of the kind that last long.3.天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。
Storms gather without warning in nature, as bad luck befalls man overnight.4.天行健,君子以自强不息
As heaven maintains vigorous, so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive along.5.
One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero.
We are not heros if we fail to reach the Great Wall.6.
Isn’t it delightful to meet friends come from afar?
Isn't a pleasure to meet friends com from afar?7.
欲穷千里目 更上一层楼
To get a broader view, one should climb to another floor of the tower.
You can enjoy a grander sight By climbing to a greater height.8.
路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索:
Long as the way is, I will keep on searching above and below.9.
A gentleman who desires wealth should accept it rightfully/in a right way.10. 春蝉到死丝方尽 蜡烛成灰泪始干
Till the end of life, a silkworm[ˈsɪlkwɜːm] keetill burning itself out, a candle goes on lightning[ˈlaɪtnɪŋ] us.11. 人无远虑必有近忧
He who can not worry about what is far off, will soon find troubles at hand.12. 谁知盘中餐粒粒皆辛苦
Who knows that every grain in the bowl[bəʊl] is the fruit of so much pain and toil.13. 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。
We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though miles apart.14. 有缘千里来相会 无缘对面不相逢
Those meant to meet will meet though separated by miles, those not meant to meet will brush shoulders without getting acquainted.15. 野火烧不尽 春风吹又生
A wild fire may burn grasses, yet with the spring wind/breeze they will grow back again.16. 沉舟侧畔千帆过 病树前头万木春
Ten thousand ships sail ahead over a sunken one, and by a withered trees, ten thousand trees flourish in spring.17. 天无绝人之路
God never shuts one door without opening another.18. 事在人为
Human effort is the decisive factor. 19. 这山望着那山
Grass is always greener on the other side of the hill.20. 隔行如隔山
Differences in profession makes one feel worlds apart.21. 大丈夫能屈能伸
A great man must learn to sail[seɪl] in all winds.22. 海纳百川 有容乃大
The ocean is made great by all the rivers it takes in.
One should be as inclusive as the ocean, which is vast because it admits hundreds of rivers.23. 书到用时方恨少.
It is only when you are applying what you have learnt from the books that you wish you had read more.24. 谁言寸草心报得三春晖
Never enough is the gratitudes of grass for the grace of the spring’s sun.25. 三人行必有我师焉
Among any three people walking, I will find something to learn for sure.
When I walk along with two others, they must/may serve me as my teachers26. 同行是冤家
Two of a trade can never agree27. 渡尽劫波兄弟在, 相逢一笑泯恩仇
For all the disasters, the brotherhood has remained, a smile at meeting and enmity is banished.28. 外行看热闹 内行看门道
While the laymen[ˈleɪmən] enjoy the excitement,the experts observe[əbˈzɜːv] the details.29. 不打不成交
No discord, no concord[ˈkɒŋkɔːd].30. 多难兴邦
A country will emerge stronger from adversities.31. 君子和而不同
Gentlemen are able to/can live in harmony, while respecting individual differences.
Harmony with no similarities.32. 害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。
One should not have the heart to harm others, but must be vigilant[ˈvɪdʒɪlənt] so as not to be harmed.33. 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村
While the path seemed to end, barred[bɑːd] by hills and streams, another village[ˈvɪlɪdʒ] came in view with shady willows and flowers.
One has a sudden glimpse of hope in the midst[mɪd-st] of despair[dɪˈspbeə(r)].34. 莫道今年春将尽, 明年春色倍还人
Don’t be sad that the spring has passed , and there will be a more glorious one next year. 35. 横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同
Looking at the same object from different points, one may get different views.
A mountain becomes a hill when viewed horizontally[ˌhɒrɪˈzɒntəli], and a ridge[rɪdʒ] of view vertically, and it assumed total different shapes when viewed from a short or a long distance, or from a high or a low position. 36. 不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中
One may fail to grasp the real appearance of lushan mountain, mainly/merely because one is looing at it while climbing it/the mountains.37. 炎黄子孙不忘本,两岸兄弟一家亲
Chinese descendants should not forget their ancestor, and both sides of the Taiwan straits should live in peace like a family. 38. 静坐常思己过, 闲谈莫论人非
When you sit alone, mediat when you converse [kənˈvɜːs], don’t discuss the faults of others.39. 我们应当雪中送炭,而不是锦上添花
Compare to give people applaud when they achieve success,it is more important to help them when they are in needs.
We should send coal to people caught in a cold winter, not flowers to pretty ladies. 40. 他形容民航总局的改革是“摸着石头过河”。 ( Civil Aviation[ˌeɪviˈeɪʃn] Administration of China )
He described CAAC’s reform as crossing a river by feeling his way over the stones.41. 他原想她会同意嫁给他,现在他看到,那是竹篮打水一场空。
He had thought she would agree to marry him, but now, he realized that he was pouring water into a sieve ---all was in vain.42. 这完全是张冠李戴。
As the Chinese saying goes, its liking putting Mr Zhang’s hat on Mr’Lis. 43. 民以食为天
Food is the first necessity of the people.
Food is the prime need of man.44. 这对新人郎才女貌,真称得上是天作之合。
With her looks and his brains, this newly married couple makes a perfect match.45. 我对他敬而远之。
I stood aloof from him.46. 请神容易送神难。
It is easier to call up an evil spirit than to allay it47. 既来之,则安之。
Take things as they come.
Since you come, you may as well stay and make the best of it.48. 人要有自知之明,处世做事,要量力而行,不强求自己能力以外的事物。
We should have self-knowledge, carry on/ perform duties within our power, and give up the unrealistic longing for the impossible..49. 味道真不错,果然是名不虚传。
The tastes is so good, and it really lives up to it’s name.
It's delicious.It really lives up to it's reputation. 50. 又要马儿跑得快,又要马儿不吃草,简直是可笑。
You want the horse to run fast, yet you don’t let it graze, ins’t it ridiculous?51. “坐山观虎斗”、“借刀杀人”、“煽风点火”、“推倒油瓶儿不扶”,都是他们的本事。
Talking about sitting on a hill to watch tiger’s fight, murdering with a borrow sword, stirring up trouble, not troubling to right the oil bottle that has been knocked over, they are all good hand at such tricks.52.
Smart as a rule, but this time a fool.53.. 可怜天下父母心。
Pathetic are the feelings of all parents under heaven towards their offsprings.54 居移气,养移体。
Honors change manners
One’s position alters one’s temperament, just as nourishment affects the body.55. 任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼台。
No matter how heavy the storm is, he keeps sitting steadily on the fishing terrace[ˈterəs].


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