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登录百度帐号Arizona Muse登《Vogue》俄罗斯12月号
日 18:22来源:
[本文导读]Arizona Muse登《Vogue》俄罗斯12月号。Arizona Muse登《Vogue》俄罗斯12月号。中文名:艾利桑娜·缪斯英文名:Arizona Muse生日:日星座:处女座出生地:美国新墨西哥州 (Santa Fe, New Mexico)现居地:纽约现在排名:世界第七身高:178cm (5英尺10英寸)三围:81-61-86 厘米 (32-24-34 英寸)眼睛颜色:绿色头发颜色:金色座右铭:让一切自然而然去发生,欣赏生命带来的一切。(Allow life to happen and appreciate what it brings.)艾利桑娜·缪斯 (Arizona Muse) 是2011春夏时装周中出来的强劲势头新人。在上一季各大秀场都还没有艾利桑娜·缪斯 (Arizona Muse) 的身影,而在2011春夏,她连续担任 (PRADA) 和缪缪 (MIU MIU) 两场大秀的开场+闭场模特,实在是让人想不注意到都难!再加上艾利桑娜·缪斯 (Arizona Muse) 为YSL做闭场,为蔻依 (Chloe) 、高田贤三 (Kenzo) 、巴黎罗莎 (Rochas) 、the Row 等做开场,为BCBG Max Azria做开场+闭场,一共7个开场和4个闭场,这样傲人的成绩,实在不得不说艾利桑娜·缪斯 (Arizona Muse) 是2011春夏季最红新人!艾利桑娜·缪斯 (Arizona Muse) 看起来很年轻,但其实她已经是“妈妈”的身份,是不是足以叫你惊掉眼镜了呢?在接受媒体采访时,关于如何走上职业模特之路,艾利桑娜·缪斯 (Arizona Muse) 开玩笑说:“因为我不知道要到大学去学什么。做 (模特) 这个决定对我而言是一个大好事,因为我真的很喜欢现在所做的一切。” 关于得到的第一堂时装课,艾利桑娜·缪斯 (Arizona Muse) 说是:“不要过火.”(Don't overdo it.) 关于自己的着装风格,艾利桑娜·缪斯 (Arizona Muse) 说:“我总是在变,现在我很爱黑色。 关于纹身,艾利桑娜·缪斯 (Arizona Muse) 说:“如果我要刺青的话,我一定要将整个背都纹满。”艾利桑娜·缪斯 (Arizona Muse) 最爱的书是《百年孤独》,不爱有愤怒感的音乐,喜欢有力量的电影,能引发思考和感受的那种。艾利桑娜·缪斯 (Arizona Muse) 最想去旅行的城市是伊斯坦布尔。关于未来想做的事,艾利桑娜·缪斯 (Arizona Muse) 说:“我想唤起人们对于因用童工而引发的世界危机的意识。”艾利桑娜·缪斯 (Arizona Muse) 最大的梦想是:“在我走到生命尽头时,我感到自己生命的每一年都有所成就。”2011年刚一开始,超模们的斗争就进入了白热化状态。“F王子”Freja Beha Erichsen拿下了Louis Vuitton、CHANEL、Velentino这样顶级大牌的广告合同,排名也上升到了第二位;而超级新人Arizona Muse已经有了YSL、Prada的代言。最近二人又同时出现在VOGUE意大利版1月的封面上,这是Freja一年内第三次登上VOGUE意大利的封面,Arizona首次登上重量级时尚杂志的封面。超模Arizona Muse倾情演绎了韩国版Vogue九月号时尚大片,由摄影师Victor Demarchelier掌镜。“State of Grace"为主题大这组大片中,蕾丝裙装、性感内衣、柔软针织衫等与皮草的不同混搭,打造了Arizona Muse性感不失优雅的,恬淡不失干练的都会女郎形象。米娜时尚网(独家专稿 未经授权请勿转载
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科技 · 健康【图片】Muse歌曲相关(MuseWiki上的资源翻译)【muse吧】_百度贴吧
一、showbiz(娱乐圈)  1.Sunburn(日灼)  钢琴和音的急速弹奏 紧接着更重的吉他副歌    Dom:“Sunburn是一首(两年前)在录音室里形成的歌。我记得Matt在钢琴 接着吉他上不断弹着一个旋律。然后我们加入了他。这是一首我们仍然,并一直会喜欢在现场表演的歌。它代表着在精神和肉体上进入一个新的世界,并且发现这个新世界不是你所想象的那样。它写于我们经历一系列改变的时候——我们从乱涂乱画,然后签约,到坐着头等舱飞向LA!”  Matthew Bellamy表示在乐队录专辑时,这首歌是他最喜欢的之一,但一开始总觉得它有点疲软:“我想要它听上去好极了。所以我们的制作人John Leckie(这货给原来也给rh制作过专辑)提议把吉他部分用钢琴取代。这似乎是我多年来第一次又开始弹钢琴,而我不得不花了两三天只为了练习这个相当简单的Sunburn。”  Bellamy说Sunburn是在录音室里作曲的。  07年7月18号,Sunburn的前奏被用来做BBC高尔夫球公开赛的背景音乐。    有可能和乐队签约前在财务上的低迷有关。  歌词也暗示有可能和脱衣舞女,娼妓以及夜总会有关。  另一种解释说这是一个在乐队成功前和其有关的女孩,Bellamy后悔离开了她,因为他把她视作明星。    Sunburn的早期小样有不同的歌词和延伸的结尾。整首歌由吉他演奏,似乎是John Leckie认为钢琴版本听起来更有冲击性前的最初版本。这个早期版本的歌词似乎和一段结束的关系有关。  有三个remix版本。
Come waste your millions here Secretly she sneers Another corporate show (Just like a virgin blows/Just like an angel glows)A guilty conscience grows And I'll feel a guilty conscience grow And I'll feel a guilty conscience grow She burns like the sun and I can't look away And she'll burn our horizons make no mistakes Come let the truth be shared No one ever dared To break these endless lies Secretly she cries She burns like the sun And I can't look away And she'll burn our horizons Make no mistakes And I'll hide from the world Behind a broken frame And I'll run forever I can't face the shame And I'll hide from the world Behind a broken frame And I'll run forever I can't face the shame 歌词就不翻了,个人理解不同Demo的前两段歌词不一样:Let the truth be known Life just carries on When you're dead and gone I'll still feel your glow And I'll believe I'll still feel your glow And I'll believe I'll still feel your glow
2. muscle museum(名字没什么特别意义,只是个梗~)  这首歌的创作起始于乐队创建早期在Matthew Bellamy家的排练,那时它的吉他在贝斯线和鼓之前就出来了。它最早以Muscle Museum EP发行,有两个版本。一个和后来Showbiz里的样子十分接近,另一个较短的是有雨声效果的原声版本。后来第二个被用到第一个的前奏部分。这个EP版本仍然和Showbiz里的不完全一样,因为专辑版有不同的低音鼓和副歌前段。  Bellamy说这首歌表达的是“身体和灵魂的冲突”——这是弗洛伊德关于欲望与理智之间冲突的观点。他后来又说这和未来没有实体只有意识的人类有关。这个想法来自于一本他读过的书。(这种事发生了多少次啊。。。我有预感我会不停地翻到这句话。)  歌的标题来自于Muse用过的一本字典,上面“muse”这个单词的前一个就是muscle,后一个就是museum。(这个大家都知道~)  你可以在“Muscle Museum”里听到Matt提到他的家乡,那时候人们仍然认为他们做出了错误的选择(to prove I've made a big mistake)。  Matt实际上唱了吉他的solo。“我想在副歌结束时弹奏一个巨大的史诗般的吉他solo,但当我这么做时,却忘记了和弦。接着我突然发现我正在哼这段solo。于是最后我通过Marshall amp(一个音箱牌子)唱了这一段,并且它听上去和吉他一模一样。”(这个真不知道!!瞬间回去听有木有)    2007年底以后,这首歌很少再被现场演奏过。  2010年1月,Howard(Dom)透露给Australia的Triple J radio说他很愿意再次现场演奏这首歌,只是因为Bellamy丢了这首歌某一段必备的(罕有的)效果器,它才离开了常备歌单。(这个吧里以前八过)
She had something to confess to But you don’t have the time so Look the other way You will wait until it’s over To reveal what you’d never shown her Too little much too late Too long trying to resist it You’ve just gone and missed it It’s escaped your world Can you see that I am needing Begging for so much more Than you could ever give And I don’t want you to adore me Don’t want you to ignore me When it pleases you And I’ll do it on my own I have played in every toilet But you still want to spoil it To prove I’ve made a big mistake Too long trying to resist it You’ve just gone and missed it It’s escaped your world Can you see that I am needing Begging for so much more Than you could ever give And I don’t want you to adore me Don’t want you to ignore me When it pleases you yeah... So I’ll do it on my own and I’ll do it all by myself And you will never make it
She had something to confess to But you don’t have the time so Look the other way You will wait until it’s over To reveal what you’d never shown her Too little much too late Too long trying to resist it You’ve just gone and missed it It’s escaped your world Can you see that I am needing Begging for so much more Than you could ever give And I don’t want you to adore me Don’t want you to ignore me When it pleases you And I’ll do it on my own I have played in every toilet But you still want to spoil it To prove I’ve made a big mistake Too long trying to resist it You’ve just gone and missed it It’s escaped your world Can you see that I am needing Begging for so much more Than you could ever give And I don’t want you to adore me Don’t want you to ignore me When it pleases you yeah... So I’ll do it on my own and I’ll do it all by myself And you will never make it
  3.fillip(小刺激,响指)  这个单词在这首歌里大概是取其作为“响指”的意思,因为打一个响指需要极短的时间(It's happening soon)。  (这首歌没啥信息,在Muser里面都太小众了,大缪也没现场过几次。不过我在写的时候听了好几遍,突然觉得蛮好听的~)(也木有封面)It's happening soon It's happening soon Its scent has been blowing in my direction To me it is new To me it is new And it's not gonna change for anybody And it's gonna be Our last memory And it's led me on And on to you It's got to be here It's got to be there It's got to be nowOr I'll lose forever To me it is strange This feeling is strange But it's not gonna change for anybody And it's gonna be Our last memory And it's led me on And on to you Accuse me Trust me I never knew That you were the one You were the one And it's gonna be Our last memory And it's led me on And on to you And it's gonna be Our last memory And it's led me on And on to you 最早的live版本,歌词有挺多细微差别,就是挺多,但都是很细微。。。标出来很麻烦,就再贴一遍吧:To me this is new To me it is new But it's not gonna change for anybody It's gotta be here It's gotta be there It's gotta be now 'cause I'm everywhere And I'm gonna be No longer I live 'cause it led me on And on 'til I be gone It's gotta be true And I'm not afraid But it's gonna be strange for everybody It's gotta be here It's gotta be there It's gotta be now 'cause I'm everywhere And I'm gonna be No longer I live 'cause it led me on And on I can be gone Accuse me Trust me I never knew That you are the one You are the one And I'm gonna be No longer I live 'cause it led me on And on to where I have gone
  4.falling down(跌落)  忧伤,缓慢,爵士的。这首歌曲调十分平缓。    这首歌唱的是在Teignmouth的成长。  Bellamy说它是仅有的两首 歌词比曲调更早出来的歌之一。  Bellamy说这首歌是关于他在“一个无聊的不能给我任何东西的小镇”长大的青葱岁月。这个小镇只有在夏天作为伦敦客的游览点时才会活过来。当夏天结束时,那些人离开了,同时也带走了所有活力。“在那里我觉得自己被束缚住了。我的朋友不是嗑药就是玩音乐,但我更被后者吸引并最终学会了怎么玩音乐。这成了我逃离的方式。如果不是乐队的缘故,我很有可能变成瘾君子。”  Bellamy还说这首歌有几部分是想要使Teignmouth爆发。“事实上,well,我们的小镇只有15000人。海边的小镇不是适合成长的好地方。它们很好,你可以把你家的门一直开着,但那就是全部了,它到底只是有种小镇的氛围。我认为歌曲的某些地方是想要激发它!”“Falling down”同时从另一个角度描述了那15000个居民从没给Muse一个机会(you would never hear me sing)。(其实他们后来超以你们自豪。。。咳咳,成名以后都这样吧)(也是没找到封面)I’m falling down And fifteen thousand people scream They were all begging for your dream I’m falling down Five thousand houses burning down No-one is gonna save this town Too late I already found what I was looking for You know it wasn’t here No it wasn’t here I was calling your name But you would never hear me sing You wouldn’t let me begin So I’m crawling away 'Cause you broke my heart in two, yeahh No, I will not forget you Too late I already found what I was looking for You know it wasn’t you No, it wasn’t you Noooooo Falling away You would never see me through No, I could not forget you Falling down A thousand houses burning down No-one is gonna save this town Too late I already found what I was looking for You know it wasn’t you No, it wasn’t you Noooooo Falling down Now the world is upside down I’m heading straight for the clouds
  5.cave(洞穴)  另一个名字是Nova Scotia(加拿大 省名)    Muse最早录制的歌之一。在Muse EP和Showbiz里版本有所不同。  Matthew Bellamy:“Cave的灵感来源于那本垃圾的美国畅销书‘男人来自火星,女人来自金星’。(神!马!)它有说到男人遇到压力时就会躲到洞穴里,我认为这大概是对的,虽然我个人更倾向于发泄出来。我昨晚是在酒店浴室里发了一通脾气——但是我成功的把马桶修好了,所以现在不是问题了。(!!!)”  2000年在Melbourne ABC Studios表演这首歌之前,Matt说这首歌“和一个老朋友有关...他现在已经不再是朋友了。”  Cave还是Little Nicky(魔鬼接班人,据说蛮好看的)的电影配音。  Bellamy不喜欢现场表演这首歌,因为首先这是首老歌了,其次 副歌部分很难唱。它少有的现场用钢琴取代了部分吉他并且讲了半调。
Leave me alone, it's nothing serious. I'll do it myself, it's got nought to do with you And there's nothing you could do. You can see it and you can almost hear it too, You can almost taste it, it's nought to do with you And there's still nothing that you could do. So come in my cave and I'll burn your heart away. Come in my cave, and I'll burn your heart away. Please close your ears and try to look away So you'll never hear a single word I say and don't ever come my way. Leave me alone, it's nothing serious. I'll do it myself, it's got nought to do with you And there's still nothing you could do. So come in my cave, and I'll burn your heart away. Come in my cave, and arrest me for my mistakes. Yeah.
  6.showbiz(娱乐圈)  第一张专辑的同名单曲,经常被认为是一首非常阴暗的歌。从开始的鼓声到结束时的吉他回馈以一种快速的节奏将歌推上高潮。    以升F小调谱曲,Showbiz是一首另类的摇滚歌曲。这首歌以简单的鼓声开头,接着在整首歌过程中堆积力度,直到以Bellamy一个极高的人声带来最高潮。简单的鼓声持续随着歌曲尾声渐隐。  Bellamy在这首歌里的音域从C#3跨越到G#5,同时标志了他至今的最高音(也在survival和micro cuts中出现)和Muse歌曲中 人声音域最广的之一。他偶尔会在现场达到A5。  (这一段有点不知道自己在翻什么。。。乐理不好没办法,不过知道吱吱唱歌很好就是了!!)    之后的现场版里在开头有多出来的吉他(Hullabaloo)。  Bellamy说过:“Showbiz唱的是我们如何在外表下都隐藏着我们的内心人格。”歌词极有可能描述了隐藏内心之人格的艰难,或者表演对于生活的巨大影响。  这首歌被用作H.A.A.R.P. DVD的背景音。
Controlling my feelings for too long Controlling my feelings for too long Controlling my feelings for too long Controlling my feelings for too long Forcing our darkest souls to unfold And forcing our darkest souls to unfold And pushing us into self destruction Pushing us into self destruction They make me Make me dream your dreams They make me Make me scream your screams Trying to please you for too long Trying to please you for too long In visions of greed you wallow Visions of greed you wallow Visions of greed you wallow Visions of greed you wallow They make me Make me dream your dreams They make me Make me scream your screams Controlling my feelings for too long Controlling my feelings for too long And forcing my darkest soul to unfold And forcing our darkest souls to unfold And pushing us into self destruction And pushing us into self destruction They make me, ooh Make me dream your dreams They make me, ooh Make me scream your screams Oooh.... Demo里歌词约莫一样,但是前后顺序有变化,有两句在正式里删掉了:Trying to squeeze me for too long In minions of greed you wallow此外,Demo里是you make me,不是they make me。
  7.unintended(始料未及)  原声指弹    在的现场,Bellamy和Wolstenholme(C叔)都弹吉他。Matt的是电声,而Chris的有时是电的有时是原声。Chris还会用一个踏板控制器演奏贝斯。(C叔就是万能的神~~)07年以后,这首歌由E调改为D调。Matthew弹吉他,Chris弹贝斯,Nicholls偶尔会弹键盘。在The 2nd Law的巡演中,Matt只唱歌,而Chris弹电吉他。(为什么啊啊啊啊!!!)  Matt说这是另一首歌词在旋律之前被创作出来的歌(另一个是Falling down)。  Bellamy的解释是:“还有一些歌关于始料未及的爱情。我给那个女孩的歌是在录音室 写于我和她的一通电话后。我们把它称为unintended,是因为它来的没有缘由,而所有对这个女孩的感情 我也没料到它们的发生。”  在Muscle Museum EP中,Paul Reeve(这哥们儿除了打了这次酱油外,几乎合作制作了Muse的所有专辑,从这张EP一直到二货定律)负责和声。(Remix版的相关信息我就不翻了,里面有些专业人士和专业词汇,我不太了解。其实我觉得几乎所有remix都是在毁原作有木有,不服来辩!&-这货抽了,不要理她。如果谁有特殊要求我再放上来。)
(话说谁能告诉我为什么有些图怎么粘都粘不上)You could be my unintended Choice to live my life extended You could be the one I’ll always love You could be the one who listens To my deepest inquisitions You could be the one I’ll always love I’ll be there as soon as I can But I’m busy mending broken Pieces of the life I had before First there was the one who challenged All my dreams and all my balance She could never be as good as you You could be my unintended Choice to live my life extended You should be the one I’ll always love I’ll be there as soon as I can But I’m busy mending broken Pieces of the life I had before I’ll be there as soon as I can But I’m busy mending broken Pieces of the life I had before Before you一)  (终于到这首了,超喜欢啊啊啊!!!)  它是首非常简单,却又朴实认真的歌。    Muse的第一首单曲。  有原声版本。(在哪里?!)  为Showbiz录制这首歌时扩音器废掉了。录Escape时发生了同样的事情。    Uno中的主角可能和Hyper Music以及Hate this & I'll love you中的是同一个人;这个人在这之前与乐队有所交集,并且Bellamy有强烈的理由去讨厌她。
This means nothing to me 'cause you are nothing to me And it means nothing to me That you blew this away 'cause you could've been number one If you only found the time And you could've ruled the whole world If you had the chance You could've been number one And you could've ruled the whole world And we could've had so much fun But you blew it away You're still nothing to me And this is nothing to me And you don't know what you've done But I'll give you a clue You could've been number one If you only had the chance And you could've ruled the whole world If you had the time You could've been number one And you could've ruled the whole world And we could've had so much fun But you blew it away You could've been number one And you could've ruled the whole world And we could've had so much fun But you blew it away
  9.sober(将醉未醉)  (好吧这个名字我乱翻的,感觉比较有美感,也蛮符合歌词)  另一个歌名为only(唯一)    有关于酗酒。这首歌提到了好几种不同的威士忌品牌,例如Royal Canadian(加拿大皇冠威士忌:为纪念英国King George VI及Queen Mary于1929年访问加拿大而配制的皇冠威士忌,是目前世界上最畅销的优质加拿大威士忌,口味清淡)、Wild Turkey(威凤凰——凤凰泥煤。。。明明就是火鸡——酒精含量较低,水含量也较低——那它还剩什么。。)、Arbourler and Jameson(这个神奇的度娘谷哥都没介绍)  这首歌给GT赛车3做了bgm。(没找着封面)Royal Canadian blended The spicy aroma had mended me Matured for years and imported Into my glass you poured it And you're the only reason that I remain unfrozen Suppose it stands to reasonThat you would turn on me You're so solid You're so solid It burns inside of me 'cause you're so solid It burns inside of me Wild Turkey's been chosen Its caramel nose can smell me Arbourler, Jameson I love you(It's running wild through my brain vein——live) The single malts come burning(Only hatred remains——live)And you're the only reason that I remain unfrozen Suppose it stands to reason That you would turn on me You're so solid You're so solid It burns inside of me 'cause you're so solid It burns inside of me. Royal Canadian blended(Arbourler, Jameson I love you——demo)The spicy aroma had mended me(The single malts come burning——demo)And you're the only reason that I remain unfrozen Suppose it stands to reason That you would turn on me You're so solid You're so solid It burns inside of me 'cause you're so solid It burns inside me
  10.escape(逃离)  另一个名字是You're meaningless, escape your meaningless(你是无意义的,逃离你的无意义)    这首歌柔和地开始,接着爆发,然后变得相当重型。    这首歌的Showbiz专辑版和Muse EP版相差极大。  08年11月,粉丝问答时,问“告诉我们一首你们真的爱极了,但却被粉丝低估的歌。”Chris回答说:“我真的很喜欢第一张专的Escape。它不是我们真的 经常现场的歌,我也没听过谁说这是他们最喜欢的。真遗憾。”  Matt在录音过程中废掉了一个扩音器。它是老式的Burman combo。    1. 一个男人责问自己对自己所爱之人做的一切,也许会使她从此离去并留给他无尽的压抑。最终,他相信自己的人生已经失去意义并且无足轻重,并且没有人能改变他对此的想法。于是他选择通过自杀逃离自己的生命。  2. 有可能是一首关于Bellamy父母离婚的歌。歌词“why can't you just love her?”可能是Bellamy请求他的父亲留在他母亲身边。(我去好惨。。)“But I'll still take all the blame”可能表达了孩子如何觉得父母离婚是他们的错。(这个真的可能性很大诶。我记得以前看到过,由此采访马羞说 他最后悔的事是曾不小心砸碎了家里的镜子,他妈说这会让家里倒10年霉,然后第二年他爸妈就离婚了。。。)(如果真的是这个的话,那和歌词在一起真的觉得超难过额)(还是无封面)You would say anything And you would try anything To escape your meaningless And your insignificance You're uncontrollable And we are unlovable And I don't want you to think that I care I never would, I never could again Why can't you just love her? Why be such a monster? You bully from a distance Your brain needs some assistance But I'll still take all the blame 'Cause you and me are both one and the same And its driving me madAnd its driving me mad I'll take back all the things that I said I didn't realize I was talking to the living dead And I dont want you to think that I care I never would, I never could again You would say anything And you would try anything To escape your meaningless And your insignificance
  11.overdue(迟了)  Muse EP和Showbiz的版本不一样,中间有一段舒缓的过渡并且有多出来的歌词,同时省略了最后一遍副歌。(强烈推荐EP版,中间那段真心好听!!!)(没有单独的封面)You needed it when I was away And no matter what I say You’ll never forget when I wasn’t there so Why should I care? I’m young but I know that I’m aroused You know that I care You should have been there You know that I care You should have been there It doesn’t matter where I have gone I just can’t afford to Pay for all the mistakes that you have made It’s about time I was paid I’m young but I know that I’m aroused You know that I care You should have been there You know that I care You should have been there You know that I care You should have been there You know that I care You should have been there You know that I care You should have been there You know that I care You should have been there EP版多了:You... We really need to change it And turn it over
  12.hate this & I'll love you(恨透了这一切,但我仍会爱着你)  几乎无现场    1.这首歌大约唱的是 一个人给他的伴侣太多次机会后,开始对这段关系越来越疲倦。  2.主人公可能和Hyper Music以及Uno中的是同一个人。    如果你仔细地听完整首歌,可以听到蟋蟀的叫声。(我第一次就听出来了!!小时候每个夏天都会养蟋蟀玩儿~家里到现在都时一堆石头和竹子的蟋蟀罐)(无封面)Oh I am growing tired Of allowing you to steal Everything I have, you're making me feel Like I was born to service you But I am growing by the hour You left us far behind So we all discard our souls And blaze through your skies So afraid to die 'cause I was born to destroy you And I am growing by the hour And I'm getting strong in every way, yeah, yeah You led me on, you led me on, you ... Oh, and I'm getting strong in every way Yeah, yeah Demo歌词除头尾以外,中间基本上全不一样。简单地说,Demo比较狠,专辑版比较绝望:Oh I am growing tired Of allowing you to steal Everything I had And it's making me feel Like I walk all over you I am growing by the hour You left me far behind And I'm always on your track And when I catch you out I will tear your soul apart I walk all over you And I am growing by the hour And I'm getting stronger every day Yeah, yeah You lead me on, you... And I'm getting stronger every day Yeah, yeah, yeah Oooooh
(这张专最后一部分,睡觉去咯~)  *showbiz(album)  制作人:John Leckie, Paul Reeve  (出一张好的专辑制作人贡献也是很大的,让我们记住他们吧~)  美术:Matthew Bellamy,Tanya Andrew(前女友啊前女友这是!!大学美术专业)    Showbiz是Muse的处女作,在年间录制。这些歌包括了早到96年的老歌。专辑里的所有歌在97年前都已完成。它们是Muse进入录音室之前写的“五十多首”歌中挑选出来的。乐队挑选了那些他们认为最不前卫的制作了Showbiz。  制作专辑的John Leckie在98年年末就开始参加Muse的演唱会。Leckie与Sawmills recording studio有很深联系,而乐队前一年在录音室所有者Dennis Smith的许可下在那里免费录制过Muse EP。他在那段时间和乐队建立了关系,并提出只要乐队愿意他想和他们一起工作。在Muse之前,Leckie已经有一段时间的空档期。没有和任何乐队合作。99年5月15号录制完成。    随附专辑的小册子里没有歌词,但是每首歌都有一句歌词被粗体引用。它在英国达到白金销量。  (这是超长一段,我看了下,就是各国不同版本,以及再版的信息。像我们一般人不收藏这种的,也没什么特别意义,就不翻了。废话好多,还没八卦= =)    10周年的时候有个送签名版专辑的有奖竞赛,问在Maverick之后哪个摇滚歌手尝试签约Muse?  答案是Serj Tankian(金属乐队System of a Down的主唱,作曲,键盘,偶尔客串旋律吉他)。  (这两个都是谁跟谁啊@_@为什么会有人知道答案。。。)
二、origin of symmetry(对称原点)  1.New Born(新生)
(这个最初版是 @池长云 翻的,撒花~~亲,我把一些太生硬的直译改成了意译的,sampled vocals你是对的~应该就是声音采样)
另一个名字是New One(新的一个)
一个疑似Showbiz时期风格的清脆钢琴前奏,接入OOS时期的riff(即兴重复段)及吉他失真。  Matt Bellamy将其定义为:“一种无法与他人连接的感觉——这与现实相违背——这还是一种思想超越形体的感觉,但当这它真的发生时,你只会渴望回到现实并去感觉到那些真实的东西,那些确确实实的物质。
它是关于 对科技发展不确定的恐惧,以及现实中它是如何毁灭了所有人性。令我恐惧的是,它发展的速度将会超过我们所能够控制的,因此这首歌将我放置于未来的某点,那时 身体已不再重要,每个人都被接入一个巨大的网络。第一句歌词‘Link it to the world’意味着将自己连接到一个规模庞大的世界之网,在那里人们处于另一个现实中,某种角度来说这和电影The Matrix(黑客帝国)所用的概念一样,但我们不打算模仿他们对于科技及其发展的构想。”    New Born是一首E小调的电子/另类摇滚歌曲。它以分解的钢琴和弦(琶音)开始,然后同一个琶音不断重复,接着由失真的吉他引出主歌。这首歌的速率相当快,前奏一开始是147bpm,之后加速到153bpm。有趣的是,现场时 前奏通常会加快,而歌曲的其他部分反而总体减慢了。更有意思的是,这两部分都会变得越来越慢。(原文是have decreased in speed over time,不确定是在整首歌里越来越慢,还是在每次现场中越来越慢。。。)  Bellamy的音域跨度是从F#3到E5。结尾用的是声乐采样。  New Born一开始是99年给Foo Fighter暖场巡演时调弦的一个片段,钢琴前奏在那之后才完成。在David Bottrill负责专辑录制时,乐队曾经尝试过用Bellamy的声音代替钢琴前奏,但录完以后觉得太过于抽象所以删去了。Bellamy将此归功于Magic Mushroom(迷幻蘑菇:长得蛮好看的,红红的上面有白点,像撒了糖粉一样,据说很苦,特点是能使人出现强烈幻觉,其他和别的毒品差不多)使声音听上去似乎更好听了的效果。  单曲中的结尾是使用声乐采样缓缓淡出,和Origin of Symmetry专辑版不一样。
Link it to the worldLink it to yourselfStretch it like a birth squeezeThe love for what you hideThe bitterness insideIs growing like the new bornWhen you've seen, seenToo much,Too young, youngSoulless is everywhereHopeless time to roamThe distance to your homeFades away to nowhereHow much are you worth?You can't come down to earthYou're swelling upYou're unstoppable'Cause you've seen, seenToo muchToo young, youngSoulless is everywhereDestroy the spinelessShow me it's realWasting our last chance to come awayJust break the silence'cause I'm drifting awayAway from youLink it to the worldLink it to yourselfStretch it like it's a birth squeezeAnd the love for what you hideAnd the bitterness insideIs growing like the new bornWhen you've seen, seenToo much,Too young, youngSoulless is everywhere(Soulless is breaking me)Destroy the spinelessShow me it's realWasting our last chanceTo come awayJust break the silence'Cause I'm drifting awayAway from you(然后再一次忽略remix吧,也是歌词有少许的省略和重排。听了一下毁得倒不是太厉害,但是怪怪的你们懂得。。。那个背景音处理地还蛮好听的,但是吉他!钢琴!你们给我回来- -)
Everything about you is how I'd wanna be Your freedom comes naturally Everything about you resonates happiness Now I won't settle for less Give me All the peace and joy in your mind Everything about you pains my envying Your soul can't hate anything Everything about you is so easy to love They're watching you from above Give me All the peace and joy in your mind I want the peace and joy in your mind Give me the peace and joy in your mind Everything about you resonates happiness Now I won't settle for less Give me all the peace and joy in your mind I want the peace and joy in your mind Give me the peace and joy in your mind 别的几个版本歌词没什么不一样,就是颠来倒去。第一次现场后面多了半粒米的一句话。。。"Ha ha ha. Yeah, we've never played that ever before." (= =自动脑补他的笑声有木有)
(只翻了一个半有点不好意思,再发一首吧~那么晚了,口胡,早了,求表扬~~) dementia(时空失格)  Space dementia是通俗科幻小说中一种假设的心理状态,据说太空中的宇航员有时会体会到这种经历。这可能源于在浩瀚宇宙中的渺小感,和缺乏社会接触并意识到自己与其他人类完全隔离带来的不安全感。这首歌受Rachmaninov(拉赫玛尼诺夫,近代,基本上是Muse古典音乐方面的缪斯)启发,由钢琴前奏开始,渐渐随着钢琴重击和贝斯 进入重型部分,副歌由循环的键盘效果音引出,接着是一个小心处理过的人声展示,然后重击的钢琴又引出下一章节。同时,副歌的人声部分和和音正是Rachmaninoc's second piano concerto 1st movement(拉二第一乐章:开头俄国风很浓,接着有一段很像天鹅湖,到很后面才听得出和space dementia的相似之处,一段琶音基本上完全一样)部分删减版。这首歌以复杂的副歌结尾,然后是沉重而丰厚地混杂在一起的 相位效果(这是啥?),钢琴,吉他,失真的贝斯,以及Matt的裤子拉链拉开又拉上的声音。(虽然早知道。。还是很囧)    Matthew Bellamy:“Space dementia这个术语是NASA(美国国家航天局)用来定义一个人被长时间遗弃在太空中所造成的后果,因为当你真正意识到你在那里的状况并回望地球,这种感觉能把你搞疯掉(想象一下,真的)。这首歌是关于一个对我的生命来说相当重要的一个人,在我把自己放远了观察这个人时,我体会到了space dementia。这是源于强度极大的全神贯注,你变得痴迷的几乎到恶心的地步。”(好吧,我很想知道这是谁。。。)    Space dementia是由一首由钢琴贯穿的摇滚歌曲,同时还包含了古典音乐,电子摇滚和重金属的元素。以Em作曲,它起速只有62bpm,到主歌部分时升至85bpm。尾声一下子从钢琴转到重型失真的吉他,并且以6/8拍 114bpm的节奏演奏。  Bellamy在这首歌里的音域跨F#3到D5。    当Muse把最初这首歌的小样演奏给John Leckie时,钢琴几乎被贝司和鼓完全压过,Leckie不得不在Matt弹奏时把脑袋凑到钢琴边上(好萌的感觉~)。  Space dementia本来是想放在OOS的最后一首。重型吉他尾声部分是分开录制的,想要用来和钢琴对比。乐队本来想要增加结尾的低频音到人耳所听不见的范围,甚至到非法有害的地步。    (#注意!!第一句歌词的第一个单词不是height,是H8,写成前者的是写错了!!连原版碟的歌词本都应错了。)    Matt在03年的一个采访中解释了H8的具体含义:“通过使用一个可以植入工业机器内部的微电脑(日立H8/3048F),你就能明白微电脑的输入和输出可以用来控制机器人,你还能通过C语言(计算机编程语言)进行关于脉冲电动机(数字控制),伺服电动机(脉宽调制)和虚拟串口的实验。H8模型是一个16节并拥有32节寄存器的微电脑,它的闪存为128k,有可扩充容量为128k的(静态)随机储存器4k,和有内置数模双向转换器的78个输入输出终端。H8这种微电脑通常被装在电视机,磁带录像机,手机和汽车导航仪中。因为它有足够的输入输出终端,H8微电脑也可以用作小型机器人的核心处理器。”  (我被这段秒了,除了乐理以外又一次完全不知道自己在翻什么东西,很多时候完全是按句子解构来断句的,如果有哪位大神发现问题就指出好了。其他和我一样完全一头雾水的只要知道人工智能机器人是这段核心就行了。)    06年有4个月左右的现场,这首歌单单结尾被加在“knights of cydonia”后面。
这就是这哥们儿拉裤链那段儿- -Mmmmm H8 is the one for me It gives me all I need And helps me coexist With the chill You make me sick Because I adore you so I love all the dirty tricks And twisted games you play On me Space dementia in your eyes and Peace will arise And tear us apart And make us meaningless again Mmmm, yeah You'll make us wanna die I'd cut your name in my heart We'll destroy this world for you I know you want me to Feel your pain Space dementia in your eyes and Venus will arise And tear us apart And make us meaningless again Ooooh ...
(从后面起我基本上往 意译转了,不会改原文意思,就让它没那么呆板。每次都要正式地打Matthew Bellmay好拙计,直接吱吱,马羞什么的好了)  4.hyper music(亢奋的音乐)  另一个名字是I don't love you(我不爱你)  十分有力的贝斯线。在上升的快节奏中,歌词略苦涩。Riff和Rage against the machine(美国说唱金属乐队,差不多会Muse在摇滚乐队里的男神们了,2000年初马羞看了差不多8场他们的演唱会!!!)’s的snakecharmer(逗蛇人:糙糙的质感,不过我。。有点欣赏不能)很相似。这首歌还有一个平缓放松的版本叫Hyper chondriac music(麻木的音乐)(不太确定,hyper chondriac指对身体健康毫不在意,即使很不舒服了,也觉得没什么事不愿意去检查)    吱吱说:“这首歌真的骚起来了,它真的马力全开,不过歌词却是坦白的消极情绪。纯粹的愤怒,和对感情的无动于衷,正好和‘bliss’相反。它实际上和我读的一本叫做‘hyper space’的书相关,那本书讲的是自然及物理的定律如何与纯数学的第十维空间结合到一起,组成一个主题。”(。。。)    Hyper music是一首写于Dm调的重金属摇滚歌曲。它富有力量,有着强势的贝斯线和侵略性的歌词。它以相对较快的122bpm前进。  吱吱的音域从G3到D5。这首歌有许多A4音,接近吱吱的真声最高音,所以可以说唱起来相当难。    可能歌的主角和Hate this & I'll love you及Uno里是同一个人。  还有人觉得歌词有反宗教的本质。歌词可以是一个像Jesus Christ一样的救世主人物的自白。“Golden lies”可以是祭司的谎言,他们在人间“feed role”行使了神的权力。这个谎言并不是关于神或耶稣是否存在,因为不管怎样他说“who's returned from the dead? Who remains?”(谁从死亡回到现世?又是谁永沉于黑暗?)(有些反诘的意味);这个谎言更可能是他对自己是来拯救人类撒了谎,“I don't love you and I never did(我不爱你们,也从未爱过你们)”。第二段阐述了他不想要我们的原因,“You wanted more than I was worth(你们想要的比我所能提供的还多)”——一个超人类的弥赛亚显然没有把我们带离原罪;“And you think I was scared(你觉得我惧怕了)”暗示Jesus对将要被钉死在十字架上的命运显而易见的恐惧,在Gethsemane(受难地)的花园(Jesus就是在这里被抓走的)(Mark 14,Luck 22:43-44);“And you needed proof(而你需要证明)”,这是我们现在现代城市和科技时代所求的一个解释,但是很少有宗教能够反驳。“Who really cares any more?”——这就是结束,上帝不爱我们,他不在乎,他遗弃了我们,所以我们再会目睹世上的一切折磨。  (有一个很另类我很喜欢的音乐剧叫做jesus christ superstar,韦伯很早的作品,摇滚风,争议性很大,推荐大家去看看。土豆有视频的是2000年版,虾米上比较好的是96年伦敦版soundtrack。这两个版本虽然cast不一样,但是是差异最小的。不管哪一个版本,里面Gethsemane这首歌都相当好听,相当震撼,演员嗓子很干净通彻。歌词是耶稣责问上帝为什么要让自己承担这一切,写的很好。大家有兴趣去听一听啦~~)    Michio Kaku(加来道雄:加来道雄,日裔美国人,理论物理学家,哈佛和伯克利的高材生,提出了超弦理论,貌似为宇宙之谜做出了贡献。。。)写的Hyper space(多维空间)是整张专辑最基础的灵感(又来了~半粒米太高端,为什么他看的书除了1984外我老是看不懂,智商捉急),特别是专辑名和hyper music这首歌是那本书最直接的体现。它里面许多形而上学,关于宗教的讨论给人们带来宗教版的歌词解释。  有趣的是,歌词本里有一个误听的歌词排版错误。“Golden lies”被印成“golden skies”。很有可能是因为早期的现场版本Matt唱的就是“skies”。(哪里有趣了。。)
P.S.Hyper chondriac music听上去完全不一样,但是歌词基本一致,除了最后一句的want改成了love。


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