《三菱数控系统的调试及应用》 黄风, 等【摘要 书评 试读】图书
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出版社: 机械工业出版社; 第1版 (日)
平装: 561页
语种: 简体中文
25.6 x 18.2 x 2 cm
品牌: 机械工业出版社
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第1篇三菱数控系统的调试 第1章数控系统的连接和检查 1.1三菱数控系统使用的强电电源及连接的检查 1.2三菱数控系统使用的DC24V电源及其检查 1.3对接地装置的检查和要求 1.4对输入输出信号的连接和检查 1.5其他连接注意事项 附录1调试用通信电缆 附录2三菱CNC开机前检查设置一览表 附录3数控系统调试常用表格 第2章数控系统开机前后对硬件设置 和参数的设定 2.1对驱动器站号的设置 2.1.1MDS?D系列驱动器设置 2.1.2MDS?R系列驱动器设置 2.1.3MDS?C?V系列驱动器设置 2.1.4MDS?D?SVJ3系列驱动器设置 2.2对远程I/O单元的设置 2.2.1M60系统中RI/O直接与基本I/O连接时的设置 2.2.2M60系统中RI/O直接与控制器连接时的设置 2.2.3M70系统中RI/O单元与“控制柜I/O单元”相连接 2.2.4M70系统中RI/O单元与控制器相连接 2.3M70系统的初始化 2.4E60系统开机后基本参数的设置 2.4.1基本参数的设置 2.4.2伺服电动机参数的设置 2.4.3主轴参数的设置 2.4.4PLC参数 2.5M70系统开机后的参数设置 2.5.1设定数控设备类型 2.5.2系统设定 2.5.3其他参数的设置 2.6开机后常见的故障报警及 排除 第3章M70系统操作界面的使用 及各菜单键功能 3.1MONITOR操作界面 3.1.1MONITOR→搜索 3.1.2MONITOR→再搜索 3.1.3MONITOR→编辑 3.1.4MONITOR→轨迹 3.1.5MONITOR→检查 3.1.6MONITOR→Cntexp 3.1.7MONITOR→补正量 3.1.8MONITOR→坐标系 3.1.9MONITOR→▼→积时间 3.1.10MONITOR→▼→公共VAR 3.1.11MONITOR→▼→局部VAR 3.1.12MONITOR→▼→PLC开关 3.1.13MONITOR→▼→G92设定 3.1.14MONITOR→▼→比较停止 3.2SETUP操作界面 3.2.1SETUP?补正量 3.2.2SETUP→T测量 3.2.3SETUP→T登录 3.2.4SETUP→坐标系 3.2.5SETUP→W测量 3.3EDIT操作界面 3.3.1EDIT→编辑 3.3.2EDIT→检查 3.4DIAGN诊断操作界面 3.4.1DIAGN→S/WH/W构成 3.4.2DIAGN→I/F诊断 3.4.3DIAGN→驱动器监控 3.4.4DIAGN→NC存储诊断 3.4.5DIAGN→报警信息 3.4.6DIAGN→自诊断 3.5MAINTE操作界面 3.5.1MAINTE→维护 3.5.2MAINTE→参数 3.5.3MAINTE→I/O 3.6F0操作界面 3.6.1F0→NCFILE 3.6.2F0→EXT.FILEOPERATION 3.6.3F0→LADDERMONITOR 3.6.4F0→LADDEREDIT 3.6.5F0→DEVICE 3.6.6F0→PARAM 3.6.7F0→ENVIRONSETTING 第4章数控系统内置PLC固定接口 ——Y接口 4.1Y接口的定义 4.2功能说明 第5章数控系统内置PLC固定接口——输出型数据接口 5.1输出型数据接口的定义 5.2功能说明 第6章数控系统内置PLC固定接口——X接口 6.1X接口的定义 6.2功能说明 第7章数控系统内置PLC固定接口——输入型数据接口 7.1输入型数据接口的定义 7.2功能说明 第8章实用PLC程序结构 8.1初始设定 8.2“工作模式选择部分”程序的编制 8.3伺服轴运动控制 8.4运动速度的设定 8.5数控功能的选择 8.6对M、S、T指令的处理程序 8.7主轴运行程序 8.8报警程序的编制 第9章信息程序的编制及其与PLC程序的关系 9.1信息程序的开发使用的软件 9.2由PLC程序所开发的信息种类 9.3信息程序的编制要点 9.4编制PLC信息程序的具体操作 9.5信息程序和PLC主程序之间的关系 9.6与信息程序相关的参数 附录E60开机界面设定方法 第10章数控车床的PLC程序编制 10.1数控车床刀架换刀的工作顺序 10.2数控车床的换刀动作及指令 10.3换刀过程的其他问题 10.4关于液压卡盘的安全工作模式 10.5液压尾座的工作模式 第11章数控加工中心斗笠式刀库PLC程序编制 11.1斗笠式刀库的基本特点 11.2M70系统内置刀库的设置 11.3换刀专用指令的使用 11.4换刀PLC程序的编制方法 11.5换刀宏程序的编制方法 11.6刀库换刀的安全保护 11.7刀库换刀调试必须注意的问题 第12章机械手刀库的PLC程序开发和调试 12.1机械手刀库的工作特点 12.2M70数控系统内置刀库的设置 12.3换刀专用指令的使用 12.4换刀宏程序及PLC程序的编制方法 12.5刀套号与实际刀具号的关系 12.6刀库调试必须注意的问题 第13章机械手刀库刀套内实际刀具号的显示程序 13.1问题的提出 13.2刀库中的两套坐标系 13.3M70数控系统“刀库运行监视画面”的显示特性 13.4刀套坐标系显示程序的开发 第14章PLC程序编制技术要点 14.1各NC系统可以使用的软元件 14.2PLC高速处理和主处理的区别和使用 14.3多程序运行 14.4计时器T、计数器C数值设置 14.5PLC程序中使用的 “常数” 14.6通过PLC程序对部分参数的修改和设置 14.7PLC程序与宏程序的接口 14.8PLC专用指令 第15章基本参数的功能及使用 15.1基本参数的定义 15.2功能说明 第16章轴规格参数 16.1轴规格参数 16.2回原点专用参数 16.3绝对位置设定 16.4第2类轴规格参数 第17章伺服系统参数 17.1伺服系统参数 17.2主轴参数 17.3E60系统主轴电动机参数 17.4M70系统主轴电动机专用参数 第18章数控系统回原点及坐标系的建立 18.1相对位置检测系统回原点方式 18.2绝对位置检测系统的回原点方式 第19章数控系统故障分析 19.1数控系统的故障分析及排除的一般方法 19.1.1故障判断的一般方法 19.1.2数控系统的常见的故障类型 19.1.3排除故障的一般方法 19.1.4维修注意事项 19.2数控系统烧损的主要类型及防护对策 19.2.1数控系统接地不良引起的烧损 (案例1)磨床地线“接零”引起的烧损 (案例2)热处理机床地线“接零”引起的烧损 19.2.2接地不良引起的故障 (案例3)“F098电缆”电缆的烧损 (案例4)F098电缆烧毁故障排除 (案例5)接地不良导致控制器烧损 19.2.3基本I/O、远程I/O因为接线错误引起的烧损 19.2.4DC24V电源短路引起的烧损 19.2.5进行DNC加工出现的烧毁 19.2.6编码器烧毁 19.2.7模拟信号接反引起的烧损 (案例6)模拟信号接反引起的烧损 (案例7)电源电缆F070制作错误(接反)引起的烧损 19.2.8总的分析和判断 19.2.9对策 19.2.10三菱数控系统中各部件的接地端子 19.3急停类故障的诊断及排除 (案例8)急停报警:“CVIN” (案例9)急停报警“EMGPARA” (案例10)“EMGLINE”报警 19.4连接与设置类故障 (案例11)E60数控系统Y03报警 (案例12)GOT与CNC的通信故障 (案例13)急停LINE (案例14)急停LINE 19.5伺服系统——驱动器、电动机、编码器故障 (案例15)上电后伺服电动机电流持续上升直至报警 (案例16)上电后伺服电动机发热直至冒烟 (案例17)工作机械低速区过载 (案例18)伺服驱动器所连接制动电电阻急剧发热 (案例19)伺服轴一运动就出现“过极限报警” (案例20)伺服轴运行出现闷响 (案例21)S0110报警,驱动器PN线电压过低 (案例22)伺服电动机运行时有闷响声——电动机发热 (案例23)上电后S030051过载报警 (案例24)电动机只振动不旋转 (案例25)上电伺服电动机过载 (案例26)上电后系统一直出现“S010052”过载报警 (案例27)Z轴一移动就“过载报警” (案例28)伺服电动机过电流报警 (案例29)Z轴伺服驱动器过载 (案例30)机床开机出现S01伺服报警,EMG急停 (案例31)机床漏电导致过电流报警 (案例32)E60“EMG009FSVR0052”报警 (案例33)三菱C64系统S010018报警 (案例34)半轴淬火机床故障 (案例35)三菱640M数控系统开机后发生22、33号红色报警 (案例36)数控车床在端面加工时,表面出现周期性波纹 19.6主轴驱动器,主轴电动机及编码器故障报警及排除 (案例37)在屏幕上不能设定主轴速度 (案例38)屏幕上不能显示实际主轴速度 (案例39)主轴运行不畅,颤动,抖动 (案例40)Y03——“主轴驱动器未正确连接”报警 (案例41)不能执行G84——“固定循环—固定攻螺纹” (案例42)E60系统无主轴模拟信号输出 (案例43)主轴高速旋转时出现异常振动 (案例44)主轴运转异常噪响 (案例45)主轴旋转时有异常声音 (案例46)加工中心主轴定位不准或错位 (案例47)FR?SF主轴常见故障 (案例48)FR主轴驱动器高速运行时出现断路器跳闸 (案例49)FR主轴驱动器主轴运行噪声大 (案例50)FR主轴驱动器低速时出现尖叫故障 (案例51)主轴速度只有实际速度的一半 (案例52)主轴不能调速 (案例53)数控车床车螺纹时,出现起始段螺纹“乱牙”故障 (案例54)主轴定位不准 (案例55)主轴定位不准 (案例56)主轴电动机过电流报警 (案例57)主轴速度不能按设定值运行 19.7输入输出类故障 (案例58)数控系统不受控制 (案例59)在诊断画面上观察不到输入输出信号 19.8回原点类故障 (案例60)关于接近开关做原点开关的问题 (案例61)机床运行一段时间后,不能回到原点位置 (案例62)系统原点漂移 (案例63)回原点速度极慢 (案例64)数控机床回原点紊乱 19.9通信类故障 (案例65)上电后出现“Z55”——远程IO未连接报警 (案例66)“Y03放大器未连接”报警 (案例67)P460报警 (案例68)报警——Y0510104通信格式故障 (案例69)S010018——电动机编码器初始通信错误 (案例70)Z55RIO——未连接报警 (案例71)用户PLC错误 19.10显示器故障 (案例72)显示器异常闪烁 (案例73)上电后屏幕出现白屏 (案例74)控制器黑屏 19.11PLC程序错误引起的故障 (案例75)传输程序时,Z轴溜车 19.12参数设置不当引起的故障及报警 (案例76)S022236X报警 (案例77)#1019参数的设置与软限位 (案例78)螺距补偿无效 (案例79)屏幕上显示的值大于实际值 (案例80)M64AS系统出现“数据保护” (案例81)关于#6451参数设置引起的通信故障 19.13运行功能故障 (案例82)MDI运行时,X轴没有走到程序指定位置 (案例83)自动运行时,在M30或RESET后,每次移动2mm (案例84)U轴加工动作突然停止 (案例85)加工中心工作时出现Y轴正向误差增大 19.14外部环境影响 (案例86)系统“丢失程序和坐标” 19.15周边设备故障 (案例87)操作面板故障 (案例88)手轮不能正常使用 (案例89)摇动手轮,脉冲就不停的发送,引起机床乱动作 (案例90)上电后显示屏不亮 (案例91)三菱主轴S010030报警 (案例92)刀库左右摆动找不到刀位 附录利用数控系统指示灯快速进行系统故障判断 第20章三菱CNC通信方式类型及参数设置和通信故障的排除 20.1数控系统RS?232通信的硬件连接 20.1.1E60数控系统的RS?232通信连接 20.1.2三菱M64CNC系统的RS?232连接 20.2通信参数的设置 20.2.1通信数据及加工程序传输格式 20.2.2相关通信参数的含义及设置 20.2.3数控系统RS?232通信常规参数设置 20.3以太网类通信参数的设置 20.3.1通信参数设置 20.3.2通信速度 20.3.3有关以太网的术语 20.4DNC加工时出现的故障及排除 20.4.1执行DNC加工时导致NC系统烧损 20.4.2DNC加工时不能按程序运行 …… 第2篇三菱数控系统的典型应用
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版本: 平装|已确认购买内容丰富,是本好书,值得拥有
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In this post, I will give a list of all undocumented parameters in Oracle Here is a query to see all the parameters (documented and undocumented) which contain the string you enter when prompted:
– Enter name of the parameter when prompted
SET linesize 235
col Parameter FOR a50
col Instance FOR a55
col S FOR a1
col I FOR a1
col D FOR a1
col Description FOR a90
& a.ksppinm &&Parameter&,
& decode(p.isses_modifiable,'FALSE',NULL,NULL,NULL,b.ksppstvl) &Session&,
& c.ksppstvl &Instance&,
& decode(p.isses_modifiable,'FALSE','F','TRUE','T') &S&,
& decode(p.issys_modifiable,'FALSE','F','TRUE','T','IMMEDIATE','I','DEFERRED','D') &I&,
& decode(p.isdefault,'FALSE','F','TRUE','T') &D&,
& a.ksppdesc &Description&
FROM x$ksppi a, x$ksppcv b, x$ksppsv c, v$parameter p
WHERE a.indx = b.indx AND a.indx = c.indx
& AND = a.ksppinm
& AND UPPER(a.ksppinm) LIKE UPPER('%&1%')
Enter value for 1:
Here is the list of all (2984) undocumented parameters in Oracle &:
SQL&&&&& col parameter for a15 word_wrapped
col Description for a55 word_wrapped
set pagesize 50000
set linesize 80
select upper(KSPPINM) parameter,&& ' : ',
KSPPDESC Description from x$ksppi
where substr(ksppinm,1,1) = '_'order by 1,3;
PARAMETER&& & & & & & & & & & DESCRIPTION
—————&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ——————————————————-
_4030_DUMP_BITV& :& bitvec to specify dumps prior to 4030 error
_4031_DUMP_BITV& :& bitvec to specify dumps prior to 4031 error
_4031_DUMP_INTE& :& Dump 4031 error once for each n-second interval
_4031_MAX_DUMPS& :& Maximum number of 4031 dumps for this process
_4031_SGA_DUMP_& :& Dump 4031 SGA heapdump error once for each n-second
INTERVAL&&&&&&&&&&& interval
_4031_SGA_MAX_D& :& Maximum number of SGA heapdumps
_ABORT_ON_MRP_C& :& abort database instance when MRP crashes
_ABORT_RECOVERY& :& if TRUE, abort recovery on join reconfigurations
_ACCEPT_VERSION& :& List of parameters for rolling operation
_ACTIVE_INSTANC& :& number of active instances in the cluster database
_ACTIVE_SESSION& :& active session idle limit
_ACTIVE_SESSION& :& active session legacy behavior
_ACTIVE_STANDBY& :& if TRUE optimize dlm reconfiguration for active/standby
_AC_ENABLE_DSCN& :& Enable Dependent Commit SCN tracking
_ADAPTIVE_DIREC& :& Adaptive Direct Read
_ADAPTIVE_DIREC& :& Adaptive Direct Write
_ADAPTIVE_FETCH& :& enable/disable adaptive fetch in parallel group by
_ADAPTIVE_LOG_F& :& Threshold for frequent log file sync mode switches (per
ILE_SYNC_HIGH_S&&&& minute)
_ADAPTIVE_LOG_F& :& Polling interval selection bias (conservative=0,
ILE_SYNC_POLL_A&&&& aggressive=100)
_ADAPTIVE_LOG_F& :& Window (in seconds) for measuring average scheduling
ILE_SYNC_SCHED_&&&& delay
_ADAPTIVE_LOG_F& :& Ratio of redo synch time to expected poll time as a
ILE_SYNC_USE_PO&&&& percentage
_ADAPTIVE_LOG_F& :& Percentage of foreground load from when post/wait was
ILE_SYNC_USE_PO&&&& last used
_ADAPTIVE_SCALA& :& Percentage of overlap across multiple outstanding
BLE_LOG_WRITER_&&&& writes
_ADAPTIVE_SCALA& :& Increase in redo generation rate as a percentage
_ADAPTIVE_WINDO& :& enable/disable adaptive window consolidator PX plan
_ADDM_AUTO_ENAB& :& governs whether ADDM gets run automatically after every
LE&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& AWR snapshot
_ADDM_SKIPRULES& :& comma-separated list of ADDM nodes to skip
_ADDM_VERSION_C& :& governs whether ADDM checks the input AWR snapshot
HECK&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& version
_ADD_COL_OPTIM_& :& Allows new add column optimization
_ADD_NULLABLE_C& :& Allows add of a nullable column with default
OLUMN_WITH_DEFA&&&& optimization
_ADD_STALE_MV_T& :& add stale mv to dependency list
_ADD_TRIM_FOR_N& :& add trimming for fixed char semantics
_ADG_BUFFER_WAI& :& Active Dataguard buffer wait time in cs
_ADG_INSTANCE_R& :& enable ADG instance recovery
_ADJUST_LITERAL& :& If TRUE, we will adjust the SQL/PLUS output
_ADR_MIGRATE_RU& :& Enable/disable ADR Migrate Runonce action
_ADVANCED_INDEX& :& advanced index compression options
_ADVANCED_INDEX& :& advanced index compression options2
_ADVANCED_INDEX& :& advanced index compression trace
_AFFINITY_ON&&&& :& enable/disable affinity at run time
_AGED_OUT_CURSO& :& number of seconds an aged out session cached cursor
R_CACHE_TIME&&&&&&& stay in cache
_AGGREGATION_OP& :& settings for aggregation optimizations
_AIOWAIT_TIMEOU& :& Number of aiowait timeouts before error is reported
_ALERT_EXPIRATI& :& seconds before an alert message is moved to exception
ON&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& queue
_ALERT_MESSAGE_& :& Enable Alert Message Cleanup
_ALERT_MESSAGE_& :& Enable Alert Message Purge
_ALERT_POST_BAC& :& Enable Background Alert Posting
_ALLOCATE_CREAT& :& should files be examined in creation order during
ION_ORDER&&&&&&&&&& allocation
_ALLOCATION_UPD& :& interval at which successful search in L1 should be
ATE_INTERVAL&&&&&&& updated
_ALLOW_CELL_SMA& :& Allow checking smart_scan_capable Attr
_ALLOW_COMMUTAT& :& allow for commutativity of +, * when comparing
IVITY&&&&&&&&&&&&&& expressions
_ALLOW_COMPATIB& :& allow advancing DB compatibility with guaranteed
ILITY_ADV_W_GRP&&&& restore points
_ALLOW_DROP_SNA& :& Allow dropping snapshot standby guaranteed restore
_ALLOW_DROP_TS_& :& Allow drop Tablespace with guaranteed restore points
_ALLOW_ERROR_SI& :& Allow error simulation for testing
_ALLOW_FILE_1_O& :& don’t signal ORA-1245 due to file 1 being offline
_ALLOW_LEVEL_WI& :& allow level without connect by
_ALLOW_READ_ONL& :& allow read-only open even if database is corrupt
_ALLOW_RESETLOG& :& allow resetlogs even if it will cause corruption
_ALLOW_TERMINAL& :& Finish terminal recovery even if it may cause
_RECOVERY_CORRU&&&& corruption
_ALL_SHARED_DBL& :& treat all dblinks as shared
_ALTERNATE_IOT_& :& enable alternate index-organized table leaf-block
LEAF_BLOCK_SPLI&&&& split-points
_ALTER_COMMON_U& :& allow local user to create objects in common schema
_ALWAYS_ANTI_JO& :& always use this method for anti-join when possible
_ALWAYS_SEMI_JO& :& always use this method for semi-join when possible
_ALWAYS_STAR_TR& :& always favor use of star transformation
_AM_CONTAINER_F& :& allocation unit size for non-ASM containers
_AM_MAX_CONTAIN& :& maximum number of containers
_AM_MAX_GROUPS&& :& maximum number of containers
_AM_MAX_SEG_BYT& :& maximum number of bytes per array segment
_AM_TIMEOUTS_EN& :& enable timeouts
_AM_TRACE_BUFFE& :& size of per-process I/O trace buffer
_AND_PRUNING_EN& :& allow partition pruning based on multiple mechanisms
_APPQOS_CDB_SET& :& QoSM CDB Performance Class Setting
_APPQOS_PO_MULT& :& Multiplier for PC performance objective value
_APPQOS_QT&&&&&& :& System Queue time retrieval interval
_AQSHARDED_CACH& :& Limit for cached enqueue/dequeue operations
_AQ_DISABLE_X&&& :& AQ – Disable new cross processes at an instance
_AQ_DQ_SESSIONS& :& Deq session count
_AQ_EQ_SESSIONS& :& Enq session count
_AQ_INIT_SHARDS& :& Minimum enqueue shards per queue at an instance
_AQ_MAX_SCAN_DE& :& Maximum allowable scan delay for AQ indexes and IOTs
_AQ_PRECRT_PART& :& Precreate Partitions
_AQ_PT_PROCESSE& :& Partition background processes
_AQ_STOP_BACKGR& :& Stop all AQ background processes
_AQ_SUBSHARD_SI& :& Sub Shard Size
_AQ_TM_DEQCOUNT& :& dequeue count interval for Time Managers to cleanup DEQ
_AQ_TM_SCANLIMI& :& scan limit for Time Managers to clean up IOT
_AQ_TM_STATISTI& :& statistics collection window duration
_ARCH_COMPRESSI& :& archive compression enabled
_ARCH_COMPRESS_& :& enable/disable row checksums for archive compressed
CHECKSUMS&&&&&&&&&& blocks
_ARCH_COMP_DBG_& :& archive compression scan debug
_ARCH_COMP_DEC_& :& decompress archive compression blocks for checking and
BLOCK_CHECK_DUM&&&& dumping
_ARCH_SIM_MODE&& :& Change behavior of local archiving
_ARRAY_CDB_VIEW& :& array mode enabled for CDB views
_ARRAY_UPDATE_V& :& Enable array update vector read
_ASH_COMPRESSIO& :& To enable or disable string compression in ASH
_ASH_DISK_FILTE& :& Ratio of the number of in-memory samples to the number
R_RATIO&&&&&&&&&&&& of samples actually written to disk
_ASH_DISK_WRITE& :& To enable or disable Active Session History flushing
_ASH_DUMMY_TEST& :& Oracle internal dummy ASH parameter used ONLY for
_PARAM&&&&&&&&&&&&& testing!
_ASH_EFLUSH_TRI& :& The percentage above which if the in-memory ASH is full
GGER&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& the emergency flusher will be triggered
_ASH_ENABLE&&&&& :& To enable or disable Active Session sampling and
_ASH_MIN_MMNL_D& :& Minimum Time interval passed to consider MMNL Dump
_ASH_SAMPLE_ALL& :& To enable or disable sampling every connected session
including ones waiting for idle waits
_ASH_SAMPLING_I& :& Time interval between two successive Active Session
NTERVAL&&&&&&&&&&&& samples in millisecs
_ASH_SIZE&&&&&&& :& To set the size of the in-memory Active Session History
_ASMSID&&&&&&&&& :& ASM instance id
_ASM_ACCESS&&&&& :& ASM File access mechanism
_ASM_ACD_CHUNKS& :& initial ACD chunks created
_ASM_ADMIN_WITH& :& Does the sysdba role have administrative privileges on
_SYSDBA&&&&&&&&&&&& ASM?
_ASM_ALLOWDEGEN& :& Allow force-mounts of DGs w/o proper quorum
_ASM_ALLOW_LVM_& :& Enable disk resilvering for external redundancy
_ASM_ALLOW_ONLY& :& Discovery only raw devices
_ASM_ALLOW_SYST& :& if system alias renaming is allowed
_ASM_ALLOW_UNSA& :& attempt unsafe reconnect to ASM
_ASM_APPLIANCE_& :& Appliance configuration file name
_ASM_AUSIZE&&&&& :& allocation unit size
_ASM_AUTOMATIC_& :& automatically rebalance free space across zones
_ASM_AVOID_PST_& :& Avoid PST Scans
_ASM_BLKSIZE&&&& :& metadata block size
_ASM_CHECK_FOR_& :& check for misbehaving CF-holding clients
_ASM_COMPATIBIL& :& default ASM compatibility level
_ASM_DBA_BATCH&& :& ASM Disk Based Allocation Max Batch Size
_ASM_DBA_SPCCHK& :& ASM Disk Based Allocation Space Check Threshold
_ASM_DBA_THRESH& :& ASM Disk Based Allocation Threshold
_ASM_DBMSDG_NOH& :& dbms_diskgroup.checkfile does not check block headers
_ASM_DIAG_DEAD_& :& diagnostics for dead clients
_ASM_DIRECT_CON& :& Expire time for idle direct connection to ASM instance
_ASM_DISABLE_AM& :& Disable AMDU dump
_ASM_DISABLE_AS& :& disable async intra-instance messaging
_ASM_DISABLE_MU& :& Disable checking for multiple ASM instances on a given
_ASM_DISABLE_PR& :& disable profile query for discovery
_ASM_DISABLE_SM& :& Do Not create smr
_ASM_DISABLE_UF& :& disable ufg member kill
_ASM_DISABLE_UF& :& disable terminated umbilicus diagnostic
_ASM_DISKERR_TR& :& Number of read/write errors per disk a process can
ACES&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& trace
_ASM_DISKGROUPS& :& disk groups to mount automatically set 2
_ASM_DISKGROUPS& :& disk groups to mount automatically set 3
_ASM_DISKGROUPS& :& disk groups to mount automatically set 4
_ASM_DISK_REPAI& :& seconds to wait before dropping a failing disk
_ASM_EMULATE_NF& :& Emulate NFS disk test event
_ASM_EMULMAX&&&& :& max number of concurrent disks to emulate I& /O errors
_ASM_EMULTIMEOU& :& timeout before emulation begins (in 3s ticks)
_ASM_ENABLE_XRO& :& Enable XROV capability
_ASM_EVENREAD&&& :& ASM Even Read level
_ASM_EVENREAD_A& :& ASM Even Read Alpha
_ASM_EVENREAD_A& :& ASM Even Read Second Alpha
_ASM_EVENREAD_F& :& ASM Even Read Fast Start Threshold
_ASM_FAIL_RANDO& :& Randomly fail some RX enqueue gets
_ASM_FOB_TAC_FR& :& Timeout frequency for FOB cleanup
_ASM_FORCE_QUIE& :& Force diskgroup quiescing
_ASM_GLOBAL_DUM& :& System state dump level for ASM asserts
_ASM_HBEATIOWAI& :& number of secs to wait for PST Async Hbeat IO return
_ASM_HBEATWAITQ& :& quantum used to compute time-to-wait for a PST Hbeat
UANTUM&&&&&&&&&&&&& check
_ASM_HEALTHCHEC& :& seconds until health check takes action
_ASM_IMBALANCE_& :& hundredths of a percentage of inter-disk imbalance to
TOLERANCE&&&&&&&&&& tolerate
_ASM_INSTLOCK_Q& :& ASM Instance Lock Quota
_ASM_IOSTAT_LAT& :& ASM I/O statistics latch count
_ASM_KILL_UNRES& :& kill unresponsive ASM clients
_ASM_LIBRARIES&& :& library search order for discovery
_ASM_LOG_SCALE_& :& Rebalance power uses logarithmic scale
_ASM_LSOD_BUCKE& :& ASM lsod bucket size
_ASM_MAXIO&&&&&& :& Maximum size of individual I/O request
_ASM_MAX_COD_ST& :& maximum number of COD strides
_ASM_MAX_REDO_B& :& asm maximum redo buffer size
_ASM_NETWORKS&&& :& ASM network subnet addresses
_ASM_NETWORK_TI& :& Keepalive timeout for ASM network connections
_ASM_NODEKILL_E& :& secs until escalating to nodekill if fence incomplete
_ASM_NOEVENREAD& :& List of disk groups having even read disabled
_ASM_PARTNER_TA& :& target maximum number of disk partners for repartnering
_ASM_PARTNER_TA& :& target maximum number of failure group relationships
RGET_FG_REL&&&&&&&& for repartnering
_ASM_PRIMARY_LO& :& Number of cycles/extents to load for non-mirrored files
_ASM_PRIMARY_LO& :& True if primary load is in cycles, false if extent
AD_CYCLES&&&&&&&&&& counts
_ASM_PROCS_TRAC& :& Number of processes allowed to trace a disk failure
_ASM_PROXY_STAR& :& Maximum time to wait for ASM proxy connection
_ASM_RANDOM_ZON& :& Random zones for new files
_ASM_REBALANCE_& :& maximum rebalance work unit
_ASM_REBALANCE_& :& number of out of space errors allowed before aborting
SPACE_ERRORS&&&&&&& rebalance
_ASM_REMOTE_CLI& :& timeout before killing disconnected remote clients
_ASM_REPAIRQUAN& :& quantum (in 3s) used to compute elapsed time for disk
TUM&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& drop
_ASM_RESERVE_SL& :& reserve ASM slaves for CF txns
_ASM_RESYNCCKPT& :& number of extents to resync before flushing checkpoint
_ASM_ROOT_DIREC& :& ASM default root directory
_ASM_RUNTIME_CA& :& runtime capability for volume support returns supported
_ASM_SCRUB_LIMI& :& ASM disk scrubbing power
_ASM_SECONDARY_& :& Number of cycles/extents to load for mirrored files
_ASM_SECONDARY_& :& True if secondary load is in cycles, false if extent
LOAD_CYCLES&&&&&&&& counts
_ASM_SERIALIZE_& :& Serialize volume rebalance
_ASM_SHADOW_CYC& :& Inverse shadow cycle requirement
_ASM_SKIP_DISKV& :& skip client side discovery for disk revalidate
_ASM_SKIP_RENAM& :& skip the checking of the clients for s/w compatibility
E_CHECK&&&&&&&&&&&& for rename
_ASM_SKIP_RESIZ& :& skip the checking of the clients for s/w compatibility
E_CHECK&&&&&&&&&&&& for resize
_ASM_STORAGEMAY& :& PST Split Possible
_ASM_STRIPESIZE& :& ASM file stripe size
_ASM_STRIPEWIDT& :& ASM file stripe width
_ASM_SYNC_REBAL& :& Rebalance uses sync I/O
_ASM_TRACE_LIMI& :& Time-out in milliseconds to reset the number of traces
T_TIMEOUT&&&&&&&&&& per disk and the number of processes allowed to trace
_ASM_USD_BATCH&& :& ASM USD Update Max Batch Size
_ASM_WAIT_TIME&& :& Max/imum time to wait before asmb exits
_ASSM_DEFAULT&&& :& ASSM default
_ASSM_FORCE_FET& :& enable metadata block fetching in ASSM segment scan
_ASSM_HIGH_GSP_& :& Number of blocks rejected before growing segment
_ASSM_LOW_GSP_T& :& Number of blocks rejected before collecting stats
_ASYNC_RECOVERY& :& if TRUE, issue recovery claims asynchronously
_ASYNC_RECOVERY& :& if TRUE, issue recovery reads asynchronously
_ASYNC_TS_THRES& :& check tablespace thresholds asynchronously
_AUTOMEMORY_BRO& :& memory broker statistics gathering interval for auto
KER_INTERVAL&&&&&&& memory
_AUTOTASK_MAX_W& :& Maximum Logical Maintenance Window Length in minutes
_AUTOTASK_MIN_W& :& Minimum Maintenance Window Length in minutes
_AUTOTASK_TEST_& :& Name of current Autotask Test (or test step)
_AUTOTUNE_GTX_I& :& idle time to trigger auto-shutdown a gtx background
DLE_TIME&&&&&&&&&&& process
_AUTOTUNE_GTX_I& :& interval to autotune global transaction background
NTERVAL&&&&&&&&&&&& processes
_AUTOTUNE_GTX_T& :& auto-tune threshold for degree of global transaction
HRESHOLD&&&&&&&&&&& concurrency
_AUTO_ASSIGN_CG& :& auto assign CGs for sessions
_AUTO_BMR&&&&&&& :& enable/disable Auto BMR
_AUTO_BMR_BG_TI& :& Auto BMR Process Run Time
_AUTO_BMR_FC_TI& :& Auto BMR Flood Control Time
_AUTO_BMR_PUB_T& :& Auto BMR Publish Timeout
_AUTO_BMR_REQ_T& :& Auto BMR Requester Timeout
_AUTO_BMR_SESS_& :& Auto BMR Request Session Threshold
_AUTO_BMR_SYS_T& :& Auto BMR Request System Threshold
_AUTO_MANAGE_EN& :& perodically check for OFFLINE disks and attempt to
_AUTO_MANAGE_EX& :& Automate Exadata disk management
_AUTO_MANAGE_IN& :& TEST: Set infrequent timeout action to run at this
FREQ_TOUT&&&&&&&&&& interval, unit is seconds
_AUTO_MANAGE_IO& :& oss_ioctl buffer size, to read and respond to cell
CTL_BUFSZ&&&&&&&&&& notifications
_AUTO_MANAGE_MA& :& Max. attempts to auto ONLINE an ASM disk
_AUTO_MANAGE_NU& :& Max. number of out-standing msgs in the KXDAM pipe
_AUTO_MANAGE_NU& :& Num. tries before giving up on a automation operation
_AUTO_MANAGE_ON& :& Allow Max. attempts to auto ONLINE an ASM disk after
LINE_TRIES_EXPI&&&& lapsing this time (unit in seconds)
_AUX_DFC_KEEP_T& :& auxiliary datafile copy keep time in minutes
_AVAILABLE_CORE& :& number of cores for this instance
_AVOID_PREPARE&& :& if TRUE, do not prepare a buffer when the master is
_AWR_CDBPERF_TH& :& Setting for AWR CDBPERF Threshold
_AWR_CORRUPT_MO& :& AWR Corrupt Mode
_AWR_DISABLED_F& :& Disable flushing of specified AWR tables
_AWR_FLUSH_THRE& :& Enable/Disable Flushing AWR Threshold Metrics
_AWR_FLUSH_WORK& :& Enable/Disable Flushing AWR Workload Metrics
_AWR_MMON_CPUUS& :& Enable/disable AWR MMON CPU Usage Tracking
_AWR_MMON_DEEP_& :& Allows deep purge to purge AWR data for all expired
PURGE_ALL_EXPIR&&&& snapshots
_AWR_MMON_DEEP_& :& Set extent of rows to check each deep purge run
_AWR_MMON_DEEP_& :& Set interval for deep purge of AWR contents
_AWR_MMON_DEEP_& :& Set max number of rows per table to delete each deep
PURGE_NUMROWS&&&&&& purge run
_AWR_PDB_REGIST& :& Parameter to enable/disable AWR PDB Registration
_AWR_REMOTE_TAR& :& AWR Remote Target DBLink for Flushing
_AWR_RESTRICT_M& :& AWR Restrict Mode
_AWR_SQL_CHILD_& :& Setting for AWR SQL Child Limit
_BACKUP_ALIGN_W& :& align backup write I/Os
_BACKUP_AUTOMAT& :& automatic retry on backup write errors
_BACKUP_DISK_BU& :& number of buffers used for DISK channels
_BACKUP_DISK_BU& :& size of buffers used for DISK channels
_BACKUP_DISK_IO& :& BACKUP Disk I/O slaves
_BACKUP_DYNAMIC& :& dynamically compute backup/restore buffer sizes
_BACKUP_ENCRYPT& :& specifies encryption block optimization mode
_BACKUP_FILE_BU& :& number of buffers used for file access
_BACKUP_FILE_BU& :& size of buffers used for file access
_BACKUP_IO_POOL& :& memory to reserve from the large pool
_BACKUP_KGC_BLK& :& specifies buffer size to be used by HIGH compression
_BACKUP_KGC_BUF& :& specifies buffer size to be used by BASIC compression
_BACKUP_KGC_MEM& :& specifies memory level for MEDIUM compression
_BACKUP_KGC_NIT& :& specifies number of iterations done by BASIC
ERS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& compression
_BACKUP_KGC_PER& :& specifies compression (performance) level for MEDIUM
FLEVEL&&&&&&&&&&&&& compression
_BACKUP_KGC_SCH& :& specifies compression scheme
_BACKUP_KGC_TYP& :& specifies compression type used by kgc BASIC
E&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& compression
_BACKUP_KGC_WIN& :& specifies window size for MEDIUM compression
_BACKUP_KSFQ_BU& :& number of buffers used for backup/restore
_BACKUP_KSFQ_BU& :& maximum amount of memory (in bytes) used for buffers
FMEM_MAX&&&&&&&&&&& for backup/restore
_BACKUP_KSFQ_BU& :& size of buffers used for backup/restore
_BACKUP_LZO_SIZ& :& specifies buffer size for LOW compression
_BACKUP_MAX_GAP& :& largest gap in an incremental/optimized backup buffer,
_SIZE&&&&&&&&&&&&&& in bytes
_BACKUP_MIN_CT_& :& mimimun size in bytes of change tracking to apply
UNUSED_OPTIM&&&&&&& unused space optimuzation
_BACKUP_SEQ_BUF& :& number of buffers used for non-DISK channels
_BACKUP_SEQ_BUF& :& size of buffers used for non-DISK channels
_BCT_BITMAPS_PE& :& number of bitmaps to store for each datafile
_BCT_BUFFER_ALL& :& maximum size of all change tracking buffer allocations,
OCATION_MAX&&&&&&&& in bytes
_BCT_BUFFER_ALL& :& mininum number of extents to allocate per buffer
OCATION_MIN_EXT&&&& allocation
_BCT_BUFFER_ALL& :& size of one change tracking buffer allocation, in bytes
_BCT_CHUNK_SIZE& :& change tracking datafile chunk size, in bytes
_BCT_CRASH_RESE& :& change tracking reserved crash recovery SGA space, in
RVE_SIZE&&&&&&&&&&& bytes
_BCT_FILE_BLOCK& :& block size of change tracking file, in bytes
_BCT_FILE_EXTEN& :& extent size of change tracking file, in bytes
_BCT_FIXTAB_FIL& :& change tracking file for fixed tables
_BCT_HEALTH_CHE& :& CTWR health check interval (seconds), zero to disable
_BCT_INITIAL_PR& :& initial number of entries in the private change
IVATE_DBA_BUFFE&&&& tracking dba buffers
_BCT_MRP_TIMEOU& :& CTWR MRP wait timeout (seconds), zero to wait forever
_BCT_PUBLIC_DBA& :& allow dynamic resizing of public dba buffers, zero to
_BUFFER_DYNRESI&&&& disable
_BCT_PUBLIC_DBA& :& max buffer size permitted for public dba buffers, in
_BCT_PUBLIC_DBA& :& total size of all public change tracking dba buffers,
_BUFFER_SIZE&&&&&&& in bytes
_BG_SPAWN_DIAG_& :& background processes spawn diagnostic options
_BITMAP_OR_IMPR& :& controls extensions to partition pruning for general
OVEMENT_ENABLED&&&& predicates
_BLOCKING_SESS_& :& blocking session graph cache size in bytes
_BLOCKS_PER_CAC& :& number of consecutive blocks per global cache server
_BLOCK_LEVEL_OF& :& High Latency Threshold for Block Level Offload
FLOAD_HIGH_LAT_&&&& operations
_BLOCK_SAMPLE_R& :& controls readahead value during block sampling
_BLOOM_FILTER_D& :& debug level for bloom filtering
_BLOOM_FILTER_E& :& enables or disables bloom filter
_BLOOM_FILTER_S& :& bloom filter vector size (in KB)
_BLOOM_FOLDING_& :& bloom filter folding density lower bound
_BLOOM_FOLDING_& :& Enable folding of bloom filter
_BLOOM_FOLDING_& :& bloom filter folding size lower bound (in KB)
_BLOOM_MAX_SIZE& :& maximum bloom filter size (in KB)
_BLOOM_MINMAX_E& :& enable or disable bloom min max filtering
_BLOOM_PREDICAT& :& enables or disables bloom filter predicate pushdown
_BLOOM_PREDICAT& :& enables or disables bloom filter predicate offload to
E_OFFLOAD&&&&&&&&&& cells
_BLOOM_PRUNING_& :& Enable partition pruning using bloom filtering
_BLOOM_PUSHING_& :& bloom filter pushing size upper bound (in KB)
_BLOOM_PUSHING_& :& bloom filter combined pushing size upper bound (in KB)
_BLOOM_RM_FILTE& :& remove bloom predicate in favor of zonemap join pruning
R&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& predicate
_BLOOM_SM_ENABL& :& enable bloom filter optimization using slave mapping
_BRANCH_TAGGING& :& enable branch tagging for distributed transaction
_BROADCAST_SCN_& :& broadcast-on-commit scn mode
_BROADCAST_SCN_& :& broadcast-on-commit scn wait timeout in centiseconds
_BSLN_ADAPTIVE_& :& Adaptive Thresholds Enabled
_BT_MMV_QUERY_R& :& allow rewrites with multiple MVs and base tables
_BUFFERED_MESSA& :& Buffered message spill age
_BUFFERED_PUBLI& :& Flow control threshold for buffered publishers except
SHER_FLOW_CONTR&&&& capture
_BUFFER_BUSY_WA& :& buffer busy wait time in centiseconds
_BUFQ_STOP_FLOW& :& Stop enforcing flow control for buffered queues
_BUILD_DEFERRED& :& DEFERRED MV creation skipping MV log setup update
_BUMP_HIGHWATER& :& how many blocks should we allocate per free list on
_MARK_COUNT&&&&&&&& advancing HWM
_BWR_FOR_FLUSHE& :& if TRUE, generate a BWR for a flushed PI
_BYPASS_SRL_FOR& :& bypass SRL for S/O EOR logs
_BYPASS_XPLATFO& :& bypass datafile header cross-platform-compliance errors
_B_TREE_BITMAP_& :& enable the use of bitmap plans for tables w. only
PLANS&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B-tree indexes
_CACHE_ORL_DURI& :& cache online logs
_CACHE_STATS_MO& :& if TRUE, enable cache stats monitoring
_CAPTURE_BUFFER& :& To set the size of the PGA I/O recording buffers
_CAPTURE_PUBLIS& :& Flow control threshold for capture publishers
_CASE_SENSITIVE& :& case sensitive logon enabled
_CAUSAL_STANDBY& :& Causal standby wait timeout
_CDB_COMPATIBLE& :& CDB Compatible
_CDB_RAC_AFFINI& :& rac affinity for parallel cdb operations
_CDC_SUBSCRIPTI& :& Change Data Capture subscription_owner
_CDMP_DIAGNOSTI& :& cdmp directory diagnostic level
_CELL_FAST_FILE& :& Allow optimized file creation path for Cells
_CELL_FAST_FILE& :& Allow optimized rman restore for Cells
_CELL_FILE_FORM& :& Cell file format chunk size in MB
_CELL_INDEX_SCA& :& enable CELL processing of index FFS
_CELL_MATERIALI& :& Force materialization of all offloadable expressions on
ZE_ALL_EXPRESSI&&&& the cells
_CELL_MATERIALI& :& enable offload of expressions underlying virtual
ZE_VIRTUAL_COLU&&&& columns to cells
_CELL_OBJECT_EX& :& flashcache object expiration timeout
_CELL_OFFLOAD_C& :& specifies capability table to load
_CELL_OFFLOAD_C& :& enable complex SQL processing offload to cells
_CELL_OFFLOAD_E& :& enable offload of expressions to cells
_CELL_OFFLOAD_H& :& Query offloading of hybrid columnar compressed tables
YBRIDCOLUMNAR&&&&&& to exadata
_CELL_OFFLOAD_P& :& enable out-of-order SQL processing offload to cells
_CELL_OFFLOAD_S& :& enable offload of SYS_CONTEXT evaluation to cells
_CELL_OFFLOAD_T& :& enable timezone related SQL processing offload to cells
_CELL_OFFLOAD_V& :& enable offload of predicates on virtual columns to
_CELL_RANGE_SCA& :& enable CELL processing of index range scans
_CELL_STORIDX_M& :& Cell Storage Index mode
_CGS_ALLGROUP_P& :& CGS DBALL group polling interval in milli-seconds
_CGS_COMM_READI& :& CGS communication readiness check
_CGS_DBALL_GROU& :& CGS DBALL group registration type
_CGS_DBGROUP_PO& :& CGS DB group polling interval in milli-seconds
_CGS_HEALTH_CHE& :& CGS health check during reconfiguration
_CGS_MEMBERKILL& :& allow a RIM instance to issue a CSS member kill
_CGS_MSG_BATCHI& :& CGS message batching
_CGS_MSG_BATCH_& :& CGS message batch size in bytes
_CGS_NODE_KILL_& :& CGS node kill escalation to CSS
_CGS_NODE_KILL_& :& CGS wait time to escalate node kill to CSS in seconds
_CGS_RECONFIG_E& :& CGS reconfiguration extra wait time for CSS in seconds
_CGS_RECONFIG_T& :& CGS reconfiguration timeout interval
_CGS_SEND_TIMEO& :& CGS send timeout value
_CGS_TICKETS&&&& :& CGS messaging tickets
_CGS_TICKET_SEN& :& CGS ticket active sendback percentage threshold
_CGS_ZOMBIE_MEM& :& CGS zombie member kill wait time in seconds
_CHANGE_VECTOR_& :& Number of change vector buffers for media recovery
_CHECK_BLOCK_AF& :& perform block check after checksum if both are turned
TER_CHECKSUM&&&&&&& on
_CHECK_BLOCK_NE& :& check block new invariant for flashback
_CHECK_COLUMN_L& :& check column length
_CHECK_PDBID_IN& :& Enable checking of pluggable database ID in redo
_CHECK_TS_THRES& :& check tablespace thresholds
_CLEANOUT_SHRCU& :& if TRUE, cleanout shrcur buffers
_CLEANUP_ROLLBA& :& no. of undo entries to apply per transaction cleanup
_CLEANUP_TIMEOU& :& timeout value for PMON cleanup
_CLEANUP_TIMEOU& :& flags for PMON cleanup timeout
_CLEAR_BUFFER_B& :& Always zero-out buffer before reuse for security
_CLIENT_ENABLE_& :& enable automatic unregister after a send fails with
_CLIENT_NTFN_CL& :& interval after which dead client registration cleanup
EANUP_INTERVAL&&&&& task repeats
_CLIENT_NTFN_PI& :& time between pings to unreachable notification clients
_CLIENT_NTFN_PI& :& number of times to ping unreachable notification
NGRETRIES&&&&&&&&&& clients
_CLIENT_NTFN_PI& :& timeout to connect to unreachable notification clients
_CLIENT_RESULT_& :& bypass the client result cache
_CLIENT_TSTZ_ER& :& Should Client give error for suspect Timestamp with
ROR_CHECK&&&&&&&&&& Timezone operations
_CLI_CACHEBKTAL& :& Percentage of memory to allocate
_CLONE_ONE_PDB_& :& Recover ROOT and only one PDB in clone database
_CLOSE_CACHED_O& :& close cursors cached by PL/SQL at each commit
_CLOSE_DEQ_BY_C& :& Close Dequeue By Condition Cursors
_CLOUD_NAME&&&&& :& gsm cloud name
_CLUSTERWIDE_GL& :& enable/disable clusterwide global transactions
_CLUSTER_LIBRAR& :& cluster library selection
_COLLAPSE_WAIT_& :& collapse wait history
_COLLECT_TEMPUN& :& Collect Statistics v$tempundostat
_COLLECT_UNDO_S& :& Collect Statistics v$undostat
_COLUMN_COMPRES& :& Column compression ratio
_COLUMN_ELIMINA& :& turn off predicate-only column elimination
_COLUMN_TRACKIN& :& column usage tracking
_COMMON_DATA_VI& :& common objects returned through dictionary views
_COMMON_USER_PR& :& Enforce restriction on a prefix of a Common
EFIX&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& User/Role/Profile name
_COMPILATION_CA& :& Size of the compilation call heaps extents
_COMPLEX_VIEW_M& :& enable complex view merging
_COMPRESSION_AB& :& number of recompression above cache for sanity check
_COMPRESSION_AD& :& Compression advisor
_COMPRESSION_CH& :& percentage of chained rows allowed for Compression
_COMPRESSION_CO& :& Compression compatability
_CONCURRENCY_CH& :& what is the chosen value of concurrency
_CONNECTION_BRO& :& connection broker host for listen address
_CONNECT_BY_USE& :& use union all for connect by
_CONTROLFILE_AU& :& time delay (in seconds) for performing controlfile
TOBACKUP_DELAY&&&&& autobackups
_CONTROLFILE_BA& :& enable check of the copied blocks during controlfile
CKUP_COPY_CHECK&&&& backup copy
_CONTROLFILE_BL& :& control file block size in bytes
_CONTROLFILE_CE& :& Flash cache hint for control file accesses
_CONTROLFILE_EN& :& dump the system states after controlfile enqueue
QUEUE_DUMP&&&&&&&&& timeout
_CONTROLFILE_EN& :& control file enqueue max holding time in seconds
_CONTROLFILE_EN& :& control file enqueue holding time tracking size
_CONTROLFILE_EN& :& control file enqueue timeout in seconds
_CONTROLFILE_SE& :& control file initial section size
_CONTROLFILE_SE& :& control file max expansion rate
_CONTROLFILE_UP& :& controlfile update sanity check
_CONVERT_SET_TO& :& enables conversion of set operator to join
_COORD_MESSAGE_& :& parallel recovery coordinator side extra message buffer
BUFFER&&&&&&&&&&&&& size
_CORRUPTED_ROLL& :& corrupted undo segment list
_COST_EQUALITY_& :& enables costing of equality semi-join
_CPU_EFF_THREAD& :& CPU effective thread multiplier
_CPU_TO_IO&&&&&& :& divisor for converting CPU cost to I/O cost
_CP_NUM_HASH_LA& :& connection pool number of hash latches
_CRASH_DOMAIN_O& :& allow domain to exit for exceptions in any thread
_CREATE_STAT_SE& :& create ilm statistics segment
_CREATE_TABLE_I& :& allow creation of table in a cluster not owned by the
N_ANY_CLUSTER&&&&&& user
_CR_GRANT_GLOBA& :& if TRUE, grant lock for CR requests when block is in
L_ROLE&&&&&&&&&&&&& global role
_CR_GRANT_LOCAL& :& turn 3-way CR grants off, make it automatic, or turn it
_ROLE&&&&&&&&&&&&&& on
_CR_GRANT_ONLY&& :& if TRUE, grant locks when possible and do not send the
_CR_SERVER_LOG_& :& if TRUE, flush redo log before serving a CR buffer
_CR_TRC_BUF_SIZ& :& size of cr trace buffer
_CTX_DOC_POLICY& :& enable ctx_doc.policy_stems api
_CURSOR_BIND_CA& :& maximum size of the cursor bind capture area
_CURSOR_BIND_CA& :& interval (in seconds) between two bind capture for a
PTURE_INTERVAL&&&&& cursor
_CURSOR_CACHE_T& :& number of seconds a session cached cursor stay in
IME&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& cache.
_CURSOR_DB_BUFF& :& additional number of buffers a cursor can pin at once
_CURSOR_FEATURE& :& Shared cursor features enabled bits.
_CURSOR_OBSOLET& :& Number of cursors per parent before obsoletion.
_CURSOR_PLAN_EN& :& enable collection and display of cursor plans
_CURSOR_PLAN_HA& :& version of cursor plan hash value
_CURSOR_PLAN_UN& :& enables/disables using unparse to build
PARSE_ENABLED&&&&&& projection/predicates
_CURSOR_RELOAD_& :& Number of failed reloads before marking cursor unusable
_CURSOR_RUNTIME& :& Shared cursor runtime heap memory limit
_CURSOR_STATS_E& :& Enable cursor stats
_CU_ROW_LOCKING& :& CU row level locking
_CVMAP_BUFFERS&& :& Number of change vector buffers for multi instance
media recovery
_CVW_ENABLE_WEA& :& enable weak view checking
_DATAFILE_COW&&& :& Use copy on write snapshot for the renamed file
_DATAFILE_WRITE& :& datafile write errors crash instance
_DATAPUMP_COMPR& :& specifies buffer size for BASIC compression algorithm
_DATAPUMP_METAD& :& specifies buffer size for metadata file I/O
_DATAPUMP_TABLE& :& specifies buffer size for table data file I/O
_DATA_TRANSFER_& :& Percentange * 100 of buffer cache to transfer to data
CACHE_BC_PERC_X&&&& transfer cache
_DATA_TRANSFER_& :& Size of data transfer cache
_DATA_WAREHOUSI& :& if TRUE, enable data warehousing scan buffers
_DBFS_MODIFY_IM& :& DBFS Link allows implicit fetch on modify – only on
PLICIT_FETCH&&&&&&& SecureFiles
_DBG_PROC_START& :& debug process startup
_DBG_SCAN&&&&&&& :& generic scan debug
_DBMS_SQL_SECUR& :& Security level in DBMS_SQL
_DBOP_ENABLED&&& :& Any positive number enables automatic DBOP monitoring.
0 is disabled
_DBPOOL_NAME&&&& :& gsm database pool name
_DBRM_DYNAMIC_T& :& DBRM dynamic threshold setting
_DBRM_NUM_RUNNA& :& Resource Manager number of runnable list per NUMA node
_DBRM_QUANTUM&&& :& DBRM quantum
_DBRM_RUNCHK&&&& :& Resource Manager Diagnostic Running Thread Check
_DBRM_SHORT_WAI& :& Resource Manager short wait length
_DBWR_ASYNC_IO&& :& Enable dbwriter asynchronous writes
_DBWR_SCAN_INTE& :& dbwriter scan interval
_DBWR_TRACING&&& :& Enable dbwriter tracing
_DB_16K_FLASH_C& :& flash cache file for 16k block size
_DB_16K_FLASH_C& :& flash cache size for _db_16k_flash_cache_file
_DB_2K_FLASH_CA& :& flash cache file for 2k block size
_DB_2K_FLASH_CA& :& flash cache size for _db_2k_flash_cache_file
_DB_32K_FLASH_C& :& flash cache file for 32k block size
_DB_32K_FLASH_C& :& flash cache size for _db_32k_flash_cache_file
_DB_4K_FLASH_CA& :& flash cache file for 4k block size
_DB_4K_FLASH_CA& :& flash cache size for _db_4k_flash_cache_file
_DB_8K_FLASH_CA& :& flash cache file for 8k block size
_DB_8K_FLASH_CA& :& flash cache size for _db_8k_flash_cache_file
_DB_AGING_COOL_& :& Touch count set when buffer cooled
_DB_AGING_FREEZ& :& Make CR buffers always be too cold to keep in cache
_DB_AGING_HOT_C& :& Touch count which sends a buffer to head of replacement
RITERIA&&&&&&&&&&&& list
_DB_AGING_STAY_& :& Touch count set when buffer moved to head of
COUNT&&&&&&&&&&&&&& replacement list
_DB_AGING_TOUCH& :& Touch count which sends a buffer to head of replacement
_TIME&&&&&&&&&&&&&& list
_DB_ALWAYS_CHEC& :& Always perform block check and checksum for System
K_SYSTEM_TS&&&&&&&& tablespace
_DB_BLOCKS_PER_& :& Number of blocks per hash latch
_DB_BLOCK_ADJCH& :& adjacent cache buffer checks – low blkchk overwrite
ECK&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& parameter
_DB_BLOCK_ADJCH& :& adjacent cache buffer check level
_DB_BLOCK_ALIGN& :& Align Direct Reads
_DB_BLOCK_BAD_W& :& enable bad write checks
_DB_BLOCK_BUFFE& :& Number of database blocks cached in memory: hidden
RS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& parameter
_DB_BLOCK_CACHE& :& Always clone data blocks on get (for debugging)
_DB_BLOCK_CACHE& :& buffer header tracing (non-zero only when debugging)
_DB_BLOCK_CACHE& :& buffer header tracing level
_DB_BLOCK_CACHE& :& buffer header tracing for lru operations
_DB_BLOCK_CACHE& :& number of unmapped buffers (for tracking swap calls on
_NUM_UMAP&&&&&&&&&& blocks)
_DB_BLOCK_CACHE& :& protect database blocks (true only when debugging)
_DB_BLOCK_CACHE& :& protect database blocks (for strictly internal use
_DB_BLOCK_CHECK& :& Check more and dump block before image for debugging
_DB_BLOCK_CHECK& :& check objd and typ on cache disk read
_DB_BLOCK_CHUNK& :& chunkify noncontig multi block reads
_DB_BLOCK_CORRU& :& threshold number of block recovery attempts
_DB_BLOCK_DO_FU& :& do full block read even if some blocks are in cache
_DB_BLOCK_HASH_& :& Number of database block hash buckets
_DB_BLOCK_HASH_& :& Number of database block hash latches
_DB_BLOCK_HEADE& :& number of extra buffer headers to use as guard pages
_DB_BLOCK_HI_PR& :& Fraction of writes for high priority reasons
_DB_BLOCK_KNOWN& :& Initial Percentage of buffers to maintain known clean
_DB_BLOCK_LRU_L& :& number of lru latches
_DB_BLOCK_MAX_C& :& Maximum Allowed Number of CR buffers per dba
_DB_BLOCK_MAX_S& :& Percentage of buffers to inspect when looking for free
_DB_BLOCK_MED_P& :& Fraction of writes for medium priority reasons
_DB_BLOCK_NUMA&& :& Number of NUMA nodes
_DB_BLOCK_PREFE& :& Batched IO enable fast longjumps
_DB_BLOCK_PREFE& :& Prefetch limit in blocks
_DB_BLOCK_PREFE& :& Prefetch force override in blocks
_DB_BLOCK_PREFE& :& Batched IO enable private cache
_DB_BLOCK_PREFE& :& Prefetch quota as a percent of cache size
_DB_BLOCK_PREFE& :& Batched IO enable skip reading buffers
_DB_BLOCK_PREFE& :& Allowed wasted percent threshold of prefetched size
_DB_BLOCK_TABLE& :& Size of shared table scan read buffer
_DB_BLOCK_TEMP_& :& generate redo for temp blocks
_DB_BLOCK_TRACE& :& trace buffer protect calls
_DB_BLOCK_VLM_C& :& check of rvlm mapping leaks (for debugging)
_DB_BLOCK_VLM_L& :& Threshold for allowable vlm leaks
_DB_CACHE_ADVIC& :& cache advisory maximum multiple of current size to
E_MAX_SIZE_FACT&&&& similate
_DB_CACHE_ADVIC& :& cache advisory sampling factor
_DB_CACHE_ADVIC& :& cache simulation sanity check
_DB_CACHE_BLOCK& :& dump short call stack for block reads
_DB_CACHE_CRX_C& :& check for costly crx examination functions
_DB_CACHE_MISS_& :& check LEs after cache miss
_DB_CACHE_MMAN_& :& check for wait latch get under MMAN ops in kcb
_DB_CACHE_PRE_W& :& Buffer Cache Pre-Warm Enabled : hidden parameter
_DB_CACHE_PROCE& :& maximum number of cr pins a process may have
_DB_CACHE_WAIT_& :& trace new kslwaits
_DB_CHANGE_NOTI& :& enable db change notification
_DB_DISABLE_TEM& :& Disable Temp Encryption for Spills
_DB_DUMP_FROM_D& :& dump contents from disk and efc
_DB_DW_SCAN_ADA& :& if TRUE, enable adaptive DW scan cooling
_DB_DW_SCAN_MAX& :& DW Scan adaptive cooling max shadow count
_DB_DW_SCAN_OBJ& :& DW Scan object cooling factor to cool all temperatures
_DB_DW_SCAN_OBJ& :& DW Scan object cooling interval in number of scans,
_COOLING_INTERV&&&& seconds, or pct of cache size
_DB_DW_SCAN_OBJ& :& DW scan objtect cooling policy
_DB_DW_SCAN_OBJ& :& DW Scan object warming increment when an object is
_WARMING_INCREM&&&& scanned
_DB_FAST_OBJ_CH& :& enable fast object drop sanity check
_DB_FAST_OBJ_CK& :& enable fast object checkpoint
_DB_FAST_OBJ_TR& :& enable fast object truncate
_DB_FILE_DIRECT& :& Sequential I/O buf size
_DB_FILE_EXEC_R& :& multiblock read count for regular clients
_DB_FILE_FORMAT& :& Block formatting I/O buf count
_DB_FILE_NONCON& :& number of noncontiguous db blocks to be prefetched
_DB_FILE_OPTIMI& :& multiblock read count for regular clients
_DB_FLASHBACK_I& :& Flashback IO Buffer Size
_DB_FLASHBACK_L& :& Minimum flashback database log size in bytes
_DB_FLASHBACK_L& :& Minimum flashback database log total space in bytes
_DB_FLASHBACK_N& :& Flashback Number of IO buffers
_DB_FLASH_CACHE& :& Flash cache force replenish lower limit in buffers
_DB_FLASH_CACHE& :& Flash cache keep buffer upper limit in percentage
_DB_FLASH_CACHE& :& Flash cache maximum latency allowed in 10 milliseconds
_DB_FLASH_CACHE& :& Flash cache maximum outstanding writes allowed
_DB_FLASH_CACHE& :& Flash cache max read retry
_DB_FLASH_CACHE& :& Flash cache maximum slow io allowed
_DB_FLASH_CACHE& :& Flash cache write buffer upper limit in percentage
_DB_HANDLES&&&&& :& System-wide simultaneous buffer operations
_DB_HANDLES_CAC& :& Buffer handles cached each process
_DB_HOT_BLOCK_T& :& track hot blocks for hash latch contention
_DB_INDEX_BLOCK& :& index block checking override parameter
_DB_INITIAL_CAC& :& size of cache created at startup
_DB_L2_TRACING&& :& flash cache debug tracing
_DB_LARGE_DIRTY& :& Number of buffers which force dirty queue to be written
_DB_LOST_WRITE_& :& Enable scn based lost write detection mechanism
_DB_LOST_WRITE_& :& Enable _db_lost_write_checking tracing
_DB_MTTR_ADVICE& :& MTTR advisory
_DB_MTTR_PARTIT& :& number of partitions for MTTR advisory
_DB_MTTR_SAMPLE& :& MTTR simulation sampling factor
_DB_MTTR_SIM_TA& :& MTTR simulation targets
_DB_MTTR_SIM_TR& :& MTTR simulation trace size
_DB_MTTR_TRACE_& :& dump trace entries to alert file
_DB_NOARCH_DISB& :& Image redo logging (NOARCHIVEMODE)
_DB_NUM_EVICT_W& :& number of evict wait events
_DB_NUM_GSM&&&&& :& database number in gsm dbpool
_DB_OBJ_ENABLE_& :& enable ksr in object checkpoint/reuse
_DB_PERCENT_HOT& :& Percent of default buffer pool considered hot
_DB_PERCENT_HOT& :& Percent of keep buffer pool considered hot
_DB_PERCENT_HOT& :& Percent of recycle buffer pool considered hot
_DB_PERCPU_CREA& :& size of cache created per cpu in deferred cache create
_DB_PREFETCH_HI& :& maintain prefetch histogram statistics in x$kcbprfhs
_DB_RECOVERY_TE& :& default database recovery temporal file location
_DB_REQUIRED_PE& :& percent of fairshare a processor group should always
_DB_ROW_OVERLAP& :& row overlap checking override parameter for data/index
_CHECKING&&&&&&&&&& blocks
_DB_TODEFER_CAC& :& buffer cache deferred create
_DB_WRITER_CHUN& :& Number of writes DBWR should wait for
_DB_WRITER_COAL& :& Size of memory allocated to dbwriter for coalescing
ESCE_AREA_SIZE&&&&& writes
_DB_WRITER_COAL& :& Limit on size of coalesced write
_DB_WRITER_FLUS& :& If FALSE, DBWR will not downgrade IMU txns for AGING
_DB_WRITER_HIST& :& maintain dbwr histogram statistics in x$kcbbhs
_DB_WRITER_MAX_& :& Max number of outstanding DB Writer IOs
_DB_WRITER_NOME& :& Enable DBWR no-memcopy coalescing
_DB_WRITER_VERI& :& Enable lost write detection mechanism
_DDE_FLOOD_CONT& :& Initialize Flood Control at database open
_DD_VALIDATE_RE& :& GES deadlock detection validate remote locks
_DEADLOCK_DIAGN& :& automatic deadlock resolution diagnostics level
_DEADLOCK_RECOR& :& record resolved deadlocks to the alert log
_DEADLOCK_RESOL& :& create incidents when resolving any deadlock?
_DEADLOCK_RESOL& :& create incidents during deadlock resolution
_DEADLOCK_RESOL& :& automatic deadlock resolution level
_DEADLOCK_RESOL& :& the minimum wait timeout required for deadlock
UTION_MIN_WAIT_&&&& resolution
_DEADLOCK_RESOL& :& the amount of time given to process a deadlock
UTION_SIGNAL_PR&&&& resolution signal
_DEAD_PROCESS_S& :& PMON dead process scan interval (in seconds)
_DEDICATED_SERV& :& dedicated server poll count
_DEDICATED_SERV& :& dedicated server post/wait
_DEDICATED_SERV& :& dedicated server post/wait call
_DEFAULT_ENCRYP& :& default encryption algorithm
_DEFAULT_NON_EQ& :& sanity check on default selectivity for like/range
UALITY_SEL_CHEC&&&& predicate
_DEFERRED_CONST& :& Deferred constant folding mode
_DEFERRED_LOG_D& :& consider deferred log dest as valid for log deletion
_DEFERRED_SEG_I& :& Enable Deferred Segment Creation in Seed
_DEFER_EOR_ORL_& :& defer EOR ORL archival for switchover
_DEFER_LOG_BOUN& :& defer media recovery checkpoint at log boundary
_DEFER_LOG_COUN& :& Number of log boundaries media recovery checkpoint lags
T&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& behind
_DEFER_RCV_DURI& :& Defer recovery during switchover to standby
_DEFER_SGA_ALLO& :& Chunk size for defer sga allocation
_DEFER_SGA_ENAB& :& Enable deferred shared memory allocation for SGA
_DEFER_SGA_MIN_& :& Minimum shared pool size at startup with deferred sga
SPSZ_AT_STARTUP&&&& enabled
_DEFER_SGA_MIN_& :& Minimum total deferred segs size for defer sga
TOTAL_DEFER_SEG&&&& allocation
_DEFER_SGA_TEST& :& SA** sleeps for N secs before allocating a deferred
_ALLOC_INTV&&&&&&&& segment
_DELAY_INDEX_MA& :& delays index maintenance until after MV is refreshed
_DELTA_PUSH_SHA& :& enable delta push if greater than the # of share
RE_BLOCKERS&&&&&&&& blockers
_DEQ_EXECUTE_RE& :& deq execute reset time
_DEQ_HT_CHILD_L& :& deq ht child latches
_DEQ_HT_MAX_ELE& :& deq ht max elements
_DEQ_LARGE_TXN_& :& deq large txn size
_DEQ_LOG_ARRAY_& :& deq log array size
_DEQ_MAXWAIT_TI& :& Change wait times between dequeue calls
_DEQ_MAX_FETCH_& :& deq max fetch count
_DESIRED_README& :& The desired percentage of redo reading from memory
_DG_BROKER_TRAC& :& data guard broker trace level
_DG_CF_CHECK_TI& :& Data Guard controlfile check timer
_DG_CORRUPT_RED& :& Corrupt redo log validation during archivals
_DIAG_ADR_AUTO_& :& Enable/disable ADR MMON Auto Purging
_DIAG_ADR_ENABL& :& Parameter to enable/disable Diag ADR
_DIAG_ADR_TEST_& :& Test parameter for Diagnosability
_DIAG_ARB_BEFOR& :& dump diagnostics before killing unresponsive ARBs
_DIAG_BACKWARD_& :& Backward Compatibility for Diagnosability
_DIAG_CC_ENABLE& :& Parameter to enable/disable Diag Call Context
_DIAG_CONF_CAP_& :& Parameter to enable/disable Diag Configuration Capture
_DIAG_CRASHDUMP& :& parameter for systemstate dump level, used by DIAG
_LEVEL&&&&&&&&&&&&& during crash
_DIAG_DAEMON&&&& :& start DIAG daemon
_DIAG_DDE_ASYNC& :& diag dde async actions: message age limit (in seconds)
_DIAG_DDE_ASYNC& :& diag dde async actions: action cputime limit (in
_CPUTIME_LIMIT&&&&& seconds)
_DIAG_DDE_ASYNC& :& diag dde async actions: dispatch mode
_DIAG_DDE_ASYNC& :& diag dde async actions: number of preallocated message
_MSGS&&&&&&&&&&&&&& buffers
_DIAG_DDE_ASYNC& :& diag dde async actions: message buffer capacity
_DIAG_DDE_ASYNC& :& diag dde async actions: message processing rate – per
_PROCESS_RATE&&&&&& loop
_DIAG_DDE_ASYNC& :& diag dde async actions: action runtime limit (in
_RUNTIME_LIMIT&&&&& seconds)
_DIAG_DDE_ASYNC& :& diag dde async actions: max number of concurrent slave
_SLAVES&&&&&&&&&&&& processes
_DIAG_DDE_ENABL& :& enable DDE handling of critical errors
_DIAG_DDE_FC_EN& :& Parameter to enable/disable Diag Flood Control
_DIAG_DDE_FC_IM& :& Override Implicit Error Flood Control time parameter
_DIAG_DDE_FC_MA& :& Override Macro Error Flood Control time parameter
_DIAG_DDE_INC_P& :& The minimum delay between two MMON incident sweeps
ROC_DELAY&&&&&&&&&& (minutes)
_DIAG_DIAGNOSTI& :& Turn off diag diagnostics
_DIAG_DUMP_REQU& :& DIAG dump request debug level (0-2)
_DIAG_DUMP_TIME& :& timeout parameter for SYNC dump
_DIAG_ENABLE_ST& :& enable events in instance startup notifiers
_DIAG_HM_RC_ENA& :& Parameter to enable/disable Diag HM Reactive Checks
_DIAG_HM_TC_ENA& :& Parameter to enable/disable Diag HM Test(dummy) Checks
_DIAG_PROC_ENAB& :& enable hung process diagnostic API
_DIAG_PROC_MAX_& :& hung process diagnostic API max wait time in
TIME_MS&&&&&&&&&&&& milliseconds
_DIAG_PROC_STAC& :& hung process diagnostic API stack capture type
_DIAG_TEST_SEG_& :& Sets trace segmentation to be in reincarnation mode
_DIAG_UTS_CONTR& :& UTS control parameter
_DIAG_VERBOSE_E& :& Allow verbose error tracing on diag init
_DIAG_XM_ENABLE& :& If TRUE, DIAG allows message exchanges across DB/ASM
D&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& boundary
_DIMENSION_SKIP& :& control dimension skip when null feature
_DIRECT_IO_SKIP& :& Skip current slot on error
_DIRECT_IO_SLOT& :& number of slots for direct path I/O
_DIRECT_IO_WSLO& :& number of write slots for direct path I/O
_DIRECT_PATH_IN& :& disable direct path insert features
_DIRECT_READ_DE& :& enable direct read decision based on optimizer
CISION_STATISTI&&&& statistics
_DISABLE_12751&& :& disable policy timeout error (ORA-12751)
_DISABLE_12CBIG& :& DIsable Storing ILM Statistics in 12cBigFiles
_DISABLE_ACTIVE& :& disable active influx move during parallel media
_INFLUX_MOVE&&&&&&& recovery
_DISABLE_ADAPTI& :& adaptive shrunk aggregation
_DISABLE_APPLIA& :& Disable appliance-specific code
_DISABLE_APPLIA& :& Disable appliance partnering algorithms
_DISABLE_AUTOTU& :& disable autotune global transaction background
NE_GTX&&&&&&&&&&&&& processes
_DISABLE_BLOCK_& :& disable block checking at the session level
_DISABLE_CELL_O& :& disable cell optimized backups
_DISABLE_CPU_CH& :& disable cpu_count check
_DISABLE_CURSOR& :& disable cursor sharing
_DISABLE_DATALA& :& disable datalayer sampling
_DISABLE_DIRECT& :& Disable directory link checking
_DISABLE_DUPLEX& :& Turn off connection duplexing
_DISABLE_FASTOP& :& Do Not Use Fastopen
_DISABLE_FAST_A& :& fast aggregation
_DISABLE_FAST_V& :& disable PL/SQL fast validation
_DISABLE_FBA_QR& :& disable flashback archiver query rewrite
_DISABLE_FBA_WP& :& disable flashback archiver wait for prepared
R&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& transactions
_DISABLE_FILE_L& :& disable file locks for control, data, redo log files
_DISABLE_FLASHB& :& disable flashback archiver
_DISABLE_FLASHB& :& Don’t use the Flashback Recyclebin optimization
_DISABLE_FLASHB& :& Disable flashback wait callback
_DISABLE_FUNCTI& :& disable function-based index matching
_DISABLE_GVAQ_C& :& Disable cache
_DISABLE_HEALTH& :& Disable Health Check
_DISABLE_HIGHRE& :& disable high-res tick counter
_DISABLE_IMAGE_& :& Disable Oracle executable image checking
_DISABLE_IMPLIC& :& disable implicit row movement
_DISABLE_INCREM& :& Disable incremental checkpoints for thread recovery
_DISABLE_INCREM& :& Disable incremental recovery checkpoint mechanism
_DISABLE_INDEX_& :& disable index block prefetching
_DISABLE_INITIA& :& disable initial block compression
_DISABLE_INSTAN& :& disable instance type check for ksp
_DISABLE_INTERF& :& disable interface checking at startup
_DISABLE_KCBHXO& :& disable kcbh(c)xor OSD functionality
_DISABLE_KCBL_F& :& Disable KCBL flashback block new optimization
_DISABLE_KCB_FL& :& Disable KCB flashback block new optimization
_DISABLE_KGGHSH& :& disable kgghshcrc32chk OSD functionality
_DISABLE_LATCH_& :& disable latch-free SCN writes using 32-bit compare &
_DISABLE_LATCH_& :& disable latch-free SCN writes using 64-bit compare &
_DISABLE_LOGGIN& :& Disable logging
_DISABLE_METRIC& :& Disable Metrics Group (or all Metrics Groups)
_DISABLE_MULTIP& :& disable multiple block size support (for debugging)
_DISABLE_ODM&&&& :& disable odm feature
_DISABLE_PARALL& :& Disable parallel conventional loads
_DISABLE_PRIMAR& :& disable primary bitmap switch
_DISABLE_READ_O& :& Disable read-only open dictionary check
_DISABLE_REBALA& :& disable space usage checks for storage reconfiguration
_DISABLE_RECOVE& :& Disable the read optimization during media recovery
_DISABLE_ROLLIN& :& Disable Rolling Patch Feature
_DISABLE_SAMPLE& :& disable row sampling IO optimization
_DISABLE_SAVEPO& :& disable the fix for bug 1402161
_DISABLE_SELFTU& :& Disable self-tune checkpointing
_DISABLE_STORAG& :& Disable storage type checks
_DISABLE_STREAM& :& streams diagnostics
_DISABLE_STREAM& :& disable streams pool auto tuning
_DISABLE_SUN_RS& :& Disable IPC OSD support for Sun RSMAPI
_DISABLE_SYSTEM& :& disable system state dump
_DISABLE_SYSTEM& :& Disable system state dump – wait samples
_DISABLE_TEMP_T& :& disable tablespace alerts for TEMPORARY tablespaces
_DISABLE_THREAD& :& Disable thread internal disable feature
_DISABLE_THREAD& :& Thread snapshot
_DISABLE_TXN_AL& :& disable txn layer alert
_DISABLE_UNDO_T& :& disable tablespace alerts for UNDO tablespaces
_DISABLE_WAIT_S& :& Disable wait state
_DISCRETE_TRANS& :& enable OLTP mode
_DISKMON_PIPE_N& :& DiSKMon skgznp pipe name
_DISK_SECTOR_SI& :& if TRUE, OSD sector size could be overridden
_DISPATCHER_RAT& :& scale to display rate statistic (100ths of a second)
_DISPATCHER_RAT& :& time-to-live for rate statistic (100ths of a second)
_DISTINCT_VIEW_& :& enables unnesting of in subquery into distinct view
_DISTRIBUTED_RE& :& number of seconds RECO holds outbound connections open
_DLMTRACE&&&&&&& :& Trace string of global enqueue type(s)
_DML_BATCH_ERRO& :& number or error handles allocated for DML in batch mode
_DML_FREQUENCY_& :& Control DML frequency tracking
_DML_FREQUENCY_& :& Control automatic advance and broadcast of DML
TRACKING_ADVANC&&&& frequencies
_DML_FREQUENCY_& :& Number of slots to use for DML frequency tracking
_DML_FREQUENCY_& :& Time length of each slot for DML frequency tracking
_DML_MONITORING& :& enable modification monitoring
_DM_DMF_DETAILS& :& set dm dmf details compatibility version
_DM_ENABLE_LEGA& :& revert dmf output types to pre-
_DM_MAX_SHARED_& :& max percentage of the shared pool to use for a mining
POOL_PCT&&&&&&&&&&& model
_DNFS_RDMA_ENAB& :& Enable dNFS RDMA transfers
_DNFS_RDMA_MAX&& :& Maximum size of dNFS RDMA transfer
_DNFS_RDMA_MIN&& :& Minimum size of dNFS RDMA transfer
_DOMAIN_INDEX_B& :& maximum number of rows from one call to domain index
ATCH_SIZE&&&&&&&&&& fetch routine
_DOMAIN_INDEX_D& :& maximum number of rows for one call to domain index dml
ML_BATCH_SIZE&&&&&& routines
_DRA_BMR_NUMBER& :& Maximum number of BMRs that can be done to a file
_DRA_BMR_PERCEN& :& Maximum percentage of blocks in a file that can be
T_THRESHOLD&&&&&&&& BMR-ed
_DRA_ENABLE_OFF& :& Enable the periodic creation of the offline dictionary
_DRM_PARALLEL_F& :& if TRUE enables parallel drm freeze
_DROP_FLASHBACK& :& Drop logical operations enqueue immediate}


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