be of greatbe of benefit to为什么要加of,不加of 不也行吗

benefit是什么意思 benefit在线翻译 benefit什么意思 benefit的意思 benefit的翻译 benefit的解释 benefit的发音 benefit的同义词 benefit的反义词
benefit英 ['ben?f?t] 美 ['b?n?f?t] benefit什么意思第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:; 过去分词:; 过去式:; benefit 基本解释benefit在线翻译名词利益,好处; 救济金,津贴; 义演,义卖; 恩惠,恩泽及物动词有益于,有助于; 使受益; 得益,受益danci.911cha.com手机查看benefit的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 benefit 即可benefit 相关例句及物动词1. The sea air will benefit you.&&&&海边的空气对你有益。2. 2. Exercise benefits our health.&&&&运动有益于我们的健康。3. The plants benefited from the rain.&&&&植物得益于这场雨。不及物动词1. We benefited greatly by this frank talk.&&&&这次坦率的谈话使我们获益匪浅。名词1. The new hospital will be a great benefit to the town.&&&&新建成的医院将给全城带来莫大好处。2. This dictionary will be of great benefit to me.&&&&这部字典将对我有很大裨益。benefit 情景对话求职面试B:Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it.&&&&&&你能在两分钟內自我推荐吗?大胆试试吧!A:With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.&&&&&&依我的资格和经验,我觉 得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。我的分析能力和与人相处的技巧,对贵单位必有价值。benefit 网络解释1. 1. 优点:如果你在所有的工作做完以后才开始写,就会失去很多优点(benefit). 一旦开始研究工作,好的办法是养成写不正式文章的习惯,每隔多少个月(every few months)记下最新的和你刚学的东西. 从你的研究笔记开始比较好. 用两天时间来写,2. 津贴:且彼承诺(promises)-来源厂商为目标厂商提供奖品(reward)或津贴(benefit),*汽车工业不得以半散件(SKD)和全散件(CKD)方式进口散件组装生本研究属於理论架构的雏形,benefit 双语例句1. It will get a large economic and social benefit by means of simulated moving bed chromatography for separating xylitol mother liquid..&&&&模拟移动床色谱是一种高效高分辨率的分离方法,采用此方法分离木糖醇母液将产生极大的经济效益和社会效益。2. benefit2. In spite of the extraordinary progress made in science and technology, problems rema in in terms of guaranteeing that achievements benefit the greatest number of people.&&&&尽管科学技术取得了非凡的进步,但是在保证进步成果使尽可能多的人受益这方面还存在一些问题。3. The examination-oriented education system being beneficial disadvantage benefit: Urge a student to be diligent at one's lessons, accumulate knowledge.&&&&不要用在线和谷歌翻译那些各位那个英语好的翻译下翻译的文章如下应试教育的利于弊利:促使学生勤奋学习,积累知识。4. But from the beginning of the next Benefit, which avoids the use of the hands of civil rights for their own personal gain may also quit to avoid a civil service down to business every day to carve and polish up its own wages.&&&&而是从下任开始受益,这就避免了公务员利用手中的权利为自己谋取私利的可能,也避免了公务员不干正事,天天琢磨给自己涨工资的现象。5. 5. Many companies and organisations see the benefit of planned regular maintenance in other ways.&&&&许多公司和机构的利益,见计划定期维修用其他的方式。6. Many of the maquiladoras, factories set up just on the Mexican side of the border to benefit from lower wages and land costs, have specialised in making parts for Detroit.&&&&美国汽车行业的崩溃也使墨西哥北部的一些省市遭受了损失。7. 7. Records sincerely with the customer contact in does. 2nd, thought win-win the customer thought that seeks the benefit sincerely and honestly for the customer, at the same time enables us to have the progress enhancement.&&&&和客户交往中谨记言出必行。2、双赢想客户之所想,实心实意为客户谋利益,与此同时使我们得到进步提高。8. In order to promote the sustainable economic development, environmental protection and long-term benefit should be the research objectives.&&&&为了经济的可持续发展,应该把环境保护和长期利益作为研究目标。9. benefit的解释9. The benefit of mankind is the ultimate goal?&&&&人类的利益是终极目标?10. 10. Therefore, we may say that retrospecting and systemizing the thought and experience of the period can benefit the establishment of modern bank system.&&&&需要说明的是,银行制度是一个内涵十分广泛的范畴,为了使我们的研究能够建立在规范化的基础上,有必要对这一范畴作出明确的界定。11. The benefit of combining a DISI engine with i-stop (originally called SISS: Smart Idle Stop System) is that the system restarts the engine about twice as fast, and quieter, than conventional idle-stop systems.&&&&&&相结合1与i缸内直喷发动机停止福利(原名监察部:智能怠速停止系统)是该系统重新启动发动机速度的两倍,更安静,比传统的闲置一站式系统。12. 12. Our products and services are designed to benefit people and improve their quality of life. At the same time we want to create value through innovation, growth and high earning power.&&&&&&我们坚持以人为本,以自身产品与服务提升人类生活品质;同时致力于以创新、成长与高盈利能力创造更多价值。13. 13. Cover models benefit from touchup in the design stage.&&&&&&设计阶段的影像处理让封面模特儿获益良多。14. 14. Therefore, the author improve the construction of SEA by reference various countries` Moreover, Taiwan SEA uses the matrix form in the regulations, hence we suggest 「Budget Act」and 「Regulations for Preparing Central Government Medium-Term Planning Budget」not only analyze the cost benefit of project but also analyze the envir SEA integrate with cost-benefit analysis again, using matrix form of SEA and cost-benefit analysis of budget mean to help policymaker making decision, improve present SEA system, and achieved sustainable development and Precautionary principle.&&&&&&因此,作者思考将政策环评的架构,参考各国政策环评之优缺点改善建议台湾的政策环评制度;另外,我国政策环评在法规上只使用矩阵式,故建议预算法及中央政府中程计画预算编制办法中除分析工程上之成本效益,更应该分析环境成本分析;政策环评重新与成本效益分析结合,利用政策环评之矩阵式和预算法之成本效益分析作为辅助决策者做决策之参考,改善现行政策环评制度,以达到永续发展、预防原则的目标。15. It seems that your efforts to defuse the potential ballots fraud for the benefit of the republican candidate succeed.&&&&&&你们清除了对共和党候选人有利的潜在投票欺诈,看起来你们所作的努力已经成功了。16. 16. The scientific, efficient and modern highway maintenance method can make the highway maintain an intact state in tenure of use, and the transportation economic benefit of highway can be obtained.&&&&&&科学、高效的现代化公路养护作业与养护管理方法可使公路在使用年限内经常保持完好状态,从而最大限度地发挥公路的运输经济效益。17. While, religion was a natural colleague of the conservative in politics. Religion and morality were different in nature because religion`s foundation was Animatism but morality`s was benefit.&&&&&&原始宗教深刻地影响着原始艺术,甚或说对原始艺术的起源有重要的作用;但是也不能夸大这种作用,二者归根结底都植根于原始民族的生产力状况。18. 18. Because of their high fat content, many of them benefit from storage in the fridge or freezer to deter rancidity.&&&&&&由於其脂肪含量高,其中许多是受益於储存在冰箱或冰柜,阻止酸败。19. This conclusion suggests that the deformed configuration system should be of great benefit to the synthesis of heavy or super heavy nucleus in the cold fusion process.&&&&&&这一结论说明:在用冷熔合形成超重核时,使用形变的弹靶体系将有利于增强合成的截面20. It is absolutely vital that all nations, bigorsmall, strongorweak, should conduct their relations with each other on the basis of mutual respect, and equality and mutual benefit.&&&&&&所有国家,无论其大小强弱,都应该在相互尊重、平等互利的基础上处理相互间的关系,这一点是至关重要的。benefit 词典解释1. 好处;益处;裨益&&&&The benefit of something is the help that you get from it or the advantage that results from
it.&&&&e.g. Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit of its labor...&&&&&&&&&&&各家经营各自的农场,收获各自的劳动成果。&&&&e.g. I'm
a great believer in the benefits of this form of therapy...&&&&&&&&&&&我坚信这种治疗形式非常有益。2. (对…有)好处,帮助&&&&If something is to your benefit or is of benefit to you, it helps you or improves your life.&&&&e.g. This could now work to Albania's
benefit...&&&&&&&&&&&这种情况目前对阿尔巴尼亚有利。&&&&e.g. I hope what I have written will be of benefit to someone else who may feel the same way.&&&&&&&&&&&我希望我所写的内容能对其他和我有同感的人有所裨益。3. 获益;对…有益;有利于&&&&If you benefit from something or if it benefits you, it helps you or improves your life.&&&&e.g. Both sides have benefited from the talks.&&&&&&&&&&&双方都从谈判中获益。&&&&e.g. ...a variety of government programs benefiting children.&&&&&&&&&&&有益于儿童的各种政府项目4. 有利条件;优势&&&&If you have the benefit of some information, knowledge, or equipment, you are able to use it so that you can achieve something.&&&&e.g. Steve didn't have the benefit of a formal college education...&&&&&&&&&&&史蒂夫没能接受正规的大学教育。&&&&e.g. With the benefit of hindsight, it is clear we ought to have done more...&&&&&&&&&&&事后看来,我们显然本该做得更多。5. (政府提供给穷人、病人和失业人员的)救济金,补助金&&&&Benefit is money that is given by the government to people who are poor, ill, or unemployed.&&&&e.g. ...the removal of benefit from school-leavers...&&&&&&&&&&&取消辍学者的补助金&&&&e.g. I was told that in order to get benefit payments I would have to answer some questions.&&&&&&&&&&&我得知要领补助,就得回答一些问题。6. 慈善活动&&&&A benefit, or a benefit concert or dinner, is an event that is held in order to raise money for a particular charity or person.&&&&e.g. I am organising a benefit gig in Bristol to raise these funds.&&&&&&&&&&&我要在布里斯托尔组织一场义演来募集这些资金。7. see also:unemployment benefit8. 暂且相信;姑且信之&&&&If you give someone the benefit of the doubt, you treat them as if they are telling the truth or as if they have behaved properly, even though you are not sure that this is the case.&&&&e.g. At first I gave him the benefit of the doubt...&&&&&&&&&&&起初,我姑且相信了他。&&&&e.g. Shalford is entitled to the benefit of the doubt.&&&&&&&&&&&沙尔福德暂且获得了信任。9. 为了…的利益;为…好&&&&If you say that someone is doing something for the benefit of a particular person, you mean that they are doing it for that person.&&&&e.g. You need people working for the benefit of the community...&&&&&&&&&&&你们需要为社区谋利益的人。&&&&e.g. He doesn't have to go through this elaborate display for my benefit!&&&&&&&&&&&他不必为了我作这么详细的展示!benefit 单语例句1. When more people benefit from the business, it will bite deep into the ethics of academics.2. " Acquiring ACS helps us expand our business and benefit from stronger revenue and earnings growth, " Xerox CEO Ursula Burns said in a statement.3. Ping An said its core business would keep prospering in the near future and will benefit from the bright outlook of the industry.4. Rising living standards benefit our economy because they will bolster the population's buying power, which is the most essential contributor to the growth of the economy.5. Dickson said Disney will get good buzz for encouraging volunteerism plus free publicity from the nonprofits that benefit.6. Is this a benefit of a decentralized economy that goes by the name of market?7. And farmers gain no benefit from this most environmentally friendly way of disposing of the wheat byproduct.8. The calculated move of Beijing was wise and came at the right time - one that will benefit the economy more than hurt it.9. It would be good if those calculating Japanese politicians could finally appreciate the benefit of good neighbourly ties with China.10. They start calculating how closely they are related to the family and how they can benefit from his rise in status.benefit 英英释义noun1. something that aids or promotes well-being&&&&e.g. for the benefit of all&&&&Synonym: 2. a performance to raise money for a charitable cause3. financial assistance in time of need\u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006Dverb1. derive a benefit from&&&&e.g. She profited from his vast experience&&&&Synonym: 2. be beneficial for&&&&e.g. This will do you good&&&&Synonym: benefit是什么意思,benefit在线翻译,benefit什么意思,benefit的意思,benefit的翻译,benefit的解释,benefit的发音,benefit的同义词,benefit的反义词,benefit的例句,benefit的相关词组,benefit意思是什么,benefit怎么翻译,单词benefit是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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CEPA can be of great benefit to establishment of the economic circle of China;
For the most part, I find this slower than using a mouse and keyboard, but it could be of great benefit to people with certain disabilities.
Barbara Elliott, who is leading the project, said: ’A fail-safe mechanism to detect the correct location of a nasogastric tube would be of great benefit to nursing practice.
芭芭拉·埃利奥特是这个项目的领导。 她说:“这种‘故障检测装置'用于检测鼻饲管插入位置的正确性,非常有利于临床护理的实践操作。
Further opening of these foreign markets could be of great benefit to American health insurance companies.
"Her understanding of corporate governance and financial regulation will be of great benefit to GE, " CEO Jeffrey Immelt said.
However, as a foundation upon which to build a strategy, it still can be of great benefit.
- 来自原声例句
be of great benefit to后可以接动词么如果可以 ING?
be of great benefit to sb. 的用法好像多见to + doing ,很真的比较少见.分析是对的,介词后加 ING,但是是否常用、地道,就不得而知了.
可以,ing 因为to 作介词
可以跟ING,因为 be of +名词=相应的形容词。那题目转换为,be beneficial to/for sth
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