有代写java代码 修改python,java程序的吗

机器学习 /ML代写
Senior Software Engineer
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Sr Principal Specialist
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Software Developer
Data Analyst
Data Analyst
Algorithm Engineer
Algorithm Engineer
机器学习代写/语音识别-Isolated Spoken Digit Recognition
This individual assignment is about implementing, training and evaluating Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) for recognition of isolated spoken digits...
C语言代写/算法/数据结构-Best Pizza Value Assignment
For this assignment you will finish writing a program that asks for the size and price of several pizzas,and prints the pizza that is the best value...
Java代写-P2P Blockchain
The goal of this project is to implement a consistent Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Blockchain application in Java that tolerates...
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程序开发C Java Python C+ 代写编程 C# php matlab 安卓 留学生
程序代写代做留学生c c++ python
java matlab C# php
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程序开发 代写C C+ JAVA Python PHP Matlab 安卓 留学生定制
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程序代写python素材下载STL Allocator InterfaceC程序作业代写代做、代做C程序作业题目、代写C试题作业
STL Allocator Interface
An allocator is used by standard library containers as a template
parameter :
template & class T, class Alloc allocator & class
template & class T, class Alloc allocator &
What does an allocator class have Typically, it possesses:
typedef void _Not_user_
typedef _Ty value_
typedef value_type *
typedef const value_type *const_
typedef value_
typedef const value_type const_
typedef size_t size_
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_
typedef true_type propagate_on_container_move_
typedef true_type is_always_
pointer address(reference _Val) const _NOEXCEPT
const_pointer address(const_reference _Val) const _NOEXCEPT
void deallocate(pointer _Ptr, size_type _Count)
C operators 作业代写代做、C作业代做代写、C程序作业代写代做
Write a class that represents a fraction number like 2/3.
Functions below have to be implemented for this class:
default ctor
ctor takes two integers as parameters
arithmetical operators: - * /
relational operators: & & ! & &
type cast to double
inserter and extractor for streams
from a finite decimal string like: 1.414
Evaluation standard
1. c code quality (clean, compact and reasonable)
2. comments quality
Files to submit
Please prepare a .zip package including the following items:
1. the source code (including the Fraction class, and some typical
usages for test)
2. makefile (for Mac or Linux users) or .exes (for Windows users)
or CMakeLists.txt
C作业代写代做、代做C程序设计作业、代写代做C程序作业、c code作业代写
The Personal Diary is a CLI (Command Line Interface) software,
consists of four programs:
pdlist [ ]
pdadd is used to add an entity to the diary for the date. If an
entity of the same date is in the diary, the existing one will be
replaced. pdadd reads lines of the diary from the stdin, line by
line, until a line with a single '.' character or the EOF character
(Ctrl-D in Unix and Ctrl-Z in Windows).
pdlist lists all entities in the diary ordered by date. If the
start and the end date are provided through command line
parameters, it lists entities between the start and the end only.
This program lists to the stdout.
pdshow prints the content of the entity specified by the date to
the stdout.
pdremove removes one entity of the date. It returns 0 on success
and -1 on failure.
The software stores the diary in one data file
代写C Vector 向量作业、代做C程序设计作业、代写代做C作业
Given the declaration of a class template Vector below, write the
bodies of the functions, and a main() to test all the facilities
Vector provides.
class Vector {
Vector(); // creates an empty vector
Vector(int size); // creates a vector for holding 'size'
Vector(const Vector r); // the copy ctor
~Vector(); // destructs the vector
T operator[](int index); // accesses the specified element without
bounds checking
T at(int index); // accesses the specified element, throws an
exception of type 'std::out_of_range' when index &0 or
int size() // return the size of the container
void push_back(const T x); // adds an element to the end
void clear(); // clears the contents
bool empty() // checks whether the container is empty
void inflate(); // expand the storage
C 作业代写代做、代做C 程序设计作业、代写代做C 程序作业、c code作业代写
The Personal Diary is a CLI (Command Line Interface) software,
consists of four programs:
pdlist [ ]
? pdadd is used to add an entity to the diary for the date. If an
entity of the same date is in the diary, the existing one will be
replaced. pdadd reads lines of the diary from the stdin, line by
line, until a line with a single '.' character or the EOF character
(Ctrl-D in Unix and Ctrl-Z in Windows).
? pdlist lists all entities in the diary ordered by date. If the
start and the end date are provided through command line
parameters, it lists entities between the start and the end only.
This program lists to the stdout.
? pdshow prints the content of the entity specified by the date to
the stdout.
? pdremove removes one entity of the date. It returns 0 on success
and -1 on failure.
The software stores the diary in on
代写C Vector 向量作业、代做C 程序设计作业、代写代做C 作业
Given the declaration of a class template Vector below, write the
bodies of the functions, and a main() to test all the facilities
Vector provides.
class Vector {
Vector(); // creates an empty vector
Vector(int size); // creates a vector for holding 'size'
Vector(const Vector r); // the copy ctor
~Vector(); // destructs the vector
T operator[](int index); // accesses the specified element without
bounds checking
T at(int index); // accesses the specified element, throws an
exception of type 'std::out_of_range' when index &0 or
int size() // return the size of the container
void push_back(const T x); // adds an element to the end
void clear(); // clears the contents
bool empty() // checks whether the container is empty
void inflate(); // expand the stor
代作Finite State Machines 程序作业、代写js程序、代写JS FSM Game Engine and
Assignment 4
Finite State Machines
Due: June 20th, 2018 @ 21:00pm
Part 1: Create a FSM Diagram
Overview, Learning Goals and Grading
This assignment aims to give you experience with the language of
finite-state machine
controllers. You will be creating a finite-state machine to
describes the behavior of the 'unlock
slide' interactor on the original iPhone (depicted below).
For this assignment, you will study the behavior of this
cross-platform implementation of the
iPhone slider: http://demo.marcofolio.net/iphone_unlock/ (note that
it does not function exactly
like the original iPhone slider, but does ensure that everyone is
making a state machine for the
same interactor). Next, you will create a finite state machine
diagram to represent the behavior
of this slider. This assignment aims to help you understand:
The correct no
代写C 编程作业、代做C 程序作业、代写C 作业、代写留学生C 程序
const int n=7,k=4,r=3;
class HMCoding{
int H[r][n],**G;
string H_Column[n 1];
int source_
string binary_data,coded_
void Show_H(int , int);
void Get_G();
void Show_G(int,int);
void Get_H_Column();//获取汉明码监督矩阵的每一列
HMCoding( int num, string str)
void Initializing();
void Encoding();//汉明码编码
void BSC();
void Checking();//汉明码校码
void Decoding();//汉明码译码
void HMCodi
编程代写:代写单片机 X86-64 程序作业、代写留学生linux os作业
?Assembly language programs in X86-64
?Using assembler directives in X86-64
?Writing code for functions in X86-64; passing parameters in
?Move, ALU, jump, call, and return instructions in X86-64
?Instructions for two byte (“word”) operands in X86-64
?Calling C library function printf to print output in X86-64
–Every lab requires a README file. The required name of this file
for this lab is
lab4Readme [Case matters!]. Do not change the name, or your lab
will be penalized 20%. The file should have EXACTLY this name, with
extensions, such as .txt, etc. The Linux OS can determine that the
file is a text file
without any extension. Just create a text file with the text editor
of your choice on
stdlinux, and save it with the name specified. This file should
include the
In this assignment you have to take an existing implementation of a
shell program and
add some small improvements to it.
Preparation - Downloading, Compiling and Testing a simple
Download and uncompress the following file:
The contents of the file are C sources that implement a simple
shell. The contents are:
smsh.c - an implementation of a very simple shell program
smsh.h - a header file with function prototypes
execute.c - a set of helper functions for running processes within
the program
splitline.c - some text processing utilities
To compile these sources run:
gcc -o smsh1 smsh1.c splitline.c execute.c
To run the shell type:
A prompt of the form. '&' will appear and then you can type
commands like:
execute.c shell.tgz smsh.h smsh1 smsh1.c splitline.c
& wc execute.c
37 113 725 execute.c
The shell is te}


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