高一 安全知识竞赛判断题题 感激不尽

A major impediment to wide acceptance of electric vehicles even on the part of people who use their cars almost exclusively for commuting is the inability to use electric vehicles for occasional extended trips. In an attempt to make purchasing electric vehicles more attractive to commuters, one electric vehicle producer is planning to offer customers three days free rental of a conventional car for every 1,000 miles that they drive their electric vehicle.
Which of the following, if true, most threatens the plan's prospects for success?
AMany electric vehicles that are used for commercial purposes are not needed for extended trips.&&BBecause a majority of commuters drive at least 100 miles a week, the cost to the producer of making good the offer would add considerably to the already high price of electric vehicles.&&CThe relatively long time it takes to recharge the battery of an electric vehicle can easily be fitted into the regular patterns of car use characteristic of commuters.&&DAlthough electric vehicles are essentially emission-free in actual use, generating the electricity necessary for charging an electric vehicle's battery can burden the environment.&&ESome family vehicles are used primarily not for commuting but for making short local trips, such as to do errands.&&
正确答案: B
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A major impediment to wide acceptance of electric vehicles even on the part of people who use their cars almost exclusively for commuting is the inability to use electric vehicles for occasional extended trips. In an attempt to make purchasing electric vehicles more attractive to commuters, one electric vehicle producer is planning to offer customers three days free rental of a conventional car for every 1000 miles that they drive their electric vehicle.Which of the following, if true, most threatens the plan's prospects for sucess?A. many electric vehicles that are used for commercial purposes are not needed for extended tripsB.because a majority of commuters drive at least 100miles a week, the cost to the producer of making good the offer would add considerably to the already high price of electric vehiclesC. the relatively long time it takes to recharge the battery of an electric vehicle can easily be fitted into the regular patterns of car use characteristic of commutersD.although electric vehicles are essentially emmission-free in actual use, generating the electricity necessary for charging an electric vehicle's battery can burden the &environmentE. some family vehicles are used primarily not for commuting but for making short local trips, such as to do errands答案是B ,可是我读题完全没有头绪……实在太弱,练了很久还是没有找到所谓的做题的感觉,每次整理回顾错题时都懂了,但是做新题还是会错的很严重,甚至读了几遍都没有任何感角o(︶︿︶)o 唉怎么办捏……各位同仁的情况如何呢???求帮助!
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这道题我觉得还是有点复杂的...做题就是要找准 推理的过程和结果。电能车的销售的困难,在于消费者有时候需要额外用车,而恰恰这时候电能车没电,所以厂商现在给每个消费者补贴一些额外的普通车的使用。B说明消费者很耗用电能车,消费者很大程度上需要普通车的补贴,这就会造成厂商的成本上升,最后电能车反而卖的贵。希望有帮助
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我是这样想的:By the attempt proposed in the context, the producer of the electric vehicles wants to stimulate people to buy the electric vehicles.(the plan's prospects)However, the attempt wll increase the cost of producer who will make the price of electric vehicles higher. Higher price is going to inhibite customers buying it.That's why the author can not achieve the success of the plan's prospects.(the plan fails to achieve the prospects)
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嗯是呐 就是这个问题 我烦的就是我现在不能一眼看出说这个选项无关 那个选项又怎么不行看来我还是得把OG再好好看看总结下套路……
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1对1/小班 精品个性化专题 视频讲解 你的私人专属老师 地理奥赛学霸 全国1卷文科数学140+ 文综230+大神 真心不走套路 你不能错过在一秒钟内看到本质的人和花半辈子也看不清一件事本质的人,自然是不一样的命运。——马里奥·普佐《教父》
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积分 126, 距离下一级还需 19 积分
权限: 自定义头衔
道具: 涂鸦板, 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 热点灯, 显身卡, 匿名卡, 金钱卡
权限: 隐身
道具: 金钱卡, 变色卡, 彩虹炫, 雷达卡, 热点灯, 涂鸦板
开心签到天数: 12 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.3]偶尔看看II
1.& && &一个竞争性的利润最大化厂商有利润关系π(w1,w2)=Ψ1(w1)+Ψ2(w2)。将产出价格正规化,令其等于1。 2.& && &一个厂商使用4种投入来生产1种产出。生产函数是f(x1,x2 ,x3,x4)=min{x1,x2}+min{ x3,x4}。 (a).当要素价格是w =(1,2,3,4)时,生产1单位产出的条件要素需求79向量是什么? (b)成本函数是什么? (c)这项技术显示出什么样的规模报酬? (d)另一个厂商的生产函数为f(x1,x2 ,x3,x4)=min{x1+x2 ,x3+x4}。当价格w=(1,2,3,4)时,生产1单位产出条件要素需求向量是什么? (e)这个厂商成本函数是什么? (f)这项技术代表什么样的规模报酬?& && && && &&& 3.& && &考察戴维的两期效用模型u(x1,x2),其中x1代表其在第一时期的消费。x2代表其在第二时期的消费。戴维在每一时期被给予的消费量是(x3,x4),但他也可以对现在和未来的消费进行交易,即把现在的消费卖给将来消费,反之亦然。因此,其预算约束为p1x1+ p2x2= p1x3+ p2x4,其中p1,p2分别为第一期和第二期的价格。(a)& &&&推导此模型的斯卢茨基方程。(注意,现在戴维的收入取决于他被给予的消费量的价值,而此价值又取决于价格;m= p1x3+ p2x4。)(b)& & 假设戴维的最优选择满足x1〈x3 。如果价格p1 下降,戴维的处境会好转还是会恶化?(c)& &&&什么是消费物品的回报率?& &4.& && &考虑具有下列结构的行业。50个以竞争方式行动的厂商,具有相同的成本函数c(y)=y2∕2。一个具有零边际成本的垄断者,产品的需求曲线由下式给出D(p)=1000-50p(a)& &&&什么是垄断者的利润最大化产量?(b)& & 什么是垄断者的利润最大化价格?(c)& &&&在此价格下,该竞争部门供给多少? 5.& && &有一垄断者呈现常数边际成本的技术,即c(y)=cy。市场需求弹性为常数,以ε表示。存在一从价税,当消费者支付价格p时,垄断者得到Ps=(1-τ)PD(这里,PD是消费者面临的需求价格,Ps是生产者面临的供给价格)。税收当局正考虑改变从价税为从量税t,即有PD=Ps + t.。你已经被请去计算等价于从价税的从量税t,并使得消费者面临的价格在这两种情况下都一样。
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