
考研数学零基础怎么学?零基础考研数学经验考研数学零基础怎么学?零基础考研数学经验,2018考研数学押题李林第一步:打基础基础课用什么老师的都书都一样,换汤不换药,看大学的高数课本也行,看一遍做一遍课后习题。线性代数看李永乐的视频,中试考研官网的数学网课有他的讲课。同时找找下一轮要看的书,略看一下。五六月份:同济的书过一遍,自己看高数书,前面打基础,没有解析视频或者老师讲解的话,难免处处是坎。整理出一套公式,或者打印出一套公式集,多打印一两张空白页,后面题刷多了用来补充没有的公式,以后真题刷完心里也有个数了,把熟记的和超纲冗余的公式去掉。中试考研的网课,李林、李永乐、王式安老师在平常的讲课中可能也会将到考试的重点,有些东西平时记一下,回头复习笔记很方便。七八月份:暑期很重要,这是跟别人拉开距离的时候。书再复习一两遍,可以只复习一遍同时做题,整理错题集,不费事,有些做过的容易忘的也整理出来题集每天整理一下不麻烦,刷完一套题回头看看错题集觉得这个功夫花的真的很值。数学的知识点之间都会有联系,要整理个自己的笔记,把知识点连接起来。九、十月份:刷题,基础题真题,强化题,反正就刷题。十、十一月份:刷卷子啦,真题,各家机构的模拟题也出来了,真题从后往前做,不必做到太前的。  自己给自己算算分数。考前巩固基础,把公式,基础打牢固。微信考研竹子0添加评论分享收藏文章被以下专栏收录提供考研咨询和考研一手资讯~清华学霸告诉你“如何从数学零基础飞速提升到120”清华学霸告诉你“如何从数学零基础飞速提升到120”教育记哦百家号大家好,我是清华大学的丽丽学姐,今天又来与大家见面,最近有很多同学向我反应,自己的数学成绩特别不好,几乎就是零基础,后面所以大题几乎都不会做,成绩也就只有30分左右,所以我今天来给大家分享一下,如何可以让近乎零基础的同学们,在这四十多天的时间里学得答题技巧,成绩提升到120以上。具体方法主要分为三步,请同学们一定要牢牢记下。第一步:看选择题和填空题答案准备一个公式小本,一套试题,最好是高考题,一支铅笔(铅笔是用来划线的)。准备好这些东西以后,先把公式本和试卷放在一旁晾着别理会。抽出答案,拿起铅笔,先看选择题和填空题的答案,大题也先让它一边儿。看答案的时候,把答案前面的“本题考察什么什么”中的“什么什么”用铅笔给划下来,就算有的答案你根本觉得上辈子跟你有仇你根本就看不懂也没关系,硬着头皮尽管看下去。另外,再说一样要划的东西,就是结论性的东西,也可以称为用来提取隐含条件的东西。比方说“因为所给函数是奇函数,所以f(0)=0,f(-x)=-f(x)”,就是见到“因为什么所以什么”这样的也要划下来。这样等你把一本金考卷上所有的选择填空题的答案看完(我记得好像有二十套左右),回过头再去看你划下来的那些东西,你会有一种幡然大悟的感觉,原来高考也就这么多东西。有的同学说,开始看答案的时候会觉得乱糟糟的,大家如果数学基础弱的可能也会有这种感觉。这算是一个共性问题。觉得乱也是正常。看不懂也没关系,我主要是让你先找一找感觉。这就好比让你把一条街从前走到后,街道两旁都是门店,你只知道这个店是卖衣服的,但不知道人家究竟卖的是男装还是女装,童装还是时装;所以,你看答案,就算看不懂变幻出来的各种题型,但你总知道它究竟是什么了,先知道它长什么样子,以后不管它怎么变化万千,那些东西还是那些东西。第二步:整理答案开始做题说一个细节性的问题,这个时候,Speed不重要,慢也不要紧,动脑筋最为重要。当你看完选择填空题的答案以后,心中已经有了一个模糊的印象,这个时候,还是先别忙着去做题。这个时候需要必备:公式小本,几张干净的纸,黑水笔,铅笔。把小本翻开,像看答案一样去看小本,尽量去看,能看懂多少就看懂多少,有看不懂的用铅笔划下来,等你划下来的部分,日后哪些又懂了,就把那些懂了的用铅笔再做上标记。如果是彻底懂了,就直接用橡皮给它清理了。看到有公式的地方,就用黑笔把公式抄在纸上,这个也是像看答案那样为了帮助你形成整体感。等把小本也搞定以后,相信你一定有了一定的感觉,不就是数列三角函数概率圆锥曲线导数向量不等式么,这就叫整体感。然后,开始真枪实战。这个时候必备:试题,答案,公式小本,铅笔,黑笔,红笔。先自己去做,自己已经十分了然的会的懂得直接用铅笔在题号上给划掉,至于不会的,开始研究它们。自己勘察不会的原因,如果是概念不清楚回头去把概念给理清,再把此概念用红笔抄在该题的旁边;如果是没有提取出隐含条件就把暗含隐含条件的地方用红笔给划住,再用红笔在下面写出它的隐含内容;如果是公式不会使就把该公式抄在该题的旁边。等等。鉴于矛盾的特殊性,所以只能具体问题具体分析,这个就要看你自己的问题出在什么地方了。你的那些红笔所做的标记非常重要,因为它们都是你查缺补漏的完美功劳。不要把答案写在卷子上,你只要会了这道题,这就行了,因为你还需要做回头功,即是需要回头重新去做它们。这些便是选择填空的内容了,接下来说一说大题。铅笔是用来划线,黑笔是用来做题,红笔最关键,是用来画龙点睛。第三步:大题有个“三遍论”选择填空退场,大题露面。大题也别往卷子上写。大题来个“三遍论”。第一遍,只要思路,步骤什么的直接给无视了。只要你能在草纸上成功演算对就成。这道题算是你会做了一半儿。第二遍,在会思路的基础上整理步骤,把步骤工工整整地写在草纸上。第三遍,有了结论,可以自己往卷子上做了。但以上这些话显然细节性还给得不够。细节:(1)这三遍不是让你一下子就做三遍,而是细水长流。今儿第一遍,明儿第二遍,大后儿第三遍。(这个酌情安排,我只是提个醒儿)。(2)遇到思考七分钟以上的可还是欠揍没有思路的题,果断寻求答案,别再钻里面使劲儿消耗能量了。(3)圆锥曲线和导数题除了第一问其它果断不要看。等你数学已经上了个档次升至120或往上,可以往里头钻一钻。(4)依然是用红笔写出自己为什么不会,不会总是有原因的。或是公式不会,或是概念不清,或是提取隐含条件的基础还较弱,或是根本不动脑子。今天就先分享到这里,如果同学们喜欢这篇文章,可以分享,希望可以对想要数学提分的同学有所帮助,学姐每天都会发布一些有关高考的文章,如果有什么疑问或者想要了解更多高考答题技巧可以添加学姐。xkb3604而且学姐这里有一本《高分其实很简单》 ,里面有各科考试中的具体内容和学习方法。可以帮助同学们快速进步,用最短的时间取得更好的成绩、在高考中成功逆袭。这本书是由清华600多名,耗时数年,精心总结的,学姐就是以过来人身份想要帮助学弟学妹们取得好成绩。每年都有很多学弟、学妹高考考出高分。最后,祝同学们都可以考上自己理想的大学。本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。教育记哦百家号最近更新:简介:一切为了就业,为了提高劳动者的就业素质。作者最新文章相关文章怎么零基础快速在七个月提高数学成绩_百度宝宝知道欢迎你,    
11:25:49 来源:网络
  一、考什么  数学考察三门科目:高等数学、线性代数、概率论与数理统计,其中数二不考概率论与数理统计。数一、数三:满分150分,数学成绩决定了总成绩的上限,它的重要性是不言而喻的。 其中高等数学考察56%(82分)、线性代数和概率论与数理统计各占22%(34分)。数二:高等数学考察78%(116分)、线性代数占22%(34分)。  二、怎么安排复习  数学是一个比较抽象的学科,复习起来并不容易,所以基础薄弱的同学一定要早早地开始复习。数学的复习一般要分阶段重复进行:基础阶段、提高阶段、冲刺阶段。数学复习时间规划复习任务基础阶段现在至2017年6月底学好基础知识,提高基本计算能力强化阶段2017年7月至10月底注意归纳题,总结方法,训练解题能力,做到答题又准又快冲刺阶段查漏补缺,加强记忆,开始模拟试卷的练习,培养考场实战能力  基础阶段的主要任务是复习基础知识,并训练基本的解题能力,这一阶段使用的复习资料为考试大纲和本科教材。本科教材中的一些内容在考研中是不要求的,所以要对照考试大纲的要求看本科教材进行复习,复习完基础知识之后要做课后习题,进行知识巩固。基础阶段的复习以知识为主,要准确、深刻理解每一个知识点,基础差的同学切忌通过先做题再看书,这样的复习流程达不到考研数学的要求,往往导致&只见树木不见深林&,题目稍微变化就不知如何解决。基础阶段也应该做合适的题目,但遗憾的是市面上还没有完全专门针对基础薄弱的学生使用的基础阶段习题集。&&&&&&& 难的题目往往会打击考生基础阶段复习的信心,即使看答案弄懂了,其实也达不到复习的效果。给考生的建议是:以教材中的例题和习题为主,不适宜做综合性较强的题目。做习题时一定要把题目中的考点与对应的基础知识结合起来,达到巩固基础知识的目的,切忌为了做题而做题。基础阶段的复习最好能在2017年6月左右完成。  从2017年7月左右开始要进入强化阶段的复习。强化阶段的任务是建立完整的知识体系,提高综合解题能力。尽管强化阶段的任务是考试提高成绩的关键,但没有基础阶段的储备,强化阶段的复习很难取得良好的效果。强化阶段的复习资料以数学复习全书和历年为主。要把考研中的题型归类练习,熟练掌握每一类题型的解题方法。强化阶段的复习要在11月上旬完成。  强化阶段完成后,实际上考研数学的复习已经基本完成,考生应该熟悉考研中的每一类题型以及对应的解题方法,而且已经具备较强的计算能力。从11月份中旬开始,每周要做模拟题培养考试状态,进入冲刺阶段的复习。这一阶段的主要任务是:查漏补缺,培养考试状态。建议的复习资料是:基础阶段和强化阶段总结的复习笔记,历年真题与模拟题。  最后,一定要重视&背&的重要性,很多同学误以为数学这个学科不靠记忆。数学当然要理解,但对绝大多数考生来说,不可能把数学所有的东西都理解得很好,所以为了取得一个好的成绩,一定要在整个复习过程中都重视&记忆&。  基础薄弱甚至是零基础的考生常常反映看不懂书,其实这是很正常的,大家不必担心。基础差的考生在刚开始复习时看不懂教材很正常,不必产生自我怀疑的心理,既然选择了考研,就一定要有信心克服备考过程中的任何困难。
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Basic information
【English name】: elk
】 【Latin name: Elaphurus davidianus
【Common name】:四不象
【English name】: Pere David's Deer
【Key state-level protection of animals: a
【The World Conservation Union (IUCN): Endangered
Endemic 【】: Yes
【Endangered levels: wild extinction
【In Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora, the Convention on International Trade (CITES): not included
【Ecological environment: low-lying wetlands and marshes (Dafeng Milu Nature Reserve)
【To risk factors: habitat destruction, over-hunting
【Domestic distribution: Beijing, Jiangsu (artificial introduction), Hubei (Elk Island Nature Reserve, Swan)
【Category status:
Sector: animal kingdom Animalia
Gate: Chordata chordates door
Class: Mammalia MAMMALIA
Head: Artiodactyla Artiodactyla
Section: Cervidae Cervidae
Subfamily: subfamily Cervinae deer
Are: elk are Elaphurus, Milne-Edwards, 1866
Species: E. Dravidians elk
[Edit this paragraph] the historical development of
Elk is endemic in our country is the world's rare animals. It is good at swimming, together with the generous四蹄, very suitable for use in muddy swamps of the forest to look for grass, leaves and aquatic plants, such as food, habitat range of activities in the vicinity of the Yangtze River Valley. Yellow River Basin is a land of human reproduction, the elk live here naturally become much food in order to obtain the object of the game, resulting in the sharp decline in the number of珍奇动物, the wild populations will soon cease to exist. Fortunately, as early as the Zhou Dynasty more than 3000 years ago, the elk hunting on the arrest into the Royal Court, the state of domestication in artificial breeding the next generation to generation down to the Qing Emperor Kangxi, Qianlong, the son of the South China Sea in Beijing in the Royal Court is still hunting There are 200 long. This is the land of China in the life of the artificial environment of the last group of elk. According to a large number of fossils and historical data concluded that wild elk in the Qing Dynasty about the situation until the brink of extinction.
1865, French missionary and naturalist Father David amans study in Beijing, the southern flora and fauna found this strange animal, which is the first time the world know that from an academic point of view of the elk. Next few decades, there have been live elk were shipped from China, to the West. At this point a number of European countries within the elk zoo, due to changes in the ecological environment, are faced with the threat of extinction. Love of animals and plants of the British Duke of Bedford XI, to the high prices kept in Paris, Berlin, Cologne, Antwerp Zoo and other places within the 18 elk buyout, Feng-mao stocking water in his manor in the Vauban Temple. Restocking after care, the 18 elk evolved gradually.
In 1894, the spread of the Yongding River water to break the wall of Nanyuan, the elk fled their hungry people to feed their families has become a thing. To 1900, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing, Nanyuan where almost all the killing elk. To as part of Europe. It is said that only the next right, raised in a palace in the future, animal transmitted million Park (now Beijing Zoo), also died. At this point, elk animal products in China, completely extinct in China. And Temple Manor in Vauban reared elk has become the world's only group of elk. Chinese people want to look at their own specialty animals, had to go abroad to the.
Although the extinction of wild elk, but through the stocking, and ultimately re-established in China's natural population of elk. In August 1985 from the United Kingdom Temple Ying Vauban under the 20 young elk, the restocking of the Qing Dynasty have been kept in the South China Sea elk son, and the establishment of a Center for Ecological Research elk and elk C in August 1986, London Zoo and free provided 39 elk, Dafeng elk stocking in protected areas so far, both the growth of the elk are good, and the future generations of breeding. To this end, China's re-classified as a protected species elk.
[Edit this paragraph] shape the characteristics of
Elk body of about 200 centimeters. Shoulder height :80-85 cm (male) 70-75 cm (female), larval weight :35-40 kg (male) 24-28 kg (female) The male elk can reach 250 kilograms body weight, angle longer, every two off for a year. Female elk no angle, size is also smaller. Its like the first horse, deer may Kok, may donkey tail, hoof like cattle and commonly known as &四不象& because in ancient mythology novel &Gods& is the姜子牙mounts to make them more legendary. Bucks only horned elk, and the backward Cladocerans is cervine animals unique, relatively thick neck and back, thick limbs. Large ungulates can be separated from the main,健interphalangeal skin membrane, lateral hoof developed, suitable for walking in the swamp. The summer of red-brown hair, gray
newborn baby orange-red color and have white spots. Long tail used to drive marsh mosquitoes to adapt to the environment.
When the male deer in the two-year-old long-horned fork, 6-year-old fully developed until fork angle. Head, kissed the Department of strip, the exposed part Nose wide, eyes small, infraorbital gland significantly. Sturdy limbs, the main large ungulates, and more meat, there are well-developed hoof hanging, running times with a loud bump sound. The end of a particularly long, fuzzy,呈灰black, ventral is yellow-white, dark brown for the end. Red hair for the summer Apriona, neck on a black vertical stripes, abdomen and buttocks for the brown and white. In September after being a long hair and thick gray hair replaced by winter. Elk (Elaphurus davidianus) MAMMALIA, Artiodactyla, Cervidae. Commonly known as &四不象& might end its non-donkey donkey, cattle hoof may non-cattle, horses may face non-horse, non-deer deer may angle. Jane was the beast of our products, originated in the late Early Pleistocene, more than 200 million years ago. Its fossils from Liaoning Province of Northeast China to the south of the Yangtze River, almost the entire eastern region of China are distributed. Due to the large number of human hunting and climate change, so that wild elk population in the latter half of the 19th century extinction. Only in the Qing Dynasty Court Royal hunting in the South China Sea in Beijing's suburbs are the only sub-group of keepers. 1865, French missionary David partition in the Court found hunting elk, bribery Shou-Yuan, and made elk skin and skull, the second year of elk in David's name as a species. Since then, the South China Sea inflow of sub-elk more than a zoo in Europe. Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing in 1900, together with floods, so that the Son of the South China Sea all the destruction of elk. 50's from the UK to receive the first of several animal species, the United Kingdom in 1985 from Temple Vauban back to 20, in their ancestral home in the South China Sea sub-Beijing families also settled in and rebuild stocks. At present, China's Center for another elk feeding of protected areas in Jiangsu Dafeng elk.
[Edit this paragraph] distribution
Elk originating in China's Yangtze River middle and lower reaches of the marshes to grass and water for food, sometimes on the sea in the title of fresh seaweed, body for up to two meters and weighing 300 kilograms, in 10000 years ago a very busy year -3000 to middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Boussinesq points as the center from north to Heilongjiang Province, Shanxi Province in North Korea and Japan have also found fossils elk. Later, as a result of natural climate change and human hunting, in the Han Dynasty on the near-extinction, when the Yuan Dynasty, Mongolia remaining soldiers will be transported to the north to capture elk for hunting. Have already become extinct in nature. To the 19th century, the only son of the South China Sea in Beijing, the Royal Court in a group of hunting, about the first 200-300. 1866, by the French missionary Father David found and returned to France by the French zoologist Edward Miller to determine the Latin species name, the public and the use of bribery, theft and other means, for the National Zoo got their own a few. Yongding River flood in 1894, destroyed hunting Royal Court wall, remnants of the elk to escape, was hungry and the Eight-Power Allied Forces hunting later robbery, then disappeared in China.
11 United Kingdom in 1898 World贝福特Duke will spend a large amount of money in circulation to Paris, Antwerp, Berlin and Cologne, all 18 elk to buy back, the restocking of the Vauban Temple Manor, to have been breeding in 1983 to 255, in order to prevent their extinction, began to Evacuation to the zoo.
Elk in the world of animal protection organizations under the coordination of the British Government decided to provide China with the population free of charge, so that elk return to his hometown. In 1985 to provide 22, the restocking of the original Royal Hunting Court, son of the South China Sea Beijing Daxing District, Beijing in the South China Sea and the establishment of sub-elk Court. In 1986 provided 39 in the coastal Jiangsu Province, Dafeng City, the original source restocking elk, and the establishment of nature reserves. In 1987 provided 18.
Elk breeding after the handover, a fairly rapid pace, the Chinese government in 1994 in Hubei Province Shishou Swan Island City, the establishment of a third elk protected areas, before and after the move from Beijing to more than 90 only. At present, the total number of elk in China have been breeding up to 1320. But is still a endangered species. The world has more than 2000.
Shishou Mi Lu Mi Lu Shishou Nature Reserve Nature Reserve is located in Shishou City in Hubei Province, the geographical coordinates for longitude 112 ° 33 ', latitude 29 ° 49', the total area of 1567 hectares. Protected areas in 1991 and approved by the Hubei Provincial Government, mainly for the protection of deer and their habitats Mi.
The district is located in the old course of the side of the Yangtze River Swan Island, which is typical of alluvial rivers in modern times, the accumulation of alluvial flat洲滩formed the source of the low-lying, with an elevation of 35 meters. Soil fertilizer living area, good water quality, forage abundance and distribution of the reed has a vast wetlands. According to preliminary investigations, the region has 64 branches of higher plants, 168 genera, 238 kinds of, there are more than 100 kinds of vertebrates, including the Great Bustard, crane, such as national key protected wild animals. The elk is the return to nature for the realization of the nature reserve established in 1993 and 1994 in two batches from Beijing to introduce elk elk Court 64, made the natural environment as a result of the region very suitable for living and reproduction elk, plus elk Edible Plants as many as 119 kinds of, and high biological production, so only 3-4 years, elk populations to the development of 134, the wild elk and a good recovery and achieve the objectives of the natural restocking. Shishou elk establishment of nature reserves, not only for the elk make a significant contribution to return to nature, but also for the world's large animals back to nature, as well as the restoration of stocks to provide a successful experience.
[Edit this paragraph] living habits
Elk is good teamwork, good swimming, like Her Groove Back, and other aquatic plants for food. Courtship began in estrus by the end of June, continuing for about six weeks, 7 months, culminating in the second half. Irascible temperament雄兽suddenly, not only occurred in bursts of sounds, but also to pick angle, the radio urine, rolling, infraorbital gland secretion from the liquid applied in the trunk. Frequent confrontation between雄兽, the phenomenon of arena.雌兽period of 270 days of pregnancy about the deer in the longest gestation period, the general was born April-May next year. New-born baby weighing about 12 kilograms, and a white spot color Orange ,6-8 weeks after the white spot disappeared, was born three months later, will reach 70 kg body weight. 2-year-old when sexually mature, male 2-year-old long-horned deer fork, 6-year-old fork angle development complete, life expectancy is 20 years old.
[Edit this paragraph] the level of protection
Elk are a protected species at the national level, the International Conservation Union IUCN Red List critically endangered species level.
China's first batch of elk from 1985 return 38, the sub-range of the South China Sea in Beijing after Luyuan acres, gradually expanding reproduction, the relocation of the Yangtze River in Hubei Province Shishou and thus return to the wild have successfully completed the &re-introduction of the& project. In addition, in the Yellow Sea, Jiangsu Dafeng elk also some flourish, together with several zoos, such as 20 of the elk feeding at the beginning of 2001 has reached 1300, elk recovered, re-introduction of the success is shown to the international community China's achievements in the protection of wild animals, it is the patriotic education of the living materials, but also to the public expression of the coordinated development between man and nature and necessity of the possibility of an important example.
[Edit this paragraph] population status
Health and elk are known as the TAT's species have been discovered from the fossil, the elk are there four kinds, that is two-pronged species Jinnan species Lam species and species of Taiwan. Elk is limited to the late Quaternary in the animals, known from fossils unearthed more than 190 elk locations confirm that the history of elk west of the distribution area of the Fenhe River Basin, Shanxi, Liaoning Kangping north, south to Zhejiang Yuyao, east to the coastal plains and islands. To the late Pleistocene, the rapid development of elk population to reach its peak mid-Pleistocene-wide, but after the Shang and Zhou rapid decline of elk.
Primitive men as a result of low population density, low levels of productivity does not constitute a threat to the elk. After the Shang and Zhou, as a result of natural changes, the reasons for its elk and man-made interference and other factors, caused the steady decline in elk.
From natural factors, as the elk is a warm and humid like the animals, and thousands of years in China over the past 5 in the temperature is gradually cooling, marshes and waters are also a significant decrease in changes in the natural environment have a greater impact on elk.
Factors from their own perspective, is the deer elk animals in a more docile. As far as we are keeping for many years, observation, the running speed of less than elk and roe deer, rut, unlike the Bucks are also deer, red deer, white-lipped deer, as the attack, but to see people representing Bucks group that is close to escape. In the lactation period, young people play to its ears, measurement, the baby's cry can only wait and see in the distance to attract the wife of your youth, but unlike other deer, as the wife of your youth in order to protect young people and attack. Elk fight between male spouse is a very modest one arena, there is no violent collision and a wide range of mobile, time arena less than 10 minutes, just turn away losers, the winners are no longer fighting to recover, rare phenomenon of disability among deer. Bucks accounting group, the other Bucks peep when the wife of your youth, or group of Bucks only roar and chase each other off and so on. These characteristics敌害their ability to escape the poor easier to be natural enemies and human hunting. Elk major aquatic and terrestrial food intake of grass and leguminous plants, feeding elk is a narrow self-survival factors under threat.
Population growth and agricultural development, invasion and occupation of the living area of the elk. Killing human beings, has seriously affected the survival of elk. Archaeological discovery, 1 million years to 4 years ago unearthed human remains in the number of elk bones, pig bones and a considerable number of. At that time, the elk can be seen by humans as food was a lot of hunting. Oracle recorded in ancient time the number of elk hunting up to 348. In addition was made of elk and physical treatment of a variety of drugs, &Compendium of Materia Medica& records, &skill wins dried moose antler ... ... moose antlers of Yin, chief of all levels,腰膝aching bones, Ziyin Yishen ... ... && use by Peng &,& home to the Tibetan experience, &and modern-day& Great Dictionary of Chinese medicine prescriptions, &the use of dried elk, horn, bone and other formulations do have dozens of prescription. This elk has become for the treatment of human and hunted down the target.
Natural factors, elk elk own distribution factor is gradually reduced, the number of reasons for the reduction, and human activities are the wild elk to the determinants of extinction.
Elk as wild populations have already disappeared for many years, August 14, 1986, the World Wildlife Fund and the joint efforts of the Chinese Ministry of Forestry, the zoo from the United Kingdom 7 39 elk to return to the home - Jiangsu Dafeng, stocking in the Dafeng elk protected areas. At present, the elk are mainly distributed in the three protected areas, namely, Jiangsu Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve, Beijing Daxing Milu Yuan, Hubei Shishou elk National Nature Reserve. Among them, an area of 117 hectares of protected areas in Jiangsu Dafeng elk, is the world's largest protected areas an elk, with the world's largest elk populations, the number of elk in the world about 28%. Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve林茂草Fung, inaccessible, is the natural range of wild elk ideal place. Suitable habitat with protected area staff carefully manage and protect its wild populations, breeding rate and survival rate ranks first in the world. After proliferation of the expansion has now reached 1,000 long. Jiangsu Dafeng elk protected areas have the world's largest wild elk population, about 52 elk in the wild and reintroduction here. The establishment of the world's first completely get rid of human dependence on self-sustaining wild populations of elk, putting an end to elk-free for hundreds of years of history of wild populations.
January 8, 2009, the lake elk兵分两路scientific investigation team, all the way from the East Dongting Lake ZHANG Hong, director of the Office of protected areas led to the core area of protected areas along the Red Lake, led all the way from the tall legislation, in Note Zi River search. 12:30, surprises seem to appear out of the blue, in about 550 meters away from their distant Hegou a zone, a large group of elk or lying or standing, some in and eat it too, and some rest. Tall数了数legislation, a total of 27! The evening, the group from ZHANG Hong-good news: four elk found, step 6.
[Edit this paragraph] relevant information
Of China's ancient understanding of elk behavior
Elk's background
远涉重洋, return to their homes. Twists and turns of fate elk, making it the object of people's attention.
Wild elk have been unearthed fossils show that originated in elk ago more than 200 million years ago, now about 1 million years ago to about 3,000 years ago when the most prosperous, the Chinese territory of both the number of elk fossils point or point to a fossil the number of samples are extremely rich. However, since about 3,000 years after the Shang and Zhou dynasties, but the rapid decline of the Qing Dynasty in the early years until the final extinction of wild elk. Elk is a species unique to China, but its official English name is named after the famil it had lived in China for millions of years, the early 20th century had become extinct
the 20th century, 80's, it
Experts believe that the majority of deer, elk disappeared the main reasons is that the history of various dynasties a large number of hunting, resulting in a catastrophic reduction in elk populations. At the same time, many around the swamp or low-lying coastal land has been cultivated as a farm, so that only suitable habitat in the marshes of the elk is not a roof over our head, becoming the plain areas of the earliest victims of ecological disasters.
The last wild elk habitat is in coastal areas near the Yangtze Delta. Although the elk has been widely distributed in eastern China and the Yangtze River in central North and South, but is still the main distribution center of the coastal areas in the Yangtze River Delta. They are very warm and humid like the waters of the swamp, and even like to touch the water, the title of fresh seaweed. Jiangsu Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve is located in the region, where elk density distribution of fossils, from 1967 to 1998 have unearthed fossils of 12 elk. Archaeological discoveries, 1 million years to 4,000 years ago unearthed human remains in the number of elk skeleton, broadly in line with a considerable number of pig bones.
From the Spring and Autumn Period to the Qing Dynasty, the ancients of the elk in the record books never. It is not only the object of hunting ancestors, but also an important ritual sacrifice. &Mencius& in the description, &梁惠王see Mencius, Wang marsh on the stand, elk Hongyan Gu said: 'Sage will be pleased to here even'&, This proves that at least in the Zhou Dynasty, the Park Royal has been caught in the elk domesticated.
After the Han Dynasty, the declining number of wild elk. After the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, the royal骑射good elk to wild caught from the Yellow Sea tidal flats to the most (in Beijing), riding for the royal family were shot and killed children and grandchildren. Gradually moving toward extinction of wild elk. The early years of the Qing Dynasty, China has only about two to three hundred a group of elk in captivity only 210 square kilometers in the South China Sea in Beijing and hunting sub-Royal Court. At this moment, the International Fund for Animal scholars do not know the existence of elk.
The autumn of 1865, the French missionary and naturalist David carried out in Beijing, the southern suburbs of animal and plant inspection, accidentally discovered the son of the South China Sea in the Royal Court of elk hunting. He immediately realized that this is a group of unfamiliar animals may be no record of taxonomy of the deer. David纹银to 20 the cost of the two, to buy hunting守卒Court two elk got to make a specimen. In 1866, he will be sent to the Paris Museum of Natural History specimens, were identified as new species has never been found, but also animals cervine a an independent. Since then, the scientific name elk is called &David deer.& After 1866, Britain, France and Germany than in countries such as clearance through the Minister and the church purchased the dark明索means son of the South China Sea from the Beijing Court removed dozens of hunting elk, kept in zoos in the States.
In 1894, Beijing Yongding River flood, floods destroyed the fence hunting Court, many elk fled away, the hungry to feed their families has become a thing. In 1900, the Eight-Power Allied Forces into Beijing, the South China Sea by the western sub-elk robbed rather out of a space, the local extinction of deer in China.
Over time, some in captivity in zoos in Europe have died of elk, population size is gradually shrinking. From 1898 onwards, the United Kingdom 11 Prince of the World贝福特money kept in the original Paris, Berlin, Cologne, Antwerp Zoo and other places in and bought all 18 elk, stocking in London covers an area of 3000 acres north of the Vauban Temple Manor inside. 18 elk this earth become the ancestors of all the elk. World War II, the population reached 255, Temple House for fear of Vauban the war, began to transfer some of the world's largest elk zoo. To the end of 1983, the world reached 1320 elk.
China hopes that the home of elk elk to return to their homes. In 1956 and 1973, respectively, the Beijing Zoo were a pair and two pairs of elk, but the breeding barriers and the environment does not, has not been able to rejuvenation of the population.
In 1985, the World Wildlife Fund's efforts, the British Government decided to London Zoo to 5 free elk. August 1985, 22 elk were flown from the United Kingdom arrived in Beijing that night to the son of the former royal hunting in the South China Sea Court, odd beast back to its final disappearance in the local Chinese. August 1986, 39 elk from the United Kingdom seven elected by the zoo arrived in Shanghai Dafeng City in Jiangsu Province, elk returned to its wild ancestors of the last habitat of the coastal tidal flats.
Now, China has in Beijing, Dafeng City, Jiangsu Province, Hubei Province Shishou City, Henan Province原阳县free-range elk and other implementation plan, currently has a population, there are elk bull in 2000. Jiangsu Dafeng Milu Nature Reserve, the national level there are 648 elk, effective population has reached 50, indicating that the protected areas has become the world's first elk gene pool, the elk will never again be the loss of genes. In March 2003, the world's first pure wild elk in protected areas in the Dafeng elk born.
Now, the largest group living in the Dafeng Milu Nature Reserve in elk.
Jane stolen animals - elk
Elk is a large herbivores, 170-217 cm body length, tail length 60-75 cm, shoulders as high as 122-137 cm, weight 120-180 kg, females slightly smaller body than the male. No female head angle, the shape of the male special angle, there is no pitchfork brow, angle the top of stem into the base in the angle before and after the two former branches extended upward, and then further divided into before and after 2, each of small branches and then some small branches of a tree grow , after the branch stretching back straight, sometimes the end of some small branches of a tree grows, the maximum angle of up to 80 cm. Head, kissed the Department of strip, the exposed part Nose wide, eyes small, infraorbital gland significantly. Sturdy limbs, the main large ungulates, and more meat, there are well-developed hoof hanging, running times with a loud bump sound. The end of a particularly long, fuzzy,呈灰black, ventral is yellow-white, dark brown for the end. Red hair for the summer Apriona, neck on a black-colored vertical stripes, abdomen and buttocks for the brown and white. In September after being a long hair and thick gray hair replaced by winter. Because elk &like cattle hoof non-cattle, horses like the first non-horse, donkey tail may non-donkey, deer may angle of non-deer&, so the so-called &四不象.&
Elk is good teamwork, good swimming, like Her Groove Back, and other aquatic plants for food. Courtship began in estrus by the end of June, continuing for about six weeks, 7 months, culminating in the second half. Irascible temperament雄兽suddenly, not only occurred in bursts of sounds, but also to pick angle, the radio urine, rolling, infraorbital gland secretion from the liquid applied in the trunk. Frequent confrontation between雄兽, the phenomenon of arena.雌兽period of 270 days of pregnancy about the deer in the longest gestation period, the general was born April-May next year. New-born baby weighing about 12 kilograms, and a white spot color Orange ,6-8 weeks after the white spot disappeared, was born three months later, will reach 70 kg body weight. 2-year-old when the sexual maturity, life expectancy is 20 years old.
Elk not only a unique shape, and background is also extremely legendary - the dramatic discovery of the Pirates of the tragic movement, in troubled times of displacement, return, etc. Fortunately, it has become world famous as one of the rare animals in the world history of possession of Zoology very special one.
Elk have been widely distributed in China, especially in the Yellow River and Yangtze River area, but also kept in a large number of ancient royal hunting site, the time of extinction of wild populations about that on behalf of the Qing Dynasty. The autumn of 1865, the French envoy's missionaries in the South China Sea in Beijing Arman son David Royal Court wall hunting to get a glimpse of the exotic species, and in January 1866 to 20 two纹银price, in exchange for two hides and a skull, shipped back to Paris, immediately caused a sensation, so elk outside the country also known as the &David deer.&
River in 1894 as a result of (Yongding river) flooding, destroyed the fence of the Royal Court and hunting, many deer fled, Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China in 1900, and the Court so that elk hunting all disappeared in the chaos of war. Only the world from 1865 to 1894 between the Pirates have to be all over Europe a number of elk kept in a zoo in the world all the elk are descendants of these populations, the total number of development to nearly 2000.
April 1956, the British Zoological Society of London to return home in order to achieve the aspirations of elk, two pairs of baby gift to the Zoological Society of China, separated from their homeland in more than half a century, the Beijing Zoo and the re-emergence of the Beast Jane elk, but Because of the ecological environment are not appropriate, they and their three offspring, respectively, have died in the 60-70 age. December 1973, the United Kingdom普斯奈benefits given to the zoo and two pairs of my baby, two of the elk and their descendants around the zoo in our country to survive and multiply in, and the re-introduction of elk accumulated work experience.
However, with the return to their homeland as the first pair of elk, which the two pairs of elk high birth rate, from 1975 to 1979, their symbiotic child under 7, including 2 children are aborted. This shows that it is difficult to adapt to the zoo elk narrow space, as well as the artificial environment, farming methods and so on, if it continues at the zoo in the farming, will also gradually have a physical degradation, dystocia, and to decline infertility. The solution is as Vauban Temple and other zoos abroad, as they are free to dissipate into the atmosphere, to free feeding, free-by-spouse, a large number of activities, regular bathing, in order to ensure that they will not be the physical degradation, fecundity is not will be weakened.
In the cause of nature conservation, &re-introduction& refers to a range of the original distribution of species have disappeared back to their country of origin, and efforts to restore populations of their natural operations, is the protection of endangered species as an important means. Re-introduction of elk in 1980, work began to prepare, first of all, Beijing is the location of choice in the South China Sea, because here was the last to disappear in our country where elk, and a species so accurately the origin of the introduction of it in the world should re-introduce the work of is unique, very historic significance. In addition, the choice of Beijing to re-introduce the work, for access to government, the scientific community and the support of our community, as well as international co-operation has its own unique advantages.
However, elk populations reared in our country there are also some problems. Such as the Beijing Milu Park, son of the South China Sea near the land has been contracted to sell sand in the business, the daily use of large-scale sand mining vehicles, and slowly put up with a &garbage mountain&, causing serious pollution occurred due to misuse of elk plastic bags and contaminated drinking water and death.
Would like to have disturbed the normal elk evolved as early as possible to resolve the problem, so that it re-development of their homeland and restore the prosperity of the past.
Elk story home
Elk, is the specialty of the rare animals in China, and 100 years ago, it disappeared in mainland China. This year, when the Chinese native elk disappeared when the 100th anniversary coincides with the national level in Jiangsu Dafeng Milu Nature Reserve &elk released& successful experiment. From 1000 years ago, the massive killing of human beings into the new millennium will be elk elk re from 100 years ago, China native elk wandering elk disappeared to the end of the century to return to their homeland, it seems complicated and confusing background of elk in the interpretation of a legend.
Auspicious symbol of magical species
Elk as a result of &angle like deer, face like a horse hoof like cattle, like the end of a donkey& and was commonly referred to as the &四不象& was one of China's unique animals, population size has billions of dollars.
Since ancient times, known as elk auspicious objects, it has a long life of 300 years of history, but in the long period of time the past several thousand years the verge of extinction.
Gods of the ancients to be able to mount the means for Jiang Taigong elk, not a mere imagination, it symbolizes the elk and the remote, I complex of the Chinese nation.
Elk's image and spirit of Chinese culture since ancient times, people melting. From Qu Yuan, Ban Gu, Du Fu, Liu Zong-yuan, Su Shi and other literary masters, to Shen Kuo, Li and other scientific celebrities,周文王up, such as the emperor Qianlong, a cultural history of China, leaving behind countless descriptions of the elk and the praise of the chapter.
In civil, elk is the magic thing, auspicious objects. It is not only the object of our ancestors hunting is a totem worship and offerings to the important ceremony, but also as a vigorous (antlers every year and the price drop) promotion of the signs and symbols of fortune (fu, &Paul& Shou-xi).
Become extinct in the local earth
That was in 1865 (Qing Tongzhi four years) autumn day, the French missionary and naturalist David Irvine face dust in the southern suburbs of Beijing to study plants and animals, after hunting Nanyuan Royal Court, David from the Court peep inside the redoubt on the outside, he eyes a light, it is a group of wonderful, strange, animal taxonomy may be no records on the deer.
His horror is justified because it is the world's only surviving group of elk. Real off-limits but does not allow outsiders to enter. Until the second year, David was trying to bribe a sergeant Shou Court, in a &high黑风on the night,&守卒secret hunting Court to 20 taels of silver to the cost of a pair of deerskin deer bone to David.
A year later, after the identification of zoologists, David discovered a new species would be sensational news of the Western countries. In accordance with the practice of animal academics should be &discovered& that the name of deer, elk from such a distinguished reputation in China since ancient times was known as the Animal Father David deer, since their English or Pere David's Deer. End of the Qing Dynasty, elk popular because of David's sake, from the &Raising the deep knowledge Court did not& suddenly &become famous the world to know& the.
Autumn 1900 Eight-Power Allied Forces taking advantage of the Qing government corruption, the defense scored one empty in Beijing, North burn the Yuanmingyuan, the South swept the Royal Court and hunting. The last batch of China's domestic elk凄风苦雨was in a night, such as prisoners of war taken on the warship as the beginning of a century-long career stray precarious. Land of China, never see the sight of a deer.
Acclimatized survive
Those living in a foreign land, some of the zoo by the European elk in captivity, due to the deterioration of the ecological environment (圈舍replaced wetlands), and population size have been reduced to die, the more dependent the less. At this time a single person to make elk survive: British Prince贝福特XI, he likes animals, especially deer species.
In 1898, he has a large amount of money keeping the original in Paris, Berlin, Cologne, Antwerp Zoo, such as elk, for a total of 18 full-bought, which has become the face of the earth on the verge of death, the only remaining group of incense. Collected from around 18 elk have been stocking in north London, 70 km, covers an area of 12.1 square kilometers within the Vauban Temple Manor. The lush estate water, lush trees, wild Youtong Fang Kuang, winding paths around the lake. It is said that the elk寄人篱下depressed all day, listlessly呆立水畔, pulling a long face, face stiff to顾影自怜, such as思乡病harmed, but, after all, the proliferation of normal and
In 1914, the First World War broke out, the elk Vauban temple reached 88, when World War II has reached 255. World War II past, has always been the masters of Vauban Temple to &maintain the world's only elk base,& a proud and refused to sell, but to encroach on Britain in World War II German war, when his father inherited a small贝福特finally changed his mind, put forward: &put all the eggs in one basket is dangerous.& his fear that once again the only group of elk were later destroyed in the war of the reviled, the elk will Vauban Temple Zoo to major domestic and international transfer of许多.
To the end of 1983, the world has reached 1 320 elk head, elk are the first 18 children. Throughout Asia, Europe, Africa, the United States, Australia continents, but only did not return to their home for generations live in: China.
A strong and prosperous motherland elk home
China is the hometown of elk, with the strength, stability, appeal to many Chinese zoologists: elk wandering overseas home also. In fact, this is the wish of the masters of Vauban Temple.
August 24, 1985, a sunny day. 22 elk from the United Kingdom by a special plane to return to his native Beijing Temple Vauban, night elk transported to the South China Sea Sub-Court, was a hundred years to achieve the reunification of the long-cherished wish of elk. Later, the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher held in London in a visit to the UK welcomed the Chinese leader said the banquet, the elk had to return home with the Hong Kong problem with the Sino-British diplomatic history as a major event.
In 1999, the then British ambassador to China GALSWORTHY Chinese have humorously said: &elk had lost in Europe, has gone home now, and wish it will never be lost again.&
Elk home, as the Chinese people, we remember the name of David Irvine, remember XI, XII贝福特Duke, remember that they protect the elk, to save the historical merits of elk. At the same time, can not forget that 100 years ago, China native elk disappeared in that period of humiliating history unforgettable.
Elk population to rejuvenation, so that elk until the return to nature, needs a wider space for survival. Chinese and foreign scientists shun the north eastern coast of the Liaohe River, the North Sea south of the old haunt elk distribution of hard investigation.
Spring 1985, and his entourage drove elk expertstudy in the Yellow Sea tidal flats. China River港汊here, light beach stretch,over, Lam deep grass, on 10,000 hectares of coastal beach habitats were semi-primitive.Here is a piece of the Pacific West Bank's largest wetlands and is rich in biological diversity, and has unearthed fossils have elk.
That day, the moist sea breeze blowing weed trees, flocks of red-crowned cranes and egrets in沟边play. All of a sudden, a tooth of deer from the roadside bushes窜到Road, Central,歪着头out of curiosity to see the vehicle inspection. Caused by the dramatic circumstances of great interest to experts. Franch Bailuzhou teeth and has always been associated with elk species, where elk-infested areas, deer are usually accompanied with teeth. Smart deer teeth only timely appearance of the eyes in the mission, it goes without saying to pass the information on the mysterious nature.
Stocking success of return to nature
August 14, 1986, in the world of Nature and IUCN, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the joint efforts of China's Ministry of Forestry, in Jiangsu Province to build the world's first coast, and so far the largest stocking wild elk to -- Dafeng elk protected areas. 39 elk to return home. Shoaly here broad, warm climate, dense forests, abundant water is the natural restocking of wild elk ideal place.
Back to his native home of elk, such as birds to the forest, with deer with the show, Dancing with the crane. Populations of a rapid recovery. National 1 000 more than the existing first elk. Jiangsu Dafeng Milu Nature Reserve, only to have the 819, representing the world's current total of nearly one-third of elk to become the world's largest population of elk.
In the fall of 1998, Jiangsu Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve conducted an epoch-making scientific experiments. They opened the iron gate, the selected 8 (public and 2, mother of 4, David 2) elk reintroduction from Luyuan really natural.圈禁for hundreds of years has been, has been in captivity, a state of semi-wild elk disappeared in the blink of an eye, the Yellow Sea an oasis in the grass. Thus, interruption of wild deer for hundreds of years the life of the chain at that moment was to re-connect.
By radio tracking and field observations, eight elk wetlands in the Yellow Sea tidal flats have been safe to spend the first winter and spring. March 18, 1999, the wife of your youth pregnancy safety of real estate out in the wild so far the world's first baby the first all-wild elk, wild elk populations to restore forward a bit. 1998 and 2002, Dafeng 2 will have 14 wild elk and the success of stocking.
October 26, 2003 morning, 1 000 meters from the sea on the beach, staff reluctantly opened the fence gate, 18 elk in the eyes of people's attention, calmly into the Nature and began their journey reproduction of wild .
Now from that in 2003, stocking has been 2 years have passed, and the elk into the wild life of how the case? Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve staff told us that the wild deer than elk Network column,膘情better. The most obvious change is to enhance the wild, self-protection more and more alert, several times to increase regional. More unpredictable living habits. In protected areas, the survival of the wild elk now has reached 52, I believe this figure will be further expanded.
Dafeng elk head of state-level protected areas, but also engaged in the experimental release of elk elk expert-level senior engineer, said DING Yuhua, Dafeng elk in the number of protected areas in the rapid growth of protected areas it is 20 years the implementation of scientific management, to take measures to save endangered animals, elk to be the result of effective protection. Would also like to expand the future of wild populations, ex situ establishment of new protected areas.
Let us bless your elk.
Dafeng elk township
Dafeng elk national protected areas in the territory of Yancheng in Jiangsu Province, Eastern Asia, the Pacific West Bank, one of the largest wetland. This series of wetland ecological succession complete, extremely rich in biodiversity.
Widely distributed in wetlands all over the world, is rich in biological diversity on Earth and the higher productivity of ecosystems. Against floods in the wet, regulate runoff, pollution control, climate regulation, and other landscaping play an important role, it is the natural reservoir of land and is one of the many wild animal and plant resources, especially rare and the breeding and wintering waterfowl, the It can be provided to the human food and water. Wetlands are closely related to human is a precious human resources, wetlands, known as &the cradle of life&, &kidney of the Earth.&
June 16, 2006, Dafeng City, Jiangsu Province by the Chinese Wildlife Conservation Association awarded the &China town elk,& the title. As of June 12, 2006, Jiangsu Dafeng Milu Nature Reserve, the breeding of elk during the birth to 188 baby, so that the populations of protected areas up to 1007, as the world's first breakthrough in the framework of the 1000 mark Milu Nature Reserve.
Son of the legendary elk in the South China Sea
Son of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing, the southern suburbs of the South China Sea, covers an area of 210 square kilometers, covering an area equivalent to the old 3 times in Beijing. Son of the South China Sea northwest of the high-lying, south-eastern low altitude 42 meters to 25 meters.
Son of the South China Sea is not only beautiful scenery, there is a magic --- elk animals. It is China's rare and unique species of large deer. Ancient elk Kangping located in Liaoning Province, Yuyao, Zhejiang, south, west xiangfen Shanxi Province, the east, the eastern coastal and island in this vast region. As a result of killing a large number of ancient ancestors, as well as the early development of human activities undermine the survival of elk to adapt to the ecological environment, a significant reduction in populations of wild elk. About the future from the Qin and Han dynasties, China's wild elk population in the field on the gradual extinction of the. Ming and Qing Dynasties, only the South China Sea at the Royal苑囿yard, but also the preservation of a small number of elk.
Elk more than two meters in length, shoulder height more than 1 meter. Color light brown, darker back, abdomen lighter. Elk have hung a beautiful double-angle shape. Elkhorn convex surface with a black texture, shape, charming. Elk deer tail than other species have long hair plexus birth to the end, so called &big-tailed deer.& Pyrola its generosity, but also separately, you can run swiftly in the swamp. More strange is that it looks, instead of angle, like deer and deer, not a neck like a camel and a camel, cow hoof and not like cattle, like a donkey and not the end of a donkey. Therefore, civil, commonly known as elk as &四不象&, the elk as a &monster.&
Emperor Qianlong wrote two articles for the elk, &paper&
More strange is that every year the winter solstice, that is, on its own off angle elk, deer and other animals are off angle in the summer. This strange phenomenon has aroused great curiosity Emperor Qianlong, Emperor Qianlong for this study has also written two articles elk angle.
Beginning that the Emperor Qianlong, moose or reindeer is an old saying of &Mi& and &deer and elk are all solution angle in the summer and not in the winter.& Twenty-seven years of Qianlong (1762) he wrote a &staghorn&, which did not identify the world's angle solution in the winter deer, deer and moose are angle solution in the summer. But &on the& Why are records that the solution of moose in the winter cents? In this regard, Emperor Qianlong failed to &study it from& has always been the heart, baffled.
After 5 years, which is Thirty-two years Qing Qianlong (1767) winter, the Qianlong emperor from beyond the Great Wall in Chengde Mountain Resort and returned to Beijing. In the second day of the winter solstice, all of a sudden whim of Emperor Qianlong, the sea reminds Nanyuan养着yard that a group called the &stag& (zhǔ) big deer, will be solutions in the winter cents?
So he immediately sent omae bodyguard Wufu Nanyuan inspection as soon as possible to see where the &stag& is not the solution angle is. Sure enough, the sea Nanyuan yard of &stag& angle solution has already begun. There have been landed, and some just out of a staghorn. Five others will have been off the 15 &stag& carrying angle回宫, Yu Lan Jin was. Emperor Qianlong look, &is missing from爽然.& So wrote an article entitled &Commentary elkhorn.& Qianlong sighed, as the ancients the stag moose, and I do not know they are still out there in the winter beast angle, &the world is not the rationale for the poor, and those who were difficult to mesh, as is in line!& He ordered this遂即Part &explained elkhorn& engraved in the yard from the sea拣回来Nanyuan corner of the moose in order to remember those. So far, this unusual angle of the elk on elk sub-display in the South China Sea Museum Court.
Elk a century
August 14, 1900 Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing. They burn the Yuanmingyuan North, South and hunting swept Royal Court, then, elk extinction in China.
August 24, 1985, 20 elk from the United Kingdom returned to his home temple Vauban - son of elk in the South China Sea Beijing Court.
At present, the elk breeding in China has survived more than 800 head. The world more than 2,000 head.
Elk Court is located in Beijing, 10 kilometers Nancheng Nanyuan, it is to protect the elk, not only the diversity of research sites, or to carry out a natural, historical, cultural ecology and environmental protection activities for the characteristics of the education base. Coincided with the extinction of elk in our country 100 years, we came this close to acres of protected areas. Recalling the extinction of elk in our country's history, will raise awareness of environmental protection, strengthening environmental education has played an active role.
Elk elk, commonly known as &四不象& is a kind of unique to China cervine rare animals. French missionaries in 1865 amans David inspection of animals and plants in Beijing, after the South China Sea and hunting sub-Royal Court, the Court outside the above view, Court found that a group of strange deer, according to his group of deer at that time to determine in animal taxonomy There is no record on which he was surprised. 1866, David 3 elk samples will be sent to the Paris Museum of Natural History, the identification of zoologists that Nanyuan This is an addition to where there was none other than an animal. Since then, the sensation of the Western countries elk. Britain, France, Germany, Belgium and Japan have used all kinds of excuses and means, from Beijing Nanyuan to plunder their domestic elk. In 1900, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing, the South China Sea of the Western powers have been sub-elk robbed rather a space, with the result that such a rare and unique to China objects from extinct in China.
However, stolen abroad the elk to deterioration of the ecological environment as a result, most have died, the survivors left. Elk on the verge of death in the face of the earth a critical juncture, a love of animals, especially animals like deer who贝福特world --- 11 Duke of the United Kingdom to save it, so that elk survive. From 1898 onwards, the Duke will be kept in Paris, Berlin, Cologne Zoo and other places only 18 elk with a large amount of money and bought some stocking in London, north of Temple Manor in Vauban. Good wetland conditions for elk began to multiply, according to statistics, by the end of 1983, the world has reached the 1320 elk are descendants of 18 at the time, throughout Asia, Europe, Africa, the United States, Australia continents, but did not return alone that they live from generation to generation --- the hometown of China.
China is the hometown of elk, so that &wandering abroad& returning to their native place in China over the years and zoologists, but also the wish of the masters of Vauban Temple. In 1984, Oxford University zoologists玛娅博visit to China in accordance with Ms. playback elk locations in China, she agreed with the relevant experts in the South China Sea that Beijing is the ideal sub-intervals, the Vauban Temple immediately decided to give the owner 20 elk to the Chinese, so that once they return to local extinction.
August 24, 1985, a full load in the Sino-British friendship between our peoples, the plane will be 20 elk from the United Kingdom arrived in Beijing Temple Vauban evening elk will be sent to the South China Sea Sub-Court. In this way, after nearly a century, the &wandering abroad& finally go home.
Back to nature
Elk son home in the South China Sea, the researchers breeding work carried out immediately. Court elk they opened up 300 acres of grass plantation on the waters of governance, have built homes and scientific research stations deer, elk of interest to provide good conditions for reproduction. Summer 1986, with 14 the wife of your youth pregnancy, in March 1987, the return home of the wife of your youth to start the first batch of deliveries, there are 10 deer born safely. September 1987, the United Kingdom Temple Vauban also presented to the South China Sea Court elk sub-18 female elk, which also accelerated the propagation and rejuvenation elk. According to statistics, since 1986 since the start of the whole country has grown to 800 elk bull, elk Court in Beijing will have nearly 200.
Sub-domesticated reindeer breeding in the South China Sea's success has greatly encouraged the scientific research personnel, after investigation and study, launched a major project --- and let elk return to nature.
Elk is a typical wetland animals.水畔their lives, fled to encounter can敌害rivers, lakes or marshes in the refuge. After a large number of researchers to examine the feasibility of analysis of evidence and that the city of Hubei, the Yangtze River Shishou OXBOW very suitable for the growth of elk. Where the area of 3 hectares, is typical of wetlands, there are elk year-round grass-eating, where the country in 1992 Swan Island Nature Reserve was established.
In 1993 and 1994, the South China Sea, respectively, sub-elk Court to 64 Elk Island Nature Reserve Swan. The original habitat of the environment, the natural food of grass, good natural conditions for elk quickly adapted to the natural life, growth and reproduction and smooth, a few years on the development of the 120 long, and the gradual restoration of natural populations.
Elk return to nature of works so smoothly, so that excited researchers, in order to expedite the completion of the work of biodiversity conservation, Beijing Milu Ecological Experimental Center Shishou ready to transfer this year, 30 elk, this will lead to faster natural population of the elk to grow and develop. Perhaps in the near future, elk can be removed, &the protection of animals at the national level,& a hat.
Education and future generations
Beijing elk elk Court is to protect not only the research sites, or to carry out a natural, historical and cultural characteristics of the ecological environmental protection education base is a natural for young people to education, environmental education and outdoor education in patriotism rare large classroom , by the Chinese Association for Science and Technology Education as the first national scientific and technological base.
Into the Court, people can learn not only the knowledge of the elk in the tour along the visitors can also see many of the problems board, facing a problem the answer is open, such as &China's 20th century which has been the extinction of wild animals? &There are open issues elk plate glance, Xinjiang tiger, such as Saiga antelope. Along the way there are some &green aphorism& It is enlightening.
In order to enhance people's sense of urgency to protect endangered animals, Court set up a &World of extinction of animal cemetery&, a block of stone, bearing in mind a century the world has been extinct since the wild animals. These stone tablets with the form of dominoes lined with. Hundreds of species of animals have fallen, the last piece of reading: the United Kingdom laysan frog pond. Extinct in 1999. There are also about to become extinct and demonstrate some of the list of endangered animals. Entering the cemetery, people have lived for so many lamented the extinction of animal, of which a piece of &epitaph& is thought-provoking: the industrial revolution, to claim to have an unlimited expansion of civilization of mankind to do whatever they like, has made hundreds of species of animals due to excessive loss of their homes were killed or drowned. When a tiger on Earth in the last plantation in v when the last one to leave future generations is not polluted sky eagle坠向 the final say when the elk in the dry swamp moan reverberated over --- human will to see the outcome of their own!
Elk Court in Beijing, people will understand that the elk was once extinct in China and by Chinese and foreign people to work together to rescue the protection of wild animals recovered their human &never too late to mend,& &mending their ways,& the awakening of awareness of ecological protection concrete embodiment. Future g}


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