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THE LOVER Part I ONE DAY, I was already old, in the entrance of a public place a man came up to me. He introduced himself and said:&#39;I&#39;ve known yo u for years. Everyone says you were beautiful when you were young, but Iwant to tell you I think you&#39;re more beautiful now than then. Rather than your face as a young woman, I perfer your face as it is now. Ravaged.&#39;I often think of the image only I can see now, and of which I&#39;ve never spoken. It&#39;s always there, in the same silence, amazing. It&#39;s the only image of myself I like, the only one in which I recognize my self, in which I delight. Very early in my life it was too late. It was already too late when I was eighteen. Between eighteen and twenty-five my face took off in a new direction. I grew old at eighteen. I don&#39;t know if it&#39;s the same for everyone. I&#39;ve never asked. But I believe I&#39;ve heard of the way time can suddenly accelerate on people when they&#39;re going through even the most youthful and highly esteemed stages of life. My ageing was very sudden. I saw it spread over my features one by one, changing the relationship between them, making the eyes larger, the expression sadder, the mouth more final, leaving great creases in the forehead. But instead of being dismayed I watched this process with the same sort of interest i might have taken in the reading of a book. And I knew I was right, that one day it would slow down and take its normal course. The people who knew me at seventeen, when I went to France, were surprised when they saw me again two years later, at nineteen. And I&#39;ve kept it ever since, the new face I had then. It has been my face. It&#39;s got older still, of course, but less, comparati vely, than it would otherwise have done. It&#39;s scored with deep, dry wrinkles, the skin is cracked. But my face hasn&#39;t collapsed, as some with fine features have done. It&#39;s kept the same contours, but its substance has been laid waste. I have a face laid waste. THE LOVER Part II So, I&#39;m fifteen and a half. It&#39;s on a ferry crossing the Mekong river. The image lasts all the way acro ss. I&#39;m fifteen and a half, there are no seasons in that part of the world, we have just one season, ho t, monotonous, we&#39;re in the long hot girdle of the earth, with no spring, no renewal.1 I&#39;m at a state boarding school in Saigon. I eat and sleep there, but I go to classes at the French high school. My mother&#39;s a teacher and wants her girl to have a secondary education. &#39;You have to go to high school.&#39; What was enough for her is not enough for her daughter. High school and then a good degree in mathematics. That was what had been dinned into me ever since I started school. It never crossed my mind I might escape the mathematics degree, I was glad to give her that hope. Every day I saw her planning her own and her children&#39;s future. There came a time when she couldn&#39;t plan anything very grand for her sons any more, so she planned other futures, makeshift ones, but they too served their purpose, they blocked in the time that lay ahead. I remember my younger brother&#39;s courses in book-keeping. From the Universal Correspondence School - every year, every level. You have to catch up, my mother used to say. It would last for three days, never four. Never. We&#39;d drop the Universal School whenever my mother was posted to another place. And begin again in the next. My mother kept it up for ten years. It wasn&#39;t any good. My younger brother became an accountant&#39;s clerk in Saigon. There was no technica we owed my elder brother&#39;s departure for France to that. He stayed in France for several years to study at the technical school. But he didn&#39;t keep it up. My mother must have known. But she had no choice, he had to be got away from the other two children. For several years he was no longer part of the family. It was while he was away that my mother bought the land, the concession. A terrible business, but for us, the children who were left, not so terrible as the presence of the killer who would have been, the child-killer of the night, of the night of the hunter.2 The Lover-Duras The Lover (French title: L&#39;Amant) is an autobiographical novel by Marguerite Duras, published in 1984 by Les ?ditions de Minuit. It has been translated to 43 languages. It was awarded the 1984 Prix Goncourt. The Lover is also a 1992 movie based on this novel, directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud and starring Jane March and Tony Leung Ka Fai. The cast also included Lisa Faulkner. The film was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Cinematography. Summary of the movie Set against the backdrop of French colonial Vietnam, The Lover reveals the intimacies and intricacies of a clandestine romance between a pubescent girl (Jane March), from a financially strapped French family and an older, wealthy Chinese man (Tony Leung Ka-Fai). The story is narrated by Jeanne Moreau, portraying a writer looking back on her youth. In 1929, a 15 year old nameless girl is traveling by ferry across the Mekong Delta, returning from a holiday at her family home in the village of Sadec, to her boarding school in Saigon. She attracts the attention of a 32 year old son of a Chinese business magnate, a young man of wealth and heir to a tidy fortune. He strikes up a conver she accepts a ride back to town in his chauffeured limousine. Compelled by the circumstances of her upbringing, this girl, the daughter of a bankrupt, manic-depressive widow, is newly awakened to the impending and all-too-real task of making her way alone in the world. Thus, she becomes his lover, until he bows to the disapproval of his father and breaks off the affair. For her lover, there is no question of the depth and sincerity of his love, but it isn&#39;t until much later that the girl acknowledges to herself her true feelings. Duras&#39; real-life Chinese lover was named Lee. The last she heard of him, he became a born again Christian and loved his family very much. He died and was buried in the same city in Vietnam where Duras first met him. Duras was only 15 at the time of her love affair, which is the age of the heroine in the novel. Marguerite Donnadieu, better known as Marguerite Duras (French IPA: [ma?g?&#39;?it dy&#39;?as]) (April 4, 1914 C March 3, 1996) was a French writer and film director. She was born in Saigon, French Indochina (now Vietnam), her father died,her mother raised her with her two brother , they were very poor,the mother went practicly mad, she ( the mother) use to beat her children and even made marguerite a sort of prostitute.when she got 18 she went to France, her parents&#39; native country, to study law, but became a writer instead. She changed her name in 1943 for Duras, the name of a village in the Lot-et-Garonne dé partement, where her father&#39;s house was located. She is the author of a great many novels, plays, films and short narratives, including her best-selling, ostensibly autobiographical work L&#39;Amant (1984), translated into English as The Lover. Following the making of a film of the same name(s) (1992, L&#39;Amant, The Lover) based on her work, Duras then published a slightly different work, L&#39;Amant de la Chine du Nord. Other major works include Moderato Cantabile, also made into a film of the same name, Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein, and her film India Song. She was also the screenwriter of the 1959 French film Hiroshima mon amour, which was directed by Alain Resnais. Duras&#39;s early novels were fairly conventional in form (their &#39;romanticism&#39; was criticised by fellow writer Raymond Queneau); however, with Moderato3 Cantabile she became more experimental, paring down her texts to give ever-increasing importance to what was not said. She was associated with the Nouveau roman French literary movement. Her films are also experimental in form, most eschewing synch sound, using voice over to allude to, rather than tell, a story over images whose relation to what is said may be more-or-less tangential. She died at 81 from throat cancer and is interred in the Cimetiè du Montparnasse. re In The Lover and The North China Lover, Marguerite Duras writes about first love. Both novels are autobiographical, reflecting Duras’ adolescent experience in the then French colony of Vietnam where she was born in 1914. Her father died in 1918, leaving her mother, a teacher occupying one of the lowliest positions in the colonial hierarchy, to tend for Duras and her two brothers. Both of these novels paint a poignant picture of Duras’ miserable upbringing. Her family was pitted into dire poverty after her mother was lured by the corrupt colonial administration into putting all her savings into the purchase of a worthless plot of land, subject to flooding by the sea. ‘It’s here we are at the heart of our common fate, the fact that all three of us are our mother’s children, the children of a candid creature murdered by society’, Duras writes, ‘We’re on the side of the society which has reduced her to despair. Because of what’s been done to our mother, so amiable, so trusting, we hate life, we hate ourselves’. Feelings of shame and anger towards one another and the outside world, enveloped in the fear of not having enough to survive on economically, thereafter tarnished the lives of Duras and her siblings. It is within this context that ‘the girl’, i.e. Duras herself at age fifteen and a half, lounging on the ferry crossing the Mekong river, ‘wearing a man’s flat brimmed hat, a brownish-pink fedora with a black ribbon’, attracts the interest of the very elegant rich Chinese man inside the big black limousine. ‘... how important it was to be in my life, that event, the crossing of the river’, she relates. The sudden attraction is mutually shared and they instantly become lovers. ‘He’s a man who must make love a lot’, Duras reveals, ‘I’m very lucky, obviously, it’s as if it were his profession, as if unwittingly he knew exactly what to do and what to say’. Day in day out, his formidable chauffeur diligently comes to fetch her from the boarding school. But the love story that develops is much more complex than what one might guess to be an older man’s fetishistic attraction for a ‘little white girl’ or an ‘impoverished white lay-about’s scheme to exploit a Chinese millionaire. His bachelor’s quarters not only represent the locus of their boundless intimacy but also a safe haven which enables them to escape from their respective predicaments. In The Lover, Duras’ Goncourt Prize (the Goncourt is the best-known French literary award) novel, one senses a strain of resentment in the author’s tone. It is as if she is telling the love story (her love story) without really wanting to, as though she felt compelled to write as an attempt to stop this experience from recurring in her mind. ‘I often think of the image only I can see now, and of which I’ve never spoken’, Duras relates at the outset, ‘It’s always there, in the same silence, amazing. It’s the only image of myself I like, the only one in which I recognize myself, in which I delight’. But she holds back from delving into the emotional breadth of their love story, choosing instead to depict it in a minimalist way: ‘Because of his ignorance she suddenly knows: she was attracted to him already on the ferry. She was attracted to him. It depended on her alone’. In this novel, Duras tends to defy her emotions ‘it’s taken for granted I don’t love him, that I’m with4 him for the money, that I can’t love him’, she asserts, ‘it’s impossible, that he could take any sort of treatment from me and still go on living. This is because he’s a Chinese, because he’s not a white man’. When he takes her famished family out to dinner, for example, they all behave as though they have granted him a favour in accepting his invitation and treat him as though he were an inferior person, showing contempt for his envied wealth. In The Lover, Duras resists from overtly acknowledging the strength of her great love. She abstains from revealing her emotions to her lover and sharing them with her readers. When, in tremendous desperation, he confronts her about the impossibility of their love as being against the marital arrangements set out for him by his family, she resists coming to grips with the grievous situation and simply says to him that ‘I agreed with his father. That I refused to stay with him. I didn’t give any reasons’. In this version ‘the girl’ tastes and lives out the fruits of first love while tacitly accepting its annihilation. But at the end, as she bids farewell to the big black limousine majestically ‘gazing’ at her (with the lover inside) on the steam boat departing for France, she realizes how much she has withheld: ‘She’d wept without letting anyone see her tears, because he was Chinese and one oughtn’t weep for that kind of lover’. And it is with the realization that The Lover simply scraped the surface of things that Duras resolved to do justice to the true colours of their love story in The North China Lover. Upon discovery of his death, Duras explains in the prelude ‘I stopped the work I was doing. I wrote the story of the North China lover and the child: it wasn’t quite there in The Lover, I hadn’t given them enough time. This book is a novel containing many features of a screenplay, such as the meticulous visual descriptions of possible settings, since Duras hoped that it would ultimately be recaptured on film (which it was in 1992 by director Jean Jacques Annaud). Still written in her typical disjointed style (for this is not an author for smooth transitions), in this version Duras handles their love story with great care and tenderness. Instead of objectifying her protagonists as ‘the girl’ and ‘the Chinese man’, Duras calls them ‘the child’ and ‘the North China lover’, identities that inevitably suggest the youth and innocence, the care and protectiveness enveloped in their intimacy. She comes to grips with her sorrow throughout the course of the novel and takes great pains to transcribe into words an ecstasy of love reduced to the harsh process of separation. The North China Lover effusively articulates the emotional breadth of ‘the wild happiness of first love and the unrelieved, incurable pain of having lost it’. Realizing that ‘the two are merged in the pain of love’, the child ‘talks to him, she tells him she will always love him. She thinks she will love him all her life. It will be the same for him too. They have both ruined themselves forever’. It is no surprise, then, that at the moment of her departure, the child already mourns the sense of lifelong loss, ‘the strange tragedy of betraying the destiny they realize was theirs’. And when he does telephone her years later, this time she is brave enough to include her own reaction: ‘He heard her crying on the telephone. And then from further off, probably from her room ― she hadn’t hung up ― he could still hear her crying’. Both of these novels are essential works of contemporary F neither is necessarily ‘better’ or ‘more finished’ than the other and together they form a masterpiece. The first lays out the5 trajectory for the personal catharsis that awaits Marguerite Duras in the second when she tries to come to grips with the depth of her emotions.6
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杜拉斯《情人》 2页 1下载券 喜欢...论杜拉斯《情人》中女性主体性的身份建构 - 大学毕业论文参考――外国文学方向,女性作家研究。在读安妮宝贝作品的时候,我惊讶地发现,她和我一样对杜拉斯极度的痴迷。我所 痴迷的只是她最享有盛名的著作――《情人》 ,我手里这本,和安妮宝贝所看的那本都...”(《情人 乌发碧眼》8页)有大哥在,杜拉斯就只会受到不公平的待遇,受到压抑 和摧残。只有“杀死”大哥,用刀或用文字,杜拉斯才能摆脱恐惧,走出童年的阴霾。 “...关于记忆的存储结构与寻址方式――读杜拉斯《情人》 ――读杜拉斯《情人》 读...杜拉斯《情人》 2页 4下载券 杜拉斯的情人(英文 ) 6页 1下载券 远逝的歌声...
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copyright &copyright 。文档资料库内容来自网络,如有侵犯请联系客服。法国文学家盘点:玛格丽特o杜拉斯_沪江法语学习网
Marguerite Duras (), née Marguerite Donnadieu à Gia ??nh en Indochine fran?aise. Son père et sa mère étaient tous les deux instituteurs. Elle avait deux frères a?nés : Pierre était
et violent, tandis que Paul était gentil et sympa. Pourtant, Paul est mort très
de maladie en 1942. Quant à sa mère, elle a acheté de toutes ses
à la province de Kampot au Cambodge une terre qui était souvent . Sa mère a enfin fini par faire . Les souffrances de l’enfance et le sort tragique de sa mère ont profondément influencé la vie de Duras. ? l’?ge de 18 ans, Duras est parti pour Paris afin de poursuivre ses études. Elle a obtenu sa licence en droit et en politique à l’Université de Paris. En 1944, elle est
au Parti communiste fran?ais. Et après, elle a pris une part active aux activités politiques telles que l’opposition contre la guerre coloniale de France en Algérie. Puis elle a aussi manifesté ses soutiens au mouvement des étudiants de Mai 68.玛格丽特o杜拉斯()生于法属印度支那嘉定,原名玛格丽特o多纳迪瓦,父母都是小学教师。她有两个哥哥,大哥皮埃尔凶狠粗暴,二哥保罗亲切可爱,可惜在1942年突然病故。母亲曾用全部积蓄在柬埔寨的贡布省买了一块地,然而这块地每年常被海水淹没,最终她母亲以破产收场。童年的苦难和母亲的悲惨命运,深刻地影响了杜拉斯的一生。杜拉斯18岁时来到巴黎求学,获巴黎大学法学士和政治学士学位。她于1944年加入法国共产党,并在后来积极参与了反对法国在阿尔及利亚的殖民战争等政治活动,在“五月风暴”中支持学生运动。
Les premiers romans de Duras sont des réflexions de la réalité sociale en Indochine fran?aise. Par exemple, Un barrage contre le Pacifique (1950) fait un tableau de sa vie pauvre dans l’ Le Marin de Gibraltar (1952) raconte une histoire qu’une femme traverse des océans pour Les Petits Chevaux de Tarquinia (1953) révèle des sentiments des deux couples qui se sont mariés depuis longtemps et ont perdu leur passion quand ils passaient leurs vacances dans un village . Ces romans sont principalement construits par des dialogues, ce qui fait preuve
des caractéristiques du thé?tre et du film. Cela montre que les romans de Duras diffèrent beaucoup des romans traditionnels. D’ailleurs, Duras a aussi écrit Le Square (1955), Moderato cantabile (1958), Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein (1964), Le Vice-Consul (1966), L'Amour (1972), India Song (film, 1975) (on appelle ces quatre dernières oeuvres, qui sont en
les uns avec les autres, la série d’Inde ou la série de Lol V. Stein), etc.杜拉斯早期的小说反映了印度支那的社会现实,例如《太平洋大堤》(1950)写她童年时代的贫困生活;《直布罗陀海峡的水手》(1952)是一个女人远渡重洋寻找情人的故事;《塔吉尼亚的小马》(1953)写两对结婚多年、热情消退的夫妇在一个偏僻小村里度假的感受。小说以对话为主,兼有戏剧和电影的特色,与传统小说已经有了一定的距离。除此之外,杜拉斯还写作了《街心花园》(1955)、《琴声如诉》(1958)、《洛尔oVo斯坦茵的迷狂》(1964)、《副领事》(1966)、《爱情》(1972)、《印度之歌》(影片;1975)(后四部小说被称为印度系列或洛尔oVo斯坦茵系列,它们在人物和情节方面是相互联系的)等。
L’Amant (1984) est le chef-d’oeuvre de Duras. En fait, ce roman peut être considéré comme son autobiographie. ? l’?ge de 70 ans, Duras s’est rappelé d’un ton
son premier amour avec le fils d’un marchand chinois en Indochine fran?aise lorsqu’elle avait 16 ans. Il était plus ?gé qu’elle de 12 ans et l’aimait très . Mais il ne pouvait pas l’épouser à cause de l’opposition de son père. L’Amant est écrit dans un langage
et riche en . Le roman a re?u le prix Goncourt après sa publication. Et Duras est devenu ainsi écrivain
fran?ais la plus . Plus tard, après avoir appris la nouvelle que son premier amant est décédé, Duras a changé le titre du roman comme L'Amant de la Chine du Nord (1991).《情人》(1984)是杜拉斯的代表作,实际上就是她的自传。70岁的杜拉斯以坦率的笔调,回忆了自己16岁时在印度支那与一位华人富商之子的初恋。他比她大12岁,狂热地爱着她,但是由于父亲反对而未能娶她。《情人》语言通俗,富于异国情调,出版后获得了龚古尔文学奖。杜拉斯也因此成为当代最富盛名的法语作家。后来在得知初恋情人去世的消息之后,她又把《情人》改写成《华北情人》(1991)。
Duras a aussi remporté des succès dans le domaine du thé?tre et des films. Elle a publié une soixantaine d’oeuvres (romans, pièces de thé?tre et scénarios) pendant toute sa vie. On peut trouver dans ses romans des phrases courtes, des dialogues très à l’oral et des scènes . Alors une grande partie de ses oeuvres sont mises en scène. Duras
les films aux romans. Elle fait preuve d’une autre caractéristique qu’elle était forte en adaptation des oeuvres anciennes ou en développement des
dans des oeuvres anciennes aux nouveaux articles.杜拉斯在戏剧和电影方面同样成就卓著,一生发表了60余种小说、戏剧和电影剧本。她的小说句子简短,充满了口语式的对话和镜头般的画面,因此大多被搬上大银幕。她也善于把影片改写成小说。另外,她的另一个特色是善于改写旧作,或者把旧作中的片段扩充成新作。


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