
  今天V社悄无声息的推出了一个全新的游戏直播平台,也许会成为Twitch的竞争对手,名字叫做Steam.tv。  今天早些时候,SteamDataBase的制作者Pavel Djundik在推特发了一个域名:。这个网站当时是一个空白网页,只有简单的写着“欢迎来到Steam.tv(Welcome to Steam.tv)”。查看这个网站的证书后能证实它是一个V社注册的合法网站。过了几个小时后,这个网页变成了《Dota2》Ti8比赛的直播流。  V社现在允许玩家在Steam社区进行各种游戏直播,但V社也许想要一个功能更加完善、全面的聊天平台以供玩家观看直播。在出现Ti8直播画面这段时间内,玩家可以很方便的创建一个聊天小组,可以把朋友们拉进来一起观看直播和聊天,而不是只能与一群陌生人观看直播。  目前V社对此平台还没有做出回复,如果V社发布任何相关内容我们会进行详细报道。本文由游民星空制作发布,转载请注明出处。Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 adds live Twitch streaming for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 (update: timing)
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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 adds live Twitch streaming for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 (update: timing)
Call of Duty&: Black Ops II Enables Live Twitch Broadcasting
Activision and Treyarch's Innovative In-Game Live Streaming Feature Coming to Twitch,
Delivering the Ability to Share the Thrill of Call of Duty& Competition with the Masses
San Francisco, CA & January 30, 2013 & Twitch, the world's leading video platform and community for gamers, today announced a partnership with Activision Publishing, Inc. (a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard (Nasdaq: ATVI), and the award-winning developer Treyarch, to bring Call of Duty&: Black Ops II live streaming broadcasts to Twitch viewers worldwide, allowing every gamer to become a broadcaster and share their excitement for the spirit of Call of Duty competition with fans around the world. Using innovative new in-game streaming feature from Activision and Treyarch, Call of Duty: Black Ops II players on Xbox 360& video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation&3 computer entertainment system, and Windows PC will be able to broadcast their multiplayer games, player's webcam, as well as audio commentary feeds in real-time directly to Twitch.
"Making Call of Duty: Black Ops II not only fun to play, but also fun to watch was a key goal from the beginning of development," said Mark Lamia, studio head of Treyarch. "We pushed ourselves to build these features right into the game in order to make live streaming as accessible and as social as possible for everyone. One of the things that makes this so special is that there's no need for additional hardware or equipment, we want our fans to be able to share their experiences with the world."
"Live streaming Call of Duty in-game via a simple one-click option is a first of its kind feature that will blow the doors wide open to the online community," said Emmett Shear, CEO of Twitch. "There's nothing else like Call of Duty. With the weight of Call of Duty: Black Ops II bringing live broadcasting to the masses, in-game streaming has been taken to another level."
With the inclusion of instant broadcasting to the Twitch platform, it ensures an engaging and highly social experience for gamers who want to live broadcast and share their game sessions to the industry's largest audience of live gaming video.
Twitch features in Call of Duty: Black Ops II will include:
& Use your existing Twitch account or create a new one for free and immediately begin streaming gameplay
& Share your Twitch live stream link to Twitter and Facebook, easily connecting with your social network
& One-click broadcasting on Xbox& 360, PlayStation& 3, and Windows PC
In addition to Twitch, Call of Duty: Black Ops II player live streams will be viewable on Twitch via web browsers, mobile and tablets through Call of Duty Elite. Additionally, Call of Duty Elite users can see the player card of the user that is streaming. With only a couple of clicks, players will see added information, including class loadouts, recent match data, as well as career stats across supported Call of Duty& games on Call of Duty Elite.
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ear iconeye icontext filevrTwitch主播玩《堡垒之夜》 月收入超300万
职业玩家、知名主播Tyler &Ninja& Blevins接受采访时表示每个月通过直播可以赚得50万美元(约合人民币316元),大部分收入来自Twitch的订阅会员。
职业玩家、知名主播Tyler &Ninja& Blevins接受采访时表示每个月通过直播可以赚得50万美元(约合人民币316元),大部分收入来自Twitch的订阅会员。
几天前,著名饶舌歌手、三座格莱美奖得主Drake在个人社交平台上宣布与Twitch主播Ninja(Tyler &Ninja& Blevins)一起玩《堡垒之夜》这款游戏。一时间,无数观众同时冲入Ninja的直播间围观他们打游戏,使得Twitch的同时在线观众人数超过了60万,创下了该直播平台新的记录。
近日在接受CNBC采访时,Ninja 表示他每个月通过直播可以赚得50万美元,其中大部分来自亚马逊/Twitch Prime订阅会员,还有一部分来自YouTube、Instagram和Twitter上的粉丝。据悉,亚马逊/Twitch Prime会员想订阅某位主播的频道,或者说想支持他们喜爱的主播,需每月付费4.99美元。
&我的收入基本上都来自这些平台。亚马逊/Twitch Prime会员玩特定的游戏就能获得道具奖励,而当前人气火爆的《堡垒之夜》也与亚马逊达成了此类合作,这也是我的直播订阅会员数量飙涨的主要原因。&
除了一系列励志的成功故事,Ninja还建议那些想追随其脚步成为主播的学生们尽量待在学校里。他解释说,&我一直坚持在Noodles and Company工作,同时还留在大学里继续学习。而在进行《堡垒之夜》直播或是打《光环》比赛的同时,我在学校也表现得很好,为了我自己的未来而努力奋斗着。&
twitch直播是一个基于游戏类影音直播平台 Twitch 热门视频排行指数的网站,汇集了Twitch最热门的博主、游戏直播排行视频,用户可以在这里找到自己最喜欢的直播频道,喜欢Twitch 的用户不妨收藏
twitch直播于收录在,目前点击人数为11,并归类在线直播分类中,本站只是简单分析 "twitch直播" 的价值和可信度,包括twitch直播百度权重、twitch直播搜狗权重等。twitch直播真正的价值在于它是否为社会的发展带来积极促进作用。另外还取决于各种因素的综合分析,以twitch直播的流量或权重多少来衡量站点价值当然不够准确。唯一的办法是自己笔算网站的价值,这个估算不需要你雇佣任何人,掌握 "twitch直播" 的所有数据资料将成为你估算的基础。本站提供的基础数据可为您能准确评估网站价值做参考。&>&&>&&>&&>&正文
  3月份XBOX ONE更新之后将支持Twitch直播功能,虽然PS4主机上已经可以使用这个功能,但是XBOX ONE将更加完善。对于Twitch的支持将于日开始,同日也是《泰坦天降》的发售日,所以届时肯定会有很多玩家来尝试。
  日前微软方面也公布了一段Twitch直播使用指导视频,边看视频边更新你的XBOX ONE等待着下周二的来临吧。
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