you'dmake it better againmake the tomato soup hot

This quick and easy tomato soup will be your go-to for a fast and delicious meal.
With fresh or canned tomatoes this soup can be on the table in less than 30 minutes and the flavor is incredible!
You’ll never go back to canned tomato soup after you try this simple tomato soup recipe!
First of all, I’m so sorry for the downtime on my site yesterday.
It’s funny, I’m coming up on one year blogging and I still consider myself such a newbie.
I had no idea what to do and the site was down for half the day ?
Oh well, live blog and learn, right?
Moving on!
I’m all about the simple recipes lately.
Only three extremely short weeks before I’m considered full term(although I’m that person that counts on having to wait at least the full month and a half until I’m actually due, if not longer) and I thought I would be in the kitchen a lot more.
I thought I’d be cooking up a storm and posting every day, but no.
I’d much rather have a nap, although with two little kids running around it’s more like thinking about laying on the couch than anything remotely close to napping.
So yes, simple recipes.
For a while there, I saw tomato soup on a bunch of different blogs and I couldn’t wait to make it, but I put it off.
I’m telling you now.
Do not put it off.
Put down the can of tomato soup and just get some canned tomatoes, I promise you’ll be much happier.
And much fuller since you wont feel bad about eating a whole recipe, or maybe just half, of this.
And then you wont be dehydrated either because honestly, the sodium in any canned soup is crazy!
So this can go two different ways.
You can use oil and leave out the milk for a totally delicious vegan version, which is how we prefer it or you can add a splash of milk(or cream!) to your bowl and stir it in for a creamy tomato soup that’s 1000x better than anything you had as a kid.
Either way I’m guaranteeing it’s awesome, not to mention pretty fast to make.
And did I mention simple?
And one last note, if you wanted to make a large quantity of this and freeze it(without dairy products of course) it tastes just as delicious thawed and it’s a great way to have a quick meal on hand.
Servings: 4 servings
Author: Heidi @ Food Doodles
can of tomatoes
pureed, diced or whole(or 4 cups of peeled fresh tomatoes)
chicken or vegetable broth
baking soda
dried parsley
large bay leaf
black pepper to taste
plus more to taste
fresh basil
honey or sugar
Whole milk or cream to serve if desired
about 2-4 tbsp per serving depending on how you like it
In a small to medium sized pot, melt the butter(or just heat the oil) over medium heat. If you have no way to blend your soup once cooked, finely chop your onion and very finely mince your garlic, otherwise, just slice it to saute it quickly.
Add the onion to the pot, stir well and saute for 5-6 minutes before adding the garlic. Again, stir well and saute for 2-3 minutes.
Add the tomatoes, broth, baking soda, parsley, bay leaf and salt and pepper. Bring up to a boil, then turn down to a simmer. Simmer for 10 minutes or so over medium low heat. The baking soda will foam up, just make sure your pot as a couple inches of extra room until it calms down. The baking soda will help neutralize the acids from the canned tomatoes and you wont taste it at all.
Remove the bay leaf from the soup and puree. I use my immersion blender, but you can also transfer the soup to a blender to blend it until smooth, or if you chopped your onions and garlic finely enough and used tomato puree you can omit this step for a soup that isn't as smooth. Once blended, stir in the honey or other sweetener you have on hand and fresh basil and check for seasonings, adding salt as needed. Serve while hot with a splash of milk or cream if desired.
Pictures updated June 14 2015.
Here’s one of the old pictures!
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Hi, I'm Heidi! I'm a mom of 3 kids.
We live in a beautiful place in B.C., Canada called the Kootenays.
I love to cook and bake for my family and especially love working with local ingredients.
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seems I’m a wee bit smitten with tomatoes. For years, I couldn’t stand
them. I’d pick them out of salads, pull them off pizzas, avoid them at
all costs. Then one day I gave them another try and I was totally in
love. I’m still kind of picky - I don’t like really gushy ones, and I
prefer them cooked, but lately I just can’t get enough.
very favorite way to enjoy a tomato is through soup. I’ve liked tomato
soup for ages - way before I liked tomatoes themselves. I’ve got a
confession for you - I really love tomato soup from the can. As in, the
red and white can. Oh yes, I eat way too much& canned soup in the fall
and winter. I’d never attempted to make it myself because I wasn’t sure I
could improve on that tin can goodness. Yes, I am a bit crazy. I did
just say “tin can goodness”. To my credit, tomato soup and ice cream
sandwiches are just about the only things I prefer store-bought.
When asked
me to contribute a “comfort food” recipe for their fall issue, the
first thing I thought of was tomato soup. I was pretty certain they
didn’t want a picture of canned soup though, so I finally gave homemade a
chance. And guess what? It’s so much better than the other stuff.
Totally surprising, right?! ;) I’m going to be making batches of this
and freezing it so I can cut the sodium glut that is Campbell’s out of
kind of had no idea what I was doing with the recipe, I was just
guessing but it came out terrific. I roasted the tomatoes with shallots
and added thyme, because I’m on a tomatoes & thyme kick. But you
could add any herb you’d like.
If you’d like to try it out (and trust me, you do), head on over to . (A lot of people were having trouble accessing the recipe, so I've added it below.)
The recipe is on page 140, but be sure to check out the rest of the
issue. It features recipes from two of my favorite bloggers Julie from
and Stephanie from. If you haven’t seen their blogs, go now! Both are outrageously beautiful.
Roasted Tomato SoupServe hot or cold2 pounds fresh tomatoes, a mixture of your favorites4 shallots, peeled and quartered extra virgin olive oilherbs, thyme, oregano, basil, whichever you prefersalt & freshly ground pepper2 cups chicken or vegetable stock1/4 cup heavy creamPreheat the oven to 400f. Cut tomatoes into quarters, (if you’re using cherry tomatoes, leave them whole). Spread the tomatoes and shallots on a baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt, pepper and herbs, gently toss. Roast for 30 minutes, or until tomatoes & shallots and brown and have caramelized.Remove the pan from the oven and allow to cool slightly. Dump all of the pans contents into a food processor and blend until smooth. Slowly add in stock while blending. If you soup is too chunky for your liking, pour through a mesh sieve.Pour contents into a large stock pot, add heavy cream and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes.Garnish with pepper, herbs, and crusty bread, enjoy!
(P.S. The folks over at
have recently launched a gorgeous new site design and they sent me a
discount code just for you guys! If you enter "HONEYJAM" at checkout,
you'll get 15% off. Hurrah!)
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