
餐馆英语小指南 岛多多 - 海岛旅游网用英语来写一篇介绍一家餐厅的广告,比如说这家餐厅食物好吃,价格便宜等等一小段即可。(急)_百度知道
Do you often
eat at restaurant?if you answer is “yes”,please go to ***(餐厅名)restaurant。We have tomato and egg soup ,chicken,potatoes and other delicious food。Our food is very cheap ,for example,a bowl of tomato
and egg soup is ten yuan and a plate of chicken is twenty yuan。
welcome to our restaurant!
这个还不简单。。你先用汉字写一片,然后去网站找翻译软件 把你汉字写出来的复制进去 一点翻译
哈哈 希望采纳为答案
Waiter:Hello,All three customers (hi)Waiter:How are you guys doing today?All three customers:Pretty goodWaiter:that's good!What would you guys like to drink?1:I'll have a Pilsner please.(beer) Waiter:sure.You?2:I'll have a class of water please,no ice.Waiter:k,no problem.3:Just an ice tea would be fine.Thanks!Waiter:alright,I'll be right back...1:This drummie stuff looks good.2:I don't know dude,I think I'm just gonna stick with the lasagna.3:Nachos anyone?1:I'll split the nachos2:yeah I'll do it too.3:OkayWaiter:(comes back with drinks) Here you go gentlemen...All three:Thank you!Waiter:Are you ready to order or would you like a couple of minutes?1:Nah,we are ready.Waiter:Ok,awesome.Start with you sir?2:Uh,I'll have the lasagna.Waiter:K,that comes with a salad...would you like a cesar or ranch?2:cesar please.Waiter:Okay.You sir?1:I'll have the drummies,serve with the toasted buns.Waiter:Okay no problem.3:I'd like a plate of nachos with extra cheese.Waiter:chicken or beef?3:Chicken is fine,and I'll have a meat ball spaghetti as well please.Waiter:how would you like your salad?3:Hold the salad please.Waiter:you sure?3:Yeah.Alright then,I'll be back with your orders.All three:Thank!
A: Oh, I’m starving. I’d like to try some real Chinese cuisine. What would you recommend, waiter?啊,我快饿死啦.我想吃点真正的中国菜.您给我推荐什么呢,服务生?B: Well, it depends. You see, there are eight famous Chinese cuisines:for instance, the Sichuan cuisine, and the Hunan cuisine.那要看情况了.您知道,中国主要有八大菜系.比方说,川菜、湘菜.A: They are both spicy hot, I’ve heard.我听说这两种都很辣.B: That’s right. If you like hot dishes, you can try some.对.您要是爱吃辣的,可以试试.A: They might be too hot for me.对我来说可能太辣了点.B: Then there’s the Cantonese cuisine and the Jiangsu cuisine. Most southerners like them.再有是粤菜和江苏菜.大多南方人都爱吃.A: What about any special Beijing dishes?有什么特别的北京风味菜吗?B: There’s the Beijing roast duck.有北京烤鸭啊.A: Oh, yes. I’ve heard a lot about it. I’d like very much to try it. Where can I find it?啊,对了,听过多次了.我很想试一试.在哪儿能吃到呢?B: You can find it in most restaurants, but the best place is certainly Quanjude Restaurant.大多数饭店都有烤鸭,可是最好的当然还是全聚德烤鸭店.A: Is it near here?离这儿近吗?B: Not too near but not too far either. A taxi will take you there in 15 minutes, if the traffic is not too bad, I mean.不太近也不算远.乘出租车15分钟能到.我是说,要是堵车不厉害的话.A: Well, thank you for your information. But what is the name of that restaurant again?好,多谢您的指点.请您再说一下那个饭馆的名字好吗?B: Let me write it down on this slip of paper for you. You can show it to the taxi-driver.我来给您写在这张纸片上.您好拿给出租车司机看.A: That’s very kind of you. Thanks a lot.您真是太好了!多谢多谢.B: You’re welcome.不客气.
Jim,you visited Emperor Qin's Terracotta Warriors last week,didn't you?Yes,I did.They are one of the greatest wonders of the world.Who made them,do you konw?Qin
Buyer(B):Everything seems ready except the payment,isn't it?(除了付款一切就绪了,是吧)Seller(S):Definitely.It is really an enjoyable time to cooperate with you.(没错.跟你合作真愉快)
1.Jack and his dad are on the bird’s back.They fly away from thecastle.A:Please pull down the beanstalk.B:Sure,no problem.C:Look!The woman is waving.ABC:Goodbye
给你三篇,你自己选一篇吧一A: Are you crazy about sports? B: Certainly, I am a super sports fan. A: Which is your favourite sport then? B: Almost all the ball games such as b
Will power意志力 Mike(M) Danny(C), Tommy(T)---classmates 地点:Scene----in the college dorm大学宿舍 Danny is playing a computer game on his laptop. Tommy is sleeping. Mik
Having A Dinner in A Restaurant Waiter:Good evening.Do you have a reservation?Tom:No,we don''t.Waiter:How many people are you together?Tom:Just two persons.来源:考
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Boy: You are leaving. What will you leave for me?你要走了,给我留下什么?Girl: Nothing but a locked notebook.没什么特别的——只是一个上锁的笔记本. boy:I have a small request.我有一小小的要求. giri:
1.寻问餐厅 到国外游玩,品尝当地美食是行程重头戏之一,然而,身为异乡人,自然 无法知道每家餐厅口碑如何.此时,不妨向饭店中的服务人员询问,说出 自己的喜好及需求,请对方做最佳建议. Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? 是否可介绍一家附近口碑不错的餐厅? I
要一个汉堡和一杯冰茶.I'd like a hamburger and an iced tea.*iced tea因为发音相同,有时也可写成ice tea.我要两个热狗.May I have two hot dogs,please?May I have two hot dogs,please?(我要两个热狗.)Anyt
请给我菜单.May I have a menu,please?是否有中文菜单?Do you have a menu in chinese?在用晚餐前想喝些什麼吗?自己编成对话吧Would you like something to drink before dinner?餐厅有些什麼餐前酒?What kind of d
In one of our class-meetings,we had a heated discussion about whether the students in senior grade 3 should have some nutrition.60 percent of the class think th
A:Now,today we will talk about friendship.What do you think about friendship?B:Everyone needs friendship.No one can sail the ocean of life single handed.We need
F:Fan Bin,Wait a minute here,I'll get you registered.范彬,你在这等会儿,我去帮你挂号.P:Thanks.N:Goodmorning.早上好!F:Goodmorning.N:Whatseems to be the problem?请问哪里不舒服?F:No,I'm fi
T:Hi,Jane!How's it going 嗨,Jane!最近过得如何?J:Will,it's a little bad with.I have a headache.恩,我有一点小麻烦,我头疼.T:Oh,I am sorry to hear that.But i think you'd better to se
考官:!·#¥¥%%¥……#%#……?”学生:“Sorry!My english is very bed”考官:!·#¥¥%%¥……#%#……?”学生:“你还是讲中文吧,我中文比较好.”呵呵``发生自己身上的事.
Much WorsePoliceman:Why didn't you shout for help when you were robbed of your watch?Man:If I had opened my mouth,they'd have found my four gold teeth.That woul英文短对话 完美作业网 www.wanmeila.com
简单的英语对话 一:购物A: What can I do for you ?B: I want to buy a skirt for my daughter.A: How old is your daughter ?B: She is twelve years old.A: This way, please. What kind of skirt do you want ?B: I’d like this one.A: What colour do you like ?B: Green.A: What about this one ?B: This green is too dark. Have you got any other colours ?A: Sorry, we haven’t. We have just sold them out.B: Well, let me look at the dress.A: Who is it for ?B: It’s for myself.A: This kind of dress is very nice and cheap. What size do you want ?B: Size M. Can I try it on, please ?A: Certainly. Here you are.B: What’s it made of ?A: It’s made of silk.B: How much does it cost ?A: One hundred and ninety-eight.B: That’s too expensive. Can it be cheaper ?A: Well, how about one hundred and ninety yuan.B: No, it’s still expensive. What about one hundred and fifty ?A: Er…all right. Please take it.二 看病A: Hello, what’s wrong with you?B: I’ve got a headache and a bad cough.A: Have you taken your temperature?B: Yes. I have a fever.A: Have you had anything /your breakfast?B: No. I don’t feel liking eating.A: Do you sleep well?B: Yes, I just want to sleep.A: How long have you been like this?/What did it start?B: Ever since last night./Last night.A: Let me look over you. Open your mouth and say “Ah…”B: Is it serious?A: No. Nothing serious. You’ve just had a bad cold. Take the medicine three times a day, and have a test. You ‘ll be b......
英语对话小短文 两人对话A: Good evening! What can I do for you?B: I'm looking for a pair of black shoes.A: What size do you want?B: Size 10.A: Sorry, I afraid we haven't got any black shoes in that size at the moment. We've got some brown ones.B: Have you got any other kind?A: How about those shoes over there.B: Well, that colour looks nice. How much do they cost?A: Two hundred yuan.B: Hmm, that's a bit expensive. Can I try them on?A: Certainly.还有Who is that girl? --Where?--Over there,under the big tree.--Oh, that's my sister.She often takes a light blue blouse and a pink skirk.--What's on her hair?--It's an accessory.--What colour is it?--It's pink.She likes pink very much.--How do you like your sister?--She is cute and lovely,and she works hard.四人对话:)~甲;I got a ticket yesterday.我得到一张处罚单。乙:You ran a red light.你闯红灯了。丙:He nearly ran into the bus.你差点撞上那辆公共汽车。丁:Don't take it to heart. You'll never happen again.别往心里去,下次不会再出现这样的事情了。乙:Take it easy. There must be some ways to compensate for it.轻松一点,一定会有补偿的办法的。丙:Don't be so upset. Everything will be OK.别这么发愁了,一切都会好起来的。丁:It's really hard for you.真难为你了!A:Thank you!It won't happen again.谢谢你们,不会再发生了。
简短的英语二人对话 A:Hello,your dress is very beautiful.B:Isn't it? You, too.A:Thank you.Later we will go to eat?B:What do you think?A:Let's go to eat small steamed bun, it is very delicious.B:Isn't it? I must go to try to see.A:You and your parents are going to Singapore in a few days? What's the weather like in there?B:There is very warm and cool, very suitable for human habitation. By the way, don't you are graduated from the university? What to look for a job?A:Want to contribute further to the country, such as the engineer.B:You just not art?A:Yes, so I want to do this line.B:Oh, it's getting late, I'll go back.A:See you later.B:See you later.你好,你的衣服很漂亮。是吗?你的也是。谢谢。等会儿我们要去吃什么?你怎么想?我们去吃小笼包吧,它很美味的。是吗?那我一定要去尝尝看。你和你的父母过几天要去新加坡是吗?那里的气候怎么样?那里十分的温暖和凉爽,很适合人类的居住。对了,你不是正大学毕业吗?想找个什么工作?想为国家多做点贡献,比如工程师之类的。你正好不是学美术的吗?是啊,所以想做这一行的。哦,时间不早了,我先回去了。再见。再见。
学英语。。希望得到几部英语简单对话的视频(日常对话,每句说的要短一点 简短语对话 What are you trying to say?(你到底想说什么?)Don't be silly.(别胡闹了。)How strong are your glasses?(你近视多少度?)Just because.(没有别的原因。)It isn't the way I hoped it would be.(这不是我所盼望的。)You will never guess.(你永远猜不到。)No one could do anything about it.(众人对此束手无措。)I saw something deeply disturbing.(深感事情不妙。)Money is a good servant but a bad master.(要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。)I am not available.(我正忙着)Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中的知识比手中的金钱更重要)Never say die.it's a piece of cake.别泄气,那只是小菜一碟。Don't worry.you'll get use to it soon.别担心,很快你就会习惯的。I konw how you feel.我明白你的感受。You win some.you lose some.胜败乃兵家常事。Don't bury your head in the sand.不要逃避现实。I didn't expect you to such a good job.我没想到你干得这么好。You are coming alone well.你做得挺顺利。She is well-build.她的身材真棒。You look neat and fresh.你看起来很清纯。You have a beautiful personality.你的气质很好You flatter me immensely.你过奖啦。You should be slow to judge others.你不应该随意评论别人。I hope you will excuse me if i make any mistake.如有任何错误,请你原谅It was most careless ofme.我太粗心了。It was quite by accident.真是始料不及。
英语对话短文两个人的,求帮忙! A:Can I help you?B:Yes,please.I need a shorts.A:What color do you want?B:Purple.A:How about this one.B:NO it’s small for meA: How about this one.B:It looks nice .How much is itA:eleven dollars.B:OK,I’ll take it.B:How much are this jacketA:It’s twenty-one dollarsB: It’s expensiveA:OK,Here you are your shorts .B:Thanks.A:You ’re welcome还有不少[]
编写一段简短的英文对话 A:What's wrong with you?You look so upset.B:Oh,I failed.A:What's the matter?B:Just now,I attended an interview,but I acted poorly.A:Sorry about that.Don't worry.Everything will be fine.B:No,I blow it.I was nervous during the interview,and I saw the manager laughed at me.A:Maybe he just appreciate your talent.B:Relly?A:Trust me,you are the best.B:Thank you.A:Don't take it too seriously.Cheer up.B:OK,let't play the basketball.A:That's a good idea.
请帮忙写一段3_5分钟的两个人的英语短对话,语法越少越好,简单就行!谢谢啦! Daily Life - Working Out (C0345)A: Do you want to go catch a movie tonight?B: I can’t, I have to go tothe gym.A: Come on! You can go tomorrow, just skip it today.It’s not as if you are gonna get in trouble!B: Actually I will! I am working out with a personaltrainer that gets on my case if I don’t go. I likeit, because it makes me feel more obligated to goand get healthy.A: That’s cool, does your personal trainer basicallyteach you how to work out?B: Yeah. He makes a work put plan depending ontheareas I want to work on, orthe muscles I want tobuild. Like for example in order to get better muscletone in my abs, pecs and biceps, he makes mework out with free weights. Then for my quads,calves and hamstrings, I do leg lifts or squats.A: Sounds like you are really getting in shape!
英语短对话翻译为中文 A. 有请下一位顾客 您想点些什么
英语对话9篇,特别短,急用 10分A: well you guys broke up. find a new one B, you don't have to stuck on her. B: oh It's so hard, I can get her out of my mind, i mean, she and I had a wonderful time together, and all out of a sudden , she's gone. A: Ts is life B , sometimes you just can not hold some tng you love , you have to let it go B. B : yeah , I guess so, but from my point of view , if a couple are gonna get married , they should have a good income, and that is what i try to do with my girlfriend. A: yeah, but people have different tnking, she chose to leave , well let her go, it's ok. there lot's of good girls out there. B: well , i guess that's what I going to do next, find a new one , who' s mind is like me. A; that's good, cheer up , buddy!! A和B自己想个名字吧。顺便说一下 现在我报读的ABC天卞英语的导师说过 如果想征服英语很简单的。必然要有一个适宜的学习环境和进修口语对象,老师水平是关键,东南亚口音重,一定要找欧美籍 发音纯正非常重要,保持逐日口语交流,1对1家教式教学才能有很.好.的学习成果。学习后还要重听课后录音反馈,帮助加强记忆..如果真的无对象可练习的环境,最好能到可可或大耳朵得到课外学习资料学习,多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想,一下子语感会提高起来 学习效益应该可以快速显着的;
英语短对话翻译为中文 A:Brutus今天感觉如何?B:他最近一直不太好。A:他的症状是什么?B:他(胃口不好)。他甚至连最喜欢的食物都不吃了。A:还有别的吗?B:有的,他不怎么想散步,他通常都很喜欢散步。A:好的,那先让他去做个检查吧。}


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