
Therre's a popular parlance about Jimmi dialect that is a kind of blended and dialect system accompanied with the characteristics of Minnan dialect, Hakka and Cantonese (cited fromhttp://www.southcn.com/news/dishi/shanwei/sqbl/.htm).
An Etymological Study of aη~5(Zai再)in Hakka(客家)and Cantonese Dialects
客家话及部分粤语a ~5(再)字考释
Comparison Studies on Hakka in Phonology between Panlong and Meixian
Shi(是) is a locative preposition as well as an existential verb in Ou dialect, Hakka dialect part of Hui dialect (徽语) and Yue dialect (粤语).
2) There are 21 consonants in Panlong Hakka and compared with Meixian Hakka [t(?)
梅县客家话无论平仄都读送气音。 (2)盘龙镇客家话共有21个声母,比起梅县客家话18个声母多了[t(?)
Shi(是) is a locative preposition as well as an existential verb in Ou dialect, Hakka dialect part of Hui dialect (徽语) and Yue dialect (粤语).
The Comparison between Pragmatics of Politeness and Culture Value in English and Hakka Dialect
The Hakka dialect is the most important characteristic of the Hakkas.
The Word "aijie" in Hakka Dialect and Its Paronym
There is a negative word 'ma?
) in Hakka dialect in the New Territories, Hong Kong and other Hakka dialects.
In fact, the differences between SHE dialect and Hakka dialects are great concerning of development history and language fact.
From the historical point of view, Hakka dialects' laws of phonetic evolution can be discovered contrasted with Guangyun, including 12 initials' features, 16 finals' features and 5 tones' features.
The author confirms that, Ⅰ, Hakka of Longtansi is a kind of syncretic dialects, whose phonetic characteristics mostly close to the Hakka's of Wuhua and Xingning in the east of Guangdong province as well as absorbs some Hakka dialects' features in the west of Fujian and the old Hakka in the south of Jiangxi.
There is a negative word 'ma?
) in Hakka dialect in the New Territories, Hong Kong and other Hakka dialects.
In some Hakka dialects, the pronunciation of 辫 is now the same as 边鞭. It is regarded as an example of the present pronunciation of the ancient voiced initial in Hakka dialect, which are non-aspirated.
在一些客家方言里,古全浊上声字“辫”今读如“边鞭”,声母不送气,被视为古全浊声母字客家话今 音也有读不送气的例字之一。
The Hakka dialect is the most important characteristic of the Hakkas.
The author confirms that, Ⅰ, Hakka of Longtansi is a kind of syncretic dialects, whose phonetic characteristics mostly close to the Hakka's of Wuhua and Xingning in the east of Guangdong province as well as absorbs some Hakka dialects' features in the west of Fujian and the old Hakka in the south of Jiangxi.
The Hakka's consonants of Panlong town, compared with those of the Hakka of
Meixian, has characteristics as follows:1) The four classes of syllables appear in the Panlong Hakka and there is no Cuokouhu(撮口呼) in Meixian Hakka.
盘龙镇客家话与梅县客家话韵母比较,主要有以下特点: (1)盘龙镇客家话开、齐、合、撮四呼俱全,梅县客家话缺少撮口呼。
We find out that XinDu hakka dialect has many things in common with Mei County hakka dialect , that is to say XinDu Hakka dialect keeps many characteristic words of the hakka,but some characteristic words is disappearing.
理清了新都客家话和梅县客家话具有很大的一致性的关系,即新都客家话保留了很多客家话的特征词,但某些特征词正在慢慢消失,某些客家话词语随着风俗的消失而消失; 同时我们也发现新都客家话受到了强势方言——成都官话、新都官话的影响,即新都客家话借入了一批相当数量的官话词语。
We make a detailed record based on field investigations and use research methods of comparative linguistics and history linguistics to analyze the XinDu hakka dialect,summing up the hakka phonological system represented by TaiXin town hakka.
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Kejia dialect is one of the vernaculars in Cantonese. The liaison sound change of this kind of language in Wuhua County is reflected in the phenomena of assimilations most of which are progressive assimilations. The paper endeavours to illustrate research into the stronger regularity of progressive assimilations in Kejia dialect in Wuhua County. 广东省五华客家话的连读音变主要表现为同化现象,而其中大部分是顺同化。本文对五华客家话中带有较强规律性的顺同化现象作了初步的描写和研究。 Because of the mountainous Land form, the Sub-tropic maritime climate, few wars in the history and migration from North China, there are three main dialect regions in Guangdong Province, Yue(Cantonese), Hakka(Kejia)and Min(including Chaozhou Subgroups and Leizhou subgroups). Yue is distributed mainly in the Pearl River Delta and in weatern Guangdong. There are over 37 millon speakers(1996). Hakka is distributed mainly in the eastern, Central and northern pert of Guangdong, there approximately 15 million Hakka... Because of the mountainous Land form, the Sub-tropic maritime climate, few wars in the history and migration from North China, there are three main dialect regions in Guangdong Province, Yue(Cantonese), Hakka(Kejia)and Min(including Chaozhou Subgroups and Leizhou subgroups). Yue is distributed mainly in the Pearl River Delta and in weatern Guangdong. There are over 37 millon speakers(1996). Hakka is distributed mainly in the eastern, Central and northern pert of Guangdong, there approximately 15 million Hakka speakers in the province. Min is distributed in the Chaoshao district along the eastern seaboard of Guangdong as well as on the Leizhou Peninsula of Western Guangdong, there are approximately 15. 3 million Min spokers in the province. Areas of one dialect are often
interspersed with many small pockets of other dialects.在多山的地形、亚热带海洋性气候,、历史上很少战争和来自中原的移民等条件影响下,广东形成三个主要方言区:粤语区(广东话);客家语区;闽语区(包括潮州话亚区和雷州话亚区)。粤语区主要分布在珠江三角洲和广东西部,1996年有3700万人说粤语。客家语区主要分布在广东的东部、中部和北部,约有1500万人说客家话,闽语区主要分布在广东东部沿海潮汕地区和广东西部的雷州半岛,约有1530万人说闽语。在每一个方言区内部有不少细小的其它方言穿插其间,形成纷繁复杂的形势。 This paper has examined the states and changes of the four groups - zhi, zhang, jing, zhuang - in the Hakka dialects and pointed out that the four types of initials developed from the same states. The paper has further explained the process of such changes according to the data collected in the historical and modern dialects and determined their divergence from the Northern dialect to be between the late Tang and the early Song dynasties. 本文探讨客家话各方言点知章精庄四组声母的状态及其演变,指出客家话不同方言点四组声母的现状是同一初始状态进一步演变的结果,并结合历史和现实的语言材料对演变过程作了细致的阐述,据此确认唐代后期至宋代初期为客家话和北方话分离的年代&nbsp&&&&&相关查询
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
客家话是什么意思 客家话在线翻译 客家话什么意思 客家话的意思 客家话的翻译 客家话的解释 客家话的发音 客家话的同义词
客家话 基本解释客家话[kè jiā huà]名手机查看客家话的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 客家话 即可客家话 网络解释1. hakka:中国语言地图集仅就客家中心区进行片区命名,这里对中心区以外的片区命名,采用当前语言学界通用的说法 客家话(Hakka) 语言学简称:客 主要使用地区: 中国大陆、台湾、港澳、 东南亚、其它华人社区 中国大陆分布: 广东、江西、福建、2. 2. Hakka dialects:克里奥耳语 Creole | 客家话 Hakka dialects | 宽式标音 broad transcription3. Sang Ngit Fai Lok:福州话 San Ni Kuai Lo! | 客家话 Sang Ngit Fai Lok! | 普通话 qu ni sheng er kuai le4. 4. Hakkanese:French 法文:1.8% | Hakkanese 客家話:1.3% | Belarusan白俄羅斯語:0.3%客家话 双语例句1. 强……广东地区的白话和客家话都出来了,潮汕话谁来?&&&&I come from Mar, you are just a wind2. 李蕙心(香港城市大学中文、翻译与语言学系,中国香港):梅县客家话的声调&&&&LEE Wai-Sum (Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, City university of Hongkong, Chinese Hongkong): Tones in Meixian Hakka3. 3. 该装置艺术利用母语面临失传的族群的录音和影像,如华族的客家话和潮州话、印族的马拉亚拉姆方言和泰卢固语等,与观众进行互动。&&&&The piece features interactive images of speakers whose languages are becoming obsolete here, such as the Chinese dialects Hakka and Teochew and the Indian languages of Malayalam and Telugu.4. 4. 那客家话又是怎么回事?&&&&That is how Hakka`s going on?5. 湛江本地分好几种语言的,主要的是广东话,还有黎话,还有客家话的,假如是市区长大的都是广东话为住,假如是遂溪,雷州的就是说黎话,还有就是廉江的就是说客家话,但这些都不是绝对的…我认识的一些朋友,两种话都会说的,我是市区长大就只会说广东话!&&&&Zhanjiang at several local languages, Cantonese is the key, and Lebanon, there are Hakka, and if it is brought up in the urban areas are living in Cantonese, if Suixi is, if Lebanon is to say the Leizhou There is, to say the lianjiang Hakka, but these are not absolute … I know some of my friends, the two words will say, I grew up in the urban area will only speak Cantonese!6. 湛江市属4区5县,赤坎、霞山两老城区操粤语,周围农村操雷州话;坡头区操粤语为主,极少数操雷州话;郊区大多数操雷州话,少数操粤语;吴川县绝大部分操粤语,少数操雷州话;徐闻、海康两县绝大部分操雷州话,客家话及粤语零星分布;遂溪大部分操雷州话,小部分操粤语;廉江操粤语、客家话、雷州话,在本市三大方言中,说雷州话人数最多,约300万人;粤语次之,约200万人;说哎话的又次之,约有60万人。&&&&Zhanjiang municipal 4 County District 5, Chikan, the Old City Xiashan two Cantonese-speaking, rural areas around the parade, then L Potou mainly Cantonese-speaking areas, a very small number of so-speaking L most of the parade on the outskirts of Leizhou, A small number of Cantonese- Wuchuan County, most of the Cantonese-speaking, speaking a few words L Xuwen, Leizhou Haikang counties most of the parade, Cantonese and H Suixi most of the parade Leizhou, A small number of Cantonese- lianjiang speak Cantonese, Hakka, Leizhou, the three major dialects in the city, said that if the largest number of Leizhou, some 300 followed by Cantonese, some 200 say hey Then followed by another, about 60 million people.7. 动词分类是以动词和其相关论元的结合时间特徵来分类的,用以探讨动貌标记与其相容关系,正足以显示本文所探讨的三个客家话动貌标记的内部时间结构特质。&&&&Since aspect refers to the presentation of situations through viewpoints and the aspectual meaning of a sentence results from interaction between situation type and viewpoint, we apply situation types, which are realized by constellations of lexical morphemes consisting of a verb and its arguments, to explain the relation between aspect markers and different classes of verbs and to see the temporal properties of these three Hakka aspect markers.8. 8. 大马人学习的任何语言、方言,不论是中文、英文、马来文、广东话、福建话、客家话、海南话、淡米尔文、韩语、日语、德语、法语、西班牙语等等,通通都是国家的资产,就是这些语言资产丰富我们的多元文化,并让我们可以拥有在全球化市场里脱颖而出的语言优势。&&&&Any language learned and spoken by true-blue Malaysians be it English, BM, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien, Hakka, Hainam, Tamil, Hindi, Iban, Kadazan, Japanese, Korean, German, French, Spanish, etc, are priceless language assets for our country and will contribute to our multiculturalism beside being an advantage in the global market.9. 911查询·英语单词9. 例如,在客家话、闽南语和粤语中能发现许多共用词汇。&&&&For instance, common vocabulary found in Hakka, Min and Cantonese Chinese languages.10. 10. 因此在世界各地都能找到说客家话的人。&&&&Therefore, Hakka speakers can be found throughout the world.11. 11. 其实我不太会说客家话。&&&&&&I don't really speak the language.12. 客家话是传自中国的语言之一。&&&&&&Hakka is one of the languages that were brought over from China.13. 13. 因此,客家话的人是众所周知的,为他们的毅力,即使是在最恶劣的环境。&&&&&&Thus, Hakka people are well-known for their perseverance even in the most adverse environment.14. 说客家话的人,其祖先&&&&&&Those who speak it have ancestors...15. 15. 广东饶平上饶客家话的两字连读变调基于生态安全格局的新农村规划探索&以广东省饶平县新丰镇洞泉村为例&&&&&&The Disyllabic Tone Sandhi in Hakka of the Shangrao Region in Raoping County, Guangdong Province Discussion on New Rural Planning Based on Ecological Safety Pattern16. 广泛分布在美国东部崎岖不平的地区。广东饶平上饶客家话的两字连读变调&&&&&&Widely distributed in rugged ground of eastern United States. The Disyllabic Tone Sandhi in Hakka of the Shangrao Region in Raoping County, Guangdong Province17. 本文重点讨论永丰方言的语音问题,分析其声韵调的历史层次及客赣区别,同时对词汇方面的讨论主要是提取赣语及客家话的特征词进行比较。&&&&&&This article focuses on the phonetic Yongfeng, analyzing the history of Syllable different levels and Hakka, while the major discussions of vocabulary is extracted Gan and Hakka compare the characteristics of the word.18. 在家里,父母用地道的客家话和有几分蹩脚的粤语和她交流;&&&&&&I can also communicate with my parents and relatives in fluent Hakka.19. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D19. 赣语与客家话关系特殊,就方言一级来说赣语的标准很难确立。&&&&&&The special correlation between Gan and Hakka dialects makes the former hardly to be clearly defined as a first-rank dialect.20. 911查询·英语单词20. 永丰县位于江西省中南部,属吉安市,是客家话和赣语的交接地带。&&&&&&Yongfeng in central and southern Jiangxi Province, belongs to Ji'an, a Hakka, and Gan transition zone.客家话是什么意思,客家话在线翻译,客家话什么意思,客家话的意思,客家话的翻译,客家话的解释,客家话的发音,客家话的同义词,客家话的反义词,客家话的例句,客家话的相关词组,客家话意思是什么,客家话怎么翻译,单词客家话是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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<div id="correct" title="在法汉-汉法词典中发现10个解释错误,并通过审核,将获赠《法语助手》授权一个">有奖纠错
Le hakka ou kejia (&: &;&: 客家話&;&: kè jiā huà), est une
parlée principalement dans le sud de la
par un sous-groupe de
ou <>. Il en existe
celui de la région de
(梅縣, Moi-yan en hakka), située dans le nord du , est souvent présenté comme référence.
Bien qu'il ait la même origine, le hakka n'est pas mutuellement intelligible avec le , le , le , ainsi que la plupart des dialectes importants de la langue chinoise.
La langue hakka est également nommée kejia (客家) (ou encore kejiahua&: kè jiā huà en pinyin), le nom de la langue en .
En occident, la méthode
est utilisée pour la
de cette langue, c'est une méthode créée par les
de l'église
Répartition des locuteurs dans le monde
Répartition des locuteurs de hakka dans le monde
Nombre de locuteurs
Part de la population locale
Année de recensement
mais aussi ,
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