Can'ti give you all of metoo Promise only company翻译出来什么意思

When I started MicroSolutions I was 24 years old. I had just gotten fired from my job and was sleeping on the floor of a 3 bedroom apartment with 5 other guys living there. I didn’t have a closet or a bed, but I had 2 suits.
I bought both of those polyester wonders, one Grey pinstripe, the other blue pinstripe for a total of $99 dollars plus tax. To go with those fashion forward wonders, I had several white polo button downs that I had purchased used from a re-sale shop, and a couple ties that I had bought on sale or had gotten as hand me downs from friends.
I wore those babies when it was cold. I wore them when it was 100 degrees plus. I ironed them and when I could I got them dry cleaned. MicroSolutions was started in June and over the next 7 years , starting with those first 2 suits, I wore a suit every work day. I bought new suits as the business grew. I bought shirts and ties and shoes new instead of used. I went 7 years without a vacation to make that company work, but I didn’t go a work day without a suit.
Someone had once told me that you wear to work what your customers wear to work. That seemed to make sense to me, so I followed it, and expected those who worked for me to follow it as well.
After I sold MicroSolutions I decided that I never would wear a suit again.
I was able to hold true to that while I was making a lot of money trading stocks for the next 5 years, but then Todd and I started AudioNet which would morph into
With our new business, I decided that I would have to wear a suit, but would modify the rule so that I would only wear a suit when someone I was selling to was wearing a suit. If they were selling to me, I didn’t care if they were wearing a tux. I was going to go comfortable and not wear a suit.
When was sold, the suit went out the window completely. I vowed to never wear one again other than weddings and funerals, and only then because it wasn’t worth the hassle to deal with people asking why you didn’t wear a suit. I’m certain the people getting married dint care, and I don’t think anyone is going to be looking down at me wondering why I showed up at their funeral without a suit. Suits make no sense whatsoever.
Why am I such a suit hater ? I’m not a suit hater, I just could never think of any good reason for any sane person to wear a suit in the first place.
Exactly what purpose does a suit serve ? Why in the world are so many people required to wear a suit to work ? Do the clothes make the man or woman in the western world today ? Does wearing a tie make us work harder or smarter ? Is this a conspiracy by the clothing, fabric or dry cleaning industry to take our money ?
Or are we all just lemmings following a standard we all know makes zero sense, but we follow
because we are afraid not to ?
If you are a CEO , are there not better things your employees could spend money on than multiple
suits, ties, dress shirts, dress shoes, dress socks, dry cleaning, and all the other associated costs ?
Gee, no suits would be the same as giving your employees a tax free raise. Think that might make them happy ? Or do employees consider having to spend money on suits a perk ?
Now I understand some people think wearing a suit provides them with a certain level of stature. It gives them confidence. It helps them feel good about themselves. Well let me be the first to tell you that if you feel like you need a suit to gain that confidence, you got problems. The minute you open your mouth, all those people who might think you have a great suit, forget about the suit and have to deal with the person wearing it.
Is there a reason other than “thats just the way it is” ? Haven’t you looked at someone in a suit, trying to look important and just thought how stupid and out of place it is ? Why do we do this to ourselves ?
I know this all is a crazy rant, but come on now. If you have had to wear a suit to work every day, haven’t you wondered why ? If you are the CEO or in charge of a company, haven’t you wondered yourself why you are making your employees waste all that money and come to work and spend the day in uncomfortable clothing ?
Give your suit wearing employees a raise. Tell them every day is casual day.
Tell the World Please !
Comment by Quantum Serendipity -
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句子翻译练习 1. 根据公司在过去一年的经营状况,董事会批准了一批新的投资计划。 & &The company board sanctioned a new array of investment projects based on last year. & &The company board approved a new array of investment plans according to last year's ___. & &The board of directors approved a series of new investment plans based on the company's performance of the previous year. 2. 这家巨型电子企业没有及时对新的市场需求做出反应,结果削弱了自身的竞争力。 & &The electronic gigantic&magnate did not react simutaneously to new requirements, which led to a lack of competiveness for the company.& &Failure to respond promptly to new market demands has blunted the electronic giant's competitive edge.& & edge的用法又如:"My AMU education gives me the edge." (广告语)“AMU教育使我如虎添翼。“ 3. 良好的形象是商务活动取得成功的最关键因素之一。 & &Good profile is one of the key factors in succeeding in business.& &A good image is one of the most vital ingredients of business success.4. 我们相信,在两市的共同努力下,我们两市的友好合作必定进一步发展。 & &We believe that the cooperation between the two cities will be more active under mutural effort. & &The cooperation between the two cities will be more active under mutural effort.& &We are convinced that with the joint effect of our two cities, the friendly relationship and cooperation between us will develop further. 5. 要继续实行以质取胜和市场多元化战略,贯彻落实各项鼓励出口的政策,努力扩大出口。 & &We must execute/carry&out&a varified/multi-facet market stratergy with quality-first ....& &We must continue the strategy of winning through superior quality and achieving a diversified market. We must also implement export-stimulating policies in order to expand exports. &注意用winning through superior quality翻译“以质取胜”;achieve的使用;“实行”的省略;in order to的使用。6.外贸企业要形成积极开拓国际市场的经营机制,注意强化内部管理。& &It is necessary for foreign trade enterprises to cultivate/develop a mechanism of promtly expanding global market, as well as strengthen interior management.& &Foreign trade enterprises should both strengthen their internal management and actively establish an operational mechanism favorable to expansion of their share in international markets. &注意both...and的使用;用“operational mechanism”翻译“经营机制”;7.当然,我们还要积极吸引跨国公司来华投资,特别是鼓励他们投资研究开发和参与国有企业的改组、改造。& It is for sure that we should promptly attract global companies to invest in China, especially in the research and developing as well as participating in the reform and reconstructure of state-owned enterprises.8. 我们相信,西部开发战略的实施将使西部地区呈现出一个全新的生态环境,吸引更多的外国投资。& &答1)We are convinced that the implementation of developing-the-west strategy will bring a fresh-new ecological environment in the western areas, which will attract more foreign investments.& &答2)We believe that a fresh-new ecological environment will emerge in the Western-China areas by implementing the strategy of developing the west, making it more attractive to foreign inventments.& &参考答案:9. 在现代异常激烈的竞争中,各个设备供应商的解决方案大同小异,谁更了解客户谁就有机会进行价值创新,远离价格战的红海!& & 答1)Equipment suppliers' solutions differ very little but only those who is more aquianted to customer's needs have the possibility to make innovations out of values instead of fighting a war of low prices. 第一句省略不翻译;“红海”省略& & 答2)In the white-hot competetions nowadays, solutions by equiment suppliers don't differ a lot, making those who is more familiar with customers more likely to create new values and avoid being drowned in the red sea of price-battles.& & 参考答案:10. 市场创新不能仅仅停留在口头上,一定要体现在我们点点滴滴的行动上,市场创新也绝不是个别人的事,而是我们每一个人的事!& &答1)Market innovations shall be&
(好句)As rampant development unfolds across urban China, the country's former capital has retained much of its old charm. & &当中国的城市建设如火如荼进行的时候,旧都(南京)仍保留了很多往日风采。meme &n.&(通过模仿等传递的)文化基因 & & internet meme &网络热点& & The first meme emerged in 2013 after the Chinese president met with Obama.&fatigues & n.&(士兵穿的)作训服,工作服& &&Fatigues are clothes that soldiers wear when they are fighting or when they are doing routine jobs.& &&He never expected to return home wearing US combat fatigues. 他从没想到会穿着美国军服回家。sterling &adj. 标准纯度的;含标准成分的;符合最高标准的,高质量的;品格优秀的& & & & &n.英国货币,英镑; 标准纯银; 银器;& &&The Chancellor is boxed in by inflation targets and sterling. 财政大臣被通货膨胀目标和英镑逼得束手无策。& &&Those are sterling qualities to be admired in anyone. 那些是在任何人身上都值得敬佩的优秀品质。& & Deprecation of the pound because of uncertainties around the UK's exit from the European Union is a key contributing factor, helping Chinese investors buy sterling assets at a discount. 由于英国脱欧所带来的不确定性导致的英镑贬值,是中国投资者在英国投资持续上涨的一个重要贡献因素,在这种情况下他们可以以较为核算的价格购买优质资产。& &&prestigious & adj. 有声望的;受尊敬的& & Prestigious Address In Beijing, Iconic Office in Asia & (财富金融中心的灯箱广告语) &大约可以翻译为:京城显要地段,亚洲商业地标
stalwartstark &adj.&purview & n.&(文件等的)范围; 眼界; 视野; 见识& &&Singapore has no such thing as the wife of the prime minister being a ‘first lady’. Lee Kuan Yew was Prime Minister from 1959 to 1990. During those many years, his wife (our mother) consistently avoided the limelight, remaining his stalwart supporter and advisor in private. She lived discreetly, and set a high bar for the conduct of a prime minister’s wife. She would never instruct Permanent Secretaries or senior civil servants. The contrast between her and Ho Ching could not be more stark. While Ho Ching holds no elected or official position in government, her influence is pervasive, and extends well beyond her job purview.sonnet & n. 十四行诗,短诗penchant &n.&(强烈的)倾向,爱好,嗜好etch & vt.&vi. & &1. 蚀刻;凿刻 &2. 使表现在脸上,使流露 & 3. 使铭记在心;使刻骨铭心& & ... (Lee Kuan Yew) was a strong opponent of monuments, particularly of himself. On suggestions that monuments or ‘what-have-yous’ be made for him, he replied “Remember Ozymandias”. He was referring to Percy B Shelley’s sonnet about the Egyptian Pharaoh with a penchant for self-aggrandising monuments. The boast etched in a plaque below his statue commanded lesser mortals to “look on my works”. Only the vastness of desert sands remains: no empire, nor monuments, no great works. Lee Kuan Yew wanted none of these honours as edifices. Much more important to him was that what he had done should last.meritocracy & n.&精英管理(制度);贤能统治(社会)espouse & v. 拥护;赞助& &&Whilst our father built this nation upon meritocracy, Hsien Loong, whilst purporting to espouse these values, has spoken of a “natural aristocracy”.anguished & &adj. 极其痛苦的despondent &adj. 沮丧的& &&He was anguished anddespondent and told Wei Ling “I should not have listened to Loong and gone to meet Cabinet.” He was pained that Hsien Loong, his own son, opposed his wishes in this manner.& & &未完待续& & 以上来自& &&
abound &vi. 盛产;充满;大量存在& &&Stories abound about when he was in charge. 关于他在任时的传闻多不胜数。& &&Stories about his travels abound. 有关他游历的故事多得很。& & Questions abound as to the reasons for the president's decision. 关于总裁作出这一决定的理由,人们提出了各种各样的疑问。& & Venice abounds in famous hotels. &威尼斯有很多知名的酒店。recuperate & &v. &恢复,弥补(损失);(身体)复原,康复& &&I went away to the country to recuperate. 我去了乡下休养。& &&He went to the country to recuperate. 他去乡下养病去了.& & (中医的“调理”)可考虑翻译为recuperateforge &v. 建立;开创;伪造;锻造;取得进展,稳步推进forge ahead/forth & & 稳步前进;突然加速前进;开拓进取& &&He again pledged to forge ahead with his plans for reform. 他再次承诺会稳步推进自己的改革计划。& &&The transatlantic liner forged ahead through the waves. 横渡大西洋的客轮破浪前进。& & (诸如“锐意进取、开拓进取”都可以考虑使用forge ahead来表示)pour out (thoughts, feelings) &倾吐,倾诉,表露(想法、感情等)& & &I poured my thoughts out on paper in an attempt to rationalize my feelings. 为了对自己的感情作出合理的解释,我把想法全都写在纸上。& &&The woman poured out her frustrations as the judge listened.&& & His originality and creativity forged forth, and he poured out lectures that increased in popularity. & 他迅速体现出了自己的独到性和创造性,并大量授课,增加了很多人气。(自己翻译)& & 但pour cold water on... 就是给别人“泼冷水”的意思了substantial &adj. 大量的;结实的,牢固的;重大的flair &n. 天资,天分;才华;创意& & &Their work has all the usual punch, panache and flair you'd expect. 他们的作品一如既往地引人入胜、气韵潇洒、新颖别致,不会让你失望。panache &n. 羽饰;派头;潇洒& & &&If you do something with panache, you do it in a confident, stylish, and elegant way.& &&The BBC Symphony Orchestra played with great panache... 英国广播公司交响乐团演奏起来挥洒自如。preclude & &vt. 阻止;排除;妨碍& &&We try to preclude any possibility of misunderstanding. 我们努力排除任何误解的可能性.facile & adj. &灵巧的,敏捷的,流畅的;(主张、建议)肤浅的,粗浅的,轻率的& & facile tongue& & facile pendictum & n.宣言,声明amorphous & adj. 无定形的;难以名状的;不规则的,无组织的;难以归类的;含糊的;&化&非结晶的& &&This releases a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, known as syngas, and leaves a residue of amorphous elemental carbon called carbon black. 这一过程产生氢气和一氧化碳的混合物,也叫做合成气,剩余的是无定形的基本碳,也叫做炭黑。ious & suff. 有...性质的;属于...的;如...的& & labor ious 勤劳的frivolous & adj. 无聊的;轻佻的;琐碎的& &&For example, if you’re writing a serious story about a natural disaster, the headline should not be frivolous. 如果你写了一篇关于自然灾害的严肃文章,你的文章标题就不应该很轻浮。prodigious &adj. 惊人的,异常的,奇妙的;巨大的& & His bibliography runs to a prodigious 500 items, taking more than 500 pages.&numinous &adj. 精神上的;超自然的;神圣的;庄严的 & && & (来自拉丁语numen,表示神圣的存在)luciferous &adj. 光辉的,光明的;明确的congruous adj. 一致的,适合的,协调的& &&Your behaviour is not congruous with your rank. 你的行为和你的社会地位不相称。diddle &adj. 骗取,欺骗;浪费& &&We live in a world in which people diddle on their phones while playing with their kids, while at the urinal and before extracurricular activity in the bedroom. 在我们生活的世界,人们把陪孩子玩、上厕所以及“睡前运动”的时间都浪费在手机上了。dawdle &v.混日子,游手好闲& & There is someone in the hotel whose job is to be on the watch out of those people who are dawdling in the lobby.loiter &v. 虚度;闲荡;徘徊& & The girl loitered on her way home. 女孩在回家的路上边走边玩。
rift & n. 裂缝,裂口;不和& & 东非大裂谷 &the Great Rift 或 the (Great) Rift Valley& &&The interview reflected a growing rift between the President and the government. 这段采访反映了总统和政府之间的裂痕越来越大。& &&I felt that might well mend the rift between them. 我觉得那样做也许可以让他们冰释前嫌。& &&Putin's comments come during a major diplomatic rift with the United States over a gas attack last week that killed 89 people in Syria's Idlib province. &普京的上述言论发表于俄罗斯与美国就上周的叙利亚化学武器致89人死亡的事件上处于明显外交分歧的时候。concession &n. 让步;特许权;优惠,(通常指针对老人、学生和失业人员的)优惠价格 &A concession is a special price which is lower than the usual price and which is often given to old people, students, and the unemployed.& & &(大英图书馆的私人导览价格)& & &【expat& &v. 逐出国外,脱离国际,移居国外 &n. (同expatriate)侨民,移居国外者,被逐出国外者& &&Jaiya's Animal Rescue Group has outstanding reputation in the expat community. 爱家动物救助团体在外籍人士中有着突出的声誉.& &&...exclusive country clubs for British expats. 专门招待英国侨民的乡间俱乐部national &n. (常用复数)某国国民& & ...a Sri-Lankan-born British national. 出生于斯里兰卡的英国国民& & 华侨 常被译为 overseas Chinese& & The pair reportedly clashed over Mrs May's desire to make Brexit "a success" and whether the issue of protecting the rights of expat UK and EU nationals could be agreed as early as June. 据报道,双方就特蕾莎·梅提出的“成功脱欧”意愿及是否能最早于六月达成“英侨”和“欧侨”的公民 权利保障协定发生了严重冲突。sceptical &adj.&怀疑的; 怀疑论者的 & &(注意,与skeptical形近,意思也接近)& &&He is very sceptical about the value of rote learning. 他非常怀疑死记硬背是否有用。& & Other archaeologists are sceptical about his findings. 其他考古学家对他的发现表示怀疑。& &&According to an account in Frankfurter Allgemeine, Mr Juncker said: "I leave Downing Street 10 times more sceptical than I was before." 根据《法兰克福汇报》的一篇报道,容克声称:“在我离开唐宁街时,心中的疑问比来之前多了十倍...”delude&& vt.欺骗,哄骗(他人或自己) & & && &&delude oneself&&欺骗自己& & We delude ourselves that we are in control. 我们骗自己说我们掌控着局面。& &&delude someone into thinking/believing something&欺骗某人相信某事& & You won't delude him into believing it. 你不能诱使他相信此事.& &&It was the day after the meeting that Mr Juncker reportedly told German chancellor Angela Merkel that Mrs May was "deluding herself" and "living in another galaxy" when it came to the issue of Brexit talks. 据报道,会议后的第二天,容克告知德国总理默克尔,在脱欧谈判问题上,特蕾莎·梅是在“自己骗自己”以及“生活在另一个次元”。& & (以上来自】
【&meridian & n.&子午圈,子午线,经线; 顶点; (权力,成就等的)全盛时期 & &A meridian is an imaginary line from the North Pole to the South Pole. Meridians are drawn on maps to help you describe the position of a place.& &&All places on the same meridian have the same longitude. 在同一子午线上的地方都有相同的经度.& &&Terrestrial longitude is measured in degrees east or west of the Greenwich meridian. 地球的经度是用格林尼治子午线向东或向西的度数来表示的.& & postmeridian & adj.午后的,午后发生的& & prime meridian &本初子午线& &&He is now at the meridian of his intellectual power. 他现在正值智力全盛期.& & parallel & 纬线 & (latitude是“纬度”)& &&The 1569 Mercator projection was made for navigating the seas -- drawing the meridians and parallels as straight lines that cross at right angles helped sailors to navigate some of the their first treacherous voyages around the world.repercussion & n. 反响& &&After being put out, service has received very good market repercussion. 服务推出后收到了非常好的市场反响.& &&The repercussions of this are still being felt today. 这种(地图投影法)的影响一直持续到如今。& & & & 】graphic & adj. 形象的,生动的;(对令人不快之事的描述)形象的,具体的,活灵活现的& &&The book gave a graphic description of the war. 这本书生动地描述了战争的情况.& &&The descriptions of sexual abuse are graphic. 这些性虐待的描写绘声绘色。& & Warning: Graphic content! & &(文章出现血腥暴力等令人不易接受场面之前的提示)(相关新闻,一架飞往澳大利亚的航班在起飞前,乘客反映飞行员出现不正常情况)vent &vt. 表达、发泄(情感)& &&The cabby gave vent to an angry shout. 出租车司机气得大吼一声。& & Passengers also said the pilot was venting about a divorce and US election. &乘客还说该飞行员一直在抱怨离婚的事情和美国大选。【belligerent & adj. (人)好斗的,好战的,寻衅的& &&In his first statement, Munoz apologized for "having to re-accommodate these customers." In his second statement, he described the passenger as "disruptive and belligerent." &在第一个声明中,(美联航CEO)Munoz为“不得不重新安置这些旅客”而道歉。在第二份声明中,他称该旅客是“扰乱秩序、无事生非“。& && & vt. 将(某物)翻新,改造,修补,修改& & All Italy's political parties have accepted that it is time to revamp the system. 所有的意大利政党都已经承认现在是时候对体制进行改组了。& &&The company has been trying to revamp its image after ranking near the bottom of airline customer satisfaction indexes for several years. It is updating its fleet and last year added free snacks, premium coffee, better Wi-Fi and upgraded airport lounges.& 在其顾客满意度连续几年排名垫底后,(美联航)公司已经在尝试修复其形象,包括飞机更新、从去年开始增加免费小吃、优质咖啡、质量更好的Wi-Fi并升级了机场休息室。& &&】shenanigan & n. &1.恶作剧 2.诡计,骗局& &&Do not pull any shenanigan on me! 别想对我耍什么花招.& &&financial shenanigans & 金融骗局& & business shenanigan & 商业诈骗【pre-emptive & adj.先发制人的According to a statement provided to CNN by officials in Pyongyang, the "current grim situation" justifies Pyongyang's "self-defensive and pre-emptive strike capabilities with the nuclear force at the core."&& && &v.&推(带轮子的物体)& & (配图文字)&Men wheel their bicycles through the Ryomyong Street complex. 人们推着自行车经过黎明大街建筑群(朝鲜新建的住宅项目)& &&They wheeled her out on the stretcher. 他们用担架床把她推了出去。stark & adj. 光秃秃的,僵硬的;(选择、陈述等)严峻的,令人不快的;(对比)鲜明的& &&The soldiers marched away, some singing patriotic songs, many seeming in awe of the shiny new capital they have been building, a stark contrast from the villages and towns where they're from. 士兵们列队离开,有些人唱着爱国歌曲,很多士兵似乎对于他们建造的辉煌的首都抱有一种敬畏,因为它与他们所来自的那些乡村和城镇形成一种鲜明的反差。& &&】
augur &vt. 预示,预言& &&The subsequent media coverage is rife with comparisons between Park and Trump, claiming that the impeachment of the former augurs the same fate for the latter. & 之后的媒体报导中充斥了大量对于朴槿惠和特朗普的对比,声称朴槿惠的弹劾预示着特朗普同样的命运。perjury n. 做伪证& &&She is possibly the first president of any democratic nation to be formally impeached for being embarrassing, stupid and indiscreet, and not for hard evidence of graft, corruption or perjury. & 她可能是民主国家第一个因为尴尬(?)、愚蠢和不谨慎而被弹劾的总统,而非是因为有明确的证据证明其贪污受贿或作伪证。Svengali & &英国小说家乔治·杜·莫里耶笔下塑造的用催眠术控制女主人公、使其惟命是从的音乐家&The word "svengali" has come to refer to a person who, with evil intent, dominates, manipulates, and controls a creative person such as a singer or an actor.(wikipedia)inexplicable & adj. 无法解释的,莫名其妙的& &&For an alleged Svengali, though, Choi appears to be surprisingly lacking in charm, which makes their association even more inexplicable to the Korean people. &尽管崔顺实(继承了她父亲的精神导师角色)据称是朴槿惠背后的操纵者,但她极度缺乏个人魅力,使得韩国民众对于这两人之间形成的关系感到莫名其妙。malfeasance & n. 不正当,不法行为,渎职 & & & & & ≈ misconduct& &&However, even if she had been clearly linked to financial malfeasance, this crime would have been secondary to the Korean public. & 然而尽管朴槿惠能够与财务方面的行为不当联系起来,但这种犯罪对韩国民众来说只是比较次要的那种。gross incompetence &严重不称职& &&In short, the answer to the following question, "Are you allowed to impeach a president for gross incompetence?" which Trump tweeted in 2014, is "no." Not in the United States, at least. Like it or not, it's the best way to prevent utter, near-apocalyptic chaos.& & 以上来自 &vt. 废除,撤销stifle & vt.&vi. (使)窒息,扼杀;克制住,忍住& & His hand shot to his mouth to stifle a giggle. 他赶紧捂住嘴,不让自己笑出声来。& &&It is best to stifle curiosity and leave birds' nests alone. 最好能克制住好奇心,不要去碰鸟巢。put on hold & 搁置,延期,暂停& &&The order directed the EPA to "suspend, revise, or rescind" actions related to the Obama-era rule, which it said "would stifle the American energy industry" but actually has been put on hold by the U.S. Supreme Court in February 2016. &行政命令指示EPA“叫停、修正或撤销”与奥巴马时代政策相关的行为,并称之“可能扼杀美国能源产业,但实际上这些行为已经在2016年2月被美国最高法院判定搁置了。lift & vt. 撤销,解除(法令等)disband & vt. 解散,遣散& &&The decree also lifted a ban on coal leasing on public lands and restrictions on the production of oil, natural gas, and shale energy, disbanded an interagency working group on the social cost of greenhouse gases, and revoked Obama's memorandums such as the one that addressed climate change and national security. &该法令也解除了禁止煤炭租用公共土地的规定和对石油、天然气、页岩气生产的限制,解散了一个针对温室气体社会成本的跨部门工作组,并撤销了奥巴马的备忘录,诸如关于气候变化与国家安全的。难点:句式解析(最后一句):Experts also questioned Trump's statement that the order will eventually help boost economic growth and job creation.&"The order will likely have limited impact on U.S. employment and economic growth," Jake Schmidt, international program director for the U.S.-based Natural Resources Defense Council, told Xinhua.&"If anything it may slow employment growth and economic development as one of the fastest growing sectors in the U.S. is the clean energy sector."& & 以上来自
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