
thane是什么意思 thane在线翻译 thane什么意思 thane的意思 thane的翻译 thane的解释 thane的发音 thane的同义词 thane的反义词 thane的例句
thane英 [θe?n] 美 [θe?n] thane 基本解释thane什么意思名词大乡绅,领主thane 网络解释1. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD1. 领主:风暴专精(StormMastery) 单一专精:风暴召唤者(Stormcaller) 大地专精:元素师(Elementalist) 战斗专精:领主(Thane) 死灵专精:神使(Oracle) 防御专精:圣武士(Paladin) 自然专精:德鲁伊(Druid) 狩猎专精:贤者(Sage) 盗贼专精:2. 伯爵:Thane 伯爵 | Laird 男爵 | Empereur 皇帝3. 武士随从 男性 古英语:Thaman 男性 印度 | Thane 武士随从 男性 古英语 | Thanos 高贵的 男性 希腊4. 赛恩(灯神):Rissa 瑞萨(水银) | Thane 赛恩(灯神) | Torosar 特洛萨(弩炮)thane 双语例句1. 1. After all, when you can equip alternate ammo without opening up a cluttered inventory screen, you stay connected to the moment, whether that consists of a heartfelt one-on-one encounter with a tormented Thane or an electrifying encounter with a thresher maw.&&&&毕竟,当你可以不打开装备了一个混乱的备用弹药库存屏幕,您保持连接到目前,无论是一个衷心之一,折磨领主或与脱粒机肚通电遇到对一遇到组成。2. During the feast, a thane named Unferth tries to get into a boasting match with Beowulf by accusing him of losing a swimming contest.&&&&庆典过程中,一位名叫恩费尔特的领主为了和贝奥武夫比赛投巨石,就讥讽他曾经输掉的游泳比赛。3. This paper reports the studies of a new type of low-foamed polyester-polyure- thane by TG analysis, and the obtained data of six samples are listed.&&&&用热重分析研究了本所研制的新型低发泡聚酯聚氨酯材料,测定出六种样品的热重数求据。4. Norway himself, With terrible numbers, Assisted by that most disloyal traitor The thane of Cawdor, beg Till that Bellona's bridegroom, lapp'd in proof, Confronted him with self-comparisons, Point against point rebellious, arm'gainst arm.&&&&挪威国君亲自率领了大队人马,靠着那个最奸恶的叛徒考特爵士的帮助,开始了一场惨酷的血战;后来麦克白披甲戴盔,和他势均力敌,刀来枪往,奋勇交锋,方才挫折了他的凶焰;胜利终于属我们所有。5. thane的近义词5. Thunder Thane: Large Creature, Teleport, Immunity to Lightning, Stormstrike, Stormbolt&&&&迅雷领主:大型生物,雷迅,电免疫,风暴打击,风暴箭6. thane什么意思6. HJ-thane PU14, should be applied over an epoxy priming system to achieve an extremely tough and long lasting system.&&&&PU14 可以涂装在环氧底漆系统上,达到极其坚韧和持久性。7. 7. EURO-thane PU14, should be applied over an epoxy priming system to achieve an extremely tough and long lasting system.&&&&PU14 可以涂装在环氧底漆系统上,达到极其坚韧和持久性。8. Thus, the description of the death of the treacherous Thane of Cawdor: Nothing became him in his life as the leaving of it.&&&&因此,对考德领主之死的描述有:「他的一生行事,从来不曾像他临终的时候那样得体。9. Which of these is the actual structure of thane?&&&&大乡绅的真实结构是这些当中哪一个?10. Make me thy cup and let my fullness be for thee and for thane.&&&&把我当做你的杯吧,让我为了你,而且为了你的人而盛满水吧。11. We have thane up some more flexible practice in foreign trade. this will benefit us both.&&&&&&我们在对外贸易中采取了一些比较灵活的做法。这将对我们彼此都有利。12. Or of thane own, were.&&&&&&或者你自己的庄园,也是这样13. By Sinel`s death, I know I am Thane of Glamis.&&&&&&因为萨诺之死我知道我现在是格兰斯王。14. Who was the thane lives yet, but under heavy judgement bears that life he deserves to lose.&&&&&&罗斯是的,他现在是还活着,但是因为那对他无可留情的判决会让他失去自己的生命。15. GENERAL EURO-thane PU14, is an excellent polyurethane finish, two pack product with good cosmetic properties.&&&&&&总述 PU14 是一种优异的聚氨酯面漆,双组份,有良好的装饰性能。16. GENERAL HJ-thane PU14, is an excellent polyurethane finish, two pack product with good cosmetic properties.&&&&&&总述 PU14 是一种优异的聚氨酯面漆,双组份,有良好的装饰性能。17. GENERAL EURO-thane PU14, is an excellent polyurethane finistwo pack product with good cosmetic properties.&&&&&&总述 PU14 是一种优异的聚氨酯面漆,双组份,有良好的装饰性能。18. 18. Faint explosions occurred in main condenser of an 6000 m_3/h oxygen plant. Me-thane was suspected to be the main harmful substance.&&&&&&某6000m~3/h制氧车间的主冷凝器出现微爆现象,怀疑甲烷是主要有害物。19. The chrism is on thane head, -- on mine, the dew&&&&&&可怜我,头上承受着凉透的夜露。20. 20. Experiments were performed on rats anesthetized with α - chloralose and ure-thane.&&&&&&实验在氯醛糖和尿酯混合麻醉的大鼠上进行。thane 英英释义noun1. a man ranking above an ordinary freeman and below a noble in Anglo-Saxon England (especially one who gave military service in exchange for land)2. a feudal lord or baronthane是什么意思,thane在线翻译,thane什么意思,thane的意思,thane的翻译,thane的解释,thane的发音,thane的同义词,thane的反义词,thane的例句,thane的相关词组,thane意思是什么,thane怎么翻译,单词thane是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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coward是什么意思 coward在线翻译 coward什么意思 coward的意思 coward的翻译 coward的解释 coward的发音 coward的同义词 coward的反义词 coward的例句
coward英 ['ka??d] 美 ['ka??rd] 第三人称复数:coward 基本解释名词胆小鬼,懦夫形容词怯懦的,胆小的coward 相关例句形容词1. There was a coward silence when the stern principal came in.&&&&严厉的校长走进来时,大家胆怯得不敢出声。名词1. 1. Only a coward would run from danger.&&&&只有懦夫才临危脱逃。coward 网络解释1. 懦夫:我想加州第一大检察官Attorney General Jerry Brown 如果知道他手下有如此黑心又懦夫(coward)的办案官员,他会哭的. 从Scheler的案子中她只能诬陷我性骚扰. 但是后来我与斯坦福某些教授交往过程中,又有人诬陷我,说我没有理由找他,2. 考沃德(姓氏):tank relief valves 油罐放气阀 | Coward 考沃德(姓氏) | respiratory movements 呼吸运动coward 双语例句1. When you say that when someone coward In fact, I already know you have been a guilty conscience.&&&&当你说别人孬种的时候我已经知道其实你一直在心虚。2. Still, I'm surprised that the coward wasn't able to outrun&&&&就是他!不过,我挺意外那个怕死鬼没能跑掉。。。3. Still, I'm surprised that the coward wasn't able to outrun that...sure must have been one hell of a jutsu.&&&&就是他!不過,我挺意外那個怕死鬼沒能跑掉。。。看來是個油菜的忍術啊。4. You are a coward.&&&&你系个怕死鬼。5. He is nothing but a chicken-hearted coward.&&&&他只是一个胆怯的懦夫。6. I'm a godsdamn coward, Brother.&&&&这就是我的阡悔,我是个胆小鬼7. I'll believe you are a coward for yourself, but not a cowardly betrayer of your best friend.&&&&我可以相信你自己是一个胆小的人,可总不会是一个怯懦地出卖你的最好的朋友的人吧。"8. Although the literary world has its reference to the actual world, it is more the inner world of the author than the outside one. In this way, Segalen transforms the last emperor of each dynasty in China into a coward or a hero, among whom Jie, the tyrant and the last emperor of Xia Dynasty, is given special attention.&&&&19世纪末20世纪初的法国作家谢阁兰一反自然主义文学观,认为文学构建的想象世界应是与现实世界平行的独立王国;想象世界虽然在现实中有参照物,但后者一旦进入作品,反映的与其说是现实,不如说是作者本人的内心世界。9. One thing I can't stand is a punk coward.&&&&我最不能忍受的就是这些无胆匪类10. Then, I look like a idiot but like a coward of love.&&&&就这样,我就像个笨蛋和爱情里的缩头乌龟。11. 11. China is a big, blustering coward.&&&&&&中国是个巨大,但又十分懦弱胆小的人。12. Confucius said this statement: he knows to be just did not dare cry out loud, but did not dare stand up to people, is useless coward; toward the established goal, indomitable spirit, integrity, devoted all our energies on the people who have not failed.&&&&&&孔子说过这样一句话:明知是正义的也不敢大声高喊,更不敢站出来的人,是没用的胆小鬼;向着既定目标,以百折不屈的精神,正直的倾注一切精力,就没有失败的人。13. coward在线翻译13. I was a coward on instinct, I and I shall think the better of myself and thee during my life, —I fora valiant lion, and thou for a true prince.&&&&&&我将要把这一件事情终身引为自豪,并且因此而格外看重你;我是一头勇敢的狮子,你是一位货真价实的王子。14. Speak not to a woman about her rival, nor to a coward about war, to a merchant about business, to a buyer about value, to a miser about generosity, to a cruel man about mercy, to a lazy man about work, to a seasonal laborer about the harvest, to an idle slave about a great task: pay no attention to any advice they give.&&&&&&不要同妇女谈论她的情敌,不要同胆怯的人谈论作战的事,不要同商人谈论交易的事,不要同买主商议出卖的事,不要与负心人谈论感恩的事;不要和残忍的人提到慈善的事,不要同放荡的人谈及廉节的事,不要和怠惰的人商议任何劳力的事;不要和长年的佣工讨论年底的事,不要和懒惰的奴仆讨论繁重的工作:对这些人,在这一切事上,你不用作任何商议15. When you are old, you will understand, you should not be so coward in those years.&&&&&&等你老去的时候,你才明白,当年的怯懦是那么的不应该。。。。。。16. You do not know that I am an old coward.&&&&&&你还不知道我是个老胆小鬼。17. No, I am not a coward.&&&&&&不,我不是个胆小鬼。18. The brand of a coward is a liability in a military career.&&&&&&懦夫的污名对戎马生涯是不利8 tT 的。19. I am free! Free of the coward *** and his gutless followers.&&&&&&我自由了!从那个胆小的***和他怯懦的追随者手中得到了自由。20. coward在线翻译20. With all his boasting, he is a coward.&&&&&&尽管他大吹大擂,但他还是个胆小鬼。coward 词典解释1. 胆小鬼;懦夫;胆怯者&&&&If you call someone a coward, you disapprove of them because they are easily frightened and avoid dangerous or difficult situations.&&&&e.g. She accused her husband of being a coward.&&&&&&&&&&&她指责丈夫胆小懦弱。coward 单语例句1. A man turned to crime in a harebrained effort to impress his girlfriend after she had constantly taunted him for being a coward.2. He was subsequently mocked as " a coward, a typical Shanghai man ".3. The court heard that she called Kubo a coward, that she wanted to end their relationship and even said she hated him.4. Maybe some people see Gadhafi as a martyr and Mubarak a coward.5. To many she is a traitor, a coward and a parasite.coward 英英释义noun1. a person who shows fear or timiditycoward是什么意思,coward在线翻译,coward什么意思,coward的意思,coward的翻译,coward的解释,coward的发音,coward的同义词,coward的反义词,coward的例句,coward的相关词组,coward意思是什么,coward怎么翻译,单词coward是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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trek是什么意思 trek在线翻译 trek什么意思 trek的意思 trek的翻译 trek的解释 trek的发音 trek的同义词 trek的反义词 trek的例句 trek的相关词组
trek英 [trek] 美 [tr?k] 第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:trek 基本解释动词长途跋涉; 徒步旅行; 拖着腿走; (牛)拉货车名词长途跋涉; 艰难的旅程; 远距离行走trek 网络解释1. 艰苦跋涉:stereotype 成见 | traitor 背叛者 | trek艰苦跋涉2. 旅行;长途跋涉:take it easy 从容;轻松;不紧张 | trek 旅行;长途跋涉 | jungle 热带丛林3. 长途跋涉之旅:subway 地铁 | trespass in national airspace 侵犯领空 | trek 长途跋涉之旅trek 双语例句1. 1. In 1968, NBC`s Star Trek showed the first interracial kiss on TV.&&&&1968年,美国NBC明星特克在电视上秀出了第一个不同人种之间的吻。2. They've worked on films like Blade Runner and the original Star Trek.&&&&他们在刀锋战士和最早的星际旅行里工作过。3. trek是什么意思3. At present, our clients in Beijing include foreign staff of ISB, TREK, TMS, McDonald's, Our Game, IT POWER, BISS, Nokia, SUBWAY, SIEMENS and several Embassies in Beijing.&&&&在中小企业商用 IT 市场上,同舟联达有一套完整的系统集成解决方案及丰富的实践经验,充分考虑了中小型企业规模不大,要求高时效的特点。4. 4. The Best of Star Trek: The Original Series, Vol.&&&&该迷航最佳明星:原系列,卷。225. For an adventure in the jungle, consider trekking in northern, Thailand. As you trek, you walk in the mountains and pass rivers and waterfalls.&&&&在丛林地带探险,你可以考虑在泰北的徒步游,当你徒步游的时候,你翻山越岭,穿河流涉瀑布。6. I was excited about the coming trek while Tsedo River runs through the town with loud sound throughout the night.&&&&而这个夜晚,躺在酒店床上,听到折多河水哗哗地穿过康定城区,有一种莫名的激动。7. Depending on your favorite sci-fi yarns, teleportation is either a very, very bad idea (see: The Fly) or a very, very cool one (see: Star Trek).&&&&在不同的科幻小说中,隔空传物要么被描述成了一个非常、非常糟糕的想法,要么是一件很酷、很酷的事情。8. Patricia has made guest appearances in a variety of television shows including Starman, Murder, She Wrote, MacGyver, Matlock, and Star Trek: The Next Generation in the season 1 episode entitled Angel One as Ariel.&&&&帕特里夏取得了客户露面,在各种电视节目,包括星人,杀人,抢劫,她写道,macgyver ,马特洛克,和星际迷航:下一代在赛季一集名为天使之一,因为以色列。9. Our life is so hectic and full of pressures that I would like to be somewhere with great natural scenery in my free time, where I can either sunbathe on the beach or trek in the mountain. Mother Nature helps me unwind and relax.&&&&生活这样繁忙,压力如此之大,只有秀美的自然风光才能令我放松,或享受太阳浴,或在山间漫步,随心所欲。10. Miracle in the Andes: 72 Days on the Mountain and My Long Trek Home Nando Parrado, with Vince Rause.&&&&全书的用词、句构、细腻描述及语意对比等,都是最佳的文法分析实例。11. Sometimes the trek up the mountain is tough. But, I know we'll get there.&&&&&&我知道前面有刀山火海,但是我坚信我们能够到达胜利的彼岸!12. Jack: Mainly people on the Sci-fi show Star Trek.&&&&&&杰克:电影《星际旅行》中很多人这样说。13. We had to really figure out what the tone of the show was and how to do a sci-fi show that people who haven't seen every episode of Star Trek can understand, and we always worked really hard to try to have a personal story or an emotional story in there with the sci-fi backdrop that people could appreciate on a level as just as human beings...&&&&&&我们要确定本片的基调,要确定如何制作一部让没看过《星际旅行》的观众都能理解的科幻故事。我们的定位是制作一部有着科幻背景的感情戏,这样观众会以人性的角度欣赏这部剧集,就算不是科幻迷也能喜爱本片。14. Over the next two days Nobundo made the arduous trek with the wind always at his back, always whispering in his ear.&&&&&&接下来的两天,努波顿翻山涉水,长途跋涉,一路上,总是有风儿在他身后推着他,在他耳边细语。15. If you enjoy technology, then you will especially enjoy the Trek 6500 bicycle.&&&&&&如果你喜欢的技术,那麼你会特别欣赏迷航6500自行车。16. 16. Gonadotropin hormone-releasing hormone- 1 (GnRH-1) neurons begin life with a long trek from their birthplace in the nasal placode along olfactory nere tracts to their permanent home in the hypothalamus.&&&&&&促性腺激素释放荷尔蒙-1(GnRH-1)神经元在鼻板生成并开始其一生的长途跋涉,延嗅觉神经通道到达它们位于脑视丘下部的永久住处。17. Moreover, any Dodge vehicles that make the trek to Europe will likely be badged as Alfa Romeos.&&&&&&此外,任何道奇汽车的长途跋涉,使欧洲将可能标记为阿尔法罗密欧。18. In nature, pigs avoid filth and will trek and root over 9 miles during a 24-hour period.&&&&&&在自然界中,猪会避免污物,并有能力於24小时内跋涉超过九英里。19. 19. They made the arduous trek over Indian trails, crossing the Niagara River to settle in what we now call Ontario.&&&&&&他们经过艰难跋涉,沿着印第安人的足迹,渡过尼亚加拉河,在今天我们称之为安大略的地方定居下来。20. 20. Instead, he joined the exile leader—after a daring late-December trek over the Himalaya.&&&&&&然而,他在12月末,经过勇敢的艰苦跋涉,跨越喜马拉雅之后,加入了流亡领导。trek 词典解释1. (通常指徒步)艰难旅行,跋涉,远足&&&&If you trek somewhere, you go on a journey across difficult country, usually on foot.&&&&e.g. ...trekking through the jungles...&&&&&&&&&&&徒步穿过丛林&&&&e.g. This year we're going trekking in Nepal.&&&&&&&&&&&今年我们准备去尼泊尔远足。2. (通常因疲惫而缓慢勉强地)行进,拖着腿走&&&&If you trek somewhere, you go there rather slowly and unwillingly, usually because you are tired.&&&&e.g. They trekked from shop to shop in search of white knee-length socks.&&&&&&&&&&&他们拖着步子从一家商店走到另一家,寻找齐膝的白袜子。trek 单语例句1. The three insist they entered Iran by mistake after getting lost during a trek in Iraqi Kurdistan.2. Tom Cruise has signed up to make a cameo appearance in the upcoming Star Trek film as a favour to his friend JJ Abrams.3. But scientists warn that climatic uncertainty now threatens to turn the grasslands through which they trek into a desert.4. There are viewing platforms and seats along the mountain path leading to Huangguoshu, and a contemplative minute or two will make the trek worthwhile.5. They rise at the crack of dawn, harness their horses and trek up the mountainside.6. A thick top crust of snow made a trek across the region's Turba peat bogs particularly difficult.7. While she was away on a charity trek up Mount Kilimanjaro earlier this month, husband Ashley was fined for being drunk and disorderly following a row with paparazzi.8. They start the morning with a downhill trek to fetch fresh water.9. During the dry season the villagers have to trek many kilometers to get water from a well.10. The company managers had previously said they would embark on the trek if they were unable to meet their annual working target.trektrek 英英释义noun1. any long and difficult trip2. a journey by ox wagon (especially an organized migration by a group of settlers)verb1. make a long and difficult journey&&&&e.g. They trekked towards the North Pole with sleds and skis2. journey on foot, especially in the mountains&&&&e.g. We spent the summer trekking in the foothills of the Himalayastrek是什么意思,trek在线翻译,trek什么意思,trek的意思,trek的翻译,trek的解释,trek的发音,trek的同义词,trek的反义词,trek的例句,trek的相关词组,trek意思是什么,trek怎么翻译,单词trek是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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