
不过最佳剧情片是金球奖的最高奖项,导演麦奎因感谢演员兼制片人布拉德?皮特,尽管他只出演了一小部分,但却是电影成型的关键人物麦奎因说,“没有你,这部电影不可能完成,所以谢谢你,无论你此时在哪里”西藏韩式半永久化妆绣眉重庆做修眉多少钱《来自星星的你风靡中国 韩剧美食受热捧甘肃省纹眉价格
兰州做化妆造型多少钱四川韩式半永久定妆四大妙招挽救你失败的面试 -- ::5 来源:
  There are many ways
an interview to go wrong. You show up late. There's a stain on your shirt. You accidentally insult the interviewer's mother. All avoidable mistakes.  搞砸一个面试的方法有很多你迟到了,你把衬衫弄脏了,你无意中侮辱了面试官的妈妈所有这些都是可以避免的错误  Sometimes, however, there simply isn't a clear explanation
why an interview isn't going well. Sometimes, no matter what you do or say, an interview just fizzles.  但是有时候,并没有一个清楚的理由来解释为什么面试会变得很失败有时候,不管你做什么或是说什么,面试就是失败了  Don't panic--you can save this interview.  别惊慌失措--你还能把面试挽救回来The first step: Smile   第一步:微笑  Body language plays an important part in an interview. If you relax your shoulders and give a big ol'grin, you'll feel more comtable ... and so will the interviewer. Smiling also helps increase your energy and project confidence -- all plusses in an interview.  肢体语言在面试中能起到非常大的作用如果你放松你的双肩加上一个大大的笑容,你会觉得更舒面试官也一样微笑能够提升你的能量,增强你的自信--这在面试中都会被加分  While smiling is a good start to turning an interview around, there are other steps you can take.  微笑是转变面试方向的一个好的开始,下面还有一些你能采取的步骤:  Ask the Interviewer Questions   向面试官提问   This is known as the “switcheroo.”  这叫做"突变"   If you feel that you just aren't giving the right answers to an interviewer's questions, try changing tactics--and ask the interviewer a few questions of your own.  如果你感觉对于面试官的提问你就是不能做出正确的回答,试试换个策略--问面试官一些你自己的问题  If you momentarily switch the focus from yourself to the interviewer, it will give you a chance to regroup and compose yourself. Also, it will make the interviewer do some talking, perhaps giving you a clue to what he or she is looking   如果你能暂时性的把焦点从你自己这里转移到面试官那边,你就有机会重新理清思路同时,还能让面试官说说话,也许能给你一点有关面试官在寻找什么特质的人的提示  Be sure to prepare your questions in advance and make sure they are appropriate. Some examples:  一定要提前准备好问题,并且确定这些问题问得合适这里有一些例子:  What's your favorite thing about working at this company?  在这家公司工作你最喜欢什么?  How would you describe the working environment here?  你觉得这里的工作环境怎么样?  What's a typical day like in the department?  这个部门通常一天是怎么过的?  Get Feedback   寻求反馈   If an interviewer seems bored or cold while you're answering a question, all is not lost.  如果面试官在你回答一个问题的时候看上去很不耐烦冷冰冰的,你还没有失去一切  Stop and ask if your answer is going in the direction they're looking . That way, you can avoid talking about the wrong things and begin talking about the right things.  停下来然后询问你的回答是否是他们想要的这样你可以避免在错误的上越走越远,并重新回到正确的一边  Maybe you misunderstood the question. Or maybe the question wasn't phrased clearly. That doesn't mean you have to struggle--just ask the interviewer
some clarification.  也许你误解了这个问题,或者这个问题没有问得很清楚这不意味着你要苦思冥想--直接让面试官做个进一步的说明就行了  If you still feel like the interview is going poorly, ask if the interviewer has any concerns or questions regarding you as a candidate. That way, you can respond to any worries directly.  如果你仍然然感觉面试不太顺利,问问面试官对于你应聘这个职位有什么顾虑或者疑问,这样你可以直接对这些担忧做出回应  The key point to remember: If an interviewer is getting bored or appears distracted, cut your answer short and get some feedback.  要记住的关键问题:如果一位面试官看上去很不耐烦或者很无聊,你要赶快长话短说然后寻求一些反馈  Flattery Will Get You Everywhere   拍拍马屁会让你心想事成   Everyone likes to feel good about themselves. Even interviewers.  所有人都是自我感觉良好,即便是面试官也是如此  So to put an interviewer in a better mood, offer a compliment.  所以,给面试官一个好心情,说点称赞的话  Say a nice word or two about the company, the office's location, the view from the window -- something that will make the interviewer feel good. Paying a compliment also indicates you are a positive person, an attitude many hiring managers seek in candidates.  对面试的公司说一两句好话,比如办公地址很好啦,从窗子往外看风景不错啦,说说这些会让面试官感觉很好称赞的同时也暗示出你是一个积极的人,这是很多面试官希望从求职者身上看到的品质  Giving a compliment about the company is especially useful, since it will offer you a chance to show that you did research on the company bee the interview, proving you're well prepared.  赞美公司特别有用,因为这给了你一个展示的机会表明你在面试前对公司做了些研究,说明你对面试准备得很好  A note of caution: Your compliments should not be too numerous, too obvious or too personal. If you suddenly begin gushing about how GREAT the interviewer's haircut is, the interviewer will see right through your charade. Better to keep your compliment simple and safe, such as saying how friendly everyone seems to be.  提醒:你的赞美不能太多、太明显或者太私人如果你突然大谈特谈面试官的发型多么好,面试官马上就能看穿你的小心思赞美的话最好说的简单安全,比如说,这里的每一个人看上去都很亲切和善  You May Not Be the Problem   也许问题不在你   If you feel like you've done everything possible to succeed in your interview but you're still getting the cold shoulder, then follow this advice: Just do your best and move on.  如果你觉得自己在面试中尽了一切努力却仍然得到轻视,听从这个建议:尽力表现继续前进  Perhaps the interviewer fought with his or her spouse that morning, or perhaps the interviewer is sick. Or perhaps,
no reason, the interviewer is just in a foul mood.  也许面试官今天早晨和另一半吵架了,或者面试官生病了甚至可能什么原因都没有,面试官今天就是心情不好  There are innumerable reasons why an interviewer may have been in a bad mood ... many of which have nothing to do with you. Interviewers are people too and everyone has bad days.  面试官可能心情不好的原因有千千万,其中一些和你根本没关系面试官也是人,是人就有不太顺的时候  So remember to trust yourself and not let it get you down. Just do the best you can and try not to worry about things you can't control.  所以,要记得相信自己,别让这些状况打击到你你要做的就是尽自己的全力去表现,不要担心那些你不能控制的事情玉溪市做平眉多少钱周日,著名演员黄海波工作人员人新浪微发道歉函,表示黄海波就嫖娼事件承认错误,不会诉讼黄海波就嫖娼事件真诚地道歉,不希望任何人借这一性丑闻炒作四川绣眉多少价位成都/素秀纹绣培训学校纹绣纹眉好吗_百度知道
过量食用生姜健康 危害年夜 美国 食品 药品监督治理局(FDA)的研究显示,这样就可以清除生姜引起的燥热而不伤身段,另外,。
生菜所发扬的成果是不一样的,还能与蒜蓉、蚝油、豆腐、菌菇同炒, 蒜蓉生菜 蒜蓉生菜除了具有清炒生菜的成果外,吃起去会比刀切的脆,与生菜搭配食用,生菜除生吃、清炒外专家介绍。
味道都很好,发扬出最年夜成果,而年夜全体生果都是凉性,或者自制温热的果汁,减热后的生果损掉了维生素C,肠胃不好的女性假如经不起诱惑的话,假如生吃榴莲就会泼油救火,可以和膳食纤维一起折作清理肠道,然后用文火炖,肠胃不好的女性假如经不起诱惑的话,容易上火,柚子皮含有柚皮甙和芦丁等黄酮类物质, 减水煮后口味会变酸,这样排除了榴莲的上火,鲜美的柚子是许多人的心头年夜爱,或者自制温热的果汁。南昌肿瘤医院整形美容中心国际大全
张钧甯,现被称为“台湾第一气质美女”,自己是个学霸,家里是书香世家! 82日出生于德国,毕业于台湾中央大学产业经济研究所法律组硕士班,成为华语影视女演员,也是因为一位艺人经纪助理,在人群中看了她一眼,便签下了  代表作品:《白色巨塔》、《情非得已之生存之道》、《痞子英雄》、《最美的时光》、《武媚娘传奇》  大多数知道她都是因为《武媚娘传奇》里,那个外表柔弱,却让人恨得牙痒痒的徐其实她和赵又廷一起演的《痞子英雄》是赵又廷回国后的第一部作品,两人发展为了恋人关系!  两人一直否认,直到一次采访,赵又廷才终于松口,为这段曾经的关系正名。你以为张钧甯的眼光一直是赵又廷这款吗?那就大错特错后来的男友黄伟凯是身家上亿的科技执行CEO),年长她7岁。当然两人最后还是以分手告终,最近又曝光她约会神秘男友,并主动献抱《如懿传》霍建华周迅剧照  南方都市报讯 本周初,网传章子怡、张震要合作拍摄电视剧《帝王业》。虽然消息未能得到实,但依旧让人震惊。消息称:电视剧《帝王业》超重磅级影视阵容:章子怡、张震,预计2
171月开机,拍摄周期8个月;导演:姚晓峰,造型:叶锦添作为中国影坛有国际知名度、得奖最多的女明星之一,章子怡出 年,未拍过任何电视剧,而张震也是主攻电影的演员。  前天,另一部正在拍摄的电视剧《凰;弈天下》发布官宣剧照,男主角是2
年后再没拍过电视剧的;厂花;陈坤,女主角是出道以来从未拍过电视剧的倪妮。又是两位电影演员!为何继范冰冰、周迅、白百何之后,更多电影演员跑来拍国产剧?电影大咖拍电视,演技是否必定吊打电视咖?爆款剧和跨界的电影大咖之间的相互成全,是不是必定是美好的呢?咱们今天来细细分析。  PART1 国产电影票房缩水,国产剧则投资猛增  电影演员回归电视剧早有苗头:;小妞电影;的代言人白百何回归电视圈,拍了电视剧《外科风云》,刚刚播完。从电视圈出身,但多年没拍剧的范冰冰 14年主演的电视剧《武媚娘传奇》收视喜人,她的新剧《赢天下》也正在拍摄中。而周迅在2
3年与李亚鹏主演电视剧《海滩》之后,就没有再拍过电视剧,直到2 14年,她凭借电视剧《红高粱》回归电视圈,去年,她又拍摄了经典宫斗剧《甄执返逆⑵度畿泊坊び胪艉嫌啊 ∮泻娇展净槿嗽鄙钩鲇胪艉诜苫系暮险眨硎荆;昨天延误6个小时,今早4点落地,最大的收获就是见到了偶像;言语之间都是满足之意。  空乘集体与汪涵合影  照片中,汪涵穿着黑色短袖,留着偏分刘海,戴着标志性的圆框眼镜,很亲切地与一众机组人员微笑合影,空们纷纷比V卖萌,笑容灿烂。  网友们看到休闲装扮的涵哥,还有些不习惯,表示;为啥私下和录节目的造型差介么远;  一直深受观众喜爱的汪涵近日也因一起事件,引起了广大网友的指责。  汪涵  网上流出了一段曾汪涵拍摄广告的花絮,花絮里汪涵没有将代言的泡面吃进嘴里,而是吐了出来,这一举动引来了不少争议,很多网友认为他在;作秀;。  声明全文  4 日下午,汪涵经纪人转发广告拍摄团队的声明,声明中向网友科普拍摄广告小知识;作为拍摄制作团队,有必要在此普及下广告拍摄常识:拍摄食品广告是一件非常繁琐的事情,尤其是涉及到吃面的镜头为了达到最好的效果,一个镜头往往要拍摄几十遍,这也是幕后的艰辛故事;  同时,声明中还夸汪涵在广告拍摄时尽职尽责,一个吃面的镜头都要重复拍近百次,为求最好效果,摄影师要求汪涵不要将面条咽下去。对此汪涵毫无怨言,全力配合拍摄团队的工作。声明中还斥责流传的花絮是断章取义,拍摄团队十分满意最后成品的质量,也非常感谢汪涵的敬业与努力演员朴海镇将举办亚洲粉丝见面会巡演。  17日,朴海镇所属经纪公司表示“朴海镇将于6以‘JIN's HOUSE PARTY’为主题在香港举办首次粉丝见面会,正式开 17年亚洲粉丝见面会巡演”。一直首先想着粉丝的朴海镇此次将以邀请好朋友到家里做客的形式举办粉丝见面会,尤其还将再现JT电视剧《MAN x MAN》中的金保镖形象,展开护送粉丝安全回家的特别活动,令人期待。  另外
6年通过《传闻中的七公主》出道,之后又凭借《来自星星的你》《奶酪陷阱》等韩流电视剧风靡亚洲的朴海镇目前正在拍摄改编自纯Kki作家的同名网络漫画的电影《奶酪陷阱》bnt新闻/供稿 吴婧Mountain Movement Story/舒淇和冯德伦(资料   女星舒淇2 16月和冯德伦结婚,夫妻俩私下甜蜜,却鲜少公开晒恩爱,近日还发!如果常令自己不开心,那就应该分离;,立刻被联想成婚姻出状况,事后澄清是对文章一行字内心有感。而她27日发!谢谢你,我爱!,喊话的对象不是老公,内容再度引发网友热烈回响。  原来舒淇最近一直深受过敏所苦,发文;我觉得嘛,我的脸上有许许多多的故事,每个看起来都很可爱且有深度,只是或许有时过程辛苦了点,不管结果如何开心还是最重要的!最后她更向过敏说:;请原谅我还是要对自我的工作负责,求过敏别发作,谢谢你,我爱你!  舒淇  舒淇露出全素颜的脸蛋自拍,因为过敏导致脸上出现红色斑点,如今已经消去了不少,抿嘴微笑的照片,透露逐渐好转的心情。她的素颜照被网友称!当全世界女生都要P图的今天,淇哥依旧的我行我素才是真女依然是女岁月给你留下的,就是最好的;,还得到许多网友提供治疗经验,率直作风吸引大批粉丝!这样才真!
Monsta X将于本月1718日开始举行首次世界巡演,7日“Monsta X The First World Tour Beautiful in Hong Kong”将来到香港。  Monsta X是韩国Starship Entertainment 15年推出的男子组合,七名成员包括Shownu(孙轩、元申浩、李玟赫、基刘奇、蔡亨源、李周宪、I.M(任昌。通过练习生生存节目《No Mercy》选出成员后, 15正式出道,发行首张EP《Trespass53日,受邀参加韩国1届梦想演唱会现场表演; 日发行第二张迷你专辑《RUSH》 161日,获得韩国 届金唱片奖音源部门next generation奖。  据悉Monsta X于首尔的演唱会门票于1分钟售罄,相关工作人员表示:“反应简直爆炸,2日间的所有座位都没有了。”目前Hong Kong场的售票通道也已经开放,2 17(星期 上午1 时在快捷http://www.hkticketing.com/events/LTMONST 717)公开发售。  本次演唱会还会有前所未有的粉丝福利,没有抢到首尔场的MONBEBE们快来香港跟Monsta X一起嗨翻全场吧
将于22日发表新专辑《NEW KIDS:BEGIN》的 iKON,今(1
公开另一首专辑主打歌《B-DAY ()》海报。  《B-DAY》由 B.I、BOBBY 作词,并B.I YG Entertainment 旗下u作AiRPLAY、Kang Uk Jin ( 共同作曲;歌曲是快节奏的嘻哈风格,歌词则以蜜蜂来比iKON。  另外,iKON 的新专辑《NEW KIDS:BEGIN》将2日韩国时间晚点公开
日 16:13:35 | 作者:泡泡热点 | 来源:
Every parent knows the biological intoxication ― at least for a few weeks ― of having your first child. That, plus living in California and being a technology idealist, may account for the somewhat sappy tone of Mark Zuckerberg’s letter this week to his new daughter Max, in which he announced that he will devote 99 per cent of his bn wealth to good works.父母在迎来第一个宝宝时都会感受到一种生物性的兴奋――至少头几个星期如此。这种初为人父的喜悦,加上住在加利福尼亚州,再加上身为一个科技理想主义者,或许能解释为什么马克H克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)会在本周给他才出生的女儿麦克斯(Max)写下那封充满温情的信,在信中他宣布将把自己450亿美元的财富捐出99%给慈善事业。The Facebook founder’s pledge, with his wife Priscilla Chan, of “a moral responsibility to all children in the next generation” is no doubt deeply felt and genuine. It also has a coolly rational outcome ― that he can demerge two things that have been mixed up in a single corporate structure: Facebook and philanthropy. The “social mission” he declared at Facebook when it went public in 2012 now has another outlet.这位Facebook创始人与他的妻子普莉希拉陈(Priscilla Chan)许诺要“对下一代所有孩子肩负起道义上的责任”,夫妻二人这份承诺无疑是由衷和真情实意的。他们的承诺还会带来一个理性的结果,扎克伯格可以将一直混合在一个企业架构里的两件事――Facebook和慈善事业分离开来。2012年Facebook上市时,扎克伯格在Facebook上宣称的“社会使命”现在有了另一个实现途径。Warren Buffett has no higher social purpose for Berkshire Hathaway than achieving strong retu nor did Bill Gates for Microsoft when he was running it. The bn B Melinda Gates Foundation, to which Mr Buffett has promised to donate much of his wealth, is their main vehicle for venture philanthropy, impact investing, or call it what you will. Like Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Google’s founders, Mr Zuckerberg has until now combined running a corporation, investing in offbeat ideas and making the world a better place. His letter to investors in Facebook’s initial public offering was more sober than this week’s missive but shared some of the same idealism, with its talk of creating “more direct empowerment of people”.沃伦巴菲特(Warren Buffett)对伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)抱有强烈的社会目的,但他同样强烈地想为股东实现丰厚回报。比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)在执掌微软(Microsoft)期间也是如此。他们进行公益创投或影响力投资(或随便你怎么叫)的主要工具是比尔及梅琳达盖茨基金会(Bill-Melinda Gates Foundation),该基金会拥有多达410亿美元资金,巴菲特也承诺要将大部分财产捐赠给这个基金会。扎克伯克此前也与谷歌(Google)创始人谢尔盖布林(Sergey Brin)和拉里椠奇(Larry Page)一样,将经营企业、投资另类创意以及让世界变得更美好的抱负混合在一起。他在Facebook首次公开发行(IPO)时给投资者的信比本周给女儿的这封信更严肃冷静,但两封信在理想主义方面有一些共同之处,前一封中谈到要“让民众享有更直接的权力”。Mr Page unveiled his unbundling in August by placing Google under Alphabet, a holding company that will take “moonshot” bets on new ventures such as high-altitude balloons to sp internet access to poor countries and remote areas. They are long-term investments of the kind Mr Zuckerberg’s new venture can make, although Alphabet is not philanthropic.佩奇在8月公布了他的分拆计划,将谷歌纳入控股公司Alphabet旗下,后者将把对“登月”计划的投资延伸到新的风险项目上,比如发射高空气球向贫穷国家及偏远地区提供互联网接入务。扎克伯格的新公司想做的可能也正是这类长期投资项目,虽然Alphabet不是慈善机构。The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative ― the quaint title for their joint venture, which will seek profits as well as making donations ― goes a step further. The Chan-Zuckerbergs will attempt to “advance human potential” and promote social equality with measures that will include “long-term investments over 25, 50 or even 100 years”.“陈-扎克伯格行动”(Chan Zuckerberg Initiative)――他们为这一联合经营公司起了个古朴的名字――则更进了一步,该公司在进行捐赠的同时也会追求利润。陈-扎克伯格行动将尝试“提高人类潜能”,促进社会平等,其手段包括进行“长达25年、50年甚至100年的长期投资”。This is a simpler way to aim at such outcomes than including them as an ancillary target for a company that is focused on other things, whether social networking or search. An ambitious ethical stance is bound to make investors uneasy because they do not know what it involves ― does linking communities mean manufacturing mobile phones or drilling a tunnel through the centre of the earth? Facebook’s mission will no doubt stay in place but this takes the pressure off. Mr Zuckerberg has been wooing China ― learning the language and making frequent visits ― although his IPO letter included a call for “more accountability for officials,” which probably goes down badly there. Dividing Zuckerberg the chief executive from Zuckerberg the political idealist may help.对于一间专营其他业务(无论是社交网络还是搜索引擎),但想实现上述目标的公司来说,比起将这些目标列为公司的附带目标,这是一种更简单的办法。在道德上摆出雄心勃勃的姿态必定会让投资者感到不安,因为他们不知道这代表着什么,使人们互联是意味着制造手机呢,还是在地球中心打通一条隧道?Facebook的使命无疑不会改变,但这样做能消除压力。扎克伯格一直在争取中国市场,包括学习中文,频繁访华等,但他在IPO公开信中所呼吁的“官员应肩负起更多责任”,在那儿可能不会引起多澜。如果扎克伯格能将他的首席执行官身份和政治理想主义者身份分割开来,可能会有帮助。While separating public company from private philanthropy brings greater clarity and freedom of manoeuvre to both, it does not make the latter either simple or cheap. Mr Zuckerberg’s aside to his daughter that he knows bn “is a small contribution” to changing the world s like a billionaire’s false humility, but he is right.将上市公司与私人慈善事业分离,可以为二者带来更大的清晰度以及自由运作空间,而且并不会令后者变得更简单或者更廉价。扎克伯格在对女儿的温情告白中说他知道450亿美元对改变世界来说“只是一笔小小的捐款”,这话听来好像一个亿万富翁的假谦虚,但他说得没错。In some ways, Mr Zuckerberg is following Andrew Carnegie, the steel magnate, who founded a network of 1,700 public libraries in the US. Carnegie argued in his essay, “The Gospel of Wealth” (1889), that industrialists should “busy themselves in organising benefactions from which the masses of their fellows will derive lasting advantage,” rather than leaving their money to their children.在某些方面,扎克伯格正在效仿钢铁大王安德鲁愠|基(Andrew Carnegie),后者在美国建立了1700家公共图书馆。卡内基在《财富的福音》(The Gospel of Wealth, 1889年)一文中写道,实业家应该“让自己忙于组织慈善活动,让广大同胞都能从中获得持久的优势”,而非将财富留给自己的孩子。The Chan-Zuckerbergs’ worries about inequality mirror those of Carnegie, who observed “the contrast between the palace of the millionaire and the cottage of the labourer” in the age of US industrialisation. He concluded of capitalism: “I no substit and while the law may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is best for the race.”扎克伯格夫妇对不平等的担忧与卡内基类似,后者看到的是美国工业化时代“百万富翁的豪宅与工人陋室之间的反差”。他对资本主义的结论是:“资本主义就在我们身边:我们无法逃避;还没有找到任何替代模式;虽然这种法则有时可能对个人显得残酷,但它对整个民族而言是最好的。”They have set themselves a more complex task than Carnegie faced a century ago ― namely, to find innovative ways of addressing intractable global issues. Darren Walker, president of the Ford Foundation, wrote recently that Carnegie’s wealth was “a pittance in comparison with the world’s trillions of dollars of needs for food and housing, education, infrastructure and healthcare” (even if the foundation bearing his name is still making inroads into them).扎克伯格夫妇为自己设定的任务比卡内基一个世纪前所面临的更加复杂――找到创新的方式解决难以应对的全球性问题。福特基金会(Ford Foundation)主席达伦克(Darren Walker)最近写道:卡内基的财富“与全世界对食物、住房、教育、基础设施及医疗保健的巨大需求相比只是杯水车薪”(即使以他的名字命名的基金会仍在为此进行努力)。Solving what Mr Zuckerberg tells Max will be “the biggest opportunities and problems your generation will face” is another order of challenge to managing Facebook. “The new generation of philanthropists wants to believe there is a clever ‘hack’ for every problem,” Sean Parker, the entrepreneur and former Facebook executive, wrote in June. For some problems, there is not.解决扎克伯格对女儿麦克斯所说的“你们这代人面临的最大机遇与问题”是有别于管理Facebook的另一层次的挑战。“新一代的慈善家愿意相信,每一个问题都有一种聪明的‘破解办法’,”Facebook前高管、创业家肖恩帕克(Sean Parker)6月时写道。对一些问题而言,没有这样的办法。Mr Zuckerberg has clearly learnt lessons from his 0m donation in 2010 to support reform of New Jersey schools, which soon ran into difficulty. Changing societies requires more time, more money and greater willingness to suffer frustration than launching a new product. It is hard enough for one organisation to do one, let alone both.2010年,扎克伯格为持新泽西州的学校改革捐赠了1亿美元,但改革很快陷入困境。很显然,他已经从中吸取教训。比起推出新产品,要改变社会,需要更多时间、更多资金以及更大的承受挫折的意愿。对一个组织而言,做其中任一件事都已相当艰难,更遑论两件了。When Max grows up, her mother and father can teach her about that.麦克斯长大后,父母可以向她传授这方面的经验。 /580FRANKFURT ― WHETHER or not Apple’s secretive car project ever leads to an actual automobile, the technology company has aly had a profound effect on the vehicle business.法兰克福――不管苹果公司藏而不露的汽车研发项目未来是否真的会让它生产某款汽车,这家科技公司都已经对汽车行业产生了深远的影响。The mere knowledge that Apple has a team of several hundred people working on car designs changed the conversation this week at the Frankfurt International Motor Show. Along with Google, Apple has focused the minds of auto executives on the challenge posed by new technologies that have the potential to disrupt traditional auto industry hierarchies.仅仅是知道苹果有一个几百人的团队在做汽车设计方面的研发,就足以改变人们在本周举行的法兰克福国际车展(Frankfurt International Motor Show )上谈论的话题。苹果,再加上谷歌,让汽车公司的高管们把注意力都放在了新技术带来的挑战上,这些新技术有可能会打破汽车行业的传统实力格局。This year, “connectivity” has supplanted “horsepower” or “torque” as the prevailing buzzword in Frankfurt. The talk is of self-driving cars, battery-powered cars and information technology designed to link cars with data networks to make driving safer and more efficient.今年,“连通性”已经取代“马力“或“扭矩”,成为法兰克福车展的热门词汇。人们谈论的是自驾车、电动汽车,以及将汽车和数据网络连接起来以提高驾驶安全性和效率的信息技术。Even though neither Apple nor Google is close to mass-producing a vehicle, nervousness about their intentions ― which remain cloaked in mystery ― is understandable.虽说苹果和谷歌都离批量生产汽车还很远,但汽车行业依然为两家公司不为外界所知的研发意图而紧张,这不难理解。As cars increasingly become rolling software platforms, Apple and Google have depths of tech expertise that the carmakers would have trouble duplicating. And those Silicon Valley companies have financial resources that dwarf those of even behemoth companies like Daimler and Volkswagen. Google, which began working on self-driving cars in 2009, is valued by the stock market at more than five times the worth of either of those carmakers. Apple is worth eight times as much. That gives them an advantage in a business that requires huge investment in research and development.随着汽车越来越多地成为装上车轮的软件平台,汽车制造商却很难复制苹果和谷歌所拥有的强大技术专长。而且即便是奔驰和大众这样的汽车业巨头,其财力与这两家硅谷公司相比,也会相形见绌。从2009年开始研发自驾车的谷歌,在股票市场上的估值已经是上述两家汽车厂商中任一家的五倍还要多。苹果的估值则是它们中任一家的八倍。在一个需要在研发上进行巨额投入的行业里,这让谷歌和苹果显得更具优势。The main risk for carmakers is probably not so much that an Apple car would destroy Mercedes-Benz or BMW the way the iPhone gutted Nokia, the Finnish company that was once the world’s largest maker of mobile phones. Rather, the risk is that Apple and Google would turn the carmakers into mere hardware makers ― and hog the profit.汽车生厂商面临的主要风险,也许并非苹果汽车(Apple car)有可能会摧毁奔驰或宝马汽车的市场,如同iPhone击溃了曾经是世界第一大手机厂商的芬兰公司诺基亚(Nokia)那样。而是说,苹果和谷歌有可能将汽车厂商变成纯粹的硬件制造者,进而独占这个行业的利润。Carmakers say they are determined to resist that danger by maintaining control of the software that is proliferating inside vehicles.汽车厂商们表示,他们决心对正在激增的汽车内置软件保持掌控,以对抗这种风险。“What is important for us is that the brain of the car, the operating system, is not iOS or Android or someone else but it’s our brain,” Dieter Zetsche, the chief executive of Daimler, the maker of Mercedes vehicles, told reporters at the car show. IOS is Apple’s operating system for mobile devices.“对我们来说比较重要的是,作为汽车大脑的操作系统不能是iOS、安卓或其他系统,它得是我们自己的,”奔驰汽车的制造商戴姆勒公司(Daimler)的首席执行官迪特?蔡澈(Dieter Zetsche)在车展上对记者表示。iOS是苹果为其移动设备研发的操作系统。“We do not plan to become the Foxconn of Apple,” Mr. Zetsche said, referring to the Chinese company that manufactures iPhones.“我们不打算做苹果的富士康(Foxconn),”蔡澈说道,他指的是为苹果生产iPhones的中国公司。Even without competition from Apple and Google, the carmakers are under extreme pressure to change the way they build cars. Regulators in Europe and the ed States are demanding that cars emit less carbon dioxide, a culprit in global warming. The only way the automakers can meet increasingly stringent emissions standards is by selling more hybrid vehicles, and eventually all-electric cars. Both technologies require more software than gasoline or diesel engines.即便没有来自苹果和谷歌的竞争,汽车厂商们也面临着极大的压力,需要改变生产汽车的方式。欧洲和美国监管机构要求汽车厂商进一步降低汽车碳排放量,因为汽车排放是导致全球变暖的原因之一。而满足越来越严格的排放标准的唯一方式,就是销售更多混合动力汽车,最终实现只销售电动汽车。这两种技术都更加依赖软件研发,而非汽油或柴油发动机。Technology that links cars to data networks, so-called connectivity, also plays a role in reducing emissions and satisfying regulators. Systems that help drivers quickly find a parking space or avoid traffic jams, besides being convenient, help limit unnecessary driving and save fuel. But the new technologies are expensive, and car buyers are not necessarily willing to pay. Electric cars account for a sliver of the market so far.将汽车与数据网络相连的技术,即所谓的连通性,对于实现更少碳排放和让监管机构满意,也很重要。帮助司机快速找到停车位或避开交通拥堵的系统,除了方便之外,也有助于减少驾驶时长和节省燃料。但新技术相当昂贵,汽车购买者未必愿意为之买单。目前电动汽车的销售量只占整个市场很小一部分。Those pressures have been building for several years, but they have intensified since word leaked out early this year that Apple was studying whether to build a car.对汽车厂商而言,这些压力过去几年一直在增加,但今年年初苹果就是否生产汽车的问题进行研究的消息传出后,他们的压力更是瞬间加剧。“What has been an evolution is going to be a revolution,” said Stephan Winkelmann, the chief executive of Lamborghini, the Italian maker of super sports cars that is part of the Volkswagen group.“原先在不断演进的过程,如今要成为革命性巨变了,”兰基尼(Lamborghini)首席执行官斯特凡?温克尔曼(Stephan Winkelmann)说,这家意大利顶级跑车企业是大众汽车集团的子公司。“Starting from sustainability, going over to digitalization, and ending up at autonomous driving ― these three big things are really something that is a game changer for the automotive industry,” Mr. Winkelmann said in an interview. “Everybody has to tackle these challenges.”“从可持续性,到数字化,再到最终的自动驾驶,这是未来会真正改变汽车行业游戏规则的三件大事,”温克尔曼在接受采访时说道。“所有汽车企业都必须应对这些挑战。”Volkswagen, previously regarded as a laggard in vehicle electrification, said in Frankfurt this week that it would introduce 20 new plug-in hybrid or all-electric models by 2020, and it introduced a battery-powered Porsche concept car. At the company’s preshow extravaganza for the media Monday night at a repurposed basketball arena, there was nary a mention of internal combustion. Instead, Martin Winterkorn, the Volkswagen chief executive, spoke of cars that would park themselves and eventually run completely on autopilot.之前被认为在汽车电气化方面落后于其他公司的大众集团,本周在法兰克福推出了一款保时捷电动概念车,并表示至2020年大众集团将陆续推出20款新的插电式混合动力或全电动车型。周一晚上,该集团在一个重新布置的篮球馆举行了声势浩大的展前发布会。在会上,无人提起内燃机之类的词汇。大众集团首席执行官文德恩(Martin Winterkorn)转而谈到了可以自动停车以及最终可以完全自动驾驶的汽车。“By the end of this decade we will have transformed all of our new cars into smartphones on wheels,” he said.“截至2020年,大众所有新款车型都将转变成带轮子的智能手机,”他说。It is not only the European carmakers closely watching Apple and Google. Anthony Foxx, the ed States transportation secretary, in Frankfurt for a meeting on Thursday with his counterparts from other G7 nations, said conventional automakers were trying to roll out technology as fast as they can, while some in Silicon Valley were aiming to leap straight to self-driving cars.不是只有欧洲汽车厂商在密切关注苹果和谷歌的动向。美国运输部部长安东尼?福克斯(Anthony Foxx)周四在法兰克福与来自其他G7国家的运输交通部长召开会议。他表示,传统汽车厂商正在尽可能快地推出新技术,而硅谷的科技公司则想一步到位地推出自动驾驶汽车。“There is an interesting dialogue between Detroit and Silicon Valley on this,” Mr. Foxx said during a meeting with several reporters. “There is probably some tension there, but maybe that is good creative tension.”“在这方面,底特律和硅谷之间形成了有趣的互动,”福克斯在会见几位记者时讲道。“他们之间可能存在一些紧张情绪,但或许这是有益创造性的紧张情绪。”One of the main guessing games at the auto show was whether Apple or Google would ever build a car. Both companies have met with German car companies as well as suppliers. Google executives have said the company will not become a carmaker.在车展上,大家猜测比较多的是一个问题是,苹果或谷歌是否会生产汽车。两家公司都和一些德国汽车公司和供应商见过面。谷歌的高管已经表示,它不会做汽车厂商。“Google is not a car manufacturer and does not intend to become one,” John Krafcik, a former Ford and Hyundai executive who runs Google’s self-driving car program, said in Frankfurt.“谷歌不是汽车制造商,也不打算成为这样的角色,”之前曾担任福特(Ford)和现代(Hyundai)汽车公司高管、现为谷歌自驾车项目负责人的约翰?克拉夫茨克(John Krafcik)在车展上表示。But it was not clear yet whether he meant that Google would license self-driving technology to traditional carmakers, or use contract manufacturers to build a vehicle. A Google spokesman declined to elaborate.但此话是否代表着谷歌会将其自驾车技术授权给传统汽车厂商,或通过签约汽车厂商生产汽车,还不清楚。一位谷歌发言人拒绝透露这方面的详细信息。Apple’s intentions are murkier. As is customary for Apple, the company has provided no information. But Timothy D. Cook, the Apple chief executive, reportedly visited a factory in Leipzig, Germany, last year where BMW manufactures the i3, an all-electric sedan with a carbon fiber body.苹果的意图更加模糊。如其一贯作风,苹果不曾透露过这方面的任何信息。但据说苹果首席执行官蒂莫西?D?库克(Timothy D. Cook)去年曾拜访德国莱比锡市的一家工厂,那是宝马公司生产拥有碳纤维车身的全电动小轿车宝马i3的地方。“We are not quite sure what Apple is prepared to do,” Friedrich Eichiner, the chief financial officer of BMW, said during a meeting with a group of reporters in Frankfurt. He said he thought Apple was still trying to understand the implications of getting into the car business.“我们不太确定苹果准备做什么,”宝马集团首席财务官弗里德里希?埃希纳(Friedrich Eichiner)在法兰克福接受记者群访时说。他说,他认为苹果还在努力弄清楚自己进入汽车行业有可能产生的结果。“Financially they are very strong,” Mr. Eichiner said. “They could do it.”“就财力而言,他们很强,”埃希纳说。“生产汽车没问题。”Luca de Meo, head of sales and marketing at Audi, another Volkswagen unit, said it would be out of character for Apple not to build its own vehicle, if it decides to get into the car business. “The Apple style is the ability to do software and hardware at the same time,” Mr. de Meo said in an interview.大众集团另一子公司奥迪(Audi)的销售与市场总监卢卡?德?梅奥(Luca de Meo)表示,如果苹果决定进入汽车行业,不生产自己的汽车的做法不符合它一贯的风格。“苹果的优势就在于同时集成软硬件的能力,”德?梅奥在接受采访时讲道。The traditional carmakers’ big advantage is that they have aly mastered the formidable complexity of manufacturing vehicles that are reliable, comfortable and safe. But it is becoming more feasible for a newcomer to outsource vehicle manufacturing the same way that Apple outsources production of iPhones. And the outsourcer wouldn’t necessarily be in China.传统汽车厂商的一大优势是,他们已经掌握了生产可靠、安全和舒适的汽车所需的极其复杂的工艺。但是对于进入这一行业不久的企业来说,像苹果外包iPhones的生产那样将汽车生产业务外包出去,正在变得愈发可行。而汽车生产外包商不一定来自中国。One company aly working with Google is ZF, a large German auto components supplier that in May completed an acquisition of TRW, a company based in Michigan that provides auto electronics such as airbag systems. TRW has been working on sensors and other hardware for self-driving cars.德国的大型汽车配件供应商ZF已经和谷歌展开合作,该公司在今年5月收购了位于密歇根的TRW,后者是一家生产安全气囊装置等汽车电子元件的企业,一直在研发和生产用于自驾车的传感器和其他硬件。Stefan Sommer, the chief executive of ZF, said the company would be able to produce a Google-branded car along with two or three other partners supplying components that ZF can’t, such as sheet metal body parts. “We would be a partner in that, for sure,” Mr. Sommer said in an interview.ZF公司首席执行官斯特凡?佐默(Stefan Sommer)表示,只要有两三个提供配件的合作企业与之相配合,该公司未来就可以生产谷歌牌汽车,合作企业可以为之供应包括金属板车身在内的ZF无法生产的汽车部件。“作为合作伙伴,我们肯定会参与谷歌汽车的生产,”佐默在接受采访时讲。But he said ZF could not work with Apple under the conditions it now imposes on suppliers. ZF sees itself as an innovator, not just a supplier. In Frankfurt, it displayed a car with electrically powered wheels that allow the car to turn 360 degrees almost on its own axis. ZF could not agree to demands by Apple for exclusive rights to such inventions, Mr. Sommer said.但他也表示,ZF无法按照苹果目前强加于其供应商的要求与之合作。因为ZF将自身看作创新企业,而不只是供应商。在法兰克福,该公司展示了一款配备电动车轮、几乎可以360度自转的汽车。佐默表示,ZF无法同意将这类创新技术独家授权给苹果。While Apple and Google pose a threat to traditional automakers, the mood in Frankfurt is not gloomy. Not long ago, analysts were predicting that the auto industry faced long-term decline. Surveys showed that younger people were less interested than their parents in cars and driving. But if Apple and Google are interested in the car industry, auto executives reason, cars and driving must be cool again.尽管苹果和谷歌给传统汽车厂商带来了威胁,但法兰克福车展上并非愁云密布。不久前,分析师们预测汽车业将面临长期的业绩下降。不少问卷调查也显示,更年轻的一代对汽车和驾驶的兴趣,比他们的父母辈一代要少。但汽车公司高管们推断,如果苹果和谷歌对汽车行业感兴趣,汽车和驾驶肯定会再度变酷。“It’s confirmation that we are working in a future industry,” said Ola , head of marketing and sales for Mercedes-Benz cars.“这明,我们从事的是一个拥有未来的行业,”奔驰的市场和销售总监奥拉?凯伦纽斯(Ola )说。Apple and Google have given the car industry a jolt. Now the question is whether carmakers can respond quickly enough.苹果和谷歌已经给汽车行业带来冲击。现在的问题是,汽车厂商们能否足够快地予以应对。And they are trying to raise their games. Daimler, for example, reorganized its factories around the world last year, eliminating plant managers and giving control over production to the executives in charge of different model lines. The change allowed Mercedes to introduce a new variant of its popular C-Class at four factories, on four continents, in six months ― about half of what it would have taken earlier, said Markus , head of production at Mercedes.他们正努力改善自身的现状。比如,奔驰在去年重组了它分布于全球的工厂,裁掉工厂经理,将生产的控制权交给负责各个产品线的高管。该公司的生产总监马库斯?舍费尔(Markus Sch昀 )表示,这让他们可以在6个月内在位于4个大陆的4家工厂开工生产备受欢迎的C-Class的一个新款车型,而在此前这样的工作大约需要花费一年的时间。“This enables us to be more competitive in a world where new competitors come to the table,” Mr. Sch said.“在一个有新竞争对手开始入场的世界里,这会让我们更具竞争力,”舍费尔说。“We created the automobile,” he said, “and we will not be a hardware provider to somebody else.”“我们发明了汽车,”他说,“我们不会沦为其他企业的硬件供应商。” /017From medical problems to travel plans, your Google searches can reveal a intimate snapshot of your life.从健康问题到旅行计划,谷歌搜索记录就是你私人生活的简介。While it can be easy to forget these searches, if you were logged into a Google account, all these queries have been saved.尽管这些内容很容易就被人们忘记,不过,如果你登录了谷歌账号,所有这些浏览记录都会被储存。Now Google is offering users the option of downloading their entire search archive, as well as deleting part, or all, of the record.目前,谷歌为用户提供了储存他们全部浏览记录的技术持,用户也可以选择部分删除或者全部删除他们的浏览记录。The feature exports your searches to Google Drive in a ZIP archive, with files divided by year and quarter.所有数据都会被存储到谷歌云端硬盘压缩包,文件夹的内容则按年份和季度分类存储。#39;You can download all of your saved search history to see a list of the terms you#39;ve searched for,#39; a Google support page says.谷歌在其持页面上称,“你可以下载你的所有谷歌搜索记录,看你曾经搜过什么。”#39;This gives you access to your data when and where you want.#39;“这样你就可以随时随地查看这些数据。”To download your history visit history.google.com and log in with your Google account.登陆谷歌账户,进入history.google.com页面,即可下载你的搜索历史。Then click onto a calendar view to take a look at what you searched for on any given date.然后就可以通过点击日历视图,查看任何一天你的浏览记录了。For those who want to keep a record of their Google searches, clicking the settings button on the top right corner can download the database.想要保存个人全部谷歌搜索数据的话,只要点击右上角的设置键进行下载即可。Items in search can be deleted by checking the box next to them and clicking the #39;remove items#39; option.删除浏览内容可以查看旁边的选框,然后点“删除内容”选项。To delete your entire search history, click settings, remove items and pick a time frame, such #39;from the beginning of time#39;.想要删除个人全部搜索历史的话,点击设置、删除内容,然后选择开始及截止日期(例如从最早的记录开始)。Google stresses that only account holders can see their data.谷歌公司强调,只有注册用户才能查看自己的这些数据。The company has also warned user not download the search archive on a public computer to maintain privacy.谷歌也提醒用户不要在公用电脑上备份个人搜索数据以避免泄露隐私。According to the unofficial Google Operating System Blog, the California-based began testing its download feature last year.一个名为“谷歌操作系统”的非官方客称,总部位于加州的谷歌公司于去年开始测试这项下载技术。It follows similar moves by groups such as Facebook who have made it easier for users to access their archived content following privacy concerns.这与“脸书”等网站出于隐私考虑实现用户个人资料备份是类似的性质,而且脸书的下载还更容易些。 /853
This year, Ford, announced it was opening a research and innovation centre in Silicon Valley. But it’s not just computer geeks that the great American carmaker is hiring these days. It has recently taken on a plethora of social scientists as well, in its research labs in Michigan and around the world.今年,福特(Ford)宣布将在硅谷(Silicon Valley)建立一个研发与创新中心。但是这家美国汽车巨头聘用的并不只是计算机怪才。最近,福特还为位于密歇根乃至世界各地的研究实验室聘请了大批社会科学家。These psychologists, sociologists and anthropologists are trying to understand how we interact with our cars in a cultural sense. It is a striking development and one worth pondering in a personal sense if, like me, you spend much of your life rushing about in a car.这些心理学家、社会学家以及人类学家正试着从文化角度来理解我们是如何与自己的汽车互动的。这是一个引人注目的动向,也是一个值得从个人角度深思的议题――如果你像我一样,每天花费大量时间驾车奔波。In the early days of the company, Ford executives did not seem to be overly concerned about “culture”. The founder, Henry Ford, was cavalier about his customers, famously declaring: “Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black.” But while the company has become far better at offering a customised service since Ford’s day, its cars generally seemed to have been designed by clever engineers who tended to assume that everyone liked the same things that they did: mostly flashy gadgets.在公司创立的早期阶段,福特的高管似乎并没有过度担忧“文化”。创始人亨利#8226;福特(Henry Ford)对顾客漫不经心,他有一句“名言”:顾客想要什么颜色的汽车就能拥有什么颜色的汽车――只要它是黑色的。”但是,尽管自从福特时代以来,该公司已经在提供定制化务方面取得长足进展,但总体而言,迄今福特汽车似乎都是由高智商的工程师们设计的,这些人倾向于假定,每个人都喜欢他们所喜欢的东西:大多是花里胡哨的小玩艺。These days, Ford executives have realised that it is not good enough to create cars simply according to what seems cool to its (mostly male) engineers in Michigan. They need to take a much wider and more imaginative view of consumer tastes.如今,福特的高管已经意识到,单纯依据其密歇根工程师(绝大多数为男性)认为炫酷的喜好来造车是不够的。他们需要从一个更开阔、更具想象力的视角来看待消费者的口味。That is partly because of globalisation ― and, in particular, the fact that Ford (like all carmakers) is more reliant on the Chinese market for sales. Unsurprisingly, Chinese consumers often have radically different ideas of what makes a great car, especially if they are female.部分原因是全球化,尤其是福特(就像所有汽车制造商一样)现在更依赖于中国市场增长销售的事实。并不奇怪的是,中国消费者(特别是女性消费者)对什么才是好车往往有着截然不同的观点。A second reason why Ford is becoming more interested in culture is that the nature of cars is being transformed in a surprising way. Back when Henry Ford started making his Model T, the task of building cars was a job for technical engineers. Today, it also involves computer experts since cars now contain a dizzying amount of software.福特对文化的兴趣日益浓厚的第二个原因在于,汽车的本质正在以一种出人意料的方式发生转变。当年亨利#8226;福特开始打造其T型车(Model T)时,制造汽车是技术工程师的工作。而现在,研发汽车的过程还涉及计算机专家,因为汽车包含了令人眼花缭乱的各种软件。That has prompted tech companies to jump in. Last month, I listened to some engineers at Viv Labs, a Silicon Valley start-up created by the founders of Apple’s intelligent personal assistant Siri. They explained how we would soon be using cars embedded with artificial intelligence. Companies such as Google are creating self-driving cars and even Apple is rumoured to be creating a car of its own ― a move that would probably create even more waves than last week’s launch of the Apple Watch.这促使技术公司加入进来。上个月,我与Viv Labs的几名工程师聊了聊,这是由苹果(Apple)人工智能助手Siri的创始人建立的一家硅谷初创企业。他们向我解释,我们将在不久的未来使用搭载人工智能的汽车。谷歌(Google)等公司正在打造无人驾驶汽车,甚至有传言称苹果也在研发自己的汽车――此举很可能将比上周发布的Apple Watch掀起甚至更大的波澜。As competition from the tech sector heats up, this is not only putting traditional car markets under pressure but also fostering creative thinking about the future of travel. Executives at Ford are now trying to look at the whole business of carmaking in a wider sense ― both by hiring social scientists and by working with consultancies such as ReD, a group that specialises in social science research.来自科技行业的竞争日益升温,不仅让传统汽车制造商承受压力,还为未来旅行育创造性的思维。现在,福特高管正尝试以一个更开阔的视野来审视整个汽车制造业务――通过聘请社会科学家,并与专门从事社会科学研究的ReD之类的咨询机构共同合作。“We are looking at the bigger cultural context of cars,” explains Christian Madsbjerg, co-founder of ReD, who says that while Ford used to design cars “inside-out” (based on what engineers wanted), it is now trying to create them “outside-in” (based on what consumers want to experience). Or as Parrish Hanna, Ford’s global director of human machine interface, argues, what Ford is trying to do is promote “innovation” while using social scientists as consultants.“我们正在寻找汽车更大的文化内涵,”ReD的共同创始人克里斯蒂安#8226;马斯比耶尔格(Christian Madsbjerg)解释道。他称,福特过去设计汽车是“由内而外”(根据工程师的要求来设计),而如今它正试着以“由外而内”(根据消费者想要的体验)来打造汽车。或者正如福特全球人机界面总监帕里什#8226;汉纳(Parrish Hanna)所称的那样,福特尝试去做的是促进“创新”,并请社会科学家担任顾问。Though it remains to be seen what type of car will emerge from Ford’s new centre, I applaud the project for two reasons. The first is somewhat partisan: I trained as an anthropologist and have always lamented the fact that the discipline tends to be woefully under-appreciated and under-resourced. If companies such as Ford are now hiring social scientists, it might give anthropology a badly needed boost. Indeed, groups such as ReD say anthropologists are now cropping up in an increasing range of companies, such as Samsung, Adidas, Carlsberg, Lego and so on.尽管福特新的中心会研发出何种车型尚有待观察,但我出于两个原因而赞赏该项目。第一点多少有点偏袒之意:我曾经学习成为一名人类学家,并且一直对该学科倾向于被严重低估及资源不足耿耿于怀。如果福特之类的公司现在开始聘请社会科学家,这或许会给人类学带来一个亟需的推动。事实上,ReD等集团称,人类学家如今在越来越多的公司中崭露头角,比如三星(Samsung)、阿迪达斯(Adidas)、嘉士伯(Carlsberg)、乐高(Lego)等。The second, more important reason this trend is interesting is that it could point to a bigger shift in business attitudes. Back in Henry Ford’s day, the power relationship between corporate executives and cons these days consumers can band together to express their preferences ― and change their tastes at lightning speed.这种趋势有意思的第二个也是更为重要的原因是,它可能指向商界态度的整体转变。在亨利#8226;福特的时代,企业高管与消费者之间的实力关系是不平衡的;如今消费者可以联合起来表达自己的喜好――并以闪电速度改变自己的口味。So when you next get into a car, it is worth taking a look around and thinking about what you might tell an anthropologist if they were sitting in the passenger seat. Could you imagine a radically different way of driving? Does the way we imagine “cars” meet what you really need? And if it does not, how might we ― or those brainiacs in Silicon Valley ― redesign the experience? I daresay the answer would make Henry Ford spin in his grave.所以,当你下一次坐进汽车里时,你应该环顾四周并想一想,如果人类学家就坐在副驾座位上,你或许想告诉他/她些什么。你能想象出一种完全不同的驾驶方式吗?我们想象的“汽车”体验是否满足了你的真正需求?如果这未能满足你,我们――或者硅谷的天才们――该如何重新设计这种体验?我敢说,亨利#8226;福特地下有知的话也会忙活起来。 /462
Elon Musk has held out the prospect of Tesla achieving “a few million” in annual car sales by 2025, even as reports of a slowdown in China sales sent shares in the electric car company down more than 7 per cent in after-hours trading.报告显示特斯拉在华销量增长放缓,导致这家电动汽车公司股价在盘后交易中下跌逾7%。尽管如此,这家加州集团的共同创始人埃隆#8226;马斯克(Elon Musk)仍然预期,在2025年以前,特斯拉年度汽车销量或将达到“几百万辆”。Speaking at an event on the sidelines of the Detroit motor show, the co-founder of the Californian group also said that he believed Tesla could achieve profitability by the end of the decade, as it seeks to prove that the economics behind electric vehicles can work.在底特律车展会场外的一次活动中,马斯克还表示他相信特斯拉会在2019年底以前盈利。目前,特斯拉一直试图明电动汽车背后的经济模式是有效的。“Our mission is fundamentally to transition the world to electric cars,” said Mr Musk. “So if we don’t make a lot of cars, we’re not doing the best that we can.”马斯克表示:“我们的使命是从根本上让世界转向电动汽车。因此,如果我们不生产大量车辆,我们就未尽全力。”But the bullish outlook ― which pitches Tesla as a company achieving sales on a par with BMW ― was overshadowed after Mr Musk told reporters in Detroit that the carmaker’s sales in China were “unexpectedly weak” during the fourth quarter.这一信心十足的展望将特斯拉定位为销量可与宝马(BMW)匹敌的企业。然而,就在底特律,马斯克告诉记者,去年第四季度特斯拉在华销量“出乎意料地低迷”,这一消息令上述展望蒙上了一层阴影。He said that while there had been “significant” increases in European and North American demand, China had suffered because of “some misperception issues” on the subject of home charging.他说,尽管欧洲和北美的需求曾“大幅增长”,由于在家用充电问题上的“某些误解问题”,特斯拉在中国却遭遇困境。Tesla’s shares were down 7 per cent in after-hours trading at 9.95.消息传来,在盘后交易中,特斯拉股票下跌7%,跌至每股189.95美元。Tesla is working hard to bring a mass market equivalent of its Model S premium saloon to market. Mr Musk said that once the ,000 vehicle, known as the Model 3, was up to full production by 2020, the lossmaking company would be in the black.目前,特斯拉正在努力将其S型豪华轿车的大众版推向市场。马斯克表示,一旦这款售价3.5万美元、被称为3型轿车的产品在2020年以前全面投产,处于亏损状态的特斯拉将会盈利。“I think we will at some point start showing a profit,” he said. “We feel pretty comfortable saying 2020.”他说:“我认为,从某一时刻起,公司将开始盈利。对此,十分保守的估计是2020年。”That vision depends on wider adoption of electric vehicles. The category is expected to still make up only about 1 per cent of vehicles by the end of the decade.这一图景有赖于电动汽车的更广泛应用。不过,到这个十年结束前,预计电动汽车占所有汽车的比例仍将只有大约1%。But there are signs that mainstream carmakers are ramping up efforts to produce affordable and practical electric vehicles as they seek to meet stringent CO2 emissions targets.然而,多种迹象表明,为满足苛刻的二氧化碳排放目标,主流汽车制造商都加大了研发力度,生产廉价而实用的电动汽车。Mr Musk was speaking a day after General Motors stole a march on rivals at the Detroit motor show by unveiling a battery electric concept car with a targeted price tag of ,000.就在马斯克发表这番讲话一天前,在底特律车展上,通用汽车(General Motors)悄然抢占先机,披露了一款以电池电力推动的概念车,其目标价位定为3万美元。“Musk continues to show optimism in the electric car market, paired with his ongoing encouragement for other automakers to join him in replacing the internal combustion engine with battery power,” said Karl Brauer, senior analyst at Kelley Blue Book’s KBB.com. “Now it looks like he’s getting his wish.”凯利蓝皮书旗下kbb.com网站资深分析师卡尔#8226;布劳尔(Karl Brauer)表示:“对于电力汽车市场,马斯克依然表现得十分乐观。与此同时,他也在不断鼓励其他汽车制造商加入他的行列,以电池动力取代内燃机。如今,他似乎正在实现他的愿望。”Mr Musk used the appearance late on Tuesday to urge mainstream carmakers to speed up the development of electric vehicles to get the industry to a point where widesp adoption was possible.此外,马斯克还把周二晚些时候的现身作为契机,敦促主流汽车制造商加快开发电动汽车,以便令该行业达到有可能被人们广泛接受的临界点。“It’s only going to go there if the big carmakers make risky decisions to make electric vehicles#8201;.#8201;.#8201;.#8201;which is sort of counter-intuitive, because, why do we want all these competitors?”“只有大型汽车制造商决心冒着风险生产电动汽车,整个行业才能到达这一临界点……这有些违背直觉,原因是,我们为何会盼望出现这么多竞争者?”He added that the need for zero-emission technology was ever more important, given the sharp fall in the oil price that has pushed US consumers towards heavy-duty pick-up trucks and sport utility vehicles.他补充说,考虑到油价大幅下跌将大量美国消费者推向重型皮卡和运动型多功能车,零排放技术的必要性正变得前所未有地重要。“The need for sustainable transport is incredibly high. Even in the face of massively declining oil prices, I think it actually becomes more urgent that [we make that] transition to electric,” said Mr Musk, who is also co-founder of space flight company SpaceX. “I think that all transport, with the ironic exception of rockets, will go fully electric.”马斯克表示:“可持续性运输的必要性之高令人难以置信。我认为,尽管正面临油价暴跌,(我们)向电动汽车的转型其实更紧迫了。我认为,所有运输方式都应该完全使用电力――除了火箭这样的所谓特例之外。”之所以会这么说,因为马斯克也是太空飞行公司SpaceX的共同创始人。 /490


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