
() 14. - She s never late for school,? -. She always gets to school early. A. isn’ Yes,she is B. No,she isn’t G. hasn’ No,she hasn’t D. hasn’ Yes,she has 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
& 题目详情
() 14. — She s never late for school,? —. She always gets to school early.&&&A. isn’ Yes,she is & & & &B. No,she isn’t&&&G. hasn’ No,she hasn’t & & D. hasn’ Yes,she has
题目来源: &
&&Fleming was a poor f 86 &. One day he h 87 & a cry for help coming from a nearby bog (沼泽) .He ran out and saw a boy in the bog c 88 and trying to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved him. The boy's father was very rich and he was very thankful to Fleming. He t 89 Fleming that he would like to take Fleming's son w 90 him and give him a good education (教育) and he was sure that the boy would g 91 up to be a good man if he was anything like his father. Later Fleming's son went to famous medical (医药的) school in London. Many years 1 92 ,he became a famous doctor c 93 Sir Alexander Fleming. He discovered penicillin (发明青霉素) .& &Years p 94 and the rich man's son was sick. What saved him? Penicillin. What was the sickm 95 name? Sir Winston Churchill.86.&&&87.&&&88.&&&89.&&&90.&&91.&&&92.&&&93.&&&94.&&&95.&&
2. After two weeks, training,the dolphin got used to (communicate) with the visitors.
() 2. The place was so beautiful that her husband could not stop photos. He took hundred photos that day!&&&A. to show&&&B. showing&&&C. taking&&&D. to take
() 9. He has never of such a thing before.&&&A. hear&&&B. heared&&&C. heard&&&D. hearing
() 19. Everyone me went to the cinema. I had to finish my homework at home.&&&A. and&&&B. including&&&C. except&&&D. besides
3. The meeting has been (结束) for 10 minutes.
10. There (be) great changes during the past two years.
10. Chinese market is much (huge) than before.
A Message From Helen’s Grandson
Hi everyone.
I grew up listening to my grandmother laughing with her best friend Margaret on the phone.
Grandma was never at a loss for words and her stories were priceless.
Then Margaret moved to Maine…
I started this blog for my grandmother for two reasons.
First, I wanted to capture her words and stories for our family to have as a tribute to her for many years to come.
I told her it would be like scrapbooking with a computer.
Second, I thought it might give her something fun to do with her friend and keep her young at heart.
I think it is working.
I encourage you to consider starting a blog for yourself or your family.
It’s easier than you think.
Just go to
and follow the directions.
It’s free.
I think there are other blog services out there as well.
And if you have someone like Helen in your life, it doesn’t take long to show them how to do it.
Trust me, you’ll never regret it regardless of what they blog about.
I never thought it would get this popular because there are lots of blogs out there (like my personal one) that never get seen by more than just the blogger(s) who write them.
However, if you are worried about that, it is very easy to make your blog private or only available to an approved list.
So don’t be scared.
Get your own blog and then get your parents and even your grandparents to start blogging as well.
Your family will have a keepsake for years to come.
Happy blogging.
With love to my “cool” Grandma,
If you do have a Helen in your life and she has a blog, post a link below.
I know Maraget and Helen will enjoy reading them.
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