
separate the fibers of
a witty amusing person who makes jokes
thin cardboard, usually rectangular
ask someone for identification to determine whether he or she is old enough to consume liquor
a rectangular piece of stiff paper used to send messages (may have printed greetings or pictures)
(baseball) a list of batters in the order in which they will bat
(golf) a record of scores (as in golf)
one of a set of small pieces of stiff paper marked in various ways and used for playing games or for telling fortunes
a card certifying the identity of the bearer
a printed or written greeting that is left to indicate that you have visited
a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement
a list of dishes available at a restaurant
a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities
However, some fabrics require yarns of finer quality, particularly fine- quality cotton fabrics, and these require combed yarns rather than carded.
If, some time ago, another programmer wrote an excellent subroutine to deal cards, it would make sense to reuse that logic
Her secrets: old feather fans, tasselled dancecards, powdered with musk, a gaud of amber beads in her locked drawer
There, on the bedside table, was a large Valentine card from Bill. You know, the sentimental kind that says, “To my wonderful wife... I love you.”
Material,especially barnyard or stable dung,often with discarded animal bedding,used to fertilize soil.
&a class of mail including letters, post cards, and packages sealed against inspection.&
Woven fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair,&/=85% by weight,&/=300 g/m2
She will remain at home, read novels, and speculate at cards, since she can no longer do so on the bourse.&
Force, and fraud, is in war the two cardinal virtues. --Thomas Hobbes, British philosopher
I say the two, because Cardinal Rospigliosi, who had not taken any precaution, was completely despoiled
phr. 一副纸牌
(=diphenyl urea)二苯脲
[ snick ]的过去式
[ plutocracy ]的相关副词;[ plutocrat ]的相关副词;[ plutocratic ]的相关副词;[ plutocratical ]的相关副词
four thousand one hundred and forty two
seven thousand one hundred and forty two
[ mallard ]的复数形式
two thousand and one
[ rewire ]的第三人称单数;[ rewiring ]的第三人称单数she与short的反义词是_百度知道
是短的意思的时候就是第一个short的反义词 long 或者tall也可以;]美 [ʃi]n;它(用来指雌性动物或国家、船舶. 女人;雌性动物pron. 她(主格),是矮的意思的时候就是第二个she_有道词典she英 [ʃi&#720
starred是什么意思 starred在线翻译 starred什么意思 starred的意思 starred的翻译 starred的解释 starred的发音 starred的同义词 starred的反义词
starred英 [stɑ:d] 美 [stɑ:d] 原级:第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:starred 基本解释形容词被派任为主角,点缀着星星的动词动词star的过去式和过去分词形式starred 网络解释1. 主角:starlit 星光的 | starred 主角 | starriness 满天星斗2. 有星号的/装饰着星星的:starquake /星震/ | starred /有星号的/装饰着星星的/ | starring /领衔主演/3. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D3. 装饰着星星的:starquake 星震 | starred 装饰着星星的 | starring 领衔主演4. 被任命为主角:broadway 大路,马路 | starred 被任命为主角 | critics 评论家,批评家starred 双语例句1. A beautiful new Shi directed, Jiang Wu, Hong Tao starred in more Wu Bo, Richie Jen friendship guest, TAO's performance is in place, show that the Shanghai people's vanity awkward Siyaomianzi a pain.&&&&施润玖执导,姜武、陶虹领衔主演,更有伍伯、任贤齐友情客串,陶虹的表演非常到位,演出了上海人那种死要面子活受罪的虚荣劲儿。2. danci.911cha.com2. Here, cutting-edge technology and inspired modern design combine with faultless service and fabulous dining at the hotel`s Michelin starred Thai restaurant, Nahm.&&&&在这里,高科技和夺目的现代设计互相辉映,衬托出酒店一丝不苟的服务和餐饮,酒店内更设有米芝莲星级荣誉餐厅- Nahm泰菜馆。3. He starred at the 2004 CONMEBOL Copa America and in the same year helped Argentina to clinch gold at the Olympic Football Tournament. In July 2005, Corinthians signed Mascherano and in December of that year they celebrated winning the Brazilian league.&&&&他随队参加了2004年美洲杯足球赛,同年与队友一起获得了雅典奥运会男子足球比赛的金牌。2005巴西的柯林蒂安斯队签下了马斯切拉诺,随即获得了2005巴西联赛的冠军。4. 4. Pine achieved a mini-celebrity status of his own through his close contact with Y [134] he starred alongside Yao in the documentary The Year of the Yao as he lived with Yao, helped him adjust to American life, served as his driver, and eventually taught him how to drive.&&&&潘 由于和姚明的密切接触变得小有名气;在纪录片《姚明年》中他与姚明一起主演,讲述着与姚明一起生活的日子;如何帮助姚明适应在美国的生活;充当司机;并在最后教会了姚明开车。5. Ming the first shock the big screen, starred in a refined gentleman painter, starring Yao Xingtong starred in more large scale. May 12, Ming and Yao Xingtong Tencent entertainment celebrity guest Square, to share with friends behind the film interesting...&&&&明道首次触电大荧幕,出演一位绅士儒雅的画家,女主演姚星彤更是大尺度出演。5月12日,明道与姚星彤做客腾讯娱乐名人坊,与网友分享电影拍摄的幕后趣事。。。。6. The Beginning of a Boy was the first film that Bruce starred in.&&&&青风侠》是李小龙主演的第一部影片。7. She has starred in this new film.&&&&她在这部新影片中担任主角。8. He later went to Hollywood and starred as Tarzan in twelve movies.&&&&后来他去了好莱坞在12部电影中主演人猿泰山。9. When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be》 When I have fears that I may cease to be Before my pen has gleaned my teeming brain, Before high-piled books, in charactery, Hold like rich garners the full- When I behold, upon the night's starred face, Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance, And think that I may never live to trace Their shadows, with the
And when I feel, fair creature of an hour, That I shall never look upon thee more, Never have relish in the fairy power Of unreflecting love --- then on the shore Of the wide world I stand alone, and think Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.&&&&生命稍纵即逝》我害怕自己可能逝去在我的笔道尽我脑中泉涌的文思之前,在高叠的书本,写成文句,如盈盈谷仓堆着完熟谷粒之前;我凝望,夜缀满繁星的面貌,浪漫传奇繁多迷蒙的象征,想着我或许再不能探究它们的幻影,凭借机会的神来之手;当我感受,美丽生命的短促,我将不再注目,再无法享受超然的力量那无忧的爱──于辽阔10. Starred in Porto's thrilling Uefa Cup final win over Celtic last season and is recreating that magic in Europe's elite competition.&&&&在上赛季的联盟杯决赛中他就表现得星味十足,现在他更是享受在与欧洲各路精英的竞争中。11. In this remake of the 1997 Spanish film Abre Los Ojos, which also starred Pen pe Cruz, Tom Cruise plays a rich womanizer who falls in love with his best friend's girlfriend.&&&&&&电影根据西班牙电影《Open Your Eyes 变脸惊情》重新摄制,并由汤告鲁斯和金马伦戴维丝同台演出。12. His conservative political stance was also reflected in The Alamo (1960), which he produced, directed and starred in. His patriotic stand was enshrined in The Green Berets (1968) which he co-directed and starred in. Over the years Wayne was beset with health problems. In September 1964 he had a cancero in March 1978 there was heart valve and in January 1979 his stomach was removed.&&&&&&韦恩在政治上持保守态度,这在他自编、自导、自演的影片《边城英烈传》中有明显反映;韦恩还有一副爱国热肠,这一点在他合作导演及主演的《绿色贝雷帽》中可见一斑。1949年,韦恩凭《血战琉磺岛》获得奥斯卡最佳男主角提名,并最终靠在《大地惊雷》(1969)扮演的独眼龙Rooster Cogburn如愿封帝。1979年,韦恩还获颁国会金质奖。13. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD13. Hears Sun Nan that affection, the resounding singing sound, the Five-Starred Red Flag, you are my pride.&&&&&&听到孙楠那深情、高亢的歌声,五星红旗,你是我的骄傲。14. But now the Democrats have written the Republican attack ads for them, and starred in them too.&&&&&&但是现在民主党人已经为他们撰写好了攻击广告,而且还友情出演。15. In the past twelve months, he has released an album, published anautobiography (co-written with his sister), starred in the second season of Torchwood, guest starred on three episodes of Doctor Who, one episode of HotelBabylon, served as a judge on I`d Do Anything, appeared on Any Dream Will Do, and hosted the children`s program The Kids Are All Right.&&&&&&过去的十二个月里,他发了一张唱片,写了本自传,出演了第二季的火炬木小组,友情出演了三集的神秘博士、巴比伦旅馆,做了I'd do anything的评委,出现在Any Dream Will Do 的现场,以及主持了儿童节目The kids are all right。16. 16. Marlene was clearly behind his opening series of curvy gunmetal satin suit the fox-fur jackets that swan and the beautiful bias-cut dresses, in silver or gold lamé tissue, that starred towards the end.&&&&&&选手显然是背后的开幕式上的一系列弯曲的青铜缎适合与四十岁的空气;狐毛皮外套认为swanked通过查看;和美丽的偏见切衫裙,在银色或金色lamé组织,即星接近尾声。17. 17. The original production starred James Barton Olga San Juan Tony Bavaar James Mitchell and Gemze de Lappe with dances and musical ensembles by Agnes De Mille.&&&&&&原有的生产主演詹姆斯巴顿奥尔加圣胡安托尼bavaar詹姆斯米切尔 gemzelappe德以舞蹈和音乐合奏的翠德米勒。18. 18. The original production starred James Barton, Olga San Juan, Tony Bavaar, James Mitchell, and Gemze de Lappe, with dances and musical ensembles by Agnes De Mille.&&&&&&原有地生产主演詹姆斯巴顿,奥尔加圣胡安,托尼bavaar詹姆斯米切尔,gemzelappe德,以舞蹈和音乐合奏地翠德米勒。19. In the 1990s, the Japanese drama Hoshi no Kinka, which Sakai starred in, was broadcast in China and she as viewer ratings reached roughly 70%.&&&&&&中国在90年代时,播出了酒井法子所主演的日剧「白色之恋」,并创下约70%的收视率,因而声名大噪。20. Lol....and sung min's really good in singing...and hwee chul is jus hilarious in new non stop bum acting in new non stop 6 and other shows he starred in....hahahaa...ther's so much more to blab about them....ohhh...not forgetting to mention eun hyuk's dance moves are jus smooth!!!...&&&&&&晟敏对唱歌真的很在行。希澈在新的NON-STOP6里的表演非常搞笑。起范在NON-STOP6里和其他的节目里开始表演……哈哈,实在有太多关于的他们的事情可以来扯。哦…不能忘记提恩赫的舞蹈实在是太流畅了。starred 单语例句1. A Chinese actress once starred in a TV commercial advertising a calcium tablet, and in it she claimed her son has benefited from the product.2. In 1981 she starred in " Cats " and thereby became the first actress to perform the classic song " Memory " - one of her many hit records.3. She starred alongside comedian Shepard in the 2010 romantic comedy " When in Rome " and more recently in this year's independent film " Hit and Run ".4. The couple met when they starred together in a television advert for Renault.5. It follows criticism of cross talk star Hou Yaohua, who starred in 10 fake or unregistered medicine commercials.6. It took the gunshot death there of a glamorous actress who starred in a cult movie to force him out into the Hollywood spotlight.7. Zhao starred in two commercials that promoted medicines curing coughs and heart diseases.8. The actress starred in last year's big Oscar hopeful " Australia, " which failed to dig up any commercial or awards gold.9. She starred in other movies with large ensemble casts but she said meeting Oscar winner Eastwood still made her quiver.10. He starred this year in several episodes of the Fox crime drama " The Finder ".starred 英英释义adj1. marked with an asterisk&&&&e.g. the starred items&&&&Synonym: starred是什么意思,starred在线翻译,starred什么意思,starred的意思,starred的翻译,starred的解释,starred的发音,starred的同义词,starred的反义词,starred的例句,starred的相关词组,starred意思是什么,starred怎么翻译,单词starred是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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