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late-2009是什么意思 late-2009在线翻译 late-2009什么意思 late-2009的意思 late-2009的翻译 late-2009的解释 late-2009的发音 late-2009的同义词
late-2009late-2009 双语例句1. The average room rate in New York City fell to $199 in late 2009 from $262 a year earlier.&&&&从2008年到2009年后期,纽约市平均房间价格从262$下降到199$。2. 911查询·英语单词大全2. The start up of the state-of-the-art extrusion line is targeted for late 2009 and will produce high-performance polyester films.&&&&在国家启动的最先进的生产线是2009年底的目标,并将生产高性能聚酯薄膜。3. Joe Wong initially got his fame when he was invited to perform at the famous Late Show wit David Latterman on the night of April 172009 and it was a tremendous success.&&&&黄西的出名始于他日晚上破天荒地应邀在美国深夜节目收视率冠军的late show「大卫赖特曼秀」表演并且一炮而红。4. 4. Glencore stopped supply in late 2009, breaking a relationship with Iran of more than three decades.&&&&嘉能可于2009年末停止供应,中断了与伊朗30多年的关系。5. 911查询·英语单词5. But the big story for late 2008 and 2009 will be the coming fall in the headline inflation rate.&&&&然而,年通胀方面的主题将是总体通胀率的下降。6. The decision late in 2009 of United Company RUSAL, a big Russian aluminium producer, to consider floating its stock in Hong Kong rather than London may reflect specific factors, but it is also a sign of things to come.&&&&2009年末俄罗斯大型制造商联合铝业公司决定在香港而不是在伦敦上市,可能其中有某些具体原因,但也是揭示未来发展方向的一个迹象。7. The new appraisals will begin in pilots in late 2009. Doctors will need to be recertified as competent every five years.&&&&新考核体系将于明年底开始试推行,医生们须每五年更新一次执照。8. 8. The $87, 000 Fisker Karma plug-in luxury hybrid is scheduled to begin production late this year.&&&&售价87000美元的美国fisker汽车公司的Karma将在2009年如期开始生产。9. The Pole was in the running for last year's title until late in the season, when he mysteriously fell off the pace after declaring that BMW-Sauber had instead decided to focus on its 2009 campaign.&&&&北极是在执行去年的冠军直到本赛季,他神秘地掉下来的速度后宣布,宝马车队已经不是决定把重点放在2009年的运动。10. The USB 3.0 products are believed to be available in late 2009 or early 2010 for commercial use.&&&&的USB 3.0产品,相信可在2009年底或明年初到2010年,用于商业用途。11. 11. After its formal introduction later this summer, expect the new model to go on sale late in 2009 as a 2010 model.&&&&&&后,正式介绍今年夏季晚些时候,预计新车型上市销售在2009年年底的2010年模式。12. She has been the numbers face of Countdown with the late Richard Whiteley for over two decades and a popular TV-presenting personality in her own right.&&&&&&首部小说《女继承人》被选为英国蓝灯书屋旗下出版社Arrow2009年主打书籍,立即造成轰动,已销售超过3万本。13. late-200913. Posts Independent special activities focused on risk prevention in September 2009 from late December to carry out late, the object authority for the Bureau and deputy Director of Juzhu unit members of leading bodies.&&&&&&岗位廉政风险防范专项活动集中在2009年9月下旬至12月下旬开展,对象为局机关正副处长、局属单位领导班子成员。14. Late last November, Lamborghini announced a new racing series called the Lamborghini Blancpain Super Trofeo, is set to commence in May 2009, and described as the world`s fastest one-make series.&&&&&&11月末,蓝博基尼宣布了一项新的赛事称为兰博基尼Blancpain超级Trofeo ,将在2009年5月开始,并称为世界上最快的一个,使系列。15. However in late-2009 the distinction between the two categories began falling apart with non-transactional sites building unique product offerings.&&&&&&然而在2009年末,随着非交易性网站开始建立独特的产品体系,两者的界限已变得没那么明显了。16. Seen through the fug of a café in late
looks pretty good.&&&&&&若是从1989年末烟雾缭绕的咖啡馆里看现在,2009年相当不错。17. Late last year, the Greek government set in motion its current crisis by increasing its 2009 budget-deficit estimate, initially 3.7% of GDP, to nearly 13% of GDP.&&&&&&去年底,希腊政府把其2009年预算赤字预估从最初占GDP的3.7%增加到接近GDP的13%,从而引发了当前的危机。18. Fleming joined Morgan Stanley in late 2009 and is a rising star at the firm.&&&&&&弗拉明于2009年底加入摩根士丹利,已成为该公司一颗冉冉升起的新星。19. Tiger Woods ` s campaign in 2009 seemed to be on the right track after he claimed six wins and bagged more than $ 1 billion before a freakish car crash happened in late November.&&&&&&2009年,老虎伍兹的球场生涯看上去春风得意,他赢得了6个冠军头衔,个人收入也超过10亿美元。但11月底的桃色车祸事件发生后,则是另一番景象了。20. So it was interesting to learn last week that Silver Lake partners and its investment partners had " guaranteed " the debt for their $ 1.9 billion purchase of Skype from eBay (eBay) in late 2009.&&&&&&因此,当上周了解到SilverLakePartners及其投资合作伙伴在2009年底以19亿美元从eBay手中收购Skype时,曾为相关贷款提供“担保”时,我很感兴趣。late-2009 单语例句1. The US central bank has kept the interest rate at exceptionally low level since late 2008 and conducted two rounds of assets buying since 2009.2. A girl is outnumbered by boys as they form a chain during playtime at a Beijing kindergarten in this file photo taken in late 2009.3. In late 2009, the Shanghai Composite Index peaked and then developed a consolidation or sideways pattern.4. South Korea's economy recorded four straight quarters of growth in 2009 after contracting in late 2008 amid the global financial and economic downturn.5. In late 2009, the CUP jointly introduced a credit card in Thailand with Bangkok Bank.6. But Li resurfaced as deputy head of a department leading China's war on porn in late 2009.7. In late 2009 this upward trend ended and developed a very broad sideways pattern.8. Anchor Bay plans a limited release in late 2009 or early 2010, with a wider rollout to follow.9. The forecast was based on 2009 earnings, the company said in a Hong Kong stock exchange statement late Wednesday.10. Delivery of the gas turbines is scheduled for late 2008 and the plant expects to begin operation in late 2009.late-2009是什么意思,late-2009在线翻译,late-2009什么意思,late-2009的意思,late-2009的翻译,late-2009的解释,late-2009的发音,late-2009的同义词,late-2009的反义词,late-2009的例句,late-2009的相关词组,late-2009意思是什么,late-2009怎么翻译,单词late-2009是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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excalateexcalate 双语例句1. You feel frustrated and anxious which can induce a nail-biting frenzy that can excalate into a triple-chocolate-mud-cake-eating frenzy in a blink of an ege!&&&&你感到灰心,焦虑,可能开始神经质的拼命咬指甲,然后不可就药的陷入一眨眼吃掉三大块巧克力蛋糕的疯狂!excalate是什么意思,excalate在线翻译,excalate什么意思,excalate的意思,excalate的翻译,excalate的解释,excalate的发音,excalate的同义词,excalate的反义词,excalate的例句,excalate的相关词组,excalate意思是什么,excalate怎么翻译,单词excalate是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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911查询大全 微信公众号在线定制英文名用微信扫一扫英 ['ɡraetj?le?t]
vi. 表示欣喜
vt. 欢迎;对…表祝贺
archaic, 1550s, from Latin gratulatus, past participle of gratulari "give thanks, show joy" (see ).
1. I gratulate the news.
封这消息我表示祝贺. 来自互联网 2. We supply any types of air - cooling water - cooling single screw air compressor, gratulate to choose and buy!
我们供应各种型号的 风冷式 、水 冷式 单螺杆压缩机, 欢迎客户选购! 来自互联网}


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