there'there is lots ofto see

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Unit 8 There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job
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Unit 1 Lifestyles
1 Football player: Being famous isnt easy, you know. I travel a lot – I have matches in different countries. But my job is exciting, very exciting! I love the matches, the people cheering, know what I mean?
2 Student: My dad says these are the best days of my life –but I?m not so sure! You know, I?ve got lots of work to do and there?s not much time really. I also play football for the school team and we have to do training three nights a week.
3 Shepherd: I love the animals and I love nature. It?s peaceful, and there?s no one to tell me what to do. But it?s not so good when the weather?s bad!
4 Business manager: I?m very busy, and I don?t have time to see my husband and children. Mmmm and my life is very stressful, I suppose. I mean, I have to deal with lots of money. But I find it really exciting.
1 A Perfect Day?
A Couch Potato
Forty-three-year-old Brian Blakey from Birmingham is sitting on his sofa and telling me about his perfect day.
When I wake up I don't get up immediately. I turn on the television and watch the children's programmes and old movies until about half-past ten. Then I get up, go downstairs and switch on the TV in the living room. For lunch, I have biscuits and a glass of milk, and I watch the news. In the afternoon, I often watch another old film – they're showing some good ones at the moment. In the evenings, I often watch TV series or sport and the news again. I like the main news at six o'clock. At nine thirty, if there is a good play on BBC 2, I switch over and watch it. Then at night, I watch more films and I usually switch off the TV at about two o'clock. I never watch TV all night.
I watch TV for sixteen or seventeen hours a day. I also do some exercise every day. I take Tina, the dog, for a walk every afternoon. I don't go far, of course. I walk to the wall outside my house. I always take my portable TV and
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民航英语一百句1. Good morning. Welcome aboard!早上好,欢迎登机!2. Excuse me. May I see your boarding pass? 的登机牌吗?对不起,能看一下您3. What's your seat number?您的座位号是多少?4. I'm afraid you are in the wrong seat.恐怕您坐错了座位。5. May I help you with your bag?我能帮您提行李吗?6. Please carry your bag and follow me.请提着行李跟我来。7. I'm afraid you'll have to stow your bag under the seat in front of you.恐怕您要将行李放您前排的座椅下面。 8. You may adjust your seat back by pressing the button on the arm of your seat.您可以通过座椅扶手的按钮来调节座椅靠背。9. If there's anything we can do for you, just press the call button. 如有任何需要,请按呼唤铃。10. Your hot towel/wet towel, madam/sir. 士/先生。请您用热毛巾/湿纸巾,女11. There are toilets in the front and rear of the cabin. 后面都有洗手间。客舱的前面和12. Lavatory is not allowed to use during take-off. 洗手间禁止使用。飞机起飞期间,13. We have People's Daily, China Daily, CAAC inflight magazines, Phoenix weekly, Commercial Travel and other local papers for you toread. Which would you like? 我们有《人民日报》 、 《中国日报》 、 《中国民航杂志》 、 《凤凰周刊》 、 《商旅报》和其他一些地方报纸。请问您想要哪一种?14. -Do you speak English? -您说英语吗?-Yes, I speak a little English.-是的,说一点点。15. -How long does our flight take?-我们要飞多久?-Our flight takes three hours.-我们的空中飞行时间为 3 小时。16. -At what altitude are we flying?-飞机现在的飞行高度是多少?-We are flying at an altitude of 9000 meters. 为 9000 米。-我们的飞行高度17. -What is the speed of our plane?-我们飞行的速度是多少?-It's 950 kilometers an hour. 950 公里。-我们的飞行速度为每小时18.Shall I bring you a blanket?我给您拿床毯子好吗? 19. -Where are we now/Which place is it? -我们现在在哪里?/这是什 么地方?-We are flying over the Yangtze River. -我们正在飞越长江。20. We'll soon be serving drinks/dinner. Please put down the tray table in front of you.我们很快就要供应饮料/正餐。请将您前面的小桌板放下来。21. What would you like, sir?先生,您想要点什么?22. Would you like some ice in your drink? 吗?您想在饮料里加点冰块23. Sorry, but we are out of orange juice. 了。对不起,橙汁已经没有24. -Why aren't we t aking off yet?-为什么我们还没有起飞?-We are waiting for the aircraft ahead of us to take off. 等前面的飞机起飞以后才行。-我们要25. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting so long. 等了。对不起, 让您久26. I'm sorry. I didn't get that. Could you repeat it? 起,我没有完全听懂。您能重复一遍吗?对不27. May I clear off your table now?我可以清理小桌板了吗?28. -How far is the city from the airport? -这个城市离机场有多远?-The city is 26 kilometers from the airport. 公里。-该城市距离机场 2629. According to the latest weather report, the outside temperature is 20 degrees centigrade. 根据最新的天气消息,外面温度为摄氏 20 度。30. Please remain seated until the plane has come to a complete stop.在飞机完全停稳前,请不要离开您的座位。31. Now we'd like you to accept the little gift as a souvenir. We hope you'll like it.现在请您接受这小小的纪念品。希望您会喜欢。32.Could you give us some advice on improving in-flight service?您能就提高机上服务质量给我们提些建议吗?33. I hope you have a nice trip in Beijing.希望您在北京玩得开心。34. We thank you for flying with us and we hope to have the pleasure of being with you again.感谢您乘坐我们的航班,希望能有幸再次和您见面。 35. Excuse me, sir. Could you please step aside passengers to go through?and allowtheother对不起,先生。您能往边上站一点让其他旅客过去吗?36 .Could you please take the seat according to your seat number?您能按座位号入座吗?37. Would you mind me putting your baggage somewhere else? 意我帮您把行李放到别的地方吧?您不介38. Your bag is too heavy. It might fall down in case of turbulence and hurt somebody.您的行李太重,万一飞机颠簸掉下来,会砸伤人的。39. To be safe, you should bring your seat backs to an upright position keep your seat belts fastened during take-off and landing.and为了安全起见,在飞机起飞和着陆时,您应将座椅靠背调直,系好 安全带。 40. Excuse me, madam. Would you please hold your baby outside the seat belt? That will be more comfortable for the baby. 对不起,女士。请将您的小孩放在安全带的外面好吗?那样小孩会感到舒服些。41. We have mineral water, orange juice, Coke, Sprite and coffee. Which do you prefer?我们有矿泉水、橙汁、可乐、雪碧和咖啡。您想要哪一种?42.Sorry, sir.I'm afraid we don't have it on board.Would you like else?something对不起,先生。飞机上没有配备,您想来点别的吗?43. Sorry, sir. This is a short flight. We only serve snacks.对不起,先生。这是短途航线,我们只供应点心。 44. -What's this?-这是什么?-It's beef, sir. Would you like some? 吗?-这是牛肉,您来一点45. You should be seated in the assigned seat, in order to ensure proper weight and balance for the aircraft when it takes off.为了飞机起飞时的配载平衡,您应坐在指定的位置。46. I'm sorry, sir. We have double booked. Would you mind taking another seat?对不起,这个座位我们开了重号,您不介意坐其他座位吧?47.-My wife and I got separate seats but we want to sit together.-Would you please take the seat assigned to you for the time being? I'll try to let you sit together. I'll ask if that passenger mind moving another seat. to-我和我妻子的座位是分开的,但我们想坐在一起。 -请暂时按座位号坐好吗?我会尽量让你们坐在一起的。我去问问 那位旅客是否愿意换座位。48. According to the regulation of CAAC, the departure time on your ticket refers to the time for closing cabin door, but not for taking off. There is about 15 minutes between them.根据民航总局的规定,在您机票上的离港时间是指关机舱门的时间, 而不是起飞时间,两者之间大约相隔 15 分钟。49. -When will we take off?-我们什么时候才能起飞?-We have to wait until the cargo is loaded. 能起飞。-我们要等装完货才50 .We apologize for the delay in departure.If we have any furtherinformation, we'll let you know.我们对推迟起飞深表歉意。如果有进一步的消息,我们会立即通知 您的。 51. We are waiting for a few passengers to complete boarding formalities.我们正在等待几位乘客办理登机手续。52.Owing to the heavyair traffic, we'll wait until a take -offclearance is given.由于空中航路拥挤,我们要等待通行许可才能起飞。53. We have justbeeninformed that this flight has been cancelled dueto mechanical problem.我们刚接到通知,由于机械故障本次航班已经取消。54. I'msorry to tell you that the flight has been delayed due tomechanical trouble/ bad weather condition/ poor visibility/torrential rain. 很抱歉,我要告诉您,本次航班由于机械故障/天气恶劣/能见度低/大暴雨 延误了。55. -I haven't got any drink yet.-我还没有饮料呢。-Sorry, madam. You were sleeping while we served. I didn't want to interrupt you. What would you like to drink? 饮料的时候您正在睡觉,我不想打扰您。您想喝-对不起,女士。我们送点什么?56. -I've asked three times for a cup of tea. How much longer do I have to wait?- Oh, I'm very sorry. I don't know how this happened. I'll get you one right away.-我要一杯茶都问了三次了,我还要等多久?-哦,实在对不起,我不知道怎么会发生这样的事!我马上给您去 拿。57.I'm afraid I don't understand English too well. Could youplease speakmore slowly?对不起,恐怕我的英文不太好,您能否说慢一点? 58. -I want chicken rice, but not noodles.-I'm very sorry for the mistake. I'll change it for you at once. Please wait a moment.-我想要鸡肉米饭,不是面条。-真是抱歉,我弄错了。我马上给您换一份,请稍候。59. I'm glad you like them. Would you like to have some more? 您能喜欢我非常高兴。再来点吗?60. Would you mind me taking these away? 拿走吗?您介意我把这些东西61. -I would like to see the cockpit.-I'm sorry. It is not permitted while we are aloft. You may see it afterwe land.-我想去看一下驾驶舱。 -对不起。 飞机飞行过程中不允许进去, 您可以在我们着陆后再看。62. -Sit here and chat with me.-坐下来和我说说话。-I'd like to, but I have a few more things to do. I'll return when I am free.-我很乐意,可是我还有点事情没做完。等我空下来,我再回来和您 说话。63. Would you be kind enough to refrain from smoking? You're not allowed to smoke on this flight / in non-smoking area. 请不要吸烟好吗?本次航班全程禁烟/禁烟区内不能吸烟。64. Excuse me, sir. May I remind you that passengers are not allowed to remove emergency equipment by themselves. Please put back the life vest.对不起,先生。我提醒您,旅客们不允许私自移动紧急设备。请将 救生衣放回原处。65. You feel pains in your ear because of a change in air pressure. You can relieve earache by chewing gum or candy. 改变的缘故。嚼块口香糖或糖果就会好些。您感到耳朵痛是由于气压66. We are encountering some turbulence. Please return to your seats and fasten your seat belts.我们遇到颠簸,请回到您的座位坐好,系好安全带。67. We are going to arrive at Chongqing Jiangbei Airport 15 minutes behind schedule because of strong headwinds. 庆江北机场将晚点十五分钟。 因遇上强烈顶风,我们到达重68. -This food is completely cold!-这些食物是冷的!-I'm terribly sorry. I guess it must on the counter for too long. Please let me take it back. I'll bring you a fresh entree. 我想这一定是在台子上放得太久了。请让我 -实在对不起。把它拿走,我再给您拿过一份新的。 69. Excuse me, sir. Could you kindly refrain from singing so loudly?A few passengers have already complained.对不起,先生。请您不要大声地唱歌,有些旅客已经在抱怨了。70. -I'm not feeling well. Do you have some tablet for airsickness?-Yes, we have. I'll bring you one. But the tablet works best one hour after usage.-我觉得不舒服。有治晕机的药吗?-是的,我们有。我给您去拿。但服药一小时后药效最佳。71. We have empty seats in the back of the cabin. I'll take out the armrest and you can lie down.客舱后面还有空位。我将扶手取下,这样您就可以躺下来了。72. We'll have to stay here overnight. Please take your belongings and prepare to disembark. 我们将在这里过夜,请拿好随身物品准备下飞机。73. Don't worry. We'll provide free accommodation for every passenger.请不要担心,我们将为每位乘客提供免费住宿。74. -I want to move to the first class. -我想坐到头等舱去。-Well, let me see if there is any seat available. 下有没有座位。-好的,我先看一75. Sorry, sir. There is no vacant seat in the first class. 头等舱已经没有空位了。对不起,先生。76. We have a vacant seat in the first class. Please come this way to complete the upgrading procedure first. The airfare is ____ yuan for the first class and ____ yuan for economy class. So you'll have to pay _____ yuanfor upgrading. We accept cash only.头等舱还有一个空位。请随我来,先办理一下升舱手续。头等舱的 票价是______,普通舱的票价是______,因此,您升舱还得付______。我 们只收现金。77. I'm sorry, sir. We don't accept this currency. You have to pay it in US, Canadian and HK dollars, UK pounds or German marks. 对不起,先生。我们不收这种钱。我们只收美元、加元、港币、英镑或德国马 克。78. No, thanks. We don't accept tips. It's my pleasure to serve you.不,谢谢,我们不收小费。能为您服务是我的荣幸!79. I'm sorry to hear that, Madam. When and where do you think you lost your handbag? Are you sure you lost it in the cabin?女士,真是不幸,您是何时何地丢失手提包的?您肯定是在飞机上 丢失的吗?80. Well, don't worry. Please leave your name, address, telephone number and everything you know about your handbag. We'll try tolocate it for you. If we have any information about it, we'll contact with you. 别着急,请留下您的姓名、地址、电话号码和有关您手提包的详细 情况。我们会尽力帮您寻找的。如果有消息,我们会马上通知您的。81. -We have Johnnie Walker, Chivas Regal and Bourbon. Would you like any drink before dinner?-I'd like a Bourbon. I'll take it straight.-我们有苏格兰威士忌、芝华士和波本。用餐前您想来点什么?-我要一杯波本,直喝。82. How do you like your steak done? Rare, medium or well-done?您要什么样的牛排?嫩点的、适中的还是老点的?83. -What will the weather be like when we arrive at Seoul? -According to the latest weather report, it is raining in Seoul. And the rain doesn't seem to stop. I'll tell you if there is any change.-我们到达汉城时,那里的天气会怎么样?-根据最新的天气报告, 汉城正下雨, 而且看起来一时也不会停的。 如果那里的天气有什么变化,我会告知您。84. In order to speed up the arrival formalities in the destination airport, you are requested to fill in the forms for Customs,Immigration andQuarantine before landing.为了尽快办好到达目的地机场的手续,需要您在着陆前填好有关海 关、移民和检疫的表格。85. If you have any questions or difficulties in filling in the forms, please let me know and I'll be very happy to assist.填写这些表格时,如有任何问题或困难,请让我知道,我会非常乐 意协助您的。 86. Please get your passport, health and vaccination certificates ready for the inspection.请将护照、健康证和预防接种证明书准备好以便检查。87. Hainan Airlines offers you free buses to downtown in front of the terminal building.海南航空在候机楼前面会提供免费汽车送您去市区。88. We'll arrive at Inchon International Airport in ten minutes. The local time is 8:10 p.m.大约十分钟后,我们将到达仁川国际机场。当地时间是晚间 8:10。89. Beijing is one hour behind Seoul./ Beijing is 13 hours ahead of New York.北京比汉城晚一个小时。/北京比纽约早十三个小时。90. Please watch your step. It's raining and very slippery outside. 请小心,外面在下雨,路面很滑。91. Your checked luggage has to be claimed in the terminal.您的托运行李必须到候机楼认领。92. If you continue the flight with us, please obtain your boarding pass from the ground staff and wait for departure in the terminal.如果您继续随我们航班飞行,请从地面人员那里领取登机牌,在候 机楼等待离港。93. Youmay leave your baggage on the plane but take all valuablesand important documents with you. The plane will stop here for one hour and ten minutes.您可以将行李留在飞机上,但贵重物品和重要文件必须随身携带。 飞机将在此停留一小时十分钟。 94. Fastenyour seat belts immediately. The plane will make an emergency 马上系好安全landing because of the sudden breakdown of engine. 带。由于发动机出了毛病,飞机将做紧急迫降。95. Take out the life vest from the underside of your seat and put it on!从座椅下拿出救生衣,穿上它!96. Don't inflate the life vest in the cabin.不要在客舱内充气!97. Inflate plane.the life vest by pulling down the red tab while you leave the air一离开飞机立即拉下红色充气阀。98. to you.This plane has eight emergency exits. Please locate the exit nearest本架飞机有八个紧急出口,请找到离你最近的出口。 99. Open your seat belts. Leave everything behind and come this way!解开安全带,别拿行李,朝这边走!100.-This is my first visit to Hainan. I hear there are lots of interestingplaces in Hainan. Could you tell me some of them?-Hainan Island is the second largestislandin China. The tropicalweather there makes the island a best place to spend winter holiday and for sightseeing. In Hainan, you can enjoy many beautiful scenic spots such as the End of the Earth,Yalong Bay, Wanquanhe Deer, Nanshan Temple and River, Looking- backMonkey Island. You will be deeply impressed bythe sunshine, the sea, the beach, the fresh air and the tall coconut trees.1.I understand your problem and I'll see if there is a vacant seat foryou. Please take this seat temporarily.我理解你,我替您去看看是否有空位,请暂时坐这个位置。2.I'll hang up your coat in the wardrobe at the front. 我会把衣服挂在前面的衣帽间里。3.I'll give it back to you just before we arrive.到达前,我会把它交还给你。4.May I put your flowers in a cool place ,to keep them fresh untilwe've landed?我帮您把鲜花保存在凉爽的地方,落地后再交给您好吗?5. You can turn the knob here in any direction you like. If you want to shut it off, you can turn it tightly to the right.您可以把这个旋钮调整到你需要的地方。 如果您想关掉, 就向右转紧。6.I'm sorry, madam. There is no bassinet on the plane, but I will try tofind some empty seats, remove the armrest between and make it a bed for your baby. It can also be comfortable.对不起, 夫人, 飞机上没有摇篮。 但我可以帮您把空座位的扶手收好, 为您的宝宝做个小床,也会很舒服。7.The airport of our destination has been closed. The reason isunknown at the moment.目的地机场已经关闭,原因目前还不清楚。8.San Francisco is eight hours ahead of Beijing, but one day behind. Thatmeans we willarrive in San Francisco on Wednesday, the same day as we leave Beijing.旧金山的时间比北京提前八小时,但比北京慢一天,那就是说我们将 在星期三离开北京同一天到达旧金山。9. We have entered an area of turbulence and the plane may be very bumpy. Please fasten your seat belt and don't walk about in the cabin.我们已经进入乱流区域,飞机可能会颠簸,请您系好安全带,不要在机舱 内走动。10. Blankets and pillows are stowed in the overhead lockers and eyeshades and socks are on your seat.毛毯和枕头放在上面的柜中,眼罩和袜子在您的座椅上面。11. Just press the button on your armrest and lean backward at thesame time.您只要按下座椅扶手上的按钮,同时身体向后靠就行了。12. How many pieces of baggage have you lost?总共遗失了几件行李?13. Ok. May I know your name, nationality and occupation, please?好,请告诉我您的姓名,国籍和职业?14. We'll inform our ground personnel to locate it for you. We willinform you as soon as we find it. Could you give us your address and telephone number in Tokyo?我们会通知我们的地面人员来替您寻找的,找到后我们会立即通知您, 您能不能把您在东京的地址和电话号码告诉我们?15. As soon as we arrive there, we'll contact our office in Hainan airlines tosee whether your documents have been found .一会到那,我们就联系海航办事处,看看您的文件是否找到?16. May I offer you a before-dinner drink? We have a selection ofvarious alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.您需要开胃酒吗?我们有多种酒精饮料和非酒精饮料供您选择。17 . Our alcoholic beverages include a wide selection of fine red and white wines. French champagne and various spirits for cocktails. 我们酒精饮料的种类包括大量上等红白葡萄酒,法国香槟和各种鸡尾 酒。18. Would you care for some wine with your meal?您想来点随餐酒吗?19. Would you like your whisky straight or on the rocks?您喜欢直喝威士忌还是加冰块?20. Bar service is offered to first class and business class passengerson a soft drinks are free to all passengers.对头等舱和公务舱的旅客,我们免费提供酒类,软饮料对全体旅客免 费供应。21. You would like another appetizer? If you would be so kind as to wait a few moments, I will check whether we still have any.您还需要点凉菜吗?如果您愿意稍等一会儿,我厨房看看还有没有。 22. Have you decided on one of our appetizers?您选好开胃小菜了吗?23. May I offer you a selection of bread with your appetizer?您需要面包吗?24. If I may suggest a beverage with that, I would recommend that you have a glass of...如果让我来推荐一种饮料,我建议您来一杯...25. May I offer you another bread roll with that?我再给您来一些面包卷好吗? 26. Here is today's menu. What would you like to have?这是今天的菜单,你想吃些什么?27. Have you selected a main course for this afternoon? I would recommend...您选好主菜了吗?我建议您来一些...28. How do you like your steak? Rare, Medium or well done?您需要什么样的牛排?嫩点的、适中的还是老点的?29. Would you care for a small dish of fruit salad?您想要一小盘水果沙拉吗?30. Would you have your dessert now or later?您想现在用甜品还是稍后再用?31. We'll soon be serving dinner. Here is the menu. 我们马上给您提供正餐,这是菜单。32. May I take your order, sir?先生,可以点菜了吗?33. You have a ch sauté diced chicken, fish and so on. Which would you like?您可以选择烤牛肉,小炒鸡丁,鱼等等,您想要什么?34. I'm sorry. There is no more fish left. Can you make a change? We have chicken and beef. Would you like some?对不起,鱼没有了。您能换一道菜吗?我们还有鸡肉和牛肉。您想来 点什么吗?35. Your chicken will be ready in a few minutes.您的鸡肉几分钟后就好。36. This is your appetizer and this is your steak, please enjoy your meal. 这是为您准备的冷盘和牛排,请慢用。37. I'm terribly sorry about that. How careless of me! Wait a moment, let me bring a napkin to clean your clothes. Or we will pay for the laundry fee.真对不起,我粗心呀!请您稍等,我去拿餐巾来替您擦干净衣服。要 不我们为您付干洗费?38. I'm very sorry for the mistake. I'll change it for you at once. Please wait a moment.真是十分抱歉,我弄错了。我马上给您换一份,请稍候。39. I'm glad you like them. Would you like to have some more.您能喜欢我非常高兴,再来点吗?40. Which dish do you particularly like? Beijing roasts duck or chicken with peanuts?您最喜欢哪道菜,北京烤鸭还是宫爆鸡丁? 41. I'm glad you like Chinese food.很高兴你喜欢中国美食。42. May I remove your tray?我能把盘子收走了吗43. Would you like to buy some duty free sales?您想买点免税品吗?44. Sorry sir/madam. I'm afraid they were sold out just now.对不起,先生/女士。这些都卖完了。45. Let me see. Two cartons of zhonghua is_ $, and a bottle of Maotai is_$, it comes to _$.我算一算:两条中华烟__元,一瓶茅台酒__元,一共___元。 46. Ihaven't got any cash. Can you change a fifty- dollar traveler's check?我没有现钱,您能找开一张五十元的旅行支票吗?47. Here is your change, sir. Thank you very much.先生,这是找您的零钱,谢谢。48. Your total is $9.00.您的消费总共是 9 美金。49. Do you have a smaller bill?您有面额小一点的钞票吗?50.I don't think I can break a twenty. 我想我找不开 20 元钱。51. How did you pay for this?您怎么付款?I just charged it.我用信用卡签单的。52. I'm sorry, sir. Visitors are only allowed to bring into China 200 sticks 45cigarettes or 50 cigars at most for one's duty-free. Otherwise you have to pay the customs taxes for the extra amount.对不起,先生。旅客一次只能购买 200 根免税香烟或 50 条免税雪茄 到中国。其它的都要付进口关税。53. I'm sorry,sir. We don't accept that kind of traveler's checks. You have to pay in cash, credit card or US dollars traveler's check.对不起,先生。我们不收这种旅行支票。您可以使用现金、信用卡或 美元旅行支票。54. I'm sorry. I can't give you any discount. All the items we sell on board are marked prices.对不起。我不能给您打折。这些免税品都是明码标价的商品。55. We have fragrance/make-up/harmony set/lipsticks lip brush set and scarves.当然可以。我们有香水/化妆品套装、唇膏/唇刷套装和真丝围巾。56. We have enough local currency to exchange some money for you.我有足够的当地钱,可以给您换一些。57.May I help you with your baby, madam?夫人,需要我为您照顾一下您的婴儿吗?58.Would you like me to set up a baby-bassinet for you? 要不要替您安排一个摇篮?59.We also have baby food on board.在机上我们也有婴儿餐。60.If you'd like to have a meal prepared, you could come to the galley with me and choose something for your child.您可以跟我到厨房,为您的孩子挑选餐食。61. You'll also find facilities for changing your baby's nappies.那儿有为婴儿换尿布的设备。62. Put the earplugs into your ears and this plug into the hole at your seat armrest. Then you turn this dial and you can get dif ferent kinds of music. One of them is the sound of the movie.只要把小耳塞插入您的耳朵,这个插头插入椅子扶手上的插孔内,然后 转动拨盘,您就能听到不同的音乐,其中一个频道就是电影的配音。 63. Sorry, I have no right to promise you any free ticket or dis count.我无权为您提供免票或折扣票,请原谅。64. Have you ever suffered from airsickness before?You're probably airsick.您曾经晕过飞机吗?您可能是晕机。65. I'm sorry to hear that. Just a moment. I'll go to the front and take some medicine for you.真不幸,请您稍等,我到前舱去给您取点药来。66. Please decline your seat back and have a rest. If you want to vomit, please use the airsickness bag in the seat pocket in front of you .I will bring you a warm towel and some water. I'll be right back. 请把座椅靠背倾斜休息一会.如果您想呕吐,请使用座椅前面的清洁袋. 我这就去给您拿热毛巾和水.我很快就回来。67. We have some empty seats in the front of the cabin. I can take out the armrests and let you lie down.我们在前舱有空位,我可以去掉扶手让您躺下。68. After your nap you will feel better.您小睡一下之后就会觉得好多了。69. Don't worry. I'll look for a doctor on board and ask for an ambulance when we reach the airport.别着急,我将广播为您找大夫,并且在您到达机场时要辆救护车。70. I'm sorry to tell you there's no doctor on board. But we've got in touch with the ground staff at destination airport. And they'll take you to the hospital as soon as we get to the airport.对不起,飞机上没有大夫.但我们已经与目的地机场地面人员取得联系, 我们一到机场他们就把您送往医院。71. Don't worry. I'll look for a doctor. Even if we can not find one on board, our flight attendants are all trained for slight sickness.别着急,我将为您寻找医生,即使找不到,我们乘务员也接受过简单护理 轻微病人的训练。72. Don't worry. That was because of a change in air pressure. You can relieve your earache by swallowing and by eating sweets. You may feel better when plane stops climbing.请别担心.这是由于气压的改变引起的 .您可以通过吞咽口水或吃点糖 果减轻疼痛,等飞机平飞后您就会好一点。73. If you hold your nose and blow or just open and shut your mouth, it'll help.如果您捏住鼻子鼓气或者张嘴,会管用的。74. It's easy to put the table in order. Just put it upright and turn knob tightly. 收起小桌板很容易.只要把它竖起来,拧上把手。75. According to the regulations of the United States quarantine, you can't bring in fresh fruit. You have to dispose of them or give them to us before landing.根据美国检疫的规定,您不能把新鲜水果带入境内.您必须在落地前把 它们处理了或者交给乘务员。76. In order to speed up the arrival formalities at the destination airport, you're requested to fill in the forms for the Customs, Immigration and Quarantine before landing.为了尽快办好到达目的地机场的手续 ,需要您在着陆之前填写好有关 海关移民检疫的表格。77. Would you please fill out these forms and place it inside your passport before you get to Shanghai? Y ou'll need them when you go through Immigration,and Customs Quarantine.请您在到达上海之前填写好这些表格 ,并放在护照里.当您办理移民海 关和检疫等手续时需要它们。78. You mean you have lost the entrance card? Oh, it doesn't matter. I'll bring you another one at once. There is just enough time to fill it out before we land.您是说您把入境卡丢了? 没关系,我给您再拿一张,落地前您还有时间 填写。79. Please don't hesitate to call us if you have any questions or difficulties in filling out these forms. We shall be more than happy to assist.填写这些表格时,如有任何问题或困难.请随时叫我们.我们会非常乐意 协助您的。80. All taxable items must be listed. Otherwise, what are not found on the declaration form may subject to heavy fines. 所有要扣税的项目都必须列下来.要不然,会被罚以很重的罚金。81. I just talked to captain about your connection to Vienna.我已经告诉机长您要转机去维也纳了。82. Our captain has radioed Frankfurt. And they are now talking to Austrian Airlines. If possible, they will try to hold the plane for you.机长已经同志法兰克福地面.现在他们正在同奥地利航空公司联系 .如 果有可能,他们会尽量等您的,这样您就可以转机了。83.Don't worry about it. You'll have enough time to collect your belongings. Please remain in your seat with your seat belt fas tened until you have been given permission to disembark.别着急,您有足够的时间整理您的物品。在允许下飞机前,请坐在座 位上,系好安全带。84 .When you arrive at your destination airport,you can identify your baggage and take it from the baggage conveyer. 到达目的地机场时,您可以从行李传送带上辨认并取回您的行李。85. You're requested to complete the entry formalities in the ter minal building.您需要去候机楼办理入关手续。86. Please have your passport, health certificate and vaccination certificate ready. They'll be inspected.请将您的护照、健康证书和种痘证书准备好,已被检查。87.Beijing is thirteen hours ahead of New York.北京比纽约早十三个小时。88.I'm not quite sure. You'd better inquire at the information counter in the Arrival Lobby. They'll be able to help you.我不敢肯定。您最好去大厅问讯处问一下,他们会帮助您的。89. I'll write down the name of your hotel in Chinese and you can give it to the taxi driver. He will take you right there. The fare is about 100 yuan RMB.我用中文把酒店的名字写下来,你把它交给出租司机。他们会带您去 那儿,车费大约是 100 人民币。90. I don't know how to get there. But it would be easier to take taxi. There are lots oftaxis parking outside the terminal building.我不知道怎么去那里。但叫一辆出租车比较方便。有许多出租车停在 后机楼旁边。91. You can take a taxi right outside the terminal. But I'd suggest taking the airport shuttle bus. It is much cheaper and will take you to the center of city.您可以在机场外要一辆出租车。但是,我建议您乘坐机场巴士要便宜 的多,它会直接把您带到市中心。 92. Hope you have a nice stay in China.Enjoy your stay in Beijing.预祝您在中国{北京}度过美好时光。93.Thank you for flying with us and hope to have the pleasure of serving you again.感谢您乘坐我们的班机,希望有幸再次为您服务。94. If you continue the flight with us. Please obtain your boarding pass from the ground staff and wait for departure in the terminal building .You may leave your baggage on the plan but take valuables and important documents with you. The plane will stop here for one hour and ten minutes.如果你要继续我们航班飞行,请从地面人员那里领取登机牌在候机楼 等待离港。您可以将行李留在飞机上,但贵重物品和重要文件必需随身携 带。飞机将在此停留一小时十分钟。95. If you have a connecting flight, you'll have to go to the do mestic terminal after you have declared customs. It's just be side the international terminal. 如果你还有衔接航班的话,必须在报关后去国内候机厅等候。国内厅 就在国际厅的旁边。96. Please hurry up. There're only forty minutes left for your connecting flight.请抓紧时间。您转乘的班机还有四十分钟就要起飞了。97. You mean you are going to transfer to another flight? Please go to the transit counter on the second floor and go through the connection formalities.您的意思是打算转乘另一航班?请到二楼中转柜台办理转机手续。98. What have you got to declare?您有什么要申报的?99.You may list them under &personal belongings&.您可以把他们列在“私人物品”栏内。100.You can easily take a taxi outside the terminal and go anywhere you like. 您很容易在候机大楼外面叫到出租汽车,去您要去的地方。
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