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娱乐城567-百度 新闻
娱乐城567-百度 新闻
时间: 09:26&& &文章来源:jinriedu&& &点击次数:962&& &参与评论 290人
  乡愁故乡的歌是一支清远的笛总在有月亮的晚上响起故乡的面貌却是一种模糊的怅惘仿佛雾里的挥手别离离别后乡愁是一棵没有年轮的树永不老去&&席慕蓉在诗人的笔下,乡愁是对故乡无数碎片化的记忆,无法割舍,难以忘怀,永不老去。乡愁,一个如此文学而又柔情的字眼,竟也屡屡从日理万机的习近平口中咏出,令人倍感温暖。&每逢佳节倍思亲&,乡思乡恋乡愁不禁涌上心头。&学习中国&小编和您一起追逐习近平的&三重乡愁&浓情。图为:日,习近平来到大理白族自治州大理市湾桥镇古生村,仔细察看洱海边的生态保护湿地。望得见山、看得见水、记得住乡愁&乡愁是沿着泥瓦飘飘的炊烟,是十八弯向家门口的山路,是妈妈手里的糯米团,是后院那颗永不结果的龙眼树......&日至13日召开的中央城镇化工作会议提出:&城镇建设,要实事求是确定城市定位,科学规划和务实行动,避免走弯路;要体现尊重自然、顺应自然、天人合一的理念,依托现有山水脉络等独特风光,让城市融入大自然,让居民望得见山、看得见水、记得住乡愁。&让居民望得见山、看得见水、记得住乡愁,这诗一般的语言表达了人们美好家园的期盼。&记得住乡愁&,就是强调我们在推进城镇化的过程中,要注意保留城市原有的地貌风光,要让城市融入大自然,打造出每个城市的特色。我们要千城千面,而不要千城一面。有山有水,是非常朴素简单的要求。真正实现却非易事。随着我国城镇化突飞猛进,许多地方砍树、填湖、盖楼,大量自然山水、乡村田园被蚕食,到处是刺眼的钢筋水泥&森林&,自然风光难觅,青山越来越远,绿水越来越少,乡愁无处寄托。&乡愁&是铭记历史的精神坐标,工业化、城镇化不能割断乡愁,保护好这份珍贵的记忆,靠的是科学的理念、科学的规划、科学的管理。绿色发展观是引领中国走向永续发展、文明发展新道路的发展观,是留得住乡愁的发展观。要坚持绿色发展理念,实施绿色发展战略,走文明发展新路。中央城镇化工作会议要求,&把城市放在大自然中,把绿水青山保留给城市居民&,&慎砍树、不填湖&、少拆房,尽可能在原有村庄形态上改善居民生活条件。&日至21日召开的中央城市工作会议指出:&要加强对城市的空间立体性、平面协调性、风貌整体性、文脉延续性等方面的规划和管控,留住城市特有的地域环境、文化特色、建筑风格等&基因&。&乡愁就像小时候爱吃的东西乡愁就像小时候爱吃的东西,总也吃不够,无论多久,那种味道在记忆里永远挥之不去,想到都很美好。所以,有人说乡愁是什么,是记忆里妈妈的一碗手擀面,是家乡小摊上一碗冒着热气的馄饨&&日,习近平在参加十二届全国人大二次会议贵州代表团审议时说:&一个地方的幸福很重要,要记得住乡愁,比如:小时候爱吃的东西。比如:贵阳的牛肉粉。&习近平回忆道,那是他上个世纪90年代到贵阳去开全国扶贫会,当时他任中共福建省委副书记,也是分管农村和扶贫的省委领导。一天,他想在贵阳吃点小吃,就点了一碗牛肉粉当早餐,但吃了一顿不过瘾,还想吃第二顿,可惜没时间了。他说,每个地方都有让大家留念的东西,不要小看这种幸福感,因为这种幸福感能留得住人。这就是习近平津津乐道的乡愁,是最接地气的乡愁,是离老百姓最近的乡愁。一碗小小的牛肉粉让习近平时隔二十多年都念念不忘,时至今日,习近平对贵阳印象最深的还是牛肉粉。最简单的东西,却也只有在故乡才能吃得出那种味道,那是只有在故乡才能体会到的幸福感,那是故乡独有的特色。乡愁,是对故乡最深的眷恋和牵挂,无可替代,无人能比。  MEXICO CITY, May 2 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama arrived in Mexico City Thursday aboard the official presidential airplane Air Force One, for an overnight work visit.Obama was received at the presidential hangar at Mexico City's international airport by Mexico's Foreign Minister Jose Antonio Meade, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Anthony Wayne, Mexico's Ambassador to the U.S. Eduardo Medina Mora and other officials.The U.S. president immediately boarded his presidential state car, known as &The Beast,& which was followed by 32 security vehicles and a Mexican Navy helicopter, and headed to the National Palace, headquarters of the Mexican government.At the National Palace, Obama and Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto will hold a meeting to discuss a variety of issues, including economic growth, competitiveness, public security, immigration, border management, trade, investment, education and scientific exchange.Around 4 pm local time (2100 GMT), The two presidents will hold a joint press conference and in the evening Pena Nieto will host a state dinner in Obama's honor.At the moment of Obama's arrival, Pena Nieto posted a tweet that says &this visit will be of great benefit to our countries.&This is Obama's fourth visit to Mexico, but the first during Pena Nieto's presidency, which began in November 2012.On Friday, May 3, Obama's agenda includes a meeting with several figures from Mexico's social sectors and an encounter with Mexican students at the National Anthropology Museum.  WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday launched a three-week coordinated campaign with Democrats at Capitol Hill and outside allies to reboot his signature healthcare overhaul, following two months of intense media coverage of the federal healthcare website failures.The president, flanked by 19 individuals whom said they had benefited from the Affordable Care Act, played defense for his signature healthcare overhaul at a White House event, trying to re- ignite efforts to sell his message.&My main message today is we are not going back,& Obama said.He said that the &poor execution& of the rollout of the Healthcare.gov, a federal on-line marketplace that serves as the centerpiece of the healthcare overhaul, had &clouded& the fact that people could benefit from the law.The federal on-line marketplace, serving consumers in 36 states, is key to Obama's signature healthcare overhaul aiming to get more uninsured Americans coverage.However, the website was almost out of service during the first two weeks after it was launched on Oct. 1 and has been plagued by technical glitches. Many consumers have reported difficulties in signing up and getting enrolled. Obama's personal and political approval ratings have taken a beating since the website's glitch- riven debut.The Obama administration said on Monday the technical team had already met its self-imposed deadline on Nov. 30 to fix the website. The officials said the website can now handle its original intended volume of 50,00 con-current users and a total of 800,000 visitors a day.In his remarks on Tuesday, Obama stressed that the website is & now working well for the vast majority of users.&&We're not repealing it as long as I'm president,& he added. &I want everybody to be clear about that.&&The bottom line is this law is working and will work into the future,& said Obama.The event was the first of many in a &renewed effort to refocus the public and the public's attention on the benefits of the law,& said White House spokesman Jay Carney Tuesday in a daily briefing.Carney said that in the coming days, the president and other White House officials would talk about existing benefits under Obamacare through &a number of different venues,& including press events and social media advertising campaigns.In the coordinated fresh push, the Democratic National Committee on Tuesday launched a new website highlighting the negative consequences if the Republicans succeed in repealing Obamacare.More events are expected from now through Dec. 23, the enrollment deadline for Jan. 1 insurance coverage, according to the Affordable Care Act.The 2010 Affordable Care Act, which passed with no Republicans' support, has been a long-time controversial issue in Washington and across the country. The Republicans, in particular, have never been back down from their efforts to dismantle the healthcare overhaul or delay its implementation.Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday the president's &campaign-style event won't solve the myriad problems facing consumers under Obamacare.&&It's not just a broken website, this bill is fundamentally flawed,& said House Speaker John Boehner Tuesday.  作者:刘辉最近,有群众举报樟树市有企业非法排污,樟树市委市政府高度重视,江西省、樟树市环保部门立即组织力量开展调查,发现两家企业存在严重非法排污行为,依据《中华人民共和国刑法》有关条款,11月8日,樟树市公安机关对上述两家企业的行为正式以刑事案件立案查处。当日和12日,分别对樟树市科海化工有限公司负责生产的副厂长顾某;被查污水处理厂厂长戴某、副厂长蔡某和具体实施者彭某四人采取刑事强制措施。世界上怕就怕认真二字,共产党员最讲认真.非法排污危害极大,不仅影响地表水,更影响地下水,破坏当地生态.不仅如此,当非法排污进入主要河流,由于河流的流动性,跨地域性,影响面更加广泛.危及我们赖以生存的空间与家园,为老百姓所深恶痛绝.非法排污虽然是长期以来环境污染中的老大难问题,一旦得到各级党委和政府重视,该出手时坚决出手,最难的问题也都会被认真的态度迎刃而解.十八届五中全会提出了"创新,协调,绿色,开放与共享"的发展新理念.明确把"绿色发展""协调发展"提高到十三五时期战略发展的高度.在江西为了保护我们的生存环境,保护母亲河,省委省政府主要领导担任"总河长""副总河长",省委,省人大,省政府,省政协主要领导担任"五河一湖一江"省级河长,说明省委省政府治理江西水资源,水环境,水生态的认真态度.樟树市委市政府对非法排污企业的处理措施,正是这种认真态度坚决执行的体现.长期以来,非法排污之所以查处难,除了因为取证难,还有在招商引资的环境下,存在地方保护主义造成的处理难,此外,环保部门执法局限性也造成的处理难,结果往往是以罚代法,或者不了了之.违法的成本小,治理的效果不明显.樟树市公安机关对非法排污的企业立案侦查,并依据刑法对相关责任人采取刑事强制措施,对非法排污认了一次真.对那些依然偷偷非法排污或者明目张胆排污的企业,无疑具有警示和威慑作用.然而,要彻底从根本上解决非法排污,除了加强环保法的宣传,加大打击非法排污的力度之外,还要从污染的源头上着手,升级制度,利剑高悬.首先,招商引资要升级,对那些可能会污染环境的企业要坚决说不,不引进来;其次,企业的环评报告要务实,治污措施要落地, 要严格执行环评报告不过关,企业不开工的制度;此外,实行非法排污责任倒查制,谁引进的污染企业,谁让它的环评报告过了关,进行责任倒查.等等.依法从严治理非法排污,没有过去时,只有进行时.只有采取认真的态度,认真的措施,让非法排污破坏环境者,尝到苦果,受到惩处,才会还老百姓一河清江水,一片瓦蓝的天.  WASHINGTON, June 6 (Xinhua)-- The International Monetary Fund ( IMF) said on Thursday that lessons from the first bailout program for Greece have been internalized and the current rescue plan is & on track.&The evaluation report is a standard procedure after a member country has had exceptional access to the IMF funds, as was the case in Greece, and the objective of such a report is to &learn,& said IMF spokesman Gerry Rice at a regular briefing in Washington, D.C.The evaluation focused on the initial Greek bailout program approved in 2010, not the bigger second program which the IMF and the European partners agreed in 2012, he noted.In a self-assessment report released Wednesday, the IMF said there were both &notable successes& and &notable failures& in its first bailout of Greece. The Fund underestimated the damage that fiscal austerity would do to the Greek economy and overestimated the country's capacity to implement structural reforms.&Market confidence was not restored, the banking system lost 30 percent of its deposits, and the economy encountered a much-deeper- than-expected recession with exceptionally high unemployment. Public debt remained too high and eventually had to be restructured, with collateral damage for bank balance sheets that were also weakened by the recession,& the report said.The Fund also bent its criterion for the bailout program in a tension between the need to support Greece and the concern that its debt was not sustainable with high probability, according to the report.In a separate annual report of the Greek economy released on Wednesday, the Fund said Greece has made substantial progress in strengthening its fiscal position and increasing its competitiveness, but it still needs to plough on with structural reforms to boost growth and generate jobs.  BRATISLAVA, June 20 (Xinhua) -- Britain's departure from the EU might usher in political instability as well as potential fluctuations on financial markets, said Slovak Central Bank Governor Jozef Makuch on Monday.Makuch noted that the European Central Bank (ECB) is carefully analysing the potential impacts of &Brexit& and is prepared to respond to any such fluctuation. Makuch, a member of the ECB Governing Council, echoed the words of ECB President Mario Draghi who said that the bank is ready for whatever outcome.According to Draghi, Britain's potential departure poses several risks.&What concerns us the most is insecurity on financial markets, where volatility linked to uNPRopitious prospects for trade and investments might increase. This is where we can act in the best way, as we've responded to rises in volatility numerous times,& said Draghi.Makuch added that EU member states have been working on stepping up European integration for years and this might pose a risk as well.&There are issues that require unanimity, which might be difficult to achieve in an unstable environment,& stressed Makuch.The referendum on Britain's membership of the EU is due to be held on Thursday.    ^<26?  Spain says its economy is worsening and that it will take two years longer than first thought to meet Europe's deficit target.Madrid said Friday it expects its economy will shrink 1.3 percent this year, instead of the one-half of one percent figure it projected earlier. The government said it expects the Spanish economy will begin to grow again in 2014.At the same time, Spain - the fourth largest economy in the euro currency bloc - said its deficit would fall this year to 6.3 percent of its national economy. That is a sharp improvement over last year, but still more than double the three percent target set by the European Union.Spain said it would not meet the European target until 2016, two years later than promised in 2012.Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy embarked on a year of austerity measures when he took office in late 2011, but more than a quarter of the country's workers are unemployed and the troubled Spanish banking system has had to secure an international bailout.Economic Minister Luis de Guindos said Spain's high jobless rate is the country's key political and social problem.&The data that affects Spaniards is the deterioration of the labor market. This is obviously the principle political and social problem,& he said. &In fact, I would go so far as to say that this is the principle weakness of the Spanish economy. That Spain has an unemployment rate of 27 percent is the element that makes us most weak in the eyes of international markets.&    三级组织体系到四级组织体系,涉及面更广,发现的问题也会更多,这就需要作为第一责任人的&河长&通过各级行政力量去协调、解决存在的各种存在和被忽略的问题,有效的带好头。同时也要防止为了强求GDP而对生态污染视而不见的渎职行为&新开局 新征程&2016江西两会系列评论2015年,江西建立起了省、市、县三级&河长制&组织体系,省委书记和省长分别担任省级正副&总河长&,引起了全国网友的高度关注。25日上午,记者从江西省十二届人大五次会议上了解到,今年江西将建立覆盖到乡镇的&河长制&,这表明环保问责已覆盖至乡镇一级。作为生态大省,江西在过去一年的时间内,采取了众多措施保护生态环境。而具体到水生态资源的保护措施,&河长制&的推行无疑是一项重大的生态保护工程。上至省委书记牵头,下到县级部门,这套组织体系不仅在决策面具有非常强烈的影响,更体现了保护生态水资源的决心和毅力。如今由三级组织管理走向省、市、县、乡的四级组织体系,覆盖面更广,保护面更大,也意味着环保问责的力度加大,绿色崛起的思路走向更加成熟。&河长制&是从河流水质改善领导督办制、环保问责制所衍生出来的水污染治理制度,目的是为了保证河流在较长的时期内保持河清水洁、岸绿鱼游的良好生态环境,它的产生一度引发强烈的关注。江西遵循这项制度的足迹,也积极的探索和创新出了一套可行的组织体系,形成了良好治水的新格局,为秀美江西增添了新的护航能力。过去一年,江西在绿色崛起的总体思路上,取得了一系列的骄人成绩,绿色GDP的发展增速位居全国前列。由此可见,环保问责体系倒逼下的青山绿水为江西提供了强有力的绿色发展生命力。从三级到四级的跨越,不是简单的数据加一,而是责任划分更加具体。本来&河长制&很少提及乡镇一级的问责,这主要是因为乡镇河流体系相对来说比较复杂,并且污染现象比较少,加上江西地处中部山区地带,乡镇河流的治理问题往往很少波及。然而随着经济的发展,乡镇城市化加速,河流污染问题也逐渐成为民生关注的一个部分。还有一点就是,众多河流的溯源来自于河流,乡镇河流的保护程度直接决定了省、市、县河道的源头细节。覆盖到乡镇的&河长制&,真正意义上开启了从源头到总开关的问责体系完善,让水生态保护没有死角。&河长制&本身是一项可行性、操作性强的制度,可以说是政府职能转变的具象表达,也是发展主旋律的重要战略指南。江西一贯致力于生态环境保护,&江西风景独好&也是江西人民引以为傲的口号。去年全国两会习总书记对江西提出&一个希望、三个着力&的总体要求,&绿水青山就是金山银山&的发展理念更加深入江西发展的基调之中。如今,&河长制&的细化升级,生态保护治理更为严格,绿色发展的延伸更加深化,生态文明制度建设的态度更为鲜明,美丽中国的&江西样本&正用铁腕之力的决心和毅力去面对&十三五&的挑战。当然,生态管理的红线制度,仅仅依赖于&河长制&是远远不够的,还需要各级的坚决贯彻和执行。三级组织体系到四级组织体系,涉及面更广,发现的问题也会更多,这就需要作为第一责任人的&河长&通过各级行政力量去协调、解决存在的各种存在和被忽略的问题,有效的带好头。同时也要防止为了强求GDP而对生态污染视而不见的渎职行为,只有坚持贯彻好省委方针政策,深入学习贯彻习总书记的治国理政理念,用好&河长制&,学会当&河长&,为江西发展提供持久源动力。(作者:右平)  Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti said during a visit to London on Wednesday that he expects to reach an agreement with other European countries, including Germany, on a way out of the current economic crisis that does not involve what he sees as unsustainable financial austerity for his country. Monti met with officials, investors and students in London.Prime Minister Monti said the fiscal discipline being imposed on Italy and other heavily-indebted countries is important, but not enough to get the continent out of its financial and economic crisis. He said he wants countries that follow the European Union plan to be rewarded with lower interest rates and the flexibility to take steps to promote economic growth.Economically-strong Germany has been the driving force in the European Union, insisting on austerity and offering little in return. But Mr. Monti told a gathering at the London School of Economics and Political Science that he sees potential for a meeting of the minds.“I’m rather optimistic now,& said Prime Minister Monti. &I see different pieces coming together, which lead me to believe that we will have some silent, quiet, I hope quiet, coming together of different pieces.”The Italian leader is expected to meet with his German counterpart and other leaders at the next EU summit at the end of this month. He met with the British prime minister on Wednesday and he visited the London Stock Exchange for private meetings with the managers of large investment funds - trying to convince them to invest in Italy despite its economic problems.Mr. Monti said the countries that use the euro need to restore confidence among investors, promote economic growth and explore ways to ensure prosperity across the continent, including the creation of Euro Bonds backed jointly by all 17 EU countries.“All this in my view requires better governance of the euro zone,& he said. &And, of course, Germany is one of the key interlocutors, if not the most key interlocutor, for this.”The Italian prime minister said he expects European leaders to reach a final agreement on new fiscal discipline rules at the January 30 summit, and he believes that will make it possible to move forward on other important issues, including economic growth, restoring investor and consumer confidence, and lowering interest rates his country must pay to borrow money.At the end of the event, when he was presented with a cap bearing the school’s logo, Mr. Monti said:“I hope it is also symbolic of a soon-to-come cap on interest rates,& he said.  作者:朱四倍8月底获通过的《刑法修正案(九)》已于11月1日正式实施,一些与民众生活息息相关的法律条文,备受关注。其中,编造虚假的险情、疫情、灾情、警情,在信息网络或者其他媒体上传播,或者明知是上述虚假信息,故意在信息网络或者其他媒体上传播,严重扰乱社会秩序的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制;造成严重后果的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑。公众对网络上的虚假信息特别是网络造谣深恶痛绝,但此前由于法律的不足,不少人无可奈何,不仅防范困难,而且对自身和社会造成巨大伤害的谣言也无法进行法律救赎。因此,&朋友圈传谣最高可判7年&不仅是对造谣者的提醒,也是维护社会公共利益和个体正当权益的有效法律武器。从广义范围来看,在互联网上运用计算机专业知识实施的犯罪行为就是网络犯罪,&编造虚假的险情、疫情、灾情、警情,在信息网络或者其他媒体上传播&就是明显表现。隐蔽性强、危害性大、防范困难是其显著特征。尽管在信息时代,信息属于公众,但如何运用好信息却是大课题,并非单凭美好的愿望就可以让信息为公众和社会造福,这就需要法律的介入。网络是中性的,既能造福人类,也能祸害人类。更何况,当下的网络发展有两大特征。一是网络不单具有虚拟性,而是开始向现实性转化和过度,也就是说,网络行为不再单纯是虚拟行为,被赋予了越来越多的社会意义,个体必须为自己在网络上的言行承担相应法律责任,接受相应道德评判;二是网络不再是单纯的信息载体,越来越多地具有了生活平台的特征。互联网已经高度商业化和大众化,随着新媒体的出现,网络由提供娱乐、信息服务向提供生活平台延伸。在这样的事实面前,法律不可能缺位,&朋友圈传谣最高可判7年&的针对性和现实性明显可见。造谣者和有意传谣者往往利用人们对神秘的东西充满好奇心,加大谣言的扩散动力。当传播者加上&这事千万别外传&、&这是内部消息&的由头,谣言的吸引力和传播价值就更大,这在网络上表现特别明显,造成的危害也大大超过传统社会中的谣言,法律不能熟视无睹,&朋友圈传谣最高可判7年&有着正当性。《刑法修正案(九)》出台,网络造谣等行为要负刑事责任,是对&互联网不是法外之地&的最好诠释,体现了民意和时代的要求,也未尝不是一种法律意义上的&补课&行为。正如新浪微博社区管理中心运营经理尹雪赓所说,此次调整,既让相关判决更有依据,也可以减少判决上的争议。必须认识到,利用信息网络散布虚假警情等信息,有可能承担刑事责任,而不仅仅是行政责任或者简单民事赔偿责任。网络犯罪大量增长与网络犯罪门槛大幅度降低,网络犯罪开始由精英犯罪演变为平民犯罪有关。无论从时代变化还是从民众要求来看,建立全面的、有效的、结构严谨的新的法律体系来整治网络环境十分必要。立足于社会变化,一般认为,法律是一种社会现象,犯罪是与社会和时代变化相联系的现象。美国学者斯皮内洛在《世纪道德:信息技术的伦理方面》指出:&社会和道德方面通常很难跟上技术革命的迅猛发展。而像中国这样的发展中国家在抓住信息时代机遇的同时,却并不总是能意识到和密切关注各种风险,以及为迅猛的技术进步所付出的日渐增长的社会代价。&对时下的人们来说,要想拥有美好的网络生活,保障网络带来的便利落地,仅仅靠道德和教育的劝戒已经难以凑效,也不能实现对网络犯罪的内化控制和防范,因此,就应从教育、道德和法律的多个方面入手,使公众和社会从根本上建立起防范网络犯罪的屏障。(朱四倍)  WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday launched a three-week coordinated campaign with Democrats at Capitol Hill and outside allies to reboot his signature healthcare overhaul, following two months of intense media coverage of the federal healthcare website failures.The president, flanked by 19 individuals whom said they had benefited from the Affordable Care Act, played defense for his signature healthcare overhaul at a White House event, trying to re- ignite efforts to sell his message.&My main message today is we are not going back,& Obama said.He said that the &poor execution& of the rollout of the Healthcare.gov, a federal on-line marketplace that serves as the centerpiece of the healthcare overhaul, had &clouded& the fact that people could benefit from the law.The federal on-line marketplace, serving consumers in 36 states, is key to Obama's signature healthcare overhaul aiming to get more uninsured Americans coverage.However, the website was almost out of service during the first two weeks after it was launched on Oct. 1 and has been plagued by technical glitches. Many consumers have reported difficulties in signing up and getting enrolled. Obama's personal and political approval ratings have taken a beating since the website's glitch- riven debut.The Obama administration said on Monday the technical team had already met its self-imposed deadline on Nov. 30 to fix the website. The officials said the website can now handle its original intended volume of 50,00 con-current users and a total of 800,000 visitors a day.In his remarks on Tuesday, Obama stressed that the website is & now working well for the vast majority of users.&&We're not repealing it as long as I'm president,& he added. &I want everybody to be clear about that.&&The bottom line is this law is working and will work into the future,& said Obama.The event was the first of many in a &renewed effort to refocus the public and the public's attention on the benefits of the law,& said White House spokesman Jay Carney Tuesday in a daily briefing.Carney said that in the coming days, the president and other White House officials would talk about existing benefits under Obamacare through &a number of different venues,& including press events and social media advertising campaigns.In the coordinated fresh push, the Democratic National Committee on Tuesday launched a new website highlighting the negative consequences if the Republicans succeed in repealing Obamacare.More events are expected from now through Dec. 23, the enrollment deadline for Jan. 1 insurance coverage, according to the Affordable Care Act.The 2010 Affordable Care Act, which passed with no Republicans' support, has been a long-time controversial issue in Washington and across the country. The Republicans, in particular, have never been back down from their efforts to dismantle the healthcare overhaul or delay its implementation.Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday the president's &campaign-style event won't solve the myriad problems facing consumers under Obamacare.&&It's not just a broken website, this bill is fundamentally flawed,& said House Speaker John Boehner Tuesday.  BRATISLAVA, Oct. 25 ( Xinhua) -- The German carmaker Volkswagen (VW) will participate in the production of luxury SUV Bentley Falcons by manufacturing the vehicle bodywork in Bratislava, local media reported on Saturday.The local news agency TASR cited Bratislava Volkswagen spokesman Vladimir Machalik as saying that the bodywork will be subsequently transported to the company's plant in Crewe in the UK, where a hand-made interior will be installed.The new automobiles will be available for markets in 2016. The Bratislava factory is currently focusing on completing the construction of its bodywork production facilities that will be cost 600 million (760 million U. S. dollars) euros and involve 1,000 robots - almost the same number currently in use at the plant.The new facilities can also be used to produce the bodywork for new generations of cars, including the Audi Q7, the Porsche Cayenne and the Volkswagen Touareg.The challenges involved in assembling Bentley SUVs will require dozens of highly qualified experts. The new business is set to create 500 new jobs for the purpose.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel has agreed to push for European Union financial assistance for Spanish farmers whose export income dropped sharply after German officials erroneously blamed them for causing the deadly outbreak of E. coli bacteria.Merkel told her counterpart, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, on Thursday that she regretted the damage that had been caused. German officials at first voiced the suspicion that cucumbers imported from Spain had sparked the widespread infections that now have killed 18 people and sickened more than 1,700 others. But investigators searching for the cause and origin of the disease have now rejected the Spanish cucumber theory and say they have yet to determine how the disease started. The contagion has now spread to 12 countries, although all but one of the deaths and hundreds of the illnesses have been recorded in Germany.A Spanish farming group says the country's farmers stand to lose 7 million a week if import bans against the country's agricultural products are not lifted. With the crisis unsolved, Russia said this week said it is banning the import of all fresh vegetables from the European Union - an action the EU immediately called &disproportionate.& The EU, which exported 3 million worth of vegetables to Russia last year, said it would seek an explanation from Moscow.The World Health Organization says this is a rare strain of E. coli bacteria that is highly contagious. Scientists say it is the first time it has caused an outbreak.The WHO said Thursday that preliminary genetic tests suggest the strain could be a genetic recombination of two different E. coli bacteria. The outbreak is the deadliest in modern history to involve E. coli, and appears to be the second- or third-largest in terms of the number of people who have become ill. A food safety expert at the WHO, Hilde Kruse, said the deadly strain has various characteristics that make it more toxic and more virulent than other strains.With the uncertainty surrounding the latest outbreak, concern about European produce is spreading. The United Arab Emirates on Thursday banned the import of cucumbers from Spain, Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands. Russia said vegetables already imported from EU countries will be seized. The chief of Russia's consumer protection agency, Gennady Onishchenko, urged Russians to avoid imported vegetables in favor of domestic products.The World Health Organization said Thursday it does not recommend any trade restrictions related to the outbreak.  第二届&绿行中国&节俭环保公益活动在京启动各级领导共同启动第二届&绿行中国&节俭环保公益活动胶东在线北京11月11日讯(记者 贾楚航 摄影 李刚)11日,以&出行自带日用品,节俭环保我光荣&为主题的康宝莱杯第二届&绿行中国&公益活动在北京启动。中国记协党组书记翟惠生,国家互联网信息办公室网络新闻信息传播局副局长侯云灏,中央部分重点新闻网站和商业网站及百家城市新闻网站代表,山东省网信办和烟台市有关部门领导出席启动仪式。该活动是继去年成功举办后,由胶东在线发起、中国城市网盟主办、全国百家城市新闻网站承办的第二届节俭环保公益活动,旨在倡导广大网友外出自带日用品,拒绝使用酒店&六小件&等一次性洗漱用品,培养人们从小事做起勤俭节约的良好习惯,形成节俭养德、全民节约的浓厚氛围。刚刚闭幕的党的十八届五中全会,提出绿色发展的理念,提出坚持绿色发展,必须坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策。当前一次性日用品消费对生态环境造成了严重破坏,数据显示,全国仅星级酒店每天消耗的一次性洗漱用品就高达22亿元,浪费现象令人触目惊心。本届活动为期一个月。活动将突出榜样的表率作用,重点推出&绿行榜样&征集,面向全国网友征集出行自备日用品及生活中的节俭方法和故事。为提高参与度,&绿行榜样&征集采取网站推荐和网友自荐两种方式,每家参与网站推荐2-3位绿行榜样。同时,活动更加突出实用性,各参与网站广泛发动网民晒出自己出差或旅行时中意而实用的日用品小包,活动结束后,评选出体积小、功能实用、设计科学的最佳日用品包,面向全社会推广使用。与往届相比,在活动内容、传播形式等方面都有新变化,增强了&两微一端&传播手段的运用,还融合了随手拍、H5等互动传播形式,进一步提升活动的吸引力和感染力。活动得到了康宝莱(中国)保健品有限公司的大力支持。首届&绿行中国&活动于去年7月29日在烟台启动,全国百家城市新闻网站,800家酒店、旅行社参与。历时3个月,吸引了全国1200多万网友关注和参与,共发布微博500余条,转发5万多次,百度搜索&绿行中国&关键词,达600余万条,涌现出了烟台&环保达人&王悦、湖北&节俭达人&黄庆武、连云港&环保志愿者&赵军友等一批节俭典型,在全国范围掀起了一场&拒用酒店六小件&的节俭环保浪潮。--------------- 欢迎点击专题:第二届&绿行中国&环保公益活动 ---------------  扫描二维码 参与绿行活动:  At the sixth Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia, U.S. President Barack Obama said the United States wants deeper economic partnerships in the hemisphere, but that barriers remain to greater integration.In remarks to a CEO summit, Mr. Obama spoke of impressive economic growth in Latin America, progress moving tens of millions of people out of poverty, and a growing middle class.He pointed to two U.S. free trade agreements, with host country Colombia and with Panama, and said some 40 percent of U.S. exports go to the region, supporting almost four million U.S. jobs.But Mr. Obama said barriers remain to greater entrepreneurship and innovation, and that trade across a hemisphere with nearly one billion citizens is only half of what it could be.Mr. Obama said &stark inequalities& endure in the region, with &far too many& people still living in poverty, adding the challenge will be to ensure broad-based prosperity. &The challenge for this hemisphere is how do we make sure that globalization and that integration is benefiting a broad base of people,& he said.In a first for the Summit of the Americas, Mr. Obama, Brazil's president, Dilma Rousseff, and the summit host, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, engaged in a panel discussion.President Rousseff repeated concerns about the impact on developing nations of &expansionary monetary policies& and warned against protectionism. The Colombian leader said he shared concerns about monetary policy.President Obama said he is sympathetic to the challenges around monetary policy in developed and less developed countries. The president, however, said the issue involves not just the United States but &the failure of some other countries to engage in re-balancing.&Mr. Obama also said economic success in the hemisphere depends in the long-term on democratic governance. &When we look at how we are going to integrate further and take advantage of increased opportunity in the future, it is very important for us not to ignore how important it is to have a clean, transparent, open government that is working on behalf of its people,& he said.President Obama called the Free Trade Agreement with Colombia a &win-win& for both countries, saying it contains strong labor and environment provisions.On the controversial issue for many countries of drug policy reform, Mr. Obama reiterated his opposition to legalization of drugs, though he recognized the &brutal& toll drug violence and said he is open to &legitimate discussions.&In translated remarks, President Santos said Colombia had been &relatively successful& in the war on drugs, but spoke of the need to consider alternatives. &Right now, we are in a moment of analyzing if what we are doing is the best that we can do or if we can maybe find an alternative that is much more effective and less expensive for the societies in general,& he said.After a colorful formal opening ceremony, the 33 hemisphere leaders began a multi-hour main plenary session discussing not only economic integration, but steps to eliminate poverty and inequality, transnational crime and access to technology.A Venezuelan Foreign Ministry official announced that President Hugo Chavez, a harsh critic of U.S. policies, will not attend the Cartagena summit.Mr. Chavez was to return to Cuba to receive additional radiation treatment for the cancer he has been battling.  中办国办印发方案 扩大中国科协承接政府转移职能试点 坚决避免&红顶中介&&二政府&现象 《 人民日报 》( 日 01 版)本报北京7月16日电(记者蒋建科)中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅近日印发《中国科协所属学会有序承接政府转移职能扩大试点工作实施方案》(全文见第十一版),对扩大试点工作的总体要求、工作原则、主要内容、组织实施、工作制度、工作流程、保障措施作出明确规定,要求各地区各部门结合实际认真贯彻落实。方案要求,围绕全面深化改革的总体部署,充分发挥科技社团独特优势,有序承接政府转移职能。强化效果监督和评估,形成可复制可推广的经验和模式,建立完善可负责、可问责的职能转接机制,为全面深化改革、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化提供示范案例。方案强调,扩大试点工作要服务大局、稳妥有序,创新方式、破解难题,强化监管、规范运行,转变观念、提升能力。&切实提升服务意识和质量,坚决避免&红顶中介&&二政府&现象。&方案明确,以首批试点工作成果为基础,围绕相关科技评估、工程技术领域职业资格认定、技术标准研制、国家科技奖励推荐四项重点任务开展扩大试点工作。在相关科技评估方面,充分发挥科技社团在科技评价中独立第三方作用,推动建立健全科技评估制度,提供宏观层面的战略评估,促进科技评价的公平、公开和公正,形成决策、执行、评价相对分开的运行机制。接受科技部等部门委托,以后评估为重点,开展国家科研和创新基地评估、科技计划实施情况的整体评估、科研项目完成情况评估三个方面的试点探索。在工程技术领域职业资格认定方面,重点开展专业技术人员专业水平评价类而非行业准入类职业资格认定,以区分学会和行业协会的差异与合理分工。选择信息工程、软件开发等专业性、技术性较强的领域,遴选具备能力要求的学会,经有关政府部门审核确认,参与或承担水平评价类职业资格认定工作。在有关政府部门的指导下,试点探索开展非公有制经济组织的专业技术人员职称评定工作。在技术标准研制方面,选择3D打印、物联网、工业机器人、新能源汽车、中医药等专业领域,鼓励学会面向新兴交叉学科和市场需求空白,协调相关市场主体共同制定满足市场和创新需要的团体标准,促进形成产学研相结合的团体标准研制模式。在国家科技奖励推荐方面,完善国家科学技术奖励推荐提名制度,完善学会推荐的遴选和动态调整机制,在确保质量的前提下,扩大专业学会推荐范围。扩大试点工作分筹备协调、部署动员、实施、系统总结四阶段进行。中国科协党组书记、常务副主席尚勇表示,上述扩大试点的四项重点任务均涉及改革的&深水区&,是科技社团承接政府转移职能中有价值、有意义、有影响的业务领域,有较大&含金量&。  CAIRO, May 17 (Xinhua) -- Mohamed Morsi, affiliated to banned Muslim Brotherhood group, is the first Egyptian president who faces the execution verdict, after a criminal court sentenced him to death on Saturday.The reign of the ousted president Morsi, who was also the first elected civilian president in Egypt, witnessed unprecedented severe polarization and continuous political crisis that caused his topple by military-backed mass protests against his rule on June 30, 2013.An Egyptian court on Saturday sentenced Morsi and 106 supporters of his Muslim Brotherhood to death over a mass jail break after Jan. 25, 2011 which ousted the long time ruler Hosni Mubarak.Morsi, 64 years old, joined Muslim Brotherhood ideologically in 1977, and organizationally by the end of 1979. He was appointed a member in the group politburo in 1992.During his one year in office, Egypt witnessed continuous disputes between him and the Brotherhood from one side and the entire state institutions, whether army, judiciary, police, media and political sides from the other side.The crisis began when Morsi breached an agreement with the political forces, publically known as &Fairmont Agreement,& and formed with his government a constitutional panel to daft the constitution, without consultation with the political parties. Morsi's move was seen as exclusionary policies that haven't coped with the principles of the 2011 revolution that toppled his predecessor.The Islamist leader started his political life as member of the parliament in 2000, and was assigned as speaker for the Brotherhood bloc in the Lower Chamber of the Parliament (the People's Assembly).Brotherhood Shura Council elected him on June 30, 2011 as chairman of the group's political arm (Freedom and Justice Party).On April 7, 2012, the Freedom and Justice Party in coordination with the Supreme Guide of the Brotherhood pushed Khairat al-Shater, the group business tycoon, as a presidential candidate and Morsi as a spare nominee, in precautionary procedures, fearing some legal obstacles will hinder Shater approval as presidency runner.The group's fears came true. Presidential Supreme Electoral Commission dismissed Shater and accepted Morsi for legal reasons.Morsi won the presidential elections with 51.7 percent of the votes compared to his rival, former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq, who served as an aviation minister under Mubarak.Morsi officially took office on June 30, 2012. He promised the people in his first speech to the nation to be a president for all, but liberal, leftist, youth groups saw Morsi and his groups are controlling the country and sought discrimination policies against liberals.The protests escalated against his rule on Nov. 22, 2012 after he issued a constitutional declaration which entitled him with absolute powers, the straw that broke his regime back, in addition to criticism against his illegal toppling of prosecutor general and amid rejection of the political powers of his cabinet headed by the Islamist Hisham Qandil.That constitutional declaration has pressed the political factions to form National Salvation Front headed by leftist politician Hamdeen Sabahi, Sayd al-Badwi, Head of al-Wafd party, Amro Moussa, former foreign minister and Mohamed elbaradei, Nobel Prize winner and leading Egyptian political figure.Few months later, Tamarod, a youth movement, was founded and called for withdrawing trust from Morsi and holding earlier presidential elections, and then urged people to flock into squares to topple the Islamist leader based on its gathering of 20 million signatures against Morsi.The citizens responded to the youth movement calls and gathered in millions in iconic-Tahrir square and most of the country's biggest squares.Following the anti-Morsi mass protests, the army in a communiqu& gave Morsi 48 hours to respond to the people's demands, after the Brotherhood foiled all mediation efforts between Morsi and political powers to end the political crisis.The opposition movements considered the army statement as an alarm, while Morsi in a public speech refused holding earlier elections asserting he is the legitimate president.On July 3, 2013, Morsi was ousted after a meeting between the political, religious, youth powers and the leaders of the armed forces, during which a roadmap was announced to administer the state affairs.Morsi, the fastest president to leave office, was toppled one year after he took the presidential oath. During his time, the presidency institution lost much of its prestige due to Morsi's contradicted decisions and increasing protests, violence and murder.In September 2013, the prosecution referred Morsi to criminal court over charges of inciting violence and murder during the protests outside the presidential palace by the end of 2012.Currently he faces four trials, for inciting violence and murder he was convicted 20 years in jail, for jailbreak he got death sentence, and other two still waiting verdicts: insulting judiciary and spying for Qatar.In his trials, Morsi insisted he is the legitimate president and described his toppling as a military coup.The military-backed authorities dispersed Morsi's supporters' two main camps in Cairo on Aug. 14, 2013. Waves of violence and terrorist attacks escalated in the country following the security crackdown on the Islamists that killed nearly 1,000 and put thousands in jails.In retaliation, the militants Islamist launched anti-security operation based mainly in the restive Sinai and then crept into the other cities. Hundreds of police and army men were killed in terrorist operations.Few hours after announcing the death penalty verdict against Morsi, four people, including three judges, were killed in the northern Sinai city of al-Arish when militants shot at their vehicle. The interior ministry said a policeman was also killed by gunmen near Cairo.The National Alliance for Supporting Legitimacy, a pro-Morsi bloc, has called Saturday for extended revolutionary protests until July 3, the anniversary for Morsi's ouster, under the title of &victory or retaliation.&The alliance said in a statement it will continue its path till the fall of the current regime, and liberate their legitimate president.  TOKYO, April 28 (Xinhua) -- Japan's Air Self-Defense Force (ASDF) said Friday that it conducted a joint drill east of Okinawa with U.S. aircraft carrier Carl Vinson, according to local media reports.Defense Minister Tomomi Inada told a press briefing that the exercise was held to further strengthen the deterrence power of the Japan-U.S. alliance and to &show our country's commitment to the region's stability.&Kyodo News quoted the ASDF as saying that two F-15 fighter jets based in Naha, Okinawa Prefecture, joined two U.S. Navy F/A-18 fighters based on the Carl Vinson in the air east of Okinawa to conduct the fighting drill.The exercise was initially scheduled to be carried out on Wednesday afternoon, but was cancelled due to bad weather, the ASDF said.Although the two countries often hold joint military drills, one involving an aircraft carrier is rare.  MOSCOW, July 27 (Xinhua) -- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday called for immediate ceasefire in Ukraine's conflict zone as well as negotiations between the conflicting parties, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.&Russian and U.S. top foreign policy officials agreed that it was important to end the fight in the conflict zone immediately, and to start talks between the conflicting parties in compliance with the Geneva statement made by Russia, the U.S. and Ukraine on April 17,& the ministry said.The world has been appealing for all the relevant sides of the Ukraine crisis to facilitate and cooperate in the ongoing international investigation of the Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed on July 17.Russia invited observers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to visit the Russian border checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk and expects them to arrive without delay, Lavrov said during the phone conversation with Kerry.The minister urged Kerry &to instruct his subordinates not to hinder the OSCE in its work,& the Russian Foreign Ministry added.Russia and Ukraine have been accusing each other of shelling on each other's territories. Russia announced Friday that the OSCE would send experts to monitor the situation at the Russian border and customs checkpoints.  A major financial services company says that Italy faces a &significant chance& of having its credit rating cut soon, but that it has no plans to downgrade France's top credit standing.Fitch Ratings said Tuesday it is confident that the 17-nation European bloc that uses the euro will not break apart. But its sovereign ratings chief, David Riley, said in London that Fitch could trim the credit standings for Italy, Spain and four other eurozone countries by a notch or two by the end of January, which would likely boost their borrowing costs.Financial experts are most worried about Italy, the eurozone's third largest economy. They are fearful that the debt-ridden country could need an international bailout like Greece, Ireland and Portugal, but that its debts would be too large for Europe to handle. Riley said that the &future of the euro will be decided at the gates of Rome.&Fitch has been reviewing France's top AAA credit standing. But Riley said it has has no plans to cut the rating for the currency bloc's second biggest economy unless the country sustains some major economic shock.European leaders are attempting to work out details of a new European Union treaty to control the spending of individual governments.  NEW DELHI, Nov. 3 (Xinhua) -- An Indian court Tuesday sentenced Uber cab driver Shiv Kumar Yadav, who raped a woman last year to life in prison till death.The court said the judiciary must deal with such offenders with an &iron hand& so that every woman in the country feels secure.&Every woman needs to feel secure in her motherland which necessarily demands dealing with such offenders with an iron hand,& Additional Sessions Judge Kaveri Baweja said.The court also directed the 33-year-old Yadav to pay a fine of 21,000 rupees (320 U.S. dollars).&The rape committed by the convict was not only against the rape survivor in the case, but also against the society at large,& the court said.&He (Yadav) endangered the life of the victim while committing rape upon her and his act demands imposition of the most severe punishment so that it acts as a deterrent and rebuilds the public confidence in the efficacy of law,& said the court.Public Prosecutor Atul Shrivastava sought maximum punishment for the convict so that a strong message is sent to the society, saying the convict was involved in various other offenses including molestation and rape and there is no room for his reformation.Yadav was accused of rape by a woman passenger on Dec. 5, 2014, when he brought her home in l Delhi after a party in which she was reportedly drunk.  新华网北京11月18日电(记者杨依军、王慧慧、臧晓程)在全球经济增长挑战重重、亚太经济面临诸多困难和风险的形势下,亚太经合组织(APEC)领导人非正式会议在菲律宾举行。18日,中国国家主席习近平在APEC工商领导人峰会上发表的主旨演讲受到广泛关注。  分析人士指出,演讲针对各界普遍关切,阐明&中国观点&、提出&中国方案&、展现&中国信心&,旨在推动亚太合作朝着正确方向前进,向世界传递了重要正面信息。  信息一:&亚太这艘巨轮必须校准航向、把好舵盘&  习近平指出,面对世界经济中的激流险滩,亚太这艘巨轮必须校准航向、把好舵盘。他强调,亚太各经济体要勇于担当、同舟共济,坚持推进改革创新,坚持构建开放型经济,坚持落实发展议程,坚持推进互联互通,努力推动全球经济增长。  南开大学APEC研究中心主任刘晨阳说,作为世界第二大经济体和亚太最具影响力的经济体之一,中国应当在区域合作中发出中国声音、贡献中国智慧。这次演讲更显著地从经济发展路径和模式的角度谈亚太合作,鲜明地体现了中国参与全球经济治理的积极姿态和创新思维。  中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所全球治理研究室主任黄薇注意到,演讲中多次出现&创新&一词。她说,在亚太经济面临很多挑战的情况下,只有用创新的方式引领振兴,才能步入长期可持续的发展状态。  黄薇表示,&一带一路&和亚投行就是中国采取创新举措为亚太提供的&公共产品&。习主席在演讲中介绍了&一带一路&建设和亚投行筹建的进展。亚投行年底前正式成立,将给亚洲国家带来融资便利,有助于提升亚洲国家发展能力。  信息二:&最大程度增强自由贸易安排的开放性和包容性&  去年,APEC北京会议着眼推动区域经济一体化,启动了亚太自贸区进程。针对新的区域自由贸易安排不断涌现、引发对碎片化倾向的种种担忧,习近平指出,要平等参与、充分协商,最大程度增强自由贸易安排的开放性和包容性,提高亚太开放型经济水平、维护多边贸易体制。  刘晨阳说,亚太多种区域经济一体化路径同时推进,产生一体化和碎片化并行发展的态势。&从根本上解决碎片化的问题,一要协调现有自贸安排,不要使之演变成封闭性的贸易集团;二要从中长期着手,设定亚太自贸区总体目标,统筹引领亚太经济一体化进程。&  &亚太经济还是要走大开放、大融合的道路。&中国太平洋经济合作全国委员会会长唐国强说,碎片化对亚太经济一体化很不利。亚太地区有其独特性,应当强调平等、开放、包容的理念,各经济体都应从更长远角度考虑经济一体化发展。  信息三:中国经济的四个&没有变&、五个&更加注重&和三个&不会变&  中国经济发展态势和政策全球瞩目。习近平在演讲中用较大篇幅阐释中国发展。谈到中国经济走势时,他讲了四个&没有变&:介绍&十三五&时期中国发展理念和改革举措时,他用了五个&更加注重&;说到对外开放时,他又提出三个&不会变&。习近平强调,中国开放的大门永远不会关上。  唐国强说,习主席大篇幅阐述中国经济是因为:与会工商界人士非常关心和重视中国的经济状况;中国经济和世界经济的联系愈发紧密,中国经济的动向在世界上会产生很大连锁反应。  他说,习主席把中国今后五年的发展思路解释给亚太工商界听,工商界人士予以很高评价,认为健康的中国经济将给亚太带来更多机会。一些工商领导人对&绿色发展&很感兴趣,认为这个词语比较形象,显示了中国政府在气候变化、控制污染方面的决心,将给他们提供新的合作机遇。  黄薇认为,中国创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念也可以给一些国家提供借鉴,帮助他们改变面临经济问题时头疼医头、脚疼医脚的状况。演讲也显示,中国将通过更多市场化、法治化的措施助力经济增长,这有助于提升外界信心。  新华网长沙7月15日电(记者刘良恒)在3岁幼童周周即将被渣土车卷入车轮下的那一刹那,年仅12岁的小女孩周美玲奋不顾身地飞奔过去,从车轮下救出了他,自己却因此身负重伤。  在雷锋家乡长沙市,小雷锋周美玲的这一事迹被人们争相传颂。  &我不去救,小朋友就没命了!&  5月22日傍晚,长沙市望城区茶亭镇戴公桥村,美玲吃完晚饭陪妈妈胡金华出门散步。  当走到一个丁字路口时,美玲看到小男孩周周正横过马路。不巧的是,一辆满载砂石的大货车正由西往东疾驰过来。周周完全没有意识到危险,还在一个劲儿地往前跑,眼看就要被大货车撞上。  就在这危急时刻,美玲飞快地冲向路中间,奋力将周周往回扯。两个人摔在一起,她紧接着用力将周周推向路边。周周被推到安全地带,躲过了一劫。  此时,渣土车司机已经紧急刹车,可巨大的惯性让车子停不下来,撞上了来不及爬起来的美玲。  当晚7时许,美玲被紧急送到了中南大学湘雅附一医院。晚上12时,进入手术室。经检查,美玲的左腿部分肌肉与骨头基本脱落,神经、血管、肌腱严重受损。  美玲妈妈和在痛苦中呻吟的美玲都坚决不同意截肢。于是,美玲开始接受一次次漫长而又极其痛苦的&炼狱之旅&。一直守护在旁的美玲爸爸周炬说&美玲一共经历了4次手术,每一次都会伴随着剧烈的疼痛,但是这个坚强的孩子,都挺过来了。&  经过精心治疗和护理,美玲的腿终于保住了。回忆起那惊魂一刻,她说:&我也不知道哪里来的勇气,当时根本来不及多想。我不去救,小朋友就没命了啊。&  一朵开在雷锋家乡的美德之花  很多长辈、邻居、同学都说,美玲救人不是一时冲动,这孩子平时一直尊老爱幼、关心同学,有一颗美好的良善之心。  美玲家条件一般,妈妈无业,爸爸在外打工,一家人挤在两间很小的平房里,几乎没有一件像样的家具。但在美玲房间的墙壁上,整齐地贴着的26张奖状,清楚地记录了美玲刻苦努力、奋发向上的成长轨迹。  村民周正鑫说:&美玲的母亲胡金华虽然读书不多,大道理不会讲,但是她是出了名的热心肠。美玲的爸爸周炬也是出了名的厚道人,他勤劳能干,开过饭店,搞过装修,做过司机,不管村里哪家有事,只要一个电话,他二话不说就赶去帮忙。&  这样的家风熏陶,让周美玲养成了良好品性。&她从小就很懂事,每天帮父母做家务。她成绩很好,经常辅导邻居家小伙伴做功课,小孩子都喜欢黏着她。&邻居周燕说  班主任老师左利辉说,从一年级到六年级,美玲从没申请过助学金,她说要把有限的指标让给其他更困难的同学。学校组织爱心募捐,她还比大部分人捐得多。每次集体劳动,她总是扛下脏活累活。有个女生从外地转过来,跟不上课,美玲用课余时间帮同学补课。现在,那个同学不但跟上了学习进度,前不久数学考试还得了100分。  &就在她救人3天前,她还被学校申报为茶亭镇&学雷锋标兵&,全镇只有2名教师,3名学生获得这个荣誉。&左利辉说。  全社会动员呵护凡人善举传递大爱  美玲的事迹经媒体报道后,来自各个方面的慰问和捐助如雪片般飞来。有的市民专程赶到医院,只为远远看上美玲一眼;有的市民怕打扰美玲休息,把善款交给护士就离开了,连姓名都来不及留下来。  善款数额越来越大,美玲一家开始拒绝一些捐款,但善良人们的心意却无法阻挡。美玲爸爸说,等美玲康复以后,他们一家将把多出的爱心善款交给望城雷锋慈善会茶亭分会,把爱的力量传递给更多需要帮助的人。  望城区委书记李蔚介绍说,会把美玲家捐出的多余善款,加上其他款项,成立&美玲基金&,用于帮助品学兼优、家境困难的学生。  美玲的壮举感动了很多人。许多护士下班了,还报名作为志愿者精心护理小美玲。湘雅医院党委书记肖平、院长孙虹特地来到美玲床前为她加油:&我们会用最好的办法,让你重新站起来,和别的女孩子一样能够穿花裙子。&  长沙师范学院&80后&动漫教师贺文龙,曾多次带领团队用动漫作品诠释道德、传递文明,其创作的&雷风侠&形象备受市民喜爱。当获悉美玲的事迹后,他立刻召集团队加班加点,很快将美玲的义举制成动漫,放在网上广为传播,为美玲集&点赞&、求祝福。  雷锋生前在望城工作时的同事张建文,今年80岁,他坚持要去医院探望,还给美玲带去三件礼物:一枚雷锋头像徽章,一个月退休工资,一张他与雷锋生前合影。  张建文老人说:&美玲是雷锋精神的传人,是大家学习的楷模。&  原标题:习近平精准扶贫方略料进十三五规划,人民福祉  习近平再三强调把增进人民福祉作为发展的出发点和落脚点。  日至29日,十八届五中全会审议的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议》将为&十三五&规划纲要编制指明方向,而&十三五&规划不仅决定着国家命运,还关乎每一个中国人具体而微的梦想和福祉。  &全面建成小康社会,实现中国梦,就是要实现人民幸福。&中共中央总书记习近平再三强调的&把增进人民福祉、促进人的全面发展作为发展的出发点和落脚点&的理念无疑将成为&十三五&规划所遵循的一个主旨。  另外,在时间节点上,&十三五&时期是中国全面建成小康社会的决定性阶段。而&全面小康是全体中国人民的小康,不能出现有人掉队&。这就要求&十三五&规划要将扶贫开发工作放在更为突出的位置,坚持实施习近平的精准扶贫方略。  习近平再三强调把增进人民福祉作为发展的出发点和落脚点  2015年7月和10月,中央政治局先后两次召开会议,确定了十八届五中全会召开的时间和主要议程。  澎湃新闻()注意到,这两次会议的新闻通稿都提到了&发展的出发点和落脚点&。  日,中央政治局会议确定十八届五中全会今年10月召开,其主要议程之一是研究关于制定&十三五&规划的建议。会议指出,&实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民根本利益是发展的根本目的&,必须坚持&六个必须&。  这&六个必须&中,&第一个必须&是&实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民根本利益是发展的根本目的,必须把增进人民福祉、促进人的全面发展作为发展的出发点和落脚点&。  随后,日,中央政治局会议确定十八届五中全会于10月26日至29日召开。  会议研究制定&十三五&规划重大问题时再次指出,&人民是推动发展的根本力量,必须坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,把增进人民福祉、促进人的全面发展作为发展的出发点和落脚点,发展人民民主,维护社会公平正义,保障人民平等参与、平等发展权利,充分调动人民积极性、主动性、创造性。&  事实上,把增进人民福祉、促进人的全面发展作为发展的出发点和落脚点,一直是中国共产党的核心执政理念。  比如,十八大报告就明确强调,&必须更加自觉地把以人为本作为深入贯彻落实科学发展观的核心立场,始终把实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民根本利益作为党和国家一切工作的出发点和落脚点,尊重人民首创精神,保障人民各项权益,不断在实现发展成果由人民共享、促进人的全面发展上取得新成效。&  与此同时,把增进人民福祉、促进人的全面发展作为发展的出发点和落脚点,也是习近平再三强调和最为关心的执政理念。  譬如,十八大召开后不久,习近平就强调,党领导人民全面建成小康社会、进行改革开放的&根本目的&,就是&要通过发展社会生产力,不断提高人民物质文化生活水平,促进人的全面发展&。  2015年5月,习近平在浙江考察时针对&十三五&规划指出,&要坚持经济发展以保障和改善民生为出发点和落脚点,全面解决好人民群众关心的教育、就业、收入、社保、医疗卫生、食品安全等问题,让改革发展成果更多、更公平、更实在地惠及广大人民群众。&  习近平再三强调的&把增进人民福祉、促进人的全面发展作为发展的出发点和落脚点&的理念也无疑将会是&十三五&规划所遵循的一个主旨。  而对于中国7000多万贫困人口而言,&十三五&时期的&人民福祉&肯定还包括脱贫致富。  &全面小康是全体中国人民的小康,不能出现有人掉队&  日,中央政治局会议认为,到2020年全面建成小康社会,是我们党确定的&两个一百年&奋斗目标的第一个百年奋斗目标。&十三五&时期是全面建成小康社会的决定性阶段,&十三五&规划必须紧紧围绕实现这个奋斗目标来制定。  而农村和贫困问题无疑是当前全面建成小康社会的一大短板,同时也是全面建成小康社会最艰巨最繁重的任务。  2012年12月底,习近平到河北省阜平县考察扶贫开发工作时强调,消除贫困、改善民生、实现共同富裕,是社会主义的本质要求,&全面建成小康社会,最艰巨最繁重的任务在农村、特别是在贫困地区。没有农村的小康,特别是没有贫困地区的小康,就没有全面建成小康社会&。  2015年6月,习近平在贵州召开部分省区市党委主要负责同志座谈会上强调,&十三五&时期是我们确定的全面建成小康社会的时间节点,各级党委和政府要把握时间节点,努力补齐短板,科学谋划好&十三五&时期扶贫开发工作,确保贫困人口到2020年如期脱贫。  日,习近平在2015减贫与发展高层论坛上发表主旨演讲中表示,&尽管中国取得了举世瞩目的发展成就,但中国仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家,缩小城乡和区域发展差距依然是我们面临的重大挑战。全面小康是全体中国人民的小康,不能出现有人掉队。未来5年,我们将使中国现有标准下7000多万贫困人口全部脱贫。这是中国落实2015年后发展议程的重要一步。&  国家行政学院汪玉凯教授接受澎湃新闻采访时表示,到2020年全面建成小康社会必然要求中央在&十三五&时期加强扶贫工作力度,推进扶贫开发工作的重要举措等也肯定会写入&十三五&规划。  那么,未来5年如何使中国现有标准下7000多万贫困人口全部脱贫?  事实上,十八届五中全会召开前夕,日,习近平在2015减贫与发展高层论坛上已给出了答案,即实施精准扶贫方略。  10月27日,四川内江,东兴区就业局驻金龙村运用自身优势资源,采取&技能+创业&的方式,帮助村民精准脱贫。 东方IC 图  习近平提出的精准扶贫方略将走向世界  从政以来,习近平就一直十分关心扶贫开发工作。  日,他在2015减贫与发展高层论坛上致辞时说,&回顾中国几十年来减贫事业的历程,我有着深刻的切身体会。上个世纪60年代末,我还不到16岁,就从北京来到了陕北一个小村庄当农民,一干就是7年。那时,中国农村的贫困状况给我留下了刻骨铭心的记忆。我当时和村民们辛苦劳作,目的就是要让生活能够好一些,但这在当年几乎比登天还难。40多年来,我先后在中国县、市、省、中央工作,扶贫始终是我工作的一个重要内容,我花的精力最多。我到过中国绝大部分最贫困的地区,包括陕西、甘肃、宁夏、贵州、云南、广西、西藏、新疆等地。这两年,我又去了十几个贫困地区,到乡亲们家中,同他们聊天。他们的生活存在困难,我感到揪心。他们生活每好一点,我都感到高兴。&  习近平接着说,&25年前,我在中国福建省宁德地区工作,我记住了中国古人的一句话:&善为国者,遇民如父母之爱子,兄之爱弟,闻其饥寒为之哀,见其劳苦为之悲。&至今,这句话依然在我心中。&  就任中共中央总书记之后,习近平走遍了中国绝大多数贫困地区。其中,2013年11月,习近平到湖南湘西考察时作出了&实事求是、因地制宜、分类指导、精准扶贫&的重要指示,并首次提出了&精准扶贫&的重要思想。  之后,习近平又在各地调研等多个重要场合多次提及&精准扶贫&思想。  譬如,2014年3月,习近平参加十二届全国人大二次会议贵州代表团审议时强调,&要实施精准扶贫,瞄准扶贫对象,进行重点施策,不能眉毛胡子一把抓,用手榴弹炸跳蚤,钱花了不少却没有见到应有效果。&  另外,2014年1月,中共中央办公厅印发的《关于创新机制扎实推进农村扶贫开发工作的意见的通知》等文件,对精准扶贫工作模式的顶层设计等方面都做了详细规制,推动了习近平&精准扶贫&思想落地。  2015年6月,习近平在贵州召开部分省区市党委主要负责同志座谈会,听取对&十三五&时期扶贫开发工作和经济社会发展的意见和建议时就加大力度推进扶贫开发工作提出&4个切实&的具体要求。  &4个切实&是指&切实落实领导责任、切实做到精准扶贫、切实强化社会合力、切实加强基层组织&。其中,第二个&切实&包括&六个精准&,是习近平对&精准扶贫&思想的全面阐述,即&扶贫对象精准、项目安排精准、资金使用精准、措施到户精准、因村派人精准、脱贫成效精准&。  日,2015减贫与发展高层论坛在北京举行,习近平出席论坛并发表题为《携手消除贫困 促进共同发展》的主旨演讲。有关国家元首、政府首脑、国际组织负责人等300余人出席论坛,聆听中国最高领导人交流的消除贫困的经验。  在演讲中,习近平介绍了中国在扶贫攻坚工作中采取的精准扶贫方略。习近平说,&为了打赢这场攻坚战,我们将把扶贫开发作为经济社会发展规划的主要内容,大幅增加扶贫投入,出台更多惠及贫困地区、贫困人口的政策措施,提高市场机制的益贫性,推进经济社会包容性发展,实施一系列更有针对性的重大发展举措。现在,中国在扶贫攻坚工作中采取的重要举措,就是实施精准扶贫方略,找到&贫根&,对症下药,靶向治疗。&  习近平还介绍说,&我们坚持分类施策,因人因地施策,因贫困原因施策,因贫困类型施策,通过扶持生产和就业发展一批,通过易地搬迁安置一批,通过生态保护脱贫一批,通过教育扶贫脱贫一批,通过低保政策兜底一批。我们广泛动员全社会力量,支持和鼓励全社会采取灵活多样的形式参与扶贫。&  新华网北京11月4日电(记者秦杰、韩洁、华春雨)这是中国发展的行动纲领!这是一场关系中国发展全局的深刻变革!日,中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第五次全体会议在北京胜利闭幕。经过出席全会的中央委员表决,一致通过了《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议》。雄壮的国际歌伴着掌声久久回荡,唤起13亿人昂扬前行的磅礴力量。这是奋进的号角,是时代的呼唤&&到2020年全面建成小康社会,是我们党对人民、对历史作出的庄严承诺,是&两个一百年&奋斗目标的第一个百年奋斗目标。全会通过的《建议》,这一凝聚着全党全军全国各族人民智慧的宏伟蓝图,将引领中国发展航船向着全面小康破浪前进!肩负伟大使命 回应人民期待&&《建议》吹响了全面建成小康社会决胜阶段的冲锋号,发出了开拓中国发展新境界的动员令小康,中华民族梦萦千年的梦想,在中国共产党领导的改革开放壮阔进程中,成为几代中国人的奋斗目标。从提出小康目标到基本实现小康,从全面建设小康社会到全面建成小康社会,中国创造了一个又一个发展奇迹,迈上了一级又一级发展阶梯。五年规划是丈量中国进步的时空标尺。&十二五&期间尤其是党的十八大以来,党中央面对错综复杂的国际环境和艰巨繁重的国内改革发展任务,团结带领13亿人民实现了我国现代化建设的新跨越。当历史的指针指向又一个5年开局,全面建成小康社会即将打响决胜之役。中国将面临怎样的发展环境,要破解怎样的发展难题?以习近平同志为总书记的党中央,对此有着科学准确的分析判断&&重大战略机遇期仍在,中国仍然大有可为,同时必须准确把握战略机遇期内涵的深刻变化,更加有效地应对各种风险和挑战,确保经济行稳致远,成功跨越&中等收入陷阱&。经济发展新常态下,全面建成小康社会决胜阶段,也是转变经济发展方式、调整经济结构的窗口期,必须提出发展新思路、增添发展新动力、开拓发展新境界。全面小康重在全面,必须补齐扶贫开发、生态环境保护等最大短板,重点解决发展方式粗放、创新能力不强、基本公共服务供给不足、收入差距较大等突出问题,实现全体人民共同迈入全面小康社会。今天的中国与世界比以往任何时候都更加紧密地联系在一起,必须坚持打开国门搞建设,将中国发展置于世界大背景下,并积极承担国际责任和义务,为世界发展作出更大贡献。肩负历史重任,回应人民期待。科学描绘未来发展蓝图,关系中华民族前途命运。今年1月,中央政治局决定,党的十八届五中全会重点研究关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议。1月28日,中央向各地区各部门发出对党的十八届五中全会研究&十三五&规划建议征求意见的通知。中央决定成立文件起草组,由习近平总书记担任组长,李克强、张高丽同志担任副组长。2月10日,中南海怀仁堂。习近平总书记主持召开党的十八届五中全会文件起草组第一次全体会议,要求建议起草工作要坚持解放思想、开拓创新,搞出一个&耳目一新、实用管用&的规划建议。&&这是起草好建议稿必须承担的历史使命:到2020年全面建成小康社会,是&十三五&时期必须完成的任务。&十三五&规划建议是全面建成小康社会决胜阶段的路线图,要进一步明确全面建成小康社会目标的基本内涵,从思想上、战略上、重点上、布局上、举措上、指标上进行细化,确保这一目标如期实现。&十三五&规划建议是引领经济发展新常态的行动纲领。适应新常态,把握新常态,引领新常态,是&十三五&时期经济发展的大逻辑。谋划&十三五&时期经济社会发展,必须充分考虑这些内在特征和要求,高度重视提高发展质量和效益,加快转变经济发展方式,推动经济持续健康发展。&十三五&规划建议是坚持全面建成小康社会的施工蓝图。发展是目的,改革是动力,法治是保障。明确了发展重点,就要围绕目标推进改革,用改革助力发展目标实现。社会主义市场经济本质上是法治经济,必须弘扬社会主义法治精神,依法调控和治理经济。&&这是起草建议必须重点考虑的问题:坚持党的十一届三中全会以来形成的行之有效的重大方针政策不动摇,坚持社会主义市场经济发展方向不动摇,坚持发展是第一要务的战略思想不动摇,坚持中国特色社会主义事业总体布局不动摇。&&这是起草建议必须遵循的原则:坚持目标导向和问题导向相统一,既从实现全面建成小康社会目标倒推,厘清到时间节点必须完成的任务,又从迫切需要解决的问题顺推,明确破解难题的途径和方法。坚持立足国内和全球视野相统筹,既以新理念新思路新举措主动适应和积极引领经济发展新常态,又从全球经济联系中进行谋划。坚持全面规划和突出重点相协调,既着眼于全面推进经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设和党的建设,又突出薄弱环节和滞后领域。坚持战略性和操作性相结合,既强调规划的宏观性、战略性、指导性,又突出规划的约束力和可操作、能检查、易评估。规划建议要突出前瞻性和指导性,准确把握我国基本国情和发展现状,科学预判未来5年乃至更长时期我国经济社会发展的趋势和变量,确保提出的目标和举措能够顺应发展趋势、引领发展方向。文件起草过程中,李克强、张德江、俞正声、刘云山、王岐山、张高丽等中央领导同志也提出了重要意见,进行了具体指导。锐始者必图其终,成功者先计于始。在中央政治局常委会领导下,建议起草工作紧张有序展开,旨在为未来5年中国发展作出符合时代要求、顺应人民愿望、符合发展规}


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