学习 deep deeplearning图书 电脑是amd的gpu 可以学吗

从深度学习在2012年大放异彩,gpu计算也走入了人们的视线之中,它使得大规模计算神经网络成为可能。人们可以通过07年推出的CUDA(Compute Unified Device Architecture)用代码来控制gpu进行并行计算。本文首先根据显卡一些参数来推荐何种情况下选择何种gpu显卡,然后谈谈跟cuda编程比较相关的硬件架构。
这几年主要有AMD和NVIDIA在做显卡,到目前为止,NVIDIA公司推出过的GeForce系列卡就有几百张[1],虽然不少都已经被淘汰了,但如何选择适合的卡来做算法也是一个值得思考的问题,Tim Dettmers[2]的文章给出了很多有用的建议,根据自己的理解和使用经历(其实只用过GTX 970…)我也给出一些建议。
上面并没有考虑笔记本的显卡,做算法加速的话还是选台式机的比较好。性价比最高的我觉得是GTX 980ti,从参数或者一些用户测评来看,性能并没有输给TITAN X多少,但价格却便宜不少。从图1可以看出,价位差不多的显卡都会有自己擅长的地方,根据自己的需求选择即可。要处理的数据量比较小就选择频率高的,要处理的数据量大就选显存大core数比较多的,有double的精度要求就最好选择kepler架构的。tesla的M40是专门为深度学习制作的,如果只有深度学习的训练,这张卡虽然贵,企业或者机构购买还是比较合适的(百度的深度学习研究院就用的这一款[3]),相对于K40单精度浮点运算性能是4.29Tflops,M40可以达到7Tflops。QUADRO系列比较少被人提起,它的M6000价格比K80还贵,性能参数上也并没有好多少。
gpu架构:Tesla、Fermi、Kepler、Maxwell、Pascal芯片型号:GT200、GK210、GM104、GF104等显卡系列:GeForce、Quadro、TeslaGeForce显卡型号:G/GS、GT、GTS、GTXgpu架构指的是硬件的设计方式,例如流处理器簇中有多少个core、是否有L1 or L2缓存、是否有双精度计算单元等等。每一代的架构是一种思想,如何去更好完成并行的思想,而芯片就是对上述思想的实现,芯片型号GT200中第二个字母代表是哪一代架构,有时会有100和200代的芯片,它们基本设计思路是跟这一代的架构一致,只是在细节上做了一些改变,例如GK210比GK110的寄存器就多一倍。有时候一张显卡里面可能有两张芯片,Tesla k80用了两块GK210芯片。这里第一代的gpu架构的命名也是Tesla,但现在基本已经没有这种设计的卡了,下文如果提到了会用Tesla架构和Tesla系列来进行区分。
这一部分以下面的GM204硬件图做例子介绍一下GPU的几个主要硬件(图片可以点击查看大图,不想图片占太多篇幅)[4]。这块芯片它是随着GTX 980和970一起出现的。一般而言,gpu的架构的不同体现在流处理器簇的不同设计上(从Fermi架构开始加入了L1、L2缓存硬件),其他的结构大体上相似。主要包括主机接口(host interface)、复制引擎(copy engine)、流处理器簇(Streaming Multiprocessors)、图形处理簇GPC(graphics processing clusters)、内存等等。
主机接口,它连接了gpu卡和PCI Express,它主要的功能是读取程序指令并分配到对应的硬件单元,例如某块程序如果在进行内存复制,那么主机接口会将任务分配到复制引擎上。
上面介绍的是gpu的整个硬件结构,这一部分专门针对流处理器簇SM来分析它内部的构造是怎样的。首先要明白的是,gpu的设计是为了执行大量简单任务,不像cpu需要处理的是复杂的任务,gpu面对的问题能够分解成很多可同时独立解决的部分,在代码层面就是很多个线程同时执行相同的代码,所以它相应的设计了大量的简单处理器,也就是stream process,在这些处理器上进行整形、浮点型的运算。下图给出了GK110的SM结构图。它属于kepler架构,与之前的架构比较大的不同是加入了双精度浮点运算单元,即图中的DP
另外一个比较重要的结构是共享内存shared memory。它存储的内容在一个block(暂时认为是比线程束32还要大的一些线程个数集合)中共享,一个block中的线程都可以访问这块内存,它的读写速度比全局内存要快,所以线程之间需要通信或者重复访问的数据往往都会放在这个地方。在kepler架构中,一共有64kb的空间大小,供共享内存和L1缓存分配,共享内存实际上也可看成是L1缓存,只是它能够被用户控制。假如共享内存占48kb那么L1缓存就占16kb等。在maxwell架构中共享内存和L1缓存分开了,共享内存大小是96kb。而寄存器的读写速度又比共享内存要快,数量也非常多,像GK110有65536个。
即将进入 2018 年,随着硬件的更新换代,越来越多的机器学习从业者又开始面临选择 GPU 的难题。正如我们所知,机器学习的成功与否很大程度上取决于硬件的承载能力。在今年 5 月,我在组装自己的深度学...
来源:AI 研习社
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Which GPU(s) to Get for Deep Learning(译文)
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没有更多推荐了,Deep Learning Hardware Limbo - Tim Dettmers
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Machine Deep Learning Software Development Engineer
Job descriptionWe are now looking for a Machine/Deep Learning Software Development Engineer:What You'll Be Doing But Not LimitedResponsible for AMD Machine/Deep Learning Software Development (Driver, SDK, Frameworks);Develop testing for Machine/Deep Learning products to ensure functionality, compatibiPerformance/Power Analysis,& Optimization, Tuning of Deep Learning KernelsTriage, isolate failures of root cause analysis and work with global development What We Need To SeeBS or higher degree in CS/EE/CEStrong programming skills in C or C++Excellent communicator, botScripting language (Python, Perl ) knowledge and UNIX/Linux exWays To Stand Out From The CrowdDriver development experiment is a good PlusOpenCL/CUDA/C++ Amp/ROCm/Compiler development experience is& a strong PlusFamiliarity working with GPU hardwFamiliarity any Deep Learning framew
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2018 : Deep Learning for Computer-aided Medical Diagnosis (Multimedia Tools and Applications)
Submission Deadline
Oct 1, 2018
&&& && && &&
Call For Papers
Special Issue on
Deep Learning for Computer-aided Medical Diagnosis
Scopes and Objectives
As the growing popularity of neuroimaging scanners in hospitals and institutes, the tasks of radiologists are apparently increasing. This manual interpretation suffers from inter- and intra-radiologist variance. Besides, the emotion and fatigue and other factors will influence the manual interpretation result.
Computer-aided medical diagnosis (CAMD) are procedures in medicine that assist radiologists and doctors in the interpretation of medical images, which may come from CT, X-ray, ultrasound, thermography, MRI, PET, SPECT, etc. In practical, CAMD can help radiologists to interpret the medical image within seconds.
Conventional CAMD tools are built on top of handcrafted features. Recent progress on deep learning opens a new era that can automatically build features from the large amount of data. On the other hand, many important medical projects were launched during the last decade (Human brain project, Blue brain project, Brain Initiative, etc.) that provides massive data. Those emerging big medical data can support the use of deep learning.
This special issue aims to provide a forum to present latest advancements in deep learning research that directly concerns the computer-aided diagnosis community. It is especially important to develop deep networks to capture the normal-appearing lesions, which may be neglected by human interpretation.
Topics include but are not limited to:
o CAMD for neurodegenerative diseases, neoplastic disease, cerebrovascular disease, and inflammatory disease.
o Deep learning and regularization techniques (Multi-task learning, autoencoder, sparse representation, dropout, convolutional neural network, transfer learning, etc.)
o Novel training and inference methods for deep networks
o Deep network architecture for CAMD and big medical data
o Deep learning for cancer location, cancer image segmentation, cancer tissue classification, cancer image retrieval
o Other medical signal and image processing related applications.
Submission Guideline
Submitted papers should present original, unpublished work, relevant to one of the topics of the Special Issue. All submitted papers will be evaluated on the basis of relevance, significance of contribution, technical quality, scholarship, and quality of presentation, by at least three independent reviewers. It is the policy of the journal that no submission, or substantially overlapping submission, be published or be under review at another journal or conference at any time during the review process.
Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers directly via the online submission system at: https://www.editorialmanager.com/mtap/. Choosing “1119 - Deep Learning for Computer-aided Medical Diagnosis” as article type. When uploading your paper, please ensure that your manuscript is marked as being for this special issue.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: Oct/2018
Related Resources
International Conference on Computer Vision
International Journal of Programming Languages and Applications
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2018 International Conference on Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing (MLNLP 2018)
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns
Quality Control By Artificial Vision
Second Workshop on Distributed Infrastructures for Deep Learning
11th International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems CORES 2019The World's First AMD GPU-based Cloud Instances for Deep Learning
The World's First AMD GPU-based Cloud Instances for Deep Learning
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California startup Pegara, Inc. launched the world's first set of deep learning instances based on GPUs from American chip maker AMD through its &GPU EATER& heterogeneous cloud computing service.
California startup Pegara, Inc. launched the world's first set of deep learning instances based on GPUs from American chip maker AMD through its &GPU EATER& heterogeneous cloud computing service.
Although much of today's deep learning research is conducted using GPUs (graphics processing units) from NVIDIA, in conjunction with libraries it provides, such as CUDA and cuDNN, the revision of the company's EULA (End User License Agreement) content for its consumer graphics drivers around December 2017 has raised strong voices of concern among researchers and developers at domestic and overseas universities and enterprises about potential termination of research projects and delays in their practical application.
To date, many researchers and developers have used consumer products from NVIDIA for their projects. This is because performance comparisons of learning models commonly used in deep learning research show almost no differences in performance between enterprise and consumer GPUs. Going forward, however, the usage of NVIDIA products for such applications will require the purchase of enterprise products, with price tags maximum 10 times the level of their consumer equivalents, or use cloud instances with such products installed.
Given this situation, we believe the promotion of deep learning research and development using products from AMD, whose GPU market share is second only to NVIDIA, is essential to the continued health of the deep learning development movement. In particular, we have conducted a wide variety of operational tests using AMD GPUs for applications such as AlexNet, VGG, GoogLeNet, Inception v3, CNN/DCNN, RNN, LSTM, MLP, GAN, DCGAN and RCNN and have procured consumer GPUs from AMD and used them to develop ultra-lightweight proprietary cloud management systems.
Usage fees will start at $0.341 US per hour with no startup fee charged. Users may select their desired GPUs among AMD's Radeon(TM) Vega Frontier Edition, Radeon RX Vega 56 and Radeon RX 580, and available operating systems include Ubuntu and CentOS. All storage is provided on SSD hardware. No additional IOPS and disk volume fees are charged. For details, please refer to the GPUEater website.
Sales/support-related inquiries: info(at)pegara(dot)com
Media/interview-related inquiries: press(at)pegara(dot)com
Investment/other inquiries: contact(at)pegara(dot)com
In the future, Pegara plans to offer enterprise services as well as computing resource cloud services built to feature not only GPUs but a variety of other processor types as well, such FPGAs and ASICs.
About Pegara, Inc.
Company name: Pegara, Inc.
Address: 4000 Barranca Pkwy, Suite 250, Irvine, CA 92604, U.S.
Co-founders: CEO Shunsuke Ichihara, CTO Akihito Nakatsuka
Established: September 21st, 2015
Field of business: Deep learning research and development, cloud hosting engine development
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Contact Author
Shunsuke Ichihara
@gpueatersince: 06/2017
GPU EATERsince: 03/2018}


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