请问你有qq音乐hd桌面歌词里面这首歌的歌词吗rock house club music

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apple music无疑----------来自海鸥魂°贴吧专用客户端[TWO HEARTS]
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我选Apple music
我选择网易云,喜欢看评论和大家交流。apple music乐库不全,还有很长的路要走呢
果断Apple music
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。  其实想这个题目想得有些头大,后来干脆点,在某电台的节目中撷取了这个标题(前半部分)。有了以往的发帖经验,我是有些害怕加上“经典”这2字的。毕竟推荐的歌曲的经典程度不太可能得到每个人的认可,难免被喷;但我又想不出其他的字眼来概括我推荐的歌曲,毕竟推荐的歌曲大多是曾经“烂大街”或者口碑不错的“老歌”,因此也就差强人意地选用了这个“经典”。希望多多包涵,也可以推荐各自心中的经典。
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  001、The Carpenters-Yesterday Once More(昔日重现)
  卡朋特的乐队这首经典我想是很多人聆听英文歌曲的开端吧,我也不例外。初一的英文老师给我们播放这些英文经典歌曲,苦闷的英文学习闲暇之余给我们增添了一些欢乐。我记得最初的一首就是《Yesterday Once More》,温婉怀旧的旋律,民谣简朴的质感,如一个久违的老朋友迎面而来。
  Yesterday Once More (昔日重现):
  When I was young I’d listen to the radio 少年时的我喜欢听广播
  Waitin' for my favorite songs 守候我钟爱的歌
  When they played I’d sing along 一边听来一边唱
  It made me smile 无比欢畅
  Those were such happy times, and not so long ago 那些欢乐的时光,仿佛就在眼前
  How I wondered where they’d gone 又不知去了哪里
  But they’re back again, just like a long-lost friend 而今它却重现,使我再遇旧友
  All the songs I loved so well 我挚爱的老歌
  Every sha-la-la-la, every wo-wo still shines 每一个音节音符、每一段悠扬旋律依旧绝妙
  Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they’re startin' to sing's 每句的抑扬顿挫啊——那歌词的韵律
  so fine 依旧美妙
  When they get to the part where he’s breakin' her heart 唱到那段那节----他把姑娘的心儿揉碎
  It can really make me cry, just like before 我依旧伤心落泪,就象从前一样
  It’s yesterday once more 昔日往事又重现
  (Shoo-bee-do-lang-lang) (Shoo-bee-do-lang-lang)
  Lookin' back on how it was in years gone by 回首那段清纯的岁月
  And the good time that I had 和那开心的往昔
  makes today seem rather sad 怎不令人伤心今日
  So much has changed 许多已不再
  It was songs of love that I would sing to then 那时我唱的都是些情歌
  And I’d memorize each word 至今还只字未忘
  Those old melodies still sound so good to me 那一曲曲老歌依然动人心弦
  As they melt the years away 使人青春又重现
  Every sha-la-la-la, every wo-wo still shines 每一个音节音符、每一段悠扬旋律依旧绝妙
  Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they’re startin' to sing's 每句的抑扬顿挫啊——那歌词的韵律
  so fine 依旧美妙
  All my best memories come back clearly to me 一切最美的回忆又清晰重现
  Some can even make me cry, just like before 有些还让我落泪,就象从前一样
  It’s yesterday once more 昔日往事又重现
  Every sha-la-la-la, every wo-wo still shines 每一个音节音符、每一段悠扬旋律依旧绝妙
  Every shing-a-ling-a-ling, that they’re startin' to sing's 每句的抑扬顿挫啊——那歌词的韵律
  so fine 依旧美妙
  Every sha-la-la-la, every wo-wo still shines 每一个音节音符、每一段悠扬旋律依旧绝妙
  Every shing-a-ling-a-ling, that they’re startin' to sing's 每句的抑扬顿挫啊——那歌词的韵律
  so fine 依旧美妙
  002、Richard Marx-Right Here Waiting(此情可待)
  Right Here Waiting,《此情可待》这首歌也是初中英语老师经常播放的歌曲,来自于Richard Marx,他是一个集作曲、填词、演唱和音乐制作于一身的摇滚才子。但最出名的却是这首柔情满溢的等待歌曲,其真挚的感情感人肺腑啊,我记得年少的我听到这首歌心灵也是一颤一动的,大家的感觉呢?我记得当时老师喜欢在歌词中间偶尔空出一个格子出来给我们在听歌曲的时候填写单词,可以说是寓教于乐吧。可惜后来高中大学就再也没有这样的事情了。我们当时也很兴奋,可以听到美妙的英文好歌而且这个也不是作业,权当做一种娱乐。
Right Here Waiting(此情可待)
  Oceans apart, day after day, 远隔重洋,日复一日,
  and I slowly go insane. 我慢慢地变得要失常。
  I hear you voice on the line, 电话里传来你的声音,
  But it doesn't stop the pain. 但这不能停止我的悲伤。
  If I see you next to never, 如果再也不能与你相见,
  How can we say forever? 又怎能说我们到永远?
  Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你在何地,无论你做何事,
  I will be right
  Whatever it takes, 不管怎么样,
  Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多哀伤,
  I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候你。
  I took for granted all the times 我一直认为
  That I thought would last somehow. 你我会情长义久。
  I hear the laughter, 我听见你的笑声
  I taste the tear, 我品尝眼泪,
  But I can't get near you now. 但此刻不能接近你。
  Oh,can't you see, baby, 哦,宝贝,难道你不懂
  You've got me going crazy? 你已使我发疯?
  Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你在何地,无论你做何事,
  I will be right
  Whatever it takes, 不管怎么样,
  Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多哀伤,
  I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候你。
  I wonder 我试问
  How we can survive this romance, 我们如何熬过这浪漫情。
  But in the end 但到最后
  If I'm with you 如果我与你同在
  I'll take the chance. 我要抓住这个机会。
  Oh,can't you see it,baby, 哦,宝贝,难道你不懂
  You've got me going crazy? 你已使我发疯?
  Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你在何地,无论你做何事,
  I will be right
  Whatever it takes, 不管怎么样,
  Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多哀伤,
  I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候你。
  Waiting for you. 等候你。
  003、Alphaville-Forever young  原唱为Alphaville(“阿尔发村”合唱团)演绎的经典“Forever young”(《永远年轻》)、翻唱版的童声组合“摇滚童话组合”也十分出色,那首常播放的《we will rock you》这是这帮小鬼演唱的。下面是转载的一个对比吧。一边是清澈稚嫩的童音,另一边是成熟忧郁的金嗓,声调虽然同样的高亢和激昂,却营造了两种风格迥然的意境画面,两个版本,无论是无忧的童音还是哀伤的金嗓,其音乐的整个基调是相同的——舒缓间迸射着激情,忧郁处闪耀着信仰。或许,正是这种“行将息止”却又“永生不息”的激情和信仰,才让这首本已载入时间隧道的老歌时至今日依然大放异彩,才让时时追忆青春年少的梦人依然不放弃梦的希望和期冀。在这里童鞋们大概都会想到另外一首“永远年轻”了吧,那就是《never grow old》,其实我更愿意翻译成“青春永驻”,但因为小红莓的这首《never grow old》,我把“青春永驻”分给它了。  Forever Young(永远年轻)   Let's dance in style 让我们翩然起舞   Let's dance for a while 让我们尽情欢笑   Heaven can wait 天堂也得等著我们   We're only watching the skies 我们只是仰望凝视著天空   Hoping for the best 愿望有最好的结果   But expecting the worst 却作了最坏的打算   Are you going to drop the bomb or not 你到底是否即将要投下炸弹   Let us die young or let us live forever 让我们英年早逝,或让我们长生不死   We don't have the power 的确,我们没有实权   But we never say never 但我们绝不说:绝不   Sitting in a sandpit 坐在沙坑里冥想   Life is a short trip 人生只是一趟短暂的旅行   The music's for the sad men 这音乐是为了悲伤的人们而写的   Can you imagine when this race is won 你能想像得出当我们赢得这场战争   Turn our golden faces into the sun 我们以胜利者光彩荣耀的脸 面向太阳   Praising our leaders 赞颂我们的领导者   We're getting in tune 我们随著领导者的音乐起舞   The music's played by the madmen 当一群疯狂的人在指挥著音乐的演奏   Forever young, I want to be forever young 永远年轻,我想要永远年轻   Do you really want to live forever 你真的想活到永远   Forever -- and ever 永远,永远----   Some are like water 有人静若流水   Some are like the heat 有人热情如火   Some are a melody and some are the beat 有人是奏主旋律,也有人是打节拍伴奏   Sooner or later, they all will be gone 迟早,他们都终将漂逝而去   Why don't they stay young 为何他们无法青春永驻   It's so hard to get old without a cause 徒增岁月而没有奋斗的课题又情何以堪   I don't want to perish like a fading horse 我不愿像褪了色的马一般灰飞烟灭   Youth's like diamonds in the sun 青春就像阳光下的钻石   And diamonds are forever 而钻石是永恒的   So many adventures couldn't happen today 有太多以往的冒险犯难在今天已无法实现   So many songs we forgot to play 有太多的歌我们已经忘记怎麼去唱   So many dreams swinging out of the blue 有太多凭空而生的梦想   We'll let them come true 我们要使它们美梦成真
  004、The Cranberries-Never grow old  “Never grow old”,我看到网上很多人认识这首歌是在天下足球中巴乔特辑中听到的。梦幻而忧伤的主音,小红莓乐队是一直不朽的乐队。我很偏爱他们的作品。如果能用代表作来记载“the Cranberries”(“小红莓乐队”,又译“卡百利”)的成长历程,很愿意把“Dreams”比作空灵、未经尘世浊染的孩童, 把“Zombie”视为叛逆、狂野不羁的少年,把“Never grow old”看作忧伤、追逝童年的忆者。  Never Grow Old(青春永驻)  I had a dream 我做了一个梦  Strange it may seems 尽管看来很奇怪  It was my perfect day 那是我完美的一天  Open my eyes 睁开双眼  I realize this is my perfect day 这是属于我的完美一天  Hope you never grow old 愿你青春永驻  Hope you never grow old 愿你青春永驻  Hope you never grow old 愿你青春永驻  Hope you never grow old 愿你青春永驻  Do ...  Do ...  Birds in the sky 鸟在天空翱翔  They look so high 是那么的高  This is my perfect day 这是属于我的完美一天  I feel the breeze 微风拂面  I feel it is 感觉告诉我  This is my perfect day这是我完美的一天  Hope you never grow old 愿你青春永驻  Hope you never grow old 愿你青春永驻  Hope you never grow old 愿你青春永驻  Hope you never grow old 愿你青春永驻  Forever young 永远年轻  I hope you stay forever young 我希望你青春永驻  Do...  Do...
  005、Guns N Roses - Dont Cry(请别哭泣)
  Don't cry,GNR或“枪花”最著名的一首柔情摇滚歌曲,前半部分带有悲凉的情调,后半部分高潮迭起的时候,他们加进了极其明显的金属元素,表达了炽烈的情感以及对于美好未来的期冀。
  Don't cry(请别哭泣)
  talk to me softly.温柔地与我交谈。
  there's something in your eyes!你眼中有千言万语!
  don't hang your head in sorrow不要低头悲伤。
  and please don't cry!也请不要哭泣!
  I know how you feel inside我知道你心里的感受。
  I've been there before我也曾经和你一样。
  something's changing inside you!你心中已起了变化!
  and don't you know?难道你不知道?
  don't you cry tonight!今夜不要哭泣!
  I still love you baby!宝贝我仍然爱你!
  don't you cry tonight!今夜不要哭泣!
  don't you cry tonight!今夜不要哭泣!
  there's a heaven above you baby!宝贝,天堂就在你头上!
  and don't you cry tonight!今夜不要哭泣!
  give me a whisper.在我耳边轻轻细语。
  and give me a sigh.在我耳边轻轻叹息。
  give me a kiss!给我个吻!
  before you tell me goodbye!分手之前!
  don't you take it so hard now!现在不要难过!
  and please don't take it so bad!也不要觉得遗憾!
  I'll still be thinking of you!我仍然会想起你!
  and the times we had...baby.及我们共度的时光,宝贝!
  and don't you cry tonight!今夜不要哭泣
  006、Groove Coverage-Far away from home(无家可归)  Far away from home,来自于Groove Coverage(舞动精灵王族),她是德国2001年新晋的乐队,以其混合多种元素的舞曲风格迅速走红,驰名全欧。无家可归是一首听后心灵很舒服的歌曲,旋律很好,让人一听就倾心,歌词之中虽有悲伤,却丝毫不亚于激昂曲调的震撼人心,是不可多得的一首经典歌曲。  Far away from home 无家可归  I am loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so. 我是如此的爱恋每一天的生活,但只是不时自我感觉如此   I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know. 渴望找寻到一丝内心的平静,仅仅是想知道。   And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. 谁能医治那破碎的心,我们将何去何从。   Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again. 星河灿烂,何处是家园,我只得再一次地擦干泪眼。   In my dreams I am not so far away from home. 梦中我从未曾远离家园   What am I in a world so far away from home. 现实中却如此远离家园   All my life all the time so far away from home. 终我一生都将远离家园   Without you I will be so far away from home. 无你相伴我将远离家园   If we could make it through the darkest night we have a brighter day. 如果我们能穿越黑夜,将能拥有光明的明天。  The world I see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay. 透过你那明眸我看到了一个世界,它是如此让我留恋。   And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. 谁能医治那破碎的心,我们将何去何从   Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again. 星河灿烂,何处是家园,我只得再一次地擦干泪眼。   In my dreams I am not so far away from home. 梦中我从未曾远离家园   What am I in a world so far away from home. 现实中却如此远离家园   All my life all the time so far away from home. 终我一生都将远离家园   Without you I will be so far away from home. 无你相伴我将远离家园   I count on you, no matter what they say, cause love can find it time. 我是如此的依恋你,无论世人如何评说,爱能找到属于自己的季节.   I hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine. 我渴望再一次的与你相融,爱的结晶令我们沐浴光辉。   And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. 谁能医治那破碎的心,我们将何去何从,   Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again. 星河灿烂,何处是家园,我只得再一次地擦干泪眼。   In my dreams I am not so far away from home. 梦中我从未曾远离家园   What am I in a world so far away from home. 现实中却如此远离家园   All my life all the time so far away from home. 终我一生都将远离家园   Without you I will be so far away from home. 无你相伴我将远离家园
  007、Bob Dylan-blowing in the wind(随风而逝)  blowing in the wind(随风而逝)的作者公认为民歌一代宗师的Bob Dylan,这是美国民歌史上最重要的作品之一。虽然「Blowing in the Wind」的时代背景是越战时期的美国社会,但是这首歌的意境却可以说是「放诸四海而皆准」,同时始终深受世界各地人们的喜爱。  我发现往往伟大的作品都是一些放之四海而皆准的恒久流传之作,如《don't cry》的爱情抚慰,《never grow old》的青春追忆,又或者这首《blowing in the wind》的反战哲理。  《blowing in the wind》 随风而逝  How many roads must a man walk down 一个人要经历多长的旅途   Before they call him a man 才能成为真正的男人   How many seas must a white dove sail 鸽子要飞跃几重大海   Before she sleeps in the sand 才能在沙滩上安眠   How many times must the cannon balls fly 要多少炮火   Before they're forever banned 才能换来和平   The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind 那答案,我的朋友,飘零在风中   The answer is blowing in the wind 答案随风飘逝   How many years must a mountain exist 山峰要屹立多久   Before it is washed to the sea 才是沧海桑田   How many years can some people exist 人们要等待多久   Before they're allowed to be free 才能得到自由   How many times can a man turn his head 一个人要季度回首   And pretend that he just doesn't see 才能视而不见   The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind 那答案,我的朋友,在风中飘零   The answer is blowing in the wind 答案随风而逝   How many times must a man look up 一个人要仰望多少次   Before he can see the sky 才能见苍穹   How many ears must one man have 一个人要多么善听   Before he can hear people cry 才能听见他人的呐喊   How many deaths will it take 多少生命要陨落   'Till he knows that too many people have died 才知道那已故的众生   The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind 答案,我的朋友,在风中飘零   The answer is blowing in the wind答案随风而逝
  008、Celine Dion-my heart will go on《我心永恒》  my heart will go on《我心永恒》,泰坦尼克号主题曲,由好莱坞主流电影著名作曲家詹姆斯·霍纳(James Horner)一手制作,具有浓烈民族韵味的爱尔兰锡哨在他的精巧编排下,尽显悠扬婉转而又凄美动人。歌曲的旋律从最初的平缓到激昂,再到缠绵悱恻的高潮,一直到最后荡气回肠的悲剧尾声,短短四分钟的歌曲实际上是整部影片的浓缩版本。歌曲由韦尔·杰宁斯(Will Jennings )作词,中文歌词由中国当代童话作家王雨然译作,加拿大女歌手席琳·迪翁(Celine Dion)演唱。  这首歌词仔细看了看其实没有难的单词,所以其实我们学习的单词足够在平时生活中交流了,但是我们很少这样去交流,因此口语对于我们来说还是差。  my heart will go on《我心永恒》  every night in my dreams 每一个夜晚,在我的梦里   I see you, I feel you 我看见你,我感觉到你   that is how i know you go on 我懂得你的心   far across the distance 跨越我们心灵的空间   and the spaces between us 你向我显现你的来临   you have come to show you go on 无论你如何远离我   near far whenever you are 我相信我心已相随   I believe that the heart does go on 你再次敲开我的心扉   once more you open the door 你融入我的心灵   and you're here in my heart 我心与你同往   and my heart will go on and on 与你相随   love can touch us one time 爱每时每刻在触摸我们   and last for a lifetime 为着生命最后的时刻   and never let go till we're one 不愿失去,直到永远   love was when I loved you 爱就是当我爱着你时的感觉   one true time I hold you 我牢牢把握住那真实的一刻   in my life we'll always go on 在我的生命里,爱无止境   near far whenever you are 无论你离我多么遥远   I believe that the heart does go on 我相信我心同往   once more you open the door 你敲开我的心扉   and you're here in my heart 你融入我的心灵   and my heart will go on and on 我心与你同往,我心与你相依   there is some love that will not go away 爱与我是那样的靠近   you're here there is nothing i fear 你就在我身旁,以至我全无畏惧   and i know that my heart will go on 我知道我心与你相依   we'll stay forever this way 我们永远相携而行   you are safe in my heart 在我心中你安然无恙   and my heart will go on and on我心属于你,爱无止境
  009、Simon&Garfunkel-the sound of silence(沉默之声)
  the sound of silence(沉默之声),可以这样说,这首歌曲是我听得最多的英文歌,比加州旅馆听的次数还要多。
  有的时候总想找个宁静的空间,掩埋自己所有的回忆,《the sound of silence》的意境来自于史上最优美的二重唱Simon&Garfunkel温柔的细诉一下子把人拉进了沉寂,旋律迷幻低沉,有一种温柔的幻觉。
  the sound of silence(沉默之声)
  Hello darkness my old friend. 你好我的老伙伴黑暗。
  I've come to talk with you again. 我又回来再和你谈谈。
  Because a vision softly creeping. 因为有个悄然而入的幻影
  Left its seeds while I was sleeping. 像种子一样种在了我的梦里。
  And the vision that was planted in my brain. 这个植入我脑中的幻影啊
  Still remains. 至今仍在
  Within the sound of silence ! 这沉默之声里!
  In restless dreams I walked alone. 在这些不安的梦里,我独自游荡。
  Narrow streets of cobble stone. 独行在狭窄的鹅卵石街上。
  Neath the halo of a street lamp. 笼罩在街灯的昏暗光晕里。
  I turned my collar to the cold and damp. 我竖起衣领以抵御寒冷潮湿。
  When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light. 突然一道虚幻的闪光刺得我睁不开眼。
  That split the night. 这闪光劈开了夜空。
  And touched the sound of silence. 触动了这沉默之声。
  And in the naked light I saw. 在赤裸的光影中我看到了
  Ten thousand people maybe more. 芸芸万人之众
  People talking without speaking. 他们只能无言地交谈
  People hearing without listening. 他们只能无心地倾听
  People writing songs that voices never share. 他们只能谱写不能吟唱的歌曲
  And no one dare. 没有一个人胆敢
  Disturb the sound of silence. 打破这沉默之声。
  "Fools" said I, "You do not know. “愚人们啊”,我说,“你们不知道
  Silence like a cancer grows. 沉默会像癌症般绝望地生长
  Hear my words that I might teach you. 听从我的劝导吧
  Take my arms that I might reach you. 接受我的帮助吧”
  But my words like silent rain-drops fell. 但是我的话却如沉默的雨滴徒劳地落下。
  And echoed in the wells of silence. 回响在沉默之井。
  And the people bowed and prayed. 人们依然顶礼膜拜。
  To the neon God they made. 自己塑造的虚幻之神。
  And the sign flashed out its warning. 这个符号自己却亮出了警讯。
  In the words that it was forming. 用它本身所生成的虚幻言语。
  And the sign said "The words of the prophets. 符号告诫道:“先知的预言
  Are written on the subway walls and tenement halls. 写满地铁墙壁以及住户的厅堂。
  And whispered in the sounds of silence. 悄然耳语在沉默之声里”。
  010、The eagles-Hotel California(加州旅馆)  Hotel California(加州旅馆)无疑是一首伟大的作品,来自于老鹰乐队。每个人心中都有一个“加州旅馆”,那里埋葬着我们的青春和理想。这首旷世巨作毫无疑问是要推荐的,每次听到那精彩绝伦的前奏,总有种吸食鸦片的感觉,沉醉不能自拔。音乐真的很奇妙,就凭那几个音符就能做出许多美妙的歌曲,而且这个数目会随着人类的发展而不断增加,但若在今生,《加州旅馆》毫无疑问是一个最好的选择。  Hotel California(加州旅馆)  on a dark desert highway,行驶在昏黑的荒漠公路上,  cool wind in my hair.凉风吹过我的头发。  warm smell of colitas,温馨的大麻香,  rising up through the air.弥漫在空气中。  up ahead in the distance,抬头遥望远方,  I saw a shimmering light.我看到微弱的灯光。  my head grew heavy my sight grew dim.我的头越来越沉,视线也变得模糊。  I had to stop for the night.我不得不停下来过夜。  there she 她站在门口那儿招呼我  I heard the mission bell.我听到远处教堂的钟声。  and i was thinking to myself,我在心里对自己说  "this could be heaven or this could be hell".这里可能是天堂也可能是地狱。  then she lit up a candle,然后她点燃了蜡烛,  and she showed me the way.给我引路。  there were voices down the corridor.沿着走廊传来阵阵说话声。  i thought i heard them say...我想我听到他们在说……  welcome to the hotel california!欢迎来到加州旅馆!  such a lovely place!如此美丽的地方!  such a lovely face!多么可爱的的面容!!  plenty of room at the hotel california!加州旅馆有充足的房间!  any time of year,u can find it here!一年的任何时候,你都能在这找到房间。  her mind is tiffany-twisted,她的心为珠宝所扭曲,  she got the mercedes Benz.她拥有豪华奔驰车。  she got a lot of pretty,pretty boys.她有许多漂亮的小伙子。  that she calls friends.她称之为朋友。  how they dance in the courtyard,他们在庭院里翩翩起舞,  sweet summer sweat.夏日的香汗淋漓。  some dance to remember!有些舞是为了回忆!  some dance to forget!而有些舞是为了忘却!  so I called up the captain,于是我叫来领班,  "please bring me my wine."请给我来些酒。  he said"we haven't had that spirit here,他说我们这不供应列酒 since nineteen sixty nine."从1969年起。  and still those voices are calling from far away.远处仍然传来他们的话语。  wake u up in the middle of the night.在半夜把你吵醒。  just to hear them say...只听到他们在说……  welcome to the hotel california!欢迎到加州旅馆来!  such a lovely place!如此美丽的地方!  such a lovely face!多么可爱的的面容!  they livin' it up at the hotel california.他们在加州旅馆尽情狂欢。  what a nice surprise,好得令人吃惊,  bring your alibis.使你有来到这的借口。  mirrors on the ceiling,天花板上镶嵌着的镜子,  the pink champagne on ice.冰镇着的粉色香槟  and she said"we are all just prisoners here-她说我们都是这的囚徒  -of our own device".但是是我们自愿的。 and in the master's chambers.在主人的卧房里。  they gathered for the feast.他们为宴会聚在一起。  they stabbed it with their steely knives.他们彼此间用钢刀相互砍杀。  but they just can't kill the beast.但他们甚至不能杀死野兽!  last thing i remember,我所记得的最后一件事  I was running for the door.是我跑向门口。  I had to find the passage back,我必须找到来时的路,  to the place I was before.回到我过去的地方。  "relax",said the night man,守夜人说放宽心,  "we are programmed to receive.我们只是照常接待  you can checkout any time you like.你想什么时候结帐都可以。  but you can never leave!"但你永远无法离去!
  目前为止介绍了十首歌曲,基本是脍炙人口的经典他们是  001、昔日重现  002、此情可待  003、永远年轻  004、青春永驻  005、请别哭泣  006、无家可归  007、随风而逝  008、我心永恒  009、沉默之声  010、加州旅馆
  011、王菲-Eyes on me(注视着我)  这是一首游戏歌曲。王菲醇厚甜美的声音真是天籁,这首歌曲的含义需要追溯到游戏的情节中,在游戏里有段情节是关于男主角父亲拉格那雷法尔的,他经常去一家酒吧坐在角落里,听一个女钢琴手的演奏。但是后来由于战乱原因两个人没有走到一起,而其各自的子女就成了游戏中的男主角和女主角。《Eyes on Me》按照游戏里应该理解成“注视着我的你”,但她后来再也没有看到过注视她的眼神的出现,所以就谱写了这首《Eyes on Me》。  Eyes on me(注视着我)  whenever sang my songs.每次唱自己的歌  on the stage,on my own!独自在舞台上  whenever said my words.道出心声  wishing they would be heard.希望有人聆听  i saw you smiling at me.看见你对我微笑  was it real or just my fantasy?真的吗?亦或只是我的幻想?  you'd always be there in the corner.你总待在角落里  of this tiny little bar.在这个小酒吧中  my last night here for you.最后在此为你待一个晚上  samg old songs,just once more.最后唱一遍相同的老歌  my last night here with you?这是与你在一起的最后一晚吗?  maybe yes,maybe no.也许,是也许不是.  i kind of liked it your way.我有些喜欢你注视我的方式  how you shyly placed ur eyes on me.害羞地凝视着我  oh,did you ever know?哦,你可知道  that i had mine on you.我也在注视着你  darling,so there you are.达令,你就在那儿  with that look on your face.脸上的表情  as if you're never hurt.好象从未受过伤害  as if you're never down.从未失败  shall i be the one for you?我可以是哪个人吗?  who pinches you softly but sure.那个温柔而坚定地拧你一下的人  if frown is shown then.如果你皱眉  i'll know that you're on dreamer.我会知道你不是在梦游  so let me come to you.让我靠近你  close as i wanted to be近到我满意  close enough for me.近到我  to feel your heart beating fast.能听见你的心跳加速  and stay there as i whisper.我停靠在那儿悄声诉说  how i love you peaceful eyes on me.多么喜欢你凝视我的宁静的双眼  did you ever know.哦,你可知道  that i had mine on you.我也在注视着你  darling,so share with me.爱人,如果你的爱够深  your love if you have enough.和我分享吧  ur tests if you're holding back.强忍住的泪水和痛苦  or pain if that's what it is.也让我分担  how can i let you know.怎样让你知道  i'm more than the dress the voice.我不仅是这样的音容笑貌.  just reach me out then.伸手碰一下我  you'll know that you're not dreaming.便会知道你不是在做梦
  012、Cara Dillon-Bonny Bonny(邦尼邦尼)
  毫无疑问,Cara Dillon是我听到最美妙的声音之一,声音华丽迷人,细腻清透,充满温暖的气息和与生俱来的信仰,可以说Cara Dillon是个不寻常的天才。她歌曲中最喜欢是这首《Bonny Bonny》,碎金裂帛的嗓音浸彻心肺,委转的歌喉幽远明亮,结尾处的爱尔兰风笛非常动听,令人陶醉。
  Bonny Bonny(邦尼邦尼)
  Bonny, bonny was my seat in the red rosy yard 美丽是当我坐在娇艳的红玫瑰园中欣赏到的风景
  And bonny was my ship in the town of Ballynagard 也是我在巴里那加小城里的一叶扁舟
  Shade and shelter was for me till I began to fail 为我遮风挡雨直到我死去
  You all may guess now my distress lies near the Nightingale 你们现在应该都能猜到我的压力在于看到战争的惨重伤亡
  Grief and woe that I must go to fight for England's King 我必须为英格兰国王征战南北,心中满是忧郁悲伤
  I neither know his friend or foe, and war's a cruel thing 我既不认识国王的朋友也不认识他的仇敌,我只知道战争如此残忍绝望
  The nightingale is near at hand, my time at home is brief 在家时日无多了,夜莺还在我身边鸣唱
  And Carey's steams and mountain land 与故乡的山水依依惜别
  I part with bitter grief 心中满是痛苦哀伤
  No more I'll walk the golden hills with Nancy by my side再不能和南茜一同,漫步在夕阳下金色的山上
  Or dream along the sun bright rills, 再不能梦里在浮光闪闪的小溪边
  or view my land with pride 再也不能骄傲的“巡视”着我的家乡
  We sail away at dawn of day, the sails are ready set 风帆已经准备停当,我们将在黎明起航
  When old Benmore I see no more, I'll sigh with deep regret当家乡渐行渐远,我唯有悔恨交加的叹殇
  Now all must change and I must range across the ocean wide但是现在一些都要改变,我也必需远渡重洋
  Our ship she may in Biscay's Bay lie low beneath the tide 我们的船也许会搁浅在比斯开海湾
  If I should fall by cannon ball, or sink beneath the sea 如果我被炮弹击中,或者葬身大海
  Good people all, a tear let fall and mourn for mine and me善良的人啊,就让泪水为我和过去服丧
  If God should spare me my greying hair and bring me back again 如果God让我死里逃生,让我重回故里
  I'd love far more my Antrim shore我会更加爱恋安特里姆郡的海岸
  its dark blue hills and rain 更爱她丝丝细雨和深蓝的山
  Around the fires, my heart's desires heaven grant till life shall fail 围在火炉旁,我祈求上天保佑直至死亡
  And keep me far from the cruel war and from the Nightingale让我远离战火,再也不去过问那残酷的战争和那受伤的人们
  013、Brian Hyland-Sealed With A Kiss(以吻封缄)  这首歌曲极具浪漫色彩,叙离别之情,却不伤感;道分手之苦,却不低沉。别离时浓浓的不是离愁,而是浪漫。 其明快中略带忧伤的旋律,充满留恋的歌词加上 Brian Hyland那凄婉的,纯粹的嗓音不知唱出了多少好友,恋人之间“ 欲走还留 ”的心情。我想这首歌更适合东方人的思想,但实际是由西方人演绎的一首精彩之作。  Sealed With A Kiss(以吻封缄)  Though we gotta say good bye
虽然我们不得不  For the summer,
分开度夏,  Darling, I promise you this,
亲爱的,我答应你,  I'll send you all my love
我要把爱送给你,  Every day in a letter,
每天装在信封里,  Sealed with a kiss.
以吻来封缄。  Yes, it's gonna be
是的,今夏会是  , A cold lonely summer,
寒冷又孤独,  But I'll fill the emptiness.
但我要填补空虚:  I'll send you all my dreams.
送给你我所有的梦境,  Every day
in a letter,
每天装在信封里,  Seald with a kiss
以吻来封缄。  I'll see
我将看见你在阳光里;  I'll hear y
我将听见你声音遍野;  I'll run to tenderly hold you:
我要跑过去温柔地拥抱你;  But darling, you won't be there.
但亲爱的,你却不在。  I don't wanna say good bye
我不想说再见,  For the summer,
分开度夏,  Knowing the love we'll miss.
知道我们会相思  Oh, let us make a pledge
哦,我们立个誓:  To meet in September,
九月再相见,  And sealed with a kiss.
以吻来封缄。  Yes, it's gonna be
是的,今夏会是  A cold lonely summer
寒冷又孤独,  But I'll fill the emptiness.
但我要填补空虚:  I'll send you all my love
送给你我所有的梦境,  Every day in a letter,
每天装在信封里,  Sealed with a kiss
以吻来封缄,  Sealed with a kiss
以吻来封缄,  Sealed with a kiss.....
  014、Emilia Rydberg-Big Big World(大千世界)  这首歌曲在高中的英文课上第一次听到,来自于Emilia Rydberg的精彩演唱。Emilia的歌曲从一个小姑娘的视角和观念出发,记述豆蔻年华的女孩敏感、自信、迷惑的种种的不服输, 她的声音更是灵性毕现又不乏童真。这首歌曲在其中表达了许多爱情方面的细腻情愫以及生活中的点点滴滴,洋溢着Emilia 可爱的自信心以及骨子里隐藏的一些不敢面对现实的脆弱。  Big big world-Emilia大千世界  I'm a big big girl 我是个伟大的 伟大的女孩  In a big big world !在这个大千世界里  It's not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,对我来说不是什么重大的事  But I do do feel.但我真的真的感觉到  That I too too will miss you much.我真的真的会很想念你  Miss you much ! 很想念你!  I can see the first leaf falling.我看见第一片叶子落下  It's all yellow and nice.完全变得金黄,看起来这样美好  It's so very cold outside.外面是那么的冷  Like the way I'm feeling inside.如同我内心的感受  I'm a big big girl 我是个伟大的 伟大的女孩  In a big big world ! 在这个大千世界里  It's not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,对我来说不是什么重大的事  But I do do feel.但我真的真的感到。  That I too too will miss you much.我真的真的会很想念你  Miss you much ! 很想念你!  Outside it's now raining.如今外面正在下雨  And tears are falling from my eyes.而眼泪正从我眼中滑落  Why did it have to happen ? 这一切为何要发生?  Why did it all have to end ?这一切为何要结束?  I'm a big big girl ! 我是个伟大的 伟大的的女孩!  In a big big world ! 在这个大千世界里!  It's not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,对我来说不是什么重大的事  But I do do feel.但我真的真的感到。  That I too too will miss you much.我真的真的会很想念你  Miss you much ! 很想念你!  I have your arms around me warm like fire.你的手臂环绕着我,温暖如火  But when I open my eyes.但当我睁开眼睛时  You're gone ! 你却已经离开!  I'm a big big girl !我是个伟大的 伟大的女孩!  In a big big world ! 在这个大千世界里!  It's not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,对我来说不是什么重大的事。  But I do do feel.但我真的真的感到。  That I too too will miss you much.我真的真的会很想念你  Miss you much ! 很想念你!  I'm a big big girl ! 我是个伟大的 伟大的女孩!  In a big big world ! 在这个大千世界里!  It's not a big big thing if you leave me.如果你离开我,对我来说不是什么重大的事。  But I do feel I will miss you much ! 但我真的真的感觉到,我会很想念你!  Miss you much ! 很想念你!
  015、Boney M-River Of Babylon(巴比伦河)  这首在上世纪七八十年代甚为流行的《River Of Babylon》开创了一个崭新的音乐时代-也就是迪斯科时代。这首歌的演唱者波尼-M(BoneyM)就是一支当时风靡一时的迪斯科乐队,更是整个迪斯科时代的一个传奇。他们引领的这股迪斯科旋风也越刮越猛,带动了一股青年时尚潮流,迪斯科这个名词也从那个时候延续至今。  By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down   Ye-eah we wept, when we remembered Zion.   坐在巴比伦的河畔 我们不住地哭泣,当我们想起家乡(Zion.锡安山)  By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down   Ye-eah we wept, when we remembered Zion.   坐在巴比伦的河畔 我们不住地哭泣,当我们想起家乡(Zion.锡安山)  When the wicked Carried us away in captivity   Required from us a song   Now how shall we sing the lord\'s song in a strange land   他们把我们关进了笼子运到了这里,强迫我们歌唱,我们怎么能为统治者歌唱,在陌生的土地上!  When the wicked Carried us away in captivity   Requiering of us a song   Now how shall we sing the lord\'s song in a strange land   他们把我们关进了笼子运到了这里,强迫我们歌唱,我们怎么能为统治者歌唱,在陌生的土地上!  Let the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart   Be acceptable in they sight here tonight   愿我们说出的话,愿我们心中的想法,今夜有人听到  Let the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart   Be acceptable in they sight here tonight   愿我们说出的话,愿我们心中的想法,今夜有人听到  By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down   Ye-eah we wept, when we remembered Zion.   坐在巴比伦的河畔 我们不住地哭泣,当我们想起家乡(Zion.锡安山)  By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down   Ye-eah we wept, when we remembered Zion.   坐在巴比伦的河畔 我们不住地哭泣,当我们想起家乡(Zion.锡安山)
  016、Dire Straits-Brothers in Arms(军中兄弟)  太煽情了,能击穿人的灵魂,恐怖海峡的这首反战的《军中兄弟》让多少人流泪?电吉他运用得平静舒缓,空旷延绵的音符如风中的思念一样飘散而去,战争的弟兄、故乡都随风而逝。  Brothers in Arms(军中兄弟)  These mist covered mountains are a home now for me 那雾气缭绕的山峦,是我现在的家
  But my home is the lowlands
and always will be 总有一天你会回到那里 那个有山谷有农场的地方   Some day you'll return to your valleys and your farms 总有一天你会回到那里,那个有山谷有农场的地方  And you'll no longer burn to be brothers in arms 并且再也不会被应招入伍  Through these fields of destruction baptism of fire
穿过惨遭战火肆虐的田野,我清楚的体会到  I've watched all your suffering as the battles raged higher 当战争进入白热化时,你们所经受的痛苦  And though they did hurt me so bad in the fear and alarm 尽管在恐惧与各种警报中,我安然无恙  You did not desert me my brothers in arms 但你并没有抛弃我,我亲爱的战士兄弟  There's so many different worlds so many different suns 天外有很多不同的行星,很多不同的太阳  And we have just one world But we live in different ones 我们只有一个地球,我亲爱的战士兄弟却生死殊途....  Now the sun's gone to hell and the moon's riding high 太阳消失不见,月亮漂浮在高空中  Let me bid you farewell Every man has to die 容我道一声珍重,人人都会死  But it's written in the starlight And every line on your palm 你们的伟大书写在繁星中,书写在你们摊开手掌的掌纹上。  We're fools to make war On our brothers in arms 我们是多么愚蠢发动战争,将你们带上战场.....
  017、Enya-Only Time(唯有时光)
  只有时光永恒,只有时光才能一切平静下来,无论是悲欢还是离合,无论战争还是和平。爱尔兰是一个盛产天籁之声的故乡,恩雅就是其中永恒的天籁,永远的爱尔兰玫瑰。恩雅的音乐纯美安静,为我们洗涤尘世的浮躁。这首《Only Time》优美而深邃,超凡而脱俗,抚慰着心灵的创伤。
  Who can say where the road goes,谁能说出,道路伸向何方
  Where the day flows岁月流逝何处
  Only time...唯有时光
  And who can say if your love grows,又有谁能说出是否爱在成长
  As your heart chose如心之所愿
  Only time...唯有时光
  Who can say why your heart sighs,谁能说出,你的心何以叹息
  As your love flies当爱已飞走
  Only time...唯有时光
  And who can say why your heart cries,又有谁能说出,你的心为何哭泣
  When your love dies当你的爱死去
  Only time...唯有时光
  Who can say when the roads meet,谁能何时道路在此汇聚
  That love might be,这可能是爱
  In your heart.在你的心里
  And who can say when the day sleeps,又有谁能说出何时白昼将睡去
  If the night keeps all your hearts是否黑夜全部占据你的心
  Night keeps all your heart...夜晚全部占据你的心
  (extended chants)
  Who can say if your love grows,谁可以说是否你的爱已成长
  As your heart chose如心之所愿
  Only time...唯有时光
  And who can say where the road goes,谁又能说出路将延伸至何方
  Where the day flows时光流逝至何处
  Only time...唯有时光
  Who knows谁知道
  Only time...唯有时光
  Who knows谁知道
  Only time...唯有时光
  018、Michael Jackson-You Are Not Alone(永远相伴)  You are not alone,wish you are here。流行音乐之王迈克杰克逊的经典无数,选这首最温馨,最感人的《You Are Not Alone》永远相伴吧。世界上的真情无所不在,每一个人只要有感情,有爱心,即使在最孤独的时候,都不会孤单,因为那种思念和祝福总会伴随左右。  You Are Not Alone(永远相伴)  Another day has gone 又一日过往  I'm still all alone 我依然孤单  How could this be 怎会如此?  You're not here with me 你不在我的身边  You never said goodbye 你从不说再见  Someone tell me why 谁能告诉我为什么  Did you have to go 你真得走吗?  And leave my world so cold 我的世界一片凄凉  Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己  How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离  Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语:  That you are not alone 你并不会孤单  For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁  Though you're far away 不管你多远  I am here to stay 我守候在天边  But you are not alone 你不会孤单  For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁  Though we're far apart 不管天涯海角  You're always in my heart 你在我心间  But you are not alone 你不会孤单  'Lone, 'lone 孤单啊孤单  Why, 'lone 为什么 孤单  Just the other night 几天前的晚上  I thought I heard your cry 我想我听到了你哭泣  Asking me to come 呼唤我的到来  And hold you in my arms 紧拥你在怀间  I can hear your prayers 我听到了你的祈愿  Your burdens I will bear 我愿肩承你的负担  But first I need your hand 但首先我需要你的手  Then forever can begin那么永恒可以开始了  Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己  How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离  Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语:  That you are not alone 你并不会孤单  For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁  Though you're far away 不管你多远  I am here to stay 我守候在天边  But you are not alone 你不会孤单  For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁  Though we're far apart 不管天涯海角  You're always in my heart 你在我心间  But you are not alone 你不会孤单  Whisper three words 悄悄说出那三个字(我爱你)  and I'll come runnin' 我将飞奔而来  AND I和我  And girl you know that I'll be there 和女孩啊,你知道我会在这里  I'll be there 常在你身边  That you are not alone 你不会孤单  For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁  Though you're far away 不管你多远  I am here to stay 我守候在天边  But you are not alone 你不会孤单  For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁  Though we're far apart 不管天涯海角  You're always in my heart 你在我心间  But you are not alone 你不会孤单  That you are not alone 你不会孤单  For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁  Though you're far away 不管你多远  I am here to stay 我守候在天边  But you are not alone 你不会孤单  For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁  Though we're far apart 不管天涯海角  You're always in my heart 你在我心间  But you are not alone 你不会孤单  not alone并不孤独(这是TV版才有的)  you are not alone你并不孤单  you are not alone你并不孤单  say it again再说一遍  you are not alone你并不孤单  you are not alone你并不孤单  not alone并不孤独  not alone并不孤独  you just reach out for me girl你只是对我伸出手,女孩  in the morning在上午  in the evening在晚上  not alone 并不孤独  not alone并不孤独  you and me你和我  not alone并不孤独  together一起  together一起  can't stop being alone不能停止独处  can't stop being alone不能停止独处
  019、Loreena McKennitt-The Mummers’Dance(艺者之舞)
  《The Mummers’Dance》描写的是春季Stratford 的一个月夜,婆娑的树叶衬托蓝色的天空,随着风而摇摆的树枝条,好像是一群人在默默的不停的舞蹈。歌曲中大量运用了风笛、手鼓、小提琴、竖琴等乐器。歌者那如浮在空中的轻灵缥缈的吟唱,演绎着该曲的优雅、温和与美丽......
The Mummers’Dance(艺者之舞)
  When in the springtime of the year 一年之中好春光
  When the trees are crowned with leaves 树树绿叶满枝冠
  When the ash and oak, and the birch and yew 岑树与橡木 白桦和紫衫
  Are dressed in ribbons fair 纷纷披新装
  When owls call the breathless moon 猫头鹰呼唤 沉寂冷月亮
  In the blue veil of the night 蓝色帷幕下的夜晚
  The shadows of the trees appear 树树影影洒地上
  Amidst the lantern light 缕缕路灯光
  We've been rambling all the night 我们整夜漫步逛
  And some time of this day 连着白日的时光
  Now returning back again 现在回到老地方
  we bring a garland gay 领来一位天使戴花环
  Who will go down to those shady groves 他将去荫蔽的小树林
  And summon the shadows there 把树木之影齐召唤
  And tie a ribbon on those sheltering arms 在蔽日枝上系彩带
  In the springtime of the year 不负春天好时光
  The songs of birds seem to fill the wood 小提琴琴声扬
  That when the fiddler plays 小鸟歌唱林中漫
  All their voices can be heard 声声入耳畔
  Long past their woodland days 仿佛远去的丛林好时光
  And so they joined their hands and danced 他们牵手翩翩舞
  Round in circles and in rows 聚成环 散成行
  And so the journey of the night descends 树影人影纷纷散
  When all the shades are gone 春夜之旅悄然完
  "A garland gay we bring you here “花环天使 我们带你来这方
  And at your door we stand 你的门前我们站
  It is a sprout well budded out 你是叶芽优雅绽放
  The work of Our Lord's hand" 你是杰作我主亲手创”
  020、Seals & Crofts-windflowers(风花开遍)  Windflowers是一首古老的外国歌谣,中文翻译为风花开遍、风飞花。这首歌曲的首唱者是Seals和Crofts,一个嗓音低沉,充满了沧桑感;一个天真烂漫,充满了梦幻和活力。先是的弦乐,风琴和键盘的合奏,然后一把带着俄罗斯民谣色彩的木吉他轻轻的和进来,民谣歌手充满感情的吟诵,演绎,梦幻般的柔情似水,清新,舒畅,纯净而荡埃涤尘。  Windflowers(风花开遍)  My father told me not to go near them 父亲告我别靠近她们   He feared them always 他害怕她们已多年  Said them carried him away 他说她们曾经勾走他的魂  Windflowers 风花开遍  I couldn't wait to touch them, to smell them 我迫不及待又摸又闻  I held them closely 我情不自禁抓紧她们  Now I can not break away 到如今依然情迷身陷  The sweet bouquet disappears 红销香断转眼间  Like the vapor in the desert 恰似大漠把水蒸  Take a warning, son 吾儿可把教训添  Windflowers 风花开遍  Their beauty captures every young dreamer 明媚鲜艳夺人魂  who lingers near them 放不过近身的年青追梦人  Ancient windflowers, I love you 不老的风花,我舍身爱你也无怨
  截至目前为止介绍了20首,和大家一起分享。  001、昔日重现  002、此情可待  003、永远年轻  004、青春永驻  005、请别哭泣  006、无家可归  007、随风而逝  008、我心永恒  009、沉默之声  010、加州旅馆  011、注视着我  012、邦尼邦尼  013、以吻封缄  014、大千世界  015、巴比伦河  016、军中兄弟  017、唯有时光  018、永远相伴  019、艺者之舞  020、风花开遍
  @伊丽莎伯   突然发现前20首歌名都巧费心思用了四个字。  我在想如果继续下去,出现"sailing"、"When a Man Loves a Woman"、"hero"、"How Deep Is Your Love"甚至于"yesterday"、"Casablanca"这些歌,你该怎么凑出如此整齐的版面呢?  呵,,开个玩笑,请继续更新
  @远离FAN矢 26楼
15:06:09  @伊丽莎伯  突然发现前20首歌名都巧费心思用了四个字。  我在想如果继续下去,出现"sailing"、"When a Man Loves a Woman"、"hero"、"How Deep Is Your Love"甚至于"yesterday"、"Casablanca"这些歌,你该怎么凑出如此整齐的版面呢?  呵,,开个玩笑,请继续更新  -----------------------------  呵呵,是的,开始的这20十首的确因为比较整齐放在了一起,后面还会有吧。但不可能都是四个字的,你懂滴。
  021、Altan - Daily Growing(日渐长大)  又一首爱尔兰音乐天籁,有故事的歌曲,父女俩对话般的吟唱、以及歌中那种仿佛已经渗入骨髓的忧伤让人无比感伤。故事是这样的:一个女子在年轻的时候由于父亲的安排嫁给了一个显贵的子弟,她开始担心自己的年龄有一天会成为感情悲剧的主因,她埋怨父亲错误的将自己嫁给了一个比她小很多的男子。婚后第二年,他们有了自己的孩子,而她的夫君却也还是一个孩子,在一天天的长大。她送他去上学,为他裹了蓝色的头巾,她怕别人抢走父亲为自己选定依存的真爱。而命运的捉弄,却使她很快成了寡妇,在为爱人缝制寿衣的时候,她的悲哀成了整个曲子的灵魂……  Daily Growing(日渐长大)  The trees they grow high, the leaves they do grow green,树在长高,叶在变绿  Many is the time my true love I've seen,许多次,我看到他的可爱  Many an hour I have watched him all alone,几多时,我独自对他长久凝视,  He's young but he's daily growing.他还小,但他正在长大  Father, dear father, you've done me great wrong,爸爸, 亲爱的爸爸, 你对你的女儿犯下一个巨大的错误  You have married me to a boy who is too young,你把我嫁给了一个没有成年的男孩  I am twice twelve and he is but fourteen,我二十四,他十四  He's young but he's daily growing.他还小,但他在长大  Daughter, dear daughter, I've done you no wrong,女儿, 亲爱的女儿,我给你的安排并没有错  I have married you to a great lord's son,我把你嫁给豪门的儿子  He will be a man for you when I am dead and gone,一旦我老去,他将是你依靠的男人  He's young but he's daily growing他还小, 但他在长大  Father, dear father, if you see fit,爸爸, 亲爱的爸爸, 如果你认为合适  We'll send him to college for another year yet,来年过后, 送他读大学吧  I'll tie a blue ribbon all around his head,我要用蓝绸带缠上他的头  To let the maidens know that he is married.告诉年轻的女孩, 他已经结婚  One day I was looking over my father's castle wall,曾经有一天, 我越过爸爸的院墙  I spied all the boys playing with a ball,我看到一群男孩在玩球  And my own true love was the flower of them all,我的爱追逐其中  He's young but he's daily growing.他还小, 但他在长大  And so early in the morning at the dawning of the day,那是曙光微现的清晨  They went into a hayfield to have some sport and play,他们冲入草场锻炼游戏  And what they did there she never would declare,他们的幼稚,她羞于告人  But she never more complained of his growing.但她无从抱怨,因为他在成长  At the age of fourteen he was a married man,十四岁,他成为已婚男人  At the age of fifteen the father of my son,十五岁,他已经是一个孩子的父亲  At the age of sixteen his grave it was green,十六岁,他的墓地绿草如茵  And death had put an end to his growing.死亡终止他的成长  I'll buy my love some flannel, I'll make my love a shroud,我买来法兰绒,为我的可爱做着寿衣  With every stitch I put in it, the tears they will pour down,一针下去,泪如雨  With every stitch I put in it, how the tears they will flow,一针上来,雨是泪  Cruel fate has put an end to his growing.残酷的命运终结他的成长
  不错 楼主加油。
  Dire Straits的那首《You And Your Friend 》的吉它好听得很~
  @月下听箫 31楼
12:44:18  Dire Straits的那首《You And Your Friend 》的吉它好听得很~  -----------------------------  恩,这首也不错,Dire Straits的吉他总让人迷醉。
  022、Enigma - Return To Innocence(回到纯真)  《Return To Innocence》是1996年亚特兰大奥运会宣传片歌曲,许多人会对它的旋律感到非常熟悉,特别是那几句啊呀啊呀啊......。《返朴归真》是Enigma最著名的单曲,此MV采用时光倒流的镜头,而镜头中都是最现实的生活,最普通的情感。所有的一切都回到初始,一切都回到纯真,倒退的白马,就是时光的化身。曲中台湾阿美族艺术家郭英男贯穿全曲哼唱的《老人饮酒歌》极具有穿透力,给人想象的空间更加广阔无垠。  Return To Innocence(回到纯真)  Love-Devotion,Feeling-Emotion 爱是忠诚,感受到而激发  Don't Be Afraid To Be Weak 不要为自己的弱小而害怕  Don't Be Too Proud To Be Strong 不要为自己的强大而骄傲  Just Look Into Your Heart My Friend 审视自己的内心我的朋友  That Will Be The Return To Yourself 回归自我  The Return To Innocence 回到纯真  If You Want. The Start To Laugh 在想笑的时候就笑  If You Must Thenstart To Cry 在想哭的时候就哭  Be Yourself Don't Hide 不要掩饰自己的内心  Just Believe In Destiny 相信命运  Don't Care What People Say 不要在乎那些别人说的  Just Folllow Your Own Way 只要跟随自己的脚步  Don't Give Up And Use The Chance 不要放弃或是坐等机会  To Ruturn To Innocence 回到纯真  That's Not The Beginning Of The End 这不意味着结束的开始  That's The Return To Yourself 这是回归自我  Return To Innocence 回到纯真
  023、Europe-The Final Countdown(最后倒数)  世界杯来临之际,最后的战役就要来临,人们的荷尔蒙也激发起来。伴随着Europe的这首《The Final Countdown》舞动起来吧。无数的体育竞技类节目、足球、NBA某些场合、电子竞技等场合都会听到这首脍炙人口的歌曲。真让人热血沸腾,牛气冲天。在这里我偏好西班牙和阿根廷,嘿嘿,希望他们会师决赛。  The Final Countdown(最后倒数)  We're leaving together, But still it's farewell
我们将一起离去,但仍须告别  And maybe we'll come back, 也许我们还会回来   To earth, who can tell? 回到地球,谁能预料?   I guess there is no one to blame 我想不该怪任何人   We're leaving ground 我们将离开地面   Will things ever be the same again? 日后景色是否依旧?   It's the final countdown... 开始最后倒数了  We're heading for Venus and still we stand tall
我们正向著金星前进,我们依然昂首挺立  Cause maybe they've seen us and welcome us all 因为他们也许已看见了我们,而且欢迎我们莅临   With so many light years to go and things to be found 尽管仍有好几光年的路程,很多事物有待发现   I'm sure that we'll all miss her so. 我相信我们都会想念地球  It's the final countdown... 开始最后倒数了  (solo)
  @伊丽莎伯:  老伯在吗?有事找,见短信!  顺道顶个~ 您老加油,等扒得差不多了我都找来听听。  
  024、Suede-Everything Will Flow(万物皆逝)
  有人说Suede就像罂粟花,外表艳丽、绚烂,让人迷醉,有一种摄魂摄魄的魔力。他们的作品风格多变、神秘绚烂,诡异华丽,被称为华丽摇滚。而《Everything will flow》是一种对于时光流逝的概叹,它似乎提醒着我们万物一切皆有定数,随着时光的流逝远离,歌曲中更多的是一种无奈何失落。这让我想起那首著名粤语歌曲,那就是“怀缅过去常陶醉,一半乐事一半令人流泪”的《每当变幻时》,人生苦短,白云苍狗,瞬时消逝!
  Suede-Everything Will Flow(万物皆逝)
  Watch the early morning sun 观那初晨的太阳
  Drip like blood from the day 犹如黎明的血滴
  See the crazy people run 看那奔放自由的人们
  So many games to play 生活得无忧无虑
  See the blue suburban dream 那是真正郊区生活的梦想
  Under the jet plane sky 皆在飞机飞过的天空下
  Sleep away and dream a dream 日子在睡梦中度过
  Life is just a lullaby 生命就像一首摇篮曲
  Ahh, and everything will flow 万物都将流逝
  Ahh, you know everything will flow 你知道一切皆会流逝
  Watch the day begin again 看那再次升起的太阳
  Whispering into the night 悄悄地走向了夜晚
  See the crazy people play 看那疯狂生活的人们
  Hurrying under the light 在阳光下匆忙
  A million cars, a million trains 无数的汽车 无数的火车
  Under the jet plane sky 皆在飞机飞过的天空下
  Nothing lost and nothing gained 无所失亦无所得
  Life is just a lullaby 生命就像一首摇篮曲
  Ahh, and everything will flow 一切皆会流逝
  Ahh, I said everything will flow 我说万物皆逝
  Ahh, you know everything will flow 你懂得万物将会流逝
  Ahh... and everything will flow 一切都会逝去
  Ahh... you know everything will flow 你明白一切都会逝去
  The neon lights in the night tonight will say
  Everything will flow 夜晚的霓虹灯会说 一切都将流逝
  The stars that shine in the open sky will say
  Everything will flow 广袤的天空中闪烁的繁星会说 一切都将流逝
  The lovers kissed with an openness will say
  Everything will flow 当众热吻的恋人会说 一切都将流逝
  The cars parked in the hypermarket know
  Everything will flow 超市前停泊的汽车也懂得 一切都将流逝
  @menlikuny521 38楼
16:05:13  楼主继续啊,难道是经典太多楼主挑花眼啦O(∩_∩)O~!  -----------------------------  经典的确太多,要仔细斟酌。
  025、Aphrodite's Child - Rain And Tears(雨和泪滴)  这首《Rain And Tears》希腊乐队Aphrodite‘s Child从德国著名作曲家帕海贝尔的作品canon(卡农)改编而成,乐团在其和弦的基础上填上新的旋律,悠扬的旋律,苍凉的歌喉,十分凄切动人,充满悲情,一遍又一遍的聆听与寻味歌中那股辛酸与无奈。  Aphrodite's Child - Rain And Tears  Rain and tears all the same 雨和泪形态都一样  But in the sun, you've got to play the game 但在阳光中,你就不得不玩这个游戏  When you cry in winter time 当你在冬天哭泣  You can pretend, it's nothing but the rain 你可以假装那只是雨水  How many times I've seen 多少次我看见  Tears coming from your blue eyes 泪水从你抑郁的眼睛中流下  Rain and tears all the same 是雨是泪,都一样吧  But in the sun, you've got to play the game 在阳光中,你仍追寻玩这个游戏  Give me an answer of love 给我一个爱的回应  I need an answer of love 我需要一个爱的回应  Rain and tears in the sun 阳光中的雨和泪  But in your heart, you feel the rainbow, the waves 在你心中,你感受到的是彩虹还是浪潮  Rain and tears both for shown 雨点和泪珠冲刷著心灵  For in my heart, there'll never be a sun 我心里再也不会有阳光  Rain and tears all the same 毕管雨和泪都一样了  But in the sun, you've got to play the game 但在感情的世界下,你就要玩这个游戏
  026、Andy Williams - Speak Softly Love(柔声倾诉)  这首经典的曲目根据西西里民歌改编而成。来自于著名电影《教父》系列主题曲,其演绎者是享誉已久的美国歌坛大师Andy Williams。他是纵横歌唱、电影、电视和百老汇的全方位艺人,主要演唱乡村歌曲,抒情电影歌曲。他外貌英俊,音色甜美并富有魅力,表演纯朴自然。Speak Softly Love的满怀的柔情与深厚的悲壮形成强烈对比,柔声倾诉着那些回不去的爱情、亲情、友情往事。  Speak Softly Love(柔声倾诉)  Speak softly, love and hold me warm against your heart  娓娓情声爱语,拥我入怀,于你温磬的心上。  I feel your words, the tender trembling moments start  感触你的心语,柔情的颤抖,阵阵涌起。  We’re in a world, our very own  我们处在一个世界,一个没有他人的世界,  Sharing a love that only few have ever known  享受着爱,无人知晓。  Wine-colored days warmed by the sun  太阳烘暖红彤彤天,  Deep velvet nights when we are one  夜晚我们融合为一,天鹅绒中深深沉湎。  Speak softly, love so no one hears us but the sky  娓娓情声爱语,爱意浓浓,无人耳闻,唯苍天聆听。  The vows of love we make will live until we die  相敬相爱的誓言,爱到生命的极限。  My life is yours and all becau-au-se  你中有我,一切因为,  You came into my world with love so softly love  你怀着缠绵的爱踏入了我的世界。  Wine-colored days warmed by the sun  太阳烘暖红彤彤天,  Deep velvet nights when we are one  夜晚我们融合为一,天鹅绒中深深沉湎。  Speak softly, love so no one hears us but the sky  娓娓情声爱语,爱意浓浓,无人耳闻,唯苍天聆听。  The vows of love we make will live until we die  相敬相爱的誓言,爱到生命的极限。  My life is yours and all becau-au-se  你中有我,一切因为,  You came into my world with love so softly love  你怀着缠绵的爱踏入了我的世界。
  027、Cocteau Twins - Rilkean Heart(诗人的心)  极地双子星的这首Rilkean Heart(诗人的心)的中文版更为人熟知,那就是王菲的《怀念》。极地双子星的音乐类型是暗潮,他们的音乐迷蒙而优美,伤感而浪漫,还带有一些颓废阴冷,再加上女主唱LIZ独一无二的声线,可谓是另类音乐中的极品。这首《Rilkean Heart》的Rilke原是某位德国诗人,这里Rilkean Heart引申为诗人的心。沉醉在极地双子星的仙音中,体会那空灵深远的怀念。  Rilkean Heart(诗人的心)  Rilkean Heart I looked for you to give me transcendent experiences
诗人的心 我曾找寻给予我超然的力量,  To transport me out of self and aloneness and alienation
带你走出自我、孤独、异化  Into a sense of oneness and connection ecstatic and magical
代之以专注、接连的神奇魔幻  I became a junkie for it
我为之着迷  I came looking for the next high
我期许下一高潮  And I’m sorry I’ve been putting the search on the wrong place
我错了 我曾经让自己走进了错误的区域  I understand that you're confused, feeling overwhelmed
你的困惑、崩溃,我懂  Well that's a feeling state from then, the reality
喔,那时才有的感觉  With cleaning up my emotional life and getting in touch with 拾掇我的情感  Myself I'm beginning to ground 准备着陆  Myself in my own sense of being as an entity One entity on the planet,
身为水球上一真实存在  Becoming truly self reliant
我渐变独立  And become connected with something beyond me
但与其它事物少不了有关联  That is where I have to go
那即是我前行的方向  I'm so sorry I’ve been putting the search on the wrong place
亲爱的,我又错了  You're lost and don't know what to do
你不免失落,束手无策  But that's not all of you
可那不是你的全部  That's your reality today
那仅仅是你今天发生的  And that is all okay
且一切都好  I understand that you're confused, feeling overwhelmed
我懂你的困惑被淹没的感觉  Well that's a feeling state from then, the reality
是的,那是当时的感觉  Rilkean heart
诗人的心  You're lost and don't know what to do
你不免失落,束手无策  But it's not all of you
可那不是你的全部  That's your reality today
那仅仅是你今天发生的  And now it's all okay
且一切安好  I understand that you're confused, feeling overwhelmed
我懂你的困惑被淹没的感觉  Well that's a feeling state from then, the reality
是的,那即是当时的感觉  Rilkean heart
  028、Empyrium - Many Moons Ago(很久以前)  Empyrium来自于德国,他们的音乐充满了忧郁和厄运,但他们没有仇恨,没有异端。他们阴暗的气质给人沁入心脾的忧伤,仿佛北欧黑森林里的树影斑驳,又或者是童话里的荒原和沼泽。Empyrium的音乐中所流露出来的那种对于大自然的热爱,还有他们的忧郁特质,都给人以一个无限宽广的想象空间和非常宁静的心情。他们的音乐总让人想起深秋或是初冬时的森林,那种寒冷的气息和凋零的气味从音乐中扑面而来。  Many Moons Ago很久以前  A night of december so dark and cold,
十二月的一个阴暗寒冷的夜晚  I walked a path ages old 我走过一条古老的小径  The moon amongst the clouds revealed lightning valleys, forest and field 乌云间的月亮照亮了蜿蜒的山谷、森林和大地  Embraced by silence i wandered the moor an endless landscape by my side 被寂静包围的我在旷野中漫游,无边的景色尽现眼前  When in the mist i saw a light dancing through the hazy night 在阵阵薄雾中,我看见一束光焰在朦胧的夜色里舞动  I stood and watched the play in awe was deeply touched by what i saw 我停下脚步,惊惧地看着这场演出,深深地被眼前的这一幕所触动  I told my friends what i did see and what they told did tremble me! 我告诉朋友们我看到的一切,而他们的回答则让我感到震颤  It's said the ghost of a young, fair maid “传说这是个年轻美丽的侍女的幽灵  Is cursed to dwell beneath the shade of the olden oak she died below 她被诅咒,灵魂居住在她死去的那株古老的橡木的树荫下  O that was many moons ago! 哦,那是许久以前的故事了!”
  029、James Blunt - You re Beautiful(你这么美)  才华演绎的James Blunt在当歌手前是一位军人,曾授命服役于南斯拉夫的科索沃,也是一位保护英国女王及皇太后的皇家侍卫。 You re Beautiful(你这么美)的火爆让它成为“上尉诗人”。灵性真诚的嗓音下唱出浪漫满溢的情爱感伤及他在军中的生活点滴。歌曲像一首爱情小诗,人生的旅途,一见的钟情,远观而不能接近,无奈与忧伤。  You re Beautiful(你这么美)  My life is brilliant.
我的人生缤纷灿烂  My life is brilliant.
我的人生缤纷灿烂  My love is pure.
我的爱如此纯真  I saw an angel.
因为我见过天使  Of that I'm sure.
对此,我深信不疑  She smiled at me on the subway.
她在地下铁上对着我微笑  She was with another man.
虽然身边伴着另一个男人  But I won't lose no sleep on that,
但我可不会为此辗转难眠  'Cause I've got a plan.
因为我已有心理准备  You're beautiful. You're beautiful,
你这麽美 你这麽美  You're beautiful, it's true.
你这麽的美 这是千真万确  I saw your face in a crowded place,
我曾在人潮拥挤之处瞥见你的脸  And I don't know what to do,
这令我不知所措  'Cause I'll never be with you
因为 我和你永远无法相依  Yeah, she caught my eye,
是啊,我视线被她占据  As we walked on by.
在我们擦身而过的瞬间  She could see from my face that I was,
她应该可以从我的神情看出  flying high,
我欣喜若狂飞上云霄  And I don't think that I'll see her again,
我想,我将再也见不到她  But we shared a moment that will last till the end.
但我们共享了永恒的片刻  You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
你这麽美 你这麽美  You're beautiful, it's true.
你这麽美 这是千真万确  I saw your face in a crowded place,
我曾在人潮拥挤之处瞥见你的脸  And I don't know what to do,
这令我不知所措  'Cause I'll never be with you.
因为我和你永远无法相依  You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
你这麽美 你这麽美  You're beautiful, it's true.
你麽的美 这是千真万确  There must be an angel with a smile on her face, 我看到了笑起来跟她一模一样的天使,  When she thought up that I should be with you.
当她也想到我们应该在一起时  But it's time to face the truth,
但 该是面对事实的时候了  I will never be with you.
  030、Jewel - Fragile Heart(脆弱的心)  Jewel的歌曲是一种融合信念、纯真、传统价值观、幽默与社会经验后的智慧奇异体,她的歌曲像是闲晃在大街繁华五彩人群中清清淡淡的随口哼唱,自然而直接,只要三首曲听毕,你会听到自己的心灵不知怎么的也跟着唱起悲伤的歌,原来Jewel的歌声中,也有一方你的影子。Billboard杂志对Jewel是这样评价的:“大胆跨出聪慧民谣风格,沉浸在欢乐的节拍中,宛如一场快乐的吉普赛婚礼。放松但仍相当有力的唱腔让Jewel这颗珠宝比以往都闪耀。”  Fragile Heart(脆弱的心)  If you want my heart 如果你想得到我的心  You have to promise not to tear it apart 你得保证不去伤害它  Cause my heart has been hurt a lot 因为我的心已被伤得好深  And it always seems love is not sweet 而且似乎爱情并不甜蜜  like in dreams something falls through 就像落空的美梦  But I don't want that to happen to me and you 不愿我们之间发生这样的事  So be 所以要  Careful,warning 当心,谨慎  Fragile heart 易碎的心  So be 所以要  Careful,warning 当心,谨慎  Fragile heart 易碎的心  Last Saturday 上周六  We ate dinner at your parents'place 我们在你父母家吃晚餐  Last Saturday,you said 上周六,你说  How you feel will not go away? “今晚别走好吗?”  Well,all the fishes in the sea 好吧,所有海里的鱼儿  Could not be happier than me 都没有我幸福  So be 所以要  Careful,warning 当心,谨慎  Fragile heart 易碎的心  So be 所以要  Careful,warning 当心,谨慎  Fragile heart 易碎的心  Only fools believe that 只有傻瓜才相信  Nothing changes,nothing leaves 没有改变,没有离开  But I need to believe that we at least 但我相信最终  Will have some dignity 会有尊严  Cause everything changes 因为一切都会改变  Nothing stays the same 没有一成不变的事物  But that's no excuse to be casual 没有随便的宽恕  Or to place the blame 也没有指责的地方  You have to be careful with me 你要照顾好我  So be,(so be) 所以要  Careful,warning 当心,谨慎  Frag}


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