picker questionnairee GPA的一栏怎么填嗷嗷嗷

Questionnaire for High School Students Interested in Research Experiences at HIMB第1页__杭州厨师培训
Questionnaire for High School Students Interested in Research Experiences at HIMB
Questionnaire for High School Students Interested in Research Experiences at HIMB Things you should know: With the exception of a few grant-funded programs, most research opportunities for undergraduate students at HIMB are volunteer (i.e. unpaid) positions. Most research faculty require a commitment of at least 3 months. It is generally understood that an academic year internship will be part-time, and a summer internship could be either part- or full-time. Please see the attached list of research projects for faculty that may have opportunities for high school students and determine with whom you would like to work. If an appropriate faculty member has space and feels you are a good match for their program, you will be contacted by them separately for an interview and further information.
Email: Phone:
Age: Academic Year (Fr/So/Jr/Sr):
High School attending:
Science classes taken: Cumulative GPA:
Requested length of research internship:
Time-frame of requested internship (specify months and year):
I am interested ONLY in internships that are paid: Yes / No
Faculty with whom you would like to work (you may list up to three):
Any laboratory, field experience or special skills that you possess?
Are you comfortable in the water (snorkeling/free-diving?)
Contact information for one referee who is familiar with you school (e.g. teacher or mentor) or work experience (e.g. supervisor). Include name, affiliation, position, email, and phone number.
Any specific laboratory or field experience/skills that you are looking to acquire?
Please state your interests for wanting to participate in research at HIMB. Include your long-term educational and career goals.
Please return for via email to , or by mail to Dr. Malia Rivera, Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology, PO Box 1346, Kāne‘ohe, Hawai‘i, 96744.
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中国人很注重排名, 对各行各业的企业、 拥有财富的人的的排行榜都很关注, 当然对于自己想去的学校也会观察一下排行,那么,上海厨师培训学校排行榜? 在中国这样...
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厨师培训协议_合同协议_表格/模板_实用文档。厨师培训协议甲方: 地址: 电话: 乙方: 地址: 电话: 因甲方公司业务需要,为提高乙方的专业技术水平,甲乙双方 就甲方...
厨师培训项目商业计划书 国统报告网《即中金企信国际咨询公司》拥有 10 余年项目商业计划书撰写经验《注:与 项目可行性报告同期开展的业务板块》, 拥有一批高素质编写...
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Secondary Email
2016-17 Bentley University Sports Information Questionnaire
This questionnaire should only be completed by current Bentley student-athletes. Please provide as much information as possible.
Email address
First name
Preferred Name for Roster
&&Field Hockey
&&Ice Hockey
&&Men's Basketball
&&Men's Golf
&&Men's Lacrosse
&&Men's Soccer
&&Men's Swimming
&&Men's Tennis
&&Men's Track/Cross Country
&&Women's Basketball
&&Women's Lacrosse
&&Women's Soccer
&&Women's Swimming
&&Women's Tennis
&&Women's Track/Cross Country
&&Women's Volleyball
Year at Bentley
Student ID Number
Campus Address
Home Mailing Address
Home Phone (with area code)
Cell Phone (with area code)
Twitter Handle
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
High School Attended
Year Graduated
Prep School (if applicable)
Are you a transfer?
If yes, from where and years attended
Other teams you have played for (AAU, Junior Hockey, etc.)
Collegiate letters & sports
High school letters & sports
Full name of high school coach, this sport
If you ever played on any championship team, in any all-star games or state tournaments, or served as a team captain, give details as to when, where and what you did
Individual honors & best performances
Please provide as detailed information as possible. It will help assist us in preparation of your bio, among other things. Thanks.
Bats (baseball/softball only)
Throws (baseball/softball only)
Names of Parents
Address of Parents
Names & ages of brothers and sisters
Do you have any relatives who excelled in collegiate or professional athletics, and/or attended Bentley? If so, give details, including relationship
Career ambition
List any academic recognition you have received (high school or college)
Other college activities
Community service or volunteer work
List all newspapers (daily/weekly) that cover your hometown
By submitting this form, the student-athlete gives the sports information office permission to release pertinent data.
If this is done correctly, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. Any questions or problems, please contact the sports information office at rlipe@bentley.edu.
* = required field}


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