i live in a distant villagelost in the mountainn

& 学年高一英语课件:Module 5 Integrating Skills(外研版必修4)
学年高一英语课件:Module 5 Integrating Skills(外研版必修4)
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2. 句式: (1)一句多译。 ①我们的城市位于长江边。 Our city _________________of the Changjiang River.
→Our city is __________ the bank of Changjiang River.
②它风景优美,适合居住。 It is very beautiful and _________________.
→It is a beautiful place _________________.
stands on the bank situated on suitable/fit to live in for people to live in (2)按要求完成句子。 ①It is a beautiful place for people to live in, and its economy has been developing rapidly in the past ten years. (用定语从句合并句子) _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________ ②New factories, houses and roads have been built. More schools and hospitals are available for its people. (用独立主格结构合并句子) _____________________________________________________ ______________________________ It is a beautiful place for people to live in, whose economy has been developing rapidly in the past ten years. New factories, houses and roads have been built, more schools and hospitals available for people. ③The growth of the population should be brought under control. We’ll have a better hometown in future. (用状语从句合并句子) _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ The growth of the population should be brought under control so that we’ll have a better hometown in future. 【妙笔成篇】 Dear Bob,
It’s very kind of you to write to me and let me know about your beautiful city. Now I’d like to tell you something about my hometown Jiangcheng. The city stands on the bank of the Changjiang River. It is a beautiful place for people to live in, whose economy has been developing rapidly in the past ten years. New factories, houses and roads have been built. More schools and hospitals are available for its people. However,
there are still some problems, such as water and air pollution and heavy traffic in rush hours. In my opinion, Jiangcheng should develop its economy scientifically. I would also think that the growth of its population should be brought under control so that we’ll have a better hometown in future.
Li Xiaohua 【名师点评】 语言特色:①范文中使用了高级词汇,如rapidly, available, heavy traffic, scientifically, bring. . . under control等。 ②范文中使用的较高级的句式结构有动词不定式短语作定语等。 ③范文中使用的复合句结构主要有定语从句、目的状语从句等。 整体评价:本范文要点齐全,第一句提到收到对方的来信,第二句点出主题。接着描述江城的情况。最后两句是作者对江城发展的看法。文章中合理使用简单句和复合句,结合高级词汇和表达方式,使得文章很有文采,反映了作者较高的英语运用能力。 * 5. rip off 敲竹杠;敲诈 【语境领悟】 *The shop tried to rip me off. 那商店极力敲我的竹杠。 *How can you rip off my ads for yours?
你怎么可以窃取我的广告作为你的? *Somebody’s ripped off my wallet.
有人把我的钱包偷走了。 【归纳拓展】 rip off sb.
敲某人的竹杠,欺骗某人(的钱财) rip off sth.
撕掉某物,偷窃某物 rip
n. 裂口,裂缝 *I’ve ripped my trousers. 我把裤子撕破了。 【思维延伸】“欺骗”的表达 cheat
v. 欺骗;作弊
n. 骗子,不诚实的人 take in sb.
欺骗某人 deceive
v. 欺骗 trick
n. 诡计v. 欺骗 【即学活用】完成句子。 ①孩子们被看见正在偷窃一盘盘的面包卷。 Kids were caught __________ trays of rolls.
②那个广告宣传欺骗了许许多多顾客。 The advertising campaign has _________ a great many consumers.
ripping off ripped off ③I won’t shop at that
they’re known for ______ the customers.
A. giving off
B. taking off C. ripping off
D. getting off 【解析】选C。考查动词短语。句意:我再也不去那个小店购物了。他们敲诈顾客出了名了。rip off sb. “敲诈某人”,符合句意。give off “发出,散发出”;take off“起飞”; get off“下车”。
6. get a kick out of 从……中得到乐趣 【语境领悟】 *I get a kick out of travelling. 我从旅行中得到乐趣。 *He got a kick out of helping others.
他从帮助别人中获得乐趣。 *He got a big kick out of watching the world cup.
他从观看世界杯中获得了极大的乐趣。 【归纳拓展】 get a kick out of. . . =get a kick from. . .
n. 快乐;踢 v. 踢;猛烈地跺 kick oneself
自责,内疚 kick sb. out of. . .
驱逐某人 kick sth. off
开始(会议等);踢掉某物 *I get a big kick from motor racing.
我从汽车比赛得到极大乐趣。 *If the door won’t open give it a kick.
门要是打不开就踹一下。 *When I discovered I’d come for the appointment on the wrong day, I could have kicked myself.
我来赴约发现把日期弄错了, 感到非常自责。 【即学活用】完成句子。 ①他认为他能从电脑游戏中得到乐趣。 He thinks he can ______________ the computer games.
②They kicked him out for fighting. (英译汉) _______________________ get a kick out of 他因为斗殴被他们开除。 ③I dream of being a model because I can get a ______ out of dressing in fancy clothes.
D. stamp 【解析】选C。考查名词辨析。句意:我梦想成为一名模特,因为穿华丽的衣服能使我获得很大的乐趣。get a kick out of“从……中得到乐趣”,符合句意。pat “轻拍”;strike “罢工,袭击”;stamp“邮票,踏”。
7. naturally adv. 自然地 【语境领悟】 *Naturally, Mr McCorquodale has his favourite places.
自然地,麦科克代尔先生有他最喜欢的地方。 *—Shall I come in? —Naturally.
——我可以进来吗?——当然可以。 【归纳拓展】 natural
adj. 天然的,自然的,天生的,平常的 nature
n. 自然(界);本性,天性 by nature
天生地 in nature
在自然界中 【即学活用】完成句子。 ①事情出了错,我当然就会很烦。 _________, I get upset when things go wrong.
②大熊猫的天然栖息地是竹林。 The panda’s _______ habitat is the bamboo forest.
③他生性冷酷。 He is cold _________.
④所有这些材料都能在自然界中找到。 All these materials can be found ________.
Naturally natural by nature in nature ⑤ ______ a smile in which the eyes participate is extremely communicative. A. Naturally
B. Luckily C. Actually
D. Generally 【解析】选A。考查副词辨析。句意:眼睛参与的微笑自然是非常易于沟通的。naturally“自然地”;luckily“幸运地”;actually“实际上”;generally“通常,一般”。
8. I’m allowed to stick one in only if I’ve been in a place for more than 24 hours.
只有我在那待过24小时以上我才被允许钉一个针做记号。 【句式分析】
句中if引导条件状语从句,前面加only进行强调。only if意为“只有在……的条件下”。 *She’ll have a chance to get well only if she has a strong will to live. 唯有她有活下去的坚强意志,她才会有机会好起来。 *Only if I get a job will I have enough money to go to school. 我只有找到了工作才有足够的钱上学。 【易混辨析】 only if 意为“只有, 只要”, 引导陈述语气的真实条件状语从句, only if引导的条件状语从句位于句首时, 主句用部分倒装结构 if only 意为“但愿, 要是……就好了”, 常用虚拟语气 *If only I weren’t so tired! 我要是不这么累该多好! *If only he had talked to her sooner!
他要是早点和她谈话就好了! 【名师点津】
only+状语(从句)置于句首,句子部分倒装。 Only in this way, can you learn English well.
只有用这种方式,你才能学好英语。 Only when he is seriously ill, does he ever stay in bed.
只有当他病重时,他才卧床休息。 【即学活用】完成句子。 ①只有拿到两千美元的抵押贷款,我才买得起那栋房子。 I can buy the house ______ a mortgage for 2, 000 dollars is available.
②只有得到老师的允许,学生才可以进入这间屋子。 Only if a teacher has given permission, ___________________ enter this room.
③他当时要是记得买些水果来该多好。 ______ he had remembered to buy some fruit.
only if is a student allowed to If only Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. They went on a ______(乘游轮漫游)to Bali.
2. It was useless to ______(禁止)children to play in the park.
3. A ____________(多山的)country is one in which there are many mountains.
4. China’s impact on the world economy has been ________ (极大的).
cruise forbid mountainous immense 5. The wasteland was transferred into ______(肥沃的)fields.
6. The sky stretched out clear and bright above our heads as we approached the _______(遥远的)village.
7. I never cycle up that hill which is too _____(陡峭的).
8. _________(自然地), you were nervous when you went on the platform for the first time.
fertile remote steep Naturally Ⅱ. 完成句子 1. 我是外国人这事实对我十分不利。 ____________I was a foreigner was a big disadvantage.
2. 我们看到远处的灯光。 We saw a light _____________.
3. 家具和房间很协调。 The furniture _________________the room. 4. 我猜我不是唯一被敲诈的人。 I guess I’m not the only one who was _________.
The fact that in the distance goes very well with ripped off 5. 踢足球给我极大的刺激。 I ______________ playing football.
6. 贴上邮票寄出去就行了。 Just ______________ the letter and post it.
7. 只有虚心你才能进步。 You can make progress ______ you are modest.
8. 史密斯先生手拿直尺走进教室。 Mr. Smith came into the classroom, ____________.
get a kick out of stick a stamp on only if ruler in hand 【文体分析】 1. 概念:此类作文属于说明文,描述或介绍某个地点的特点等。 2. 分类: (1)描述某个景点,介绍景点的特色和布置等。 (2)描述某个地点,介绍该地点的地理位置、地形、资源等。 描述地点类说明文 3. 内容安排: (1)介绍该地点的位置; (2)详细描述该地点的各个特征。 4. 语言特征: (1)时态通常用一般现在时,通常使用第三人称。 (2)语言表达要准确,且富有逻辑。 5. 注意事项:行文通常要按照人们了解一个地点的逻辑顺序。 【亮点句式】 1. Our city lies in/on/to the west/east/south/north of. . .
2. It is located/situated in. . .
3. To/In the west there are. . .
4. It is surrounded by. . .
5. West of the city stand some buildings.
6. It has a history of. . . years.
7. It has a population of. . .
8. It covers an area of. . . square kilometers.
9. People call it. . . because. . .
10. It is famous/well-known for/as. . .
11. It’s convenient for you to come to our city.
12. The most famous spot is. . .
  假如你是李晓华, 住在江城。你的加拿大笔友Bob来信谈到他所居住的城市, 并希望了解你家乡江城的情况。请你用英语写一封回信。回信须包括下列内容:
自然情况: 位于长江边, 风景优美, 适合居住;
成就: 经济发展迅速, 新建了不少工厂、住房和道路;
存在问题: 水污染、空气污染, 交通拥挤;
对江城发展的看法(内容由考生自己拟定)。 注意: 1. 回信中不能使用“江城”以外的地名。
2. 词数120个左右。信的开头与结尾已为你写好, 不计
3. 参考词汇: economy n. 经济 【审题谋篇】 体 裁 _______ 话 题 _______________ 时 态 _______________ 人 称 _________ 说明文 介绍江城的情况 一般现在时为主 第三人称 【遣词造句】 1. 词汇: ①向某人介绍某物
____________________________ ②建设,建造
__________________ ③可利用
_______________ ④在我看来
_________________ ⑤处于控制下
____________ ⑥以便,为了
__________________ tell sb. sth. ; introduce sth. to sb. put up are available for in my opinion/view u in order that *Will they discuss the problem whether the sports meet will be put off this afternoon?
他们今天下午将讨论运动会是否推迟举行的问题吗? *Word came that he had passed the college entrance examination. 有消息说他通过了大学入学考试。 *I have no idea what size shoes she wears.
我不知道她穿多少号的鞋。 【名师点津】 (1)当doubt, wonder等名词前有否定词时,后跟的同位语从句由that引导。 (2)名词suggestion, proposal, order, demand等词后跟的同位语从句中谓语为should+动词原形,should可以省略。 【思维延伸】that引导的同位语从句与定语从句的区别: that在同位语从句中不充当任何句子成分,也没有具体意义,只起连接作用,that不可省略;that在定语从句中充当主语或宾语,充当动词的宾语时that可省略。 *You can’t ignore the fact that we are badly treated. (同位语从句)你不能忽略我们被虐待的事实。 *Is there anything that you want to buy in town? (定语从句) 你有什么东西要在城里买吗? 【即学活用】完成句子。 ①我们缺少足够的电话这一事实需要加以考虑。 The fact ________________________ needs to be considered.
②他建议我们坐火车去。 He made the suggestion ________________________.
that we lack enough phones that we (should) go by train ③(2014·重庆高考)—Is it true that Mike refused an offer from Yale University yesterday?
—Yeah, but I have no idea ______ that’s one of his favorite universities.
D. how 【解析】选B。考查名词性从句。句意:——迈克拒绝了耶鲁大学的录取通知是真的吗?——是的,但我不知道他这么做的原因,耶鲁大学是他最喜爱的大学之一。根据后面的that’s one of his favorite universities可知这里指原因,故用why引导。 【思维延伸】补充练习 ①(2013·浙江高考)The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total belief ______ you are better than anyone else on the sports field.
D. whether 【解析】选B。考查名词性从句。句意:取得最大成功的唯一方法就是充分相信你在赛场上比其他人更好。该空引导belief的同位语从句。并且在从句中既不作任何句子成分,也无任何意义,只能用that。how与which在同位语从句中,不仅有意义而且作成分;whether在同位语从句中,虽然不作成分,但却有意义。故选B。 ②(2012·重庆高考)Evidence has been found through years of study ______ children’s early sleeping problems are likely to continue when they grow up.
C. whether
D. that 【解析】选D。考查名词性从句。句意: 通过多年的研究, 已有证据表明孩子的早期睡眠问题很可能会持续到他们的成年时期。句中所填连词引导同位语从句,说明名词evidence的具体内容,因为从句陈述一个事实,且从句中不缺少句子成分,故应用that引导。
5. Wherever he goes, Mr McCorquodale takes with him a photo of his wife, a candle, a torch, a shirt with a secret pocket, and a pen for writing his postcards. 无论到哪里,麦科克代尔先生都会带上妻子的照片、一支蜡烛、一个手电筒、一件有隐秘口袋的上衣和一支用来写明信片的钢笔。 【句式分析】
此句是个复合句,wherever引导让步状语从句,wherever可替换为no matter where,意为“无论哪里”。 *Wherever she is she thinks of you. (相当于no matter where)不管她在哪里,她都在想你。 *However difficult it is, I will follow you. (引导让步状语从句,可换成no matter how) 无论有多么困难,我都跟随你。 *Whoever wants to speak to me on the phone, tell them I’m busy.
不管谁要我接电话, 就说我现在正忙着呢。 【名师点津】
wherever (whatever, however, whichever等)可以引导让步状语从句和名词性从句;而no matter where (what, how, which)只能引导让步状语从句。 *Don’t give him whatever he wants. (不能换成no matter what,whatever引导宾语从句)不要他想要什么就给他什么。
【即学活用】完成句子。 ①每逢她演唱,任何歌剧院都场场爆满。
Opera houses are packed out ________________.
②有些人能够随遇而安。 Some people enjoy themselves ________________.
wherever she sings wherever they are ③(2013·江苏高考)In the global economy, a new drug for cancer, ______ it is discovered, will create many economic possibilities around the world.
A. whatever
B. whoever
C. wherever
D. whichever 【解析】选C。考查状语从句和连词。句意:在全球化的经济体系中,无论在任何地方发现的一种治疗癌症的新药都能在全世界范围内创造出许多赚钱可能性。根据句意可知连词引导让步状语从句,从句缺状语,应使用wherever。
【思维延伸】补充练习 (2011·江西高考)Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon, or ______ it is convenient to you.
A. whenever
B. however C. whichever
D. wherever 【解析】选A。考查状语从句。句意:请打电话给我的秘书安排今天下午的会议,或者在任何你方便的时候。whenever无论何时;however然而;whichever任何一个;wherever无论哪里。关系副词在后句中充当状语,根据语境可知是指时间,故选A。
【要点拾遗】 1. immense adj. 极大的 【语境领悟】 *There is still an immense amount of work to be done.
还有非常非常多的工作要做。 *They made an immense improvement in English.
在英语方面他们取得了巨大的进步。 【名师点津】
immense解释为extremely large。同义词有:great, huge, vast, enormous等。 【即学活用】完成句子。 ①大本钟不仅巨大而且报时也准确。 Big Ben is not only of ____________, but is extremely accurate.
②在无边无际的海洋中要找到他几乎是不可能的。 It’s almost impossible to find him ___________________.
③他在生意中赚了一大笔钱。 He made __________________________ in business.
immense size in the immense ocean an immense amount of money 2. remote adj. 遥远的 【语境领悟】 *Much of it is hilly, but in the remote areas in the west it reaches the steep slopes of the Himalayas.
大部分地区多山,但在遥远的西部地区它延伸到喜马拉雅山脉的陡峭斜坡。 *They have chosen to work in that remote area after graduation.
他们已经选择毕业后去那个边远地区工作。 *I’m afraid your chances of success are rather remote.
remote除了表示“偏僻的,遥远的”,也可指“(时间上或亲属关系上)遥远的,冷淡的,漠不关心的;微小的”。 *Her manner was polite but remote.
她彬彬有礼, 却冷漠无情。 【即学活用】翻译下列句子。 ①The possibility of a fall in price is rather remote, I’m afraid. (英译汉) _______________________________ ②我住在遥远的小山村。(汉译英) ______________________________ 恐怕降价的可能性是很渺茫/小的。 I live in a remote mountain village. 3. varied adj. 多变化的,各种各样的 【语境领悟】 *My home province is an immense region in the southwest of the country, with a very varied landscape.
我的家乡省份是位于国家西南的一片广大地区,地形多变。 *He had had a varied training and held many offices.
他受过多方面的训练,担任过许多职务。 【归纳拓展】
v. 改变;变化 various
adj. 各种各样的;许多的 variety
n. 多样;种类 a variety of
种种,多种多样的 *These fish vary in weight from 3 lb to 5 lb.
这些鱼的重量从3磅到5磅不等。 *Tents come in various shapes and sizes.
帐篷有各种各样的形状和型号。 *A variety of food is sold at a supermarket.
超市里出售各式各样的食物。 【思维延伸】
varied和various都可表示“各种各样的,各不相同的”,一般可以换用。 varied 侧重于“不同”的含义 作定语时后既可接单数名词亦可接复数名词 various 侧重于种类数目的“多” 作定语时, 后面只能接复数名词 【即学活用】完成句子。 ①人们会由于种种原因改变主意。 People change their minds for __________ reasons.
②火星上的景象变幻多端。 The Martian landscape is extremely ______.
③这本书是各家诗作的集锦。 The book is a select collection of poetry from _______ authors.
a variety of varied various ④Made up of people from different parts of the world,the neighborhood is much more ______ than any other.
D.varied 【解析】选D。考查形容词辨析。句意:由于这里的人来自世界各地,所以此社区比其他任何一个社区都更多样化。varied 意思是“多样化的”,符合句意。reliable“可靠的,可依赖的”;different“不同的”;flexible“易弯曲的,灵活的”。 4. spot n. 地点;场所 【语境领悟】 *The most beautiful spot on the river is the Three Gorges.
沿江最美的地点是三峡。 *You have a grease spot on your shirt. 你的衬衣上有块油斑。 *She spotted her friend in the crowd.
她在人群中认出了她的朋友。 【归纳拓展】
spot为名词时,还表示“斑点,污点”;为动词时,意为“发现,认出”。 on the spot
在现场;当场 put sb. on the spot
置某人于困境,使某人为难 spotted
adj. 有斑点的; 有污点的 *The doctor was on the spot a few minutes after the accident. 医生在事故发生几分钟后就赶到现场了。 *I think you have put him on the spot.
我认为你使他陷入了困境。 *The shirt was spotted with blood.
衬衫上溅有血迹。 【思维延伸】 不同的“点” dot小圆点;point尖(端),小数点,地点,时间点,要点,用处;stain污点,污迹。 【即学活用】完成句子。 ①他们在岛上最著名的几处旅游景点作了停留。 They stayed at several of the island’s top tourist _____.
②一个眼尖的读者发现了昨天报纸上的错误。 A sharp-eyed reader _______ the mistake in yesterday’s newspaper.
spots spotted ③His grandmother likes finding fault ______ others who talk with her ______ the spot.
D.in;in 【解析】选B。考查介词。句意:他奶奶喜欢当场挑和她说话的其他人的错。find fault with sb. “找某人的茬,挑某人的错”,on the spot“当场,在现场”。 ④Kevin burst into tears ______ because his teacher punished him in front of the whole class.
A. on the side
B. on the spot C. on any account
D. on the mark 【解析】选B。on the spot意为“当场”,符合句意。on the side作为兼职,另外;on any account无论如何;on the mark中肯的,切题的。 Module 5
A Trip Along the Three Gorges Integrating Skills 1. 选词填空。 (1)He and his wife were planning to go on a world ______ .
B. career (2)It’s very hot in the ______ ; let’s go on deck.
B. cabin (3)Plants grow well in ______ soil.
A. fertile
B. poor (4)The ______ desert area is accessible only by helicopter.
B. nearby (5)It is essential that your diet is ______ and balanced.
B. varied (6)We had a good ______ of the town from the top of the hill.
B. sight 2. 根据首字母及英文释义写出单词。 (1)f_____
order (sb. )not to do sth.
having many mountains (3)i________
extremely large (4)s____
rising or falling sharply (5)s___
a particular place or area (6)n_______ in a natural manner orbid ountainous mmense teep pot aturally 3. 根据汉语释义补全短语。 (1)__ the distance
远处的 (2)___ off
敲竹杠,敲诈 (3)get a ____ out of
从……中得到乐趣 (4)be ________ to do sth.
被要求做某事 (5)go ____
伴随;与……相配 in rip kick required with 4. 词义匹配。 (1)be around
A. 粘贴 (2)stick on
B. 至少 (3)follow the rules
C. 在附近;存在 (4)at least
D. 描述为 (5)describe as
E. 遵守规则 1. in the distance 远处的 【语境领悟】 *They could see the mountains in the distance.
他们能看到远处的群山。 *In the distance, the sky was beginning to brighten.
远方的天空开始泛白。 【归纳拓展】 in the distance
在远处,远处的 at a distance
离开一定的距离 at a distance of. . .
……的距离之外 keep one’s distance from sb. /sth.
与某人或某物保持一定距离;对人或物冷淡 distant
adj. 遥远的;远亲的;冷淡的 *Oil painting is to be appreciated at a distance.
油画要在一定的距离外欣赏。 *At a distance of six miles you can’t see much.
距离六英里以外的东西很难看清。 *I would keep my distance from that dog, if I were you!
我要是你, 就离那条狗远一点!
“距离”亦分远近 【即学活用】完成句子。 ①Because of the heavy fog, I couldn’t make out the person
②After the quarrel Susan remained cold and ______(疏远的).
③She was warned to ___________________________(离查尔斯远一点)if she didn’t want to get hurt.
④The picture looks better ___________(在稍远处).
in the distance distant keep her distance from Charles at a distance ⑤The people on strike covered a ______ of 2 kilometers in protest against increased working hours.
A. distance
D. length 【解析】选A。考查名词辨析。句意:罢工的人们走了两千米来抗议增加工作时间。distance“距离”,符合句意。space“空间”;pace“速度,一步”;length“长度”。 【思维延伸】 对两地的距离提问时要用疑问词what。 What is the distance from here to London?
What is the distance between Beijing and Xi’an?
2. forbid vt. 禁止 【语境领悟】 *Swimming from the boat is forbidden. 禁止下船游泳。 *The new law forbids smoking in offices.
新法律禁止在办公室内抽烟。 *The doctor forbade him alcohol. 医生禁止他喝酒。 *He’s obviously quite embarrassed about it because he forbade me to tell anyone.
显然他对此感到很尴尬,因为他禁止我告诉任何人。 【归纳拓展】
forbid doing sth.
禁止做某事 forbid sb. sth.
禁止某人某事 forbid sb. to do sth.
禁止某人做某事 forbid sb. from doing sth.
禁止某人做某事 It’s forbidden to do sth.
做某事是禁止的 *It’s forbidden to thro please take away the wastepaper. 禁止乱丢垃圾,请把各自的废纸带走。 【名师点津】 (1)forbid为不规则动词,过去式为forbad/forbade,过去分词为forbidden。 (2)forbid一般不用于祈使句。 【思维延伸】
forbid的反义词permit/allow的用法和forbid的用法相似。 permit/ allow sb. sth.
允许某人某事 permit/allow +n. /doing
允许做某事 permit/ allow sb. to do sth.
允许某人做某事 be allowed/ permitted to do sth.
被允许做某事 The prisoners were permitted/allowed two hours’ exercise a day. 允许犯人每天有两小时户外活动。 The council will not permit/allow you to build here.
【即学活用】完成句子。 ①他不允许在上班时间抽烟。(forbid) He ______________ during office hours.
②医生禁止他吸烟。 The doctor forbids him ________.
③He forbade them from mentioning the subject again. (同义句) He forbade them __________the subject again.
forbids smoking to smoke to mention ④Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents ______ her to do so.
A. forbade
B. allowed
C. followed
D. permitted 【解析】选A。句意:玛丽想独自一个人环游世界,但她父母禁止她这样做。forbade是forbid的过去式,意为“禁止”;allow和permit意为“允许”;follow意为“跟随”。根据句中的转折连词but可知选A。 【思维延伸】补充练习 ①He was ______ to leave the house, as a punishment.
D.prevented 【解析】选C。考查动词辨析。句意:作为惩罚,他被禁止离开这个房子。forbid“禁止,不许”;forbid sb. to do sth. “禁止某人做某事”,符合句意。refuse“拒绝”,后跟名词或动词不定式作宾语;reject“拒绝,辞退,驳回”,后跟单宾语;prevent“阻止,预防”,prevent sb. from doing sth. “阻止某人做某事”。 ②The local government has recently passed a new regulation forbidding supermarkets and stores ______ out free plastic bags to shoppers.
A.to give
D.to giving 【解析】选A。考查非谓语动词。句意:当地政府最近通过一项新规定,禁止超市和商店给顾客免费发放塑料袋。forbid sb to do sth“禁止某人做某事”。 3. view n. 景色;风景 【语境领悟】 *He always chooses a postcard with a beautiful view, and sticks on an interesting stamp.
他总是选一张有着美丽风景的明信片,并贴上一张有趣的邮票。 *The view from our window was beautiful green countryside.
从我们窗口可以看到一片绿色乡村的美景。 *His view of life is different from yours.
他的人生观与你的不同。 *In view of the board’s disapproval we have dropped the plan. 由于理事会的反对,我们已放弃了该计划。 【归纳拓展】
(1)in one’s view=in the view of sb.
依照某人的观点 point of view
观点,看法 in view of. . .
鉴于,考虑到…… at first view/sight
初看,乍看 come into view
映入眼帘,进入视野 have sth. in view
概念、打算等 (2)view
v. 看待;考虑 view. . . as. . .
将……看成…… *First-generation Americans view the United States as a land of golden opportunity.
第一代美国人把美国看成一个充满良机的大陆。 *He wants to find a job, but he has nothing particular in view.
他想找工作,但心中没有什么具体的目标。 【易混辨析】 view 尤指从高处或窗边所看到的自然美景; 此外还表示“视野; 见解” sight 表示景象, 尤指奇观、壮观的景象。复数形式可表示名胜。此外, 还表示“视力; 视野; 看见” scene 表示“景色”时, 为可数名词。也指展现在眼前的情景、舞台上的场景。此外还表示“事发地点” scenery 为不可数名词, 指一个地区的总的自然风景 【即学活用】选词填空(view/scene/scenery/sight)。 ①The first _____ of the play is the king’s palace.
②Let’s stop to admire the _______.
③Come and see the _____ of London.
④It’s great to enjoy the magnificent _____ from the summit, over the mountains.
scene scenery sights views ⑤It’s said in the brochure that the hotel was a comfortable one with a wonderful sea ______ . A. view
B. point C. scenery
D. impression 【解析】选A。考查名词辨析。句意:旅游手册说那个旅店很舒适,可以欣赏很好的大海风景。view指从高处所看到的景色,符合句意。point “点;要点”;scenery“风景”,是不可数名词,前不加冠词;impression“印象”。 4. There’s a saying in the travel trade that all tourists are ripped off. 在旅游贸易中有个谚语:所有游客都会被敲竹杠。 【句式分析】 (1)句中that从句说明名词saying的内容,为同位语从句。that只起引导作用,在从句中不作句子成分,且不能省略。 (2)同位语从句属于名词性从句,通常跟在名词,如plan, fact, news, word, idea等后面,解释说明这些名词的具体内容。引导同位语从句的词通常有连词that,whether,连接代词what,who。连接副词how, when, where等。 *
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