have no lesson和have nohave a school trip有什么区别

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The students in Shanghai No. 3 Girls High School have a flower-arrangement (插花) lesson every week.
The students in Shanghai No. 3 Girls High School have a flower-arrangement (插花) lesson every week. The course is the first of its kind among middle schools in Shanghai. It helps the students to enjoy the&&&&&&of flowers better. That’s why the course has become very popular&&&&&&the students.The teachers of the course are all specially trained(专门地培训). They are&&&&&&&at this art and work hard at passing on the skill&&&&&&students. So far, many students in the school have&&&&&&a lot of prizes in this field. In order to further&&&&&&the students’ skills, the teachers usually play&&&&&&while students are arranging flowers. Students are&&&&&&with the music, and they&&&&&&more good ideas for flower-arrangement.Besides, the teachers&&&&&&teach the students other skills at the&&&&&&time. For example, they ask the students to&&&&&&compositions(作文) about flowers. In this way, students not only&&&&&&&art education but also improve(提高) their writing skills.Several months ago, some foreign teachers&&&&&&the school. When they saw common flowers become more lively and meaningful, they were amazed and interested. They made videos and would play them in class for their own&&&&&&after they returned home.小题1:A.colorB.beautyC.smellD.shape小题2:A.betweenB.aroundC.amongD.about小题3:A.wellB.niceC.greatD.good小题4:A.withB.forC.toD.in小题5:A.beatenB.hitC.wonD.struck小题6:A.dropB.decideC.developD.train小题7:A.musicB.gamesC.jokesD.sports小题8:A.happyB.popularC.carefulD.angry小题9:A.think ofB.run out ofC.hold onD.put off小题10:A.alwaysB.neverC.hardlyD.seldom小题11:A.differentB.sameC.anotherD.other小题12:A.readB.playC.writeD.work小题13:A.getB.giveC.makeD.take小题14:A.arrivedB.wentC.gotD.visited小题15:A.parentsB.friendsC.studentsD.Classmates
确认密码:【school mate】陕旅小学英语三年级下册Lesson 4 How do you come to school教案_牛宝宝文章网【school mate】陕旅小学英语三年级下册Lesson 4 How do you come to school教案专题:Lesson 4 How do you come to school?教学目标及重难点分析:1. 能够听、说、读、写单词:bike, bus, foot, car, taxi.2. 能听懂、会说单词:come, about3. 能够听说读写并熟练运用词组:by bike, by bus, by car, by taxi, on foot.4. 能熟练掌握句型: I go to …by/on…Let’s go to…by/on…并能初步掌握on和by的区别用法。 How do you come to school?Do you come to school by bus?No, I come by taxi.How about you?5. 初步掌握询问他人所使用的交通工具的表达方式,并能学会做替换练习,在生活中自如运用。课前准备:1.教师准备bike, bus, foot,car, taxi的教学图片,以及其他相关的教学卡片,如:train, plane, subway, etc.。2.快节奏音乐二或三首,玩具小熊一个。3.学生准备水彩笔和A4纸一张。教学过程:一、热身(Warming up)教师可出示Lesson 3中出现的schoolmate, classmate, friend等图片,通过flash cards的形式和学生一起边复习上节课所学内容并进行本节课的热身活动。二、新课展示(New Presentation)1、教师通过同学们喜闻乐见又非常熟悉的两个卡通人物Jerry,Tom和Mr. Sun, Alice的对话引出本课重点句型和词汇学习。(早上,校门口, Tom , Jerry, Mr. Sun, Alice四人相遇了)Tom:Look! Our schoolmate, Alice!Jerry & Tom: Good morning, Alice!Alice: Morning! How do you come to school?Tom: I come to school by bike. How about you?Alice: I come to school by taxi. And how about you, Jerry?Jerry: I come to school on foot! Oh! Look! Mr. Sun!Tom 、Jerry Alice: Good morning, Mr. Sun.Mr. Sun: Good Morning, Students!Jerry: How do you come to school?Mr. Sun: Sometimes I come to school by car and sometimes by bus.2、 教师结合一些教学实物或者教学图片进行讲解本课重点句型I go to…by/on…;Let’s go to…by/on…; How do you come to school? Do you come by bus? How about you?及短语by bike/bus/ car/taxi, on foot的学习:教师先拿着课前准备好的bike卡片问道:“What’s this?” 学生回答说: “It’s a bike.” 教师再说出: “Yes, it’s a bike.”同时将school的教学图片贴在黑板上,教师拿着bike的卡片走到教室的后方,然后做出骑自行车的动作,边做动作边向黑板前的school卡片移动,嘴上不断重复I come to school by bike.学生会结合教师的动作以及教师手中的卡片来理解该句子的含义。紧接着教师再通过同样的方式来引出新的短语,by bus, by car, by taxi, on foot.在此,教师要特别给学生强调是on foot不是by foot.此为固定搭配用法。在教师向学生展示自己如何来学校的同时,可以向身边的同学发问:How do you come to school? Do you come to school by/on…?引导学生回答,向学生说明问题的内容,另外要告诉学生我们也可以直接用How about you?来表达How do you come to school?这是用于代替同样的问题,免于重复。3、 接下来,教师可以通过以下歌曲和学生进行娱乐、巩固和复习:Let’s go homeLet’s go home. Let’s go home. Go on foot.Go on foot.Have lunch, have lunch. Let’s have lunch.We have a big cake.Let’s go home. Let’s go home. Go by bus.Go by bus.Have lunch, have lunch. Let’s have lunch.We have a big cake.(这里建议教师可以和学生一起加入动作边唱边复习。)三、巩固活动:(小组游戏)1)Flash cards教师拿出课前准备好的单词卡片,在学生面前或快速或慢速的闪动,让学生一起说出该单词或相应的短语。对反应较快的学生教师要提出表扬和鼓励。这里教师可以先以较慢的速度依次展示,然后随机快速闪动,充分调动学生的积极性,有利于学生注意力的有效集中,但该活动不宜占用太多时间。2) 击鼓传花这个游戏需要教师和孩子们共同完成。教师先将孩子们安排围圈坐好,教师播放快节奏的音乐,学生传递小熊玩具,音乐停止时,谁刚好拿到小熊将需要站起来回答老师提出的How do you come to school?问题。3)Listen and draw.这一部分练习,教师可以根据学生对本课知识的掌握程度进行练习,教师说一些简单的对话,学生边听对话边画出自己所听到的交通工具,比一比,看看谁画的又快又好。4)猜猜看教师拿出早已准备好的写着句子的纸条,叫一些自愿的同学上来抽纸条,看纸条上的句子并用动作表演出交通方式,如果表演能力强,可以表演出交通方式和所要去的地方,让其他同学猜句子。例如抽到句子:I go to the cinema by bike.就表演在电影院看电影的动作,再做骑自行车的动作,让其他同学猜出短语by bike并试着说出句子: I go to the cinema by bike.若动作不像,则找另外学生上来帮忙表演。对表演好、猜单词快的学生要进行表扬,加以鼓励!四、 听录音学习课文,并跟读:(1)Listen, look and repeatⅠ,Ⅱ(播放该部分的录音)(2)Listen, look and say(Ⅰ)(播放对话部分录音)A: Do you come to school by bike?.B: Yes, I come by bike.(2) Listen, look and say(Ⅱ)(播放对话部分录音)A: How do you come to school?B: I come to school on foot. How about you?A: I come by bus.通过本部分的学习学会How do you…? I …by/on…的问答,能在句型的使用中熟练运用所学单词,了解他们的固定搭配,能在日常生活中自如运用。五、课后作业(Homework):练一练。做Let’s practice .请同学两人一组根据Let’s practice 部分进行问答练习。 S1: How do you come to school?S2: By bus. Do you come to school by bus, too?S1: No, I come to school by taxi.学生两两一组,或者放学后和懂英语的家长通过看图进行问答,使学生能更加自如的运用所学单词和句型。转载请保留本文连接:分享到:相关文章声明:《【school mate】陕旅小学英语三年级下册Lesson 4 How do you come to school教案》由“囚情”分享发布,如因用户分享而无意侵犯到您的合法权益,请联系我们删除。TA的分享文档分类:
下载后只包含 1 个 PPT 格式的文档,没有任何的图纸或源代码,
下载所得到的文件列表冀教七年级下册 Unit3 School Life Lesson 13 How Is School Going(共27张PPT).ppt
Lesson 13 How Is School Going? life term start finish twice win yeah social shop myself n.生活 n.学期 v.开始;出发 v. 完成;结束 adv.
两次;两倍 v.赢得;获胜 int. (口语)是;对 adj.
手工艺课 pron.
我自己 Words
1. To learn
to describe your school life 2. To learn to use the adverbs of
usually, always, often 3. To learn some key words and useful
Objectives : Words: life, term, start, finish, twice, win, social,
shop, myself Phrases: have a good time, get back, all by myself Patterns: How is
your school life
start school
at 8:00 a.m. Last term I
won first place ! You ’ re good at
long jump . 1. When do you
every day? 2. How many lessons do you
have? Talk about your school day Lead-in Math Chinese English Music P.E. History Art Biology What subject is it? Social
studies Shop French A:
What is your favorite subject?
My favorite subject is … A:
Why do you like it?
Because it ’s… fun interesting exciting relaxing important useful Click it. Listen and list. What subjects do they have? Wang Mei:
Chinese, English, math, history, P.E. and some others. Jenny: Social studies, shop, math, French,
English and art. 1 p35 1. How is Jenny ’ s school life going? 2. How many classes does Wang Mei
have every day? 3. What is Wang Mei ’ s
subject? 4. What is Jenny ’ s
subject? 5. What did Jenny make in shop class
last week? Read and answer. 2 p35 1. She is a little busy this term. She has
six classes every day. Her school
days are very long. 2. She also has six classes every day. 3. P.E. is her
favourite .
subject is shop. 5. Last week, she made a bird house all
by herself.1


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