
  Hello  Hope all is well with you. I am Felicia a young girl,and i saw your profile
and i love what i saw there,i believe we can get aquainted, please have a little time for me.  Please Contact me through my email address at .(%*…………*&*@) For me to send my picture, and my details     这是第一封信。。。。。    咳咳 第二次收到外国人的来信。表示非常激动。。。  第一次是来我们学校交流的一个外国友人 我留了一个yahoo邮箱 后来他给我发了个邮件 我没有理 就没有回音了  这个是忽然收到的QQ 邮件 而且 很突然 我都根本不认识的。。。  
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张 | 更多
        她说 我呢 是个女的。我看了你的长相 觉得大家能够相互认识一下 你给我点时间介绍 我把我的照片和我的家庭简介发给你。    问题是。。。我都不知道她怎么认识我的。而且 我也是女的。。。乃。。。是蕾丝吗。。。    我抱着用英语交流的心思 回了一封信。。。
  It surprised me to see your letter.  E....Maybe a little shame. My English is bad.  And are you looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend or just a pen pal.....  E....or for ads...  anyway ,thanks for your letter.it's my second English letter.     。。。。。。。  大意捏,就是说 你给我一封信我震惊了 我英语很烂 不知道你是要找男朋友捏 女朋友捏 还是笔友捏。。。或者是广告啦。。。  
  第二封信 来了。。。    Dearest,  How was your night over there in your country and the day,i believe you had a nice night and that the atmosphere over there in your country is very nice today? Mine was a little bit warm over here in Dakar Senegal.     My name is Felicia Williams,i am (24yrs) but age doesn't matter in a real relationship,so i am comfortable with your age,I am from Liberia in Africa, 5.4ft tall, fair in complexion, single,(never married ) and presently i am residing here in Dakar as a result of the civil war that was fought
in my country some years ago.     My late father DR
FREDRICK D. WILLIAMS he was the managing director of WIKKY
COCOA INDUSTRIES (Ltd) in Monrovia (the capital city of Liberia,my country) before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my mother and my father in cold blood.     It was only me that is alive now and I managed to make my way to a near by country SENEGAL where i am leaving now as a refugee under a Reverend father's care and i am using his computer to send these message to you.     I would like to know more about you.Your likes and dislikes,your hobbies and what you are doing presently.I will tell you more about myself in my next mail.Attached here is my picture.  Hoping to hear from you soonest  Yours forever,  Felicia     其实说实话 我的英语六级考了两次都没过 一次没到过400分 对这封信连蒙带猜的。    这个意思大致就是 我们国家不安全 我家人都被KB份紫 挂了。  我是一枚24的少女。体重如何 身高如何。  并且 需要了解我 什么的。。。  另附上照片一张。。。    我当时那叫一个囧。。。。。  一个女人 跟我发信说她年龄如何 对另一半要求不高 身高体重如何如何。。。        
  一不小心就笑出来了。。    LZ原谅我。。
  LZ傻孩子,这是多古老的骗人招数了。  接下来就说他要转移资金,叫你打钱给她了。  
  然后。。。我前天凌晨憋死憋活的回了一封信给她。。。  大意就是我多大啦 在干嘛 这边天气如何 顺带慰问这名柔弱的女纸。。。    I'm a 20 years old girl.&I study in a college in 4th grade.Now it is 0.00 morning .I just back from outside.Eating hot-pot and saw a film called &The smurfs& with my elder brother ,his wife ...  Summer in here is very hot.The city I lived is Wuhan.the temperature is between 24℃-35℃ ,and it's due to the raining day.  I have never been to your country , I'm sorry to hear your experiences, i hope that you can establish a good family .Of course, the peace in country is very
important,god bless you.  After so
many days , it comes Mid-Autumn Festival, whether you had eaten mooncake ...Anyway many foreigners have no interests in this food.  En, send you my picture...      最后礼貌的送上自己的照片一张。。。        当然啦 给她的照片是木有那一坨晃晃的面具滴。。。
  假的的至少也要发张美女图哇  为毛发张黑妞图
  @边城之雪  21:37:37    LZ傻孩子,这是多古老的骗人招数了。    接下来就说他要转移资金,叫你打钱给她了。    @Tom_富贵_Chen 回复日期: 21:38:50       这个不是假的,这个是长期无条件的假     真难为你还回了,人家用模板的还自动回复的                @bluerainsd 回复日期: 21:38:57       貌似是假的,我也收到过,大意是说她是个企业家的女儿,因为一些什么事情导致破产,。。。。。要求你给她个银行账号,她把一笔钱转到你账号。。。。再怎么怎么地~~~大致就这意思,我总觉得是骗子          -----------------------------  诶 真的是诶。    不过接下来这封信我才收到 没有明白具体意思 但是大概就是她很缺钱什么的。。。  
  @0o斯o0  21:42:46    假的的至少也要发张美女图哇    为毛发张黑妞图  -----------------------------  她说她是埃塞俄比亚的什么地方的。。。
  My Dearest,     I am more than happy in your reply to my email and very happy to write to you once again.  Honestly my condition here in the refugee camp is quite unbearable and i am sick and tired of staying here any longer.  Therefore I wish to share with you in confidence that before the incident took place, there was a certain amount of money totaling $4.7 M USD  ( Four million seven hundred thousand US dollars),which my late father
deposited in one of the leading bank out of my country which i am the next of kin before he met his untimely death which claim the life of all my family.  Meanwhile all my relatives has ran away and there are no where to be found.  Moreover,i wanted to facilitate this agreement by myself, but due to my refugee status, I wish to seek for your assistance of a long standing relationship of your help in transferring this my late fathers money into your account in your country pending my arrival to you to start a new life over there, because my condition here is terrible.  Perhaps I disclosed this to you alone by love and trust which i deposed in you and wish the same from you.     Therefore, I shall give you the bank contact and other necessary information in my next email if you will only promise me that you will not/never betray and disclosed this matter to anybody, because, this money is the only hope i have for survival on earth since I have lost my parents.  Moreover I have the FUND PLACEMENT CERTIFICATE and the DEATH CERTIFICATE here with me, but before I give you further information,I will li     1.Your full names  2.Your contact and residential address.     Meanwhile,you can reach me by the help of the pastor, Rev. Mavelous Paul, he is the pastor of the ( Christ the king Church) in the camp here. So if you wish to speak with me, call the phone number of the pastor
(+221-777-612-494) Just tell him that you want to speak with me, he will then send for me in the Women hostel.  Awaiting to hear from you soonest. Thanks for being there for me with trust.     Thanks.  Yours ever,  Felicia     咳咳 然后是一张照片咯。。。        我也不知道这封信说的什么 只是大略扫了一下 好像是自己境况很不好 厌倦了 但是缺钱什么的。还缺了4M美元。。。。  我当时看到就愣了一下。。。  然后就到天涯来了。。。
  楼主你太天真了……我看见英文邮件一律无视= =  我和外国人一点交集都木有,忽然来一封邮件肯定是想诓我……      上天涯社区,用Chrome浏览器扩展 天涯助手,谁用谁知道!
  @嘻嘻哈哈aaa  21:46:36    我收到过,好久以前了…第一封信内容也是这样。出于礼貌,我回信了。第二封,居然说是,她爹有多少多少钱,然后被人迫害,钱又转移到了她户头上。然后她想找个人,把钱转移掉,如何如何…我被吓到了,就没敢回…以我小白兔的智商,不敢玩这个…  -----------------------------  听到你这样说 我就安心了。。。    我还在想 蛮不好意思的 前面跟人家讲英文 一扭头人家要钱就不说话了是不是不厚道什么的。。。  又觉得是骗人的。。。
  LZ真是实诚人,这也回的那么认真。  我一般都收到色情的,只要多少多少就给看露点视频之类的。  但问题是我也是一女的啊!!!     真太不专业了。
  @你才法克  21:54:00    lz看到外国就得瑟了,真够煞白的   -----------------------------  因为我在准备研究生考试,所以看到有纯英文交流的东西就比较兴奋。。。觉得可以交流一下 提升一下英文水准什么的。    毕竟我英文不好 考研的话英语很薄弱 周围的语言环境也没有形成。  至于你说的看到外国就得瑟 这倒真没有。    纯属语言交流上的兴奋而已。
  广告吧?  skype上还老遇见这种小广告呢  以前yahoo邮箱还收到有人发邮件说在中东挖到钱让我帮他分的  lz无视这些吧。。。虎摸
  @晨雾家园  21:35:57    楼主艳遇不浅,我收到的都是伟哥、FLG、诈骗分子的垃圾短信   -----------------------------  我觉得 艳福的话 应该是个旷世型男才符合我的性别。。。      @cherrycins 回复日期: 21:52:52  回复
      我也收到过!!!但是后来我回了她她就不理我了!!!    ………………………………  哈哈哈 难道也是埃塞俄比亚的女纸。。。
  @0o斯o0  21:42:46    假的的至少也要发张美女图哇    为毛发张黑妞图  -----------------------------  可能为了服务女的 提供一个T什么的 所以。。。  又或者 有人重口味啦。。。
  @monika_wu  22:01:52    你让她求国际red+   -----------------------------  嗯 回了。。。  让她去找红+了。。。
  谢谢大家的回复。    嗯。。。总之没有损失钱财什么的。。。  外搭看了一点子英文 就当自己多做了一篇阅读理解什么的。
  回复第25楼,@shhms      LZ真是实诚人,这也回的那么认真。    我一般都收到色情的,只要多少多少就给看露点视频之类的。  ...  --------------------------  我也收到过,结果,哥是一个Gay。真素太不专业了。  
  楼主真认真啊 还回复的啊     看来英文水平差也是好事 因为俺看不懂所以就不会回哈哈哈
  @尹大菜籽  22:01:37    @你才法克  21:54:00      lz看到外国就得瑟了,真够煞白的    -----------------------------    因为我在准备研究生考试,所以看到有纯英文交流的东西就比较兴奋。。。觉得可以交流一下 提升一下英文水准什么的。    ......  -----------------------------  别说我身边就有你这种人,也是EMAIL的,不过比你这露骨多了,一来就是要给她寄钱,说她中了大奖,因为同宿舍她还乐疯了给我们看,同学都说是假的让她别信,结果她根本不听还认真的写了一晚上回信,然后几天都在做发财梦,后来还是外教告诉她这是个骗子她才相信的,我们同学说人家根本不听。
  每周都收到一封free lotto的email,迄今为止已经收了2年了...  他们真的是很锲而不舍啊
  jia假的 貌似我3年前收到过
  @Tom_富贵_Chen  21:53:24                   别跟她废话,附件这个图给她,再带个电子版英汉词典,请她进军淘宝扩大业务吧  -----------------------------      我勒个去!这货一个月赚了75W!哪这么好蹭饭的!    
  我也收到过这种骗钱的信。我靠,还能更离谱一点吗,哪里来的6.1亿美元跟我分啊。姐姐我还未成年呢。  Greeting. Firstly, I must solicit your confidence this is by virtue of its nature as being utterly confidential and top secret. Though I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make any one apprehensive and worried, but I am assuring you that all will be well.  Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Barrister Nadal Kwadwу
a personal attorney to Late Mrs. Cari Collins, herein referred to as my late client. This email might come as a surprise to you, since there was no previous correspondence between us. My purpose of contacting you is for you to help secure the funds left behind by my late client, to avoid it being confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Bank in Ghana where this fund valued $6.100,000.00 (Six Million One hundred thousand Dollars) was deposited by my client before her death.  The Bank has issued me a notice to contact the next of kin or the account will be declared unserviceable and the fund diverted to the Bank treasury, So far all my efforts to get hold of someone related to her has proved abortive. I am actually asking for your consent to present you to the Bank as the Next of Kin/beneficiary of my late client's fund, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you (bearing in mind that Next of Kinship is not limited to relations of the deceased, nor is it confined to the circuit of parental relationship, rather it is by choice of the benefactor as regards to whom she wish to WILL it to either formally by write up, or informally by secret information disclosure to beneficiary be him/her a business partner, relation, kinsmen, friend or well wisher).
  被TB那个炸出来了。。。  一搜果然有。。。  不过销量木那么恐怖。。。  月入3000+~  喵了个咪滴   老纸也想开店了T.T
  我也遇到过!!!!!!她说她得绝症了,想把捐遗产,高达200万欧元捐给所有给在俺们祖国普度众生的教会,希望我帮她个忙,全权处理这事。并且,附上自己和医生的合影,还想看我的照片。她还说,是那谁上帝把我带到了她的面前。。。。。。 当时我就笑了,上帝他老人家这是过界啊,置我们的如来佛祖齐天大圣于何地啊!!    其实,马克思,我是衷于你的!!!!!我是个伟大的马克思唯物主义者!!!!!!    然后,我回信了,说我愿意,我真的愿意,I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    然后,我不厚道了,我把凤姐无PS生活照发给了她,说那就是我了。。。。。。。。。
  回复第3楼,@尹大菜籽      第二封信 来了。。。        Dearest,    How was your night ov...  --------------------------    我擦!楼主!!!半年前!!我的一个好朋友收到了一封完全一样的信,连这张照片都是一模一样的。说她父母都死了,她跟神父一起生活,还说想把他的钱存到我朋友这。我一看到这就说肯定是假的。然后我朋友没理了。晕啊!楼主千万别上当
  回复第3楼,@尹大菜籽      第二封信 来了。。。        Dearest,    How was your night ov...  --------------------------    我擦!楼主!!!半年前!!我的一个好朋友收到了一封完全一样的信,连这张照片都是一模一样的。说她父母都死了,她跟神父一起生活,还说想把他的钱存到我朋友这。我一看到这就说肯定是假的。然后我朋友没理了。晕啊!楼主千万别上当
  回复第14楼,@尹大菜籽      @0o斯o0  21:42:46    假的的至少也要发张美女图哇    为毛发...  --------------------------    我擦,楼主千万别上当。半年前我同学也收到过,连这个照片都是一样的,内容完全一样。之后开始要你的账户说转钱给你。太假了。
  回复第14楼,@尹大菜籽      @0o斯o0  21:42:46    假的的至少也要发张美女图哇    为毛发...  --------------------------    我擦,楼主千万别上当。半年前我同学也收到过,连这个照片都是一样的,内容完全一样。之后开始要你的账户说转钱给你。太假了。
  塞内加尔?  哈哈,只要是非洲的,99%是骗子
  作者:虔城人 回复日期: 23:52:20  回复
      楼主真有闲心回复啊,哈哈,相信做过国际贸易工作的同学肯定对此不陌生的,经常会收到来自非洲的骗子类似的邮件。千遍一律的套路啊,不理就是了      没错  埃塞俄比亚 利比亚 都是一些非洲国家  上来就我叫谁谁谁 一些看起来就怪兮兮的名字  自称王子 公主 皇室亲戚云云 号称受到政治迫害 家里财产被人觊觎不拉不拉  然后就要给你汇钱不拉不拉   这样的mail一星期能收十来封  
  楼主你要想跟这样的人交流英语以期有所提高 那实在是。。有点瞎啊  别的话是骗人 这帮子人来自非洲我还是信的 就那破烂英语。。反正我是信了 哈
  LZ看到是洋文就来劲了    感觉是那种看到洋人搭讪就会兴奋的手舞足蹈那种又傻又呆那种女人
  Scam, 表理就是了,我和我朋友经常都会收到这类邮件,有俄罗斯女孩找对象,也有各种寻求商业合作,或者直接把收信人当sb张口就要钱的。     ★ 发自天涯iPhone客户端-百读不倦
  昨天还有个印度人加我 说他爸爸是巴基斯坦的 妈妈是意大利的
  连非洲骗子都知道中国人傻 钱多 好骗
  表示我刚刚收到了一封和LZ一模一样的E  刚才百度Felicia Williams就进了这个帖子了  我勒个去……还打算联系E文呢=,=我傻逼了
  发件人:sonia_williams35 &sonia_&
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间:日(星期五) 下午3:10 (UTC+0:00 伦敦、都柏林、里斯本时间) 纯文本 |
件:1 个 ( Sonia..jpg )       My Dearest,     I am more than happy in your reply to my email and very happy to write to you once again.  Honestly my condition here in the refugee camp is quite unbearable and i am sick and tired of staying here any longer.  Therefore I wish to share with you in confidence that before the incident took place, there was a certain amount of money totaling $4.7 M USD  ( Four million seven hundred thousand US dollars),which my late father
deposited in one of the leading bank out of my country which i am the next of kin before he met his untimely death which claim the life of all my family.  Meanwhile all my relatives has ran away and there are no where to be found.  Moreover,i wanted to facilitate this agreement by myself, but due to my refugee status, I wish to seek for your assistance of a long standing relationship of your help in transferring this my late fathers money into your account in your country pending my arrival to you to start a new life over there, because my condition here is terrible.  Perhaps I disclosed this to you alone by love and trust which i deposed in you and wish the same from you.     Therefore, I shall give you the bank contact and other necessary information in my next email if you will only promise me that you will not/never betray and disclosed this matter to anybody, because, this money is the only hope i have for survival on earth since I have lost my parents.  Moreover I have the FUND PLACEMENT CERTIFICATE and the DEATH CERTIFICATE here with me, but before I give you further information,I will li     1.Your full names  2.Your contact and residential address.     Meanwhile,you can reach me by the help of the pastor, Rev. Mavelous Paul, he is the pastor of the ( Christ the king Church) in the camp here. So if you wish to speak with me, call the phone number of the pastor
(+221-777-612-494) Just tell him that you want to speak with me, he will then send for me in the Women hostel.  Awaiting to hear from you soonest. Thanks for being there for me with trust.     Thanks.  Yours ever,  Sonia     
  LZ,我是做外贸的。实话说,这类电邮,我这些年都不知道收到多少封,我从来都是一看到就删!    LZ真是闲得无聊了吧?还跟人聊了这么多!    最后我想说的真相就是,此人和此类电邮都是骗子!!!你再跟她联系下去,只会让人在那边天天乐不可支地想我终于找到个笨蛋上勾了!!!
  太天真的楼主,居然还回复了别人.    这类信件,直接设置block.
  居然这样的骗子都有啊, 笑死了。
  楼主。平时不用脑子,现在脑子不够用了吧。。。  这个骗术邮件相信做过外贸的人很多都收过
  傻啊。  我的hotmail里全是这些垃圾邮件。  这些人一天要发几千几万个这样的邮件吧。


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