
lbs.是什么意思 lbs.在线翻译 lbs.什么意思 lbs.的意思 lbs.的翻译 lbs.的解释 lbs.的发音 lbs.的同义词 lbs.的反义词 lbs.的例句 lbs.的相关词组
lbs.lbs. 基本解释lbs.什么意思pounds 磅;lbs. 双语例句1. 1. Stop him heading home from one of his weekly treks into the bush, bow and arrow sling loose over his shoulder, you would typically find him laden with up to 110 lbs. of illegal meat.&&&&如果在他每周跋涉到灌木丛回家的途中拦下他,会发现他的肩膀上悬挂著弓箭,且发现他的袋子里装满了超过110磅的非法肉类,然而,他绝非特例。2. lbs.的翻译2. The maximum allowed impact force is 12 KN 2640 lbs.&&&&单绳最大冲击力为12 KN 2640 lbs。3. 911查询·英语单词3. Label. The maximum allowed impact force is 12 KN 2640 lbs.&&&&的卷标。单绳最大冲击力为12 KN 2640 lbs。4. However, at 68 kg (149 lbs) I was still overweight.&&&&然而,在68公斤(149磅)我仍然超重。5. 5. Place an order with us, and we'll anomalously mail the person you choose a 16 ounce cookie tin full of 90 lbs.&&&&订购与人我们将通过邮件与异常的人,你选择了16满337天90磅饼干。6. Altitude: 7020ft Fuel Not Used: 29526 lbs Climb Time: 00h03:26 Climb Fuel Used: 1585 lbs Cruise Time: 00h27:05 Cruise Fuel Used: 2477 lbs Average Cruise Speed: 110.27 kt (M0.17) Cruise fuel/hour: 5488 lbs Descent Time: 00h15:52 Descent Fuel Used: 1994 lbs Passenger Opinion: Very good flight, professionally done (95%)-Were in a better mood because they had food.&&&&海拔:七千零二十零英尺燃料不使用:29526磅攀登时间:00h03 :26攀登使用的燃料:一千五百八十五磅邮轮时间:00h27 :05邮轮使用的燃料:二千四百七十七磅平均巡航速度:一百一十〇点二七克拉( m0.17 )游船燃料/小时:5488磅后裔时间:00h15 :52后裔所使用的燃料:一九九四磅乘客意见:很好的飞行,专业做( 95 %)-人在一个更好的心情,因为他们的食物。7. In late August, thousands of people pelt each other with over 250 lbs.&&&&每年八月后期数千人用番茄投掷其他的人超过250磅。8. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D8. The maximum weight of carton and contents must not exceed 50 lbs.&&&&箱體和貨物的最大重量不得超過50磅。9. Graceful and lithe breed of terrier known for its uniquely tassled and outward curving ears and for its la coat is crisp, curly, and short and can be white, blue, tan, sandy, long ears are triangular with rounded balls at tips, and they hang down the side of the head, sometimes endin eyes are round, small, adult stands 1518 in.(3846 cm) tall at shoulders and weighs 1723 lbs (810 kg originally known as the R developed in Northumberland, England, in late 1700s or early 1800s as a game terrier by miners and nailmakers, who used this breed to catch badgers, foxes, otters, hunts usi later adopted as a good house companion
lively, tireless,
considered a kind-hearted and devoted companion&&&&贝德灵顿厚毛犬属于优美的,柔软的小猎犬品种,以其独一无二的往外突出的小杯般的耳朵以及小羊羔般的脸蛋和身体而闻名;皮毛整洁干净,卷而短,有白色,蓝色,黄褐色,淡茶色,肝红色;长长的耳朵呈三角型在尖端有小球围绕,挂在头部的两边,有时候以外凸的卷曲的皮毛为结尾;尾巴颇似老鼠尾巴;眼睛圆而笑,非常暗淡;成年站立肩高38—46公分,体重8—10公斤;贝德灵顿厚毛犬源于Rothbury小猎犬;发展于诺森伯兰郡,在18世纪末期,19世纪初期主要作为矿工和制针业者的一种娱乐小猎犬,它被用来捕捉浣熊,狐狸,水獭和害虫,有着锐利的视野;之后作为一种很好家庭伴侣犬被上层社会接纳,恭敬顺从不知疲倦的举止;被认为是一种乐于奉献的伴侣。10. I strung one of my racquets at 52lbs and another at 30lbs.&&&&其中一把还是常规的52磅,而另一把是30磅。11. 11. Due to weight, balance and physical limitations, we recommend that those students weighing more than 180 lbs train in a Cessna 172 as an alternative.&&&&&&限制,我们建议体重超过180 磅以上的学生最好选择Cessna 172 型机种。12. Multi axis modular gantries 20 to 7, 000 lbs.&&&&&&多模块化的支架轴20至7,000磅。13. His most impressive performance was lifting 172.5 kg 380 lbs.&&&&&&他最令人难忘的表现是在1999年的世界锦标赛的62公斤级别赛中举起了172.5公斤的重量。2003年,他当选议员。14. He is now 9 months old and weights 97lbs.&&&&&&他现在九个月大,重97磅。15. Weight is relative to height, so a very large Pyr (32+) can weigh in upwards of 160lbs+.&&&&&&这品种的标准,一般是限定在肩高 32。尽管这在某些标准上还是超标。16. From the perspective of data flow and system architecture, the building of LBS is dicussed.&&&&&&全文从数据流和系统结构的角度探讨了LBS系统的构建。17. This possibly'unique'1971 Orange Wildwood Telecaster weighs just 7.40 lbs.&&&&&&这可能是独特的'橙色怀尔德伍德电视广播员1971仅重7.40磅。18. 18. For example, with 120 hp and 3 hours range, you need 130 lbs.&&&&&&举例来说,与120惠普和3个小时的范围内,您需要130磅。19. 19. It weighed 1, 250kg (2, 756 lbs), did the 0 - 100km/h dash in under 8 seconds and registered a top speed of 225km/h. The Z1 had a steel monocoque body but its outer skin was made entirely of plastic panels.&&&&&&它体重一千二百五十零公斤,并在0 -一○○公里每小时破折号在不到8秒,并注册,最高时速二二五公里/小时该Z1了钢车身,但其外层皮肤是完全的塑料面板。20. In this case the 225/45R1791W Standard Load size's rated load capacity of 1, 477 lbs.&&&&&&在这种情况下,225/45R17 91W标准负荷大小的额定负载能力1477英镑。lbs. 单语例句1. China Economic Weekly expects that LBS will become the next big trend on the Internet.lbs.是什么意思,lbs.在线翻译,lbs.什么意思,lbs.的意思,lbs.的翻译,lbs.的解释,lbs.的发音,lbs.的同义词,lbs.的反义词,lbs.的例句,lbs.的相关词组,lbs.意思是什么,lbs.怎么翻译,单词lbs.是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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