使用promised 需要node 引入模块什么模块

I nearly forget that I promised to take you to Shanghai.
I promised to take my better half shopping this afternoon.
When you elected me, I promised to preserve the social safety net.
We finished our meeting. I promised to return with the agreement the next day, and rose to leave.
VOA: special.
You cannot answer that, even if I promised to move only along the x-axis, because I think...I don't want to pose this as a question, because I think the answer is fairly obvious to everybody.
即使我保证只在 x 轴上移动,你们仍然无法回答,因为我觉得...我不想将其作为一个问题,因为我认为答案是显而易见的
So I think the first critical decision I made is don't spend money as you promised it to your investors.
Four years ago I promised to cut taxes for middle-class families, and I kept that promise.
Henry wished me good luck, and I promised to let him know how it turned out.
Four years ago, I came into office -- I promised to cut taxes for middle-class families.
- 来自原声例句
& 2014届高三英语一轮复习 模块1 Unit2《Growingpains》学案
2014届高三英语一轮复习 模块1 Unit2《Growingpains》学案
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Unit 2 Growing pains
1.____________ n.(戏剧的)一幕→____________ vt.行动→____________ n.行动,行为→____________ adj.积极的,活跃的→____________ adv.活跃地→____________ n.活动
2.____________ adj.受惊的,害怕的→____________ vt.使惊骇,惊恐→____________ adj.令人害怕的
3.____________ vi.挨饿,饿死 vt.使挨饿→____________ n.挨饿
4.____________ vt.容忍;允许→____________adj.容忍的,宽容的→____________ n.容忍;忍受
5.____________ vt.辩解,辩白;防御,保护→____________ n.辩解,辩白
6.____________ vt.&vi.解释,说明→____________ n.解释,说明
7.____________ adj.粗鲁的,无礼的→____________ n.粗鲁,无礼
8.____________ n.指导,引导→____________ vt.指导,引导
9.____________ n.争吵,辩论;论点,论据→____________ vi.争论
10.____________ n.自由→____________ vt.解放,使自由→____________ adj.自由的,无拘无束的
11.____________ adj.担心的,担忧的→____________ vt.使担忧,使忧虑→____________ adj.令人担忧的
12.____________ vt.& n.伤害→____________ adj.有害的→____________ adj.无害的
13.____________ adj.愚蠢的→____________ vt.& n.愚弄;傻瓜
14.____________ n.耐心→____________ adj.有耐心的→____________ adv.有耐心地→____________ adj.不耐烦的
15.____________ adj.自私的→____________ n.自己,自身→____________ adj.无私的
16.____________ n.& adj.正常(的),一般(的)→____________ adv.正常地,一般地→____________ adj.不正常的
17.____________ adj.具有挑战性的→____________ n.&vt.挑战
1.The heavy rain beat so hard against the windows as if someone were hitting them,and I was very much f________.
2.Mr Obama must make it clear that he will not t________ attempts to paralyze(使停滞)his medical care reform.
3.Changes to the regular daily schedule can cause your child to feel u________ and sad.
4.They need more troops to d________ the border against possible attacks.
5.The patient d________ to be informed about the possible side-effects of the
drug in advance.
6.He'd better have a good ____________(解释)for his behaviour.
7.William started off on the wrong foot by having an ____________(争辩)with the manager on his first day at work.
8.I am not ____________(担心的)about your health but your marriage.
9.He owes his success to hard work and ____________(耐心).
10.You are supposed to realize that your fears and anxieties are a ____________(正常的)part of the process.
1.____________ up 把声音调大;出现
2.____________ sb.to do sth.强迫某人做某事
3.can't ____________ to do sth.迫不及待地要做某事
4.look ____________ 打量四周
5.be ____________ to do应该,应当做……
6.____________ at 对某人大喊
7.go ____________(灯)熄灭
8.not...____________ 不再,再也不
9.____________ of 代替,而不是
10.be ____________ on 对……苛刻,对……严厉
11.____________ that 既然;由于
12.feel ____________ 感到不安
13.keep...in ____________ 记住
14.grow ____________ sth.因长大而不再喜欢某事物或不再做某事
15.go to ____________ 入睡
16.be ____________ of 为……感到骄傲
17.____________ up 熬夜
18.____________ all 毕竟
19.as ____________ 至于,关于
20.____________ up with 赶上
21.get ____________ with 与某人相处,进展
22.go ____________ 经历
23.out of ____________ 未被控制住,失控
24.____________ on 依赖
25.turn ____________ 结果是,证明是
1.Eric runs in after it,followed by a big dog,walking very slowly.
句型提炼:followed by...过去分词短语作伴随状语。
2.The room is in a mess,with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.
3.Listen to me,young man—we left you in charge!
句型提炼:leave sth./sb.+形容词/副词/介词短语/不定式/分词,表示“使……处于某种状态”。形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式或分词在句中作宾语补足语。
4.At present,to prevent upsetting his mother with an argument,I am allowing him his freedom.
句型提炼:to prevent...不定式作目的状语。prevent doing sth.阻止做某事。allow sb.sth.允许某人某事。
5.However,I am worried that if I keep allowing him to do what he wants,he may fail at school,or worse.
句型提炼:I am worried that if I keep...这里that引导的宾语从句里含有if引导的条件状语从句,that不可省略。keep doing...一直做……。allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事。
1.insist vt.&vi.坚持,主张;坚持说,坚持认为
1.表示“坚持”“主张”等,可作及物动词或不及物动词。用作及物动词时,其后通常只接 that 从句作宾语,而不能接名词或代词作宾语,也不能接不定式或动名词作宾语。但是若其后接有介词 on 或 upon,则可后接名词、代词或动名词。
2.其后可接 that从句,但要根据意思的不同而分清两种情况:
(1)表示“坚持要” “一定要”,从句所指的一般是尚未实现的事实,此时谓语通常用虚拟语气(即should+动词原形)。
(2)表示“坚持说” “坚持认为”,从句所指的通常是已经发生的事或已存在的状态,谓语一般用陈述语气,引导词 that 可省略。
①She insisted on paying for her food.=She insisted that she(should)pay for her food.她坚持要付她自己的那一份饭钱。
②The detective insisted that he should have a look.警探坚持要查看。
③John insisted that he heard somebody in the house.
④He insisted that he was not ill,but the doctor insisted that he should take the medicine.
他坚持说他没有病,但医生却坚持要他服药。反馈1.1Our teacher insisted that the key words worth paying attention ______ before class.
A.be underlined
B.being underlined
C.to be underlined
D.to being underlined
反馈1.2The man insisted ______ a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.
A.find     B.to find
C.on finding
D.in finding
反馈1.3He insisted that he ______ right,and so he insisted that his plan ______ carried out at once.
B.be;would be
D.be;should be
2.leave vt.离开(某处);遗弃,离弃;遗忘;丢下;听任,使处于某种状态;留给;把……交给;委托
①The train will leave at six tomorrow morning.
②What he said left a deep impression on my mind.
③Leave her in peace.不要打扰她。
④I can't leave such an important matter undone/unfinished.
⑤The moving story left him unmoved.
⑥This matter left her without a way of hope.
⑦I'll leave him in charge of the matter.我要把这件事交给他负责。
⑧Leave him to do it himself.让他自己做这件事吧。
注意:left “剩下的”,一般作后置定语;remaining 也可表示“剩余的”,它只能作前置定语。反馈2.1—What has made him upset recently?
—______ alone to face a troublesome milk case.
B.Being left
C.Having left
D.To leave
反馈2.2 SARS is an illness that can result in death unless ______ in time.
A.to treat
反馈2.3The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the ______.
A.20 dollars remained
B.20 dollars to remain
C.remained 20 dollars
D.remaining 20 dollars
3.harm vt.& n.伤害
do harm to sb.=do sb.harm 伤害某人
come to harm(身体上或精神上)受到伤害
形容词harmful be harmful to...对……有害
①Getting up early won't harm you.早起对你没有害处。
②It wouldn't do her any harm to work a bit harder.工作加点劲对她没有坏处。
易混辨析 wound,injure,hurt,harm,damage,destroy,ruin
2)hurt除指肉体的伤害外,也可指感情上的伤害,如hurt one's feeling,hurt one's pride。hurt的过去分词作表语时有“苦恼的,伤心的”的含义。作不及物动词时,有“疼痛”的含义。
6)destroy “毁坏”“消灭”,指通过某种有力的或粗暴的手段使之毁灭或无用。
7)ruin “毁掉,弄糟”,强调毁坏的彻底性。
①He was seriously injured/hurt in a traffic accident.
②My feelings were hurt when he didn't invite me to the party.
③Doctors say smoking harms our health.医生说抽烟有害健康。
④The strong wind damaged several houses.大风摧毁了几栋房屋。
⑤Don't destroy that box;it may be useful.
别把那只箱子弄坏了,它或许还有用。反馈3.1—Why,she is absent again!
—She was ______ badly in an accident.
反馈3.2Years of fighting have left the village in ______.
反馈3.3The news meant the ______ of all our hopes.
1)They asked him to pay for the ______ but he refused.
2)Before they fled the country,the enemy attempted to ______ all the factories.
3)Johnny,you mustn't play with the knife;you may ______ yourself.
4)The soldier received a serious ______ on the chest.
5)He ______ his left hand in a fire.
6)Harm watch,______ catch.
4.normal n. & adj.正常(的),一般(的)
The collapse of the strike enabled bus services to be back to normal.
She braced herself to lead a normal life.她振作起来去过正常的生活。
易混辨析 common,ordinary,general,normal,usual的区别
usual 指“平常的;通常的,惯常的”。
Snow is common in cold countries.在寒冷的国家雪是常见的。
These are all stories about ordinary people.这些都是些普通人的故事。
This book is intended for the general readers,not for the specialists.
Twelve o'clock is the usual time to have lunch.十二点通常是吃饭的时间。反馈4.1When I took his temperature,it was two degrees above ______.
反馈4.2In today's world,youngsters always have much ______,______ they come from.
A.in general;wherever
B.in common;wherever
C.in general;where
D. in common;where
反馈4.3To be frank,I really don't know what they have in ______,because they're so different in character.
5.turn up 将声音调大;出现,露面
He promised to come but hasn't turned up yet.
I can't hear the radio very well.Could you turn it up a bit?
turn against背叛      turn round转过身
turn away 不理睬,撵走
turn in 上交
turn over 翻开
turn against 背叛
turn back 返回,翻回到
turn down 拒绝,把音量开小一点
turn on 打开
turn off 关掉
turn into 把……变为
by turns 轮流
take turns轮流
turn out结果是,原来是
turn to 转向,求助于反馈5.1It has been raining every day so far.I hope tomorrow will ______ fine.
A.turn to
B.turn up
C.turn into
D.turn out
反馈5.2 She's having a lot of trouble with the new computer,but she doesn't know whom to______.
A.turn to
B.look for
C.deal with
D.talk about
反馈5.3For all these years I have been working for others.I'm hoping I'll______my own business someday.
A.turn up
D.make up
6.go out出去;熄灭
John may phone tonight.I don't want to go out in case he phones.
Nobody noticed the thief slip into the room because the lights happened to go out at the moment.
go after 追赶;想得到
go ahead请便;往前走,前进
go down下降,下沉
go away走开
go by时间流逝
go off爆炸
go into 进入
go in for爱好;参加
go too far过分
go over审查;复习
go without没有……勉强凑合
go through经历,遭受,完成
go wrong出毛病
go smooth进展顺利反馈6.1—I wonder if I could possibly use your computer for tonight?
—______.I'm not using it anyhow.
A.Sure,go aheadB.I don't know
C.Yes,indeedD.I don't care
反馈6.2—Didn't you enjoy yourself at the party?
—Of course I did.As a matter of fact,I had such fun that time seemed to ______ so quickly.
B.go away
D.go over
反馈6.3Would you like to ______ this form for me to see if I've filled it in right?
A.take off
B.look after
C.give up
D.go over
反馈6.4 They don't______ rock ‘n' roll.It's too noisy.
A.go after
B.go away
C.go into
D.go in for
7.as if 似乎,好像
1.as if 从句的作用
1)在look,seem 等系动词后引导表语从句。
2.as if 还可用于省略句中,如果as if 引导的从句主语与主句主语一致且是“主语+系动词”结构,可省略主语和系动词,这样as if 后就只剩下名词、不定式、形容词(短语)、介词短语或分词。
3.as if 从句的语气及时态
1)as if 从句用陈述语气的情况。当说话者认为句子所述的是真实的或极有可能发生或存在的事实时。
2)as if 从句用虚拟语气的情况。当说话人认为句子所述的是不真实的或极少有可能发生或存在的情况时。从句虚拟语气动词时态的形式如下:(1)如果从句表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时。(2)从句表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词用“had+过去分词”。(3)从句表示与将来事实相反,谓语动词用“would/could/might+动词原形”。
She looks as if she were ten years younger.她看起来好像年轻了十岁。
She loves the boy as if she were his mother.
Tom raised his hands as if(he was going)to say something.
He talks about Rome as if he had been there before.
He opened his mouth as if he would say something.他张开嘴好像要说什么。反馈7.1When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as if it ______.
B.has broken
C.were broken
D.had been broken
反馈7.2He is talking so much about America as if he ______ there.
A.had been
B.has been
反馈7.3The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if ______ whether he was going in the right direction.
A.seeingB.having seen
C.to have seenD.to see
反馈7.4Though the girl had been suffering from the blood disease,she acted as if nothing ______ to her while facing her friends and relatives.
A.happened B.would happen
C.was happenedD.had happened
8.Eric runs in after it,followed by a big dog,walking very slowly.
分词短语在句中可以作定语、状语、补足语和表语。The lessons given by Mr Smith are always lively and interesting.
史密斯先生上的课既生动又有趣。(given by...作the lessons的定语)
He sent me an e-mail,hoping to get further information.
他给我发了一封邮件,希望获得进一步的消息。(hoping to...作sent的伴随状语)
The missing boy was last seen playing near the East Lake.
Most rivers in China are heavily polluted.
中国的大部分河流都污染严重。(heavily polluted作表语)
反馈8.1Sit down,Emma.You will only make yourself tired,______on your feet.
A.to keepB.keeping
C.having keptD.to have kept
反馈8.2Look over there—there's a very long,winding path ______ up to the house.
D.to lead
9.The room is in a mess,with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.
7)“with+宾语+to do”。此结构中,不定式和宾语之间是动宾关系,表示尚未发生的动作。
The young man was walking on the street,with a book under his arm.
With the weather stuffy,ten to one it'll rain presently.
The square looks more beautiful than ever with all the lights on.
He left home,with his wife a hopeless soul.他走了,妻子十分伤心。
With this problem solved,the new medicine is now in regular production.
He felt uneasier with the whole class staring at him.
With one fifth of the world's population to feed,China can't ignore the serious loss of arable land to property development.
反馈9.1______ two exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend.
D.Because of
反馈9.2The murderer was brought in,with his hands ______ behind his back.
A.being tied
B.having tied
C.to be tied
反馈9.3He wondered if he could slip out of the lecture hall without anyone ______.
C.to notice  
D.being noticed
反馈9.4______and no way to reduce her pain and suffering from the terrible disease,the patient sought her doctor's help to end her life.
A.Having given up hope of cure
B.With no hope for cure
C.There being hope for cure
D.In the hope of cure
10.Eric sits on his bed.Daniel has his arms crossed and looks upset.
I don't like to wash clothes,so I always have my clothes washed.
I had my hands burnt in that big fire.
Sorry,I can't have my work finished in a short time.
用法拓展1)have sb.do 和have sb.doing都用来表示“让(使)某人做某事”的意思,动词do和doing的动作均由sb.执行。这两个词组不同
2)have sth. to do 有某事要做
I would have him wait for me at the gate of the park.
I have a lot of homework to do tonight.我今晚有很多功课要做。
Why did you have the light burning all night long?
反馈10.1I think you should understand the traffic rule by now.You've had it ______ often enough.
B.to explain
反馈10.2 —Did Peter fix the computer himself?
—He ______,because he didn't know much about computers.
A.has it fixed
B.had fixed it
C.had it fixed
D.fixed it
Jenny hopes that Mr Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English ______ in a short period.
C.to improve
反馈10.4 (2012·浙江温州十校联合体联考)—You look upset.What's the matter?
—I had my proposal ______ again.
A.turned overB.turned on
C.turned offD.turned down
1.act;act;action;active;actively;activity 2.frightened;frighten;frightening 3.starve;starvation 4.tolerate;tolerant;tolerance 5.defend;defense 6.explain;explanation 7.rude;rudeness 8.guidance;guide 9.argument;argue 10.freedom;free;free 11.worried;worry;worrying 12.harm;harmful;harmless 13.foolish;fool 14.patience;patient;patiently;impatient 15.selfish;self;unselfish/selfless 16.normal;normally;abnormal 17.challenging;challenge
1.frightened 2.tolerate 3.upset 4.defend 5.deserves 6.explanation 7.argument 8.worried 9.patience 10.normal
1.turn 2.force 3.wait 4.around 5.supposed 6.shout 7.out 8.anymore 9.instead 10.hard 11.now 12.upset 13.mind 14.out of 15.sleep 16.proud 17.stay 18.after 19.for 20.keep 21.along 22.through 23.control 24.depend 25.out
1.1 C insist后面的宾语从句中,主语为the key words,而worth paying attention to作主语的后置定语,谓语动词是(should)be underlined。
1.2 C insist on doing sth.“坚持做某事”。
1.3 A 第一个宾语从句中insist当“坚持说”讲,谓语动词不需要用虚拟语气;后面的从句中,insist当“坚决要求”讲,谓语动词要用虚拟语气。
2.1 B 此题考查leave sb.alone的被动语态。上句提问用what,答语要用动名词短语作主语。
2.2 C unless ______ in time是一个省略的状语从句,该从句的主语应该是主句的主语SARS,treat与其之间为被动关系,故应用过去分词形式。
2.3 D remaining 也可表示“剩余的”,它只能作前置定语。
3.1 A 在事故中受伤多用injure。harm 所指的伤害往往是长期的;shock“吃惊”;beat“打败”或“击打”,为有意行为,而非事故。
3.2 C in ruins为固定搭配,句意:多年的战争使得这个村庄成了一片废墟。
3.3 C ruin “毁灭”,强调毁坏的彻底性。
3.4 1)damage 2)destroy 3)hurt 4)wound 5)injured 6)harm
4.1 D 本题考查形容词辨析。normal“正常的”;ordinary“普通的”;usual“平常的”;regular“有规律的,定期的”。
4.2 B 句意:在当今世界,年轻人不管来自哪里,总有许多共同点。in general“总的说来”;have...in common“有共同点”。
4.3 A 句意:坦率地说,我真的不知道他们有什么共同点,因为他们性格不同。in common“共同点”。
5.1 D turn out fine意为“(天气)放晴”。
5.2 A turn to“求助于”;look for“寻找”;deal with“处理,对付”;talk about“谈论”。由语境 “她不知道该向谁求助”可知答案为A项。
5.3 C 句意:这许多年我一直在为别人工作,我正希望将有一天建立自己的企业。turn up“出现,到达,调大”;fix up“安装”;set up“建立,开业”;make up“弥补,组成,化妆,编造”。
6.1 A 根据句意可知,这里用“Sure,go ahead”表示同意。
6.2 A go by表示“时间流逝”;go away表示“走开”;go out表示“出去,熄灭”;go over表示“审查,复习”,由句意可知此处表示时间飞速流逝。
6.3 D take off表示“脱下;起飞”;look after表示“照顾,照料”;give up表示“放弃”;go over表示“审查;复习”;句意为:你能帮我审查一下,看这张表格填的是否正确吗?故选D项。
6.4 D go after表示“追赶;想得到”;go away表示“离开;私奔”;go into表示“进入”;go in for表示“爱好;参加,从事”;句意为:他们不喜欢摇滚乐。它太吵了。
7.1 C as if引导的从句中,如果从句表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时。
7.2 A as if引导的从句中,从句表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词用“had+过去分词”。
7.3 D 如果as if 引导的从句主语与主句主语一致且是“主语+系动词”结构,可省略主语和系动词,原句是as if he was to see...
7.4 D as if引导的从句中,从句表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词用“had+过去分词”。
8.1 B 考查非谓语动词。句意:艾玛,坐下吧。老这么站着你会累的。A项to keep是表示将来。C项having kept和D项to have kept表示动作先于主句谓语动词发生。make yourself tired与keeping on your feet同时进行,故选B项。
8.2 A 考查非谓语动词。句意:看那儿,有一条长长的蜿蜒小路向上延伸到那座房子。leading作为path的后置定语,相当于which leads。
9.1 A “with+宾语+to do”结构表示原因,意思是“由于有……要……”。其余介词无此用法。
9.2 D 句意:凶手被带了进来,双手被捆在背后。“with+名词/代词+done”结构中,过去分词和宾语是被动关系,表示动作已经完成。
9.3 A 此处用的是“without+名词+非谓语动词”结构,因anyone和notice之间为主动关系,故应用其-ing形式或不定式;强调正在发生,故应用其-ing形式。
9.4 B 句意:没有希望治愈也没有办法减轻这种可怕疾病所带来的痛苦,病人请求医生帮助结束自己的生命。and连接并列成分。
10.1 D 该空表示“被解释”,因此应填过去分词explained作使役动词had的宾语补足语。
10.2 C didn't know much about computers暗示该空表示“让别人修了这台电脑”,说的是已发生的事,因此应填had it fixed。
10.3 A 该空表示“被提高”,因此要填过去分词improved,作使役动词have的宾语补足语。虽然improve可作不及物动词和English为主动关系,但have sth. do不合逻辑只能have sb. do,因为只能要求、安排人做某事。
10.4 D 答句是have sth. done结构,意为“我的建议又被拒绝了”,turn down“拒绝”符合句意。
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