
Using Oracle DATA PUMP Utility
Using Oracle DATA PUMP Utility
Starting with Oracle 10g,& Oracle has introduced an enhanced
version of EXPORT and IMPORT utility known as DATA PUMP. Data Pump is similar to
EXPORT and IMPORT utility but it has many advantages. Some of the advantages
Most Data Pump export and import operations occur on the Oracle
database server. i.e. all the dump files are created in the server even if
you run the Data Pump utility from client machine. This results in increased
performance because data is not transferred through network.
You can Stop and Re-Start export and import jobs. This is
particularly useful if you have started an export or import job and after
some time you want to do some other urgent work.
The ability to detach from and reattach to long-running jobs
without affecting the job itself. This allows DBAs and other operations
personnel to monitor jobs from multiple locations.
The ability to estimate how much space an export job would
consume, without actually performing the export
Support for an interactive-command mode that allows monitoring of
and interaction with ongoing jobs
To Use Data Pump,& DBA has to create a directory in Server Machine
and create a Directory Object in the database mapping to the directory created
in the file system.
The following example creates a directory in the filesystem and creates
a directory object in the database and grants privileges on the Directory Object
to the SCOTT user.
$mkdir my_dump_dir$sqlplus Enter User:/ as sysdbaSQL&create
directory data_pump_dir as ‘/u01/oracle/my_dump_dir’;
Now grant access on this directory object to SCOTT user
SQL& grant read,write on directory data_pump_
To Export Full Database, give the following command
$expdp& scott/tiger FULL=y DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir
LOGFILE=myfullexp.log JOB_NAME=myfullJob
The above command will export the full database and it will create the
dump file full.dmp in the directory on the server /u01/oracle/my_dump_dir
In some cases where the Database is in Terabytes the above command will
not feasible since the dump file size will be larger than the operating system
limit, and hence export will fail. In this situation you can create multiple
dump files by typing the following command
$expdp& scott/tiger FULL=y DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir
DUMPFILE=full%U.dmp&&&&&& FILESIZE=5G&
LOGFILE=myfullexp.log JOB_NAME=myfullJob
This will create multiple dump files named full01.dmp, full02.dmp,
full03.dmp and so on. The FILESIZE parameter specifies how much larger the dump
file should be.
To export all the objects of SCOTT’S schema you can run the following
export data pump command.
$ expdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=scott_schema.dmp&&&&&&&&
You can omit SCHEMAS since the default mode of Data Pump export is
If you want to export objects of multiple schemas you can specify the
following command
$ expdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=scott_schema.dmp&&&&&&&&
You can use Data Pump Export utility to export individual tables. The
following example shows the syntax to export tables
$ expdp hr/hr DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1 DUMPFILE=tables.dmp&&& TABLES=employees,jobs,departments
If you want to export tables located in a particular tablespace you can
type the following command
$expdp hr/hr DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1 DUMPFILE=tbs.dmp& TABLESPACES=tbs_4, tbs_5, tbs_6
The above will export all the objects located in tbs_4,tbs_5,tbs_6
You can exclude objects while performing a export by using EXCLUDE
option of Data Pump utility. For example you are exporting a schema and don’t
want to export tables whose name& starts with “A” then you can type the
following command
$ expdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=scott_schema.dmp&&&&&&&&
Then all tables in Scott’s Schema whose name starts with “A “ will not
be exported.
Similarly you can also INCLUDE option to only export certain objects
$ expdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=scott_schema.dmp&&&&&&&&
This is opposite of EXCLUDE option i.e. it will export only those
tables of Scott’s schema whose name starts with “A”
Similarly you can also exclude INDEXES, CONSTRAINTS, GRANTS, USER,
You can use QUERY option to export only required rows. For Example, the
following will export only those rows of employees tables whose salary is above
10000 and whose dept id is 10.
$ expdp hr/hr QUERY=emp:'"WHERE dept_id & 10 AND sal & 10000"'&&&& NOLOGFILE=y
DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1 DUMPFILE=exp1.dmp
You can suspend running export jobs and later on resume these jobs or
kill these jobs using Data Pump Export. You can start a job in one client
machine and then, if because of some work, you can suspend it. Afterwards when
your work has been finished you can continue the job from the same client, where
you stopped the job, or you can restart the job from another client machine.
For Example, suppose a DBA starts a full database export by typing the
following command at one client machine CLNT1 by typing the following command
$ expdp scott/tiger@mydb FULL=y DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir&& &&&&
DUMPFILE=full.dmp LOGFILE=myfullexp.log JOB_NAME=myfullJob
After some time, the DBA wants to stop this job temporarily. Then he
presses CTRL+C to enter into interactive mode. Then he will get the Export&
prompt where he can type interactive commands
Now he wants to stop this export job so he will type the following
Export& STOP_JOB=IMMEDIATEAre you sure you wish to stop this job
([y]/n): y
The job is placed in a stopped state and exits the client.
After finishing his other work, the DBA wants to resume the export job
and the client machine from where he actually started the job is locked because,
the user has locked his/her cabin. So now the DBA will go to another client
machine and he reattach to the job by typing the following command
$expdp hr/hr@mydb ATTACH=myfulljob
After the job status is displayed, he can issue the CONTINUE_CLIENT
command to resume logging mode and restart the myfulljob job.
A message is displayed that the job has been reopened, and processing
status is output to the client.
Note: After reattaching to the Job a DBA can also kill the job by
typing KILL_JOB, if he doesn’t want to continue with the export job.【图文】oracle安装备份恢复_百度文库
你可能喜欢您的位置: &>&
软件大小:20 MB
软件授权: 演示软件
应用平台: 2003/Win7/2008/Linux
数据库:ORACLE 10g注意:将ORACLE的游标值放大,OPEN_CURSORS=3000)
中间件:UF MiddleWare5.7(安装UAP时,可以自动安装)
JDK: SUN jdk1.5 update22 for x86
主要数据分布:2011年02月 100202北京米奇宝公司本位币:人民币


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