
代写Applied Portfolio Management作业、代写Matlab程序作业、代做Matlab作业
Assignment 2 (Individual) 1 1 This is an individual assignment
25579 Applied Portfolio Management.
Marco Navone
March, 2018
After the success of your robo-advice venture you decide to
alternative sources of profitability for your company. You realize
Australian investors are often forced to chose between expensive
managed equity funds and index portfolios that, while cheap,
not offer any active return. You decide that in this gap there is
for a factor-based smart beta portfolio. . .
Your task in this assignment, is to produce a blueprint for a
factor-based smart beta US equity investment product for the
Your final document will have four components, each one with
own score and deadline.
1. A brief non-technical explanation of the philosophy behind
java Colour程序设计作业代写、代写代做Colour java作业、代写java程序
public enum Colour {
// character for printing as text
Colour(char texture) {
public char getTexture() {
return this.
public String toString() {
return Character.toString(texture);
public static boolean isTexture(int c) {
if (!Character.isBmpCodePoint(c)) {
char ch (char)c;
for (Colour colour : Colour.values()) {
if (colour.texture ch) {
我们的方向领域:window编程 数值算法 AI人工智能 金融统计 计量分析 大数据 网络编程 WEB编
代写Project for Object-Oriented Programming程序作业、代做C ProjPartA
Project for Object-Oriented Programming
Project Deliverables
The source code for this project are the following files:
ProjPartA.cpp – your source code program for Part A
ProjPartB.cpp – your source code program for Part B
The grade of your project is determined by the followings:
– Design with class diagrams (20)
– Programming Style (20): Style and efficiency of your program
(comments are expected in the source code).
– Correctness (30): We will verify the correctness of your program
by testing it through
– Final Report (30): The report includes the features of your
system, a brief user manual of your system as well as the source
codes of your system.
1. The World Health Organization (WHO) compiles data about
immunization levels around the world. The file named “measles.txt”
contains data
AVL Tree java作业代写、代写java AVL Tree程序作业、代做AVL Tree
Assignment 1: AVL Splay Trees
COMP2003J: Data Structures and Algorithms 2
Weight: 10 of final grade
Due Date: 08:00 Monday May 7th 2018
Document Version: 1.0
This assignment is intended to give you experience implementing,
Splay trees. It is also a good exercise to gain experience about
how object
references work in Java.
Source code that you can start from has been posted to Moodle in
Assignment1-Source.zip. This also contains the Javadoc API
for the classes that have been provided (in the “doc” folder).
Import this
project into Eclipse in the usual way.
The main tasks for this assignment are:
Implement the key methods for an AVL Tree.
Implement the key methods for a Splay Tree.
Develop a strategy to test if your implementations are
Improve the effici
代写Applied Portfolio Management作业、代写Matlab程序作业、代做Matlab作业
Assignment 2 (Individual) 1 1 This is an individual assignment
25579 Applied Portfolio Management.
Marco Navone
March, 2018
After the success of your robo-advice venture you decide to
alternative sources of profitability for your company. You realize
Australian investors are often forced to chose between expensive
managed equity funds and index portfolios that, while cheap,
not offer any active return. You decide that in this gap there is
for a factor-based smart beta portfolio. . .
Your task in this assignment, is to produce a blueprint for a
factor-based smart beta US equity investment product for the
Your final document will have four components, each one with
own score and deadline.
1. A brief non-technical explanation of the philosophy behind
java Colour程序设计作业代写、代写代做Colour java作业、代写java程序
public enum Colour {
// character for printing as text
Colour(char texture) {
public char getTexture() {
return this.
public String toString() {
return Character.toString(texture);
public static boolean isTexture(int c) {
if (!Character.isBmpCodePoint(c)) {
char ch (char)c;
for (Colour colour : Colour.values()) {
if (colour.texture ch) {
我们的方向领域:window编程 数值算法 AI人工智能 金融统计 计量分析 大数据 网络编程 WEB编
代写Project for Object-Oriented Programming程序作业、代做C ProjPartA
Project for Object-Oriented Programming
Project Deliverables
The source code for this project are the following files:
ProjPartA.cpp – your source code program for Part A
ProjPartB.cpp – your source code program for Part B
The grade of your project is determined by the followings:
– Design with class diagrams (20)
– Programming Style (20): Style and efficiency of your program
(comments are expected in the source code).
– Correctness (30): We will verify the correctness of your program
by testing it through
– Final Report (30): The report includes the features of your
system, a brief user manual of your system as well as the source
codes of your system.
1. The World Health Organization (WHO) compiles data about
immunization levels around the world. The file named “measles.txt”
contains data
AVL Tree java作业代写、代写java AVL Tree程序作业、代做AVL Tree
Assignment 1: AVL Splay Trees
COMP2003J: Data Structures and Algorithms 2
Weight: 10 of final grade
Due Date: 08:00 Monday May 7th 2018
Document Version: 1.0
This assignment is intended to give you experience implementing,
Splay trees. It is also a good exercise to gain experience about
how object
references work in Java.
Source code that you can start from has been posted to Moodle in
Assignment1-Source.zip. This also contains the Javadoc API
for the classes that have been provided (in the “doc” folder).
Import this
project into Eclipse in the usual way.
The main tasks for this assignment are:
Implement the key methods for an AVL Tree.
Implement the key methods for a Splay Tree.
Develop a strategy to test if your implementations are
Improve the effici
滴答网讯& &最近几周,英国各个大学陆续开始了reading week。但是当大家把这周当作放松的旅游周时,也有小伙伴意识到了另一个问题:考试,presentation和论文马上就要到来了。大家感觉最痛苦的可能就是essay。中英两国在写作方式、reference的使用上的不同,以及语言本身的障碍,给大家的写作带来了不小的麻烦。这也就催生了各种代写机构的随之出现。01针对中国生的代写“业务发达”根据《英国电讯报》《独立报》和《每日邮报》等英媒报道,在过去的三年中,有多达5万名学生选择通过代写机构帮助自己完成论文。当然,这是涵盖了从世界各国前来英国的小伙伴,另外也有一部分本地学生在其中。在这些购买论文的学生里,将近1/3的学生来自罗素集团和牛津剑桥。英媒分析认为,这样的结果可能跟这些顶尖大学的国际生比例较高相关。经英媒调查,购买论文代写业务的学生,还是以留学生为主,并且来自欧盟区外的比欧盟区内的留学生购买论文服务多4倍。代写的“重灾区”专业包括:英语专业,商科和管理学类。网上各种关于代写机构的搜索链接层出不穷,只要大家搜索关键字“essay”,几乎先跳出来的都是这些代写机构。而除去这些英国的代写公司,由中国人经营的各种代写机构也果断盯上了中国留学生这块大蛋糕。在各大学的微信群里,每天都可以看到不同代写的广告。甚至在一个不足150人的小群里,几个小时之内就有6家不同的代写公司在群里发送小广告。而在曼大等中国学生比例比较高的学校,essay代写者更是络绎不绝。各种垃圾广告几乎已经使学生群成为了代写群,甚至搞得不需要论文代写业务的同学们觉得相当厌烦。这些专门针对中国留学生的论文代写“服务”,因为和中国学生在语言上沟通方便,所以比英国代写更容易和中国学生建立信任。他们摸清了中国留学生的心理,提供所谓“不过退款或不”等服务,选择了论文代写的中国留学生人数,也是只增不减。甚至还有公司提供一定金额,承包全年论文的服务。这些经过代写的文章,经由职业写手代笔,据代写服务提供方宣传称,不但是原创论文,而且还保证通过反抄袭测试、保证客户取得一等学位。圈哥干脆加了几个打“代写”广告的微信号,询问了一下价格。以3000字为标准,这两家给的报价都差不多,一个3080元人民币,一个270镑。折算下来的话,就是每1000字大约?1000/?90的价格。此外还有一个“客服”透露出来,他们其实都是一伙的,即使不是同一家代写机构雇用的,至少也是有“业内通风”的渠道。02代写跑路,赔了夫人又折兵代写机构往往利用留学生孤身在外,同时购买代写服务心里有鬼的弱点,骗取学生钱财。小陈(化名)是一名纽卡斯尔大学的留学生,去年刚刚完成本科最后一年学业。对于自己在master的申请中因为成绩原因无法申请更高排名的学校,小陈向圈哥讲述了自己被代写坑骗的过程。开学前,小陈报选了一门期末不用考试只需要交论文的课程,同时为了积攒工作经验参加了一个公司的实习。由于课程和实习的压力都不小,小陈对于选择去实习还是上课十分纠结,但当有天小陈在微信群看到了代写广告,让他仿佛看到了“既能抱得西瓜又能捡芝麻的机会”。小陈表示,这个发信息的人自称是个代写论文的中介,他们把一些学霸(有的在英国,有的在中国)组织在一起,专为中国留学生提供代写服务。希望能同时完成课程和实习的小陈便向客服咨询了一下情况。见他感兴趣,客服便向小陈打起了放心牌,表示他们“帮助”纽卡的留学生进行代写已经有数年了,目前还没有被校方发现过,而且再三强调:学霸绝对靠谱,保A!并介绍了收费标准:字,保证拿A,不过退款。希望鱼和熊掌兼得的小陈最终选择了“代写”,并向客服的银行账户转去了5000元。此后,收到钱的客服便要求小陈将上课笔记和论文要求发送过去。客服表示会在deadline前发送完成的论文给小陈。感觉很靠谱的小陈,甚至还将这一代写机构推荐给了自己的朋友。Deadline到来前,小陈如愿拿到了代写的论文,在检查无误后选择了上传,并继续自己的实习工作。谁知论文提交十几天后,小陈收到该课程导师的邮件,要求小陈到学校说明论文情况。小陈懵了,“我当时直接傻了,我正在公司实习呢,看到这,整个人都慌了神。”他急忙与中介进行联系,结果当对方看到小陈说因为论文被导师叫去学校讨论时,立刻将小陈的微信拉入了黑名单。走投无路的小陈无法获取导师信任,在导师要求下被迫重写该课程论文。仓促之下写出的论文结果可想而知,小陈也因为这门课程的C+评分,GPA 从3.7降到了3.25。03英国高校计划严厉打击代写随着论文代写业务侵蚀高校学术环境的问题日渐严重,英国高等教育机构,也纷纷坐不住了。根据《泰晤士报》的调查报告显示,在过去的3年购买论文代写服务的5万名学生中,被开除学籍的学生只有362名,还不到总人数的1%。为此,他们采访了多所大学的相关负责人。伦敦大学的国际办公室工作人员表示:学生的每一个学术任务都是环环相扣的,论文只是学业任务中的一部分,课堂表现与小组任务也占很大比重。而对于论文代写,伦敦大学则有一套严格的监督进程。拉夫堡大学的学生处负责人则称:他们高度关注日益普遍的学生代写问题。伦敦政治经济大学学生处有关部门负责人说,对于学生的论文代写问题设有专门的软件检测系统,学生若抄袭被发现的几率极高。一经发现就将给予给学生极其严厉的惩罚,如该科成绩按0分记,并要求重修,严重者更将被取消学位。鉴于日益严重的学生论文代写风气,英国各大学在近期的联合会议中专门针对代写进行了定义,并将在此后进行重点打击。根据这次各大高校达成共识的定义,一切“第三方”写就的论文都属于“代写舞弊”行为,除了需要付费的商业代写之外,亲戚朋友、私人聘请的论文指导老师等等代为写作的论文,也属于其范畴之中。其实,就算论文代写不存在“被坑”隐患,或者高校没有采取更严厉的态度,圈哥也还是希望小伙伴们在看完小陈的故事后,不要抱任何的侥幸心理。面对较为困难的课程,最好的办法,还是和自己的导师好聊聊自己的忧虑,合理的安排课程与课余生活。最根本的还要明白一点——英国大学基于不同文化背景的学习方式和思考过程,才是留学能够带来的最大财富。


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