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@ 版权所有汉音对照 英语高手帮我翻译一下!比较难! ying yu gao shou bang wo fan yi yi xia ! bi jiao nan ! - 王朝网络 -
分享&&&&&当前位置: &&&&&&&&英语高手帮我翻译一下!比较难! ying yu gao shou bang wo fan yi yi xia ! bi jiao nan !&&&本文为【】的汉字拼音对照版  原yuan文wen:  The fox gazed at the little prince, for a long time.   "Please — tame me!" he said.   "I want to, very much," the little prince replied. "But I have not much time. I have friends to discover, and a great many things to understand."   "One only understands the things that one tames," said the fox. "Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy things all ready made at the shops. But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship, and so men have no friends any more. If you want a friend, tame me..."   "What must I do, to tame you?" asked the little prince  The fox is silent not language, looking at kinglet's son once in a very long while.  " Ask you to cruise to fondle me!" He say.  " I am very would like to.Can my time not much, I still need to return to look for the friend, still having many things to want to understand." Kinglet's son say.  " The thing that was only tamed, would be understand.Person can't again sometimes understands any thing of.They always knife wound person where purchase the ready-made thing.Because in the world have not yet purchased the friend's store, so the person also has no friend.If you want a friend, that tames me!"  " So should do what?"" Should be very patiently.In the beginning you sit thus in the grass cluster, sit leave me a little bit and far some.I wear you with the eye Cape
, you what also do not say.The source of the words thing meeting.But, everyday, you sit depend me nearer."  这zhe是shi一yi本ben很hen著zhu名ming的de书shu《小xiao王wang子zi》里li的de一yi段duan,自zi己ji找zhao出chu中zhong英ying文wen对dui照zhao版ban就jiu会hui找zhao到dao啦la。【】【】&&&&&今日推荐
今天该活动正式启动,和去年一样,需要收集“五福”...有时候我们打开冰箱就会闻到一股异味,冰箱里的这种异味是因为一些物质发出的气味的混合体,闻起来让人恶心。 产生这些异味的主要原因有以下几点。
《极品家丁》讲述了现代白领林晚荣无意回到古代金陵,并追随萧二小姐化名“林三”进入萧府,不料却阴差阳错上演了一出低级家丁拼搏上位的“林三升职记”。...你就是我最爱的宝宝 - 李溪芮
你的眉 又鬼马的挑
你的嘴 又坏坏的笑
上一秒吵闹 下...乌梅,又称春梅,中医认为,乌梅味酸,性温,无毒,具有安心、除热、下气、祛痰、止渴调中、杀虫的功效,治肢体痛、肺痨病。乌梅泡水喝能治伤寒烦热、止吐泻,与干姜一起制...什么是脂肪粒
市场上墙纸的材质分无纺布的、木纤维的、PVC的、玻璃纤维基材的、布面的等,相对而言,PVC材质的墙纸最不透气...观点一:破日本销售量的“鲜肌之谜” 非日本生产
近一段时间,淘宝上架了一款名为“鲜肌之谜的” 鲑鱼卵巢美容液,号称是最近日本的一款推出的全新护肤品,产品本身所...系腰裙(北宋词人 张先)
这是土耳其卡帕多西亚的一个著名景点,传说是当年基督教徒们为了躲避战争而在此修建。里面曾住着20000人,......据英国《每日快报》报道,一位科学家兼理论家Robert Lanza博士宣称,世界上并不存在人类死亡,死亡的只是身体。他认为我们的意识借助我们体内的能量生存,而且...《我爱狐狸精》 - 刘馨棋
  狐狸精 狐狸仙
  千年修... under pass
The libero is very go...·&·&·&&原文:
The fox gazed at the little prince, for a long time.
&Please — tame me!& he said.
&I want to, very much,& the little prince replied. &But I have not much time. I have friends to discover, and a great many things to understand.&
&One only understands the things that one tames,& said the fox. &Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy things all ready made at the shops. But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship, and so men have no friends any more. If you want a friend, tame me...&
&What must I do, to tame you?& asked the little prince
The fox is silent not language, looking at kinglet's son once in a very long while.
& Ask you to cruise to fondle me!& He say.
& I am very would like to.Can my time not much, I still need to return to look for the friend, still having many things to want to understand.& Kinglet's son say.
& The thing that was only tamed, would be understand.Person can't again sometimes understands any thing of.They always knife wound person where purchase the ready-made thing.Because in the world have not yet purchased the friend's store, so the person also has no friend.If you want a friend, that tames me!&
& So should do what?&& Should be very patiently.In the beginning you sit thus in the grass cluster, sit leave me a little bit and far some.I wear you with the eye Cape
, you what also do not say.The source of the words thing meeting.But, everyday, you sit depend me nearer.&
这是一本很著名的书《小王子》里的一段,自己找出中英文对照版就会找到啦。&  免责声明:本文仅代表作者个人观点,与王朝网络无关。王朝网络登载此文出于传递更多信息之目的,并不意味着赞同其观点或证实其描述,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经本站证实,对本文以及其中全部或者部分内容、文字的真实性、完整性、及时性本站不作任何保证或承诺,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。&&&&&&为你推荐&&&&&&转载本文&UBB代码&HTML代码复制到剪贴板...&更多内容··········&&&&&&&&&频道精选&&&王朝女性&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&王朝分栏&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&王朝编程&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&王朝导购&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&王朝其他&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&&&2005-&&版权所有&}


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