fire was here long before the arriviste 植物论坛plantsword like grass.

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第一篇:Study Finds Hope in Saving Saltwater Fish
Can we have our fish and eat it too? An unusual collaboration of marine ecologists and fisheries management scientists says the answer may be yes.
In a research paper in Friday’s issue of the journal Science, the two groups, long at odds with each other, offer a global assessment of the world’s saltwater fish and their environments.
Their conclusions are at once gloomy — overfishing continues to threaten many species — and upbeat: a combination of steps can turn things around. But because antagonism between ecologists and fisheries management experts has been intense, many familiar with the study say the most important factor is that it was done at all.
They say they hope the study will inspire similar collaborations between scientists whose focus is safely exploiting specific natural resources and those interested mainly in conserving them.
“We need to merge those two communities,” said Steve Murawski, chief fisheries scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. “This paper starts to bridge that gap.”
The collaboration began in 2006 when Boris Worm, a marine ecologist at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and other scientists made an alarming prediction: if current trends continue, by 2048 overfishing will have destroyed most commercially important populations of saltwater fish. Ecologists applauded the work. But among fisheries management scientists, reactions ranged from skepticism to fury over what many called an alarmist report.
Among the most prominent critics was Ray Hilborn, a professor of aquatic and fishery sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle. Yet the disagreement did not play out in typical scientific fashion with, as Dr. Hilborn put it, “researchers firing critical papers back and forth.” Instead, he and Dr. Worm found themselves debating the issue on National Public Radio.
“We started talking and found more common ground than we had expected,” Dr. Worm said. Dr. Hilborn recalled thinking that Dr. Worm “actually seemed like a reasonable person.”
The two decided to work together on the issue. They sought and received financing and began organizing workshops at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, an organization sponsored by the National Science Foundation and based at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
At first, Dr. Hilborn said in an interview, “the fisheries management people would go to lunch and the marine ecologists would go to lunch” — separately. But soon they were collecting and sharing data and recruiting more colleagues to analyze it.
第二篇:On fire
As I mentioned last week, I’ve recently returned from Australia. While I was there,I visited a eucalyptus forest that, in February, was the scene of an appalling wildfire. Perhaps naively, I had expected to find that many trees had been killed. They hadn’t. They had blackened bark, but were otherwise looking rather well, many of them wreathed in new young leaves. This prompted me to consider fire and the role it plays as a force of nature.
Fossil charcoals tell us that wildfires have been part of life on Earth for as long as there have been plants on land. That’s more than 400 million years of fire. Fire was here long before arriviste it pre-dated the first flowers. And without wanting to get mystical about it, fire is, in many respects, a kind of animal, albeit an ethereal one. Like any animal, it consumes oxygen. Like a sheep or a slug, it eats plants.
Sometimes, it merely
sometimes it kills grown trees. Sometimes it is more deadly and destructive than a swarm of locusts.
The shape-shifting nature of fire makes it hard to study, for it is not a single entity. Some fire others, relatively cool. Some
others climb trees. Moreover, fire is much more likely to appear in some parts of the world than in others. Satellite images of the Earth show that wildfires are rare in, say, northern Europe, and common in parts of central Africa and Australia. Once a fire gets started, many factors contribute to how it will behave. The weather obviously has a huge effect: winds can fan flames, rains can quench them. The lie of the land matters, too: fire runs uphill more readily than it goes down. But another crucial factor is what type of plants the fire has to eat.
It’s common knowledge that plants regularly exposed to fire tend to have features that help them cope with it — such as thick bark, or seeds that only grow after being exposed to intense heat or smoke.
最新情况:2007年下半年以来,中国经济的发展确实非同寻常。随着全球金融危机的爆发,中国经济从2008年一季度“过热”的结束到四季度“硬着陆” 的开始,经历了一个为期6个月的短周期。中国通过前所未有的强力政策,终于成为第一个从“大衰退”中复苏的主要经济体。面对当前的强劲复苏,越来越多的人 开始关注这些“超级宽松”的货币和财政政策的潜在后果以及相关的退出战略。
结论:我们认为,高储蓄率对于理解中国经济的各种现象的演化和内在联系起着极为重要的作用。高储蓄率主要是中国人口政策下的人口结构、经济快速增长背景 下家庭消费习惯改变缓慢等长期因素作用的结果。在“过度储蓄优点”的影响下,中国已经并可能继续保持高增长、低通胀,而且只要继续保持高储蓄率,就足以抵 御来自外部的冲击。在这一背景下,挥之不去的资产价格上涨压力可能成为中国经济的一个常态现象,而非特例,从而成为政策制定者面临的最大、也是经常化的宏 观经济挑战,而为了最大限度地防范资产价格破裂所造成的系统性风险,“降低杠杆率”很可能成为经济政策的一个重点。
近期政策影响:我们认为,当前的政策态势在年底之前当基本保持不变,并在2010年初随着银行新增贷款增长率的正常化(从2009年的9.5万-10万 亿元降至2010年的7万-8万亿元),而转向中性。在明年年中之前,不大可能出现上调存款准备金率及基准利率以及人民币升值等紧缩政策。
中国的国民储蓄约占GDP的55%,其中19%为家庭储蓄,11%为政府储蓄, 25%为企业储蓄。国民储蓄只能用于三种用途:境内有形资产、境外有形资产和境外金融资产。境内有形资产主要通过国内固定资产投资的方式形成;境外有形资 产的形成途径为中国居民的境外直接投资,或以并购方式获得现有境外有形资产的所有权;境外金融资产的形成途径为中央银行的官方外汇储备积累,或跨境自由流 动机制(即无资本账户控制)下的私人投资。
高储蓄为促进国内投资的快速增长提供了充足的资金,而高投资反过来又促进了经济的快速增长。在其他条件不变的情况下,国内高储蓄支撑的高增长通常会导致 紧缩压力,而非通胀压力。具体而言,实施初期的投资项目是总体需求的一部分(即需求曲线向右平移),因而通常会增长价格上涨的压力,但是投资最终将导致产 能的扩大,从而大幅增长供给(即供给曲线向右平移)。
中国的境外金融资产的主要表现形式为中央银行的外汇储备,约占中国境外总资产的70%。这主要是因为资本账户的管制导致国内居民不能自由进行境外投资。 不过,以官方外汇储备形式体现的境外金融资产并不真正反映国内私人储蓄在境外使用的情况,因为国内的流动性(即如果没有资本账户管制,则可能已由私营部门 投资于境外有形资产或金融资产所对应的那部分储蓄)正是由央行的外汇储备积累而创造的,但却被限制在中国国内。
一方面,央行外汇储备的积累创造了大量的国内流动性,同时金融投资的需求又很强劲。另一方面,国内资本市场不够发达,证券化投资产品不足。在中国,85% 的金融中介是通过银行系统完成的,证券市场只占10%,而债券市场基本就不存在。
我们认为,在“过度储蓄优点”的影响下,中国已经并可能继续保持高增长、低通胀,而且只要继续保持高储蓄率,就足以抵御来自外部的冲击。在这一背景下, 挥之不去的资产价格上涨压力可能成为中国经济的一个常态,而非特例,从而成为未来几年政策制定者面临的最大、也是经常化的宏观经济挑战。
在中国这样“过度储蓄”的经济体,管理资产价格的持续上涨压力,可能在未来几年内成为比控制传统的CPI上涨或促进经济增长更重要的政策目标。不过,由 于传统的货币政策工具并非最合适的资产价格上涨管理工具,所以当前的紧迫任务是最大限度地防范资产价格破裂带来的系统性风险。在低杠杆率下,资产价格破裂 造成的损失要小得多。
通过合格国内机构投资者(QDII)以及合格国内散户投资者(QDRI)的投资活动,开放对外资本账户,当有助于满足国内储蓄者直接拥有境外金融资产的 需求,从而放缓中央银行外汇储备积累及国内流动性创造的速度。不过,对资本流入(特别是短期投资)的控制应当继续维持或逐步取消。否则资本的流入将会对国 内储蓄导致的严重资产价格上涨压力起到推波助澜的作用,并使政策博弈进一步复杂化。
在宏观风险和系统性风险得到控制之后,应重点采取有助于提升投资质量的结构性改革措施。尽管“过度储蓄”有助于产生高增长、低通胀等重要数据,但“过度 储蓄”所创造的资本应当得到有效的配置。因此,放松对利率、能源价格及其他重要自然资源商品价格的管制已经不容拖延了。
自从危机爆发以来,通过降低储蓄率促进国内消费已经成为一个政策重点。不过,如果中国的高储蓄率是一个人口代际现象,在我们看来,实质降低国民储蓄率的 政策空间将十分有限。尤其是加强社会保障系统以及国有企业的公司治理可能有助于降低家庭储蓄率,但不会有效降低国民储蓄率。
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  On Fire
  As I mentioned last week, I&ve recently returned from Australia. While I was there, I visited a eucalyptus forest that, in February, was the scene of an appalling wildfire. Perhaps naively, I had expected to find that many trees had been killed. They hadn&t. They had blackened bark, but were otherwise looking rather well, many of them wreathed in new young leaves. This prompted me to consider fire and the role it plays as a force of nature.
  Fossil charcoals tell us that wildfires have been part of life on Earth for as long as there have been plants on land. That&s more than 400 million years of fire. Fire was here long before arriviste it pre-dated the first flowers. And without wanting to get mystical about it, fire is, in many respects, a kind of animal, albeit an ethereal one. Like any animal, it consumes oxygen. Like a sheep or a slug, it eats plants. But unlike a normal animal, it&s a shape-shifter. Sometimes, it merely
sometimes it kills grown trees. Sometimes it is more deadly and destructive than a swarm of locusts.
  The shape-shifting nature of fire makes it hard to study, for it is not a single entity. Some fire others, relatively cool. Some
others climb trees. Moreover, fire is much more likely to appear in some parts of the world than in others. Satellite images of the Earth show that wildfires are rare in, say, northern Europe, and common in parts of central Africa and Australia. (These days many wildfires are started by humans, either on purpose or by accident. But long before our ancestors began to throw torches or cigarette butts, fires were started by lightning strikes, or by sparks given off when rocks rub together in an avalanche.)
  Once a fire gets started, many factors contribute to how it will behave. The weather obviously has a huge effect: winds can fan flames, rains can quench them. The lie of the land matters, too: fire runs uphill more readily than it goes down. But another crucial factor is what type of plants the fire has to eat.
  It&s common knowledge that plants regularly exposed to fire tend to have features that help them cope with it & such as thick bark, or seeds that only grow after being exposed to intense heat or smoke. But what is less often remarked on is that the plants themselves affect the nature and severity of fire.
  The shape-shifting nature of fire makes it hard to study, for it is not a single entity. Some fire others, relatively cool. Some
others climb trees. Moreover, fire is much more likely to appear in some parts of the world than in others. Satellite images of the Earth show that wildfires are rare in, say, northern Europe, and common in parts of central Africa and Australia. (These days many wildfires are started by humans, either on purpose or by accident. But long before our ancestors began to throw torches or cigarette butts, fires were started by lightning strikes, or by sparks given off when rocks rub together in an avalanche.)
  Once a fire gets started, many factors contribute to how it will behave. The weather obviously has a huge effect: winds can fan flames, rains can quench them. The lie of the land matters, too: fire runs uphill more readily than it goes down. But another crucial factor is what type of plants the fire has to eat.
  It&s common knowledge that plants regularly exposed to fire tend to have features that help them cope with it & such as thick bark, or seeds that only grow after being exposed to intense heat or smoke.
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