
深度解析: 少儿学习英语应避免的五大误区丹尼尔英语怎么样-交通工具|交通|交通工具|汽车
深度解析: 少儿学习英语应避免的五大误区
深度解析: 少儿学习英语应避免的五大误区-丹尼尔英语怎么样
你家孩子英语学得怎么样?你对他们学习英语时候使用的方法又知道多少?少儿英语学习方法存在的五个误区,作为家长的你不能错过。误区一:参英语速成班对策:循序渐进才是真理误区二:背单词是首要任务对策:语言运用和理解能力最重要专家说,有些家长总是认为校外英语学习课堂的老师如果不经常默写单词,就是不负责任;在检查孩子学习成果时也以背会了多少单词为标准,甚至对幼儿园和小学生也不例外。这些家长应吸取“聋哑英语”的教训。对于少年儿童来说,获取语感,培养兴趣,形成规范的语音语调,养成大胆开口讲英语的习惯是最首要的。对于小学生和中学生来说,以听说为主,正所谓要把耳朵“打通”,舌头“盘活”,培养交际能力的训练更重要。专家强调,培养孩子成材,最忌揠苗助长。一些学校迎合这种心理,声称其可以做到使毫无英语基础的孩子一年达到高中程度,二年大学程度,三年托福550 分等,专家认为不是这样的。事实上,中国缺少以英语为第二语言的国家的那种语言环境,除了靠日积月累,循序渐进,长期的能力训练外,无任何捷径可走。当然教学得法,效率会高很多。
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16:11 | 来源:英语学习网站 | 编辑:学英语
  多用写那么都知道吗?下面学习啦小编为大家带来多的意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习! 英语之家
  how much 内容来自 英语之家
  Well, because I have so little money, being rich to me, 内容来自 英语之家
  and I don't have very much money left. 英语之家
  我身上没多少钱了。 内容来自 英语之家
  What is the rate of rents?
  租房子一个月多少钱? 英语之家
  I just want to
how much do I have to pay for the whole company? 内容来自 英语之家
  我只想知道底价,也就是买下整个公司最少要花多少钱 英语之家
  The investment rate is telling you how much money you're really making on an annualized basis, so it's very simple.
  投资收益率反映了基于一年来看,你实际赚了多少钱,非常简单 英语之家
  What really matters to you as an investor is how much you have to pay today to get $100 in sixty days. 内容来自 英语之家
  对于一个投资者来说,重要的是,现在你需要支付多少钱,才能在60天后获得100美元 内容来自 英语之家
  This calculation wasn't
that's just if you had one of the satisfactions of knowing how much money you were making.
  这个运算并不经常用,除非你非得知道,自己会赚多少钱 内容来自
  So what the guy would do is he would say okay you've got--if it was local money if it was from this town if it was New Haven money there were New Haven banks the guy would immediately know what it's worth.
  所以,那个人将会做的是说,好的,你的钱-如果它是当地货币,如果来自这个城镇,如果是纽黑文的纸币,当时有纽黑文银行,那么这个人将立刻知道它值多少钱。 内容来自 英语之家
  For example, if you ask people how much they would be willing to bet on a coin toss, they will typically bet more if they can toss the coin or they will bet more if the coin hasn't been tossed yet. 内容来自
  比如说,如果你问人们,他们愿意出多少钱去赌掷硬币,如果他们可以掷硬币,或在硬币还没被掷出前,他们会下更大的注 内容来自
  For example, how much would you have to be paid to have one upper front tooth pulled out?
  比如,给你多少钱,你才愿意拔掉自己的一颗门牙? 内容来自
  If I buy this amount of two-period bonds, how much does it cost me? 英语之家
  如果我买这么多两年期债券,我要花多少钱呢 内容来自
  耶鲁公开课 - 金融市场课程节选
  Or how much would you have to be paid to have one little toe cut off?
  抑或,给你多少钱,你才愿意砍掉一根小脚趾? 内容来自
  So what would your hunch be? How much? A million? 内容来自
  If your dealer quotes you a discount rate of 2.51%, you know how to convert that into the price and that's all that matters--all that really matters is the price you have to pay. 英语之家
  如果经销商告诉你折扣率是2.51%,你要知道如何转换成价格,真正和你有关系的,是你需要付多少钱 内容来自 英语之家
  What you could do hundreds of years ago-- and can still do it today-- was go to a bank and present this bond or IOU and say, &What will you give me for it?& 内容来自
  在数百年前你们能做的,在今天还是能够做到的就是,到银行出示这份合约或欠条,问,你们根据它能给我多少钱 内容来自 英语之家
  I don't want to have to consider how much it costs or what multiple of number of tickets I want to get. 英语之家
  Boards of directors have long agonized over how much to borrow and different companies seem to have different cultures. 内容来自 英语之家
  董事会一直被该借多少钱的问题所困扰着,不同的国家有着不同的文化 内容来自 英语之家
  and how much money they're going to pay to do something like go to law school. 内容来自
  也没想清楚选择法学院到底要花多少钱。 内容来自 英语之家
  I have some old records and I'll see what I'm paying for my gold for the gold fillings ten years ago. 内容来自 英语之家
  我有一些旧的记录,我可以去看看十年前,我到底补金牙时为了金子花了多少钱。 内容来自
  How much does it cost both to create the technology and to use it? 内容来自 英语之家
  6% It is over 16% and on the purpose and basis what do we spend?
  超过了%,那么具体来说,我们到底花了多少钱? 内容来自 英语之家
  Somebody else figured out, how much does he get paid on an hourly basis? 内容来自 英语之家
  还有人算出了,他一个小时能挣多少钱? 英语之家
  Then they waited and saw how much they can made. 内容来自 英语之家
  然后他们等待看看自己能挣多少钱。 内容来自 英语之家
  So you can have good quality and less quality. It depends on your pocket. 内容来自
  所以你可以买质量好的和质量差的。这要看你口袋里有多少钱。 英语之家
  Like how old I am, where I'm from and how much money I make. 英语之家
  就像我的年龄,我从哪里来,我挣多少钱。 内容来自 英语之家
  what good that's going to be, no matter how much money you make. 内容来自 英语之家
  And I suggest a scale that people might use in order to decide how much is enough. 内容来自 英语之家


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