often we get so caught in providenceup with the pressure of work that we forget to take out time to appreciat

这是个机器人猖狂的时代,请输一下验证码,证明咱是正常人~Get caught up - definition of get caught up by The Free Dictionary /get+caught+up
catch (redirected from get caught up)Also found in: , , , .Related to get caught up: , , , , ,
(kăch, kĕch)v. caught (k?t), catch·ing, catch·es v.tr.1. a.
To get and hold (something that has been in motion) in a hand, the hands, a container, or an implement: caught the ball in the web of the lacrosse stick.b.
To take hold of, especially
caught the reins.c.
To stop (oneself) from doing an action: I caught myself before replying.2. a.
To capture or seize, especially after a chase: The police caught the robber in the next town.b.
To capture or take by trapping, snaring, or some other means: I caught three fish with that lure.c.
To take in and hold or contain: a pond that catches runoff.3. a.
To discover or come upon suddenly, unexpectedly, or accidentally: He was caught in the act of stealing.b.
To become cognizant or aware of suddenly: caught her gazing out the window.4. a.
T get so as to be carried by: ca catch a wave.b.
To overtake: The driver of the green car caught the leader on the straightaway.5. a.
To cause to become hooked, entangled, or fastened: caught my hem on the stair.b.
T delay: was caught in traffic for an hour.6. a.
T strike: The boxer caught his opponent with a left hook.b.
To propel an object so that it hits (something): The center caught the back of the net with a hard shot.7. a.
To become subject to or to contract, as by exposure to a pathogen: catch a cold.b.
To become affected by or infused with: caught the joyous mood of the festival.c.
To suffer from the receipt of (criticism, for example): caught hell for being late.8. a.
To perceive suddenly or momentarily: We caught a glimpse of the movie star. I caught a whiff of her perfume.b.
To hear or listen to: caught the news b didn't catch the end of your sentencec.
T apprehend: I don't catch your meaning.9. a.
To go to see (a performance, for example): caught the midnight show.b.
To get (something required), usually quickly or for a brief period: catch some sleep.10. a.
T arrest: couldn't c caught the teacher's eye.b.
To reproduce or represent effectively: an impressionist who caught the effects of wind and water in his paintings.11.
To deceive: failed to be caught by their fraudulent schemes.12.
Baseball To play (a game) as catcher.v.intr.1.
To become held, entangled, or fastened: My coat caught in the car door.2.
To act or move so as to hold or grab someone or something: tried to catch at the life preserver.3.
To be commun spread.4.
To become ignited: The fire caught.5.
Baseball To act as catcher.n.1. a.
The act of catching, especially the grabbing and holding of a thrown, kicked, or batted ball before it hits the ground.b.
A game of throwing and catching a ball.2. a.
A quantity that is caught: The catch amounted to 50 fish.b.
Something that is perceived or noticed: The mistake you found was a good catch.c.
Informal A person considered to be an attractive or admirable romantic partner. 3.
A tricky or previously unsuspected condition or drawback: It sounds like a good offer, but there may be a catch.4.
A device for fastening something or for checking motion: The car's hood has a safety catch.5.
A choking or stoppage of the breath or voice: a catch in his voice.6.
A a fragment: could only hear catches of the song.7.
Music A canonic, often rhythmically intricate composition for three or more voices, popular especially in the 17th and 18th centuries.Phrasal Verbs:
catch on1.
To understand something: These students catch on quickly.2.
To become popular: Skateboarding caught on quickly. catch out To detect (another) in wrongdoing or error. catch up1.
To move fast enough to attain the same draw even: caught up to the leader on the last lap of the race.2.
To become equal or on a par with another: finally caught up with his brother in height.3.
To bring an activity to completion or to a state of currentness: catch up on correspondence.4.
To bring (another) brief: Let me catch you up on all the gossip.5.
To seize or lift suddenly: The wind caught up the umbrella and carried it off.6.
To involve, often unwillingly: was caught up in the scandal.7.
T enthrall: I was caught up in the mood of the evening.Idioms:
catch fire1.
To ignite.2.
To become very enthusiastic.3.
To become the subject of great interest and widespread enthusiasm: an idea that caught fire all over the country. catch it Informal
To receive a punishment or scolding. catch (one's) breath To rest so as to be able to continue an activity. catch (one's) death To catch a cold or other illness. catch up with1.
To find or arrest after a period of pursuit: The police finally caught up with him in Omaha.2.
To have unpleasant consequences for, especially after a period of quiescence: mistakes that caught up with him when he ran for president. catch you later Informal Used to express good-bye.[Middle English cacchen, from Old North French cachier, to chase, from Vulgar Latin *captiāre; see
chase1.]catch′a·ble adj.Synonyms:
catch, enmesh, ensnare, entangle, entrap, snare1, trap1 These verbs mean to take in and hold as if by using bait or a lure: cau enm ensnared an u became entangled in he entrapped by a convinc s trapped into incriminating himself.catch (kaet?) vb, catches, catching or caught1.
(tr) to take hold of so as to retain or restrain: he caught the ball. 2.
(tr) to take, seize, or capture, esp after pursuit3.
(tr) to ensnare or deceive, as by trickery4.
(tr) to surprise or detect in an act: he caught the dog rifling the larder. 5.
(tr) to reach with a blow: the stone caught him on the side of the head. 6.
(tr) to overtake or reach in time to board: if we hurry we should catch the next bus. 7.
(tr) attend: I didn't catch the Ibsen play. 8.
(tr) to be infected with: to catch a cold. 9. to hook or entangle or become hooked or entangled: her dress caught on a nail. 10. to fasten or be fastened with or as if with a latch or other device11.
(tr) to attract or arrest: she tried to catch his eye. 12.
(tr) to comprehend: I didn't catch his meaning. 13.
(tr) to hear accurately: I didn't catch what you said. 14.
(tr) to captivate or charm15.
(tr) to perceive and reproduce accurately: the painter managed to catch his model's beauty. 16.
(tr) to hold back or restrain: he caught his breath in surprise. 17.
(intr) to become alight: the fire won't catch. 18.
(Cricket) (tr) cricket to dismiss (a batsman) by intercepting and holding a ball struck by him before it touches the ground19. a. to grasp or attempt to graspb. to take advantage (of), esp eagerly: he caught at the chance. 20.
(used passively) informal to make pregnant21. catch it informal to be scolded or reprimanded22. catch oneself on slang to realize that one's actions are mistakenn23. the act of catching or grasping24. a device that catches and fastens, such as a latch25. anything that is caught, esp something worth catching26. the amount or number caught27. informal a person regarded as an eligible matrimonial prospect28. a check or break in the voice29. a break in a mechanism30. informal a. a concealed, unexpected, or unforeseen drawback or handicapb. (as modifier): a catch question. 31.
(Games, other than specified) a game in which a ball is thrown from one player to another32.
(Cricket) cricket the catching of a ball struck by a batsman before it touches the ground, resulting in him being out33.
(Music, other) music a type of round popular in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, having a humorous text that is often indecent or bawdy and hard to articulate. See 31, 17[C13 cacchen to pursue, from Old Northern French cachier, from Latin captāre to snatch, from capere to seize] 'catchable adjcatch
caught, catch•ing,
to seize or capture, esp. after pursuit:
to catch a thief.
to trap or ensnare:
to catch fish.
to take and hold (something thrown, falling, etc.):
to catch the ball.
to surprise or detect, as in some action:
I caught them cheating.
to receive, incur, or contract:
to catch a cold.
to be in time to get aboard (a train, boat, etc.).
He caught her in an embrace.
to grip, hook, or entangle:
The closing door caught my arm.
to allow to become gripped, hooked, snagged, or entangled:
He caught his coat on a nail.
to attract or arrest:
to catch our attention.
to check or restrain suddenly (often used reflexively).
to see or attend:
to catch a show.
The blow caught him on the head.
to become inspired by or aware of:
to catch the spirit.
to fasten with or as if with a catch.
to deceive:
No one was caught by his sugary words.
to attr charm:
caught by his winning smile.
to gras comprehend:
I caught the meaning.
to hear clearly.
The painting caught her expression.
to become gripped, hooked, or entangled.
to take hold:
The lock won't catch.
to play the position of catcher in baseball.
catch at, accept readily.
to become popular.
t understand.
catch out, to catch or discover in deceit or an error.
to overtake someone or something moving (often fol. by with or to).
to lift up or snatch suddenly.
to do enough so that one is no longer behind:
to catch up on one's work.
to involve or interest intensely (usu. in the passive):
caught up in the moment.
the act of catching.
anything that catches, esp. a device for checking motion, as a latch on a door.
any tricky or concealed drawback:
There must be a catch somewhere.
a slight, momentary break or crack in the voice.
something caught, as a quantity of fish.
a person or thing worth getting, esp. a person regarded as a desirable matrimonial prospect.
a game in which a ball is thrown from one person to another.
a fragment:
catches of a song.
the catching and holding of a batted or thrown ball before it touches the ground.
a musical round for male voices with the words in overlapping parts contrived to produce humorous or bawdy effects.
catch it, Informal. to receive a reprimand or punishment.
[;1225; Middle English cacchen to chase, capture & Old North French cachier & Vulgar Latin *captiāre, for Latin captāre to grasp at, seek out, try to catch, frequentative of capere to take]
catch′a•ble, adj.
Catch&the quantity caught
a fragment
used figuratively.Examples: of songs, 1830;
of pretty stories, 1665.catchPast participle: caughtGerund: catchingImperativePresentPreteritePresent ContinuousPresent PerfectPast ContinuousPast PerfectFutureFuture PerfectFuture ContinuousPresent Perfect ContinuousFuture Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect ContinuousConditionalPast ConditionalImperativecatchcatchPresentI catchyou catchhe/she/it catcheswe catchyou catchthey catchPreteriteI caughtyou caughthe/she/it caughtwe caughtyou caughtthey caughtPresent ContinuousI am catchingyou are catchinghe/she/it is catchingwe are catchingyou are catchingthey are catchingPresent PerfectI have caughtyou have caughthe/she/it has caughtwe have caughtyou have caughtthey have caughtPast ContinuousI was catchingyou were catchinghe/she/it was catchingwe were catchingyou were catchingthey were catchingPast PerfectI had caughtyou had caughthe/she/it had caughtwe had caughtyou had caughtthey had caughtFutureI will catchyou will catchhe/she/it will catchwe will catchyou will catchthey will catchFuture PerfectI will have caughtyou will have caughthe/she/it will have caughtwe will have caughtyou will have caughtthey will have caughtFuture ContinuousI will be catchingyou will be catchinghe/she/it will be catchingwe will be catchingyou will be catchingthey will be catchingPresent Perfect ContinuousI have been catchingyou have been catchinghe/she/it has been catchingwe have been catchingyou have been catchingthey have been catchingFuture Perfect ContinuousI will have been catchingyou will have been catchinghe/she/it will have been catchingwe will have been catchingyou will have been catchingthey will have been catchingPast Perfect ContinuousI had been catchingyou had been catchinghe/she/it had been catchingwe had been catchingyou had been catchingthey had been catchingConditionalI would catchyou would catchhe/she/it would catchwe would catchyou would catchthey would catchPast ConditionalI would have caughtyou would have caughthe/she/it would have caughtwe would have caughtyou would have caughtthey would have caught
Switch to Noun1.catch - a drawback or difficulty that is "it sounds good but what's the catch?" - the quality
"he pointed out all the drawbacks to my plan"2.catch - the quan "the catch was only 10 fish" - an estimated quantity3.catch - a person regarded as a good matrimonial prospect,
- a fully developed person from maturity onward4.catch - anything that is caught (especially if it is worth catching); "he shared his catch with the others",
- a tangibl an entity th "it was full of rackets, balls and other objects"5.catch - a break or check in the voice (usually a sign of strong emotion), ,
- your characteristic style or manner of expres "his manner of speaking was quite abrupt"; "her speech was barren of southernisms"; "I detected a slight accent in his speech"6.catch - a restraint that checks the "he used a book as a stop to hold the door open" - any of various stops on a workbench against which work can be pushed (as while chiseling or planing),
- a stop that keeps open doors from moving, , ,
- a hinged catch that fits into a notch of a ratchet to move a wheel forward or prevent it from moving backward,
- a device that retards something' "the car did not have proper restraints fitted",
- a catch mechanism t "the pressure activates the tripper and releases the water"7.catch - a fastener that fastens or locks a door or window, , ,
- restraint that attaches to something or holds something in place - a fasten a hinged metal plate is fitted over a staple and is locked with a pin or padlock - a catch that holds the hood of a car shut - a catch for locking a door - catch for fast a bar that can be lowered or slid into a groove8.catch - a cooperative game in which a ball is p "he played catch with his son in the backyard" - an
"they played word games"; "he thought of his painting as a game that filled his empty time"; "his life was all fun and games"9.catch - the act of catching an o "Mays made the catch with his back to the plate"; "he made a grab for the ball before it landed"; "Martin's snatch at the bridle failed and the horse raced away"; "the infielder's snap and throw was a single motion", , ,
- the act of putting two things together with n "at his touch the room filled with lights" - (American football) a catch of a punt on the fly by a defensive player who has signalled that he will not run and so should not be tackled - (American football) the act of catching a football by a player on the opposing team - (American football) the act of catchin "the tight end made a great reception on the 20 yard line" - the act of securing possession of the rebounding basketball after a missed shot - (baseball) a running catch made near the ground, , ,
- the act of int "an interlocking of arms by the police held the crowd in check"10.catch - the act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal); "the policeman on the beat got credit for the collar", , , , , ,
- the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of propertyVerb1.catch - discover or come upon accidentally, suddenly, catch somebody doing something o "She caught her son eating candy"; "She was caught shoplifting" - c "The news really surprised me" - "he caught her staring out the window"2.catch - perceive with the senses quickly, suddenly, "I caught the aroma of coffee"; "He caught the allusion in her glance"; "ears open to catch every sound"; "The dog picked up the scent"; "Catch a glimpse",
- to become aware o "I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon"3.catch - reach with a blow or hit
"the rock caught her in the back of the head"; "The blow got him in the back"; "The punch caught him in the stomach" - deal a blow to, either with the hand o "He hit her hard in the face"4.catch - take hold of so as to seize or restrain o "Catch the ball!"; "Grab the elevator door!",
- "Who is catching?" -
"harpoon whales" - catch or try to cat "I like to go fishing on weekends", ,
- "The sales clerk quickly seized the money on the counter"; "She clutched her purse"; "The mother seized her child by the arm"; "Birds of prey often seize small mammals" - "hook a fish",
- "net a fish",
- "The fighter plane was ordered to intercept an aircraft that had entered the country's airspace" - reach the point where one sho "I caught up on my homework"5.catch - succeed in catching or seizing, espe "We finally got the suspect"; "Did you catch the thief?", , ,
- "The sales clerk quickly seized the money on the counter"; "She clutched her purse"; "The mother seized her child by the arm"; "Birds of prey often seize small mammals",
- "recapture the escaped prisoner",
- "rope cows"6.catch - "One foot caught in the stirrup" - cause to be attached - cause to become accidentally or suddenly caught, ensnared, "I caught the hem of my dress in the brambles" - "I snagged my stocking"7.catch - "His look caught her"; "She caught his eye"; "Catch the attention of the waiter", , , , ,
- direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or "Her good looks attract the stares of many men"; "The ad pulled in many potential customers"; "This pianist pulls huge crowds"; "The store owner was happy that the ad drew in many new customers"8.catch - capture as if by hunting, snaring, "I caught a rabbit in the trap today", , ,
- pursue for food or sport (as of wild animals); "Goering often hunted wild boars in Poland"; "The dogs are running deer"; "The Duke hunted in these woods" - hunt frogs for food - capture or kill, "bag a few pheasants" - catch birds by temporarily blinding them - "We have a big barrel to catch the rainwater" - catch rats, especially with dogs, , , ,
- catch i "The men trap foxes",
- come into the possession of something
"She got a lot of paintings from her uncle"; "They acquired a new pet"; "Get your results the next day"; "Get permission to take a few days off from work"9.catch - "I have to catch a train at 7 o'clock", ,
- catch up with a "The Rolls Royce caught us near the exit ramp" - "She got the bus just as it was leaving",
- get on board of (trains, buses, ships, aircraft, etc.)10.catch - get or regain something necessary, usuall "Catch some sleep"; "catch one's breath",
- come into the possession of something
"She got a lot of paintings from her uncle"; "They acquired a new pet"; "Get your results the next day"; "Get permission to take a few days off from work"11.catch - catch up with a "The Rolls Royce caught us near the exit ramp",
- "I have to catch a train at 7 o'clock"12.catch - be s "catch fire"; "catch the mood" - become
losing one's or "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night",
- suffer "She will catch hell for this behavior!"13.catch - check ones "She managed to catch herself before telling her boss what was on her mind", , , , , ,
- les hold o "moderate your alcohol intake"; "hold your tongue"; "hold your temper"; "control your anger"14.catch - hear, usually without the knowl "We overheard the conversation at the next table",
- perceive (sound) via the auditory sense,
- "I didn't catch your name"; "She didn't get his name when they met the first time"15.catch - "view a show on television"; "This program will be seen all over the world"; "view an exhibition"; "Catch a show on Broadway"; "see a movie", , ,
- perceive by sight or have the power
"You have to be a good observer to see all the details"; "Can you see the bird in that tree?"; "He is blind--he cannot see" - "watch a basketball game",
- view the outline of by means of an X- "The radiologist can visualize the cancerous liver" - be a spectator in a sports event - watch (a movie or play) before it is released to the general public16.catch - cause to become accidentally or suddenly caught, ensnared, "I caught the hem of my dress in the brambles" - prevent from proceeding on sc "I was caught in traffic and missed the meeting",
- "One foot caught in the stirrup"17.catch - detect
"The reporter tripped up the senator", , , , , , , ,
- get to know or become aware of,
"I learned that she has two grown-up children"; "I see that you have been promoted"18.catch - grasp with the mind or develop "did you catch that allusion?"; "We caught something of his theory in the lecture"; "don't catch your meaning"; "did you get it?"; "She didn't get the joke"; "I just don't get him" - know and comprehend the
"She did not understand her husband"; "I understand what she means",
- apprehend and
"She really caught the spirit of the place in her drawings"; "She got the mood just right in her photographs" - acquire as a result of s "You cannot get water out of a stone"; "Where did she get these news?"19.catch - "did you catch a cold?", ,
- be stricken by an illness, fall
"He got AIDS"; "She came down with pneumonia"; "She took a chill" - come down with a cold20.catch - "The fire caught", , , , ,
- start to burn
"Marsh gases ignited suddenly"; "The oily rags combusted spontaneously"21.catch - "I didn't catch your name"; "She didn't get his name when they met the first time" - perceive (sound) via the auditory sense, ,
- hear, usually without the knowl "We overheard the conversation at the next table"22.catch - suffer "She will catch hell for this behavior!" - be s "catch fire"; "catch the mood",
- receive as a retri "He got 5 years in prison", ,
- "Were you hurting after the accident?"23.catch -
"She captured all the men's hearts", , , , , , , , , , ,
- h "The soprano held the audience"; "This story held our interest"; "She can hold an audience spellbound",
- "The idea of a vacation appeals to me"; "The beautiful garden attracted many people" - gratify and charm, usually i "the political candidate worked the crowds"24.catch - apprehend and
"She really caught the spirit of the place in her drawings"; "She got the mood just right in her photographs",
- grasp with the mind or develop "did you catch that allusion?"; "We caught something of his theory in the lecture"; "don't catch your meaning"; "did you get it?"; "She didn't get the joke"; "I just don't get him" - recreate a sound, image, idea, mood, atmosphere, etc.; "this DVD player reproduces the sound of the piano very well"; "He reproduced the feeling of sadness in the portrait"25.catch - "We have a big barrel to catch the rainwater",
- capture as if by hunting, snaring, "I caught a rabbit in the trap today", , , , , ,
- ge "I am accumulating evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife"; "She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis"; "She rolled up a small fortune"26.catch - sprea "The fashion did not catch",
- become distr "the infection spread"; "Optimism spread among the population"27.catch - "Who is catching?",
- a ball game played with a bat and ball between two t teams take turns at bat
"he played baseball in high school"; "there was a baseball game on every empty lot"; "there was a desire for National League ball in the area"; "play ball!" - participa "We played hockey all afternoon"; "play cards"; "Pele played for the Brazilian teams in many important matches", ,
- take hold of so as to seize or restrain o "Catch the ball!"; "Grab the elevator door!"28.catch - "he caught her staring out the window" - discover or come upon accidentally, suddenly, catch somebody doing something o "She caught her son eating candy"; "She was caught shoplifting", ,
- perceive or be
"We found Republicans winning the offices"; "You'll see a lot of cheating in this school"; "The 1960's saw the rebellion of the younger generation against established traditions"; "I want to see results"29.catch - prevent from proceeding on sc "I was caught in traffic and missed the meeting", ,
- cause to be sl "Traffic was delayed by the bad weather"; "she delayed the work that she didn't want to perform" - cause to become accidentally or suddenly caught, ensnared, "I caught the hem of my dress in the brambles"catchverb1. , , , ,
(informal), ,
(slang), , , , feel your collar (slang) Police say they are confident of catching the killer. capture , , , 2. , , , , ,
The locals were encouraged to trap and kill the birds.3. , , ,
I jumped up to catch the ball and fell over.4. , , , , , ,
He knelt beside her and caught her hand in both of his. grab , , 5. , , ,
(informal), , ,
He caught her on the side of her head with his fist.6. become trapped, , become entangled Her ankle caught on a root and she almost lost her balance.7. , ,
We made it in time to catch the ferry.8. , , , , , ,
He caught a youth breaking into his car.9. , , , , , , , , ,
She caught the puzzled look on her mother's face.10. , , , , , , , ,
Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said.11. , , , , , , , , , , , ,
This award has caught the imagination of the public. engage , , , , fail to interest, 12. , , , ,
His words caught the mood of the vast crowd.13. , , , , , ,
The more stress you are under, the more likely you are to catch a cold. contract , , , noun1. , , , , , , , ,
(dialect, chiefly Scot. & Northern English) Always fit windows with safety locks or catches.2. (Informal) , , , , , , ,
It sounds too good to be true - what's the catch? drawback , , , , 3. , ,
The catch included one fish over 18 pounds.4. marriage prospect,
All my friends said what a good catch he was.catch on1. (Informal) , , , , , ,
(Brit. informal), ,
He tried to explain it to me, but it took me a while to catch on.2. become popular, , become trendy,
The idea has been around for ages without catching on.catchverb1. To gain possession of, especially after a struggle or chase:, , , , .Informal:
.2. To come upon, especially suddenly or unexpectedly: (or upon), , .Informal:
.3. To perceive, especially barely or fleetingly:, , , , , , .4. To get hold of (something moving):, , , .Informal:
.Idiom: .5. To grasp at (something) eagerly, forcibly, and abruptly with the jaws:, , , .6. To have a sudden overwhelming effect on:, , .7. To go aboard (a means of transport):, .8. To make secure:, , , , .Idiom: make fast.9. To become or cause to become stuck or lodged:, , .10. To gain control of or an advantage over by or as if by trapping:, , , , , , , , .11. To deliver a powerful blow to suddenly and sharply:, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .Informal:
, , , .Slang:
, , .Idioms: let someone have it, sock it to someone.12. To become affected with a disease:, , , , .Idiom: .13. To perceive and recognize the meaning of.Also used with on:, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .Informal:
.Chiefly British:
.Idioms: , .phrasal verbcatch up1. To come up even with another:.2. To draw in so that extrication is difficult:, , , , , .3. To compel, as the attention, interest, or imagination, of:, , , , , , , , .Slang:
.noun1. The act of catching, especially a sudden taking and holding:, , , .2. A device for fastening or for checking motion:, , .3. A person or thing worth catching:, .Slang:
.4. Informal.
A tricky or unsuspected condition:, .
??????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????chytitchytit p?ichytitichytnouthá?ekn?opfatteoverraskerammebegynde at braendesiepatasolkitarttuaymm?rt??hakauhvatitizaraziti sebecsípcsalafintaságelkaprajtakaptüzet fogbyrja a? logafá, smitastfengurfesta, festastfesting, laesing???に乗る???に感染する???を捕るキャッチボールつかまえる??...? ???????? ???atkreiptii?girstilengvai ?simenamaspa?alinti i? ?aidimopasivytiaizbīdnisaizdegtiesiespiestievērt?ērienszápadkadohitetipripretirazumetiujetizatakniti sef?f?ngahakehaspta???????????????
?????????????????yakalanan / avlanan miktaryanmaya ba?lamakyeti?mekb?tb? b?nhch?p l?ylên xecatch [kætʃ] (caught (vb: pt, pp))A. N1. [of ball etc] →
f; [of trawler] →
f; [of single fish] →
fgood catch! (Sport) → ?la ! , ?bien ! (LAm)he's a good catch (as husband etc) → es un
2. (= fastener) →
m (Brit) (on door) →
m (Brit) (on box, window) →
f; (= small flange) →
m3. (= trick) →
f; (= snag) →
fwhere's the catch? → ?cuál es la ?there must be a catch here somewhere →
debe de haber a question with a catch to it → una
or de the catch is that → la
...4. with a catch in one's voice → con la
5. (= game) → catch-can m,
fB. VT1. (= grasp) → ; [+ ball] → ,
(LAm); [+ fish] → ; [+ thief] → , catch! → ?cógelo!, to be caught between two alternatives → estar , no
a toaster with a tray to catch the breadcrumbs → un
las to catch sb's attention or eye →
de algnto be caught like a rat in a trap → estar
como un 2. (= take by surprise) →
or (LAm) tomar de sorpresato catch sb doing sth →
algoto catch o.s. doing sth →
algoyou won't catch me doing that → yo sería
eso, nunca me
esothey caught him in the act → le
we never caught them at it → no los
nunca we won't get caught like that again → no
esta he got caught in the rain → la
you've caught me at a bad moment → me has
he was caught off stride or off balance → lo
3. (= contact, get hold of) I tried to catch you on the phone →
contigo por when can I catch you next? → ?cuándo podemos
para esto?(I'll) catch you later! → ?nos !4. [+ bus, train etc] → ,
(LAm)we only just caught the train →
hurry if you want to catch it →
si quieres
5. (= hear) → ; (= understand) → , I didn't quite catch what you said → no oí bien
6. (= see, hear, visit) [+ TV programme, film] → ; [+ radio programme] → , ; [+ exhibition, concert] → to catch the post (= be in time for) →
7. (Med) [+ disease] → , , to catch (a) cold → you'll catch your death (of cold)! → ?(te)
!to catch a cold (in business deal etc) →
8. (= capture) [+ atmosphere, likeness] →
, the painter has caught her expression → el
su to catch the mood of the times →
9. (= trap) I caught my fingers in the door → me
I caught my coat on that nail → mi
en ese 10. (= hit) to catch sb a blow →
a algnthe punch caught him on the arm →
I caught my head on that beam → me di con la
en esa she caught me one on the nose → me
11. (= receive, come into contact with) this room catches the morning sun → este cuarto
her brooch caught the light → su
la the light was catching her hair → la
en su 12. to catch one's breath → 13. to catch it →
(from de) you'll catch it! → ?las
a !, ?te va a
!he caught it good and proper → le
una C. VI1. (= hook) →
(on en) (= tangle) → her dress caught in the door → se
con la her dress caught on a nail → se le
en un 2. [fire, wood] → ,
(Culin) [rice, vegetables etc] → D. CPD catch cry N →
mcatch phrase N →
f catch question N →
f de catch at VI + PREP [+ object] →
or (LAm) agarrar; [+ opportunity] → catch on VI + ADV1. (= become popular) → , it never really caught on → no
2. (= understand) →
; (= get the knack) →
el to catch on to → catch out VT + ADV (esp Brit) (with trick question) → to catch sb out →
a algnyou won't catch me out again like that → no me
así we were caught out by the rise in the dollar → la
catch upA. VT + ADV1. to catch sb up (walking, working etc) →
a algn2. (= enmesh) we were caught up in the traffic → nos
por el a society caught up in change → una
por to be caught up in the excitement →
3. (= grab) [+ weapon, pen etc] → , B. VI + ADV to catch up (on or with one's work) →
(en el trabajo)to catch up on one's sleep →
to catch up with [+ person] → ; [+ news etc] →
dethe police finally caught up with him in Vienna →
en the truth has finally caught up with him →
catch [ˈkætʃ] vb [caught] [ˈkɔːt] (pt, pp) vt [+ ball] →
[+ train, bus, plane] (= take) →
(= be in time for) → We caught the last bus → Nous avons
.They had to rush to catch the bus → Ils ont d?
le . [+ person trying to escape] → to catch a thief →
[+ animal, fish] → My cat catches birds → Mon
des . [+ cold, disease] → to catch a cold →
[+ person] (by surprise) → to catch sb doing sth →
qchIf they catch you smoking → S'ils t'attrapent
..., S'ils te
...you wouldn't catch ... (= won't see)You wouldn't catch me doing that → Je ne
.to catch sb with their pants down, to catch sb with their trousers down (British) →
qn dans une
(= hit) →
(= hear) → I didn't catch his name → Je n'ai pas
son . to catch sb's attention, to catch sb's eye →
qn to catch fire, to catch on fire (US) →
to catch sight of →
to catch one's breath (= get one's breath back) →
vi [fire] →
(= get entangled) →
n [fish] (single fish) →
f; (more than one fish) →
f (= trick) →
m [door, window] →
f to play catch →
au catch on vi (= become popular) →
(= understand) → to catch on to sth →
qchcatch out vt (British) (with trick question) → catch up vi [walker, runner] →
[competitor] →
son ; [worker] →
I've got to catch up: I was away last week → Je dois
mon : j'étais
.to catch up with sb →
sur qn (= exchange news) [friends] → se to catch up with sb (= see again)Neil, I'll catch up with you later, OK? → Neil, je te
, d'accord? vt [+ person in front] → catch up on vt [+ news] →
de (= meet again) [+ friends] →
[+ sleep] →
decatch 22 [&#x2kætʃtwɛntɪˈtuː] n →
f catch vb: pret, ptp &caught& n (of ball etc) to make a (good) catch → (gut) ; good catch! →
!; it was a difficult catch → das war
zu ; he missed an easy catch → er hat einen
(Fishing, Hunt) →
m; (of trawler etc also) →
m; he didn’t get a catch → er hat nichts ; he’s a good catch (fig inf) → er ist ein
; (for marriage also) → er ist eine
(= children’s game) →
nt (= trick, snag) →
m; where’s the catch? → wo
or ist (da) der ?; there’s a catch in it somewhere! → die
einen , da ist
dabei; catch question →
f (= device for fastening) →
f) m; (= hook) →
m; (= latch) →
m (= break in voice) →
nt; with a catch in one’s voice → mit
(Mus) Kanon für Singstimmen mit heiter-komischem Text (= fragment) →
nt vt object → ; batsman → durch
fish, mice → ; thief, offender → ,
(inf), →
(inf); escaped animal → (ein); (inf: = manage to see) →
(inf); to catch somebody’s arm, to catch somebody by the arm →
; she held it up to catch the light → sie
es gegen das ; glass which catches the light → , in dem sich das
; to catch sight/a glimpse of somebody/something → /
(inf); to catch somebody’s attention/eye →
auf sich (acc) → ; to be caught between two people/alternatives → zwischen zwei /
sein; he was caught between envy and admiration → er war zwischen
(= take by surprise) → , ; to catch somebody at something →
; to catch somebody by surprise →
; to be caught unprepared →
sein; to catch somebody at a bad time →
; I caught him flirting with my wife → ich habe ihn (dabei) , wie er mit meiner
; I caught myself feeling sorry for him → ich habe mich dabei , dass er mir ; you won’t catch me signing any contract (inf) → ich
doch keinen ; you won’t catch me in that restaurant (inf) → in das
; (you won’t) catch me doing that again! (inf) → das
!; you won’t catch me falling for that trick again (inf) → auf den
herein; aha, caught you →
ich dich doch
(inf); (with question) → ha ha,
(inf); caught in the act → auf
; (sexually) →
; we were caught in a storm → wir
; to catch somebody on the wrong foot or off balance (fig) →
(= take) bus, train etc →
(= be in time for) train, bus → ,
(inf); can I still catch the post? →
noch mit?; if you want to catch the 4 o’clock post … → wenn das mit der Vieruhrleerung
…; if I hurry I’ll catch the end of the film → wenn ich mich
noch mit (inf) (= become entangled) →
mit; a nail caught her dress → ihr
; I caught my finger in the car door → ich habe mir den
; he caught his foot in the grating → er ist mit dem
(with stitches) → mit ein
; to catch a dress (in) at the waist → ein
(= understand, hear) →
(inf) to catch an illness → sich (dat) → eine
(inf); he’s always catching cold(s) → er
sich ; you’ll catch your death (of cold)! → du
dir den ! (inf) (= portray) mood, atmosphere etc →
to catch one’s breath (after exercise etc) →
, ; to catch somebody a glancing blow →
seitlich ; the blow/ball caught him on the arm → der /
ihn am ; she caught him one on the nose (inf) → sie
ihm auf die ; you’ll catch it! (Brit inf) → es
was! (inf), → du kannst (aber) was ! (inf); he caught it all right! (Brit inf) (physically) → der hat vielleicht eine
! (inf); (verbally) → der hat aber was zu
! (inf) vi (with ball) →
(fire) → , ; (wood etc) → , ; (Cook) →
(= get stuck) → , sich ; (= get entangled) → , sich ; her dress caught in the door → sie
catch: catch-22 n →
f; a catch situation (inf) → eine
catchall n (US: = drawer etc) →
f → für
(inf) (= phrase, clause etc) →
etc catch-as-catch-can n (Sport) →
nt catch crop n → Zwischenfrucht fcatch: catchpenny adj (dated) → ,
catch phrase n →
nt, →
m catch question n (inf) →
f catch quota n →
fcatch: catchweight adj (Sport) → ohne
catchword n →
ntcatch [kætʃ] (caught (vb: pt, pp))1. na. (of ball) → ; (fish caught) → he spent all day fishing without a single catch →
nientehe's a good catch (fig) → è b. (fastener, on suitcase, door) → , c. (trick, snag) → , , where's the catch? → dove
l'inganno?d. with a catch in one's voice → con la
or 2. vta. (ball) → , ; (fish) → , ; (thief) → , , ; (bus, train) → ; (entangle) → I caught my fingers in the door → mi son
nella I caught my coat on that nail → mi si è
in quel to catch sb's attention/eye →
di qnto catch sight of → b. (take by surprise, person) → , to catch sb doing sth →
qcyou won't catch me doing ... → non mi
...caught in the act → /a sul caught in the rain → /a dalla c. (hear, understand, remark) → , ; (portray, atmosphere, likeness) → d. (disease) → , ; (hit) → to catch cold →
to catch fire → the punch caught him on the chin → è stato
con un to catch one's breath (from shock) →
(after effort) → you'll catch it! (fam) → vedrai!3. via. (get entangled) → ,
/b. (fire, wood) → catch at vi + prep (object) → ; (opportunity) → catch on vi + adva. (understand) to catch on (to sth) →
(qc)b. (become popular) → ,
catch out vt + adv (Brit) (fig) (with trick question) → ,
in to catch sb out in a lie →
una catch up1. vt + adv (snatch up) → to catch sb up (walking, working) →
qn2. vi + adv to catch up with sb →
qnto catch up on one's work →
col to catch up with the news → catch (k?t?)
– past tense past participle caught (ko:t)
to stop and hold (something which is moving); to capture. He cau Th Did you catch any fish?; I tried to catch his attention. vang
(kinni) püüdma, tabama
ottaa kiinni
uhvatiti, hvatati
grí draga til sín; vei?a
saistīt kāda uzmanību
menangkap ,
chyti?, upúta?
ловити, сп?ймати
b?t l?y 2.
to be in time for, or get on (a train, bus etc). I'll have to catch the 9.45 (train) to London. haal
n? , , llegar a tiempo,
?igeks ajaks j?udma
arriver à temps pour (prendre)
??????? ?????????
????? ??????
uloviti, zate?i
tepat waktu untuk
(?? ??) ??
pagūt; paspēt
a ajunge la timp (pentru a prinde)
sti?i na vreme
??? ?? ????
lên tàu, xe 3.
to surprise (someone) in the act of. I caught him stealing (my vegetables). betrap
??????? / ???????? ????? ??????????? ??????????
chytit p?i, na?apat
tage p? fersk gerning
τσακ?νω κπ. την ?ρα που κ?νει κτ. , , ,
(kedagi milleltki) tabama
?? ??? ?????? ?????
yll?tt?? itse teossa
????? ?? ????
uhvatiti, zate?i
standa a? verki
(~?? ???) ????
u?tikti, u?klupti
menangkap , ,
? ?? ??? ? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ????
a (sur)prinde
chyti? pri
k?st?rmak, su? üstü yakalamak
b?t g?p 4.
to become infected with (a disease or illness). He caught flu. kry
??????? ??????
blive fork?let , ,
(haigust) saama
saada tartunta
???????? ????
elkap (betegséget)
fá, smitast
dijangkiti ,
a se ?mboln?vi (de)
zboleti za
zaraziti se
bli smittad, f?
???????? , , tutulmak
заразитися; захвор?ти
??? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ????? ????
m?c b?nh 5.
to (cause to) become accidentally attached or held. The child caught her fingers in the car door. vassit
????????? ???????? ??
kinni j??ma, kinni j?tma
j??d? kiinni
o?arati, osvojiti
festa, festast
(? ?? ???) ??
terkepit , vastraken
henge/klemme fast i
a(-?i) prinde
zachyti? (sa)
ujeti (se)
fastna med, kl?mma
??????; ??? , kapt?rmak
прищикнути(ся); зачепити(ся)
???? ???? ? ???? ??? ?????
v??ng vào 6.
to hit. The punch caught him on the chin. tref
????? ??? ????? ????
flanquer un coup
uhvatiti, zgrabiti
hitta, lenda á
mengena , lande/falle p?,
???? ????? ?????? ????? ???? ?????
giáng vào
打(中) 7.
to manage to hear. Did you catch what she said? kon hoor
sly?et, rozumět
h? f? opfatte , , ,
??????? ?????
heyra, skilja
menangkap , ,
a ?n?elege
?????????????????? ,
збагнути; зрозум?ти
???? ??????
c? g?ng nghe 8.
to start burning. I dropped a match on the pile of wood and it caught (fire) immediately. aan die brand raak
??????????? ?????????? ??????
atear fogo
begynde at braende
αρπ?ζω φωτι?
(tuld) v?tma
? ??? ?????
uhvatiti, uloviti
tüzet fog
byrja a? loga
zaj?? si? ogniem
pegar fogo
a lua (foc)
zapaliti se
fatta (ta) eld
yanmaya ba?lamak, tutu?mak
an act of catching. He took a fine catch behind the wicket. vang
??????? ??
das Fangen
kinnipüüdmine, tabamine
?er? ?ēriens
vangbal ; det ? gripe i flukten
prindere ;
chytenie, zachytenie, chyták
yakalama, tutma
???? ? ???
cú b?t 2.
a small device for holding (a door etc) in place. The catch on my suitcase is broken. knip
????????? ???????
zámek, západka
l?s , κο?μπωμα
lukk, haak
festing, laesing ; ;
pemegang , ,
c?rlig, z?vor, ?ncuietoare ;
zámok, západka
kn?ppe, l?s, klinka
?????? , ,
клямка; засув
??? ? ?????
cái gài 3.
the total amount (of eg fish) caught. the largest catch of mackerel this year. vangs
???????? ????????
lov, úlovek
ψαρι? ,
????? ?? ???? ???????
fengur ; ;
yakalanan / avlanan miktar
улов, здобич
???? ??? ???? ??? ???????
s? ?ánh b?t cá 4.
a trick or problem. There's a catch in this question. strik
?????? ???????
chyták, há?ek
stikke noget under
????? ???? ???????
?????, ?????, ?????
gildra, vandamál ,
viltī lamatas
schepsis, capcan?
bityeni?i, ,
хитр?сть; пастка
????? ? ?????
诡计,陷阱 'catching adjective infectious. Is chicken-pox catching? aansteeklik
?????? ?????????? ?????????
????? ????????
??????? ??????? ?? ?????
zarazan, privla?an
berjangkit ;
chyt?av?, nákazliv?
???????????????? (???)
заразливий; заразний
????? ? ???? ?? ??????
l?y nhi?m 'catchy adjective (of a tune) attractive and easily remembered.
oulik, aantreklik
??????? ???????? ???????
лесно запомнящ се
poutav?, p?sobiv?
ευχ?ριστο? στο αφτ?, που μπορε? κπ. ε?κολα να θυμηθε?
???? ??? ??? ????? ?? ??? ? ??? ?? ??? ?????
?? ?? ???? ??
lengvai ?simenamas
viegli iegaumējams
?? ?? ?? ??? ????
que fica no ouvido
u?or de re?inut
легко запоминающийся
vtierav?, neodbytn?
ki gre v uho
l?tt att l?ra, som fastnar
ak?lda kal?r, kolayca hat?rlanan
причепливий; такий, що запам'ятову?ться
??? ??? ? ?? ????
(曲调)易记的 'catch-phrase, 'catch-word nouns a phrase or word in popular use for a time.
???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ??????????
често употребявана фраза
módní v?raz, fráze
das Schlagwort
slagord , λ?ξη τη? μ?δα? , ,
iskulause , slogan accrocheur
??????? ??????
divatos szólás
ungkapan yang lazim
kj?ror?, slagor?; tískuor? ,
populiarus ?odis/posakis
modes teiciens/vārds
perkataan yang popular
modne powiedzonko/s?ówko
?????? ????? ?? ??????? ???? ??????? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ?? ???? ??? ????? ??? ????? ???? ?? ??
expresie la mod?; slogan
модное словечко
fráza, slogan
slagord, klyscha
слово, що приверта? увагу
????? ??? ???? ?? ??????
流行的口号,标语 catch someone's eye to attract someone's attention. The adverti I couldn't catch the waiter's eye and so we were last to be served. aandag trek
???????? ??????????
atrair a aten??o
upoutat pozornost
fange (ens) ?je
τραβ? την προσοχ? κπ.
atraer la atención de alguien
(kellegi) pilku püüdma
???? ??? ?? ??? ????
her?tt?? jnk huomio
???????? ??? ???????? ??-
??????? ????
nastojati svratiti pa?nju
menarik perhatian
draga til sín athygli
(~?) ??? ??
atkreipti, patraukti d?mes?
piesaistīt skatienu
menarik perhatian
iemands aandacht trekken
zwraca? czyj?? uwag?
? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??? ???
atrair a aten??o
a atrage aten?ia
привлечь чьё-л. внимание
pritegniti pozornost
privu?i pa?nju
привернути увагу
???? ???? ????
b?t m?t catch on1.
to become popular. The fashion caught on. populêr word, inslaan
??????? ??????? ??????????
ставам известен
uchytit se
γ?νομαι δημοφιλ??
ponerse de moda
moodi minema
tulla muotiin
???????? ?? ????
postati popularan
sikere van
jadi populer
ver?a vinsaell
diventare di moda
nākt modē
??????????????????????? ????????????????
uchyti? sa
prijeti se
postati popularan
bli popul?r
moda olmak, ra?bet g?rmek
стати популярним
???? ???? ? ????? ????
n?i ti?ng 2.
to understand. He's a bit slow to catch on. verstaan, begryp, snap
???????? ? ???????? ????????
??????? ??? ????
memahami ,
chwyta? (rozumie?)
a se prinde
схватывать смысл
fatta, begripa
розум?тися на
???? ??? ??? ? ??? ????
hi?u bi?t catch out1.
to put out (a batsman) at cricket by catching the ball after it has been hit and before it touches the ground.
???????? ????????
бейз. отстранявам
fazer sair
vy?adit (soupe?e)
βγ?ζω απ? το παιχν?δι (στο κρ?κετ)
(lendpalli püüdes) auti viima
????? ?????? ????? ?? ?? ????? ???
mettre hors jeu à balle attrapée
??????? ??? ???? ??? ?? ???????? ?? ??? ?? ????
isturiti kriket igra?a
menangkap bola
setja úr leik me? ?ví a? grípa
(??, ???) ?? ?? (???) ?? ???
pa?alinti i? ?aidimo
menangkap bola
wyklucza? z gry
??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ????
fazer sair
a prinde mingea
выходить из игры
izlo?iti iz igre
sl? ut, br?nna
???????????????? (????????????)
topu kaparak topa vuran oyuncuyu saf d??? etmek
(штучне) створення становища “поза грою”
???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ????
s? ?u?i b?t bóng trong m?n bóng chày
(棒球)接杀 2.
to cause (someone) to fail by means of a trick, a difficult question etc. The last question in the exam caught them all out. dronkslaan
???????? ????????? ?? ?????????
сварвам неподготвен
apanhar desprevenido
odrovnat, vy?ídit ,
παγιδε?ω και βγ?ζω κπ. απ? το παιχν?δι
pillar desprevenido
alt t?mbama
???? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???? ????
aiheuttaa ep?onnistuminen
??????? ???? ??????? ??? ?? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??????? ??? ??? ?? ????
uzrokovati neuspjeh
lecsap vkire
vei?a í gildru
(~?) ??? ????
erin laten lopen
wyklucza? z gry
apanhar desprevenido
a prinde (pe ne-pre-g?tite)
подловить кого-л. на чём-л.
f? att k?ra (misslyckas), s?tta dit, stj?lpa
?????????????? , yanl?? yapt?rmak
сп?ймати на чомусь
???? ???? ? ??? ????
使(某人)失败 catch up to come level (with). We caught
Ask the taxi-driver if he can catc We waited She had a lot of schoolwork to catch up on after her illness. inhaal
????????? ????????? ?????????
indhente , ?ρχομαι στο ?διο επ?πεδο
j?rele j?udma
saada kiinni
???? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ???
nastojati se izvu?i
utolér vkit
menyusul, mengejar
ná, vinna upp
a ajunge din urm?; a recupera
komma ikapp
??? ???? ????
?u?i k?p catch →
chytit, nastoupit f?, gribe, n? , ,
nousta, saada, saada kiinni, siepata ,
uhvatiti, zaraziti se , , ,
???に乗る, ???に感染する, ???を捕る, つかまえる ...? ??, ????, ?? ???, ?? , ,
f?, f?nga, ta ??????, ???, ??????
??????, ??????????? , ,
b?t, b? b?nh, ch?p l?y, lên xe , , catch vi.___ an illness → ___ una enfermedad. catch vt (pret & pp caught) (fam, a disease) dar(le) (a uno), pegar(le) (a uno), coger* , agarrar, contraer (form); I caught the flu..Me dio (pegó) la gripe..Cogí to — one’s breath recuperar el aliento* potentially offensive in Mexico and much of Central and South America
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It's impossible not to get caught up in the plot, the suspense, and the emotional lives of these kids.That's a big thing I'm learning not to get caught up in,'' he said.
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