
范文一:睡美人读后感A long time ago there was a king and queen who said every day, "Ah, if only we had a child," but they never had one.And finally the queen had a little girl who was so pretty that the king could not contain his joy, and ordered a great feast. When it came to an end, thirteen wise women came to bestow magical gifts upon the baby.When eleven of them had made their promises, suddenly the thirteenth came in. She wished to avenge herself for not having been invited, and she cried with a loud voice, "The king's daughter shall, in her fifteenth year, prick herself with a spindle, and fall down dead."They were all shocked, but the twelfth, whose good wish still remained unspoken, came forward, and as she could not undo the evil sentence, but only soften it, she said, "It shall not be death, but a deep sleep of a hundred years, into which the princess shall fall."The king, who wanted to keep his dear child from the misfortune, gave orders that every spindle in the whole kingdom should be burnt.It happened that on the very day when the princess was fifteen years old, she climbed up a narrow, winding staircase in the castle and reached a little door. In the room sat an old woman with a spindle, busily spinning her flax.
"Good day, old mother," said the king's daughter, "What sort of thing is that, that rattles round so merrily," said the girl, and she took the spindle and wanted to spin too. But scarcely had she touched the spindle, she pricked her finger with it. And, she fell down and lay in a deep sleep. And this sleep extended over the whole palace.Around about the castle there began to grow a hedge of thorns, which every year became higher, and at last grew all over the castle.The story went about, and from time to time kings' sons came and tried to get through the thorny hedge into the castle. But the youths were caught in the hedges and died a miserable death.Then a hundred years had just passed, and the day had come when theprincess was to awake again. When a king's son came near to the thorn hedge, it was nothing but large and beautiful flowers. He went on farther, and in the great hall he saw the whole of the court lying asleep. Then he went on still farther, and at last he opened the door into the little room where the king's daughter was sleeping.There she lay, so beautiful that he could not turn his eyes away, and he stooped down and gave her a kiss. But as soon as he kissed her, she opened her eyes and awoke and looked at him quite sweetly.Part oneGerman stamp: The wicked fairy curses the princessAt the christening of a long-wished-for princess, fairies invited as godmothers offered gifts, such as beauty, wit, and musical talent. However, a wicked fairy who had been overlooked placed the princess under an enchantment as her gift, saying that, on reaching adulthood, she would prick her finger on a spindle and die. A good fairy, though unable to completely reverse the spell, said that the princess would instead sleep for a hundred years, until awakened by the kiss of a prince.German stamp: The princess meets the old woman, spinningThe king forbade spinning on distaff or spindle, or the possession of one, upon pain of death, throughout the kingdom, but all in vain. When the princess was fifteen or sixteen she chanced to come upon an old woman in a tower of the castle, who was spinning. The Princess asked to try the unfamiliar task and the inevitable happened. The wicked fairy's curse was fulfilled. The good fairy returned and put everyone in the castle to sleep. A forest of briars sprang up around the castle, shielding it from the outside world: no one could try penetrate it without facing certain death in the thorns.Illustration by Gustave Doré: the prince finds everyone asleep at the castle.After a hundred years had passed, a prince who had heard the story of the enchantment braved the wood, which parted at his approach, and entered the castle. He trembled upon seeing the princess' beauty and fell on his knees before her. He kissed her, then she woke up, then everyone in the castle woke to continue where they had left off... and, in modern versions, starting with the Brothers Grimm version, they all lived happily ever after.[edit] Part twoSecretly wed by the re-awakened Royal almoner, the Prince John continued to visit the Princess, who bore him two children, L'Aurore (Dawn) and Le Jour (Day), which he kept secret from his mother, who was of an Ogre lineage. Once he had ascended to the throne, he brought his wife and the children to his capital, which he then left in the regency of the Queen Mother, while he went to make war on his neighbor the Emperor Contalabutte, ("Count of The Mount").The Ogress Queen Mother sent the old Queen and the children to a house secluded in the woods, and directed her cook there to prepare the boy for her dinner, with a sauce Robert. The humane cook substituted a lamb, which satisfied the Queen Mother, who demanded the girl, but was satisfied with a young goat prepared in the same excellent sauce. When the Ogress demandedthat he serve up the young Queen, the latter offered her throat to be slit, so that she might join the children she imagined were dead. There was a tearful secret reunion in the cook's little house, while the Queen Mother was satisfied with a hind prepared with sauce Robert. Soon she discovered the trick and prepared a tub in the courtyard filled with vipers and other noxious creatures. The King returned in the nick of time and the Ogress, being discovered, threw herself into the pit she had prepared and was consumed, and everyone else lived happily ever after.缩写When a new princess is born to King Stefan & his wife, the entire kingdom rejoices. At a ceremony, three good fairies - Flora, Fauna & Merryweather - bestow gifts of magic on the child. But an evil sorceress named Maleficent shows up, and because of a rude remark by Merryweather, she places a curse on the princess - that she will die on her 16th birthday after touching apoisoned spinning wheel. Merryweather tries to undo the damage by casting a spell that will allow the princess - named Aurora - to awake from an ageless sleep with a kiss from her true love. The fairies take Aurora to their cottage in the woods to keep her away from the eyes of Maleficent, and raise her as their own child, named Briar Rose. On her 16th birthday Aurora meets Prince Phillip, the son of a king whose own kingdom will soon merge with King Stefan's - and falls in love. Maleficent manages to kidnap the Prince and her horrible prophecy is fulfilled when she tricks Aurora into touching a spinning wheelcreated by Maleficent herself! Realizing that the Prince is in trouble, the 3 good fairies head to Maleficent's castle at the Forbidden Mountain, and spring the Prince loose. But the Prince soon finds himself up against Maleficent's army of brutes, and the power of Maleficent's evil spells - which include a thorn forest as thick as weeds around King Stefan's castle, and a fight against Maleficent when she turns herself into a dragon! Is the Prince strong enough to withstand the powers of the evil sorceress?
Written by Derek O'Cain原文地址:睡美人读后感A long time ago there was a king and queen who said every day, "Ah, if only we had a child," but they never had one.And finally the queen had a little girl who was so pretty that the king could not contain his joy, and ordered a great feast. When it came to an end, thirteen wise women came to bestow magical gifts upon the baby.When eleven of them had made their promises, suddenly the thirteenth came in. She wished to avenge herself for not having been invited, and she cried with a loud voice, "The king's daughter shall, in her fifteenth year, prick herself with a spindle, and fall down dead."They were all shocked, but the twelfth, whose good wish still remained unspoken, came forward, and as she could not undo the evil sentence, but only soften it, she said, "It shall not be death, but a deep sleep of a hundred years, into which the princess shall fall."The king, who wanted to keep his dear child from the misfortune, gave orders that every spindle in the whole kingdom should be burnt.It happened that on the very day when the princess was fifteen years old, she climbed up a narrow, winding staircase in the castle and reached a little door. In the room sat an old woman with a spindle, busily spinning her flax.
"Good day, old mother," said the king's daughter, "What sort of thing is that, that rattles round so merrily," said the girl, and she took the spindle and wanted to spin too. But scarcely had she touched the spindle, she pricked her finger with it. And, she fell down and lay in a deep sleep. And this sleep extended over the whole palace.Around about the castle there began to grow a hedge of thorns, which every year became higher, and at last grew all over the castle.The story went about, and from time to time kings' sons came and tried to get through the thorny hedge into the castle. But the youths were caught in the hedges and died a miserable death.Then a hundred years had just passed, and the day had come when theprincess was to awake again. When a king's son came near to the thorn hedge, it was nothing but large and beautiful flowers. He went on farther, and in the great hall he saw the whole of the court lying asleep. Then he went on still farther, and at last he opened the door into the little room where the king's daughter was sleeping.There she lay, so beautiful that he could not turn his eyes away, and he stooped down and gave her a kiss. But as soon as he kissed her, she opened her eyes and awoke and looked at him quite sweetly.Part oneGerman stamp: The wicked fairy curses the princessAt the christening of a long-wished-for princess, fairies invited as godmothers offered gifts, such as beauty, wit, and musical talent. However, a wicked fairy who had been overlooked placed the princess under an enchantment as her gift, saying that, on reaching adulthood, she would prick her finger on a spindle and die. A good fairy, though unable to completely reverse the spell, said that the princess would instead sleep for a hundred years, until awakened by the kiss of a prince.German stamp: The princess meets the old woman, spinningThe king forbade spinning on distaff or spindle, or the possession of one, upon pain of death, throughout the kingdom, but all in vain. When the princess was fifteen or sixteen she chanced to come upon an old woman in a tower of the castle, who was spinning. The Princess asked to try the unfamiliar task and the inevitable happened. The wicked fairy's curse was fulfilled. The good fairy returned and put everyone in the castle to sleep. A forest of briars sprang up around the castle, shielding it from the outside world: no one could try penetrate it without facing certain death in the thorns.Illustration by Gustave Doré: the prince finds everyone asleep at the castle.After a hundred years had passed, a prince who had heard the story of the enchantment braved the wood, which parted at his approach, and entered the castle. He trembled upon seeing the princess' beauty and fell on his knees before her. He kissed her, then she woke up, then everyone in the castle woke to continue where they had left off... and, in modern versions, starting with the Brothers Grimm version, they all lived happily ever after.[edit] Part twoSecretly wed by the re-awakened Royal almoner, the Prince John continued to visit the Princess, who bore him two children, L'Aurore (Dawn) and Le Jour (Day), which he kept secret from his mother, who was of an Ogre lineage. Once he had ascended to the throne, he brought his wife and the children to his capital, which he then left in the regency of the Queen Mother, while he went to make war on his neighbor the Emperor Contalabutte, ("Count of The Mount").The Ogress Queen Mother sent the old Queen and the children to a house secluded in the woods, and directed her cook there to prepare the boy for her dinner, with a sauce Robert. The humane cook substituted a lamb, which satisfied the Queen Mother, who demanded the girl, but was satisfied with a young goat prepared in the same excellent sauce. When the Ogress demandedthat he serve up the young Queen, the latter offered her throat to be slit, so that she might join the children she imagined were dead. There was a tearful secret reunion in the cook's little house, while the Queen Mother was satisfied with a hind prepared with sauce Robert. Soon she discovered the trick and prepared a tub in the courtyard filled with vipers and other noxious creatures. The King returned in the nick of time and the Ogress, being discovered, threw herself into the pit she had prepared and was consumed, and everyone else lived happily ever after.缩写When a new princess is born to King Stefan & his wife, the entire kingdom rejoices. At a ceremony, three good fairies - Flora, Fauna & Merryweather - bestow gifts of magic on the child. But an evil sorceress named Maleficent shows up, and because of a rude remark by Merryweather, she places a curse on the princess - that she will die on her 16th birthday after touching apoisoned spinning wheel. Merryweather tries to undo the damage by casting a spell that will allow the princess - named Aurora - to awake from an ageless sleep with a kiss from her true love. The fairies take Aurora to their cottage in the woods to keep her away from the eyes of Maleficent, and raise her as their own child, named Briar Rose. On her 16th birthday Aurora meets Prince Phillip, the son of a king whose own kingdom will soon merge with King Stefan's - and falls in love. Maleficent manages to kidnap the Prince and her horrible prophecy is fulfilled when she tricks Aurora into touching a spinning wheelcreated by Maleficent herself! Realizing that the Prince is in trouble, the 3 good fairies head to Maleficent's castle at the Forbidden Mountain, and spring the Prince loose. But the Prince soon finds himself up against Maleficent's army of brutes, and the power of Maleficent's evil spells - which include a thorn forest as thick as weeds around King Stefan's castle, and a fight against Maleficent when she turns herself into a dragon! Is the Prince strong enough to withstand the powers of the evil sorceress?
Written by Derek O'Cain
范文二:篇一:睡美人读后感今天,我在《格林童话》看了一个故事,名叫《睡美人》。故事的大概内容是这样的:从前,有一位国王和王后,他们一直想要一个孩子。一天,王后坐在河边,一只青蛙对她说:“你的愿望马上就要实现了,不到一年,你就会有一个女儿。”青蛙的话果然灵验了。后来,王后真的生了一个小女孩。一个恶毒的女预言家预言,她恶狠狠地说:“我要让公主十五岁的那天,被纺锤刺伤了,倒在地上死去。"到公主十五岁时候,真的应了咒,公主被纺锤刺伤了手指头,公主沉沉地倒在地上睡着了。后来,全国都流传公主的故事。过了很多年以后,一位王子终于救醒了她,那时恰好到了一百年,以后,他们一直快乐地生活在一起。读了这个故事,我明白了一句话:坚持就是胜利,要勇于克服困难。最终,邪不能胜正。以后,我要多读课外书,吸收多一点课外知识。可以了解更多的故事内容,收集更多的好词好句,写出更优秀的作文。篇二:睡美人读后感暑假里,我在空余的时间读了一本童话书《睡美人》,睡美人读后感。这个童话其实在我很小的时候就已经听妈妈读过了,只是并没有自己去认认真真地读过。这个童话所讲的故事让我感到了童话世界的神奇。故事内容主要是讲:一位美丽的小公主爱洛遭到了黑巫婆的诅咒,她将会在她16岁那年死去。国王和王后非常悲哀,不希望自己的孩子发生这种事,他们整天祈祷,希望能感动神灵不要带走他们的宝贝,终于他们感动了3位心地善良的仙子。这是3位会变魔法的仙子花拉、翡翠和蓝天。她们想出了一个好办法,就是把自己变成了农夫,然后再收养小公主,这样黑巫婆就找不到爱洛公主了。时间过了很快,转眼间公主就长到16岁了。3位好心的仙子都想送一份礼物给公主,不会做衣服的花拉仙子也亲手为公主做起了衣服。她让蓝天仙子站在凳子上当模特,然后她比划来比划去的拿着大剪刀直接在蓝天仙子的身上裁剪衣服,蓝天仙子站得笔直,动都不敢动;不会做蛋糕的翡翠仙子呢却亲手为公主设计并开始动手做起蛋糕来了。可是结果呢花拉仙子的衣服没有做成,因为蓝天仙子打了个喷嚏一不小心动了一下,衣服就散架了;翡翠仙子的蛋糕结果也没做好,因为她的手滑了一下,蛋糕歪了。最后她们只好拿出了魔法棒,用它变出了漂亮的裙子和蛋糕。晚上小公主回来了,仙子们把礼物送给了她并带她回到了王宫。后来公主因为好奇就走进了一间关着门的房间,走到一个大大的纺轮前,并拿起了纺锤,突然公主的手就被纺锤刺破了手,接着她就晕倒了。仙子们把公主抬到了她的床上,并施法让王宫中所以的人都昏睡了过去。一位英勇的王子听到了这件事,在3位仙子的协助下抓到了黑巫婆,消除了她的魔法并把她关了起来。王子走进王宫看着沉睡中仍然美丽的公主并低下头亲吻了她,没想到正是这一吻解除了魔咒,爱洛公主睁开了双眼,看到了帅气的王子非常得高兴。就在这时,宫中所以的人也都苏醒了,大家高兴得为她们举行了热闹非凡的婚礼,之后王子和公主就过起了幸福的生活。看了这个童话故事后,我深深得体会到做人一定要做好人,要做一个正直善良的人,这样才会得到幸福。不能去做坏事,否则就会受到应有的惩罚,并将得不到幸福。篇三:睡美人读后感读了《睡美人》后,我喜欢上许多人物,同时不喜欢许多人物。喜欢国王,因为他很大方,请了好多人来吃饭,还把金盘子拿出来招待女巫。喜欢第十二个女巫,因为她把小公主救活了。喜欢王子,他英俊勇敢,救了整个城堡的人喜欢睡美人里面的第十二个仙女, 因为第十三个仙女诅咒睡美人到十二岁时会被一根很粗针扎死,她救了睡美人,我最讨厌第十三个仙女,心地很不善良 我不喜欢她。这个故事让我懂得了做人要善良噢。不喜欢第十三个女巫,因为她想让小公主死;不喜欢小公主,她虽然美丽又聪明,但是她没有听爸爸妈妈的话,去碰纺锤,害了大家陪着她都沉睡了一百年。我和妈妈一起看了这篇故事, 这个故事好长啊,不过我还是一口气把它读完了。读完这个故事,我觉得别人虽然不请自己,但自己也不能去伤害别人,应该做一个正直善良的人.。读了这个故事我懂得了不能太小心眼,一点点小事情不用斤斤计较,要大方一点。篇四:睡美人读后感今天,我读了一则故事——《睡美人》。故事是说:从前,有一位国王和一位漂亮的王后,他们生了一位可爱的小公主,他们给可爱的小公主起名叫爱洛,就是早晨升起太阳的意思。这一天,正是小公主的生日,国王邀请了几位美丽的仙子,有蓝天仙子,花拉仙子,还有翡翠仙子都来参加公主的生日喜宴。突然,林中一片黑暗,巫婆告诉国王:“公主16岁生日的时候会给绣针刺杀掉。”蓝天仙子把巫婆的咒语给改变了,该成昏睡过去,蓝天仙子说:“只有一个人可以救公主,那就是加伊王子。”…后来,加伊王子终于找到了善良的公主,他们过上幸福的生活!读了这个故事,我的感想是:好人终有好报,恶人自食苦果。故事中的巫婆是个十恶不赦的大坏蛋,最终自食苦果,我们不学习;而故事中的公主、蓝天仙子,却是善良的人,我们要向她们学习。另外,做人不能诅咒别人,伤害别人,而应保护别人。篇五:睡美人读后感《睡美人》这本书是我暑假以来看的第三本书了,这本书主要都是一些故事。《灰姑娘》,《睡美人》,《白雪公主》,《青蛙王子》,《小红帽》,《勇敢的小裁缝》等著名的童话故事,汇集成了享誉世界的《格林童话》。这些家喻户晓的童话故事,陪伴着一代又一代人度过了美好的童年,故事中展现的奇妙意境和深刻内涵,具有极高的思想性。它丰富了人们的心灵世界,培养了我们高尚的道德情操和审美趣味,语言俗易懂,幽默诙谐,是广大青少年爱不释手的读物。下面我给大家讲一个故事。老鼠,小鸟和香肠:很久以前,一只老鼠,一只小鸟和一根香肠交上了朋友。它们住在一起,小鸟飞到森林里去拣柴火,老鼠负责打水,香肠用四肢在粥里或蔬菜里搅一遍,可以做出很香的饭菜。正当它们幸福地生活在一起的时候,小鸟受到另一只鸟的挑唆。那只鸟骂它是可怜的呆子,活干的太多,而老鼠和香肠却可以舒舒服服待在家里。小鸟听了这番话后,回到家里,要求重新分配大家的工作。他们商量了半天,最后决定用抽签来决定分工。结果香肠抽到拣柴火,老鼠做饭,小鸟打水。这样,大家都按新的分工去行动。香肠出去弄柴火,小鸟在家生火,打水,老鼠把锅放好。可是这样的分工造成了一系列的悲剧。香肠出去弄柴火,再半路上碰见一条馋狗,狗看见了香肠,便跳上前,把香肠抓住吃了。小鸟找狗算帐,狗狡辩说,它在香肠身上搜到伪造信件,所以要吃掉香肠。小鸟没办法,只好和老鼠重新分工。于是,小鸟负责端饭,老鼠做菜。老鼠学这香肠的样子,跳进锅里在菜汤里搅一遍。可是还没等老鼠翻过身来,就被淹死了。小鸟发现只剩下自己一个人,慌的乱飞乱叫,一会叫香肠,一会叫老鼠,可是却听不到任何回答。小鸟想起以前幸福的大家庭,现在居然变成这样,心里难受极了。它问自己是谁破坏了我们这个幸福,团结的大家庭?小鸟想起了那只曾经挑拨它们关系的那只鸟,它恨是了那只鸟。想着想着,一不小心,把然着的一根柴火弄翻了,旁边的柴火堆烧着了。小鸟赶快去打水,一不留神,将桶掉到井里去了小鸟也跟着掉下去淹死了。这本书好看吧!篇六:睡美人读后感对于那个善良,可爱,温柔的公主我的心里充满了羡慕和同情。她是一个从小就被所有人捧在手心里的人,每个人都对她呵护倍至,她所有的一切好象都是别人给予的,自己不需要做任何事,不管是幸与不幸,其实想想她也挺可悲的,为什么她自己不可以改变命运呢?我想她也从来没想过这些,因为她已习惯别人来安排自己的一切,她连想改变这种现状的想法都不曾有过,活得多可悲啊!她在一出生就被剥夺了和平常人一样努力改变自己命运的能力,因为她的一生都是由13位仙女安排好了,自己无法改变,包括自己以后的悲喜,自己的相貌,自己的性格,自己的未来的老公,自己的……试想一下,如果在当今这个年代,我们如果自己的一切都被父母安排好了,那么会有多少人会安于现状,过着别人都觉得很幸福的事,我想可能大家都会觉得自己被束缚了,都会发掘自己潜藏的的反叛意识,奋起反抗,原因就在于我们是一个有血有肉的正直青年,谁会甘心让自己的一生被别人操纵,即使这个人做的一切都是为自
范文四:读《睡美人》读后感 寒 假 里 ,我 读 了 一 本 书 叫《 睡 美 人 》 ,是 丹 麦 著 名 作 家 安 徒 生 写 的 。书 的 内 容 是 这 样 的 : 有个美丽的小公主名叫爱洛, 在她出生后接受洗礼的那天, 诡计多端的黑巫婆向她施了毒咒, 在 爱 洛 十 六 岁 生 日 时 ,她 会 被 手 纺 车 上 的 纺 锤 刺 破 手 指 而 死 去 。她 的 父 母 知 道 后 ,就 把 爱 洛 托 付 给 三 位 小 仙 女 抚 养 。 当 爱 洛 十 六 岁 时 , 不 幸 的 事 情 发 生 了 , 爱 洛 变 成 了 “ 睡 美 人 ” ;这 时一位英俊的王子出现了, 他勇敢地与黑巫婆进行了搏斗并打败了她, 使爱洛公主重获新生。 通 过 这 个 故 事 ,我 知 道 善 有 善 报 ,恶 有 恶 报 。只 要 我 们 有 一 颗 善 良 的 心 ,碰 到 任 何 困 难 , 都能勇敢地去面对它。
范文五:英语初中组※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※“新华书店杯”暑假读书征文※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※Sleeping Beauty单
位:化龙初中七年级二班作者姓名:徐林蓉辅导教师:董丽苹A long time ago, there was a king and a queen who said every day,When eleven of them had made their promises, suddenly the thirteenth came in. She wished to avenge herself for not having been invited, and she cried with a loud voice,They were all shocked, but the twelfth, whose good wish still remained unspoken, came forward, and as she could not undo the evil sentence, but only soften it, she said,The king, who wanted to keep his dear child from themisfortune, gave orders that every spindle in the whole kingdom should be burnt.It happened that on the very day when the princess was fifteen years old, she climbed up a narrow, winding staircase in thecastle and reached a little door. In the room sat an old woman with a spindle, busily spinning her flax.Around about the castle there began to grow a hedge of thorns, which every year became higher, and at last grew all over the castle.The story went about, and from time to time kings' sons came and tried to get through the thorny hedge into the castle. But the youths were caught in the hedges and died a miserable death.
Then a hundred years had just passed, and the day had come when the princess was to awake again. When a king's son came near to the thorn hedge, it was nothing but large and beautiful flowers. He went on farther, and in the great hall he saw the whole of the court lying asleep. Then he went on still farther, and at last he opened the door into the little room where the king's daughter was sleeping.There she lay, so beautiful that he could not turn his eyes away, and he stooped down and gave her a kiss. But as soon as he kissed her, she opened her eyes and awoke and looked at him quite sweetly.
范文六:今天我和好朋友杨涵琪一起去看了俄罗斯经典芭蕾舞剧《睡美人》《睡美人》讲述的是发生在17 世纪法国王宫中的一段神奇的故事。在为公主奥萝拉举行洗礼仪式时,恶魔仙女卡拉包丝由于未受邀请心中嫉恨,于是对公主念了毒咒。为了使毒咒不生效,公主的教母丁香仙女随之把这种能置人于死命的毒咒转换成了百年的长眠。当公主奥罗拉长成为一名美丽的少女时,恶魔仙女卡拉包丝的毒咒应验了,丁香仙女的解咒也随之生效,百年的长眠使公主奥罗拉免于一死。在这百年的沉睡中,丁香仙女不远万里为公主寻觅神圣的爱的力量,来唤醒沉睡的公主。最后英俊潇洒的王子菲列蒙德在仙女的指引下,遇见了沉睡的美丽的奥罗拉公主,并一见钟情爱上了她。在伟大的爱情力量的帮助下,他战胜了重重困难,并以神圣的一吻唤醒了沉睡百年的公主。整个王国苏醒了,在一场盛大的婚礼中,这对有情人终成眷属。看完这个舞剧,我觉得很奇妙,他们能把《睡美人》这个经典的故事编成舞蹈,真的太厉害了,我期待下次还有机会去看舞台剧!今天我和好朋友杨涵琪一起去看了俄罗斯经典芭蕾舞剧《睡美人》《睡美人》讲述的是发生在17 世纪法国王宫中的一段神奇的故事。在为公主奥萝拉举行洗礼仪式时,恶魔仙女卡拉包丝由于未受邀请心中嫉恨,于是对公主念了毒咒。为了使毒咒不生效,公主的教母丁香仙女随之把这种能置人于死命的毒咒转换成了百年的长眠。当公主奥罗拉长成为一名美丽的少女时,恶魔仙女卡拉包丝的毒咒应验了,丁香仙女的解咒也随之生效,百年的长眠使公主奥罗拉免于一死。在这百年的沉睡中,丁香仙女不远万里为公主寻觅神圣的爱的力量,来唤醒沉睡的公主。最后英俊潇洒的王子菲列蒙德在仙女的指引下,遇见了沉睡的美丽的奥罗拉公主,并一见钟情爱上了她。在伟大的爱情力量的帮助下,他战胜了重重困难,并以神圣的一吻唤醒了沉睡百年的公主。整个王国苏醒了,在一场盛大的婚礼中,这对有情人终成眷属。看完这个舞剧,我觉得很奇妙,他们能把《睡美人》这个经典的故事编成舞蹈,真的太厉害了,我期待下次还有机会去看舞台剧!
范文七:我们的情人——睡眠钟怡雯说:原来失眠并不意味着拥有多余的时间,它要人安静而专心的陪伴它,一如陪伴专横的情人。睡眠,真的就如我们的情人一般,它有着和情人一样的脾气。它有专横的时候,故意和我们闹脾气,于是我们就失眠了,就想睡却不能睡了。它就故意和我们反着来,就如情人间的考验,故意闹着脾气,看他耐心有多少。睡眠会离家出走,你很想念它却触碰不到了,它逃离得无影无踪,把你折磨得每夜每夜睡不好,那种昏昏沉沉却不得入眠的感觉是令人恼怒却又极其无奈的。你便只能耐着性子诱哄它再度回来。但是当睡眠不是远远逃离你,而是无时无刻缠上你,身体里的每一个细胞仿佛都疲惫不堪,似乎下一秒便要永永远远的睡下去。此刻的你就是这样的情形了:头总是需要被手撑着,充满疲惫的眼睛半垂着,那个平时看不去并不怎么大的脑袋,此时仿佛有千斤般重,你用尽全身力气,也不能让它精神奕奕的笔直起来。可是不行,千万不能倒下:要是被老板看到了,这个月奖金又没了;要是被老师看到了,又要被批评了;要是公交坐过头了,得往回走好几站呢……所以,不能睡,不能睡!于是你就在朦朦胧胧中和睡眠不断地争执,求和,哄它现在不要缠着自己了。 一次,在我表姐家,看她在赶自己的作业,明天是最后期限了,她便只能放弃睡觉在电脑前奋战。半夜我朦胧中起床,看到她迷迷糊糊地在敲打着键盘,嘴里还老念叨着:怎么老打错字呢?她的头越垂越低,却仍在坚持一个一个字的打,等她头咚地一声倒在键盘上,一下惊醒,立刻坐正,使劲把头揉两下,继续码字。可是不到两分钟,头便又开始往下掉,接着便又听到咚地一声,醒来再继续,如此周而复始……等到第二天醒来,看到她抱着键盘睡得那叫一个香甜,我轻声唤她,她一点反应也没,只是将那键盘抱得更紧了些,我不禁莞尔:此刻的她头发被抓得凌乱,眼镜还挂在脸上,却滑到鼻梁,神色安详。她这是和睡眠大战了一场啊。睡眠有时候也会不闹脾气,它变得很乖很美,成了一个温顺的情人,给你最想得到的,让人沉溺其中,甘愿做个能睡几世纪的睡美人。有次我睡的很沉很沉,做了一个美得让自己都无法的呼吸的梦,我在梦里欢快的笑,无忧无虑,全身都变得异常轻盈,就如展翅欲飞的蝴蝶。思绪飞得很远很远,仿佛世界都不见了,只有我一个,只有纯净湛蓝的天空。但是此时耳边却传来极其清细微弱的声音:快快醒来吧。那微如清风的声音,还是听到了,在耳边徘徊,慢悠悠地飘进梦里,和思绪一起飞得很高很高。我就像在看远处的一个风筝,感觉它离我很高很远。我心里在恳求了:不,不要醒来,再让我飞一会吧,就一会……我就睁开眼睛了。但是眼睛就这样突然睁开了,有些迷茫地看到了天花板,不是蓝蓝的天空了。接着耳边便是接近咆哮的声音了:“叫你这么大声还醒不过来,睡的真和猪一样啊!”很大声吗?我迷茫地看着那张几近愤怒的脸,明明只是听到只是细如清风的声音啊……让我们又爱又恨的情人啊,它那么专横,它会一声不响地出走,夜夜不能寐;它也会无时无刻地缠绕着你,让你恨不得用尽力气把它推得远远的。它又那么温柔,让你沉溺其中,无法自拔,想要此生便待在这睡眠里,不愿醒来。终究我们是离不开它的,无论怎样,都要安静耐心地陪伴着自己的这个情人。一旦失去了它,我们也就失去了这个世界所有美好的一切。
范文九:睡谷的传说英语读后感On the eastern side of the Hudson River in New York, there is a small market town called Tarrytown. About two miles from Tarrytown is a little valley. People call itThe major ghost of the region is the spirit of a horseman without a head. This spirit, so people say, rides every night to find his companions. And it is said that as he goes to churchyard where he is buried, he rides as fast as the wind.Soon after the end of the U.S. Revolutionary War(1775-6), a man named Ichabod Crane came to Sleepy Hollow to be the teacher in the area. Ichabod was tall and thin. His head was small and flat at the top. He had big ears, large green glassy eyes, and a long thin nose.Ichabod taught in a one-room school house where he used a small tree branch to strike misbehaving students. He punished the Dutch children most. But he was careful to get along with the students whose mothers were good cooks, because his salary was low and he had meals at different families.Ichabod made himself useful in many ways. He helped the farmers with their daily works. He also passed gossip around to their wives. Besides, he was the unoffical chorus director for the area. In the winter evening, he listened to and accepted all the ghost stories the old Dutch wives told. As he walked home at night, every bush looked to him like a ghost covered in a sheet.Soon Ichabod Crane became interested in Katrina Van Tassel, the only child of Baltus Van Tassel. Mr. Van Tassel had a big farm. From the time Ichabod met Van Tassel and had a look at his farm, Ichabod's main purpose in life was to make Katrina his wife.However, Ichabod did have a rival, Abraham Van Brunt, whose nickname was Brom Bones. Brom was very strong and very naughty. Although he did not really do any evil thing, he liked to play jokes on others. He also wanted Katrina to be his girlfriend. Katrina was not really interested in him, but she certainly did not discourage him. Ichabod did not want to compete publicly with Brom. Ichabod just made use of every opportunity he had to see Katrina. But Brom tried very hard to play jokes on Ichabod at his schoolhouse and during his singing classes.One autumn day Ichabod was invited to a party that evening at Mynheer Van Tassel's. In the afternoon, Ichabod spent an extra thirty minutes brushing his old and only suit. Ichabod then borrowed a horse named Gunpower from Hans Van Ripper, a bad tempered farmer he lived with. Gunpower was a thin and old plowhorse. In fact, Ichabod was really a strange-looking creature on the horse.All the important people of the area came to Heer Van Tassel's castle that evening, including Brom Bones. Ichabod was happy that he was invited. As he enjoyed the delicious food, he smiles to himself that he might become the owner of the farm one day.When the music began, Ichabod danced with Katrina. Then he went to join a groupof older folks and exchanged stories about the war and the Hollow's ghosts. These included the story of the tree where Major Andre was killed, and of course, the story of the headless horseman.Soo Ichabod, however, stayed on to talk with Katrina for a little while. When he left her he felt somewhat disappointed, without knowing exactly how she felt about him. He rode off on the old horse he had borrowed.It was the middle of the night when Ichabod approached Major Andre's tree. This was the place where so many of the ghost story scenes supposedly took place. He heard a groan and saw something white, but he passed by. Two hundred yards ahead there was a bridge over a river. This was in an area known as Wiley's Swamp. Here the road looked dark because of the shadows from the oaks and chestnut trees.Ichabod's horse, Gunpowder, suddenly stopped before the bridge. And just then Ichabod saw something huge climbing upward in the shadow of the grove. Ichabod was terrified. He asked in unsteady voice:Ichabod quickened his horse, and the stranger kept up with him. When Ichabod's horse slowed down, the other horse did too. Ichabod's heartbeat quickened. As he turned around, he was shocked to see that the horseman did not have a head! The head was carried beside the saddle.Ichabod tried to get away from the monster, but all he did was in vain. The monster came closer and closer. As they reached the churchyard, the monster hit Ichabod with its own head. Ichabod fell off and tumbled headlong into the dust. Next morning the old horse was found. But no one could find Ichabod. What they did find was a shattered pumpkin on the ground.The people in the area came to the conclusion that Ichabod had been carried off by the galloping horseman. But an old farmer, who had been to New York City, learned that Ichabod was still alive and became a judge in the city. Brom Bones, in the meantime, had married Katrina. Whenever he heard anyone tell this story, he always smiled. He laughed especially heartily when anyone mentioned the pumpkin. The old country wives, however, still believe that Ichabod was carried away by some supernatural spirits.B10712 赵凡


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