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go broke中文是什么意思
中文翻译破产;身无分文身无分文&&&&vi. ( 第二人称单数现在式〔古 ...&&&&adj. 〔口语〕破了产的;〔俚语〕分文不名的,一个钱也 ...&&&&违反意愿做某事&&&&孤注一掷,破釜沉舟; 全力以赴&&&&没钱; 破产的 , 身无分文; 穷的;一文不名的&&&&adj. 〔口语〕破了产的;〔俚语〕分文不名的,一个钱也没有的〔仅用作述语〕 ...&&&&又破产了&&&&废物磨粉机&&&&损纸捆&&&&损纸处理&&&&被提拔职务; 答案是; 火灾的“发生”&&&&损纸碎浆机&&&&碎纸浆泵&&&&损纸回收&&&&断续数列
例句与用法Anybody can go broke .任何人都有可能垮掉。There used to be a rubber estate there, but the company went broke and it was abandoned .过去那边有一个橡胶园,但是那家公司破产了,橡胶园也丢荒了。Most of them will be liable to go broken on arrival大多数到货时轻易智慧破损。 If i don ' t make some side bets , we go broke如果我不私下赌一赌我们就会破产的This inspection is going to make this piace go broke这次检查会让我们破产的If i don ' t sell them , i ' m gonna go broke画要是卖不出去,我就会破产Last year , his company went broke and he lost his job去年,他的公司破产了,他也丢了工作。 Shoot , negro , you ' ll go broke too ifyou had 1 5 kids为什么?如果你有15个孩子你也会破产的Now , melanie , you can ' t just go breaking into people ' s housesMelanie ,你不能私闯别人的屋子If we don ' t get some new customers soon , we ' ll go broke如果我们没有新的客户,不久就会破产。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
go broke的中文翻译,go broke是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译go broke,go broke的中文意思,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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沪江词库精选broke to the world是什么意思、中英文句子翻译、英语短语。
中文释义: 穷得一个钱也没有完全破产
She broke the world record for the broad jump.
After travelling around the world he went Broke.
He broke away from the cloistered world of Boston
When World War Two broke out, he volunteered for the Marine Corps.
And even if a world war broke out, we would engage in reconstruction after the war.
When Bob's fiancee broke off their engagement,his whole world came falling about his ears.
Our plan of traveling round the world went phut when the Gulf War broke out
China's Liu Xiang broke the world record in the men's 110m hurdles by clocking 12.88 seconds in Lausanne.
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broke:& &a. 一文不名的v. 打破,断掉例句与用法:1.Could you lend me 10? I'm completely broke!&你能借给我10英镑吗? 我一个钱也没有!2.Do you know who broke the window?&你知道谁打破了窗户?3.The child broke the window, but it was his parents' fault for letting him play football indoors.&孩子把窗户打破了, 但是让他在屋里踢足球是他父母的过错.4.I've got to come clean (with you) I was the one who broke the window.&我(向你)说实话--窗户是我打破的.5.The force of the explosion broke all the windows in the building.&爆炸的力量震碎了这座建筑上的所有窗户。6.I'm broke.&我身无分文7.The boys broke into shrill, excited cheering.&男孩子们突然迸发出刺耳的兴奋的欢呼声。8.A surge of demonstrators broke through the fence.&汹涌而来的示威者冲破了围栏。 英英解释:动词break:1. terminate同义词:interrupt, break2. become separated into pieces or fragments同义词:break, separate, split up, fall apart, come apart3. dest cause to separate into pieces or fragments同义词:break4. render inoperable or ineffective同义词:break5. ruin completely同义词:break, bust6. act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises同义词:transgress, offend, infract, violate, go against, breach, break7. move away or escape suddenly同义词:break, break out, break away8. scatter or part同义词:break9. force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up同义词:break, burst, erupt10. prevent completion同义词:break, break off, discontinue, stop11. enter someone's property in an unauthorized manner, usually with the intent to steal or commit a violent act同义词:break in, break12. make submissive, obedient, or useful同义词:break in, break13. as of rules or patterns同义词:violate, go against, break14. surpass in excellence同义词:better, break15. make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret同义词:unwrap, disclose, let on, bring out, reveal, discover, expose, divulge, impart, break, give away, let out16. come into being同义词:break17. stop operating or functioning同义词:fail, go bad, give way, die, give out, conk out, go, break, break down18. interrupt a continued activity同义词:break, break away19. make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one's own by quitting or fleeing同义词:break20. curl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves同义词:break21. lessen in force or effect同义词:dampen, damp, soften, weaken, break22. be broken in同义词:break23. come to an end同义词:break24. vary or interrupt a uniformity or continuity同义词:break25. cause to give up a habit同义词:break26. give up同义词:break27. come forth or begin from a state of latency同义词:break28. happen or take place同义词:break29. cause the failure or ruin of同义词:break30. invalidate by judicial action同义词:break31. discontinue an ass go different ways同义词:separate, part, split up, split, break, break up32. assign reduce in rank同义词:demote, bump, relegate, break, kick downstairs33. reduce to bankruptcy同义词:bankrupt, ruin, break, smash34. change directions suddenly同义词:break35. emerge from the surface of a body of water同义词:break36. break down, literally or metaphorically同义词:collapse, fall in, cave in, give, give way, break, founder37. do a break dance同义词:break dance, break-dance, break38. exchange for smaller units of money同义词:break39. destroy the completeness of a set of related items同义词:break, break up40. make the opening shot that scatters the balls同义词:break41. separate from a clinch, in boxing同义词:break42. go to pieces同义词:break, wear, wear out, bust, fall apart43. break a piece from a whole同义词:break, break off, snap off44. become punctured or penetrated同义词:break45. pierce or penetrate同义词:break46. be rele of news同义词:break, get out, get around47. cease an action temporarily同义词:pause, intermit, break48. interrupt the flow of current in同义词:break49. undergo breaking同义词:break50. find a flaw in同义词:break51. find the solution or key to同义词:break52. change suddenly from one tone quality or register to another同义词:break53. happen同义词:break, recrudesce, develop54. break or crack on the surface only同义词:crack, check, break55. of the male voice in puberty同义词:break56. fall sharply同义词:break57. fracture a bone of同义词:fracture, break58. diminish or discontinue abruptly同义词:break59. weaken or destroy in spirit or body同义词:break形容词broke:1. lacking funds同义词:bust, skint, stone-broke, stony-broke
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adj. 身无分文的;一文不名的(等于stone-b...
adj. 一文不值的;身无分文的
[ 'st?un'br?uk ]
lacking funds
adj. 一文不值的;身无分文的
Jane wanted to go to the movies but she was stone-broke.
Jill wanted to go to the movies but she was stone-broke.
In my lifetime, I went from stone cold broke to self-made millionaire because of capital gains.
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