
出列是什么意思 出列在线翻译 出列什么意思 出列的意思 出列的翻译 出列的解释 出列的发音 出列的同义词 出列的反义词 出列的例句
出列 基本解释出列的反义词出列[chū liè]词典:出列。词典leave one's place in the ranks:出列。词典:出列;掉队;溃散;解散队伍。出列 汉英大词典出列[chū liè]{军} leave one's place in the ranks:  例:出列!    (口令) Fall out!出列 网络解释1. dequeue:先进先出队列支持2种基本操作:出列(Dequeue)和入队(Enqueue). 出列是把队列的头数据进行处理,而入队则是把新待处理数据加入到队列的末尾. 当然,某些队列的实现还会支持查看头数据(Peek)和计算队列长度(getLength)这2种操作.2. break the ranks:break the neck of 做完最难部分 | break the ranks 出列 | break the record 打破纪录3. Out of ranks:29. 以我为准 Guide on me. | 30. 出列 Out of ranks. | 31. 前后离开一步 Open ranks.4. Turn out:散开Extend. | 出列Turnout. | 归队Join.出列 双语例句1. 1. 报的人出列,将他的密码作为新的值,从他在顺时针方向上的一个人开始重新从1报数,如此下去,直至所有人全部出列为止。&&&&Those who reported a series of his password as a new value, in a clockwise direction from him on the restart from the beginning of a one off, and so on, until all the column until all.<p class="p1查询·英语单词2. 事件处理处理器必须出列,然后快速的处理事件。如果不是这样的话,在几秒中后系统推断程序正在挂起中,并提示用户去关掉它。&&&&The event handler system needs to dequeue and handl if it doesn`t, the system concludes after a few seconds that the application is hung and offers to kill it for the user.3. 3. 详细说明:利用单向循环链表解决约瑟夫环问题,按出列的顺序印出各人的编号。&&&&The use of one-way circular linked list to solve the problem, Joseph Wan, according to the order of a column printed in each number.4. 存储器根据呼入/呼出事件的发生存储呼入/呼出列表。&&&&A memory stores an incoming/outgoing call list according to an incoming/outgoing event.5. 出列的翻译5. 什么是自动完成显示在弹出列表。&&&&What is displayed in the autocomplete popup list.6. 当抢答者发出信号时,先确定他的列坐标,对列坐标进行扫描记数,选中的为高电平,其他列为低电平,再经过译码器译码,最后送到LED中显示,确定出列坐标位置。&&&&When the respondent sendsout signal, first confirm its Y-coordinate, then scan and makenotes. The signal which is pitched on ranks high-level inverter, and others low-level inverter. After coding by encoder, the signalfinally shows the Y data in LED.7. 7. 不能将所有行移出列表。&&&&You cannot shift all the rows out of a list.8. 8. 车钩力的解决可以更好的分析列车在坡道和曲线上受力的情况,更能真实的反映出列车的实际运行状态。&&&&Solved coupler force can analyze forces when the train moved on the ramp and curve rail, and reflects the true state of the train operation.9. 管道由一个队列和两个文件描述符(一个用于数据入列,另一个用于数据出列)组成。&&&&A pipe is composed of a queue and two file descriptors & one to enqueue data and the other to dequeue data.10. 通过在SQLINSERT语句中显式列出列,您将获得对操作的更多控制,并可以更容易地处理这些特定的用例。&&&&By explicitly listing the columns in your SQL INSERT statement, you gain more control of the operation and can more easily handle these specific use cases.11. 系统提供了友好的人机交互界面,直观的显示了信号设备和列车运行状态,并计算出列车追踪时间间隔,绘制了列车运行曲线。&&&&&&This simulation system can provide friendly GUI, intuitively show status of the signal equipment and train tracking, calculate the tracing interval time of the trains, and draw the curve of the train operation.12. 服务员贴出列明已开放的滑雪道的告示。&&&&&&The courier posted up a list of ski run, which are opened.13. 能麻烦你出列吗?&&&&&&Torres: Could you step out of the line, please?14. &#x39;&#x31;&#x31;&#x67E5;&#x8BE2;&#xB7;&#x82F1;&#x8BED;&#x5355;&#x8BCD;14. 出列时,学员应如何向上级军官行礼?&&&&&&How does the Cadet render a courtesy to a superior officer when not in formation?15. 15. 当您在编辑器中键入内容时,将显示可用的成员、属性或值的弹出列表。&&&&&&Display pop-up lists of available members, properties, or values as you type in the editor.16. 把他丢出列车就对吗?&&&&&&And throwing him out the back of a train makes it right?17. 出列!&&&&&&(口令) Fall out!18. 推导出列车起动时主手柄在1位停留时间的计算公式,为列车起动时平稳操纵提供科学依据。&&&&&&The calculating formulation of the period for the main handle to remain at position " 1 " is derived. It provides a scientific basis for smooth operation when starting the train.19. 19. 针对SLO的形式语义,该文给出各个联结词的列表证明规则,构造出列表证明系统SLO,并且证明了这一系统相对SLO语义是可靠的和完全的。&&&&&&Aiming at the formal semantics of SLO, this paper, above all, provides various tableau rules for conversion and connectives respectively and then constructs a tableau system SLO. Finally it proves this system is sound and complete with respect to the semantics of SLO.20. 按照出列顺序引出每个人的编号。&&&&&&In accordance with the order of the columns leads to each person's number.出列是什么意思,出列在线翻译,出列什么意思,出列的意思,出列的翻译,出列的解释,出列的发音,出列的同义词,出列的反义词,出列的例句,出列的相关词组,出列意思是什么,出列怎么翻译,单词出列是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
出国英语单词大全 (5本教材)
大学英语单词大全 (13本教材)
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