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人-机接口,标记和鉴别用的基本原理和安全原则.指示设备和调节器的编码原理 英文版国家标准英文版 标准翻译 Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification - Coding principles for indicators and actuators
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IEC是什么意思 IEC在线翻译 IEC什么意思 IEC的意思 IEC的翻译 IEC的解释 IEC的发音 IEC的同义词 IEC的反义词 IEC的例句 IEC的相关词组
IEC[,a?I'si] IEC 基本解释国际电工委员会IEC的反义词IEC 网络解释1. 国际电工委员会标准:这些管理工作的进行主要依据的是有关船舶电气设备的法规和船级社的标准,主要有:(1)国际电工委员会标准(IEC)国际电工委员会(International Electrotechnical Commission)是制定国际电工技术标准的国际性技术学会,2. IEC2. 离子交换色谱法:它以超临界流体(界于气体和液体之间的一种物相)为流动相(常用CO2),因其扩散系数大,能很快达到平衡,故分析时间短,特别适用于手性化合物的拆分.按原理分为吸附色谱法(AC),分配色谱法(DC),离子交换色谱法(IEC),排阻色谱法(EC,3. IEC在线翻译3. 国际电工技术委员会:<>(GB/T )<>(IEC)相关标准<><<国际电工技术委员会(IEC)相关标准>><><<建筑排水用硬聚氯乙4. iec:small intest 肠上皮细胞5. iec:ionic exc 离子交换层析6. iec:the international electro 国际电工委员会IEC 双语例句1. 1. UDP data grams are used to initialize the transmission process and check the link state, while TCP to transmit information in normal connection states.&&&&由于IEC 103规约主要考虑信息交换数据格式的统一[1-3],不同国家、不同厂家有不同的具体实现方式,有的采用串口,有的采用以太网TCP/IP,有的采用以太网UDP/IP。2. IEC2. Methods According to EP9-A file of NCCLS, different biochemical detecting systems, detecting system 1~4 and detecting system 5 (target system, comparison method, which includes Hitachi 7170 biochemical analyzer, reagent of Roche, c. f. a. s calibrator and controller of Roche, and has accredited by ISO/IEC 17025)were used to detect serum LDH to obtain the correlation coefficient and the linear equation, respectively.&&&&参考NCCLS的EP9-A文件,以日立7170生化分析仪、罗氏原装试剂、c.f.a.s校准品和质控品组成的检测系统已通过ISO/IEC 17025实验室认可)为比较方法,检测系统1~4为实验方法,用患者新鲜血清对LDH进行检测,计算试验方法(Y和比较方法之间的相对偏差,以CLIA`88规定的室间质量评价允许误差范围的1/2为标准,判断不同检测系统的可比性。3. Methods According to EP9-A file of NCCLS, different biochemical detecting systems, detecting system 1~4 and detecting system 5 (target system, comparison method, which includes Hitachi 7170 biochemical analyzer, reagent of Roche, c. f. a. s calibrator and controller of Roche, and has accredited by ISO/IEC 17025)were used to detect serum LDH to obtain the correlation coefficient and the linear equation, respectively. The n the coefficient and equation were used to evaluate the system bias between laboratory method and comparison method.&&&&参考 NCCLS的EP9-A文件,以日立7170生化分析仪、罗氏原装试剂、c.f.a.s校准品和质控品组成的检测系统已通过ISO/IEC 17025实验室认可)为比较方法,检测系统1~4为实验方法,用患者新鲜血清对LDH进行检测,计算试验方法(Y和比较方法之间的相对偏差,以CLIA`88规定的室间质量评价允许误差范围的1/2为标准,判断不同检测系统的可比性。4. The company has the Iatest most advanced production device throughoutChina, import sevral product-ion Iines which are controlled with DCinverter micro computer from Britain, with complete inspection device, the major products are:general rubber sleeve flexib1ecab1e、mining cable、anti-flammable cable for coa-lmine、cable for submersible motor、rubber cable for outdoor purpose、electic welder cable、plastic cont-rol cable、shielded cable、power cable、aeralcabe、computrr cab1e、electric equipment wire、special ca-ble andso on, all the producs are manufactured follow the standard of GB、IEC、BS、VDE.&&&&本公司目前拥有全国最先进的生产设备,进口英国欧陆公司直流变频微电脑控制多条全系列连硫生产线,检测设备齐全,主导产品有:通用橡套软电缆、矿用电缆、煤矿用阻燃电缆、潜水电机用电缆、野外用橡皮电缆、电焊机电缆、塑料控制电缆、屏蔽电缆、电力电缆、塑铜铝线、民用电线、硅橡胶电缆、电气装备电线及特种电缆等系列产品,产品全部按照GB标准和国际IEC、BS、VDE等标准组织生产。5. There is plenty of evidence that IEC staff working in polling stations were complicit in ballot-stuffing.&&&&有大量的证据证明工作在投票站的IEC成员参与舞弊。6. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD6. It is concluded that the technology of IEC61850 is suitable for application in urban transit PSCADA system.&&&&本文总结了城市轨道交通电力监控系统的特点与现状以及不足之处,分析了IEC 61850新技术标准的目标与特点。7. In this experimental conditions, the VEC had not damnified obviously by perfusion with IECS in 4 hours. The pulmonary vascular resistance could decreased by POE1 and so vascular endolhelial cells would be protected. Mannitol not only increase osmotic pressure but also cleanse OFR. The addition of mannitol, POE1, glucose and osmotic pressure to IEC solution contributes to reduce the quantities of OFR.&&&&2在本实验条件下所采用的IECS进行犬肺灌洗、离体保存4h之内肺血管内皮细胞无明显损伤,PGE;具有保护肺血管内皮细胞的作用;甘露醇具有增加渗透压和清除自由基的作用;灌洗前肺动脉内注射PGE;及增加 ECS渗透压和代谢底物、提高PH值使之略微偏碱均有助于抑制供体肺离体、低温、冷缺血保存期间OFR的产生。8. So it can adopt IEC, NEMA, JIS or GB standard to carry out comprehensive test according to the special requirements from different customers. In addition, we also have tgδtester, online particle counter and online high voltage continuity testers in process control so as to ensure product quality.&&&&从1985年起先后从德国、丹麦、意大利等国家引进了全套漆包线检测设备,能根据国际电工委员会IEC、美国NEMA、日本JIS、国标GB等标准要求进行全面检测,我们还拥有用于过程控制的介质损耗的tgδ仪,在线的粒子检测仪和在线的高压针孔仪等当今最先进的在线检测仪器,对漆包线生产进行全程实时监控,保证了产品的质量。9. 9. Some element relationship models based on ISO 13335 and ISO 15408 were analyzed and to overcome redundancy and static state of relationships in those models, directness consequence rule and time dynamic rule should be observed, and grading of protection requirements should be taken into account.&&&&首先分析基于ISO 13335,GB/T 18336(等同于ISO/IEC 15408)的一些风险评估要素关系模型,为克服一般模型存在的重复考虑和静态考虑的缺点,提出分析风险评估要素关系要遵守直接因果关系准则和动态性准则,并且考虑信息安全等级保护要求,将等级作为参考坐标。10. 10. According to the principle and explanation for protocol test in IEC 9646 and based on the characteristics and requirements of Ethernet for Plant Automation, a layer structure model of abstract test suite was designed. With reference to the structure and clue of Table and Tabular Combined Notation, a kind of formalization language was defined to describe the abstract test suite.&&&&根据IEC9646对协议测试的原理和说明,基于工业以太网协议的通信特点及其要求,设计了EPA一致性测试中抽象测试集的层次结构模型,参照树表结合表示法的结构框架和思路定义了一种类形式化语言来描述EPA的抽象测试集,介绍了EPA抽象测试集的生成过程和实现步骤。11. To reduce the affect of voltage flicker on people`s work and lives, monitoring the voltage flicker is required. Transfer function and operation structure are obtained from the International Electrotechnical Commission testing and design specifications of the flicker meter using virtual instrument technology. By establishing the model of the flicker meter in the LabVIEW environment, adjusting the parameters of every module and analyzing the voltage digital signal, instantaneous flicker sensation level are acquired and compared with the certified value. Simulation experiments verify the feasibility of this method.&&&&&&摘 要:为了实现对电压闪变的监测,以减少其对人们工作、生活的影响,根据虚拟仪器的设计思想,按照国际电工委员会制定的闪变仪的测试功能和设计规范,给出了IEC数字式闪变仪各个环节数字滤波器的传递函数和运算结构,在LabVIEW环境下建立了闪变仪的模型,根据标准调整了各个模块环节的参数,对电压数字信号进行了分析处理,得到了电压瞬时闪变视感度,将计算结果与标准值进行了比较验证,仿真实验证实了利用虚拟仪器监测闪变的可行性。12. To reduce the affect of voltage flicker on people's work and lives, monitoring the voltage flicker is required. Transfer function and operation structure are obtained from the International Electrotechnical Commission testing and design specifications of the flicker meter using virtual instrument technology. By establishing the model of the flicker meter in the LabVIEW environment, adjusting the parameters of every module and analyzing the voltage digital signal, instantaneous flicker sensation level are acquired and compared with the certified value. Simulation experiments verify the feasibility of this method.&&&&&&为了实习现对电压闪变的监测,以减少其对人们工作、生活的影响,根据虚拟仪器的设计思想,按照国际电工委员会制定的闪变仪的测试功能和设计规范,给出了IEC数字式闪变仪各个环节数字滤波器的传递函数和运算结构,在LabVIEW环境下建立了闪变仪的模型,根据标准调整了各个模块环节的参数,对电压数字信号进行了分析处理,得到了电压瞬时闪变视感度,将计算结果与标准值进行了比较验证,仿真实验证实了利用虚拟仪器监测闪变的可行性。13. Because of this special geographical condition, the economic development is resisted in many areas of Gansu province and it is obvious that the electrical framework is from weak to strong. construction cycle of the electrical network is long and there are many terminal transformer substations, moreover, there is uncertainty in electric power source construction and the demand of dynamic reactive power compensation in supercentral electic network is changing. All of these have provided a large development space for the application of RSVC in Gansu electric grid.&&&&&&IEC61850实现变电站内不同厂家二次设备间的信息共享和互操作,为数字化变电站提供了极好的通信平台电子式互感器可以用数字信号的输出替代传统的模拟量输出,将使保护、测量、计度量更加准确,抗干扰能力大加强,减少了二次电缆;在线监测技术和智能化开关的出现使一次设备性能得到较大扩充,提高了设备的可靠性,降低了维修成本,减少了二次电缆。14. He never applied to the IEC/IRB for permission to use human subjects.&&&&&&他从未获得伦理委员会的批准可以将人作为试验对象。15. The drying process of chrome liquor was studied. The structure and property of chrome complex reducing by alcohol were analysed and tokened by many present well-rounded separation and analysis methods such as IR, UV-Vis Spectrum, IEC and pH potentiometry. Application tests of chrome tanning agents were conducted and tanning methods of tanning at high pH were studied. A systematic study was conducted on high alkalinity chrome tanning agents application in leather making process and possibility of clean chrome tanning was discussed.&&&&&&本文系统地研究了多种小分子醇与重铬酸盐之间的氧化-还原反应,对反应过程进行了认真的剖析;对铬鞣液的干燥过程进行了研究;用红外光谱法、紫外及可见分光光度法、离子色谱法以及pH电位滴定法等多种比较成熟的现代分离分析方法相结合,对醇还原铬配合物的结构与性能进行了分析与表征;对铬鞣剂的鞣革性能进行了应用实验,研究了醇铬鞣剂在高pH值下的鞣制方法,并就高碱度铬鞣剂在制革过程中的应用进行了系统研究,探讨了用其实施清洁化铬鞣的可能性。16. 16. IEC, ICC = International Color Code on the inner conductors (Blue, Brown, Green w/Yellow Stripe) N. A.= North American Color Code on the inner conductors Black, White, Green&&&&&&我是搞电缆的,虽然有个别地方可能还不是吃得很准,但我想我已把原文的信息都反映出来了。17. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D17. For difficulty in measuring the temperature of a cable conductor, the cable ampacity is usually calculated by the formula of IEC-60287, in which the conductor is supposed 90 and the sheath reaches its maximal temperature.&&&&&&编程计算了单芯电缆金属护套两端直接接地及无环流时的载流量;讨论了环流对载流量的影响,并与IEC计算公式所得结果进行比较,验证了计算的正确性。18. Products are in line with the IEC, IPC, DIN, MIN and other standards.&&&&&&产品均符合IEC、IPC、DIN、MIN等标准。19. Production headquarters in Bao'an District of Shenzhen City-Shu village industrial zone in Nanchang, the company since its inception, the introduction of Germany, Japan, Taiwan and other areas of advanced equipment and production technology, to develop and produce high-density and high reliability of the double Surface to 16-and circuit boards, the product complies with IEC, IPC, DIN, MIN standards, adopted the ISO-9002 quality certification.&&&&&&生产总部设在深圳市宝安区固戍村南昌工业区,公司自成立以来,不断引进德国、日本、台湾等地区的先进设备和生产技术,致力于开发和生产高密度和高可靠性的双面至十六层及电路板,产品符合IEC、IPC、DIN、MIN标准,通过了ISO-9002质量认证。20. I showed how to use IEC to enable inline editing in grid.&&&&&&我展示了如何使用东区走廊,使网格内编辑。IEC 单语例句1. The 10 annexes to IEC Sales Policy expounds on the nine provisions in the body, making the policy more complete and comprehensive.2. The IEC also had to process 12 official objections from opposition parties on suspected irregularities before it could reveal the final result of the poll.3. IEC encourages the introduction of IEC standards as national or regional standards.4. ISO & IEC have met new challenges from the emergence of wikis, blog and other new media with the development of network and information.5. The biggest Chinese electronics firm also submitted two proposals to IEC last year, trying to push them into international standards.6. A US embassy spokeswoman said only the IEC was in a position to announce results and anything else was " just speculation ".7. In accordance with the results of the meeting, an international standardization of the IEC project was launched together with a working team.8. Abdullah quitted the runoff presidential election on Sunday in protest over what he termed " biased attitude of IEC " in Karzai's favor.9. IEC Sales Policy includes a body, 10 accessories and a summary table of IEC sales policy.IEC是什么意思,IEC在线翻译,IEC什么意思,IEC的意思,IEC的翻译,IEC的解释,IEC的发音,IEC的同义词,IEC的反义词,IEC的例句,IEC的相关词组,IEC意思是什么,IEC怎么翻译,单词IEC是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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