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案件case 案件受理费litigation fee 案由nature of case 暗补implicit subsidy 暗亏hidden loss 颁布issue 颁发营业执照license
案件case 案件受理费litigation fee 案由nature of case 暗补implicit subsidy 暗亏hidden loss 颁布issue 颁发营业执照 to grant a licence to 办案handle a case 办理deal with 办理存款业务take deposits 包庇罪crime of concealing the murder 保护农民的生产积极性protect farmers‘ incentive to produce 保税区bonded area 保险法insurance law 保险凭证insurance certificate 保证warranty 保证guarantee 保证金bail 保证金margins 保证金帐户margin account 保证人,担保人guarantor 保证书indemnity 保证书covenant of warranty 保证条款warranty 保值利率inflationproof interest rate 备付金excess reserves 被裁定为be adjudged to be 被陈述人representee 被告人辨解statement of the defendant 奔小康strive to prosper 本外币并账consolidation of domestic and foreign curreny accounts 本外币对冲操作sterilization operation 本位利益localized interest 币种搭配不当currency mismatch 币种构成currency composition 避税tax avoidance 变相社会集资disguised irregular fund raising 表外科目offbalancesheet items 驳回dismiss 驳回reject 驳回上诉reject an appeal 薄弱环节weaknesses 补偿报酬compensatory payment 不变成本fixed cost 不变价at constant price 不动产real estate 不具有法律效力null 不具有法律效力void 不良贷款problem loans 不履行合同breach of contract 不履行合约repudiation of the contract 不名誉的行为及手法dishonourable conduct and practices 不能成立unable to establish 不时frequently 不予支持unassisted 不作为omission 财产分割properties division 财产所有权property right 财务公司finance companies 财政赤字fiscal deficit 财政挤银行fiscal pressure on the central bank 财政政策与货币政策的配合coordination of fiscal and monetary policies 裁定ruling 裁定order 采取循序渐进的方法in a phased and sequenced manner 操纵汇率manipulate exchange rate 操作弹性operational flexibility 产品构成product composition 产品积压stock pile 产权关系property relations 产权制度property order 产销率current period inventory 产销衔接marketability 产业政策industrial policy 长期国债treasury bonds 敞口头寸open position 炒股speculate in the stock market 撤消并发回给reversed and remanded to the original court 陈述state 成套机电产品comple complete plant 承担assume 承担责任to be responsible for 承典人pledgee 承典人pawnee 承购包销underwrite 承认confess 城市合作银行urb municipal united banks 城市商业银行municipal commercial banks 城市信用社urban credit cooperatives 城市住宅局City House Bureau 城乡居民收入增长超过物价涨幅real growth in household income 持续升温persistent overheating 筹资渠道funding sources 出典人pledgor 出典人pawnor 出口统一管理、归口经营canalization of exports 出口退税export tax rebate 出口退税制度the system of refunding taxes on exported goods 出口押汇bill purchased 出资比例ratio of investments 初见成效initial success 储蓄存款household deposits 储蓄分流diversion of household deposits 储源萎缩decline in the availability of household savings 处罚penalty 触犯violate 传导机制transmission mechanism 传销pyramid selling 串通collaborate 从价税ad valorem tax 从紧控制tight control 从宽处理lenient punishment, liberal punishment 从轻处罚lesser punishment 从轻处罚lighter punishment 从轻处罚impose a lenient sentence 从轻原则the principle of lighter punishment 从事commit 从重处罚heavier punishment 从重处罚severe punishment 存贷款比例loan ratio 存款保险体系deposit insurance system 存款货币银行deposit money banks 存款机构deposittaking institution 存款准备金required reserves 挫折frustration 措词worded 错漏errormistake 答复Reply 打白条issue IOU 打官司initiate legal proceeding 打击struggle against 打假crack down on counterfeit goods 打假办Office of Cracking down on Fake Products 大厂回族自治县Dachang Hui Nationality Autonomous Region 大额存单certificate of deposit 大额提现withdraw deposits in large amounts 大股substantial shareholder 大股东控权人majority shareholder controller 大化瑶族自治县Dahua Yao Nationality Autonomous County 大连市Daliang Municipality 大律师barrister 大律师的收费counsel‘s fees 大律师登记册roll of baristers 大律师公会Hong Kong Bar Association 大律师见习职位pupillage 大律师名册panels of counsels 大律师事务所barristers‘ chambers,chambers of counsel 大律师书记barrister‘s clerk 大面积滑坡widespread decline 大批bulk 大一统的银行体制monobank system 呆账market share 市场准入market access (指商品和劳务的进入) 市价总值market capitalization 市区district 市盈率price/earnings ratio 市政工程municipal works 市值capitalisation 事实婚姻de facto marriage 事实婚姻的男女men and women under de facto marriages 事实上的财产处分factual disposition of property 试用期probationary period 是第三者造成的wrought by a third party 是合理合法的is correct under both reason and law 适当人选fit and proper person 适当主管当局appropriate authority 适度从紧appropriately tight 适时调节timely adjustment 适用application 适用法律applicable law 适用性fitness 释放dischargg 释义construction 收购acquisition 收购单位purchasing station 收购兼并merger and acquisition 收购土地acquisitioh of land 收回对金融机构贷款to recall central bank loans (to financial institutions) 收回土地recover land 收回债款扣押令状writ of extent 收集collect 收盘价closing price 收取费用charge fees 收取已拒付汇票的付款receive payment suprà protest 收容审查sheltering for investigation 收容审查决定decision of sheltering for investigation 收容审查决定字号Written Decision of Sheltering for Investigation No. 收市价closing price 收市盘attheclose order 收受贿赂accept bribes 收养adoption 收养法law of adoption 收养关系adoptive relationship 收养手续adoption process 收益revenue 收益率yield 收益率曲线yield curve 手工业管理局Handicraft Industry Administration Bureau 手令warrant 手令上的批注endorsement on the warrant 手续procedure 守约方nonbreaching party 首次公开发行的股票initial public offering 首份法律程序文件first proceeding 首席大律师leading counsel 首席法律顾问chief law adviser 受挫frustration 受供养子女dependent child 受害人Victim, sufferer 受害一方injured party 受贿罪crime of accepting bribe 受寄人bailee 受监护的未成年者ward 受看守的被告人accused in custody 受理accept and hear a case 受理案件accepting and hearing the case 受理上诉的法院appellate court 受理一件案件accept and hear a case 受屈人士person aggrieved 受让方assignee 受让人assignee 受让人公司transfere company 受托保管人bailee 受托人bailee 受托人trustee 受委托送达的法院The People‘s Court to whom the service is entrusted 受益人beneficiary 受赠的财产property received as gift 受赠人donee 受制于付款判决的财务人debtor under a judgement for money 授权委托书letter of authorization 授权文件authority/powers 书记员clerk 书面保证letter of guarantee 书面报告written report 书面词句written words 书面答辨a written defence 书面的in writing 书面审理documentary trial 书面协议agreement in writing 书面遗嘱a written will 书面证据written evidence 书证documentary evidence 疏忽大意negligence 疏忽职守dereliction of duty 术语terminology 数罪并罚cumulative punishment 双边公约bilateral convention 双边合同bilateral contract 双方所承担的责任作相应赔偿的原则principle of proportionate responsibly of each side 双方自愿离婚consensual divorce 双务合同bilateral contract 水利部Ministry of Water Conservancy 水利电力部The Ministry of Water Resources and Power 水上运输法院Water Transport Court 水上运输检察院Water Transport Procuratorate 水务监督Water Authority 水域territorial sea 水运shipping 税后还贷amortization (repayment of loans) after tax 税款延解占压taxes delayed withholding 税收流失tax erosion 税收行政处罚administrative decision imposing a penalty by local tax authority 税收优惠favourable tax conditions 税务局Tax Bureau 税务违章处理通知书字号Notice of Penalty for Violating Tax Regulation of Tax No. 税务违章行政决定administrative decision on violating taxation rules 税源不足weak tax base 说明interpretation 说明书的货物销售sale of goods by description 司法administration of justice 司法部Ministry of Justice 司法程序文件judicial process 司法复核judicial review 司法公正justice 司法管辖权jurisdiction 司法建议judicial opinions 司法鉴定结论conclusion of judicial evaluation 司法鉴定科学技术研究所statutory Specified Scientific Technology Research Institute 司法解释Judicial Interpretation 司法警察judicial police 司法权judicial power 司法人员judicial officer 司法审查权judicial examination power 司法审核judicial review 司法损害judicial determents 司法体制judicial structure 司法文件judicial documents 司法协助条约judicial assistance treaty 司法行为judicial action 司法以外文件extrajudicial documents 司法制度judicial system 司法主管当局judicial authority 私法private law 私房政策落实办Private House Policies Implementation Office 私权private rights 私人土地private land 私营独资企业sole proprietorship 私营工商业privately run industrial and commercial enterprises 私营工商业者private industrialists and businessmen 私营经济offbudgetexpenditure 预先估计preestimate 原本的分租人original underlessor 原本的分租租契original underlease 原告plaintiff 原告就被告的原则principle of the plaintiff accommodating the defendant 原告人plaintiff 原判决original judgment 原审original trial 原审判决original judgment 原诉法律程序文件originating process 原诉文件originating document 约定的promissory 约定管辖agreement jurisdiction 月环比on a monthonmonth basis 越权行为ultra vires action 云南省Yunnan Province 允诺promise 允许assent 允许书assent 运输毒品罪crime of transporting drugs 运送他人偷越边境罪crime of transporting other persons secretly across the border 运用合理的技能to exercise reasonable skill 砸烂公,检,法smash the public security organs, prosecutorial organs and people‘s courts 载体carrier 再贷款central bank lending 再上诉further appeal 再审案case of retrial instituted through trial supervision procedure 再审法院Court of Retrial 再审判决书written judgment of first instance retrial 再贴现rediscount 在 过程中in the course of 在 期间Duration 在不抵触合同的情况下subject to a contract 在该文件上画押make his mark on the document 在国际金融机构储备头寸reserve position in international financial institutions 在海外送达民事或商务事宜中的司法及非司法文件的公约Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and ExtraJudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters 在合同履行中during the course of performance 在建工程constructioninprogress 在交易所买卖的期权traded option 在卷为凭evidenced by receipt 在料想之中in the contemplation of 在内庭初次传讯的传票summons returnable in the first instance in chambers 在内庭开庭sit in chambers 在人行存款deposits at the central bank 在审理购销合同纠纷案时In the trial of the disputed case of the purchase and sale contract 在提交答辩状期间during the reply period 在途资金fund in float 在土地实益享有的利益beneficial enjoyment of land 在土地所占的份数shares in land 在外地in other localities or locality 在无反对的情况下作出的命令orders in default 在预料之中in the contemplation of 暂时扣押令状writ of sequestration 暂时中止supspend 暂行规定Interim Rules 暂行条例,临时条例Interim Regulations 暂准进口公约Convention on Temporary Admission 早期公开和延迟审查制度system of early publication and deferred examination 早市morning session 枣庄市Zaozhuang Municipality 责令Order, instruct, charge 责令赔偿compel restitution 责任liability/liabilities 责任解除文件discharges 增长平稳steady growth 增发股票increase issues in stocks 增加农业投入increase investment in agriculture 增势减缓deceleration of growth 增收节支措施revenueenhancing and expenditure control measures 增值税valueadded tax 诈骗罪crime of fraud 诈骗罪crime of swindling 宅基地house site 债券debentures 债务debt 债务人debtor 展开讼案的令状writ for commencement of a cause 占有权rights of possession 占住occupation by force 占住unlawful occupation 湛江市Zhanjiang Municipality 张家港市Zhangjagang Municipality 章程rule 漳州市Zhangzhou Municipality 涨幅偏高higherthandesirable growth rate 账外账concealed accounts 招认confession 招摇撞骗罪crime of cheating and lying 折价discount 折旧depreciation 折扣to offer a discount 浙江省Zhejiang Province 针对判决的上诉通知书notice of appeal against the judgement 侦查investigate 侦缉人员detective 真诚的bona fide 真实的bona fide 镇江市Zhengjiang Municipality 争吵quarrel 争议in dispute 争议案件Disputed case 争议数额Amount in controversy 争执dispute 征用requisition 整笔付款lump sum payment 整顿retrenchment 整批bulk 正确correctly 证据evidence 证据source of evidence 证据种类categories of evidence 证明方法method of proof 证明文件certificate/documentary identification/documentary proof 证券交易清算settlement of securities transactions 证券投资portfolio investment 证券业务占款funding of securities purchase 证人witness 证人证言testimony of witnesses 证书Certificate 证言testimony 郑州市Zhengzhou Municipality 郑州市中级人民法院Intermediate People‘s Court of Zhengzhou City 政策工具policy instrument 政策性贷款policybased lending 政策性亏损policyrelated losses, losses incurred due to policy decisions 政策性业务policyrelated operations 政策性银行policy banks 政策组合policy mix 政法委Commission of politics and law 政府干预government intervention 政府机关government agencies 政府土地Government land 政府与民众的纵式关系vertical relationship of the government to the people 政企不分without a clear line between the functions of the government and enterprises, the functions of the government and enterprises mixed up 政体form of government 政务院Government Administration Council 政务院The Government Administration Council 政务院财经委员会Finance and Economic Commission of the GAC 政务院秘书厅The Secretariat of the GAC 政治权力和自由political rights and freedoms 之前的所有权持有人predecessor in title of 支持assist 支持聆讯preside at sittings 支持文件supporting documents 支付困难payment difficulty 支付能力payment capacity 支付诉讼命令an oder for costs 支票cheques 知识产权intellectual property 执法administration of law 执法人员law enforcement officer, officer of justice 执行execution 执行程序文件execution 执行法律程序文件process of execution 执行令状writ of executioh 执行庭Execution division 执行性禁制令mandatory injunction 执行员marshal 执照License 直接调控方式向increase the reliance on indirect policy instruments 直接法direct rule 直接经济损失direct economic loss 直接口头证据direct oral evidence 直接审理direct trial 直接损害赔偿金direct damages 直辖市Municipality directly under the Central Government 职能管辖functional jurisdiction 职能转换transformation of functions 职权functions and powers 职务侵权infringement committed on duty 职业道德professional ethics 职责duty 止赎foreclosure 止赎的权利right to foreclose 止赎或赎回任何按揭foreclosure or redemption of any mortgage 止赎权foreclosure 止赎诉讼foreclosure action 指导性计划planning by guidance 指定代理人appointed agent 指定代理人designated agent, designee 指定监护人designated guardian 指定人员designee 指控Accusation, allege 指令性措施mandatory measures 指令性计划planning by directive 指令性计划 administered plan 指明公职人员designated public officer 指认父亲putative father 指示instruction 至诚孝心most sincere fidelity 制裁Punish, sanction 制定enact 制定和实施货币政策conduct monetary policy 治安惩治处分specific administrative punishment 治安处罚security punishment 治安处罚申诉裁决书字号Security Administrative Punishment Complaint No. 治安处理security administration 治安警告security warning 治安联防队员Public Order Joint Defense Force 治安行政裁决security administrative decision 治安行政处罚security administrative punishment 质量quality 致命缺陷fatal defects 滞后影响lagged effect 滞纳金fine of delaying payment, overdue fine 中保财产保险公司PICC Property Insurance Company 中保财产保险有限公司PICC Property Insurce Company Limited 中共税收征管暂行条例Provisional Regulations of the PRC on Tax Collection and Administration 中共卫生部进口药材部The Import Medicine Department of the Ministry of Public Health of the PRC 中共行政复议规例Regulations of the PRC on Administrative Reconsideration 中共药品管理法The Medicine Management Law 中共药品管理法突施办法The Measures of Enforcement of the Medicine Management Law 中共营业税征收规例Regulations of the PRC on Business Tax Collection 中共中央The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China 中共中央办公厅The General Office of CCCPC 中共中央调查部Investigation Department of the CCCPC 中共中央纪律检查委员会Commission for Inspecting 中共中央书记处研究室Research Section of the Secretariat of the CCCPC 中共中央统战部The United front Work Department of CCCPC 中共中央宣传部The Propaganda Department of CCCPC 中共中央政法委员会Politics and Law Commission of the CCCPC 中共中央组织部The Organizing Department of CCCPC 中国保险监督管理委员会China Insurance Regulatory Commission 中国兵器工业总公司China Weapon Industry Corporation 中国财贸工会China FinanceTrade Labour Union 中国残疾人福利基金会China Disabled People Union 中国残疾人联合会China Disabled People Union 中国长江三峡工程开发总公司China Yangtse River Three Gorges Project Development Corporation 中国城建建材工会China City Construction Material Labour Union 中国船舶工业总公司China Ship Industry Corporation 中国地名委员会China Place Name Commission 中国典型物培养中心China Typical Model Cultivation Center 中国对外承包工程商会China Foreign Undertaking Contract Project Chamber of Commerce 中国法律史学会Chinese Law History Society 中国法律事务公司China law firm 中国法律与习俗Chinese law and custom 中国法律资询中心China legal consultancy center 中国法学会China Law Science Association 中国纺织总会China Textile Association 中国个体劳动者协会China Individual Labour Association 中国工程院The Chinese Academy of Engineering Sciences 中国工商银行The IndustrialCommercial Bank of China 中国工商银行办公室General Office of the ICBC 中国工商银行财务会计部Accounting Department of the ICBC 中国工商银行工交信贷部Industry and Communication Credit Department of the ICBC 中国公民Chinese citizen, Chinese national 中国公证员协会China Notary Public Association 中国国籍Chinese nationality 中国国际单位推行委员会China Commission of Promoting of International 中国国际法学会Chinese Society of International Law 中国国际贸易促进委员会China Council for the Promotion of International Trade 中国核工业总公司China Nuclear Industry Corporation 中国红十字总会China Red Cross Association 中国华能集团公司China Hua Neng Group Corporation 中国环球律师事务所China Global Law Office 中国婚姻法学研究会China‘s Marriage Law Society 中国建设银行The Construction Bank of China 中国建设银行北京市分行The Construction Bank of China Beijing Branch 中国交通银行The Communications Bank of China 中国旧式婚姻Chinese customary marriage 中国科学技术协会China Science and Technology Association 中国科学院The Institute of Science of the People‘s Republic of China 中国科学院The Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国老龄问题全国委员会China Aging Problem National Commission 中国连锁经营协会China Chain Operation Association 中国聋哑人协会China Deaf and Mute Person Association 中国盲人协会China Blind Person Association 中国煤矿工会China Coal Mine Labour Union 中国民用航空总局The State Civil Aviation Administration of the People‘s Republic of China 中国民主建国会中央委员会China Democratic National Construction Association Central Committee 中国农业发展银行广西区分行Guangxi Branch of the Agriculture Development Bank 中国农业银行The Agricultural Bank of China 中国企业家协会China Entrepreneur Association 中国气象局The State Meteorological Administration of People‘s Republic of China, China Meteorological Administration 中国气象局China Meteorological Bureau 中国汽车安全玻璃认证委员会China Automobile Safety Window Authentication Commission 中国汽车工业联合会China Automobile Industry Union 中国汽车工业总公司China Automobile Industry Corporation 中国轻工总会China Light Industry Association 中国人民保险公司The People‘s Insurance Company of China 中国人民大学Renmin University of China 中国人民建设银行The Construction Bank of China 中国人民解放军财务部Finance Department of PLA 中国人民解放军军事法院the Military Court of the People‘s Liberation Army 中国人民解放军土地管理局Land Administrative Bureau of PLA 中国人民解放军总参谋部The Headquarters of the General 中国人民解放军总后勤部The General Logistics Department of PLA 中国人民解放军总政治部The General Political Department of PLA 中国人民解放军总装备部The General Reserve Department of PLA 中国人民银行The People‘s Bank of China 中国人民政治协商会议the Chinese People‘s Political Consultative Conference, CPPCC 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会National Committee of the Chinese People‘s Political Consulative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会主席Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People‘s Political Consulative Conference 中国少年先锋队全国工作委员会China Young Pioneers National Working Commission 中国社会福利有奖募捐委员会China Social Benefits Lotlery Commission 中国社会工协会China Social Workers Association 中国社会科学院The Institute of Social Science of the People‘s Republic of China, CISS 中国石化总公司China Petroleum Chemicals Corporation 中国石油天然气总公司China Petroleum Natural Gas Corporation 中国食品工业协会China Food Industry Association 中国水泥产品质量认证委员会China Cement Products Quality Authentication Commission 中国丝绸公司China Silk Corporation 中国统配煤矿总公司China Unified distribution Coal Mine Corporation 中国投资银行China Investment Bank 中国图书进出口总公司China Book ImportExport Corporation 中国外汇交易中心China Foreign Exchange Center 中国外轮代理公司China Ocean Shipping Agency Corporation 中国微生物菌种保藏委员会China Microbial Culture Preservation Commission 中国消费者协会China Consumer‘s Association 中国新闻工协会China News Worker Association 中国烟草总公司China Tobacco Corporation 中国银行Bank of China 中国银行总管处General Director‘s Office of the Bank of China 中国有色金属总公司China NonFerrous Metal Corporation 中国招商银行China Merchant Bank 中国证券监督管理委员会China Securities Regulatory Commission of the People‘s Republic of China, CSRC 中国证券业协会China Securities Industry Association 中国知识产权研究会China Intellectual Property Research Association 中国肢残人协会China Disabled People Association 中国治安管理处罚条例Regulations of PRC on punishments in public order and security administration 中国注册会计师协会China Certified Public Accountant Association 中国专利基金委员会China Patent Fund Commission 中国专利局China Patent Office 中华全国工商业联合会China National IndustryCommerce Union 中华全国律师协会China National Lawyer‘s Association 中华全国手工合作总社AllChina Handicraft General Cooperative 中华全国总工会AllChina Federation of Trade Unions 中华人民共和国People‘s Republic of China 中华人民共和国财政部The Ministry of Finance of the People‘s Republic of China, MOF 中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部The Ministry of the Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People‘s Republic of China , MOFTEC 中华人民共和国公安部The Ministry of Public Security of the People‘s Republic of China, MOPS 中华人民共和国国防科学技术工业委员会The Commission of Science, Industry and Technology for National Defense of the People‘s Republic of China , COSTIND 中华人民共和国国家发展计划委员会The State DevelopmentPlanning Commission of the People‘s Republic of China, SDPC 中华人民共和国国家计划生育委员会The State Family Planning Commission of the People‘s Republic of China, SFPC 中华人民共和国国家经济贸易委员会The State EconomyTrade Commission of the People‘s Republic of China, SETC 中华人民共和国国土资源部The Ministry of Land and Resources of the People‘s Republic of China, MOLR 中华人民共和国国务院State Council of the People‘s Republic of China 中华人民共和国建设部The Ministry of Construction of the People‘s Republic of China, MOC 中华人民共和国交通部The Ministry of Communications of the People‘s Republic of China, MOC 中华人民共和国教育部The Ministry of Education of the People‘s Republic of China ("MOE") 中华人民共和国科学技术部The Ministry of ScienceTechnology of the People‘s Republic of China, MOST 中华人民共和国农业部The Ministry of Agriculture of the People‘s Republic of China , MOA 中华人民共和国铁道部The Ministry of Railway of the People‘s Republic of China, MOR 中华人民共和国外交部The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People‘s Republic of China, MOFA 中华人民共和国卫生部The Ministry of Public Health of the People‘s Republic of China, MOPH 中华人民共和国香港特别行政区Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People‘s Republic of China 中华人民共和国香港特别行政区筹备委员会Preparatory Committee for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People‘s Republic of China 中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People‘s Republic of China 中华人民共和国香港特别行政区驻军法Garrison Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People‘s Republic of China 中华人民共和国产业部The Ministry of Information Industry of the People‘s Republic of China, MOII 中华人民共和国中央当局Central Authorities of the People‘s Republic of China 中华人民共和国中央人民政府Central People‘s Government of the People‘s Republic of China 中华人民共和国主席President of the People‘s Republic of China 中华邮电工会全国委员会China Posts and Telecommunications Labor Union National Commission 中级人民法院Intermediate People‘s Court 中间媒介intermediary 中间人Interposed person 中间收益mesne profits 中间条款intermediate term 中间业主mesne landlord 中介机构intermediaries 中介人broker 中介人gobetween 中介人intermediary 中募委China Social Benefits Lotlery Commission 中南军政委员会司法部Judicial Department of the Central and Southern Military and Political Commission 中期报告interim report 中期付款interim payment 中期济助interim relief 中期命令interlocutory orders 中期证明书interim cerficates 中签win the lot for IPO 中人intermediary 中山市Zhongshan Municipality 中伤vilification 中途停靠港intermediate port 中外合营企业sinoforeign joint venture 中外合作企业sinaforeign contractual joint venture 中央Central Authorities 中央党校Party School of CCCPC 中央对台工作领导小组办公室Central Taiwan Affairs Leading Group Office 中央对外宣传小组Central External Propaganda Group 中央国家机关central state organ 中央机构编制委员会办公室Office of Central Institutional Organization Commission 中央精简小组办公室Central Simplify Administration Office 中央精神文明建设指导委员会办公室Office of the Spiritual Civilization Development Steering Commission 中央军事委员会Central Military Commission 中央军事委员会主席Chairman of the Central Military Commission 中央军委The Military Commission of the Central Committee of CPC 中央军委纪律检查委员会Commission for Inspecting Discipline 中央人民政府Central People‘s Government 中央人民政府委员会Central People‘s Government Commission 中央社会治安综合治理委员会Central Committee of Public Security Commission 中央生产救灾委员会Central Manufacture Disaster Relief Commission 中央银行central bank 中央与地方财政delineation of fiscal responsibilities 中央政府central government 中央职称改革工作领导小组Central Professional Titles Reform Work Leading Group 中央转业建设委员会Central Transfer to Civil Work Construction Commission 中英联合声明SinoBritish Joint Declaration 中直机关事务管理局Organ Directly Under CCP Affairs Management Bureau 中止Abate , prorogui 中止付款suspend payment 中止管有discontinuance of possession 中止检控nolle prosequi 中止实施discontinue the operation 中质协委员会China Quality Association Commission 终审final judgment, final instance 终审裁定final order 终审判决final judgmen 终审权power of final adjudication 终生共同生活life long cohabitation 终止termination 种族血缘ethnic origin 仲裁arbitration 仲裁裁决arbitral award 仲裁地arbitration locality 仲裁机构arbitral body 仲裁庭:Arbitral Tribunal 仲裁委员会Arbitration Committee 仲裁员Arbitrator 重大责任事故serious accident involving serious consequences 重大责任事故罪crime of major liability accident 重复布点duplicate projects 重复建设building redundant project, duplication of similar projects 重婚罪crime of bigamy 重收土地reentry 重新立案侦查reopen the case for investigation 重置成本replacement cost 重组计划restructuring plan 周口市Zhoukou Municipality 周期谷底bottom (trough) of business cycle 周转速度velocity 株州市Zhuzhou Municipality 珠海市Zhuhai Municipality 逐步到位phase in 逐步取消phase out 主办银行main bank 主承建商main contractor 主持preside 主动提起诉讼initiation of proceedings 主犯culprit 主观恶性subjective culpability of the mind 主观故意subject intent 主管principal 主管部门the competent authority/authorities 主管船东managing owner of the ship 主管当局authority 主管当局competent authority 主管机构authority 主管机关competent authorities 主管司法机构competent judicial authority 主理精神病患者财产帐目聆案管Master in Lunacy 主理讼费评定事物聆案管taxing master 主权sovereign/sovereignty 主权风险sovereign risk 主权国sovereign powers 主权国政府sovereign government 主权豁免sovereign immunity 主任裁判官Principal Magistrate 主任审裁官Principal Presiding Officer, Labour Tribunal 主任审裁官Principal Adjudicator, Small Claims, Tribunal 主审裁判官adjudicating magistrate / presiding magistrate 主审法官trial judge 主事人principal 主题subject matter 主体条例principal Ordinances 主体资格right as principal 主问examination in chief 主问证据evidence in chief 主要pivotal 主要办事处principal office 主要保证principal security 主要的居所principal residence 主要的业务地点chief place of business 主要民事赔偿责任major compensation liability 主要全部责任main whole responsibility 主要受益人pricipal beneficiary 主要嫌疑犯major suspect 主要业务principal business 主要业务地点principal place of business 主要责任primary responibility 主要债务人principal debtor 主要证据material evidence 主租客principal tenant 主租赁principal tenancy 属公正的例外情况just exceptions 属任何保有形式的土地land of any tenure 属于同类规则ejusdem generis 住所place of residence 注册商标registered trademark 注册资本registered capital 注册资金registered capital 注意事项point for attention, matters needing attention 驻马店市Zhumadian Municipality 驻外stationed abroad 着作权法copyright law 抓大放小seize the big and free the small 专款专用earmark a fund for its specified purposes only 专款专用use of funds as earmarked 专利保护期限duration of patent right protection 专利代理人考核委员会Patent Agent Examination Commission 专利法patent law 专利局Patent Bureau 专利权归属ownership of the patent right 专利申请patent application 专卖店exclusive store 专门法庭Special Courts 专门人民法院Special people‘s Court 专门人民检察院Special people‘s Procuratorate 专业店specially shop/store 专属管辖exclusive jurisdiction 转贷onlending 转轨经济transition economy 转机turnaround 转让assignment 转让方assignor 转让人assignor 转业费military severance pay 转业军人retired servicemen, demobilized soldier 转移所有权pass ownership 转帐支票bearer cheque 转折关头turning point 撰写draft 追偿recover 追回Recover, retrieve 追回款recoveries 追究行政或法律责任sb. Shall be subject to administrative sanctions or legal liabilities 追溯效力retrospective effect 追索抚养费案件case involving a claim for case of upbringing 追讨recover 准财政赤字quasifiscal deficit 准货币quasimoney 准时promptness 准司法机构quasijudicial organ 准许离婚divorce granted 准予permit 捉拿归案bring to justice 酌情权discretionary power 着令出庭作证的传召出庭令状writ of subpoena ad testificandum 着令提出反对因由的命令an order to show cause 资本不足undercapitalized 资本充足率capital adequacy ratio 资本利润率return on capital 资本外逃capital flight 资本账户可兑换capital account convertibility 资不抵债insolvent 资产保值增值maintain and increase the value of assets, maintenance and appreciation of assets value 资产剥离peel off assets of a company 资产调控assets control 资产负债表statement of assets and liabilities 资产负债表balance sheet 资产负债率liability/asset ratio 资产贡献率asset contribution factor 资产集中asset concentration 资产利润率return on assets 资产质量asset quality 资产重组reorganized assets, assets reorganization 资产状况condition of assets 资产组合asset portfolio 资格审查委员会credentials committee 资金成本 cost of capital 资金到位fully funded 资金划拨capital allocation 资金汇划fund remittance and transfer 资金宽裕have sufficient funds 资金利用率fund utilization rate 资金缺口financing gap 资金体外循环financial disintermediation 资金占压funds tied up 资深大律师Senior Counsel 资助financial assistance 资助诉讼maintenance 淄博市Zibo Municipality 子民与子民之间的诉讼action between subjects 子女child 子女抚恤金children‘s pension 自筹投资项目selffinanced projects 自动弃权行为act of abstention 自检selfexamination, selfscrutiny 自留地private plot 自然法natural law 自然法学家naturalists 自然法学派School of Natural Law 自然解除should dissolve by itself 自然人natural person 自首surrender 自首voluntarily surrender 自诉private prosecution 自诉人private prosecutor 自卫selfdefence 自我检讨selfcriticism 自营性存款selfoperating deposit 自由裁量权discretion 自由恋爱freedom of romance 自有资金equity fund 自愿voluntarily 自愿仲裁voluntary arbitration 自治机关organ of selfgovernment 自治区antonomous region 自治权right of autonomy 自治县autonomous county 自治州autonomous prefecture 宗教信仰自由religious freedom 宗教指导者religious adviser 综合补偿comprehensive compensation 综合国力overall national strength 综合效益指标overall efficiency indicator 综合治理comprehensive adjustment 综上summing up the above 总成本total cost 总成交额total contract value 总纲general principles 总交易量total amount of transactions 总论general provisions 总则general provisions 走私毒品配料罪crime of smuggling auxiliary materials for the making of narcotics 走私毒品罪crime of smuggling drugs 走私活动smuggling activities 走私罪crime of smuggling 租船人charterer 租借合同lendlease contrac 租借人leaseholder 租赁lease 租赁土地leasehold 租用人charterer 阻碍司法公正obstruction of the course of justice 阻止性禁制令prohibitory injunction 组织organization 组织法organic law 组织他人偷越国境罪crime of organizing other persons to secretly cross the national border 组织运送他人偷越边境罪crime of organizing the transportation of other persona secretly across the border 祖遗received in succession 最高国家权力机关supreme organ of state power 最高人民法院The Supreme People‘s Court of the People‘s Republic of China (SPC) 最高人民法院各法庭或处室individual Court or Department of the Supreme People‘s Court 最高人民法院公报Gazette of the Supreme People‘s Court 最高人民法院研究室The Research Office of the Supreme People‘s Court 最高人民检察署The Supreme People‘s Procuratorate Bureau 最高人民检察院The Supreme People‘s Procuratorate of the People‘s Republic of China (SPP) 最高审判和监督机关highest trial and supervisory organ 最后贷款人lender of last resort 最终控股公司ultimate controlling company 罪犯criminal offender 遵守compliance 遵守observe 遵守,服从comply with, abide by 遵循comply 作证testify
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