
扫描下载二维码小木虫 --- 600万学术达人喜爱的学术科研平台
北京学而思教育科技有限公司 地址:北京市海淀区北三环甲18号中鼎大厦A座1层102室 电话:010-小木虫 --- 600万学术达人喜爱的学术科研平台
用什么软件可以画和附件一样的CNT图呢? 找到一个画CNT的软件只能画CNT,不能画和碳纳米管相连的实体,有没有软件可以碳纳米管和与它相连的实体一起画呢?尝试过两部分分开画,然后PS,但是效果不佳。
按照这篇文献,你可以画封闭的CNT,如果你想在CNT里面或周围加一些其他立体物体,建议你使用3ds Max或如楼上的虫子建议的 Auto CAD
按照这篇文献,你可以画封闭的CNT,如果你想在CNT里面或周围加一些其他立体物体,建议你使用3ds Max或如楼上的虫子建议的 Auto CAD
北京学而思教育科技有限公司 地址:北京市海淀区北三环甲18号中鼎大厦A座1层102室 电话:010-画碳纳米管小软件
After downloading wrapping.zip, melt it to a folder. It is
ready to use. No installations are necessary.
Run wrapping.exe. Specify chiral index (n, m), bond length a,
tube length, and boundary length.
The boundary length is only for the visualization purpose: Specify
a larger value or the same value as tube length.
Hitting [unitcell] button, the tube length and boundary length are
set as the unitcell length for your (n, m).
IMPORTANT NOTE for user of European
version of Windows:
In the input line for the bond distance you just have to change the
"dot" to a "comma",& if one is using the European
windows version.!
Thanks to Prof. Dr. K.-P. Dinse for the advice!
Other parameters of wrapping.exe (Usually not necessary to
Numbers for [initial matrix preparation] specify the internally
used initial matrix size. Usually, default values are
large enough. When using large n or m, you may find lacking of
nanotube atoms. Then, modify these numbers to larger
The value of [Mag] is the magnification factor for display
window of the program. This display is prepared for the
understandings of the calculation process only. So, [Mag] value
have no effect on the result files.
By removing the check in [Periodic and only final shape],
intermediate data of wrapping process are recorded.
By using this the animation can be easily generated.
[nsteps] is the number of steps of the wrapping process.
Then, push [Make pos.dat] button. After answering OK to 2
boxes, a ascii data file named
"swnt_pos.dat" is made in the same folder as the program. Here,
ignoring 7 header lines,&
"swnt_pos.dat" describes x, y, z Cartesian coordinates with
Angstrom units.
Then, Push [Make pv file] button.&
A command line program below is processed.
&hpvc.exe swnt_pos.dat swnt_pos.pv
The ascii file swnt_pos.dat is converted to a binary file
swnt_pos.pv for the
following visualization program.
Depending on your operating system, this process may not be done.
just use the DOS prompt, change to the directly and type the
&hpvc.exe swnt_pos.dat swnt_pos.pv
Then, Push [pvwin] button.
A command line program below is processed.
&pvwin.exe swnt_pos.pv
Now, you can manipulate the visulalization program.
It is also possible to drag&drop "swnt_pos.pv" file
to "pvwin.exe" program.
See menus of pvwin.exe for enlargement, rotaion, animation,
Bitmap output,
windows metafile output and more.
"pvwin.exe" is a subset of general visualization program for
molecular dynamics resutls.
See more details for.
It is quite powerful program and most of&&were produced from
---Below is a quick instruction to of the usage of pvwin.exe
Rotation of view: drag with mouse or arrow keys
Rotation to an exact angles: Shift-a key and type alpha and
beta value
Zoom up and down: Ctrl+wheel of mouse, or +, - keys
Frame on/off: hit f key
Animation steps: space key for forward and backspace key for
Go to a frame number: g key and type frame number
Other details: see submenus of view menu for size of molecule,
bond thickness...
Copy Bitmap file: Ctrl-C or File menu
Copy Windows meta file: Ctrl-M or File menu
Save Animation: File menu -& Save Anime:
Successive bitmap files are save at prescribed folder.
By using some software, you can easily make animation gif


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